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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1928, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th., 1928 PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE RLonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanviile. Office phone 40. Bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- mnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. Bouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office i DR. R. E. DINNIWELL HonQr graduate of Toronto- Uni- versty and mnember of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office-King St., Bowixanville, op-i posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL là. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Moaey to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Sucoesaete ste D. B. Simpsoe,, LC. Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loam Phonue 91 Bownmnville, Ontar'io w.F. WARD, B. A. "Barrister, Solicitor, Notas'y ;iny to loan. Bonds for saie. * ~ a lfiesBeakley Block, King St., ; onavlle, Ontario. Phoes: 'Office 102. Bouse 409. FUNER.AL DIRECTORS3 F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motciý or Horse Equipment Ail cala promptiyt Pvate Ambulance Bwmanville phone 10 and 84 Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS S Embalmer and Funeral Director. CaIls given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge f or dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowinan- '111le, Ont. 8-tf. MEDICAL THE EDITOR TALKS gave up eating meat.ý More than i twenty years have passed since hei Several of our acquainances are ate any meat, and he has not had' victims of rheumatism-a very pain- another attack, wbiie the others have fui disease and one that in its chronie had tbree or four seizures, and some stage puzzles the doctors about as o f them are even cripplîls through it. much as cancer. Seme of eux friends As our national prosper.,ty bas in- have consuited severai experienced creased, se has rheumatism, for when doctors and spent large sunis of money is plentiful, then people spend money seeking relief and are stili more money on fiesb and on intoxi- depeniding on a crutch or cane for cating drinks. which, as 1 said before, such support as they afford for get- are the great cause of this disease. ing about their homes. We can Not only does increased prosperity, truly sympathize witb any person and as a consequence richer food, who suffers froni chronic rheumatiam mean increase of rheumatism, but it for, in 1869 wben in our 2th year, means an increase of ail other dis- we were laid aside froni teaching eases, as waste matter in the system iwith what the doctors caled inflani- is the cause of aIl our complaints. matory rh.eumatism or rheumatic f'ev- or, and while at our boarding house we were attended by Dr. Burrows, In New Zealand we find that rheu- Miiibrook, for a month. Then we matism is very commen, especialiy were taken te our home at Enfield amongat clerks. They eat meat where we had a relapse and where freeiy, but do net get sufficient exer- Dr. S. C. Hiliier, Enniakillen, at -cise nor pure air, and the result is tended us for another month. We; this disease. couid flot wish for or worst enemyi The Registrar-General's report for the tortures we suffered during the England shows that rheumatism bhas more acute stages in both attacks of been graduaily increasing. The iast the very painful disease. We have thirty years' rheumatism bas kiiied neyer had a return of the rheuma- 120 per million of eur population, or tiani, perhaps because of advice given 4,800 a year. In