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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1927, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 U. F. O. MEETING MUSIC STUDY CLUB 1 Poiec amr'Club wiIl Program of Scandinavian Music The INgevvgiceis lge Ir>cliatpgenride t November l.5th at 8 p. m. Every- Bowmranville Music Club held al_____ C_ body welcorne. very enjoyable cvening on Wcdnes- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lOth., 1927 O. R. Bragg, Eart H. Osborne, day, November 2nd., when a program President. Secretary. of Scandinavian mnusic wvas presented - under the direction of 'Mrs .M. A.1 A CORRECTION Neal in St. Pauls Lecture Room. NEWCASTLE ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE OBITUARY The seIection.s w re fromn the four _____ It having corne to my notice that countries and included the following. iMis. 'rhoni, Toronto, is visiting The Newcastle Churches xiii hold' Mrs, Harrit .DnaMmc ant itemi appeared in a Port Hope tie piano music heing played by Mrs. lier sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McLaugb]in. a union meniorial service in the Coini- . retS unaMm paper sonie time ago to the effect Neal: Sîeden-l'aper. Music of Mr. J. H. Middleton left ear]y ]ast munity Hall on, Armistice Day, Fni- The funeral of the laste Mrs. F. R, that 1 was fined in divisional court, Sweden by Miss Aura Caldwell;lweek for Haliburton on bis annual day, Nov. i lth. from 10.30 to 11."30 Dunham w ho passed away on Novem- Newcastle, for being drunk and dis- Swedisb Wedding 'March, Soderman; deer hunt. a. in. The two minutes silence in ber 2, aged 80 years, at hier late resi- orderly on the street. and bound National Ant. cm, Lindbald; Paper- Mrs. P. F. LeGresley spent a week rcmembrance of the glorious deadidence. 4S IPrinmrose Ave., M.%imico, over te keep the î eace for one year Jenny Lind, Mrs. W. Adans; Song in Toronto, visiting ber sister, _Mrs. and the victory they bulped te teck place on Iniilay afternoon to hy Magistrate Camphell, Mn. Parna- - Last Nîght the Nightingale Woke C.C.Gube achive will be observed at il TBownianvilI0 enim ey.i Mrs. Dun- by Martin being tbe complainant, 1 Me, Kjerude. Mrs. G. E. Reaman. 1 o'cîcck. A un:on choir of St. lham lived for niany years in this to\wn herby ishto ssue te pbli tht )eniar--Ppcr-ýl.si ofDen 0Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickson, Tor- George,.s and the' United Churches 1 herv e be wa higbly rcspected. the itemi was a gross errer in that it mark. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett; D'inish ento, \were weekend guests of Mr. xill previde the service of seng., Since the death cf lber husband she connected mv namne with the affair National Anthern; Cupid's March, and Mrs. (hris. 1 aw. Collection in aiof wirva.ieterans. ba 's li\ et] in Mimiico with lir daughi- at ail. 1 \vas neitbun a (lefendant. Sudwig, Sehytte; Prelude in C Miner Mrs. D. J. Galbraitbhxvas in Hamn- Rev. E. R. î~. Reetor cf St. [ ter. A number cf old friends 'as- witness. nor complainant in the case. Th. Otterstroni ;Nor-wegian Dance, E ilton met w eek visifin-g ber 'ag-Genr'.Re%-. E. 1". Coke, Pastor si*mnlile<(l at the conietery bene c-b en P. O'Neîi, C.N.R. Foreman. Neupert. ter, Mrs. Rux. Wynn. c f the Unitud ( iurcb. . the intermenrt ivas made besidu :boh Noxvx aer