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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th., 1928PÂEVE NESTLETON Mr. Cathbert Gordon, Lemsford, Sank.., has been spending the holidays with i father, Mr. James Gardon, and friends.M.Ir. Robert Doak vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt f or the New Year holiday. Mrs. Doak who bas spent a month with her par- ents returned with him .... On Satur- day mnorning last. Mr. Bruce Heas- lop, north cf here, was awakened ay,,d contents were destroyed. He was fortunate enough te save sorne ofbsstock, herses, cattle, etc.. Some pigs weve destroyed and a valuable dog perished in the fiames. Ls partly covered by insurance. Ris neighbors are carîng for the stock saved temperanily. ... Our respected Paster, Rey. J. E. Griffith, B.A., has been iii a few days. Chancelier 4R. P. Bowles, D.D., eccupied the pul- pit on Sunday and gave a good dis- course on "This month shait be the f beginning ef menths te yen, it hl be the ifirst menth cf the year", a typical new year discourse .... Week evening meeting in charge cf Presi- dent, Mr. Wilfred Jackson, discus- sien re New Year resolutiens was in- teresting. After the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Black were called forward and Mr. R. H. Suggitt and deerge Marlew in neat speeches presented them with a case cf atAtinless knives and f orks. Our Patrons S may expeet te receive the saine geod and efficient service that they enjoyed .last and ether pre- viens years. We are here te bc cf every service possible te yen. We wish to thank yen for yeur paît business relations with us and hope it may continue so. We would gladly hear cf any com- plainte regarding goods and wil right it te the best cf our abil- ity. We don't expect there will be much te cemplain about as mie try to avoid ietting any goods go eut cf the store which are flot in excellent condition. Don't ferget that bottie cf CREOPHOS for yonr stubbern ceugh. It knoeks the cold and aise buflde yeu up. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drisg Store We Deliver Phone 49 Bridge Parties We have a large assort- ment of gifts suitable for prizes at reasonable prîea. W. T. Allen Bis 20 Booktor. Bowmanyille Ont. Good Advice--- SEE MITCHELL and SEE WELL R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanville Ont. Phone 92-Nights and Sunays 280 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Renew your subscription now. Mr. John McConnachie, Oillia, is viiting his sister, Mrs. John Spencer. Mn.. E. Wood, Prescett, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. G. Chartran. Mrs. W .A. Edger and son Blle, recentiy visited relatives at Peter- bore. Miss M. M. Noon, Toronte, spent the weekend with Miss Chrissie G. Freeman. i Membens of Bowînanville Wom- on's Institute and others who wonld iike te donate IIOw or second band clcthing for cbildrn frein 5 te 15 yeers please beave at Mro. F. G. Byam's, Chnrch St., at once as the ladies desire te pack the box for Halibunton needy oses. Mr. F. F. Morris, Dr. C. W. Se- on and Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, netiring membens cf the Public School Board have givon faithfui service te the cemmunity giving mnch turne and theught te the dtails and better- ment cf educatiosal mettons in this town. They will be greatly mise- ed on tÉe Board. The postponed mîeeting cf the Music Study Club wili be held on WNednesday, January llth in St. Paui's Lecture Roons. Convener Mrs. T. W. Cawker. Topic Rus- sian Music. Gcod pregnain oxpect- ed by Miss Gladys Westâway, solo- îist, Miss McMaster, Zion, pianiet, Mn. H. R. Pearce, reader, and home tal- ent. Congratulations te Mr. Fentes N. Stevens on celebrating bis 84th birth- day on Docember l6th lest who stili eýnjoys fairly good health and is up town every day. Mn. Stevens is ose cf the Darlingten township farinons who left his native county ,)ver 50 years ago te stake his fort- une in Western Canada. In a fut- ure issue cf The Statesman we hope to -ive oun rendors some cf Mn, Stevens' interosting expeiences blazing the trail and pioseing in Manitoba. The Calgary HRald ensouncesi that William Henry Taylor, 828- Third Ave., N. W., cf thet city, has won firet place in a cempetition cf 1400 salesmen carried on 'by the Heinz Company. The contest in- cludes il menthe' sals-January 1, 1927 te Navember 30, 1927. Mn. Taylor winc a trip te Europe fer himself and wife vaiued at $1500 with $700 fer pocket money. Mn. Taylor is a brother cf Mr&. Jahn Wonnacott, Enniskillen, and bas vlsited hie sisten bore on several oc- casions. Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt, Mv. and Mrs. M. Mayer spent Christmas with relatives in Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Casselman, Morrîsburg, spent New Yeare with his daughter, Mrs. W. Rose Strike. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Oke and Miss Doris Ceurtice, Toronto, spent New Years with Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Os- borne. Miss Mary Mutton, Cobourg, Mn. jOliver, Mutton, Pickering, were New Year's guests cf their sîster, Mrs. G. T. Charlton. Mn. and Mrs. J. J. Lyle and Misses Ima and Helen Lyle, Mimico, spent New Years qith Mn. and Ms.. W. J. Dudley. A varied prognain qill be inter- spersed with the moving pictures on Fniday evening, January 13th in St. Paul's Lecture Room. Mrs. Charlotte Morgnitson and son Wilfrid, Hamilton, were holiday visit- ôrs with ber sister and brother, Miss Eva and Mr. Herbert Wakelin. Reserve Friday evening, January l3th te see meving pictures on the if e of The Telephone, St. Pani's, Lecture Rooin. Mn. and Mrs. Hariey Percy and daughter, Shirley, Toronto, Ms.. Patch, Pittsburg, Pa,, with Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Percy. Miss Neli Burk, Dietitian Jeffery Hales Hospital, Quebec City, Miss Dorothy Addison and Miss Sibyl Burk, Toronto, with Mrs. H . W. Burk. Messrs. Raymond and Ewart Crago and Miss Hazel Crago, St. Marys, have been visiting their nuni- erous relatives in and around Bow- manville. T. B. Gilchrist i. making an an- neuncement on page 4 which will set a lot cf people busy diggisg np moey te buy men's and boys' cleth- ing at great savings. A letter has bees receivod con- taining $2.00 postal note frein Osh- awa. The snbscniber forgot te en- close saine. Please let us know that credit may be given. Mn. and Mrs-. F. J. Prouse and son Clinton, Mn. James Prouse, Mn. and Mns. R. W. Baledon and famiiy, Pickering, spent New Year's îith Mn. and Mrs. W. Crossey, Carlisle Ave, His masy fniende in Bowmanville were pleased te note that Mn. A. J.i Trebiicock was again elected a mem- ber cf the Toronto Board cf Educa- tien at the elections on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Flinteif and Bet- ty, Mn. and Mns. Marvin Clarke, Mn. and Mrs. Sain Clarke and Mr. Robent1 Clarke, Oshawa, spent New Yeara with Mn. and Mrs. William McRey- solde. Mn. A. E. Billett, Hampton, local agent for the Manufacturers Life In- sunance Ce., attended the Central On tarie Ager3ts Convention and Ban- quet held in Peterboro on Thursday afternoon and evening cf last week. Mr. and Mca. R. 1. Ccx and fam- ily, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, and daughter, Joan, Ce- bourg, spent New Years with thein Darents, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Ccx.i Ontario Street, and other relatives.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFeeters, Lensdale Road, Toronto, anneunce the engagement of their danghter, Derothy Isobel, and Mn. William J. Scott, Wiarten, son cf Mrs. N. S. McEachern, Owen Sound, the mnar-i niage te take place late in January. Mn. Cecil E. Brunton, Tara, Mn. Neil Stewart, ,Kendal,, Miss N. E. Montgomery, Fenella, and Miss B. M. Sargent,, Peterboro, ail membersi of Puhîji, Schoois teaching staff ne- tnrned for dnty Wednesday after1 enjoying holidays at their reseciv homes.1 Previeus te leaving for the long jeurney home a service was held on Tuesday morning, December 27th at' Peak Hageden Chapel, Rev. L. O. Vermillien officiating. The vemainsi were then brought te Bowmanville,j the funerai taking place through the kindness cf Mnr.and Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle, their nephew and niece, frein1 