twenty-five years us by Dr. Hiiier wbo said:- Aways the deatbs frem this disease have keep your feet warm and dryi and it doubied. may net return. We foliewed bis*** very sensible cetinsei. Chronie rheumatismi is net a ma-1 * * * lady that kiils quickly: bence these In hope of benefitting seme who persens drag on a painful existence are uffrersfro chonicrhema-until seme other disease steps in and tiare sufeer fr o hroic rbema- relieves tbem of life and pain. Most tiave anpdiepig on th wbo ay of this misery couid have been pre- bae apre-dfeisposton te tedisease, vented bad the persons only known waersoeferigte Statm an roked-how te live and acted up te the know- erssom paagrph frni bokie; edge. The indirect resuits of on "Rheumatism and Rheumatic rheumatism we de net fuliy know. Affections" by a famous Engiish phy but it is undoubtediy the cause of .ician wbo is an author of several mucb suff ering, especiaiiy if the Medicai Essaya. This medical author- cue hc ia iers ei r ity says: My former work on Rbeuma- canused.hieften leve rsepalpit aio tism having passed eut of my hands, cniud totnlae aptto 1 have thought it advisabie te write and cardiac weakness, and even ser- t oe date hslbooril th ound Up tous disease of the heart. Cardiac onde. bib sah rin th suje aise be set up, and cause Thi bok il bcfondte more iil-heaitb. Tbese things show describe the quickest known cure for, oiter cue o cben rhumti-m the injury this disease dees. if it Rbeumtismis te nam gîvn ted oes nt kili at once it maima us, and thtdeats cf the ons whih en -veultimately die from it, unioss we thatdisaseof he oins wich w n ýrid ourseives of it by proper diet and acute, attacks one or more cfteosrac o yinerls theni, and flits from one joint te an-thobevnechyen re. other. When chronic it may affect *1 one or many joints, and bo difficuit ITi nls hsca fvr te get rid of. t is divided inte the' wide experience next deals with the acute and chronic kinds. 'Acute cue fRemts hc i as rhoumatism usuaily attacks more auses cf heu rmam bîh e ayse joints than one, and is known as atugh they ina vre y, may be rhoumatic fever. Chronic rheuma- i ummvds uprina er fewanwrds timmyb etb eetdattacks nc sipoe od n rns tien ma beleftby epetedbad habits and bad hygeniecendi- c f rheumatic fever, or it may cemte tions. (Bear in mind that bis ex- on lowiy, and is usually called rheu- ein wsnEgld) matie artbrîtia. We find the par- proc yai nin) enta cf about 27 per cent cf ail the He is oxplicit about impreper persons attacked have had rheuma- foods-tbey are these wbicb supply tism, se, that it la more or less beredi- the system with an excescf nitre- tary. If the same conditions which genous waate, prînci'paily the floah cf cauaed il in the parent are observed animais, cf birds, and cf fishes; next, by the chiid, tben be will bave it at animal producta; lastiy, sugary fooda. an oarliier age than bis parent. When the flesb cf animais is eaten as fonn, rarly the whole of it is di- FARMER JOHN "If I'd nothing to do", said Farmer John, "To fret and bother me- Were 1ijust rid of this meuntain of work, What a good man I could be! "The pigs get out and the cows get in Where they have no right to be; And the weeds in the garden and the corn- Why, they fairiy frig .hten me. quite, And well-nigh out of my head; What a curse~ it is that a man must teil Like this for his daiiy bread.f1" But Farmer John he broke his leg! And was kept for many a week A heipies.s and an idle man-- IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. Thos. Creeper, 256 Havelock St., Toronto: Please find enciosed $2-00 to pay for my dear old States- man for