PAGE SEVRI THE CAINAIIN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1928 You may flot be able to get "ISALADA"I Orange Pekoe Blend Un every store, but most good grocers seUl UtL A great many people do flot realize that such a tea s on the market-"ISALADA" s much the flnest Orange Pekoe Blend you can buy. ORANGIE PEKOE SlkïBlENDA F. J. MITCHELL DOMINION PIANOS-UPRIGHT, GRAND, REPRODUCING AND PLAYER PIANOS The BALKITE Radio Power Unit will make your old radio a power set. They are wonderful. Use power only when your set is working. No batteries. Pianos and Radio Supplies sold on easy ternis. Make the family happy by calling Tel. 105 Bowmanville. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL NO "SICHT-UNSEEN" There's no hanm in telling you one of the sec- rets of our being able to give you consistent un- varying quality of meat. It is this: We go dir- ect tb the fanmer and examine the cattle when alive. We know who feeds them, what they are fed and if at their best. This practice of buying meat alive or on the hoof, enables us to know quality first hand. We do not buy "sight unseen" or take somebody's word for it. This gives our customers the utmost protection in the meat they buy at our shop. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 Serving The Public Over 50 Years It has been the privilege and pleasure of this firm to serve the public in Bowrnanville and dis- trict for over 50 years. Without any thought of boasting wve feel in ail these years we have neyer been in a better position to serve your require- ments for COAL-WOOD-LUMBER than at present. We have the goods at the right price and a staff that is able to give prompt and efficient service. We Are At Your Service McCleIlan &, Co. Ltd. hone 15 King St. East, Bowmanville .ook's R.gulating Compounc r as .el .gla m.u,.SId l treu" Sln tNo. di of eteSt S per b 0.rV3.,No ta8.ospr bai Solep&U n=oiutforlm e. paphlt ofddri: fMI 00K e ddCINIC 'r£ OUNOKOT.oMEDINE C 's Q~PMOSPHODINE.% Ê' TLotneGreat Engish rprain 10~ Tomes allôd migorates t he whoe menussystern.nmalles new lod »on nid Veins. Used for Ncri'ous lI)ebiiiy, Mntai and Bain Worry Despondency Lau of EnerY, Palpitationi ni iht Hear,, Fading Mamosry. rice 32 pe box. 3 j for $. Slit by atldrugglsts, or isailed in plain Vkg. on reccipt of price. Naw p.uuphla mned ,-.TuW WOOD MKOICINEcaO..G ONT.ONT. thaw well thoy diplayod valour, cour- c complaints as well as externaliy. For Ils age and military sirit and manif oit- 'For your chld-old rehiablfe sors throat, croup, whoapig coiigh, ,a ed their character, wo ail are ac- E qppinInh hot ahcad mn n.quahnted and they crownod themsol- <f klndred aliments # hba qualities.that yen wlth giory, and we are justly ISCUUUT> IVX UL it î are unsurpased. A battis of it caste Sproud of our <anadian soidiors. littîs and thors l no loua in alwas Elghty per cent of Cana.. in..-.avn tt hand. A Profitable Dairy BHon YOUR Profit as a dairyman is flot large enough to allow "boarders" in your herd. The CANADA edness is held by hier own citi zens, CLARKE TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS _______ the Canadian Dollar is at par and In address given before Jerusalem'our credit ranks high in the money Municipal elections in Clarke Lodge No. 31, A.F.&A.M., Bow-- markets of the world. Township pased off very quietly, the manville. on December 29, 1927, by Sixty-four per, cent of Canadian, majority of the electors, apparently, Mr. J. D. Keachie of Toronto, the-homes are owned by themselves. We preferring te spend New Years holi word "Canada" cornes from the cor-i are on the verge of an era, of pros- day at home rather than turn out rupt Iroquois word "Kamatha", mean- perity and we stand on the threshold and cast their ballots, as only 44.3 % ing "a village~" and we adopted Qf future greatness. and among the of the possible vote was rccorded;in 'Canada" as the namne of our land-1 self-governing nations of our Em- cne two Orono divisions not more the brightest gem in Britain's pire there is no land has so many es- than 35 per cent. As a resuit of the crown and of