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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1928, p. 7

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PAGE 8EVR4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th., 1928 d"SALADA"y seaied On alr-tlght unetal s the mlod- ern tea-dust-free-pure--frsh-ellous- Sold by ail grocers, 75e to $1.05 per Ob. BuUk tea, wlth dust welghed In, s a rellc of the old days-new nthods have dlsplaced t.. TEA 5 F. J. MITCHELL DOMINION PIANOS-UPRIGHT, GRAND, REPRODUCING AND PLAYER PIANOS The BALKITE Radio Power Unit will make your old radio a power set. They are wonderful. Use power only when your set is working. No batteries. Pianos and Radio Supplies sold on easy terms. Make the family happy by calling Tel. 105 Bowmanville. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL NO "SICHT-UNSEEN" There's no harm in telling you one of the sec- rets of our being able to give you consistent un- varying quality of meat. It is this: We go dir- ect to the farmer and examine the cattie when alive. We know who feeds them, what they are fed and if at their best. This practice of buying meat alive or on the hoof, enables us to know quality first hand. We do not buy "sight unseen" or take somebody's word for it. This gives our customers the utmost protection in the meat they buy at our shop. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 Serving The Public Over 50 Years It has been the privilege and pleasure of this firm to serve the publie in Bowmanville and dis- trict for over 50 years. Without any thought of boasting we feel in ail these years we have neyer been in a better position to serve your require- ments f or COAL-WOOD-LU MBER than at Jresent. We have the goods at the right price an(] a staff that is able to give prompt and efficient servce. We Are At Your Service McCIellan & Co. Ltd. King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 15 1' ________________ - -- i .- .M IS l~PHOSHODINE. 7t,« C.eat Eglsh Pearatann. ~~cmI1 Tues a aîd j,rigoratesrh ual nervuîus syiem, makes new Bioad in old Veina. ijsed for Nen'OUS *lkebility. Mntal oaidj1rain Wofly Osndencv. Loi of En#rPalitatonod IheHearl. aln1 Mamor>'. rice8p.bn3 for t5.)Sold by ail drugiste, or milein aPlainl pkg. on reccip i pdce. Nw p.wphLI maeif ,eee.TV. %Y=O MEDICINIE COXLOTmKTOAUTr ,ook's R.gulating Compound ~~~ ~ A tafs, .r.UabI.ut uae m woiie. Bodin je tree d l m grecs of trenth-No. 1, 81 oew~I' o. 2 $, No 3 85 perbox ~~ ~?paaphet. Addres: 'THE COOK MEDICINE C OLDER BOYS PARUIAMENT is in harniony with the purpose of _______the group. ntereting Report of Session R- Provincial Are& Conference Bifll cently Held In Toronto.-Written It was found that in many cases n By Gregory Calmer, Memnber Front there was a scarcity of groups to n West Durham. make a county conference succesful e. The members of the seventh Older that for the year 1928 there bie four si 3oys Parliament met in the recep-iarea conference at London, Perth, CI tion moins of the ParP1ament Build- Toronto and North Bay, if these pla- pr ings, Toronto, at 2 p. mi., Tuesday, ces bc* found practical. L December 27, 1927., The first item Third sitting of the House was re w'as signing of the Oath of Allegiance held Thursday. Motions passed: eu after which we were fully a part of Newspapers reports of crime-That fo the parliament. this the Seventh Older Boys' Parlia- ar Memerselcte byaclamtio nent -;iews with apprehension the ( Membrs lectd b accamaiondetailed reports o and we believe'td were asked to write out the reas.ons to be detrimental to the plastic minds p, w'hy there was not an election in their of youth. district. -This was done as over 50% i of the members were elected with- It was brought out by several T) out a contest. Earl