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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 PAME T'Wg DENTAL THE EDITIOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE We are continuing froin last issue When the acute symptoims have1' The accompaniments of chronie My Dear Niece-Do not ridicule Rlonor 'kraduate in Dentistry Toronto of The. Statesman the English phy-i greatly abated, the pain nearly gone jrheumatisxn are the stiif and painful your child's fears. Fear is a pre- University. Graduate of the Royal sician's book on Rheumatismn and! from the joints ,and the patient be- joints. which creak or grate on nlov- ventative of danger, it is flot cow- College of Dental Surgeons of On- Rbeumatic affections. He says in the gins ta feel hungry, then more food ing theni, and they became enlarged ardliness. Cowardiness is caused tario. Office King St., Bowxanville. Preface to bis treatise: "Those may be allowed. At each meal about'in tume. They cause much trouble, from thinking of oneseif first and Office phone 40. House phone 22. possessing the book, but who do Dlot 3 ounces of wholemeal bread may be as they jump and twitch lat everY lit-1 need net arise from flear ait ail. X-Ray Equipment in Office. themselves sufer from Rbeumatism. given, with a cupful of sugarleas coll- tie change of the weather. Sometimes; A child that is afraid is flot think- are requested to Iend this werk ta oa, and a little fresh fruit; after1 it causes graduai dislocation of the ing about itself-it is sixnply afraid; DR. J. C. DEVITT anyone whom they know to be sub-: four or five days of this diet a din- joints. Old-standing, chronic cas- it is part i its nature, just as it Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson ject to this complaint. By this means ner may be allowed. This may es. are pitif ul to see, as the persans maY bc a bright spirited child, or a Graduate of Royal Dental College, they may belp me to banisb f romi consist of a vegetable soup and bread are a burden ta themselves a nd every-toubfsudos ne foronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- amongst us a painful, lirigerilg and and a little f resb fruit after-wards. one else, and, often, ail one can do F eseo ato manville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 unnecessary disease." This is our. The vegetable soup is adefro iste prevent matters gettin~g worse. -we xiii fear sornething or other. p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone method of helping the good doctar 'about 14 lb. eacb of carrots, turnips, 90. House phone 283. ta beip suferers ta get rid of this onions, potatoes, and ce'er7 or aspar- In the early stages af this disease Ta be angry with the child xiii nat X-Ray Equipment in Office disease. agus %when in season, an Ounce of great benefit may result from hygien- cure it. * * * er aleadavrylti at ic tceatment, but in the latter stages, You must sympathîze with the lit- DR. R. E. DINNIWEL.L Teteteta ti ies sandppe. Th eeals must and when the disease is of long stand- tle one, corne close ta it, make him Honor graduate of Taronto Uni- very simple, and on the carrying out be eut fine, put in a quart of boiling, îng, we can hope for very littie; in trust yau, and part of bis fear xiii versity and member of Royal Cllege af the alivice given below depends distiiied or filtered ramn water with 1 chronic cases we must hope rather already vanish. 'i Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta the success of it. We must neyer 'the peari barley, and allowed ta cook, for tbe abatement of pain than for Ta abuse him and make sport of practise in Ontaria and the Domin- f orget tbat rbeumatic f ever is a cris- f or tw a hours 'or more, and then perf ect cure.and b is msutmore fi becas eae ion. Dentistry in ail it.s bran.cbes. io en fepligntae- rubbed through tle sieve-only that Tesoe esn takdwt fad Offie-Kng S., owninviieOP-'ous and other xaste matters from which passes through the sieve being ti hoi ies dp o-is osyteei e(agri ol 30 he- system, and that taetryoptaasup--ueed. Abouty4thounces nf dangemeas doel posite Bank of Mantreai. Phone 30 e. rsst adthis proceas is bad. Rat ebed.Aut oa ncy es foeen i the sooner wil tbey get ease. iîsh and contradicts the statement ______________-- pidsbeThe nîostcijurieus thigsRatsuifereeahenayouosystamthebchld "be care should we aid Nature ta get rid of 'a plate of this soup, which shoul caTenius anjreos thiahs and flee h ful'ytoth cid bcc. LEGAL the xaste. If we study the dis- taken cool. cnueaesiuat n ls-fi, ease from a natural standpoint, we: meats. as fish, flesh or fowl; cheese, To make the child queil bis fear 't . V GOLD B.A.,LL.D. shahl notice that the patient, being, fe ieke tesu inrmilk, eggs, honey, and artificiai sug- go slowly and carefully. 