THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17~ 1927 PAGE THEEB Ask for our boakiet, Spend Your "The Measure o Your Incarne" InaBakThe Royal Banik BomnvleBrniof Canada BownvUe rach - R. F. AitchLson, Manager 121. FOUNDATION FOR A GOOD MEAL IS MEAT If you buy your meat at Edrnondstone's Meat Market you are sure it is the best. Quality is first consideration at our store. We also see that the prices are reasonabble. You will be treated well if you get your meat at Edmondstone's. G> A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowma.nville W. B. McMURTRY, District Agent, Bownîanvile, Ont. CORBETT'S Wholesome Bread THE STRENGTH BUILDER The Children of Today are the Men and Womnen of Tomorrow To stel) confidently into this world of confiict and turmoil, they must be fortified with vigorous bodies-the strength to carry on successfully. Corbett's Bread is known for its wholesorne, substantial and nutritious qualities-that build rugged bodies--that produce rnuscles and strength so necessary for progress of body and mind. WEEKEND ICE CREAM This week we feature Willard's Manhattan Brick which contains Raisins, Cherry Squash in Vanillia, Ice Cream, Walnuts and Maple Ice IlCrearn. Sounds pretty good and tastes better. In bulk ice cream we have Burnt Almond Ice Cream. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville PRETTY HOUSE WEDDING Jeffery-Plummer The home of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer, Liberty St., was the scene cf a very pretty wedding on Wednes- day, Navember 9, when their eider daughter, Marjorie Ruth, became the bride cf Richard Stephen J. Jeffery, son cf Mrs. William Jeffery and the late Mr. William Jeffery, Maple Grove. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor ai Tinity United Church, officiating. The bride who was unattended wgs given in marriage by bher father, en- tered the parler te the strains of La- hengrin wedding march played by hier sister, Miss Dcncthy Plummer. The bride lccked lcvely in a gown cf ivory georgette tnimined with ail ver lace and billiants and enbroid - ered tulle veil with wreath cf orange blossomis. She carried an anm bocuquet cf pink 'mnis and fern. The cereniony took place beneath an arch cf evergneen and roses, froni whic.. hung a white bell. M iss l)erothy Plummiier sang "Un-, tii" vc'ry sw eetly, during the signing ot the register. A dainty wedding supper was serv- cd te fifty guests by four girl friend s -.Misses Jane and Riith Grigg. AM- n Stevens, Toronto, anti Minniej Webhcr, Towvn, the tables being de- corated in pick and white. The groom's gift te bis bride wvas n sun- burst, and te the pianist a gcld bar pin. The bride's travelling cos, unie w as cf rose bieige georgette with bat te match, taupe needle point cent, niantile siawl collar. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery left b1nco for Toronto, going in te Wocdstock I Courtwright and Sarnia. On their return tbey will reside at "Elniview Farm", Maple Grove. Among the guesta from a distance were :-Mns. Jessie Grigg, Misses Jane and! Ruth Grigg, Mr. and Mrs . Howard Plummen, Mr. and Mrs. Rog-j er Fisbleigb, Miss Alma Stevens, Tor- i ente; Mis s Sicly Laugher, Sarnia;I Mr. anti Mrs. Theodore Fisbleigb and Ruth, Oshawa. On Saturday, November 5, about flfty cf the bide's friends met at the home cf Mra. John Challis and went in a body te bier home when a mis- cellaneous shower was given ber, in- luding a lovely collection cf gifts. Refreshments were served and a happy social time was enjcyed. Al joined banda and sang "For she'saa jolly goad Fellow", previeus te leav- I ing for their homes.1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. Dr. Dougaîl, Pastor cf Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, bas re- i signed, te retire at end cf June 1928.1 Rev. F. H. Howard, M.%illbrook i preached anniversary sermons i Pontypool United Church last Sun- day. Rev. Tom Sykes, noted English divine will lecture in First United Church, Lindsay, on Thursday, No- vember 24th. St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Mass 10.30 a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. M. Evening 7 p. m.