PÂCuI[~ ETGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 CHRISTMAS MAIL OLD STUDENTS REUNION i Mr. The postoffice departiment advise S. S. NO. 9, CLARKE T ~ 1 J X I ~ S 1 i e i t r that acl and other mi for de- î'Plan.are under xxav for holding Ohw iivery in European countries hefore i a reunion of boys innd girls who T U SD YNeVM ERwt.,12 Chr.urî,îas shouid be nailed at asijhie attnde clooliutS, . . 9,T U S A N V M E 24h 1 7 x early a date as possible, preferabis' 1ai, 1" ;ie î-together celebra- x n within the next ten days, and a, th,-j iton iN goiflg 10 ake the forni of a o f Pet( veix ii l c ineet x itil the S. S ,,iqiet , schoI entertainmoent and bMontelare. saiiing fromi St.- Jobn, (hr:l.Stluîs troc to ho held in New- NECSL NEWCASTLE [ns, ai Dec. 6t3î, miais for- x hih clise lt aýt . eîomîîîiniunit {.ali o Friday 1 best la Eu a x 11eLt 9 p. ni. Dec. '2nd. i r a'n.nd exýen ait. Doc. t 6th, Mrs. S Jose visited relativ~es at () I. Pricess of 1'(ippylain(i" in the - :1 t-on . be a reai cei- Blelville the past week. i I'.J1 IG3I1I (4i- i House. Bownivilo. on Mon- Canada Business College J, , cciso n h omt Mr. and Mrs. Harry ('ouch niot- (laiy. N ovemiber '28tli. .dniis3ion I iii1charg suiid nidu thecmittfa oredlu Torunto on Be sured nnd :;-C- Orchestra in attend!'nce. Toronto iUlreWLl C>sdri a or 1BSundre andise 1:, x xold thi h nainles \Ir. and'Me A. J. Armour and -d O , î i i f iny of theo 01( boys The Newcastle maie quartet is in-j "Creatures of Impuse" io daut.thterns, lHampton, visited lber sý atix '.';n Ofm, ci I rX o viug ;in distantpt ~ s ited tu sing at Sbiloh anniversary oncle andlaunt, 'Mr. and Mes. W J i 'Il iIl Ut' i' 1id :.i~ -hool. so thal a services next Sunday. A play by Bowmanvile .Y iîe î una,\, pi. p ~ ~ ïr B lîisi vo ~î peisonal invitation may ho sont l' îCobourg Sa!vaioi Armiy Band îxiii r.A. in andl thon xent on lu O ra:) l-) vît Oflo .O 1 1 put on a musical festival in Comi t ere' aihH l lier parents, Me. and Mrs. 1d. Woodu. 'oulimittee cuîî;st.S Of Wallace mnunity Hall on Sunday at 3.30 p. mnti.og'sPrshHl Unitedl Cburch, Rc.v. E. B. Cooke, ItMaias, 32 Giencairn Av e., Toronto, A numiber of friends enjoyed th Newcastle Pastor, Sunday, November 2-i.h. il NIe W. t1 - un. D.P. . Gibso n . 4 hospitality of Rex'. E. R. and Mrs. :i. ai . woîsîîip.2-30 p. ni. i 10 O..utstaning I~ i~oi .P.4 Jamues ut the Reelory on Monday ev- Under ausî1iies of the local -Sundas' Schl7ol. 7 p).m-E u- e 1. ing.i A. Y. P. A. ing service. Botb chur-ch serxvices IOn the Friday ovening previous to îinder th(, auspices ofthe local brancb t Specials at Dillicics1 the t lemoenco-Colwili wedding girls THURSDAY, NOV. 24th of the Prohibition Union,. Speaker, St. Goorge's Church, Rev. E. R. if Miss Coixil's Sunday Scnool Class Rev. Dr. A. J. ixxvin, Geneiai Sec- Mexax lu xiitJls anies, Rectîr. Sundas. November jniet ut lber home and presented her Also olber splendid numbers. retary of the Ontario Prohibition inod, guaruintced indigo dye 27 Avent Sunday. 8 a. ni.-Holy ihaslvrbrysoon with best Play begias at 8 o'ciock. Uin Re-. $25. for .........$16.95 raer'230 p m-Sndy sne., for lher future happiness. ________2.30_p.___________ O0ing lu a budget of Newcastle Admission 25C MRHNSTOCEE Men's factory Boots, Reg. $4_50 i1-oi 7p.mEenn Pryr rrspuadence being nispiaced in ___________________FRUS.CU ER IT S for.................... $2.98 Rev. aind Mis. E. B. Cuoke and ithe nexxpaper office last week tbe FO _U.S.