1 know a Barrister, Solicitor, Notary helpless, will be unable ta get any and if the patient is gaining strengtb , m eue prnl. Tepsaasainr ae a;t i Money ta boan on Farm and Town food ýili the violence of the lever and as few or no pains, then bie may i bs od r ris ieadr ltl o ftrewodeddt Property. Royal Bank Building, abates, for the pain in the joints! be allowed ta have more food anditben the variaus vegetables and it was a huge nionster that coald Bowmnvile. Phae 31. oul kep hm a ret. ur rea- geatr vriey. t beakastandgrains, and lastly animal products, move suddenly with horrible noises. Bowmanvlle. Pone 35. woul keep im at rst. Ou trell greatr %aseggs. A buttert aidak and, cheesem l aTo telietheo titeth there t was w na odang- ,ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~c must hagie yteSMt tama i a aevihlma hc utb taken in strict mod-1 er and shove its linging hand away W. R. STRIKE :OMS. if lha bas oniy a mild attack, bread and a littie butter, a cup ao, eration. Impure air, late haurs, and 1 would be cuite wrong. The mother Suctestor t» late D. B. Simpson. K.C. then hae may remain ipdoors and lie 5lcoa, and some f resb fruit or green teemc ido ueaeey a n'a ie Barriste, Solicitor, Notary on the couch, but if very severe t . stuif. At dinner hie may be given this disease. By breathîng pure air She would stand near the mater Soliito fo Bak o Motrel he must lie in bed. As the thirst vegetables, potatees, and an egg always we burn up wasta, and so holding the baby's hand, talk te hirm Solcitr fr Bnk i Mntral is usually great, it must be appeased three times a week; macaroni, witb epti dsaea bay; exarcise about the great big thing, imitate the Money ta Loan Pholl* 91 %with such drinks as will carry ne fruit and vegetables, twa days aý assists cure by increasing the ameunt noise it would make in starting, pre- Bowmanvilie, Ontario poison inte the system, but xiii di-, week; and vegetable soup and bread1 lute the biood and bring eut soe' two days a xveek. Bread or milk' af exygen breatbed, and causing 1 tend.te juinp hersaîf when it did start W. F. WARD, B. A. of the waste. pudding may be aiiewed on a second: perspiration, whiist batbing opens1 which capsed the baby te iaugh, Barser oictr Nti '**Course. For tefr mnhor to, the skia pares and leavas tbem open ibanishing its fear lat once. Barristetheoliritoroath twoIf or the system ta throw eut waste Th(, sympathy and understanding Money ta boan. Bonds for ale For tbis purpose 1 Inow' ofa ne it wiîl be weîî ta use very sparingîy by them. af the mether did far mare than Offices.-Beakley Block, King St.:l drink super-r ta distiiied watar; milk, eggs,, cheese, dried peas, dried ***.sheving and scolding. Bowmanviiie, Ontario. Phones: where this *cannot be ubtained, then beans and lantils, sagar, and ricb ahigmay consist of a daiiy or' Batter for a child te be fearfuli Office 102. Bouse 409. filterad and boiled ram xatar cames' foods. Rhubarb, green geoseberries, ,ekytpdsog ah n nO-adeecuiu hnrs. W ____-neXt. There are now amal stilis fer and unripe fruit generaiiy nmust be caseorly Taidsh gbath,Itan a ocandk eai te d anr t ssing distilling water, which may be goti avoided. In miid cases the 'vary Turkish bath may be taken with streets te niake the chiidren fear te FUNERAL DIRECTORS trom many iroamongers. In towns, simple diet af bariey water naed net b-nefit about once a f ortnight. The de sa-that is caatiousness net coxv- this distiiled water can be boughti be taken, but the bread and fruit' . F. F MORISCO.tra an chmis ata picevaringforbrekfat ad ta