-Sermon and Benediction. Rev. P. P. Butler. Rev. E. B. Lanceley, D.D., Asso- ciate Pastor cf the Eaton Memorial Church, was in Cobourg, Sunday, No- vemiber 6, occupying the pulpit cf Trinity Unitecd Church, it being the second Sunday cf the dedication ser- vices. Rev. C. L. Nlclrvine, D. D.. Pastor cf Grace United Church, Winnipeg, and well.known in Eastern and West- ern Ontarie, died suddenly on Nov. lith. Mrs. MIclrvine was a daughter cf t':e late Rev. A. C. Wilson, a form- er Pastor of Tyrone Circuit. Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services il a. m. and 7 p. m., the pastor will preach. 2.30 p. nî.-Sunday School, when Gregory Colmer, Bowmanville, and Lawrence Allin, Orono, candi- dates for the Boys' Parliament, will give address. Lindsay Post says. The reopen- ing services cf the newly decorated United Church at Victoria Road, were held on Sunday, October 30Vh. Rev. J. U. Robins cf Trinity Church. Bow- manville ,and a former uastor cf Victoria Road preached inapiring ser- nions te large and appreciative con- gregations at both services. At the morning service four infants were baptized by the mînister, Rev. J. W Wilkinson, and Ruth Elizabeth, in- fant daughter cf Rev. and Mrs. Wilk- inson, was baptised by Rev. J. U. Robins. At the close cf the service five young people were rec-ived i'ito the cburch membership, afte:- wîhich for- ty-four communicants partook of the Sacrament cf the Lord'a Supper. Rev. J. U. Robins preached a ser- mon in keeping with Armistice Day on Sunday morning in Trinity Unit- ed Church. He took for bis text "He maketh wars te cease, etc.," Psa. 46:9. He said the wcrld _hadj known three great scourges-F am-1 ine, Pestilence and War, quoting J dates and figures te show when and where. Commerce had stayed the hand of famine, science had belped stay pestilence but as yet war was net wiped eut and though many and varied things bad been trîed. He said the religion cf Jesus Christ alone was the remedy. Miss Helen Argue sang a very sweet solo. At the Sunday School session Mr. Grandy sang "Open the Gates of the Temp- le" which the members very mucb ap- preciated. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Florence and Mr. Gordon Ashton spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Williams, PortBritain. Be sure ta have your protographl as a Christmas gift taken in overn- ber te ensure beat results wit'h no disappointments. Phone 256-H. Humphries for appointment. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alldread, Be- thesda, entertained a number of their friends on Friday to a euchre and dance, ai ter wbich a dainty lunch was served. T'hey are leaving soon for their new home at Maple Grove. Taronto Durham Old Boys' Club will meet as guests cf Prof. and Mrs. John Squair on Frdiay evening at 8 o'clock in the Wamen'ss Art Associa. tien, 23 Prince Arthur St., Toronto. Good prcgramn wiIl be given. Dr. James L. Hughes, President; John D. Keachie, Treasurer; Wallace Maas, Secretary. HAMPTON Regular monthly meeting cf Hamp- ton Women's Institute met at the home cf Mrs. J. R. Knox on Thurs- day, November 3, with an attendance cf 46, Mrs. H. E. Rundle, la tVice- President, presiding. Meeting op- ened by singing the "Openîng Ode" followed by the Lard's Prayer. After Ithe business sessian a very interest- ing program was rendered ccnsisting cf a piana duet, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and Misa Nora Hern; a paper by Mrs. (Rev.) Bick, "Suggestions far Wint- er reading, wbat, when and how te read"; an instrumental, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake; a paper by Misa Sadie Virtue "Bocks of today and their In- fluence"; roll caîl "My favorite Auth- or". Meeting closed by singing "Spread a little gladness", aiter which lunch was served. December meeting will be held at the home cf Mrs. Jebson when report ai conven- tinn will lie given. "Chex Run" doubles the wear of your silk hosiery and lingerie. See it at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. THE GIFT GRANDMA WILL PRIZE A