Lautensiager,i speakers that manY crimes had been Cc premier of last year's parliament, instigated by newspaper reports and SI s'as chaîrman of the meeting. that many had imitated crimes theY Bi had read in newspapers.. On the E. The aspiring premiers took charge other side of the argument it was said M of the diffrrent groups. Fred Payne that most of the crimes read about ta with his group visited the Royal On- in the paper the criminal had been re tario Museumi. Howe Martyn es- caught as sbown by the superior tac- M corted his over the the grounds and tics of police force. Bý buildings of the University o f Toron- The whole hearted support of the M to, the third section under the guid- parliaments paper the 'New Citizen' R ance of Howard Scharfe went to the was given as it was shown to bie a Md Central Y. M. C. A. for a swim. benefit to the boys' program by its - Supper was held at Knox College. suggestions and help. The paper is sc This was a get together aff air as each 75e year and is to be issued every 2 M f ellow had to get up and say who weeks. F hie is and what constituency hie is re- That due Vo complaints brought to m presenting. The sing song was lead our notice by some boys' organiza- m by Jim Finlay, Boys' Work Secretary. tions that we were noV representa- - This was perhaps the most pleasant tîve of the boys of the province we b, supper spent as everyone had a part change our name from the OntariIo10B in entertaining the others. Older Boys' Parliament to the On- The evening prograni was the re- tario Tuxis Boys' Parliament.. t port of the outgoing parliament by A motion was brought in wbichm its premier, Earl Lautenslauger. He would have lowered the age li'mit h said that hie hoped that hie had lead for members but it failed to gain his parliament through as successful suPPortý a year as .previous premiers had, but A discussion led by Mr. Smith took that this was impossible without the place dealing with cadet training in wholehearted support of every meni- schools with relationship to greater ber. He hoped the premier-elect world brotherhood. would receive the support that had Members were the guests of Tor- been accorded hlm. He brought onto Rotary Club Friday at their an- h before the new inembers the Vask be- nual Father and Son Banquet. The f, fore theni and the responsibility speaker of the day was from Ottawa. o placed on them Vo bring about the Howard Scharf e spoke a few wordsc best legislation for the boys of the on behalf of the boys. province. Fourth Session Friday Af ternoon 1 At a caucus of ahl the members Mr. A motion was passed to aid the c H. A. Hall, Chairnian Parliamentary Parliaments paper to, the extent of a Committee, called on the three can- $50.00 as last year the expenses had r didates for the office of premier to been greater than the returns. t, speak aud state their platforms. The chi-ef returning officer was a Howe Martyn ably outlined his plat- given the power to reject the nom-( form and qualifications for premier-inations of other than non-Christian t ship. Fred Payne showed bis abil: religion candidates if hie thought fit . f ity to inwpress bis audience. Howard The blame for so many acclama- a Scharfe clearly and in a concise man- tions was attrîbuted to the lack of t ner gave his address. The result interest of returning officers to find V was Howard Scharf e Premier; Fred suitable candidates. c Payne, leader of the Opposition. The chief pointa in the Finance t The premeir later announced bis Bill was $13,000 to be raised, an cabinet: Premier-Howard Scharf e; increase of $1,000 over last year. 1 Minister of Finance-H-owe Martyn; Method of raising funds will bie the 1 Minister of Education-Mr. Gain- Bond Selling Campaigu. Bonds bei mol; Minister of World Friendship- sold of the $1, $5, $10 denomination. 