Mr. Pinch's old home on Liberty-1 st., service being cenducted by Rev' J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity Un- ited Church, assisted by Rev. , A Bunner. The message by EvM. Robins, based on the words "I was net disobedient te the Heavenly Vis- ion" was a very comferting one and1 very fitting te the losing of a life such as deceased's. The paîl-bearens îvene Messrs. T. C. Jewell, J. T. Hooper, Geo. B. Bickle, H. A. Fletcher, Geo. H. Richards and H. Hockiey. B-21,1- his sorrowing wîfe, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. W J. McLaughlin, Oshawa, Mrs. Foster Bray, Teronto, and Misses Miidred and Catherine Pînch nt heme. Two brothens aise survive, Alpha cf Bew-t manvilie and Bera cf El Paso, Tex- as. Among those present from a dist- ance were Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Mc- Laughlin. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. G. Festen Bray, New Toronto; Mr. andt Mrs. K. J. Hodgert and Mrs. Fred Oke, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. C.* Upper, Kitchener; Mrs. E. W.* Rund-( le, Mrs. W. Riding and Mr. Fred Riding, Oshawa. LOANS ON MOTOR CARS WE will boan yen manies on your mater car, or if yen cas not ueet your present paymosts we will pay off the clame and renew your payments for any tarin up te 12 montha and mesure your car. Swanson German & MacKenzie 2 King St. East Oshawa, Ont, loges ksewn te us and we put the direct question What edvantages ta young boys and girls do modern business collogos cITer? Knowing us te be in actual sympathy with sncb educationel institutions, this teacher presented the answer in a practical masser somewbat as we new givo it in similar detail. "A Business Course for Every Boy asd Girl" i. a slogan suggested by a recent conversation with the senior editor of The Statesman and in ans- tver to hie inquiry what are the ad- vantages of a business education wo, being in heanty sympathy witb the slogan, are very ploased te support it with a f 0w thouLyhts regarding the wvonk. Many High Scheols and Coilegiates offer a commercial course takes with ather subjects and mak- ing a gond course acconding te the value placed on the course and the number cf students making de- mande os the staff. Business col- loges specialize on subjecte more closely related te actual business and the students are given more indivi- dualinistruction-finst, because the collego plans on personal attention and governe the number on the staff te permit this and, secondly, beceuse staff and students egmee that wben tbey are paying monthly fees the students went te make quick work of their course. Thene 15 no ether course, se fan as the writer kow that bninge such quick neturne and oens up sncb oppcrtunities tbrough cloest intimacy with inside working cf every lise cf business. Bock-keepisg and oves the simp- lest business transactions were net ln the lise cf girls' work in the net tee distant past. Men did set taka their wives inte their confidence on businesse mettons and manv a fines- ciel wveck bas boas caused by an ig- serant but innocent wif e in the home. Widows asd maiden ladies were the pnév of the unscrupuleus because cf pltlfuliy Inadequate business train- ing. These casas are lacs frequant tnday when its le genenally raallzed that business training le euiantiai for the girl as eor the boy and bund- reds cf women are, through their SKATES SHARPENED The new and botter precees. Prompt 'andisatisrncîorv service. JAMIESON BROS. Statesman 131')ck Bowmanville business training, winning an envi- able standing in business and social circles, and living in comfort or even iuxury of which they wouid other- wise have been deprived through losa of huzband or other family support. The Business Educators' Associa- tion is comiposed cf principals and teachers of Business Colieges thru- eut the Dominion, The colieges ve- presented in the association are each year working up to a higher point cf efficiency as the work is etandarçliz- ed thruout the achools and in the yearly convention of the B. E. A. several points cf business training are thoroughly discussed and the finding cf ti conventien put inte operation in the affilliated colieges. Thora- fore, when chooelng a Business', Col- lage for your son or daughter make sure that it la rapresentad in the Business Educators' Association. WOCAL AND OTHERWISE Report cf Whitby-Bowmanvile Junior gamis aon page a. Mrs. Webber. Orland, bas been vis- iting her aister, Mrs. L. S. Dumas. Mrs. A. H. Daie, Rochester, N. Y., with her brother-in-law, Mr. W. F. Dale. Mn. Clemence Pency, Belleville, with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Percy. Mrs. Manlew Logan and deughter Betty, Stratford, with her aunt, Miss Emmerson. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas, spent New Years with her mother, Mrs. Mary Sauva, Hilton. Misa L. Roberts, Cobourg, spent the holiday with her cousin, Mns. R. T. Stephons, Beech Ave. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Brust, Ro- chester, N. Y., recenty visited at her father's, Mr. W. Dinginan. Miss Josephino Hill, Toronto, and Mn. Wesley Carew, Lindsay, spent New Year's with Miss Melenia Burns. Mn. and Mrs. Willard N. Stevens, Aima and Glen, Torento, spent ChrIstinas with hie father, Mr. F. N. Stevlens. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Robins, Whit- by, spent Christinas with hie cousins, Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins, at Tnin- ity Parsosage. Regular mosthly meeting cf Wom- en's Hospîtai Auxiliary will be hold on Fniday, January 6th at 3.30 p. m. Ail members attend. *Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daughter, Elizabeth, Toronto, visitod hem iparents ,Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo, ever the holidays. Mr&. Merkley Beilman, Jack, Billie and Helen, Guelph, Miss Florence Beliman, Teronto, wero with Mrs. E. Boulmas, Balsain Grove, for the holi- days. His many fniende wil be glad te leamn that Mn. T. A. Dustan has suffi- [ciently recovened frein an attack of pneenlonia te leave the hespital on Wednesda3y and return te hie home. CARDS 0F THANKS 1T. The Eloctors of Bowmanville: Ladies and Gentiemen,-I take this opportunity cf thanking ail those who gave me their generous support on election day. E. J. Gibbs. To the Electoras&of Bowmanyille: Ladies and Gentlemen,-I wish te thank the electors as weii as those who worked in my behaîf on Monday for the very substantial vote I re- ceived at the polis. t will be my desire te serve the best interests cf the tewn without fear or favor. Yours very truiy, W. P. Corbett. To The Electors of Bowmanville: Ladies and Gentlemen,-I take this epportunity te express iny sincere and grateful appreciation cf the splendid vote accorded me on elec- tien day. 1 will do my utmost te deserve the confidence yen have placed in me by gîving the best cf my abilities and tins in the tewn's interests. Yeurs sincerely, W. H. Carruthers. To The Electors of Bowmanville: Ladies and Gentlemen,-I wish te thank the citizens cf Bowmanville for the nenewed confidence they have placed in me by again electing me Mayor for the year 1928. Having aiready served as Chief Magistrate for four years I realize the responsibiiity cf tho office. it will, thorefore, be my intention te continue te fuill te the best of my ability the trust which you have conforred in me, and to dis- charge my duties te the best interests of the citizens and the town. 1 have every confidence that I shall have the support cf the 1928 Council, and I bespeak the active cooperatien cf the citizen with the council in their sincere ondeavor to promote the best interests cf the town. Wishing you ail a Happy and Pros- DEA4THS PLUMLEY-On J.amuary 4, 1928, Isaac Piumley, aged 57 years, beioved hue- band of Ethel Martin Puneral Saturday, January 7, at 2 p. m. fromn the reaidenoe of hie daughter, Mns J. D. Upper, '"Maple Grove". near Bow- manville, to Oshawa Cemnetery. Napanee, Trenton, Port Hope papers please copy. RUNDLE-In Bowmanville, on Mon- day, January 2, 1928, William G. Iftndle, aged 69 years. BROWN-At Port Hope, January lut., 1928, Jane Thompson, beloved wife of Charles Brown. CROWE-At Port Hlope, .Tanuary lot 1928, George L. Crowe, beloved husbanâ ef Sarah Moore, in hie SGth