GieMis. F. F. Mr. J. IL. Gison, painter antIde-c erluand. -wo dube Mlarris; Norîx egian I atrictic Song,;criator. is renevating the interier c Mr '. J. .1. Lyle and] Miss Erie IDun- i Girieg; Songs-Solveg's Song, Grieg,, St. GeorZe's Parih Hall. ECATE ini tiernouro tbe Ioss of a Mit cin Wasserlilie. Grieg,. Mrs. G. E. Mrs. E.J. Synins »d NWCATLons, ________er Reinan; Papeir. OIe Bull, Mrs. W. Jl Welconie, were «eed goests cf' Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Pearce andý Brýadd; Record. To Sprinz. Kreisler; hb isten, Mrs. H. E. Hancack. Mr. Eric Pearce soent the bcliday Lewis Henry Pearce, Niagara Falls Phone lUs About Record Anitras Dance lhiadeîpbia CNlr.(Georîge Bonathan. Cast'etoil. w_____in____io l'nipnnd rchesr,MGieg. Fnlndate bis Thanksgiving turkey with bis United Churcb. Rev. E. B. Uoe Lewis Hecnry Pearce passed awax Miss rtausicktt o Finn paraxents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lona- Pastor. Sunday, Nov. l3th: il a.1at Niagara Falls General Hlospital at11 ouMye issnal a irc eord,1Valse isN-te, j m.-Menoning Worship; 2.30 p. i.-It;ie age 0f 74 years. Mi,. Pearce Y our Eyes tion Ais; Rcord Vale T ist an Sebelius, Phila S:cm. Orchestra; Re- Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langrnaid and Sunday School; 7 p. mi.-Evening ivwas bonn iin Cornwall, Fivrland, and cerd Finolandia. Sebelius. Royal Al Mr. and Mrs. Athur Langmaid, Osb- Service . Annîxe nsary services at1 came to Canada about rifty eNs ao ber Hll rcestaLodon uderaw, pent Sunday week at -ren heCak hb at 2.30 and 7 p.rn. settling near Bewnîanville. Tbirtv. betHl rheta odn udraI , M. ndth Clrk Cufour years ago he nmoved te Niagara direction cf Sir Landon Ronald. MI 11ý rs OiOdii in's. i ollowVi the recelit sad intelli- Flswer obssiicrs 1e.H If you write or phoîîe we %vill 1 0 r dne oni Victrela furniisbod by' Mr. and Mrs. lrwin Allin anîd fani- gence of the death of a greatîy bc-i survived liv bis s'"rrowipg19 wifflew, ,-nns c f Mr F. F. Morris Ce. ly, Ida. mcotered eut and visited Mn. loved brother, Re. J. J. Ashton ini e a n Jv n.Te niake a special appointmient anx' and Mrq. W. C. Ashton and family New Westmîinster-, B. C ., Mrs. Nor-Itee auhrsaIi cn.Te da r eein ndgv yuaShaw's. last Sunday. man Allin bas receivc.d word froiiilare-Mrs. J. J. Gra,\, IDerrit; Mrs day r evnin andgiv youa IWilliam Esserx, Coutice. ind Kath- WEDDING Misses Rau aiîd Buszie Clar k and Mr. c tesriusiîesarmne at home; Arthurî. Fieemiaî and careful scientific examination ihmsnLl Miss Bertha Ccxvan of 'the Ontario w îtb pneumonia of lier brether, Mr-. Henry cf Niagara Falls;~ Frank cf frecf charge. T mpo-lebuslneuss Cellege, Belleville, were Lawreace Ashtonî. I Lndonville. N. Y.,.anud Williaiîof A pett wddig as olmniedhoume for Thanksgiving. Mîrs. Hcward Cooke and members i-iougliton. Micb. lnternieîîttok We ivufre a ey eamia- n A pt dyNednîher .3tb, at te . veszEnd Grocen, R. MI. Walten. i of the local Mission Band went out, Pl..e ii Niagara FaIls. tio suh s olythoouglyskil esidence cf Mn. and Mrs. Fred Lyle i 's dîsplaying bonme groîxa ripe rasp -1vit Oronofe stFi'îd MisseinBa n-, tie suh a ony tcroghl skîî Scugog St... when their eldun daug:_ bhennies ;in bis -store xinîlow, picked iain cf ete OlrciioPMissonfBth ed Optcnîetrists are able te coffet ter, Nelda Winnifred, xvas united in 'bu last wuuk in October. adrp1edalrelin