1 M. Lever; MiuisVter of Progran- Campaign is froni January 28tb to1 Harry Pullen; Minister of Co-oper- February 10th inclusive. The awardsE ation-N-orman Lemay; Minister of for selling bonds Vo be the- saine as 1 Organization-W. K. Wylie; Provin- last year.' Objective of Bowmnn- 1 cial Secretary-L. Eason; Ministers ville $125.00; West Durham $65.00. 1 without Portfolio-Bob McNairn, H. We raised it last year; let's do itE Turner; Allan Sprague; L McCreary; again.. i Bruce MeGill. A skating party wîth C. G. I. T. 1 Ex-speaker A. W. Tucker address- of Toronto, had been arranged for 1 ed the members on parliamentary Friday night as the weather was un-i procedure in which hie pointed out suitable the members had the night 11 what was required of the mexnbers to theiselves.1 ou different occasions especially those Members met for the electing of 1 which might occur m.ost frequently, memibers as Vo who should run fori such as the correct mode of address- Premier next year. Ten were nom- ing the speaker and when a meni- inated and by ballot five will be in ber should speak Vo, a question under the field-Fred Payne, Leader of discussion hie also pointed out the Opposition; Jim Gibson, Speaker; difference in some cases from our Harry Pullen, Minister of Prograni; rules and those of the provincial W. K. Wylie, Minister of Orgariiza- House. Standing Committees were tion and Bruce McGill. announced under the chairmanship At 2.30 Parliament held its last of Cabinet Minister. session. The debate on the speech Standing committees met to, dis- froni the Vhrone was continued. Par- cuss Tuxis and Trail Ranger prog- liament was closed by Brig.-General rams. Th.ese matters were lnter C. H. Mitchell at Convocation Hall. drafted into motions, acta or bills. The Seventh Older Boys' Parlia- At 4.30 the members proceeded t, ment of 1927 did noV pass as much Convocation Hall where they were legislation as former parliaments but assigned their seats then a rehearsal iV la hoped it will mean as much as of the opening took place.tatofrmryr. Iu the evening aIl were guests ofI the Ontario Boys Work Board at Dread of Asthma makes countlessI 1Hart House. The President of the tosnsmsrbe ih fe Board. Mr. M. W. Sparling, formerly tosnsmsrbe ih fe of Cobourg, was chairman. A re- night the attacks return and even presentative froni each of the chur- when brief respite la given the mind ches of which the Board is composed is stilIlui torment froni continuai spoke and welcomed us in the nam anticipation. Dr. J, D. Kellogg's ame Asthma Reiedy changes ail this. Re- of his church. Others who had heled o mke hispariamnt os-lief comes, and at once, while fut- sibels o smdaews priaen isure attacks are warded off. leaving 1il losidafwwrs the affiioted one lu a state -of pence At 8.30 p. ni. the formnaI opening and happiness he once believed hie of parliament took place. Brig. ol ereny Ix-nsvad SGeneral C. H. Mitchell ,acting Lieut- cold neyster ey Iepensv enant-Governor opened the session. odaoneerw re The Provincial welconie was given by Hou. G. S. Henry and lhe expressed his approval of the work being doue FORGET Te E BUE 1 by the Boys Parliament. Sir Robt. _ Falconer spoke on behalf of the Uni- L EA LN versity of Toronto. Hie mentioncd ig.'iî.A lo many of the men who had attended %Ich1111I)i". the University and had made a suc- ery gr\\cidIugt. 