year. WOOD-In Dariington, on Saturday, December 31, 1927, Eliza Minerva Wood, beloved wife cf Mr. Wm. H. Wood, aged 68 years. WOOD--On Wedneeday, December 28, 1927, ait Toronto General Hospital, Nina Wood, beloved wife of Wesley Wood, ef Millbrook, in her 54th year. MURPi4V-Suddenly at 132 Crescent Road, Toronto, Catherine Murphy, daugh- ter cf the laie John and Anna Murphy cf Oshawa. FITZGERALD-Ât Missoula, Montana, on 24th December, 1927, Thomas Allen Fitzgerald, M.D., C.M., fourth son ef the late James Fitzgerald cf Milibrook, in hie 6Oth year. TRELEAVEN-On Wednesday, Janu- ary 4, 1928, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs R B. Burkell 186 Rush- olme Road, Toronto, Mrs. A~achei Tre- leaven, In hon 82nd year, widow cf the late James Treleaven cf Newcastle. In- terment at Newcastle on Friday. RICE-At the home er her son, Rev. H. C. Rice, St. John N. B.. on Wednes- day, January 4, 1928, Mary Poilard, wid- 0W of the Iate S. H. Rîce, formerly of Bowmanvilie, aged 75 years. Sister cf Mrs. J. H. Werry, Horsey-st., Bowman- ville. Interment at Moncton, N. B. Articles For Sale PIGS FOR SALE-Ten Young York- shire Pige for sale. W. T. Perritt Hampton, phone 376-34. PULLETS FOR SALE-Wyandottes and Rocks. Apply to A. W. Martin, Bowmanviiie, phone 475r4. 50-2 FOR SALE-ýsIngIo Comb White Leg- horn Cockerels, bred from pedigreed bird. Appiy E. Poster, phone 475-11, Bowmanville. 1-1 BARN FOR SALE--40ft x GOft and 20f t ponts, two threshIng floors In good shape. Appiy Howeli Rowland, Newcastle P. O. Phone: Clarke 1902. 52-4- FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a tiret class instrument. Can be seen on en- quiry at S-atesman omo..,. Han been weii taken cane of. In good condition. 29-tf. FOR SALE-Oak secnetary and chiid's nickie-piated foldlng cet with springs at- tached and msttress. Apply at Mit- cheli's Drug Store, Bowmanvlle. 48-tf FOR SALE--Cutter, combination bug-_ gy and cutter, harness. Will sel] at real bargains. Aise a number cf picture fratnes, tools, and ol her articles. Ap- piy Phiip Tilley, Queen St., Bownian- ville 1-1 Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT-6 rmoi, very cen- tral, ail modern conveniences, imediate vossession. Phono 160r5.. 62-2 HOUSE TO LET-For winter, aise roorns In the house for any length cf time. Convenient te Boys' Training Sciiool. Reasonable rent te deairable tenant. Appiy te Anthur BeUlman, phone 139-12, Bowmanville. 51-tf LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds cf laundry work done prompt- ly. satisfactoriiy and at reasonabie prices Write Post Office Box 12, or cal Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bowmanvlle. 39-tf Real Estate For Sale - HOUSE FOR SALE-7 roorn trame bouse on Provincial Highway In Bow- rnanviiie; eiectric lights; good hard wat- or woll. and soi t water cistern. House In good repair. Large garage. About 1%4 acres et nice gardon land. Possession tb suit purchaser. Price $2500. Appiy te Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Bowmanvile, phone 189.1- Wa.nted MORSES WANTED-Any kind. Appiv te C. R. Dean. Bowmanvilie, phone 659 48-tf AGENTS-If you iike tre,,ùi and shrubs why not se!! them? M.ike a biàsiness cf IL Part time or fou lime. 900 varioties of proveri Red Tag Nursery Produc's Cash every week. Equipment end In- %tructions free. Write DOMINTIN NURSERIES, Montreal. 4i-Seow MEDICAL J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edln), D.P.H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Feilow of the Royal College cf Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowmanville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physiciens and Surgeons Office Heuirs: i1te 4AndA 7 te 8.30. Silk, Crepe Satin, Fiat Crepe, Georgettea, Oto- man Cord, Jerseys, every dress different. ALL GREATLY REDUCED BALANCE Women's Coats Clearing this.week at about Cost Price We might say a lot more but ladies who have deait here before know what to expect at ont JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE CLARENCE S. MASON Next Door to F. F. Morris Co., Phone 161 BowmanvMle ~&~i1 The new qui&k way COLD RELIEF VAPURE a Wonderful discoveyy - Just a drop or two on your handkerchief. Snuff it-and feel the head clearing at once. soc Boule CHÈRRY BARK COUGH SYRUP An efficient and agreeable expectorant for Cougha, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and Bronchial Catarrh 35c-60c Boutle MELOIDS Are the original small black throat pellets so bene- ficial to public speakers, singera, and ail who use the vocal organe. 