______ EIER __________________ buttonyy1n peuple of the r.ini eot0 ie Armistice Ser- ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE Woe'ýRubbers, sî7Cs 2 ½to tilcitd C1 urcb are in attendance x -ice and ther news intended for AT NEWCASTLE (Intended for iast week) 8, Reg. $100 for........ 79e nver v eneing this week, excopting > su is a week late in being Agn fsxsapr na uo _______________________ Saturday, at the Leadership Train- pbls1 d. Tbe fau!t is cerlainly (Inlended for iast week) mobile visited Newcastle from the 36 inc, white Flanelotte, 30c1.- School, Trinitv United Churcb, nul our faithful and officient editor IL. was in giad remembrance of xvcst on Friday evening, Noveinher quality for........... 22e yd i mnvle of The Independent page. t he cessation nine years ago of the llth., aînd worked off haîf a dozen _________________________ I Between forty and fifty Leag-ý Miss Estber Wallace, Hampton, .orld's terrifie struggle, and in loy-ltcounterfeit American bills in $ 5.00 Women's Patent Shoes, aew Faîl uers of ,ihe local society paid a return 1 editor of Bowmanville High School ing memory of t. use valiant sons and $10,00 denominations on as styles, spike or cuban heels, visit lu Maple Grove lasI Wednesday 1 Paper ,Tho Screech Oxv'il n Miss %,,ho gave their lives foi- the sake of many of our local mierchants. Reg. $600 for......... $3.95 evoning and greally cnjoyed the fel- IMarion Rickard, Shaw's, Assistan t.Ioved unes, hune and country. in that i Their plan ivas tu go in the stores _______________________ xx .h'Ip and rospitaliiy of tbe youflg 1 Editor, represonled the editoriai staff jaxful carnivai of bloud, that the j one by une and miake some trifiing Women's Patent slrap Shoos, sev- peuple of Ibal vigorous and progros- of thal brigbt, polished, skelchy, at- Ipîeople of Newcastle and vicinîty 1 urchas e and then give a counler- oral styles. Reg. $4. for $2.49 Sive coniimuaity. traciv and very readable publica- 1gathered in one accord at the Armis- 1feit bill in paymcnt, taking the __________- rs C ACoan Scrîay f bolin I heseon nul cne tio tice Day service ia Comimunily Hall change in goud nmoaey. It seenîed Boys' Overcoats, extra heavy lca rli CulAlural Sucety onf ianheilorttese cooland aconeetion- Frid ay forenoîn. Nov. 111h. lti work all righl from t .oir view- cioth, well linod, Reg. $8.50 of' Nwcastie Orchestra and1lications la ConvocationIi all, Tor- Whoie famuilies or thero, ft-pii n ecaistîytu it for....................4953 of the Doacua Dubhs dramatic coin- înto, un Firiday lasI. lors and mothers, and aged, lime'iîîîized xvore R. W. Walton, Geu. Men's Work Pants, wili stand i1ay ncwn eîu oeain Peiisl e mrig uM.Inakdand lime bonored grand- Gray, J. C. Hancock, W. Deline, J. bard wear, reg. $2.50 for $1.79 for«internai trouble in Bowmanviile Ewart G. Clemnenceoun Saturday, parents, some of them great grand- R. Fisher and H. C. Bonaîban. _______________________ Hospital last Wednesday. November 121h., Miss Lilian Colwill parents, children in arms, farniers ,Il was nul long however, befuro Wmns Corsets, fine make The Hydro Eleccric gang utting 'was surprised aI the homne 'ofher par- land twsepup poer n n-Il.Wlon thnseMr.