fteir, inarigewit 2tI. JhnThmpsn, Mis Vvin impon. Bsho Bth Newcastle indian Demonstration be-i you and on advice may save Omawnageson tf Mn. John ThornsnmisX va pson ueClee sow, BsompanBeh fore an appreciative gathering at the, Hosnitai toiSicàPhiltIren Osbaa. on f M. Jbn horpsc, un Coleg, Obaw, aconpaned Park St. United Cburch.'lu Ib IIUII ycu many dollars later on. Kingston. Rex'. J. U. Robins, pastor by ber gnandrnother, Mrs. Simnpson,r cf Trinity United Cburcb, officiated , spent the bcliday weekend with New-i Two Mission Band groups, under 67 ('ollege St., Toronto 2, Ont and Miss Verna Rylott played the castle friends. the leadership of Allie Henning and Dcme.12 bridaI chorus.NIMn.Mak Blackburn and cbiîdren iMinnie Pearce and Dcrothy Riekard Deeme,12 i Th brde as ivui in manriage Wlb r dBsse'cthDni ltn and Hilda Rowland, beld a successful, Dean Mr. Edito:-- by bier fatiier, and wore a goxvn of and Miss Davidson, Toronto, were laftunnooc tea on Thanksgiving Day Most cf your readers are well Jury & Loveil tea rose georgette enibroidered inl weekend visitons at Mn. and Mrs. W. inThe tUnites d C tanbles. ne 0îPi-et ate cftewnniisrve Whn eTetEys tIsDne pastel flowers, weaing steekings toiC. BI ackbuns. . tily deccnated in banmony witb th e wu clîthe Hspital for Sick Cli Whn e es ye I ls o match and black satin slippens. Hr Newcastle Hoticultural Societyiseason and a daiîîty and appetizicgl dren l Toronto le enahied te pet- Properly lonly urnament ivas a nope cf pearîs, vil, bold a Euchre party in Comnîun- Imenu of sandwiches, cookies, pie andi fonm flrougb the genennsity of Us the gift cf the groom. She wore alty Hall on Tbursday, Noveme 4taia evdt h eet-ieo, fina uIgteCnsra wretb f oane bossms ndcar atp. n. Ligbt ref resbmects serv- eighty guests. ried a shoxver bouquet cf Ophelîa ed Cbarge 25c. Everybody The ajod o ag ea season the Hospital appropriately roses, lily of tbe valley and fera becr od cf lane ceda makes lits affluaI appeai for the The lbidesmaid was ber sisten, Miss cre poles arrived at the C. N. R. Station'i -- enoie e rn a mellow glow -Nexwcastle extends congratuolations last Saturday merning te be used i fonds necessary to carry on the eMyrtle Lye, geongette, witb black and best wisbes te two of its former the construction of the new Hlydroi work throughout the new year. satn sipprscaryig abouuetcfpopular young people'. Mn. Tim Shaw Electiei Power Line te Oshawa. Locali Now te the time ta give tangible ex- yellcw mumas and wearing a wreath an1isSdeBnet b vn aresoe hs adtelc s pression ta the feeling of good-willl cf gold leaves. The groom was1 united in marniage ibis week in the being constnucted are Fred Gîbson, Iwbich "The Sick Kids"' Hospital- attecded by Mn. Horace Hencing cf city cf Toronto. A. A. ColîvilI, John Allin, Frank Gib- as l Is famîîîarly caîled--.has won 11llcks Wesieyville. tokIlaeDr. W.tH. Walton-Ball and fam- son, W. F. Rickand, Robt. Gray, D. for itself In every part of this The ereonytookplae i th accmparie byfniends, J. Galbraith, Samuel Riekard and W ekE dliving room beneath an ancb banked and Mr. Geo. BaIl and family, Ton- then on westward. The poles ar .e province. W eek-Enx itb flowers, and from wbicb bung a lento, spent the weekend at their ne- being put up in pairs braced toget- The magnitude of the Hospital's white bell, the colon scbeme cf theispectîve sommer homes, Newcastle- ber at the top, and a pair cf these taek continuaîly enlarges. In its Sp cilsroonîbeing carriel eut in canary on-the-Lake. poles will be placed rigbt in Mn. Bob jlittie biue cote there are always Spe ial yelowandFrechbloc, white tbe Mr. A.A ColwiIl and son Irwin jGray's barnyard. dining room was pretty in pick and Isip aso plst ot R ev. Stanley Pickup, a fermer 1 errtrebnrdta w __________________ wbhite. 