Photograp&a of Her Uittie Grand- dasaghter or Grandson. Faibles don't count with Grandma nearly as much as gifts of real sen- timent and significance. Yeu can't make ber happier than by giving ber a true-likeneas photo- graph cf ber little granddaugbter or grandson-tbe next thing ta the lit- tle one herseli or himself. We make a specialty cf photo- graphing children and will give you the kind of work that is artistic as wel] as true te if e. Special rates for the holîdays. Phone 256 for appaintmnent. H Humphries, Photographer, Horsey St. Bowmanville. Made A Mess 0f It Bought CHEAP, remedies, got 0. Use Mns. Sybilla Spahns Tonsilitis for Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Quinsy, Head Colds, Catarrh, Sore Thrcats and Tonsil ilîs. Success or tnoney back. 45-2 SOLEMN MEMORIAL SERVICE Held at Cenotaph as MuteTrbt to Fallen in the World War A very impressive conîmemorative service on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the Armistice wvas celebrated wvith honor anti solemnity at the Municipal Park in front cf the Soldiers-' Monunment on Fniday, Nov. lith, at 10.45 a. m. Mayor T. S. Ho]gate had charge cf the service. A large gathering of citizens was present includirig pupils and teaching staffa of the Public Schools, High School and Boys' Training Schooi. After singing the hymn "0 God Our Help in Ages Past." Rev. J. U. Rohins, pastor cf Trinity United Chu.rch, offered prayer. Wreaths xere then placed at the base cf the Soldiers' 'Monument in memory cf the brave boys wi-,o made the supreme sacrifice. Among those placing w reaths on the cenotaph in- cluded Women's Canadian Club, Bownanville Soldiers' Club, Public Schools, High School, Mrs. E S. Senkier, Mrs. Agnes Wren, 'Mrs. Wright, Mrs. W. Gimblett, Mrs. J. Clayton, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Kingl and Mrs. Brough. The wreaths of the Women's Canadian Club andi Hig:1 School were made by the vet-i erans cf the Christie Street Hospital, Toronto. A short address wvas delivered by Dr. D. W. Best, minister cf St. Paul's Church, after which a two minute silence was observed with honor and love for the men who gave up aIl,1 who made willingly, the supreme sacrifice that we might be free. Rev. R. J. Sbires, rector cf St. John's Church, led in the nesponsive scripture readin.g from Song of Solo- mon 3 :f-9, closing with a short prayer. The singing cf God Save The King and the Benediction by Dr. Best brought the memorable service te a fitting close. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solictor for the Executors. Notice to Creditors In the Estate ol H-enry Rogers Ail persons9 having dlaims against the -aae o! Henry Rogers. late of Bowman- 'ie, eceased, who (lied or or about the lst day cf October 1927. are hereby noti- 'led ta sen<i in te the undersigned Ex- ecutor or his solictor on or before the !lrd day o! November, 1927, fuit partie- ilars of their dlaims. Immdlateiy after the said 23rd day of November 1927, the assets cf the testator wili be dlstributed amongst the parties entitied thereto, having regard oniy te daims of which the Executor shall thenl have notice. Dated at B wmanviiie this Shdyc eNovember 1927. 45-2 W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for W. R. Rogers. 36 Wilfrid Avenue, Toronto. Executor. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Annie Jane Johns Ail persona baving claims agalnst the estate of Annie Jane Johns, late of Bow- manvIlle, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of October, 1927, are hereby notified to send in to the underalgned Executor or their Solicitor on or before the 23rd day of November 1927, full par- ticulars of thelr dlaime. Immedlately after the said 23rd day of November 1927. thq asseta cf the testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ta claims of which the Ezecutor shall have notice. Dated at Bowmanville this Sth day of November 1927. W ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for National Trust Company, Ltd. 20 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario. 45-2 Executor. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Winnifred Pearl Gage of the Town cf Bowmanvllle. spinster, deceased. All persens having dlaims against the estaie cf Winnifred Pearl Gage, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 19th day of June, 1927, are notified te send te the undersigned executor, The Trust and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronto, or te the undersigned, W. R. Strîke. Its Solicitor, on or before the 23rd day of Novenitwr 1927. their namnes and address- es and fifl palculars cf thelr daime, and the nature of the securities (if any> held by themn duly verified by statutory de- claration. Immedlately after the sald 23rd day of Novemnber 1927, the assets cf the sald de- ceased wlll be distnlbuted among the par- tie~s ,ntl*led thereto having regard only te the dlaims of whlch it shall then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville the 8th day of November 1927. The Trust and Guarantee Company Ltd., 302 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. W. Rosa StrIke, Bowmanville Ontario. Sollci:or for the said Executor. 45-2 Have It Done Now] While the rnild weath- er continues better have that roorn pap- ered now. Don't wait tili the Xmas -rush. 'tr Wall Paper 12c Rol It's 22 inches wide. ' We haven't a roll in stock over a year old. *Best bargain of the season. GUARANTEED PAINT 98c QT. Plenty of time to 1)aint with this fine weather. To make room for Christmas goods we are offering what Champion Guaranteed Paint we have in stock at these prices for Friday and Saturday. Paint Regular $4.50 Gallon for $3.75 Paint regular $1 .25 quart for 98c Nearly every color-but stock is limited so corne early. These are cash prices. GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville "The sireetesi er~, Gen jus in design. .. Precision ini assembly . Constant re- finement. Years ahead in improvements . .. The best in radio-at the price y ou want to pay . . . Ail FADA principles applied to every set, whether $95 or $550... See your dealer ..Stop-look-listen ... FADA will be your choice. HARRY C. ALLIN King St. West, Bowmanville ChoIe. OXO TASTY" Fsncy Canned pmk CUBES READ Qushity Lobster 2 26ml 2 tins ., t." Il = ,uf orprotetons 25C 25 îst23c 39c ENNISKILLEN Thanksgiving se rv ices on Sunday, November 6, were a decided success, the church being nicely decorated with fruit and fiowers. Mr. W Pointen cf Victoria College, Toronto, gave a very fine Thanksgiving sermon in the afternoo and Rev. J H Stainton, Ebenezer, delrvered an excellent sermon te a large congregatien in the evening. Special music xvas furnish- ed by South Nestîcton choir at night. ....Sorry te report Mrs. Thos. Mc- Gill confined to ber bed. We wish ber a speedy recovery ..Mr. and MNrs. Vertil McMclllen and Misses Grace .Lorna and Rena, Jantville, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williams, Nest- leton, Sundayed at Messrs. Geo. Reid's and Frank Orchard's. Mrs. Williams is remaining for a short vi sit. Notice to Creditors n The Estate cf Thomnas ElIIott Ail persons haittng da,,ims against the lestate o! Thomas Elliott, late o! the Trownship of Dariington. decea-sed, Who dlii on or about the ist day of October 1927, are herelby noýfe mcdte send In to W. R. Strikc-, Solicitor. Bovmanville. Ontario, on or b'-fore the 23rd day cf November, 1927, full particulars cf their laims. Imimediately> after the said 23rd day cf Novenibor 1927, the aissets cf the testat- or wil he distributed amongs*t the par- ties entitied thereto, having regard only tedims cf which the executors shall have notic e.1 What Shah We Eat To-Day ? 1 -is very often a perplexing question daily faced by rnany housekeepers. The question, however, is easily answered by a visit to our grocery store. Here you will find the newest in foods-appetiz- Iing and nourishing foods of the finest quality- reasonably priced-which makes buying at our store an economical pleasure. Phone If You Desire No Extra Charge For Delivery We recommend and Sel H.ARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE 145-2. PAGE TUREZ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 Bamum 7