îran buis wilh guaranteed rust proof, Special on the new power lino of 60,000 ents, Mr. aînd Mis .A. A..Colxviii by ,pioyed. Thev were ail therc for ilook lpnteeAnrcnblswt 98C pair vlsbsnw rahd Nwaheth br fIeYugLde'I the une purpose, those whose mmor- suspicion and suspecting that there with ils power oulfil for digging1 Unity Class of the United Churcb le couid go back uver those four 1 Ivas somelhing wrong pbonod 10 New- Men's fleoce lined Combinations, holes and puting in posîs, and early 1 Sunday Scbool and presenlcd ivih an atehd tril years, lu show tonville merchants lu ho unthie look- Reg. $2.00 for......... $1.49 Ibis week put polos in John Alin's ia large and handsomc bronze jard- ntage, Ie adnul forgolten the car- out also lu the Port Hope police, for At Dillick's of Course farmn and in Geo. H. Joli's and Herb. 1 oýre. Trnis evenl touk place unnaeth sacrifices and the price of Ire gang had motored eastward. Toms' village property. il.cdesday evening, November 9th. viclury, and to praise the Great They also decided in thoir own in- Mis Magart Alin Bo,.,anvlle an prvedmos enoyale o al t* Ruler of the univorse for bis looid- t lu stofollow the counterfeiters Mis~ Magaret llia, oianv1Yoanldioes nernoabo u il ness and mercy. lereats ask them tlu make restitution. aist d the Unite brbcora on ascneedTepbiead. shol iPupa n deionnt fe M.W D I L C K unday vng' service and deeply 1 Cilizens of our village were shock- n h ulcan ihsbul i-Ptingdeiinm efet r. a- - !cvening'nthsTrnt pprso missed aI furenuon cecess and the to and Mr. Gray, acconîpanied by t ouched the hcarts of tbe congrega- dl ra n b oonoppeso eachers and the 150 pupils were al hir espective broîhers, Eari Wal- tuon with bier solo, suang with sweet- Monday of the dealhs of Mc. and MrsIbir King and Division SUa. ness and tendierness, "The StrangerChas. McCoy, 266 Dovercourt Road, present at the service. Most ofIton and Erie Gray, the latter of Iof Galilce". Mc. Lorne Allia mot- Toronto, wbo losI Ibeir lives by heing these children, like others yet 100 1 whom had happened lu ho in Bona- Bowmanville ored his sistor lu Newcastle and aI- suffocaled wilh coal gas on Sunday. youn lu attend school, know nothing 1 than's store when une of the gang j i ufthegsrvace Mar persunathlly; butthrwofpassed off a billtiiece, slarted off in tenedthese~ce Arsi. cC w a h ny bther ifMe is there among them who bas nGt -a car in bot pursuit, overlook the Coy r nd W m. R er and wirs. Mc- bheard of those awfui days? And isextet a luttle casI of Newtonviiie vioy ad emb atv vaersofterfamiih 1 bo is Ibere among lbem who basiand succeeded in recovering the 'in the years gone by. Mr. and Mrs.Io itndwta hilo aro-woeftergo m eyinuig McCy hve ls fcquell sug a Jism lu tbe stocy of the valor and'Mr. Bonaaîan's. Mr. Wallon and cbuccb services and varieus fonctions sacrifice of the young mon 3f lbosé Mr'. Gray knew nolhing aI the lime during their visits bore. With their days? Tbey know, and they were of the facl that the other merchants grandaugher tey viitedhis i here to pay tribule luto ii glorouos bad been fleeced in a similar nianner. ge. randdaugblrdtabeyvsie bs 5a5o dead, lu show their appreciation ofi terMrs.Rickrd, fowweek agthe services of Ibeir war herues î-nd - ) ~ ~beore ber reluca lu California tht d hi esrofpas oteTon' OeTy VlgQu- ber son-in-iaw, Dr. Ernest Aluin. Tbelu dd heir