1IBay recently acd f ollowed tbem up lDurbamn boy, noie paster cf St. Giles hundred youngsters being tenderly The groom's gîft te the bridesmaid Iast M.%oaday week in their motor Church, Torocto, wbo witb Mns. Pick- usbered back ta health and strengtb. Men's Fleece Liced Underwear i xvas an ametbyst ring, to the pianist! truck whicb tbcy took along for the up and twc daugliters and bis sisten 'or every patient a dollar a day $100 for .............. 79e , an emcrald ring, and te the best porpose of making delivenies as the i Mrs. McDocald, were weekend mxuet be secured througb voluntary mnwhitegold cuf inTks. ws e-f ru it was sold by tbem personally. cf Iests cf bis cousins, Mn. and Mrs. 1 ontributions wbicb adds up toaiat A dint wedin sppe wa sev-j Mr. Leon Hencing, eldest soc f'V.N Buckley and Miss Tena Fer- tos$1000frec a fth Boys' Fleece Lined Combinations ed to the guests by three girl friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henning, is bomne gusen, preacbed in the United Cborch ias$1000fracyarote $1.35 for .............. 98e of tbe bride, Misses Verna Rylett, ion a visit aftgqr an absence cf seven on Sonday at bctb mcrning and ev- 1 hosptal'a ministry. te - -________________ Nellie Piper and Maud Wiîcox, the? veans. Mn. Hec ning is still incap- ecîng -services. Rev. E. B. Cooke 1 its service, however. le not con- Me' Nv Bu Oecot, îh brides table being pnettily deconated aàcitated from following bis trade cf preacbed te Rev. Pickups congrega-i flned ta its own four watts. Note Ç Men' Nay Bue veroat, push and centred witb a five-stcry wed- canpentry cwing to tbe injury be sus- tion in Toronto, being accompacied these arresting facto The Infant lined, goananteed Indigo ding cake. ýtained te bis ankle somne weeks ago. for the day by Mrs. Cuoke. At thej mortality rate In Ontario la 78.5, dye, $25,00 for ...$1.65 The bride received a lovely col- Mrs. Frank Branton spent Tbanks- mci'ning ser'vice, the choir rendered wiei ubctl 4.l u __________________________lection of gifts, amecg them being . -. nTrot wt ie isetw'o special T banksgiving anthema, wiei uba tl 4.I u Mens Bue r Kak Wek Si at fielnaer sho ie n usdy lNo- Mrs. J. Tut! and family. Fnieiîds jMn. Mark Allin, Mn. W. J. S. Rick- towfls anld cties the losof Infantj $1.2Bu5o f aiWrkSirs fredsa er boeo uedy o- are pleased te learn that Miss Helen, ard, Mns. George Honey and Miss ite Io lesa than haIt what It la In $1.25for .........a.89e ees fnea et. 270Aland Tuff i s now eut of hospital and grad- Grce Bragg taking leading solo 1the sister province. Naw, for On- and0B o sf e oo daiept &R27 bbn ually gaining strength foliowing lier1parts. In tbe evening, in additioni tario'. pricelees advantage, one out- Striped Flaanelette, pink on blue Cmay, where the bride was em- recent senios iîîcess and cperati3tn. Mte tbe anthe, sMn. Bo Walton and standing teason ià the maintenance 25c a yard for .........i19e 1pn oey atl