the year 1928. Mrs. E. J. Overiand, Erin, Ont:- 1928. Wishing you all success and Enclosed find my subscription for a very very Happy New Year. Miss Emma M. Werry, 156 Mavety St., Toronto: I amn enciosing $200 for The Statesmnan and $ 1.00 for the Hospital Fund. 1 have refrained from doing this for 1 saw subscrip- tiens of $500 to $1000, but one day came a min brave enough in spite of this fac, to write a ietter and send 31.00. This gave me courage for 1 wouid like te give the prject at least a shove for the oid town will alway., be dear te me. Wa~s he, Lusrfre, 111110 andameek? FORTIEÏCH ANNIVERSARY Nay, what with the pain and wbat1 CELEBRATED witb the fret1 Of sitting witb nothing te do- ! A very happy ovont xas celebrated And the tarmn work botched by a 1 on Decembebr 28th when a number sbiftiess hand-. cf relatives gathered at the home of He got very cross and blue. Mr. and Mra. Elton Werry, Bowman- ville, te extend beat wishes te bis par- He scolded the chiidrea and cuffed enta, Mr. and lIra. Artbur B. Werry. the dog Ebenezer, on attaining the fertieth That fawned about bis knee; anniveraary of their wedding. After And snaried at bis wife, though she the company was caiied together, a waa kind brief address was read by Mrs. W. And patient as wilfe could be. C. Cole, and on behaif of the rela- He rumledandwhiedandfretedtives Mrs. George Pearce presented H rmldawieand fumted Mr.and Mrs. Werry witb a lovely Tandwboiedo te log da lock. Aithough taken entirely by Thr wog of teboga surprise, Mr. Werry tbanked the twlrom equt ! ridFaie company for the kind remenibrance, 'Twohrunm ut! cidFr and heped he and bis wife wouid ho JToi hr t ohingtdo. spared te se their fftieth anniver- "Tosither. wth othng o d". ary. Some short speeches were Hia burt get weil and he went eut, made and ail joined in singing "Thev And a busier man than he, ' ýare jIliy good Feilows"'. The re- A happier man or a pleasanter man, mainder cf the evening was spent in1 You neyer wouid wish to see. singing anid social time. Bountiful refresbments were served by the la-d- The pigs got eut, and be drovo thern ies ,after which the gathering broke back, up and ail returned home in the wee Whistling right xnerriiy; - sma' heurs cf the mrning-. cews Juat wbere tbey ought te be. Weeding the garden was first-rate f un, And ditto boing the cern. "I'm happier far", said Fariner John "Than I've been since 1 was born." He learned a lesson that lasta him wel- 'Twill last hum his whoe i1f e through- Be frets but seidom, and neyer be- cause He bas plenty of work te do. "Ill tell yeu what", said Fariner John "They are eitber knaves or feois Who long te ho ide-for idle hands PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Report of Public Heaitb Nurse for Docember, 1927: Homes visited 86; visita te, prenatai cases 4; postnatal 2; adult 18; infant 81; preacheol 39; achool 64-total 158. Cases net found 6; miscelianeous visita 3; visita te cases cf communi- cable diseases 1 (scarlot f ever). Social service visita 5; office heurs 21 ; reforred te docter and dentist 10. infant Welfare Conferencos beld 5 with total attendance cf 35. Scbool report-Visita te achools 24; clasa rooni inspections 6; pupils inspected 244; speciai physical inspec- a. J. HAZILpWOOD. M. D., C. M. as* * I......... -- ---IAre tedevil'schosen teois". ieny ynurse 1;def eetsuecPeted Unveity gested and taken into the system.45 N Gold Medaliet of Trinity SUnLig _____..