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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1927, p. 1

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,ý>tate man With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.47 TO ADVERTISERS HOSPITAL APPEAL BRINGS j 'CASLE LA' SWIN WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Th esni eefor the Christ- Royal Theatre MANY RESPONSES DRAMATIC CONTESTJ TeWue' CndanCu masadertsig ad c wul as1 *It ià simply wonderful the way The final concert in series under1 have the pleasure of hearing an ed the merchants and other advertisers Friday-Saturday, Nov. 25-26 Durhani old boys and girls, who have auspices of the Agricultural Society dress by E. J. Garland, Esq., M. P., o U seful Gifts T he rrincess to remember that copy must be in The Thirteenth Hour" long since left their native town or was given in the Opera House Friday Bow River, Alberta, on Wednesday The Statesmnan Office not later than Can you guess what happens at county are responding to the appeai evening when as usual a splendid November 3Oth., in St. John's Paris For Christmias of1 Monday night to insure insertion. the l3th hour? Every second a for financial assistance in behaif of audience assembled to hear the pro- Hall ait 3.30 p. m. Subject--"Te of o nnviand If you can send i in earlier, w thrill. Every moment asurprise. the Hospital Campaign. Letters are gram and the Judges' decision as ta Economie Organizations of Wester KKJwe would bc much obliged as it would! Here's the greatest mystery film being received from almost every the prize winners in the series. Canada" or "Western Co-operatie assist the staff who have been forced ln years. A king of crooks-a province in the Dominion as well as Principal A. E. O'Neil summed Movements". Mr. Garland is an Right at the start of Christnmas By C. King Proctor te work overtime more than once on detective, an amazing dog, froni United States from former Dur- up the findings of the three Judges lrishman, a graduate of Dublin Ui- buyng illgiv A ighy eterainng perttai ately because some advertisers have Napoleon, as his aid, a girl trap- hamites expresing the pleasure it Messrs. McGurr, O'Neil and C. M. versity and one of the leaders o buying will giv the U. F. A. Group in the Der.inion Ahhyenetiig peatin been tardy. We simply cannot ac- ped in a house of a tnousand ter- gives them to make a contribution Ewing all of Oshawa, who anneunced osoanitrtng feno ONE-THIRD OFF Three Acta cept dîsplay ads brought in on Wed- i rors. The climax will leave you towards such a worthy cause and the points based on a certain scale, Hue oa neetn feno O ET ID O FTwo heurs and a haif of delight- nesday. breathless, yen will neyer guessj popular institution in the "old home the contestants standing as follows: may be expected. Anyofth foloin aricesfuimuicit till the final fadeout. Lionel town". Newcastle first, 73 points; Bowman- Inn aoentenwwn order that our readers may ville second 65 points; Orono third, MESCAA AN LU don.an aoenth e n- E' AAINCU Purses l ist of 36 players of the besý i der dog, he4l a notable cast laý better appreciate the keen human in- 64 points and Tyrone fourth, 59_____ JueieTln n Clke ad this mystery picture. terest and generous public spirit points. The Club will hold its next meet Hair Brushes JCeieTln n ae a obourg i Maie Saturday at 2.30 p. im shown by~ these folks away from The selections and readinigs givenj ing at the Balmoral Hotel on Wed- Darlington udrtedrcino oew r ulsigetat undr hedieciogo Children 5choew ar pulsig xtat by Dr. W. Easson Brown, Toron- nesday, November 30th ai- 7.15 p. mi Hand B.gs 4rs. Donald RobbSav to Ar u Chapter 3 of "Snowed In" !rom some of their letters in this ta, were of a high order and differ- E. J. Garland, Esq., M. P., one cf Co b av7in A m and regular program issue. ent from the usual entertainer, each the promînent members cf the Unit Co bain the 1____ Although the canvass in town is number being much appreciated. As ed Farmers of the Alber.ta