okIMn. Richard James and Miss Ethel Mns.pucDoeald, sister offRev. Pick __________nda____________________ J î"edsolos thelatter Singing b ulcbnvlec iawrd witb Normandy chimes, from the James, Tornto, Mn. Chas. Jarnes, "Jesus Saviour cf My Seul . retmous provincial Institution dedi- Boys' Windbreakers, checked or groom's fellow empîcyces at CeauraI O.A.C.., Guelpb, accompanied by twe o r ecsl espgs67 plin 2.0fo ... $.9 otr, saw.colgecumand Miss Mary James, oeNwateoespgs67 ated to the cars of the on-comint plai, $50 or . 1,59 MotrsOshiva ocîegecbus, . ,generation. An entire department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M . a n d M r s . T b em p s cn l e f t o n a H a v e ng a l C o l l e g e , T o r o n t o , s p e t_ _ _ _ _ _ motor trip for Toronto and points, Tanksgiving weekend with thein of the Hospital for Sik Children la Girs' oat, ur ollrsReula wetthe bride travelling in a biegeparents, Rev. E. R. and Mrs. James NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL eodt hecrofblsunr $6,50 for------------.$3.95 crepe-de-chene dness xitb dark wicc ýat the Rectory. 1 one yean of age. Here every aId ________________________manvella fur-trimmed coat, xitb bat T .e A. Y. P. A. bel a special-SeirR mExmndiRe- which medical science can devise i. te match, and sand scarf, bese and meeting in S,. George'.-,Cburcb or, ing, Wrtîng and Spelîng during etne ohl h iyptet black sboes. ~~Wednesday evening xvhen the Doain iîî oatb cf October. etne abl h iyptet black________ ion Seccetany cf Angiicaî Y oung'Si'. IV-Rutb Pillswortb 87, Fred 1tbrough the firet hard rouna D 1L iLICKft' People's Associations w-ms p resnt C owýa n 8 4, Bebty Lake 83, Velmal their struggîe for existence. i Probably Wore a Mustache and delix'cred an insPirin,~ addness. Brown 80, Manioc Rineb 75, Viole' Familiarlty with the methode Kin ad i7jiOl te, Bsybos e sccg:"Tke the ýThe local mninbers jîr îxidýýd a -oo Hennîng 72, Don McEach.ern 69, lie empioyed ia an Invaluable phono message-l'Il get it from you mus-ical pncgram. iDax'e Gray 8:1 ai. asset ta doctcrs and nurses enlist- Bowmanville laten". Friends xiii be pIuased te learn 1 Jr. IV-Florence Spencer' 84, Ad- ing for service In the homes of the Stecoz. demuely)-"No thanks! tbhmt Stanle Rickaî'd bas sufficiectiy !air Hancock anîd Billie Tom.,S'2, AI- province. nhus la the chlîdhocd of Youn little girl wants te kiss you reccx'ered froni bis prolonged illaess da Pillsw-ontb 80, Gordon Ganrod 77,1 ____________________________oven the w'ire." te leax'e Bowmacville Hospital and Mary Brei'etcii 74, George Buckiey 1even the rebat recuote cornmunitly _________________________________________________________ code home fon Tbanksgiving. Bisl70, Janîie Wright (6S, Dorothi Bona- witbin the conîpass of the wide- couin, leM. W. F. Riekard, Newcas-Ijthan 9-1 ai, Lexwis Clark 78 al, Hel-, spnead mînisiratien cf the H-ospital ____________________________________________________________ ric. bi-rught hiîîî homeiuin bis cew 'ena Hayes 72 al, Milton Bnoxvîi 72 fon Sick Chlldren henefltted. Ir li closehl car Sunday afternoon. l a2. 1I ndeed a work for hucmanîty whlcb Ucx.IL . (euX-. i-~ (cke ~id Si,. Iii .1 tnRickard 89,IlHublert Corbett's Hovis BreadE'. ci ! .MzCooex- uàbî îîtic\nicd' clMreIl ~îjdeserves cordial remembnumnce et Mis.; Eiucn, -puni Th.n ivigxit î v(lpIc 9,iaryt'uh7, thrlstnas tîrne i-;arcnti, Mn. and M': -- ( ampiIlin, j \[i t Wilinis.71. ;îî-s-uîWilliamis 73 1 Falthfully yeurs. C or et 's H o is re d hiher"">.,r,,I.I"o.