mniandtheexercise may consist af carnage Cx-ardlyness. F. TheRISCOstr rka stpandtdner.elad h ercise or an auting in a Bath chair.i If a child is afraid ai water do Cumlee ota' o fom6d t 9d. a ugalio, My'or tricycle chairs should be taken not bide the danger, but axrlain when 6ý Herse Equipment watar myb aknpr, rira every day that the weatber permits. and how it can be safe-the danger Ail caîls promptly be flavoured with lemon ' jaice. The, Beef tea, mutton broth, veai breth. Those who can waik should do se is always there. attndd t. est wya akn1eonwtr extrac t or essence ai meat are ail dail1y. If they persevare and go out1 For a child te cross a rotten plank Privati Ambulance ta peel and cut your leoxon into suices, bad in this disease, and tend ta keep daiiy they xiii find that they get over a stream because it is ridiculed Bowinanviiie phone put thesa into a jug, and pour biing it gaing; the samne may be said Of nmore freedoîn and movement than for being a coward is very wrng- y10 and 34 water upon the sices; sugar mnay be fish, flash and fowl. During the thev (lare(l ta hope for. Varied mave- there shou]d be fear te cross a rot- Branch Stores- added te take the tartness away, but continuance ai the lever, and for, mnits ai the arma and haads will in tan plank. Orono & Newcastle it is hetter ta leave it out; and drink same time afterwards, the persan time aitan loosen those joints, and A chiid is airaid of a cow, bettar %vhen coid. one leman xiii make should ndopt a very simple vegetar- make ail kinds of motion more free. 1ta he 50 than te be venturesome when three pints ai lemon water. The acid, ian diet, and hie will net bave bis fev- 1 Mild gymnastics ai ail kinds are te the animal is unsafe. ALA M.WILIAofa the leman is good in dissolving e ln. hse raies and the diat be recommended, such as the use ofi1Sa, tee, can the dark, be full ai Drcr.some of the soda saits out of. the namied wil asuaily cut short the dis- ligbt dumb-helis, wands, and even ai danger ;even we proceed xith caut- Embaimer and Faneral iret blood; lit the samne time it cai'ries a ,ease in from a week te a fortnigbt. the horizontal bar. The clotbing lion in the dark. Calis given prompt and personal at- ittie oxygen inte the system te burn i have treated dozens ai cases. by shoald always ha warm, but not ex- Ta overcome imaginative fear is tention. No extra charge for dis- up waste matter. j this method, and know the supeni-esie the hardest, and you must study your tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman-*** ity ai this treatmefit over the aId- î * Sown child and he very patient. _______Ot._____ Our patient being in bed and hav- fashioned way. A patient told mna j Same thînk flannel is a necessityI Anger is aseless, in tact it is cruel. ing bis thirst praperly appeasad is1 that ha had rheumatic fever many lin this disease, but it is not; marine If a chiid imagines a terror gowt MEDICAL in the ight way ta get weil, but we yaars aga', and hae vas bad three siik,' and otiqer stuifs keep in the it and pretend te wonder for a faw M.D. ~ M ma nt arattatth ar amonths; ha had a second attack w %armtb without irritating the skin, moments yoursilf xhat it can ha. C. W. SLEMON, M.reathesM mustn t e a the peat inr;'iaine ime afterwards, and by means 1 as flannel usnaiiy doaes. Friction It might bie the stump ai a trea Graduate oi Trînîty Medicai Celege, for this reason the bedreom window j of this traatmient ha was eut oi the, of the joints and bathing with bot 1 hicthcidsneouimgain Toronto, formeriy of Enniskiiien. must alxvays ha open two inchas i hanse andar a fortnight, net ialy' water, night an(i moraing, aiten re- bas fornxed inta a hear-ar a deep Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's, in wneand wide open in summer.r cured, but able ta get about. liave 'pain in theni. The friction shdw rapee ifriaei forme resieiceenmusucb Steet, a 'i*consista af ruhhing and knaading the dark roami. Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44t-. burning in the roam. Witb regard [Daring the helpiesaness et thej joints, and trying te maya theni as1 Your nianner ensures tha chiid ai J. CLARK BELL cbahnta bdy sai aauefvaabdpnmyh used mach as p ibie. When rubbing .