%anaIan With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVI-LLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 1 II~ 'p /4'i '~* ~(4 Couch, J rp1 ,nk 0 JUNIOR MISSIONARY AUXILIARY Trinity Junior Missionary Auxil- iary held the December meeting on Friday evening at the Parsonage, the home of the Honorary President, Mrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins. Miss Spargo, President. opened the meet- ing and after the reports were given the election of oficers was conducted by Mrs. Robins. New officers are: Honorary President-Mrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins; President-Miss V .Spar- go; Vice Presidents-Miss Florence Werry and Mrs. Ross Strike; Cor- responding Secretary-Miss Lena Haddy; Record ing Secretary-Miss Rilda G. Siemon; Treasurer-Mrs. C H. Mason; Strangers' Secretary-Mrs W. C. Ives; Assistant-Mrs. W. P. Corbett ;Systematic Giving-Misa Minnie Webber; Literature-Miss Leta Jackson; Mite Box-Mrs. E. Cox; Supply-Miss M. Webber and Mns. W. J. Pound; Press Secretary- Miss E. E. Hayraft; Pianist-Miss R. Haines, B. A. Miss Spargo, Mrs. W. C. Ives and Miss Lena Haddy were appointed delegates and Miss F. Werry and Mrs. E. Cox alter- nates to the Presbyterial meeting in Port Hope on Friday, January 20th.i Next meeting of Auxiliary will b. held at the home of Miss Leta Jack-j sou on January 17th.1 U. F. 0. MEETING Providence Farmers' Club will meet1 at Sbaw's Scbool House on Tues-' day evening, January i th te bear1 Mr. Nadwell. the U. F. 0. Education-i al Secretary. Refreshments. This is an event that many woxnen look forward to with considerable interest. They know froni past experience what to expect-the greatest .values in the whole year. You certainly will flot be disappointed this year as the values were neyer m'ore attractive. SPECIAL LOT 0F DRESSES Including Silk and Silk Orepe clearing froni $5.00 UP -Ladies' Cloth Coats Beautifully Fur Trimmed Balance of this season's coats now selling One-Third Off Regular Price Ladies this is your opportunity to save many dollars on a real stylish new coat. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Balance of our this scaàon's Overcoats for Men and Boys are also bcing sacrificed at 25 Per Cent Below Regular Prices Many other bargains throughout the store during this great annual buying event. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY As banks, factories and many other institutions give their employees and staffs a half holiday each week we also believe our employees are entitled to a haîf holiday, and will therefore close our store each Wednesday afternoon during the year with the exception of December. Kindly make a note of this haîf holiday. Couch,Jihnston &Cryderman,, Bowmanville Plions 104 Limitea Royal Theatre Bowmanville's Homne of Entertaining Attraction& Friday-Saturday, Jan. 6-7 Ted MeNamara & Sammy Cohen the Comedy Stars of "What Pnice Glory" in "The Gay Retreat" "'Oh Death Where Is Thy Sting"l he asked when he tbought he was going to drown in a cask of wine. It starts with a amile, runs into a laugh and ends with a riot of roars. Fun-fast and furious. and Thrills to set your pulses tbrobbing in the happiest romance of the War yet made. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. Chapter 9 of "Snowed In" and regular program. Mouday-Tuesday, Jan. 9-10 Peter B. Kyne's stupendous Master Film "The Valley of the Giants" Wîth Milton Sis & Doris Kenyon See a runaway logging train go crashing over the mountain side, See the thnilling fight between the two strongest Iumberjacks of the big tree country. See how a beautiful girl found a love as ten- der as a Prince's among these fighting he-men of the forest. Paramount News and Comedy Wednesday-Thursclay, Jan. 11-12 Jackie Coogan in "Buttons" Adapted by Hayden Talbot. Story by George Hill. With Lors Hanson, the famous Sweedish star, you remember him in The Scalet Letter. Polly Moran, you remera- ber her as the newspaper report- er in The Thirteenth Hour. This attracetion bas just played to a capacity week at Lowe's Theatre, Toronto. Toronto papers give many pleasing commenta on "Buttons." Don't missi'. when it ploys here. COMING ATTRACTIONS January 20-21 Tim McCoy in January 23-24 William Fox'. tbnilling Master- "*7th Heaven", COMING The. greatet picture ever 1 "Bon Hur" m~d. Il. EDITOR'S NEW YEAR MAIL Eacb yeair the editor looks farward to the arrival ai hie mail the fimt day in the year with special interest. From past expenience he knows that many dear £rien ds and former as- sociates wbo are now living away from the Homeland ai Durham write renewing their subaciption ta, The Statesman-thein home town paper. Amon the letters received an tbis New Years morning included: Dr. James L. Hughes, John McGill, Prof. J. Squair, Mre. W. A. Down- ing (Jean Adams), Toronto; G. A. Fowke, Gzielpb; Principal &. J. Cour- tice, Leamington; Chas. P. Blair, Ot- tawa; Mrs. L. P. Manceau, Napier- ville, Que.; S. E. Soucb, Stettler, Alta; Staff-Capt. Gertrude Hollande, Montreal, Que; J. W. McPberson, Des Moines, Iowa; Mm .E. J. Norris, (Miss Elford), Henry, S. Dakota; F. J. Washington, Weyburn, Sask. We reciprocate the New Year greetings contained ie thes and other letters being received daily iram distant subscribere. A. Y. P. A. CHRISTMAS TREE HORTICULTURAL MEETING MINISTERS A14D CHURCHES A very successful Christmas par- Annuai Meeting, Thursday, Jan. 12th Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. ty of St. John's Anglican Young Robins, Pastor. Sunday services Il People's Association was heid in St. Citizens, wbether a member or a. m. and 7 p1. m. Sunday School Jobn's Hall, Tuesday evening. The not, you are cordîally invited to the at 2.30 p. m. speialeveingfeatures inluded a annual meeting of Bowmanville Hon- The Belle of Fol-de-rol will b. specalertvyen loing atss ticultural Sôciety which will be held presented in Ebenezer Cburch by the cison riTyth olo wciain ars.e in Council Room, Thursday, January Young People on Friday evening, Miss Doris. m.aBuioess recitations;ry Mrs. Taylor, club swinging; R. G. Harding, lt t8~m uieswl n aur 3h R. Bates, J. A. Gunn, E. Ormiston, clude election of officens and discus- St. i'aul's Cburch, Rev. D. W. quartet; . H. Cook, recitations; W. sion of plans for coming year. Best, D. D., Minister. il a. in.- H*. Keel, solos and dancing; M. Young Dr. D. W. Best, .. J. H. H. Jury, Morning Worship; 7 p. m.-Evening recitatian; Mrs. E. S. Seukler and President. Secretarv.. Worship; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Mrs. J. A. Gunn, piano duet. With St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, a competitian, the arrivai and prize OBITUARY corner Temperance and Church Sts., giving of Santa, a pork and bean ____ Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., supper altogether made beaps of fun Miss Armour, Milibrook. Minister. il a. m.-Morning Wor- aeressehnkto he c.mmSittee The death of Miss Margaret Ar- sbip. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. fopres tberexent arrage oments. mour, aiter a short ilîness, occurred 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Scbool. Every- fos hwaranxce lle rrngitento. on Sunday, December 18, at the body come. Ohwanvllb a nuary 24einvt ob home ofilber niece, Miss Daisy Ar- St. John's Angliéan Cburch, Rev. Bowanvlleon anury 4thor eb-mour, Millbrook,. Deceased was a R. J. Shires. Rector. First Sunday rury3r.daugbter of tbe late Win. Armour, after Epiphany, January 8, 1928. _______first Rector of Cavan, and was bo;a 8.00 a. m.-Holy Communion; 11.00 in the township of Cavan in 1845. a. ra.-Morning PFrayer; 2.30 p. m. In referning to W. B. Caucb, She bad a loveable disposition and --Sunday School; 7.00 p. m.-Even- Cbairman of tbe Bowmanville many will regret ber passing. She ing Prayer. Board of Education, last week The was a member of tbe Anglican Services in Trinity Church on Statesman noted that he has been a Cburcb. Sunday were in keeping with tbe member of tbe school board for Tbe funeral services at the bouse' New Year. Pastor Robins' evening over fifty years. This is a record and St. John's Churc, Ida, were ntéassage fromn the words "Ye have for public service equalled*by few conducted by Rev. P. C. How;ard. not passed this way heretafore" ble- men in Ontario. It muet bave meant The paîl-bearers were Messrs. S. E ing most appropriate ta begîn a new a great sacrifice of time, but Mn. Eakins, L. H. and R. Winslow, A. year. Sacrament of the Lard's Coucb bas bis reward in the excellent Needler, Geo. Fowler and B. Fee. Supper was dispensed at bath ser- schools, botb bigb and public, whicb Among those from a distance at vices. The choir repeated much ai Bowmanville bas bad for many years. tbe funeral were E. A. Peck, M.P., tbe Cbristmas music et tbe evening Tbe principal of the bigh achoal at and tbe Misses Peck of Peterbora. service. Miss Eleanor Wood sang tbe present time ls a brother af Pnin- The sympatby of many friend, s as a solo "I beard the voice af Jesus cipal J. E. Morrisan af tbe Prince ai extended ta Miss Daisy Armour and Say" at the morning service and Wales Scool.-Barrie Examiner. other relatives.-Miilbrook Reporter. Mrs. C. H. Dudley and Mr. Raymand Cale sang a duet at tbe Sunday School session. Mayor T. S. Holgate presented a framed photo of bis father, the late John A. Holgate, ta the Young Lad- ies' Bible Glass ai Trinity unday School on Sunday aiternoon. The Jontn& Cryderman HoId Their late Mn. Holgate was a Sunday Scbool Johnstonworker for aven fifty years and aiter confing ta this town was associate teacher af this cas for several years. Miss Hayerait, President, accepted the gift on bebaîf ai the A nnu alclass and thanked the donar for his i I ~the bettér li.. July 5-Hannah Maria Smith, 68 years 7-John Crumb, 91 years lO-Victor Arthur Walter Marjomam, 16 years 23-Gladys M. Mass, 19 montha August 9-Frank J. Garrett, 59 years 12-ohn Sayward Somers, 54 years 13-Mary Frances Elliott, 64 years 16-Charlotte Wooley, 55 yeans 18-Earl John Edmanson, 9 mnontha 19-James Albert Hart, 7 years 22-Mary RcBennett, 36 years September 2-Thomas E. Hardy, 60 years 10-Mary Wight, 76 yeans 13-Leonard Ernest Darch, 44 years 12-Frank Stonhouse, 78 years 16-Edythe Margaret Abernetby, 15 days 25-Elizabeth J. Mille, 60 years 25-Chas. H. Richards, 58 years 24-Oscar Cecil Woodward, 3 years October 4-Thomas Elliott, 89 yeara 5-Isaac Tabb, 76 yeara 12-Archie James Moore, 32 years 13-Mary Crac. Everson, 67 years 18-Mary Heddon, 79 yeprs 20-Francis Robent Brown, 