__-_-_1_ hye nursea e 1; efered t4 dcor8 Toronto. Four yereThttending p of persens wben first The normal kidneys and skin can on -_____ ToroantandFourgyeon att. Carmel Y-attacked are under tbirty, freni six-! iy excrete a certain quantitY ef flesh treate 17: e fce 4; edmte Hoialan ttSurgonKs. Offrceln teen te twenty-five being the age at feod daily-on an average 4 oza-OlaLTd Hositnc, WintugtoKg. OffreeC aBd- wicb Most persons are seized. Occu- i o tatif bov tis mout s eaten Use This Cluibbing List Og .Td manvilbe. Pone 108. ' patien and social position have an in- i ean ntesseiadst p_____ _______________ mavle hn 0.fluence in this complaint; those who disease. *Thse Canadjan Stateamau will be C. W. SLEMON, M. D.. C. M.- are exposed te ail the changes of Fls Sboe pi tesse lbe it n fte*loin o ie t r d tr Graduate of Trinity Medicai College, the weather, and at the saine tume ies to h ibeken utpr the sstm cubbidatits any128of the follown- oie t rdtr Toronto, fommerly of Enniskiilen. live in a wirong manner, sufer most.inotebefertrypdus-uliaosfr198 tthfoo-t Ofic ndReiene D. ethsThose in btter social position wbeo res and unie acid. Unie acid is the n prices: In the surroeate court of the United Stree live wrengby, but who are net thus more difiutt o i f u x n in thse Estate of John Grigg, late ef fomanvleie Pone 269. 44-t. xpesed te the elements, and wbo ercia, air, and certain v'egetableGlobe........... $ 0thse Town of 3owmLanviiie, in thse County Bowmaville Phon 269. 44-t.have this rbeumatic diathesis, sufer f coda helli te convort it inteo res, Mi mieO uhm eie ecat eesd ~~~~~~~~~.. frem geut in ater years. Again, which is more soluble and bass banm- Ml mie....... $.0e uh.,feie ecat eesd VETRINRY ertindisrics ae escibe asI ui. Unie acid and ores are the Toronto Daily Star.......$650 Notice ia hereby given that ail persens VETERINAI rheumatic district-that is, if per-' chief poisons in rheumatism and geut, Farmer's Advocate.......$3-.00 Gig,.aeofth(- Town of Eowmanvifle. DR. F. ". TIGHE sesaelvnndrwogcni and aise produce different kinds Of New Outlook..........$4.00 Retired Merchant, deeeased. who (lied VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or tiens, tbey weuld sufer frein rbeum- tone in tho kidneya and biadder. Christian Herald........$4.50 14)7.7 i ured1h Mail or!Novembte Ngtcalls proznptiy attended te. atism seener if they lived in these When the urine is gravelly, or throws Lde'HmJora.$00sa me with fullI particulars verified by Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. places than in others. dewn a kind cf brickdust sedimont, olrtniteunesgedonr Phone 243. it is these substances which form the Satiirday Evening Post ...$400 before the twenty-iirst daiy of January, Phne24.* * * A.r) 1928, after which da'ec the. Execut- sedinient. if there is much lime in Family Herald & Weekly Star. $300 ors will distr*ibute tie assets of the En- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. 1 I1ock upon this disease as an un- the drinking water, or if any carbon- Weekly Witness.........4.00 tcýfIte hvn ear nyt tt am (>roue nocossary one, il being brougbt on ate of soda or other soda saît b aadhooe oral... $.0 t fid BwavlpOnrit almoat entirely by wrong living. The taken with the food, as in making Cnda oeJunl$.0 Plt.1fnmniiOaal.ti UIonor Graduate of University of light cf experience and cf facta shows bread. scnnes, etc., with baking pow Farm & Dairy.........$ 2.5 0 lOtis cvofrecember, A. D., 1927. Toroto. Il asesgivn prmptthat it is due abmost completeiy te 'der, thon the uric acid unites withFrms'Sn........$50W AR.A. and carefub attention. Office- wrong dietetic habits, and te bad hy- this and preduces almoat insoluble Canadian Magazine.......$3.00 Dr. McEiroy's former office. Ph0ues.: gienie conditions. Whenever cor- orales cf soda or lime, which forni McLean's Magazine.......