-,)ur sympathy and undarstaading M..,ChB, .RCS. (di> DP..sponged ail aven evary day with wat-' for neceSsities. The joints shauid the j lintsýT ittie olive aul may hal and it imimediaâtely trusts yau; hold er ait 100 degrees Faht. If the par-' ha bathed with bot water thnea or used ta alioxv the hands ta maya more1 the littie hand finmly and go forxvard (Successor to Dr. A. S. TiIley) son is able, then ha may get into a four times a, day,. and afterwards readily aven tham. The reason wby and toach the abject. Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- xarm bath, and be well rubbed dry 1 wrapped in cotton wooi.. Liniments. rubbiag a joint is gaad is because it Discaver xith feigned surprise that deen University; Feliow af the Rayai afterwards. If iying in lied, then iodine, blisters, etc., are modes of causes more biood ta ha sent te thea it is only on old stump, or a familiar College ef Surgeons, Edinburgh. the hody may be'spongad a part ait a, torture, and aiways useless, whilst: pOint, wbich hlood then dissolves eut piece aifarnitane whicb the light Office and Rasidence, Quean St., time-first the arms, then the chest, n saine cases they are positively a little ai the depasitad lime, and se that yen sNvitcb on raveals. Bowmanviile, Phone 89 naxt the body, and lastiy tha lower, barini. Ia the chronic variaty t eaves it icas stiff. The use ai dis- 1 'The cbild will laugh witb yeu at DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS limhs. As ona part is wasbed and ç)i the complaint the joints înay ha tilaed water, or hoiled and filtared! botb yours and bis foolishacas. driad it may ha covared up, and an- femented with hot water twice a day nain water is aise te ha comme~nded.1 Fear ef animais cao ha checkad, Physicians and Surgeons ether part washed. The face and and rabad with a ittle warm olive' The meals may ha tbrea a day. The 1 but it is neyer wise for a child ta Office Heurs: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30.j hands may ha spenged with tepid' oil afterwards, bat in the aute formn use ai home-made leanan watar is touch strange dogs or cats, or vent- Taiephone 108 watar thraa or f our turnes a day. tbay are hast lait alone. If the v.ery goad. aire in yards amangat cows and hon- Offie: Wliinten trea*tremnt I advisa is adbared ta, lit- l.' es. Yenr oving, Bowlmanviile, Ontario. The use ai the bathing is ta ne- 'tie need ha faared of bîgb fever beart AUNT SUSAN. mayae the acid exaretian and te keap complications, or relapses. Sach ara Editor's Note-.-This book on _____Themanowon - .. I ~~~~the skia pares open, so that the par- aimoat unknown amang patients se "Rbearnatismn and Rheumatic Aff ec- shaVcia h aio oc spiration rnay easily escape. It iq treated. tions"-"The book bas been the, an subjact ta asthma is indaad a VETERINARY î asually recommanded for the persan ** means oi curing thousands"i ! victim. What can ha more terrify- DR. F. -. TIGHE 1 elahtea lnes am net, Chronia nheumatism, or, as we said, can ha had for 30 cents. The ing than te suddanly Ina seized with VETERINARY SURGEON. Daf or particuiar about this; if ycu ask yeur doct2rs cail it, nheumatic arthritis.ata as e," utakalprxsaa hkn hc emt Nigt als pemtl atened ta paietha eis aathat hiankets 1aiten comaes on si tar repeated at- i my readers ai this bock ta huy Hy- f airiy threatan the existence et lif e Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. tickie him or irritate bis skin. I dol tacks ai the acute compiaint, or it gienic Medicine, as the informto taf rmsc odto r Phone 243. netko iayobetosebs yla aa o iwly; but, wbichaver vîven in this book helps ane te baet-1 J. D. Kallegg's Asthma Remedy bas E.G.KESLKE V S, . . c.ing betwean sheets.r way it arises, it is a troubiasome dis-'ter andarstaiid the traatment of this braught many ta cemplately restorad E.G..RSA*,V.S,*. cSc asa. It is net sean se mach in the disease an national lines". For bath health and happinasa. It is known Orono The yoang as in those mare advanced in books ebtain a post ofceodrin8 and prized in every section ai this GrdutaaiUivrsty ai he st important part af the years, and is very common