group la Manicure Sets Band Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 28-29 far from complete the workers have an entertainer he ranks well, and bis the Dominion Parliament, ivill speak Sewig Sts, tc.OPERA HOUSE Gog 're n igni received a most cordial reception audience was well pleased. on "The Economic Organization qf BOWTMANVILLE ViI1 Visit Bowmanville Vallu inprmtecitienos ont rigadtiosre-C.The solos by Messrs. H. J. Knight, We tern C and neinvtatin i Maeslcin al."East Side, West Side" port cvesgnru otrbosi . S. Halîman, Mrs. C. H. Dudley extended t l n e ebr Makend fselectiensret abearn-nd. and Mrs. H. M. Foster were ahl of a who may obtain season tickets at q4 M o da ,No . 8it's to11 in the lives rd loves of It is impossible to make a persen- high order and fully appreciated by from any of membership commit. Sota-ava Fé men. What yen w, see in this al canvass of the rural districts whicb the audience, tee: A. Tait, A. M. Hardy, Goe at8p.m.sharp N v o a a~ big Fox Attraction-a mammoth also enjoy the privileges of the hos- Fletcher'i Orchestra. furnished Wright, J. A. McClellan, A. J. Wad- Witb a 45e box cf Fruitatives. Undvr auspices27 ocean liner sent into oblivion af- pital. its share cf the -program with much hama, W. R. Strike, Lawry Cryder UdrasieofSATURDAY ter crashing a monster iceberg- The Hospital Board. la very grate- acceptance. The Agricultural Se- man, Geo. W. James. Season tic'- Trinity Ladies' Aid Opnarsrie73 e830 p m a youth's battle against tremen- ful for subscriptions ahready receiv- ciety's idea of promoting dramatic ets may also be bought fromn Secre 1dous odds te conquer New York ed from country friends, and are art by holding an amateur conteat tah easquer . J. orina Jury &r Loveil Orchestra in Attendance SUNDAY 8.30 p. m. : -the thrills cf a chanipionship1 hopeful that many others in the ad- was a good one and has afforded tebnut SaeStifatryDugissan AMSSO 3e aai prs ~ IN TRINITY UNITED CHURCH prize fight-a river barge wreck- joining townships wilh feel it a priv- mucol pleasure and entertainment for NT UIEDC RH Saf, StisacFestival. MayorMISION35c HoIlgate o ed by a monster freighter in the ilege and duty te contribute to thiis aIl who attended as well as those who TRINT NTDCUC Otcasthe Hall MusicalFetvlMao lge east river and the thousand and fund. participated in the plays. THÂNK-OFFERING SERVICES willpresde.one wonders cf America's bag- 1Imn a canvass such as is being made dad. somne are bound te be overlocked. FRE ULSE ASSSnaDcme t _______________________ i ednoday.hurady, Nv. 3 Othrs ar notat hme wen th FORER PBLISER PASES he tirtysiomeanniersaytan canvay-hrsa, o. 0ssers called. In any event James Gale, F or Maxiy Yeart Editor' hn-feigsevcsc rnt and Dec. lat. don't let it be said that yen have ofW.tDuha .w ne hrcbg, oer vilef riilb James Murray & Helene Cestelle been neglected or that yen have ev- of Wes um News f Unheld onhund eeh mbnie 4th Ser in aded your respensibilîty as a loyal ________lel n urdy Dcmbr4t.S InOld Kentucky" and public spirited citizen te support There passed away la Brantferd mvens will bev.re.he mR.nP.g and The swiftest, mcst thrilling an institution which is generally ad-evening bynRev. Dr. R. P. Bowle19 fil drma a mny onta. mitted te be cne cf the best aets Hsia aStraNvme 9 ChancelIor cf 'Victoria College, Ter u ISweeps yeu from the racing turf Bewnianville pessesses. It isnet James Gale, a fermer resident cf this cato, Special munie ia being pre LI]somewhere down in Dixie te the tee late yet te send your donation town after several months' illnesa li pareil by Mr. Francis Sutton and the C o i I o le ~ , nsheîl-scared batlefield somewhere to C. IL Mason, Secretary. his 7Sth year. He had been visitingj choir. latP o l m o ni France. The romance (f a his sister, Mrs. J. G. Garrett, and, A special thank-offering la belng yeuth whe wins regeneration and The Salvatien Army was taken worse and passed away as asked te defray the current expen- the only girl la a tremendeus Catherine Boeoth