$4.00 Solicitor for tii' t, xecu ors. Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. tain food is eaton, and hygienie robes concretiens round the joints. Those isowmanville, Ont. ____________________________are net obeyed, there wo expeet te poisons once in the systoin are bard ifind this disease, and ne matter;toeget rid of, cspecially if they ho AUCTIONEERS ýwhelher we examine records from lthrown down round the joints, as isRo a Baik M k s ig Re rd THEO M. SLEMON Canada,th Tropics, or temperate usuaily the case.Ro a B nk M esH g R c rd Auctioneer atitudes, in ail we find a variablei1 Fam n Hus alsa peîî.1amioont eftIhis complaînt. Wberevcr * For Canadian BaD l.' Ter nd moerata.enskaSil . o Engliisbpeople go lhey carry witb What I have said about flcsh ap- .a In Term modrate Eniskile .f ' thi characleristic feeding and, plies aIse te fish, but in a milder de- Phoe 97r. .drinking habit-, one resait cf whicb grec, asnd mnilder stili to ebeese, egg, lI Annual Report Total Assets, Total Deposits, Capital and Reserve - ____ - ____ - is rheunmatism. Where people do i and milk, and less stili te iried peas, lncluding Undivided Profits, and Earnings Are The Highest Ever net eat flesh as food, nor dlrink fer- ht-eans ,and lentils. Recorcled By Any Bank in Canada-Striking Increases Reported. CHIROPR.ACTIC AND DRUGLESS!mente-d liquors, thre rheumnatism is5 Vegetable nitrogen is net se thor-________ THEROPY aIl but unknown, wbile lhose wbo are e ughly digestedl as that cf meat. A iBnighsoyfrCnd sCnda,$12626a opr DURWI E. SECKLE suffering from this complaint miost man car V've on meat alon er akn itr for Caaaiaaain 312626a opr hon rWgrduaE.ef TEntoColeg frcquentiy gel iid of it by giviitg up time. but te do se ho muat eat as1 made by 'Fhe Royal Bank cf Canada, ced with $26,880,492, wbile total cal honr gadute f Trono Cllee'.the use of meat as food, aind abstain-, mach as eight pcunds a day, anti in its annual report for the fiscal', bans cf $151,288,034 compare wîth manviieOffce uesdy, hurdaying from intoxicating drinks. mcst cf this is taken into the sv- a î eoiîo Ob o ret$0 7745 ofvil CiOrace wib esd in the Bw-* ttm.*ea,1ene, ndletis imany years the- bank bas been forg- The- extent to which thebaki andSaurayevein1,phno 41. , ixtbat tîteSIpes)p1e fhink thal tht- meal substitates cf the vegetar- sng seadily t-htad, but it bas re- bloping te finance the increased vol- Reidential calîs made during fore- exposure te damp air, te ebiII , or te ian--that is, thcy arc bis nitrogen- ntiined f;)r the- 2.-ar 1927 te sec it unie of trade and commerce tbroug-I Bute of mlvils groatoa forward11tthe country is rcflcted by coem- cf tboir atiaeks. Thi.s. te a certain on these clone. little more tan a inovemont, but aiso toecstablisb inn etrtici boans in Canada of $225,- "xts-t s ci-i-oct, ibut bad tbs'ir sy- poand a day is required. One co- practîcaliy ail dcpar-tments the bigh- 536,860, up frein $197,7539.230. The steins boen in proper condition a stues eight pounds of moat a day. est records evor recordcd by any grsxtî i n commercial b'ans outside New Term -eriq ()i Jan. teporariy ile pro ssion only xx oulti bave whil-t the other lives on a peand cf o aal sb oipticn osd 4thinaho *ttelm( oinmoe '%,,a es esaemr nitrogenous The- aharebsIdî-rs of the Royal Bank sraibs linaller. Total commercial SHAW TWEVIIt BJS1iNESS 1 l(ieraa avinsg a ttodt-ncY tb rîteaint- thaît flesh, but if îlot more than hain t s-come accu-;,omcd te loti o- ;11î S1, 0-(, s a~copared SCHOOI S in 'ro-oto Writs' fori' Calendar. W.u1. Shsaw, R'-gistrar, it:siîindsa-ystei-n ob.d condition half tht- nitrogen is sigcsted, thon îisrker-i ttins from ycar te ycar, but w %ith $338,727,692. Bay & Chares, 'frVnte. 