656 years 19--Je#n Aileen Page, 3 manths 20-Janet Colville, 83 years 29-Elizabeth Philp, 84 years Noveunher 2-Bessie Eastwood, 29 yeans 4-Harniett Dunham, 80 years 8-Ernest Stonebnidge, 38 years 14-Bessie Curtis, 58 years l8--ohn Faster, 91 years 21--James Gale, 75 years 17-Winniired May Ward, 25 years Deceniber 2-John Grigg, 80 years 3-Rena May Lane, 25 yearo 9-Annie Lindsay, 66 years 10-George M. Manning, 38 years 12-William Jennings, 80 years 15-Louisa Cole, 83 years 18-Mary McEachern, 49 years 21-Joseph McClellan, 78 yeare 23-Annie Arnot, 77 yeams 30-William B. Plnch, 69 yea!. The rpgular Meeting ai the Home and Sehool Club *111 be beld on Tues- day eventng, January lOth., lxi Cen- tral Publie School. Uni ortunately the date aif meeting had ta b. chang- .8 agait tht. mont i; noo avotd any misunderoaxdlig, ploucé note th~e #~me. MUNICIPAL ELECTION RESULTS Mayor T. S. Holgate Re-Elected For Fifth Terni by 47 Majority. As a nesult of the election an Monday, Bawmanville Town Council for 1928 wilI consiet af: Mayor-T. S. Holgate Reeve-W. H. Tbickson (acc)> Deputy-Reeve--W. H. Carruthers Counillos-W. C. Caverly, W. P. Corbett, W. A. Edger, M. H. Min- The vote by Wards: West North North South 1 2 Mayor Holgate Elliott Deputy-Reeve Carrutbers James Councillors Caverly Corbett Edger Minore Wadhanis Crombie Gibbs Bounhsal 137 102 152 120 117 861 128 113 140 111 161 137 95 71 102 101 192 114 153 112 130 112 147 89 136 93 106 72 101 105 44 43 1927 LIST 0F INTERMENTS BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY January 12-William Jewell..65 yeams 1-Hazel Mary Hardy, ,7 yeams 1-Kenneth M. Hardy, 5 yeams 4-William M. Hamsey, 94 yeams 13-Rachel G. Snowden 68 yeara 18-Mary Jane Dowson, 74 years 31-Betty Loreen Pundy, 1 day. Februery.. 1--Sarah Jane Thickeon, 79 years 7-Elizabeth 'Prower, 77 yeara 5-Albert Ernest Hone, 1 hour 8-Annie Phillips, 44 years 9-Samnuel Hearle, 84 yeams 12-Louis. Paterson, 74 yeams 19-Margaret Truil, 62 yeams 22-Bessie Stapely, 72 years 24-Isabella Murray Burk, 79 years 26-Catherine Wakelin, 86 years Marck 2-Alfned William Allin, 62 years 8-Lavinia Matilda Fe.,' 62 yeams .8-Flarence Loacombe, 77 years 15-Elizabeth Mantyn, 72 years 30-Velma Florence Leask, 54 yrs 16-Flonence L Marsh, 62 years 7-Mary (McWade) Scbaubel, 54 April 4-Elizabeth Draper, 91 years 5-Mary Jane James, 82 yeara 6-Duncan Beitb. 82 years 15--John Sanders, 80 years 18-William R. Sumensford, 5 mas. 22-Margaret Galbraith, 85 years 29-Clarence Nichais, 12 year 80-Merkley Beilman, .42 years May 8-Annie. Elizabeth Lymer, 48 yrs. 10--Jas. Bryant, 82 years 15-Lewis Lyle, 87 years 15-Levi Rabbins, 64 years 17-Mary Ann Keys, 81 years 19-Fredeick Densem, 78 years 2 0-William C. Ellenan, 82 yeara ?1-William Henry Maya., 72 years 22-Elizabeth Christy, 49 yeana 30-D. B. Hawken, 76 yeara 31--J. Harvey Rice, 32 years June 7-Betty June Sargent, 2 days 13--Jean Isabel Marriott, 7 day. 21-Winnifred Gage, 41 yeams PAPER A DAY LATÉ Owing ta twa public holida", past two weeks and an eziept Ip rush of work in the office Thé Ste man is a day late being lssud', week. Because you -lidn't r.tý The Statesman as usual this don't think the publisher.stoÏpÎ your.paper tbinking you wer. W: reane. £âONATIONS TO HOSPITAL Fm (Continued from'IW tw.ek..> Town Subacribes J. H. Hallowel ......... Clifford Samis........... James Darch ............. E. S. Naylor ............1 Miss Edith M. Smith.. Alvin Stacey ............. Jas. 'Byers ............... Cecil H. Dudley ........ 1 John Challis............ Kenneth Cox ............. 1 Wm. Crossey ... ..... A. Mitchel .............. 1 W. O. Saucb ..... -.... .. .- 1 A. L. Hagermnax......... 1 Mrs. Thos. Wright..... . .- Mrs. Harry Hamm ........ J. A. MeClellan ............I6 A. J. Wadhams .......... 1 Alex. Wight ............. 1 W. B. Couch ............. 10 M. A. Neal .............. 1 Arthur Battle ............-1 Rebek ah Club.............. 2 David R. Morrison, Jr.....i Eli Wilson........ John M. Rowe ............ 1 Dr. John M. Baldwin....... 2 Eva J. Wakelin ........... 1 Etta and Mildred Willmott.. M C. M. Carruthera ......... 1 C. W. Jacoas...........,1 Wm'. Pound .............. 1 Winnifred M. Thompson . ..,4 L. S. Caverly..............1C Alan Campbell........... î David Mutton ...... .... 2 J. H. Cryderman........... 2 Blake Wilkins............ 1 A. E. Belîman........... 5 Alex. Edmondetone..... Milton Jamiesonf.......... ý George Gilbert.............2 F. C. Vansto»e ............ 200 J. B. Mfartyn........ Jerusalim Lodge, A.FP.&A.X.l 10 Ella T. Jollow .............. J. H. Weiry.. ............. . ir W Morrison .......... ..1 W. C. Caverly ............ Miss Eva Souch......... Mm. James Courtice ..... 4 Archie Tait................ 9& S. J. Jackman &Sous ........0. E. H. Leighton............. J. R. -Philp ................'. Mrs. Thomas MeMullen - -- - '0 Moses Lymer .......... î W. H. Canruthers .......... Silas Foster... ..... J. H. Bateman .......... Wm. McReynolds ........ 1 Fred W. Nelles....... Mort Murdoif .. . Richard Pooley.......... Out of Town Submoriboe H. A. Farrow, Maple Grove. LU. Mms. Isabella Scipture, Col- borne ....................I,04 'Fred C. Bonathan, G'eerýe- town ...................8. Miss Florence Belîman, Tor- onto .................. Tansils & Appendic, Whty LQ« J. D. Stevens, Mapleae 5M0 Robt. Scott, Sauina....... *. Bertha Cann, Toronto . SA . bo Wesley Couch, Betheeda 6.0c Robt. C.ollacott. Salem...... 60.0t A. E. Rundle, Ebenezer. .0C Harry Pearce, Newcastle 2.01 N. L. Johns, Toronto ...i... .0 H. G. Macklin, Tyran, 5.0( Fred Hloney, Hampton 5M~ Edgar Horne, Hampton î5. Mre. Caroline G. Curtis, Ton- aket, Waab ............ 0t John Mundy, Maple Grave 2M0 Misa E. M. Werry, Toronto.:. 0 Wilbur Moore, Toronto ... 2.04 Zion Ladies' Aid...........01 Ahf. N. Mitchell, Toronto 25,0 A. D. Langmaid, Zion .... .1 Mrs. G. W. Grant, Toronto.. 6.0 A. A. Colwill, Newcastle . .. 6 (Ta be continued) NOW IT CAN BE SAID As was expected the election on Monday braugbt out a langer vote than usual due ta the keen conteat between Mayor T. S. Holgate and Reeve M. J. Elliatt for office ai Mayor. There was considerable speculation on 1hk outeome fthi conteat, but Mayor Holgate was ne- turned the ultimate victor receiving a majority in ail but one ward with a total majanity ai 47 votes. Mayor Holgate is ta be congrat- ulated on the vote be received which is a pemaonal tnibute ta bis popular- ity among aIl classes ai people ini town, as well air the capable leader- ship and unselfish service be bas rendered tbe municipality wblle a member ai cauncil and latterly as mayor. Aiter being mayor far four years there is generally plenty ai ammuni- tian provided as a result of sucb ad- ministration ta atmr up feeling again the ruling monarch when élection time cames around. But with Mayor Holgate this was nat the case, for bis record as a public servant had been well received and -very often commended by citizens. The only argument offered, which was a lame excuse, was the parrat phrase 1It's time for a