Mothers' Hespital, abeve stated. ses of the church and te assist la climax. With the greateat rac- 306 Walkley Ave., N. D. de G., The late James Gale was eIder son paying for the new pipe ergan which ing scenes ever filmed. Mentreal, Que. cf Rev. Jacob Gaie, a pieneer c3ible was installed during the past year COMNG ATRATINS My Dear Mr. Mason,- Christian Mînister, and Mrs. Gale, and for which te date, ne appeal bas Fridy-Sturay, eceber2-3 withthereqestfer funda for the years ago la this tewn. James Gale TimMeCy n nw urss'Home, adwiei aserved apetiehpto pitn "Te denur"not much, yet it ln the best 1 can Tne Observer Publishing Heuse here ST. PAU1'S CHURCH the laie w o aveben olin - Monday-Tuesdày, December 56 de, and yen wihl find encîesed a and centinued te work as jeurney- I Here is welcome news for th aiswohv en hlig*The Garden of Allah" cheque fer ten dollars; (10.00). 1 man for several years under fore-' The Anniversary Services held hast Decem1>er 9.10 do wish te geodness it were more, manship cf the late Paul C. Trebil-1Sunday in St. Paul's Church were of obyanew winter coa when te prices are reduced: Charlie Murray and George Sid-~ and perhapa when I beceme rich I cock who in addition te being Me- very successful. Nethwithstanding ney In shaîl be able te make a more sub- chanical Superintendent was alo h the unfavorable weather there were "~~~'The Uife of'iRiey" sata hqeet editer cf The Merchant, a loclpp good cengregations. The services lEverv Ladies' Cloth Coat Fur I trust yen are meeting with suc- er finalhy absorbed by The St&teaman. were warmhy apectdbyî. j~ jcess al around, and that yen are About 1883 James Gale and Rev. Principal A. RL Kent, D.D. getting seme geed response from the brother Harry pnrchased The West Of Queen's Theelogical College, T rim ed ow C earingOld Girls and Beys cf Bowmanvilhe, Durham News, James being the edi- Kingston, was the preacher for the Tr m m d iN w l arngB ston Baked who liave settled la other parts ef tor and manager, la 1907 M. A. day. His twe sermons were fine aur kir Dominion? James & Sens bought The News examples of great preaching; there at G eat educ ionsYen see by the above address, and printing plant and goedwill and sub- was remarkable clearness and hncid- at G eatR. e uctons ean Supp r In~'vry nterste la osptalsandamalgamated with The Canadiau rare simplicity and bautyoflng _____ l~e n up er 1 a eyitatedinm hoaeditha t citolls nsaeTeNwastycfthug tfan lls eaion îaStatesman. Mr. Gale moved t nage, a wealth cf thigilsrto nurses. I have spent maay years i Toronto where hie werked at his and an unbroken interest. These K N O DK N O Dhospital work and it lies very near rdtilhseahfie. qualities were cembined la the un- StNAWO O D K EN W O O D I ia hn teaîl am eafrtmed nt asiat During bis business career in felding of great central trutha which BL NK E" SKI!v~JSA. I Curch, Bowmanville whn tch oll ae or me w as hdt Bowmanville hie was active as a citi- anyone might apphy to the problems BL.4ý N K ET K I O Ndoinse, an se tickled tayshouhd zoen la the tewn's welfare and filled cf bis own daily ife. The cbarm $8 0$15 0 Tuesday, Nov. 29 s ogaa from Bowrnanville, yet uninon of the Bible Christian and1 ed the added teuch that made hi $8,5teres15.in0anotmi r Methodiat Churches la this1 messages ceonvincing and mmeoable. From 5.30 te 7.30 p. Tim_ peano n e t ne bet termeint ofthe town Mr. Gale wvas associated witb I The services were well ordered Old tewnn. AstheIetwret oftmy the activities cf tbe former la whicb througheut. The music of the Boston Baked Beans hl on sI woeyu yle was a member. beautiful bymna s hich were used as Brown )Bread mind in surely at work, and I remem- Hewstiemred sfrtwl aofhepca n br a TTJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ber the days spent in achool rooma ewstiemrid i ia wl sc h pca ubr a Bed Blankets Ufl erw ear Pies cf all kinds together wlth crowds of others that wife being Elen Veal, daughter of a large factor la the completenesa Ca Sin ais Sl1ndrer Tea and Coffee are far