48-5 andîullou f ws:siatters, thtn -n x-tht-y are lests iarnefLi tbtn isteat. fift i> I stlit fui if any ctould have an- Lre ann oe Ips," urf.- le c'ld, a draugbt, ort ianip a motn badl te eat eight poutîds oft -ltedt tht gîowth inilictîtei in the Lre ann oe bt-il ,set- st it aîs. But given a msat a dtsy he woulsl gel more than report noxv geing forwvard te tht-m. Tht(,Pisîlit tand Loss Account aise constitut:iin in g ol condîlition, antI 150 parts osf nitrogen, but if ho lives Tetîtai s:tst$89I isP.9litsir- c ts ai reco)rd for Canttada lîy report- -- -- jutsîîv 1ttit ui ir %pt rs vii nott o pets-, tsandstsssy 2 l)st. a day, nouI nly lîy fan the largesi ever i-e- ng i tsfosr t h-eyvearif $5,370,1-45 ring on rhtumatistu, as .the flt-i500lit- înlv gels 50 part7,tof niliegen in soittirie y atu\Ca nasiian Bank. but :'s ctts'-iVitlt > .1,516, 39J'Jin the' bits tocpoison in the yto t tllssw hifîtid. 1or tht- third cf wbattho sud 1 i'-.îlsgi I tfor the ct-tsi of ovi-s-r ~-xisityt-ar. ilh t h ebalancei thi.s lis devciîp. Otr ptesns. s, autu -i-t hsfîtptrl '00,000. A- is natutsl w ith an tal -l[ii su rn h- peîu 'Àaga ii, have net th(-s - rtiutii tie te-i. i s t he tu fr edem sf Ygetýitsnii in l i u t )nsi xx - e nji s ' bis sucb . a r, tti h e t , tai ai ailaiie fer distribu- k . s-ii'v. tttu s.pssurs ,uli Ctti~ sT t sîî lsitistit -ts. itstX-iIdoges-the- confihdtnce of the ti iounîted te $6,779,>i'20. Thîis f lainitiion f t tth ig,. ui-il.-, V>* Canî:aianspuplei, the ltsrgesut gain Witt s pros1iaitetl as folloxs tDivi- - -i ~~,f s,),e thieîr part. "*-ptnn 'bûclsmatnis- uas in tlî'ost., which nssxv stanid at sltnds and lious $3,984,988 ; con- Th*esn*woet et y((- 722,6:16,OtO, as ceinr-esi with blulions tsi oflicers' lpension fond, - - i --\ ~ Tt ~ isiu.st-1,ri-uir ii-i- - rtsly ii-moi-o nit-sgs-n thai 62s02 'ia o niîrase I01000,fl; rî'arvû for bank promises, ýà matisin tire -first, a tendency to suits thte ctge-tirian. anti sfîtngetl's;tof nt-a-ly $110.000,000. S.1i00,000, asnd reserve fer Dominion 17r -; heansatisie îî et, v.atin it ho sY- mret n iehoreiuiris. Elggs ansI Strong Liquid Positio (ox'tt-nmenttaxes, 1-S5,000-Icav- ! 1 cfm; til,( asîlty, e'îssuî lscclii oir tht.-e eslî' g iich ini soluble niroen tonin a a lanîce aIcrei ilof 1Pnofitîand Q a y , u ,t lanp. My attention c-ticfirst tlrawn sîiaist- su Iii,(di gi-t otnîiiiratiin, While sttsnsitng a very mach lai-g- Luss of $1,809,831, comîpans-d witb - ~ -~ s lis Ibis isoasc h y ,orne statisties I1tind milk itut-t lie ttîktn spaits-ngly PbY ieiittrf iorI ssnet br-$ .0\1 ila: gatîhering;tîbouttvegitari-tsii. ui t-e-ieuniatietsIls- itilini-i. 1cf "out tit 'the îîînk has main-, l)urnîg the yeaî the paid-up capi- soecx .- ,~<'~VIat .-track me as poculiar c-s the- lic ,w b iides oIbovbss'the analysis aitunt-sioitta]ava:si sti'ciiîg li$30i00pst- fat Vthat 1 never camen- scîrtsssany- f xisttfront whli'ch htolmeail ion, by relîsri ing liquid as-stftIwtsicess e $00000 youI14> One' ho h ailsuîffered fi-ontadule!e sis-isl i iimadte. tandsîf fi- ui(psn ý 1 3,433,8412, iquivalent te 37.33 55\5e}5tt- pieioi n ew hresai- r.) q'-4. nheumiati e foxci-aflîr giving up meat -:hiieh two, articlesi I adx ise chroeii r s-ent ut liaiiilities tsi the Public, andîtîtîl 10 rhofitcs n tanreserv asrasw-nst 367,280,08 last vear - satîng, xhist many wrîste me that sufferirs sor those xvlo suifs-r st-vone-- iant$ll.8, a er nianixitdp-ft o tn Ii ,W-z 0- -sne dptnann-flcsh diet tbcy iy le lici-), xxc sec tht- advttntagc îof Incltliit-sIin