meacsure o uraised h oot'sOd eVlaeQa- funerai service takes place in Wes-Jo b ugaiosyxuhme tette wbu had been giviag a concert le ntdC rhti (hrdy peace an ltr.in Pelerboro the nighl before and aflernoon. Intermont in Prospect Il wa.s a simple buý doeply im-iwere on Ibeir way back lu their Comelery, Toronto., prossive service, and es.ientially re- homes.L Gordon Ashton, Charlie Gienney, igosJ- Howard and Harry Cryderman and, Althougb the peuple had quietly six otiier Durham young farmers, al I begun to assemble la the hall uround - Jopttv tc 10.30, tihe order of the service was higb scors in cmeiie so tinîed that il did nul aclually ho- 4 udging, hvebeen the guesîs sixminteshuelvea wbea' pastuee oftheOntario eatetgnuilsxmuesoee ofAicTrutue Ibte Royal Winter of the Anglican auid the Unitedj B ig S l Fair Tornto. From daily cefer- Churches, woacing their distinctive ence inthepapers, Ihey in compaiiy gowns, entered the hl ttemi ýwthabutfive hundroîl other on entrance, and foliowed b:' Reverends -s from ail over tbe province R ans n .B okpo h av ing te o the ceeded aioag the middle aisie lu the Oe c Ilv, seiuîg the faigiî ul platfurm singing Watts' grand eldi teteatteading a banquet by the Simpon o. a Ie Plm mn, O God, Our Hl1p in Ages Past. Robrt bapsnquet.hyiLadyeatonmd Rev. E. R. James ivuo direcled the' th T Eto C.inth Gori , ervice, being supportî'd (n the patyOe y V O l forai b e.E .Ckethon ut-,~On Roui ,guests at other social and edu-i y C.01 catinal ffais ad îiîenig -teced Ihese words with aIl the peuple P o isS c iie I lu ffisan isein ostili standing: The souls uf the right-Pr fisS c fce of the province, Premier Fergusn, os r.uehebnd fght nusi FilyoD.J. B. Reynolds andi.... antI their goiag from us lu ho '~ iuiîiiqr~1r1aroused the sympathies of many! 1e.Jaisad the assoîblage Men's and Young Men's Mi jIUILnt1IpJIt Pîîrl Hope F Overhoats at 16.95 dcath inPotHp Hospital on 1 bord Psalun accurîhinit ti the v'ersin.ecasa Monuiay of Ibis weck, ofMr. Harryýo h rne sheets used fhrough aacy Tweed and Worsled Beo ilada f Nwovil. Mr.î ana out te 'iwrice. Oecas in plain si ,ados of gre- w'is knockod off th mhck of Mr. As the lasI wurds, "The Lord foîr- Grey and Browvn lanket CloIh. dlo .Jak aIIIL Uagn oie eesgo- e i'i,"ilouaway on tht' lil1i, if uc Also checeoîland broken plaid bre by a ruaitFengieir of thoOntnio Ipeope, the dock la the h ail îoxÇoi <Yxctr.. tîubie breuîsted nmodels gui by putet i l-Iofghe O xbî nat, w tIe is srk i Iioith bhittat lack andI regular pru( __________witb bis car mbt the roar of the xag- andîifor the next two minutes thec rceco up to $25.00, 01 un on xvhich scas a lîîxd of gravel anti xiuN il-l dt' silenice Of rî'uioinbruinece Make youî ('hristmas gift selections at leisui'e. nwiuichMr. Raini1l as sttixîurxad îhuanîýgiving, with nul a diskurh- Out They Go $16.95 ea __ Don't waitt util the hutstie anti rush of C'hristmas xwhre itwuvasdiscve'ud hi.bail a Only the buwer clock struck .