greatest promise and sentials, te have it become a power- vote Reeve M. J. Holman, who has resource. fui influence for the peace and good- occupied the Obief Executive's chair On January lst., 1867, the Act of ýwill of mankind, our destiny is be- the past four years witb credit to Confederatoin went into effect-theyond human conception, and we are himself and the Municipality, is first colony to form a confederation, boundl to become one of the greatest elected for a flfth termi. His op- -the flrst to ask for, and 1,hle first1 countries under the suni. ponent,.Mr. Arthur McKay however, to receive it. We then became the So Isay, bie proud of being a Can- made a creditable run falling short Dominion of Canada, taking our bible, adian of the emblems of our country of the goal only by seime sixty odd verse from Psa. 72 :.8-"He shahl -the Maple Leaf and the Clover boldi votes. Mr. R. L. Hoy, a Kendal have dominion also from sea ta sealup your head. yon are citizens of a young mnan,' also made a good run. and from the river tinte the ends of~ land second ta none, and from what- R. L. Dent polled a good average the earth". The inscription over the ever an gle you regard your country vote throughout the township, but entrance to the Parliament Buildings, in, stay here and grow Up with its received bis strongest support in the Ottawa reads- girantic resources and have a share two Orono wards. With Mr. Mc- seaisathergaesin the prosperity that lies before you. Kay, Mr.1 George Luxon i. the only "The wbolesomea sahegts1 Charles G. D. Roberts bas splendid- other inember of the Council te drop Her gates both East and West". What a splendid formation and ly expressed this thought in the fol- out. Mr. William Payne mnade a f oundation for this our Canadian na- lowing lines: good sbowing in his own sub-division, tionality which were welded on that "Awake my country, the hour of but in other parts of the township fis DmninDa,60yar go e dreams la donel apparently was not very well known. havlrst Dominiongay, 60 years ao W Doubt not nor dread the greatness The new mel'nbers of the Coundil are thae pasdi duringathat tie.fro of thy fate. F. W. Lovekin and Fred Couch. Mr. thecodiio ofa cateed comn- Tho, faint souls fear the keen con- Lovekin, whose father wvas a popular munity, living for the most part un- fotn u ev ftetwsi o ayyas der pioneer and somewhat precarious An fing uld bldof theownhipmorrn ofer bicmtne t hto ighly or- olbdth mr f polled the strong,,vote. The memn- cicu morncst t igea of a sDendour wait; i bers of the new counicil are: guaed moem alte wih geata-Th'hairavet in starry visions Reeve-M. J. Holman. Motn cuulte walhwhcb wehae cry- Deputy Reeve-Albert Motn reached slowly by steady persever- Lo, yon thy future, yon thy faith, (acclamation).- ance and constant and assiduous pro- tbY farne! Counillors-F. B. Lovekin, Fred gress, that gives us the assurance of An tth vain hands te stars, L. Couch, Lionel A. Dent. stability and rigid perxnanency. thy faine i. nigh, The vote by sub-divisions: We are now nearly 10 millions 0f Here in Canadian hearth and home PolI Sub-Divisions no mean country, witb a general and name- Reeve trend for courage, patience, con- This name which yet shall grow stancy and fervour, forming and Till aIl the nations know blazing a trail of ,vhich future gen- Us for a patriot people, heart and erations xill reap the full fruition. han Let us rejoice greatly. Loyal to aur native earth. aur wNewovle.....16 5 Let us ever as Canadians hold in1 Canadian Land". Brwonvis S.H..........5906 28 honour and remembrance the Fathers' -John D. Keachie. s. s . H9..........459 18 of Confederation who amid diffi- 66 Asquith Ave., Toronto. Kend. ...............24 97 culties and innumerahie discourage- Kna ...... 5 9 ments acbieved results which are to- Orono North.......... 65 35 day only partially realized. e One of the most effective vermu- Leskard............... 