in Eng-, cents in faver af Manager Allinson broad land. HIonarGauteo vrsiyOf1tratmant is the food. Our aim land in its, milder forme. There is Publications, 75 Fairfax Raad, Kil-i1 Tarante. Ail cases given prompt mnst ha ta faed aur patient with such littie canstitational disturbance, but hurn, London, N. W. 6. England; ad- and careful attention. Office- foads that xii net faed the compiaint 'h xeln n tifesa h rasyu atrtesamae, place on Dr.McEro's orer ffie.Phoes nom help an the injurions rasuits of joints make lue nunpieasant. The, it thrae cents postage, mail it and Ciake 921 Orno 81. it. Narraifruts i al kndaaresweliing causes more or less pain, thasa two books wiil came te yen past ________________________ very valuable, as they suppiy the sy- whiist the stiffnass makes maveniant free. stem wîth pare water, vegetable acids, difficait. A pecuiarity in those _________________ AIJCTIONEERS andi a uitile sugar; the waten and tronbiad xitb chranie rheunmatism is THEO M. SLEMON acids heip ta gat rid ai the wroag that they are s0 easily affectad by Use This Clubbing List Auctioneer staff in the systam, wiist the sagar the weathpn. They say that they____ Far an liuseSals aSpaiaiy.helpe ta keep ap the natarai heaý. 1know if it is going ta ha damp by FarmandHoue Saes Spciaty. naurishaieni et irait is readiiy the troubla their joints give tbem, The Canadian Statesman ivill ha Ternis maderata. Enniskilien P. O0. srhd and requires ittie or neO and the east wind aiten causes simi- cibbd (hin f the ioiiowing Phone 197r3. ig(-ýrrin, and these fonds alsa heiprp ains. paîlicatione for 1928 at the faov to caus'e zlight action cf the boweia .,.4t,,,,*,.çr o ,, - - . .. ipl~ ~131 -AO l, t-Klithinvaiaonfoi 'f0--116.150,es CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS purgatives. The fruits that may ha, THEROPY îîîaoed are ail those that are in sea- DURWIN E. STECKLEY ..rn, and cf these the rnldly acid anas honor graduate of Tarante CoIlege w Ht -e.t; sncb fruits are ripe applas, of Chiropractic wiii ha in. the Bew- rag-. grapüe;. cherries. plums, manvilia Office Tuasday, Tbun3day rat.srabri s aphenies and and Saturday eveninge, phone 141J. £ra,'.eb"t'ries. RFeside-ntialcalî made' Why suffer fram cori can be painlessly rootec llolloway's Corn Remaov New Tcrm., SHÀW'S TWELVE SC'iffiOOla iiToronto ('alendar. W. Iý Sila Bay & C'harles, Toronto I LOAN5 Dtînýijg the atute lafver the patient4 - .haîil i 4kePt onlv annurîey-waten «to fruit until the violence e h ns wben tbay fter't a' ahated. Alw a breakfast 1 eut by asing euPtul about six flnid ounces) ai er. 1)arl.ey-water ai eight a. mn.. twelve, tour and eight p.o., andI aiterxvnrds a iiakod apple, an orange, or four ',unces oft ireeh raw' fruit. The bar- Il-aer may ha givea cald on luke- ,ent an .Jan. flavoured xith the fresh juicaetfa h i each o lemaon or a littia preserxvad tamnarind. BUSINESS This should oniy ha givan in the day;1 Write for aw, Registrar, a t night toast-water, thin leman-wst-' 0. 48-5 er, very thin bnniey-water, or boiled -m-tr m~ray he:iven; but not thck -atmnon fruit as a raie.A ___________diet xiii usuaily be ail that is necea- 'rary ta cnt sort tht acuta layon. ON MOTOR CARS WE wiii boan yen manies on yotîr mter cal', or if yau can nat mneet aour prasent paymants xve will pay off the dlaims and raoaw your payments tan any termn up ta 12 montha and insura your car. Swanson Gerinan & MacKenzie 2 KÇing St. East Oshawa, Ont. Barlay-water is rnade hy boiiing an ounce of pearl on Scotch barley in a quart of xvter ion threea houns, add a littie watar as it bouls away; at endI cf tbree bannas;train off. and make it measure a pint. This should he madla tnash dnily. I do net ad- vise milk te ha nsed with the barley- disease le aften dry and harsh, thcy .....,................. :.5 mreiy perepina, and they suffenrnnucb Mail & Eilpire.............. $ 65 0 SLIeh as coid bande and feet, especial- ly in ;inter. Daning this dliseuse ive srnoDiySar..... $5 tram signa of n fechie circulation,' îmeY\i1vacate ...........$300) usuaily expeat ta have nmore or lei% Nc'.' Outlak . ............... $0 urate oi soda and lie dposited in li Fian llerald.............