away, others who have pasa- the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Veal and suitability of the worship. The Scoch nd anaian Lades'Sil Unerwared into the Great Beyond. Many of this town. His second wif e who choir was at full strength and wel Scth adBloomers $1.50 Vests to Admission 25c lof thse days were sad ones te me, survives hlm was Minnie Hill, balanced. They gave four anthema AilWol Bd laket, atc $.2 but the greater number were days cf daughter of Mrs. Hill and the late in all. Handel's "Hchy Art Thon" AlWean ol red laides ___ match____$1.25___ real jey, and I am thankful for the M. S. F. Hil a wel-known dry gooda, made a streng appeal te many; Whit an Coore Plidsway that I have tried ted ive, se that merchant cf Bowinanville. "ýSpirit Immortal" was much admir- all szesla no way wouîd I ever bring dis- Ho la snrvived by twe sens ,Fred ed, its difficult passages being very ailsies ew U mb elasgrace upon the doar Old Town. and of Tor-ente and Ross of Detroit. Ah- capabîy rendered; while the closini $N ewCU i 'llfl upon the maay who beiievod la me. an, anetner son died a few yearslanthem "~The Day is Past and Over" $9 0 o 1 . 0 Ladies' New Umbrellas. CONCERT ENTITLED and treated me kindiy. Taking Christ aga; three daughters, Mrs. H. H . v,as a very lovely thing. At the _________ akea ondrfl gftU~Y Y~i-rr~ ~N~' into my ife nsany years age lias1 Eari, Toronto, and Mrs. Newby han- imoma.ing service Mrs. Geo. L. Hal rftake a wonr meatduchte ein ac, eorthingif ord, Calgary, and Mrs. Harry Hos- was la good voice ila apleasing se- ~~15~~ to me. h~~ack. Detroit. aise one sister, Mrs.paosl Tak eT o"b $1Hose toP$4.50N D1ho-al, noe doubt, read through the J. G. Garrett of Brantford and one Stanley Dickson. la the evening Ladi s' H se --- OPPY AND omepaper the results cf yeur cami- iiiother, Harry of the Coîbemne En- Mrs. Alexander Colville's rich con- 1 agn. ani I trust the very best of ieprise, traite voice wvas heard at its bestl 36 Talented lyrTh ean eebogteefr Lytle's "Abide With Me." Mrs. C. Lais ikadSl n e r esPsyessresults will be had. Iancesing, Iî Te renaiheswer brouight laherefrArthur Cawker who always cTIooses I Ude diecio ofMr. Rbb Wish you aIl kiads of succes lathe interment, the fnemalstnging plac WoolH*ôe, i al thede-Unde diectin o Mrs Rob, effort. Again thaaking yen for net from Trinity United Church, wher "SpimethDin fewthsangrHabln's Wool Rse, i ah te de- Sîîitabîe for al occasions, Orono, wîilbe given in the fogtting me in this respect. a number of deceased's fermer blus-1'prtDvn"~ihhmwl nw sired colors from good display Trn o m nt alYcurs vemy sincoreiy, mess associates assembled to show ability. Messrs. C. S. Hahîman, G TyronGertie Hollande, respect for t,.e departed. Rev. J. E. Chase, H. J. Knight and S. Glan- ______ Hllade. U. Robins, Pastor, conducted thel ville sang unaccompanied both mcm- 75c to $2.00 i Popular Prices Deonr- ari~ed~i service. Mrs. Robins presided at j ing ami eveoing. The selections Daringord Ma. te oganand led the singing of sor- given by this great quartette were la iYuwill fiad encoe ral favorite hymas. i both pleasing and impressive. Mrs Tuesday, Dec. 6 5.00, a small amount, but I am The paîl-bearers were Messrs. C. ladC e ig c alle pmrkase It as at 8.15 p. am. uca ne wssingng fr bren Hospit-A.- Johnston, H. J. Knight, Archie idonc with that smoothness, faultlesa Unde aupics efAdut Bble i cetia $2,000 WihTaiye and A. L. Nichohls. lrythm and fine tonal effecta which Cn as isfAdut ibe corsuccess$la2y000. nderting, î any beautiful floral tributes ceyaes uch admires, whiie REAL VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Jam, Yussneey dmc- h aktepesv fthe m .J Knight's direction bas lest ADMISSION 35c and 20c Yussneey sympathy feit for the beroavcd ns none of its skill and mastery. CROUP i (Mrs.) W. C~~~~U;.ht. Aniong the relatives wiso acco- Lvliiwr atflyarne (NrGrte-BoTTVamten..ane1theroais\erewee:Mr .nps becbmer a f ure ra t . tand ïan

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