(,K-1 ,Bent ,. aldMai-y N anl>us,n ndiIRVING E. ROBERLTSON. ddaSeily.X.I.&AM'ý., on the invitation c f Namnes in orden cf munit. * Absent as agents preferring ta seîl my own Weîdng Cakes aSeily!Bn>. J.Sct Montgomery,a P.W. for one or more test examinations: gooda thus saving the purchaser the im. <if Iurhanî I.îîîge, wcnt eut te Sr. I-Clarence Clarke, Ruth J -ktfieid Iast Tuesîîay week aund paid Rindruas, Anchie Martin, Jack agent'a commission. A call aoîicîted. a fratercai visit te thein Lakeficld Bectz, Reta Powell, Fraccee Brune- F. H. DOUNSAIL W . P C r e t rehe. A number of ladies ne- toc, Stanley Brown, *Lloyd Aldread.. Proprletor Bowmanvilîe Bakerand Cnfectonercîmpanicd the gentlemen on the Jr. I-Lois Rowe, Helen Gibson, -phone 826W Bx9 Baker ad Confetionrtrip, and report a very delightful Lloyd Hincock, Helen Robinson, Bx9 - ~ 3time. Mns. J. F- W. Philp, onuet Victor Gannod, Helen Eddy, Alfred Phone3 Bowrnanville the nomber, remainud'oven foýr a few Gray, Ethel Spencer, *Johnl Arych, days, as guet fMn. and Mrs. Mont- Harold Hcckin, *Jack McEachern. -- gemeny. G. Elizabeth Hancock, teacher. ~-- Outstanding Values in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats 1 HAVE THE BEST AND FINEST IN TOWN SELECTION Corne in and pick out your Overcoat or Suit and have it put away for you if you do flot want it right away and get the first choice. Men's Overcoats .............$15.00 to $45.00 Boys' Overcoats ..............$10-00 to $15.00 Boys' Overcoats, 2 to 6 years $ 5.00 to $ 7.50 Men's Suits .................$12.50 to $40.00 lVen's Caps ..................$ 1.00 to, $ 2.50 Men's Work Pants ..........$ 1.50 to $ 2.50 Men's Sweater Coats ........$ 2.00 to $ 6.50 Men's Overails Big B Brand .............$2.00 Men's F'leece Underwear, Penmaný's .... $1.00 Boys' Fleece Underwear, Penman's ..... 69 Men's Work Shirts, Big B Brand ........$1.00 Men's Work Shirts, Grey Flannelette .. . .$1.00 Men's Woo! Underwear, heavy ribbed, Penman's, a garment ..................$1.50 Men's Work Sox ..................25e to 50e The Store That Seils For Less S. G. Chartran One P)oor W est Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE Continuing Our Sale of Women's & Children's Coats Many women this last week took advantage of our reduced prices and secured their winter coats at big reductions. We, however, regret that our new Ready-to- Wear Department was too small on Saturday to accommoclate ail our customers. For that reason we have made special provision for Thursday, Friday andi Saturday of this week, and offer these special values: Another new shipment of Suede Cloth Coats with large Thibetine collars and cuifs, worth $.37.50. Ail sizes and a fine assortrnent of colors. Thanksgiving Special $24.50 Children's Coats clearing at Thanksgiving Sale Prices. FELT AND VELVET HATS A nexv shipment of smart Feit and Velvet Hats marked at sale prices. $4.50 Values $5.50 Vaues1 On Sale O Sale $2.95$39 JUST ARRIVED Taffetta Evening Dresses for the Junior and heu' eIdeîr sister. Sizes 13 to 20. Special Thanksgiving Special $1 0.75 S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery Phone 106 Miss j Bowmanville PAGE EIGHT

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