(n, une y( W('C. cho eýrosiîn a hardse (lurable, lasting euoîhp i eîî uh gli.lxi b".fu..lxei.. .ei ting aiiîug x'ui'v -aell ail bis f;uiuîîdx 1-'n. i'i îîî . x ivn pîeî' f 1iintui'e or'ftiî'yiir lDV lt--l)le- rc liouking fîîrwnrîl lu Isc'nuî nu iiii, (Ulili"don, andl then Al Fancy Tweeds and latfi )yeve~yne-ou maknga i)ermaiient il aiie Ihi- xvok. Tut îicitcii- )(..Juixue chu x nobîaeii rendiag iWorsted Suits as 'Fb ale1 __ - c_ l hi;"i mAxilh, O I i îîuuainuso f tIl(-' Nexi rosile nuenl Chi sole muid appropriate decoralions crn F . F . Mrr s C o 'U. F. O. MEETING fieê plaîform. Mrs. Benj. Moise F. F. M orri C o.,Providence Farmers' Club wiil Among visitors to lbp village who T B Home Furnishers and Funeral Service meet at Sbaw'q Sebool on Tuesday, enlered beartily inb the exorcises ofT e BC !November 29tb at 8 p. Mi. Election the service and who afterwards took Bowmanville Ont. f ufl'cers. Refresbmenls. tbe opportunity of meeting and Phone 61 0 0. R. Bragg, H .E. Osborne. speakiag wllh several Newc'astle ac- President. Secretary. quaintances were the members of--1 and Mrs. S. R. Corden and Shirley Couch spent Sundayà Mr. and MNrs. Ernest Gibson,j va. wcast]e vins again; this time Miss Ruth Hancock attended a dress masquerade in the city erboro, wbi]e visiting ber cous- id carried off first prize for1 Ldy'S costume. Mr. Rex Wynn, Hamilton, who has a month's leave of absence owing to iii healtb, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gabrath ini company with Mrs. Wynn and son Arthur. Some of our local farmers who at- tended the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- onto were Mr. Norman Ain, Mr VT F. Rickard, Mr. 0. A. Parker and4ý;.1 Erie Pearce. YOU NEED ONE PARIS COMBINATION DOOR Th!-, door is adaptable to every season of the year, cornplete with screen, glass (6 lights), hinges and screws-and ail for $7.50 The glass replaces the screen for winter, but the door is neyer removed. Be sure to see this convenient door at MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bownr FOUNDATION FOR A GOOD MEAL IS MEAT If you buy your meat at Edmondstone's Meat Market you are sure it is the best. Quality is first consideration at our store. We also, see that the prices are reasonabble.. Yoîî will be treated well if you get your meat at Edmondstone's. G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21I Bowmanville en' s Fancy Tweed oats and Suits -Tremendous Reductions -Buy Now at January Prices en's and Young Men'a Overcoats at $19.75 ujutiful fancy bcown and ey check patteras, very beavy .ths, belted back and double easbed eff eet. A strong id iooking coal, Regular ies $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, )ut They Go $19.75 ea 'oung Men's Navy Blue Overcoats at $24.50 is is a heavy qualits' coat la inchilla antI Meiton Clbt oect, faîst guaruateed dye xviîh îciy veicot or polo iining. A gspecial Ibis w'eek At Only $24.50 Boys' Bloomer Suits $5.95 he50 cepreseat the choicest bts ini our store. Fancy Twveeds d Worsteds, also aavy blue sh serges, clearing Ihis week- ild. Values up 10 $9.ý0 and 0.00, Sale Price Only $5.95 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $24.85 These co4ts are the choice of our stock, ail beautiful cioths, beavy cbecked backed, in fancy wuven patteras as weii as plain Grey and Brown effecîs, ia double and single breasted m'odeis, Regular values $32.50f, $35.00 and $37.50. Out They Go $24.85 oys' First Long Suits at $11.95 ,fancy Worsteds, also Navy îavsilogpnlnue, double breasted modeis. L Jt& lomer panit and regular up to 6.50 each. Sale Price $1195 .3LCHRIST tuanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 PAGE EIGHT 9 )pposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville