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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1928, p. 6

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PAGE 811 TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 r i Low Cut Cashmerette jersey and Velvet Overshoes in Greys, Pawns and Biaclr, with plain or contrastin< shadez of CUf provide serviceable fotwear tg harmoniz. with modish Fait and Winter attire. 29a YOU CAN EARN S6'to $104 PER DAY Learu and Ean 1otor Mech- an!e. Battery, Welding. Vuleanizing and House Wiring, also Bricklayiitg and Plastering. Barber- i;gand Beauty Oultr Be Prosperous asni Happy Good positions now0 opn rte or eall reitructive book. Hemphill Chartered Scboola ' %.King Street West - - Toronto Free E mpin t Servié-Coast to Coast Every time a full egg crate gocs ot the dollars coule in. The faster the crates f11, tht fater you make egg-rnoney. The plan that fus egg crates fastest is to feed your hens a daly dose of 'lra&fts REGULATORL A teaspoonful day di tthfe s enough.I r[ et a motpelin or a cent a iay for thirty liens. One extra egR a mnnh gc-eeu e Irofit. t paYs to a*i for PRATIS. the real egg maker, and take no oir.r Pra1ttFond Co. of Canada. Ltd. Tornto Comfy Styles for Rough Days ' ïllý Something more than serviceable and wearable -" Northern" footwear is styled ta, please and attract. Waterproof as rubber; warm as an over- shoe; neat as a slipper. You are irvited ta view aur display of new styles in te.Northerrî" Foot-wear A. DILLICK, Bowmanville.ý t. fr v. -r' r', BE KIND Matt. 25, 21 Let's be kind te one another, Brief is life, thgt here we live, Many hearts around are broken, Comfort lot us, strive to give. Let's be kind to one another, Soon our loved ones will depart, Then how sad, if in our memory We did cause an aching heart. Let's be kind to one another, 1Sunshine bring to every heart, Let no seIfish word, or action, Cause a silent tear to start. Lot's be kind to one another, Helping each and every one, If on earth we do our duty We shall hear the words, "Well done" . -Bella Gray. 59 Shanley St., Toronto. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHt Any home wishing to provide every member of the family, old and young, with a f ew hours' enjoyment every day during 1928, should see that The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is a regular weekly visitor. For two cents per week, or one dol- lar a year, every member of the fani- ily will receive a treat that will be appreciated. It is not only a world's newspaper, but a great famnily maga- zine unequalied on this Continent, and a farm journal that will bring value an hundredfold during the year. The Famly Herald is read already by one million Canadians each week. It is surely wonderf nI value, and every home receiving it la benefitted by ts' weekly visit. 1928 wllbe happier for your home if you sed one dollar for a year's subscriptien te the big 72 page paper.- 1 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. Wni. Gimblett, 23 Ritson Road, S., Oshawa :-Find enclosed $2.00 for The Statesman for 1928. Wishing you ail a Happy New Year. Thos. Ferguson, Midland :-En- closed please find $4.00 for the pa.per receivod, would have sent it before but sickness prevented. Wishing you a Prosperous New Year. H. G. Argue, Solina:-Enclosed please find $2.06 for The Statesman. 1 have been confined te my bed with gangrene forfour months. Please continue The Statesman for this year. Mrs. W. Dickinson, 146 Delaware Avenue, Toronto 4: Enclosed please flnd $2.00 for which please continue sending The Canadian Statesman to me. Wishing you al a Hlappy and Prosperous New lear. Mrs. M. H. Langmaid, 345 Simcee St., South Oshawa :-Please find $2 for The Statesman for 1928. The Statesman keeps me in touch with frieads of days gono by and I was very much pleased with the "Do You Remember When" numbers. With best wishes for a very Happy New Year. S. A. Devtt, Blackstock:-Your New Years greetings (account for subscription), just received and many thanks for same. It's those gentie reminderil that keep things going, as when Paul said te Timethy "Keep tbem in remembrance". En- closed find chenue for rcnewal of paper for 1928 and past debt. We cauld not ho without your papor. Wishing you the best of presperity for cornîng year. Staff-Capt. M .Ayre, 3018 Terry Place, Los Ange les, Cal :-My Dear Friend James,-Encluod find P. O. for $2.50 for The Statesman for 1928. Trust you are feeling btter than you wore. Sorry I did net se you on my trip home in August. There xere several others of my friends I failed to see-Mr. C. M. Cawker, Mn. John Lyle and Mr. Alan Williams. My visit wvas a very brief one. It's a real summer day here to-daIy. Good-bye and God bless yeu. LITTLE KNACKS 0F MEAT COOKERY WORTH KNOWING Use sour crearn as the liquid in nsaking veal or lamb gravy. A clave oif ganlic tucked inta the joint o)f a leg oif iamb gives it a flavor that is tibferent. Put a bay leaf in the pan with reast park or braisei pork chopa. Ham baked in pienappie juico is, de'iîcious.1 Tht' syrup bft fnorn pickled fruits 1 such as peaches ou' peans niakes al debiciusus fiavering for roast meats. '[ly poul'ing a cep tof such iuicos and a cup oif water ever a reast of; veai tr' eef.i Serve frioni oystors witb beef pot!i rîast anti use the oyster iquid fer Imraking the gravy. Coek a pot roast with anc cup of cuî'rants. 1,arnb or mutton miay bo reasted au a bcd tof tant appbes. The flavor oif veai is doveloped by slow anti therough cooking anti the iatddition of fat. Cîreti hans sheulti bichighly sen- soneni. A teaspeon oif Worcester- sbire sauce te, one cup) of xwhite sauce gives an adîicd zest. ('heese molteti in the sauce of crearn chipped beof is a good addi- tien. An equni amount tof cookeni boots and bniled potatees makes a cornod beef bash that is different. A thick sice of veal baked in miik is very geed. An eyster placed in the centre of each sausago "cake" is a surprise dish. A little fresh liver added ta left- over ment la makiag hash adds de- cidediy te the flsh. ENCOURAGING OUTLOOK FOR CANADIAN BUSINESS IN 1928 (From Financial Post) 1. Per capita purcbasing power in Canada will be greater in 1928 than in 1927. Estimates preparod by The Financial Post Year Book 1928, show an increase of over $90,000,000 in gross revenue. 2. General business will pursue an upward course, at Ieast until a de- fanite opinion can be f ormed on the outcome of the crops. 3. Industrial production sbould show a steady advance between Jan- uary and July. After that, ' much will depend upon current conditions. 4. Major industries will experience more activity, especially primary ir- OBITUARY Mrn. Charles Brown, Port Hope Death claimed another former resident of Darlington in the personý of Mrs. Chas. Brown, (nee Jane Thompson) of Port Hope, who pass- ed to her final reward on Sunday, January 1, 1928, following an ilînesa of some weeks froni pneumonia. Mrs. Brown's early childhoed and school days were passed at Solina where she will be better remembered as "Jennie" Thompson. She bas known rpuch suffering haviag been lame from girihood but she bore it ail with the same infinite patience and fortitude which bas character- ized her entire life. The funeral wvas held on Tuesday afternoen, January 3, at the family on and steel, automobiles,- newsprint, rrudnce, nramlery .Lbtre, ibtrIJCii etc. taking place at Port Hope Union Cemetery. The floral tributes were 5. Financial position of the farm- many and beautiful paying sincoro ors wil ho streager that at any time testinsony te ber worth as a ioving since 1920. ýwife and mother and true Christianý matey th sane aslast app neighbon wbo wiil ho vory greatly 6. Employment will becapr, w h lob e by ail. was one of the best experienced in She beaves te moura ber loss ber the past eight years. husband; threo daughters-Elsie, (Mrs. Chas. McGibbon, Picton), Win- 7. Commodity values wili be stabi- !i,(r.OcrMAlseMd lized more or less, though a moderato and), and Miss Hilda at home: and advance seems iikoiy.1 one son James at Petorboro; and 8. Profits will ho larger. two grandchiidren; aise four sistors i-Mns. Isaac Chapman, Clarke; Mrs _____Wni. Vintue, Tyî'ono; Mrs. Jess -Salis- bury, Chicago, 111; and Miss Lizzie SThonpson of Blackie, Alberta;an W-h-t Th Dr.Said two brthers Mr. John Thompson of Tonsils are diseased, MUST op- Bî,neandM.Nomnkidhwo orato, Mrs. Sybilia Spabrs Tonsilitis , ier1 was appiied, Tonsils hoaied and th e __ oeration cancelled. Tby it, go od resuits guaranteed or moaey back. 1-2 THE FAMILY DOCTOR TO WOMEN 0F MIDIE AGE Mrs. Wilson'a Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamsilton, On4io. -"I have taken several bottles of LVia E. Pin kharn's pound and L can- net spt'ak tee highiy tof it as I w asat the C'hange ofLife and was ail run-dewn and r had ne ap;rvtitc'. 1 was very wsk ' "' and sick, anti the' pains in my back were se badl couldhardlyrnovp,. 1got vcry sad at timces and thought I had net a frit nd on carth. 1 did net care if I lived "r died. I was very nervous, tee, and did net gos eut very much. A frienni advisetî me to try a bottie of Lydia E. Pi'nkisam's Vegetabie Comnpound, se I tlid. I arn a farrner's wifc, and ai- ways wr(,rkc'd bard untii iateiy, anti was in bcd for two mon ths. i bt gan to féen like a ncw womnan tîftür fthc first bettin' and I recommend it with grrŽat suc'ss, aise, Lydia E. Pink- harn's Li'.cr Pis. 1 arn wiiiing te answer lutters from womnen asking about your medicines, as I cannet !poak tooe highly of them."- Mrs. EMMA WL SON, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton,. Ontario. Sold by druggists everywbero. c Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things -stop 1-Icadache in 20 minutes b'reak up a CoId over night -.10')3 Monthly pains of wornen. Thcrc is ance thing they wxil l ot do-thcy won't hurt you. Il'ho doctor folks today, ilve heard the throat men whisper low "(orne on now lot us pray". Ive sat in fancy offices and waitcd long my turn And paid for 15 minutes, what it took a week to earn; But while these scientific mon are kindly, one and al, 1 miýss the good old doctor that my miother used to call. The old-timc family doctor! Oh, 1 arn sorry that he's gone, Ho ushercd us into the worl d and knew us evcry one, He didn't have to ask a t of ques- tions for he knewà Our histories frorn birth, anti ail the ailments wc'd been through, And though as childrcn smnil we fear- cd the' medicines he'd send, The' old-tirne farnily doctor grew to be oui' dearest friond, No bout too late, no night to rough for hirn to heed our call; le kne(w exactiy where te hang his coat up in the' hall; Ho knew exactiy where te go, which roorn upstairs to find The patient he'd been called to scc,I anti saying: "Nover mmid, lil rl top tht'ro rnseif and sec what's causing ail the fuss' It secrns we grow to look anti ban on him as one of us. He had a big and kindly heart,' a fine anti tender way AntI more than once love wished that I could caîl him in today. The specialists are clever mon and husy men, 1 know Anti haven't time te tioctor as thcyl did long years age. But seunti day he may corne again, the friend that we can cal The gooti old farnily doctor, who wili lo(ve us one and ail. TAx IPHONE TAXI 222W Day or Nlght LORNE STEVENS woman, too. We specialize on~ quality and our customers tell us our prices save money for them as well. Cali or phone and your order wiIl re- ceive prompt attention. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to1 Phone 518 .. Phare & McCoy Bownianville Always At iler Best The happy mother, the companionable wife, Sthe ever-gracious hostess;-these are three roles Ithat almost every woman strives to hold. By selling first quality dependable groceries and giving a prompt courteous service we are do- ing a lot towards eliminating the worries of the housewife in supplying food for the family. Vou buy it for less here and have it de- livered without extra charge. W. G. NELLES CO. Phone 62 Bowmanville RED ROSIE TEAis good tea" The Orange Pekoe is extra good ~- 12 In cdean, brighi Aluminum 1 .5 That the interest aroused in the New Chevrolet has been weIl merited is indicated by these first photographs of this iatest addition to the light car field. The smart sport cabriolet, with its folding seat and disc wheels, is shown in the upper right-hand photograph. In the centre is the sturdy Chevrolet one-ton truck chassis, while at the lower right is the coach niodel, the body of which is five inches longer than formerly. Insets are: upper left, the massive new radiator and heavy full crown fenders; right, the powerful and clean-cut motor of the new line, with two-port exhaust and complete enclosure; lower left, a view of one of the four-wheel brakes. The New Chevrolets, which are to be reduced in price, are to be available at once. They are longer and roomier than previous models. I r- ~ v 1~- ~;rn~ f Si 't'.',' s~ ~ ~ r" .5 YEPI. Groceries Are A Bill of iExpense, But You Can't Get Along Without Them. So we price our groceries.* as low as we pos- sibly can, serve you with quality goods, and gen- erally do our very best to help you set an attractive table at a minimum cost. We are pleasing old customers and -adding new every day. May we serve you. Don't forget we have the largest variety of Dishes, Glassware and Crockéry in town. ARCHIE rTAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Reduce Coal Bis With Lehigh Anthracite Taken from the highest grade producing 1 mines in the world and specially selected for do- mestic 14li'!oses b,%' exp)ert coal piekers, Lehigh Coal assur es you of the longést burning andtE maximum heating value of any bituminous coal obtainable. This choice coal is also screened through spe- cially constructed sereens. Thus, in Lehigh Coal you get a coal that is ideally sized for perfect com- bustion. Tt burns evenly, it tires quickly and re- duces your trips to the furnace to the minimum. By lasting much longer than ordinary coal, it costs much less. Try a load today-you'll like it J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville The Bread Ol To -Day THE QUALITY 15 UNIFORMLY RIGHT The conditions of its9 making an'd baking are well-nigh ideal. Tt is more satisfying than infer- ior makes. It is so crammed ful of home-made virtues that mother may safely buy instead of bake which means less work for her, and the fiavor is delightful. Get it at The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville IS YOUR MEAT BILL TOO HIGH? A poor piece of meat is dear at any price but- a tender, juicy cut is a delight to every man-and TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 PAGE Ltil

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