25c Box JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Donc Properly Resolve to Wear Ives' Footwear During 1928 For STYLE COMFORT SATISFACTION Ives' Cash .Shoei Store FOOTWEAR AND TRAVELLING GOODS BOWMANVILLE ONT. Don 't Let Cold Weather Keep You Away From Clarence- S. Mason 's January Clearance 'Sale »--«i 1 PAGE FIIFZ 100 Dresses .1 OBITUARYYeur obedientIservant, William Bray Pinch Thomsas S. Holgate.ý The passing cf William Bray Pinch To The Electors of Bowmanville: et El Pase, Texas, on Monday, De- Ladies and Gentlemen,-Since cember 26, 1927, terminated some- electies day I have been receiving what snddenly what was anticipated both congratulations and sympathy te be a very pleasant visit te the from iny fniends who voted for or Sunny South. against me on Monday. Much as I Mn. and Mrs. Pinch and thein appreciate your good wishes and daughter Mldred, left Tenante on kindly intentions -as expressed by October 4, te visit hie brether, Mn. ballet and wôrds I have ne regrets Bora Pinch at El Paso. They neach- fer niy services net being accepted. ed there safely and fer a shiort while In fact, I was einong the first te enjoyed the warinth and sunshine cf offer congratulations te my success- that country but deceased deveioped fuI opponent. anemia and dropsy and for fivo This is ne turne for a defeated weeks proviens te Mn. Pinch's pase- candidate te eit dewn and sulk. 1 îng it was known hoe could net ne- arn inst as much interested in the cover. tewn's pregnese and welfare as ever. Deceased was a ses of the lata It is just possible that 1 cas serve JohnandCaterie Bry Pnchandthe citizens and town botter cutside Ja ohn dCaniwmn Bray Pnch andthe chermed circle cf council frein 1as bo58.n e in Bow avil on Jue the editor's sanctuin where I amn 11,e 1858. lfe Ho has racthalocciv-dmore at liberty te commend, coin- batoe ailbis fhf e fcaosigteeocan-ment and criticise municipal affaira patisrf bis fathr as ar enrandrthan if I were a meniber cf ceuncil. the past sîxteen yeans lho bas suff ened At any rate lot eveny citizen set fro arhriis hic copeledhlm ont te make 1928 the best year Bow- te give np work and sl bis bouse mnil vrke. Rslet sean the Nursery Corner which wdàgive a fair proportion cf your tino built 41 years ago and in wbich ho and.theught te somo xorthy public lived for 25 years. Last Junetby ervice during the year.. soid their ether property here and With best wishes te Mayor Holgete moved te Toronto wbere tbey spontI and members cf the 1928 Council and the summer witb their daugbten, a Happy New Year ta ail. Mrs, Feston Bray, until geing Soth.' Respectfnily yeurs, On February 11, 1877, hoe was' Geo. W. James. united in niarriage with Miss Mary: E. Gardiner of Myrtle, with wbom hie lived very happily threugbout the THE EDITOR TALKS years. Sisce his ilînees hoe bas had s17d3igmiumeva- te live a veny quiet life, but bis np- In 1we2attene te id ritish right characten and geod living was ito eatne h l rts known by ail those who knew hlm A.eia uies oig n a intimately. mmbrsaely stato that ne invostinont of He as- meberoftheSalatin ime and meney of equal aincunt Ho wavrsi cfthe alveionever brougbt us more setisfactery Amyevr snc ths rgasization dividende. Indeed, se woll pleased caine here over forty yeans age and have we feit ever c'isce that we would a genenous supporter cf the many 1 have every boy and girl tako a torn good causes this body of Christian at a modemn business college-there wonkers are esdeevening te do. He are soveral real geod cnes in this wee fond cf music and for rnany Province. Recently we bad a con- years lie was a member cf the S. A. versatien with a teacher for some

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