33 18 ef vision and action, who laid the fuges on the market is Miller's Oak................... 6 23 foundation of a mighty nation. They Worm Powders. Tbey will net only Starkville.. . .... ..... ..21 7 huilt even better thant they knew, for clearly clean the stomach and bowels Orono South......89 37 we are today standing a robust na- of worxns, but will prove a very ser-48 35 tion of the north whose giant strides viceable medicine for children in reg- Total 638 38 in progress and development consti- ulating the infantile system and main- Majority 6 tute une of the most enchanting ro-1 taining it in a healtby condition. Councillors mances of modemn history. How well1 There is nothing in their composition were their plans, how sane were thein i that will injure the xnost delicate e~ 0 thougbts, how far-reaching was their stomach when directions are follow- 0 o c indomitable ardency and courage. ed. and tbey can be given te cildren 0 Cu 0 0 Z c Let us not f orget Tache, Macdon- in the full assurance that they will u M J P ald, Brown, Cartier, Mowat, Tupper, utterly destroy aIl worms. Newtonville .99 22 18 87 9 98 Galt, Tilley, Gray-names ta tbrill __________________ ,Brown's S H.90 8 0. 44 9 8 and enthuse every proud Canadian in S. S. No. 9. .31 12 9 62 7 2 hscuty osigfnn*1ad Kendal . 32 18 99 41 31 12 bis ~o conrbatn inal n A Orono North. 33 72 17 58 49 1 banking institutions o itrn'a& C lfLekrd .i 4'l 4 15 tional renow'n whose ships carry Ocin Lsa......11.. 6 15120 4113 2 Canadian manufactured goods t n t ak .le......61 195 80 592 127 every quarter of the world; whose t 1v II n ee rno Sout..61 97 208 5 1 457 wbeat bas taken lst prize against the OooSuh4 72 14 world for 12 years consecutively;- - - - - with the largest grain milîs in the Money Back if Moone's Ernerald Oul Total 403 309 232 468 197 171 Empire, the world's richeat nickel Doesn't Do Away With Ail Sore- Majority-Lovekin over Coucb 65; and asbestos mines in tbe world; with nest Swelling and Distreti in 24 Couch over Dent 94; Dent over Roy the Hollinger Gold Mine in Ontario. Hours. 72. at a depth of 3,150 feet-the chief producer of gold in the world, yield- Two or tbree applications of ing to date over 15 millions of gold, [Moone's Emerald Oil and in flfteen A Power of its Own.-Dr. Thomias' and they bave only toucha-d the minutes the pain and soreness dis- Eclactric Qil bas a subtîs power of f ringe of this enormous nugget; witb peas A few more applications its own. AIl who have used it know the most extensive sea fishenies in the at regular intervals an~d the swellhng this and keep it by tbem as the most worl; te wold' gretes proue-redues.valuable liniment available. Its us- worl; te wrld' gratet poduc reuce. ées are innumerable and for many tion of newsprint; the greatest per And hast of alI any offensive odor capita raiiway mileage in the xorld; is gone for good-I' odru years it bas beau prized as the lead- witb an area as large as 30 United formula-this combination of essen-iglnmetfr anndbs. Kingdoms and 18 Germanys-twice tial oils witb campbor and other an-- the size of India, 18 times the size of tiseptics se marvelous that thousands France and 33 Italys. We can put of hottles are sold annually for re-1 SIXTEEN NEW MEMBERS the U. S. including Alaska, inta Can- ducing varicose or swollen vains.1 IN 1928 COUNTIES COUNCIL ada and we can stili bave 111,992 Jury & LoveIl and every good 1 square miles ta apare. druggist guarantees the very firat. Two Ward.nship Candidates Defeat- Bounded by three aceans-the At- bottle of Moone'. Emerald Ou ta end ed at the Poils on Monday. lantic, Arctic and tbe Pacific-13000 your foot troubles or money back. miles of coast line; 2,306,502,308 _______________ Following is the 1928 connties acres of wbich 359,162,190 acres are counicil, wbicb will meet for the first possible farm land and 140,887,803 *time on January 24. Sixteen meni- acres at presenit occupîed. Millionscasi th Stm h bers are new in the counties council. of acres of splendid virgin Cana- G si h t m c Amongst Monday's casualties wene dian soil has nover foît the foot of . two wardensbip candidates, Dr. J. H mnan, and is awaiting settlers-75 I ruiy iJangerous Hess in Hastings and Salemi Clarke per cent of aur Dominion area, is