1 cois in political life. He mentioned i~prs i sevra wo adhep ladrsinfo- Wriî.Brck(k organized local Boys' Work Board id and 1V was urged every one should PO U LTRZY *try Voto nr one aud these already eformed Vo function. REGwULATORZ 18 (4) l1V was decided Vo let the cab- MII maire you, hans Iay ro mar au,,îr «. - ir dealer wii gîve back the money ouy i nt met decide on 'whether boys of non- 7.1l' t. PRATTS POULTRY REGUÊ>,uFOIR e.Chnistiaus should ait lu parliameut. onii' îostd a cent a mnonth Ver ben, or a (5) hat ny bys o anyrace cent adai' fer thirty bons. Itethc cheapeat ,or religion be encouraged to enter ipratt Fod C..of Canada, Ltd., Toronto Trail Ranger or Tuxis groups, If ho TRINITY W. M. S. The annual meeting of the Trinity 7M. S. was held on Tuesday after- on, in the S. S. room. The meet- ig opened with repeating the Apoat- is Creed which was followed by the îging of hymn 362. Mrs. Mc- ready sud Mrs. J. E. Elliott led in rayer after which aIl repeated the ord's Prayer. The minutes were ead and approved and business dis- ussed. The election of officers rw the year 1928 then Vook place and re as follows: President-Mrs. Rev.) J. U3 Robins; lst Vice Presi- ent-Mrs. J. W. Bunner; 2nd Vice Iesident-Mrs. F. A. Foster; Record- ,g Secretary-Mrs. J. E. Elli6oVt; reasurer-Mrs. A. E. McCready; ir. Secretary-Miss F. Rickand;1 îpt. Systeniatic Giving-Mrs. W. A. 1 uner; Strangers Secretary-MissI *A. Peters; Monthly Secretary- 1 rs. W. C. Fergunon; Literary Secre- nry-Mms. F. H. Morris; Supply Sec- etary-Mrs. W. C, Washington; lite Box Secretary-Mrs. E. P. ýradt; Envelope Secretary-Mi'5. B. 1Waruica; Press Secretary-Mrs. D LAlldnead; Associate Helper Sec.- Ir. F. A. Haddy; Finance Committee -Mra. Ln A. Tole and Mrs. Bal- on; Flower Commitee-Mr5. A. E. dcCready, Mrs. L. A. Tole, Mrs. H. Poster; Pianist-Mrs. W. J. Morrison éission Band Supt.-Mra. H. Foster. érs. C. A. Bartlett; Baby Band Suipt. -Mrs. R. Holmes; Delegates Vo Pres- )yterial-Mlss E. A. Peters and Mrs. 3.M. Warnica. After the election of new officens îe meeting closed by repeating the lizpah benediction. A social haîf iour was then svent HAPIPY CHRISTMAS PARTY Another Christmas has passed into istory but Vhe memory of happy [mily re-unions. sud the pure joy :f the season in Vhe heants of lîttIe bhildren, will live forever. On Christmas day ail men-or, at Wast, aine men out of ten-are conservatives. They would be dis- ppointed if the smallest detail i-n itual of- tht day were noV adhered o. They deniand Vhe canie food as they have eaten on ahl prevîous Christmas days,1 the sanie decora- tions of holly and mistietos. They fesl than in this they are doing onething that has been doue for a bhousand years, anid iV 15 as though thein aucestors as well as their bhldren were seated with theni at the table. We say live forever, because we know iChristmas is more Vo, us today because ef Vhe spirit of 'Christms which pervaded homes of the Lukes, Lees, Pascoes, Curries, CourVices, Braya, Onmistons and many others sixty and neventy years ago; and future generations wiIl rejoice lu The Day because we seek Vo, put into it love, good-Oellowahip aud pleasurie such as we remember surn-ounded us in our childbood days. Edgar Guest's poeni "IV taken a heap o' livin' in a house Vo make it Home", comes to our mind as we thiuk of these and othen old hoxnesteadn with bheir spaclous, welcomiug roonis and halls. We would wish that we inight know al Vhe people who have lived thene, shaned their joys and sonrowis and kept their Christmas there. Such an house is the homne of Mn. and Mrs. Richard J. Luke, Maple, Avenue Fanm, East Whitby, near Kedron Church. and thithen about 10 of the Bray: James aud Werry conuection travelled for their Christ- mas gatheriug ou Monday, Decemn- ber, 26, 1927. Mn. and Mrs. Luke assis ted by their family, had spsned no pains Vo make this a genuine old-time Christ- mas party and well did they succeed sud they must have f eIt well repaid by the evident sîppreciation of ahl preseut for 1V was truly a "HIomne Beautiful", sud Christmas cheer took s very material f orn at noon nd supper boums. Very special