$.1.50 the tisanes af the joints and ini the l luie,' hoe Journal..... $300 tondan.- arannd the jointe. This ne- suits in enlargement ai the joints and Satarday Evening Post.......$400 in defonmitiee. The fingens and tacs ' aniiy hiemald & Weekiy Star. $3.f0 are the parts in xhicb wa sec inost Weeýkly Witness ........ $4.00 deformity, the toies citen overlapping. flanadian Home Journal...$300 whilst the fingers and hands tunned " antxvard. la the knees the joints 1F arm & Dairy ...............$250 may ha filed witb synovial flid; then F~armers' Sun................ $3.50 the joints look swollen, very little ('anadian 1Magazine...........$300 exercîse can ha takan, and the mus- McLean's Magazine ..........$400 cles xaste, and se leava the knee- jointe lookinc7 verv buigy. -- The causas of chronia rheumatism Noie t Crd or r are mauch the saoine ai the aute, N tc o rdt r only wa do not gat the criais an tever.i Wronz feeding and unhygienia modes la tiir.' tc(outo twT-i ai living ara at the root (it this dis- In th , l~ri ft ,01 <',,.t, 4ri casa; and bard wnten i. ., watenr ri,'. T.ri 'l ii( rI'i e a,n 0crîý, nucb lime), antI loW-lv- cof DurW.r r, Retlred Mrchant, dicfa8sOi ing, xet districts favoun its deyelop- ~,r"~r,,îvcvnIrf. ir' ment. Indigestion bas iten been r1, rrr'(t:rti,' ' of r ti.""n 1 of' lc'n ai :r,l,rivw aaticed te accompany this ciqesea: 1 1rirj. ?r"si r, this indigestion is not the cause ciofr i,'2rl is'r m'r the rheumatism, bat it is causefi by 1r U ' "'inrm'ril . 1 1i11..rt bthP sanme xrong conditians as those %il 'rrl~ i iil l'?rUtd 'i > y rît r-r,rr e to iii, o'.i'r n r which give risc ta tha rbeatime.t l l.* , tir lnt'-fitrst itI iv , 'fary Fezemna and psoriasis are txve other l!I' '5 'r't.îr whivih îith,h"ret- s;kia diseise wih tenacompanyrr*rtI'rlt 'a-eicfi îs % w reIr regard o nly tla lit,' aims chronîc rheumnatisir. raI watar, as this flaid weaid tend te ag- I ___________inileOnaro tl gravata the ocomplaint, or lengthan .>'iai it DcemberVIl,OnA lo. th'-, its duüraàtion. _ Rica-watar, maize- Naariy ail children are subject te i aoIDcm",A '. 97 watar ,or wheat-water may ha used warms, and many are hemn with W. F. WARD, B.A., if peari bariey cannot be ehtained.j thamn. Spare thein sufaning hy us olitrfr h xeuas They waiiid be made in mach the ing Mother Graves' Worm Extemin- 1 Buwtrfr îe, Onctor. same way as the hariey-water. J atar, -an excellent remedy.11- omnleOt FiNETPUE Cet this complete ~~s ,%Ouutfit Iow price of $2 5O The biggest value ever off ered in a genumne Rogers Batterylesa Set and Speaker P~ublic approval of this newx 1928 Rogers R,--, Outfit has enabled the Rogers factory to pi-()';! more of these sets and speaIers and give tî. benefit of the saving. At the former price of $263 this outfit was a ' 'buy,", at the new low price of $250 it ji t tionably the biggest value ever offered in " I..- tube, high-grade, completely batteryless outfi. You are sur(, to get a Radio sorne time in 19,2- get this coniplete Rogers Outfit now and start - year right. A zmiaii cash payrnent and easv ti are offered to any responsible family. SoId In Bowmanville By W. J. BAGNELL Phnne 152 L - .1 r .j. / 'I PrýEPARED S ucicen emer ýenc!es often cal1 for rea.c asl?.Iyou have it you do not neeci to worry. Prepare For 5uh occaions lhi building up an interest-Learing savings account inx the BA'NK OP MONTgPAL,which protects the savi1lg$ ofman~y thousands of Canaclianu from one end of the, Dominion to the other BANKOFMONTREAL Total Auccu in exceas or à 830,000,000 Establishod 1817 rAuzé Twlu i BOWMANVILLE PHONE 186 King St. W. Just recaived s choîca sbipmant a h ie ai farnia Prun. s-large, tender and meaty. BURFORD PEAS Wa have creatad a great damand fan these high qnality peas at only $1.20 a dazen cana. PURITAN QATS Thasa o.sts cartainly make bealthful porridge. Try n package at 25e and the childran xiii cry fer mare. SCALDED CREAM Good fresh thick ich Devonsira Creamn. Laye yor ordr finn Saturday or spcial occasions FISH MARKETe Fera yu find al kinds ai choice Salmon, Herring, Cod Fisb, etc, Goods Delivered Without Extra Charge Wa recommend and Sali IiARRY ALUIN ~

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