change" which did not carry much weight with the electors. vt as ielt by many that Reeve Elliott was ill advised by bis iniends wbo urged bim ta enter the mayor- alty contest at this particular time. Lt must be remembered that citizens, councillors and Mayor Holgate hîm- self allowed Reeve Elliott ta "stand fast"' for four years as reeve, witbout apposition, in order that he might have a second try for the Wardenship which be successfully won lest year. We believe he occupied this position with cansiderable dignity, abiity and acceptance ta the counties. At that tume The Statesman gave Reeve Elliott, as Bawnxanville's sen- ior representative at Counties Coun- cil, unstinting support in bis canteet for the coveted honar. Although flot taking any part whatever in the present conteat ve felt. like many other friende ai Reeve Elliott. that the "local board ai atrategy" who encauraged him into the conteat was a little tao hast3' and premature ta satisiy their own desires at the reeve's expense when only last year their candidate beld the higheat ban- on in tbe gift ai the united counties. No gond purpose was being served the community by tunning out Mayor Holgate this year when thene vas no popular clamor from the electors ion a change and bis tenure ai officé bad met with general satisfaction. Howeyer, Reeve Elliott is stili a young mai and it is hoped bis long municipal experience, good judgment and business ability will not be bast entirely ta this community. He bas been dealt with very kindly by a gen- erous electonate wben be vas given four acclamations and only one con- test in ive years. There can scarcely be said ta be any such tbing as failure for any one who does hie best and keepa on doing it.-Onward. CITIZENS SHOULD ATTEND INAUGURAL MEETING New Councal ta Meet Monday, Januery gth. Now that citizens bave been stirred up about municipal affaire it is hoped tbey will continue ta take an intereat in the town council meetings duning the year. . The inaugural meeting wil be held Monday marning, January 9th at il o'clock wben members will take the declaration ai office. A Stniking Committee will lîkely be nppointed en bring in a report ai Standinir Committees for year at the evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Turn out citi- zens in large numbers and show the council you are interested in town affaira. W. off er congratulations ta D. M. Douglas wha vau elected an Aider- man In the Onhawi municipal elec tions. Maniy aouwr reders wyul r&- member Xi. Douglas as 'Dan D', thé opeolal Waw o7rpndent #-Tne Blaeamxi.Daq, bPrpaIdeüt bi l Çu~d~$i~m on, b INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY, Oshawa 6--Bowmanville 0 The local intermediates wemdé. ieated in their firet game bois eê nesday night. The play vus yi7 fast and the locals were much bo4tte than the score indicated. Odmiws* was superior with the remait tha4 ? they won 6-0. Candler who la a Junior but,Ula7-'. ed Intermediate for this game îR4 exceptionally good work. 'YmnW'F, Avery and "Jumbo" Chartran bp were formnenly Bo*mînvlle-l on-, but are nov ini Oshawa tumned te fine game for the. visitais. ttsi.> Osava-Goal--Smith; D ee"* Chartran, Johastan; CenteJj Wlgns-Stevens, Conîni; ery, Houck. Bowznanville--Goal,--ColyeU1-, fense-Hooper, Freeinan;.,e Candler; Win sPiper, Subu-,Canieron, Turner. -E. Wortley, Taranto. S PULDIC Ug.RARtY N Thie annual x*etIgo minvillo Publi t fea t.e,étion 4 ' :56 60.00 &O 00.00 5.00 5.00 65.00. 5.00 56.00 5.00 2.00 5.00, .1 B s Q 0, l0 l0