tbî'm is cash on hband i$31,809,831. of îx:dý7- -,~ Mui- ' bai lolst their rbeumatie pains. Af- sucb a iî bst sven any olbe-. amdi b anks amouiting te $183,651 ,- '1h satmn screwihs ten long oxpeniende I find that this Foods prepared witb mach nrtifi - s1 . euia le. 2pecntfpu.eran ebeeeidxvtagrt ti act bîls good, that rheumatism ia ciai sugan are hanmtul, ns the stîgar lie ihiiio. Ail principal ac- deai of satisfactiomn, net only by the Supp Aly a complaint almost unknoxvn amongat is turned int lacîlo acid by the sy- count.s ir. I icuid assets show sub- sbareholders cf the bank, but by the dus 1efc~ecY.peronswbeare egeanins nd h- ten; threfre.therbcmatcahy1Istanlial mcreses for the year. Cash, people ot Canada genraly, as il in- thi urý-e, Css-t' dy eo-, sons . *ae * * incîind a- se; hmuaoet hc re nt te use incluîlinggolîland Dominion notes, dicates in a stniking manner the se reing uraes ptint aI m tht ou o much sogar, for the lactie acid whicb stands aI $113,393,682; Dominion tivo and presperous conditions that noligquiLe e t uptettldm ht oro s fornier from it is only in a some- and Provincial Governnient secuni- have prevailed in the Dominion dur- as ~suoeIfive gentlemen cf about the saine age I what bogs dezree as injonieus as ores lies amount te $73,307,380, op frini ing the past year. ilCP TTQ 'M iii NIwere seized with rheumatic f ever land unie acid. $64,7833,057; usitadian municipal se- A detailed general statement of SCO TIS EMO I1 about the saie tino. Out of these, ho urîties and British, Foreign and the Royal Bank appears elsewhere in .U I ~my patient was the only one who (To e continued.) Colonial public securities, other than this issue. The Money Losing COW The averae production cf imulk per ccxow andai about 4,000 pounds annuaily but authorities are agreed that the higber the production per cow the greater the profit. YOU can niateriallY increaise the product- ivenescf y our herd by breeding bet- ter live st'ock and the local branch of the Standard Bank of Canada la at your service in supplying loans for the purchase cf stock wbich will give a greater cash return fer the feed and labor expended. b ~ T TH.si»NDARD BANK f CANADA ESTABýLISIED 1875 D. L. WEESE b Manager, Bownianvile Branch Branches alzo at Newcatlr ese on rno .6w.h- Deliciouis Groceries If You Want The Best We Have It There is one thing certain-our groceries are the best in the town and our service is the prompt- est. We don't have to prove it-our customers prove it, for each recommends the other. Whether you want the staples, such- as flour and sugar, or the fancy brands of canned and pre- sered goods-vou'11 find them ail here at reason- ably low prices and of the finest quality. Phone us a Iist of the things you need and we'11 send them up in a jiffy. We recommend and Sel LIARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE 1> s s' 4 T h'sNew 1928 ::~cmy Console Model 200A) is the idéal radio for your home mvu ilo neit know-x ou s. nîtot know-sîul ys po siltis ia el-ctrc radic- tsîîuîl yot i have heard this supin-h utw Rsgers Conîîs x titsole. Tht-re 'i-n unit is the ame as the- famous Rogers 1220"1 (tIhe standlard model by wiîich ail electrit- sets are iudged) coiint-t with the- Rolers Sytiuphony Speakr in a beautiful gentîn lotWnut Cabinet. Lot us place this new 1928 Symphony Conole iii yoîîr home for test and tlenonsration. If it (lues net perisîrin to YOIJR satisfaction you may have it reurned FREE f cil comi ,Price, complete, $420-on terins te suit your convenience. SoId In Bowmanville By W. j. JAGNELL i ý- Phnne 152 King Sý W. 1

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