yet_____ in Cramahe township. unsurveyed, and we have available' Gas, Pain, Bloating and a feeling Bowmanville-Reeve, W. HL Tbick- five times as much arable land as is of fulness after eatîng are almoat son; Deputy Reeve-W. H. Carruýt- Iunder cultivation, and yet we are the certain evidence of excessive bydre- bars. greatest world's wheat exporters and chlorîc acid in the stornach. Ne,.astle-Reeve-W. Frank could supply the whole world with Too mucb acid irritates the deli- iRickard. bread if we bad all our land settled. cate stomacb lining, frequently Clarke Town shp-Re eve-M. J. Canada has the largest and ricbest causing cbronic Gastritis and danger- Holman; Deputy Reeve-Albert cobalt deposits in the world and next ous Ulcers. Food ferments and Morton. to China bas the world's greatest sar- omn a htdsed Darlington Townsbip-Reeve--C. coal roiný,s. In the Province of hst orna and otn dseosy A. Wight; Deputy Reeve-Silas Wil- Alberta are situated tbe greateat and affects the Heart. liam.. richest fields of coal in the world, It is genuine foliy to neglect such Cartwrigt-ReeveýFred Hyland. which ha f ound on the surface of the ýacniio rt ra.wt ri Millbrook-Reeve-W. T. Wood. earth-no pita being requred--and fal odigth ve or t ratcwint nti- Cavan township--Reeve-Geo. the coal reserves there could supply icalie estveaia h ac Anot ne Hooton; Deputy Reeve-R. J. Mc- the orld for 300 tbousand years. We rayisth est omh acid. A betrKnigbt. have the largest forest reserves in the sway Bus t et frornes our dor ît Hope townsip-Reeve-M. Wil- %voldan ou fiheiesareony sr-tablets) and take a littla after *each son; Deputy Reeve-A. J. Fin'nie. passed hy those of tbe North Sea. al This farnous but simple and-D Port Hope-Reeve-L. H. Gddy; The C.P.R. ha one of the greatest inexpensive stomacb sweetener and i eputy Reeve-F. Rosevear. f eats of engineemflhg in tbie world anth-acid can be depended upon ta 1 Manvers towwnship-Reeve-F. one of the greateat world railxvay as prove its value in loua than fv Gray; Deputy Reeve-Wn Carbett. wlasone of the greateat croa nnotisacs v Cobourg-Rev-GeorgeThnp corll as iminutes.relief thos i th ~orl-20447mieag, pcores Inntl! Piest andsrelefr- sI o.neuty Reeve-A. R. Willrnott. ",, f, oo, Milk Weiht Book. f.,~ keping your mik ,-«or-ds Every cow is an ' inestent an ilk eqes are tu heusrec animal should pay you a profit. secret of success i darying. The proceeds f rom the sale of m&lk butter and eggs should be deposited i the bank for future needs. F1The Royal Banik F71 of. Canada Bowman\-ille Branch - R. F Aitchison, Manager 121 Special Introductory Offer on BUTTER "e' 0c. Drasside Brand c *4 lb Acclaimed the ficest butter to b. obtauod..Taste tî c eanio f tisi*.bte Ais lsMayfleluI Brand 40c lb. F .. tG.Idee Hl CHÂTEAU Domino Choice.Smupen Dates ocAF ... y Wklo. Gi. C** n 1CHEESE Rice Figa 2 IO 9Z½ I kg 2 1 2 250 2 1b.. 21C Crispo Fig Bars 2 11. 3 Sardi nestn 15C Fii.i th Fig J..- FietGranulated Qgg 10Ibn. 68c ornesYellow S g0 6.65 Ba TEA DomImo Mead la caftons ouIy 1 tTASTY 1' rq uJelly Rc UAttie Chip Orange or Lemo 'Jar23c Jai'51 Aylmer Brand Soupa ...c. h....i Ri 2 t.210 lb. Heina Cooked SPaghetti 17e Bacon - Mayfeld Band bisehme 350~ ko eadueu Pure SevilIe Oag Io& 9 Marusalade 49 tols 15C.,k LusliusieliyPowders 3--25cI kon ;5c Pastry Fleur l'ho Fineat Flour for Good Paatry 4Bag9b 61.,03 98S-l4b.$3 9 Mastard l/4.ub27c kibÇ-53c DeUC oua Canned Ilorda GrapeFroit Very Eccou«mla Roa.Iy to e St 2ti n 212.CJF r...---------:~oe- u:m Will A Fire Find You Under Insutred? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better proteet yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this rnonth. We will be glad to advise you. That's our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MAFON & Se-)ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville [. MILLERPS WOIRM-POWDERSe uf Tm ManfTlS CONDItION BACUONT ON BY THEt PRESENCR ou WORMS. AND RESTORE THECILt 111 TOÎNORMAL HEALTii. NO NARCOTICS -PLCASANT AS SUGAR * animaIs will double your pro- duction of millc and butter. r. . . . . 4- - i Il Delays are dangerous.