interest centred round Marlon Louise Mouutjoy, the youngest member of the connection who received many complimentary expressions for ber good looks. During the afternoon a splendid progrm was presented by Chaimman Cea. W. James, consisting of vocal solos by Misses H. Irene Bray and liîtle Mary Ruth James; piano solos, Misses Audrey Werry, Beruice Wer- ry sud Olive Luke, sud Master George Werry; neading Wesley Wen- ry; greetings by Ecditor M. A. JamesI ý he patriarch of the clans; a modest I "ohby Vhe youngest graudpa, Mn. iR . J. Luke; vocal duet, Mrs. Gilbert Gibson sud Miss Bernice Werry. Special congratuliitory messages wvere received froni Islay, Bîsck- stock, Toronto, Hamilton, Crystal City, Man; Spokane, Wash., New York and Montreal, and wene read b"ý Miss Noms Wemry, The Fainily Hiotorian. Sauta Claus-the Laird cf Rose-i Iaudvale-Vhen appeared sud dis- trihuted the mauy gifts froni the large sud pnetty Christmoas tree. Gaines, siuging of Vhe aid sangs sud radia filled the tume Vo ovorflow- ing. The aId-Vume children's scramble wss provided by Uncle M. A. Jamies, as usual, sud was entered into wvith considerable zest alt.hough iV ws noticed that saine of the "children"' had logt part of their bain and others bad a goodly sprnkling of grey. But wha wouldn't be a cbild again at Christmias tume? Among those presunt wvere :-Mr. M. A. James ,Mr .and Mrs. Cea. W. James, William sud Mary Ruth, Mn. sud Mrs. Samuel Bray, Miss H. Irens and Messrs. Frank sud Fred L. Bray, Mn. sud MNis. H. Fletcher Wsrry, Mn. Harold sud Misses Ber- nice sud Wilma Wemry, Mn. and Mns. Clarence F. Werry sud William, Mn. sud Mns. Cilbent Gibson, Mn. sud Mms. Win. L. Mountjoy and Marlon Louise, Mn. A. R. J. and Miss Olive Luke, Mn. sud Mrs. James A. Wer- ry, Mn. Ernest sud Misses May sud Grace Wenny, Mn. sud Mrs. W. Chas. Werry sud Miss Audrey Werry, Miss Non Wenny, Mn. sud Mrs. S. Edgar Werry, George ad Wesley, Mn. Thos. Peufouud, Mn. E - Wright, (St. Catharines.) -C >M IWe are makng a D-S.L. BiiIlk Speclal 05cer on our TIRA sees. 5 b Teas thIs week. These Teas are of U Domine r«. le~ exceptional value leui .690 % l5b. and we invite you a ie m. ..kt5$ to give themn a trial Rcleue rc today. A reai iavory Tea 7 b eeg.790 b Demi» Golden Tip8ç0 JGrp »nTEBA 59 1lb. Broken Orange Pekoe 85 lb. Choice Sinch 15C Toy Paul Hand-picked purnpkin,,Y,-:.1 c, peanut Whte Pork & Bea.s 12c Butter BeanS Hejez Tomate 7 Ketchup LC. 8-1. 4d Ibs. 25c &*Club Heu..... 39 21 Olives 3c -- -- 1Finest Granulated gar Ib. 6 " a oer ensIvnile IAyme udese Ir $6.65ee Jelly Powders Chicken Soup Elect oo 3 Pits. 25c 24-c tin imy.b. 27c ]Butter Special Prices on, "TASTY" fi.t .t. EGGS DRIEAD . bt*i--d ROCGS ARE UARATID "Tii. Baft ed Mayfield Brand Ea""«' F0lg 49e do.w rppdO Bluebird Cocoanut « TASTY" #y a MacaroonS 25",, Mayonnaise 25C Dek.. ith Fi.1 ..d C.Id M.ei. H. P. Sauce Boutle 28c 1 4 Kkovah Health Salta 18cti Washbuards Gla, 45C Benson'a Corn Starch, ....25c Clothes Pins 3 doz.10e Cook'a Friend 16om. t'ra lvorjy Soap Flakes Asg. 10e SBaking Powder 29C Fairy Soap 4 cakes Z7c Dbom ino Baking Powder 16- t i. 25C Handy Ammonia 3 pkts. 25e Will A Fire Find You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better protect yourself before disaster cornes. A bad fire caused heavy loss ini Hampton this month. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO AIL J. J. MASON & %SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville 1r Look For the Sheli Sign We take this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their patronage during the pust and wish everyone a healthful and prosperous year in 1928. C. A.Bartlett Phone 110 J' -t 'a 1 Do it now. Delays are dangerous. King St. East, Bowmanville

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