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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l9tb., 1928 CARD 0F THANKS NIt. Upper and ber mnother of Maple Grove, wisb to tbank their n.eighbors for the sympatby shown them during their recent bereave- ment and especially the gentlemen who so kindly acted as paîl-bearers. SKATES SHARPENED The new and better praccesa. Prompt and satisfactory service. JAMiESON BROS. Statesman Bock Bowmanville BAND T aylor's Rink Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 5000 Hens Wantedj 1 have an ordar for 5000 Hens which must ha filhad during January. Also al kinds of f ovl wantad. Wilh psy igbest cash prices for good fat hans. APPLES WANTED If iaterestad phone 81, Witby and charges. reverse IStein WHITBY MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Imiporter direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I Bmploy no cemetary caretakars as agents praferring to sali my ovin goods thus savng the purchaser the agent'à commission. A caîl solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmtnville Phone 826W Box 94 BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS The Deputy Provincial Secretary, Mr. H. M. Robbins, addressed the Monthy Staff Luacheon Meeting ast Tuesday. Ris talk vias very inter- esting and enlightening as ha made clear the many angles of the provin- cial civil service. Annual Boxing Cbampionsbip Tournament will be beld vitb the finals Fiday, Jaauary 27th at 8 p. M. Head officiaIs of the Ontario Athietic Associatiba vilîl b. dowa to assiat in conduction the tournameat. The public is iavited free of charge to vievi the finals on Friday aigbt. Some thirty boys bave entered in the five classas. A new tripla dormitory is vieIl un- der construction and will be finish- ed earhy aaxt summer. This wl be quite a building measuring two huadred feet and wyul accommodate oaa bundred boys. A group from West End Y.M.C.A.,' Toronto, took charge of the Vesper service ast Sunday. M. Edgar Webb delivared the address and Mr. Kenneth Spence sang two vocal aum- bers. AT THE END 0F THE JOURNEY This I would rather bave than ahl your fame; A few trea friends to sit witb me and smile, Laughing and cbatting in life's after- while, O'er coma remembeTed youtbful, joy- ous game. When age cornes on ,and I no more can cdaim Tbe rigbt to marcb witb men an-' other mile, But must retire to some safe-sbelt- ered aislie, May aIl I've knowa in frieadship speak my name. May aIl who pass mny doorway wave a hand In friendly greeting as tbey jouraey by, The tired old man -will smilje and un- derstand The love that flashes in eacb marry eye. For down the distance, where the journey ends, Old age will watcb life's sunset witb bis friends. -Edgar A. Guest FARMERS, ATTENTION I Plenty of good coal at CQ N. Sta- tion, Tyrone. Delivery made promptly to any customer. Order at once. R. H. Coflacott, Phone 181r12. 45-tf. complexion-with the aid of Pasteurizedl milk and cream." Nature does ber duty-aad in infancy tbe baby girl is given beauty of bealtb that may be re- tained througb girlbood days. The proper diet should include milk-for it i sthe food that will bring tbat glow of youtb-devel- opiag beauty, year by year, until t burats into the bloom of that radiant scbool-girl complexion. Drink more mlk! BOWMAN ILE DAII« KING ST. PHONE 44G BRIGHTER HOMES -STORE --The Paint Centre-- In future our store will be known as the "Brighter Homes Store" as we have linked up with hundreds of stores throughout Canada who seli GLIDDEN'S ENDURANCE PAINT We have a Glidden Paint for every purpose-and every can is guaranteed. STAUNTON'S SUNWORTHY SEMI-TRIMMED WALL PAPER Many people now express a preference for famous wall paper. There's a reason. Buy Your School Suuplies Here this GEO. PRITCHARD I 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville ODDFELLOWS NEW OFFICERS Officers of Florence Nightinalme Lodge lnstalled Wedneaday evening, Jaauary 11, D.'D.G.M. Earl Boviman and instal- lation team from Cobourg Lodge in- stalled the followiag officers of Flor- ence Nightingalle Lodge. I.O.O.F.. No. 66, for term eading June 30th: N.G.-M. W. Tamblyn V.G.-Rd. Sudds Rec. Secretary-F. A. Haddy Fin. Secretary-Wm. Ormisto- Tresurer-Wm .Edger I.P.G.-Geo. Young Warda-W. J. Jaffery Coaductor-T. M. Wilcox Chaplain-J. E. Anderson R.S.S.-L. Nichohîs L.S.S.-O. L. Metcalf R.S.N.G.-S Little L.S.N.G.-E. Rhines RS.V.G.-A Colvieli L.S.V.G.-Thos. Wright I.G.-J. C. Samis O.G.--Jas. Johnson A haarty vote of thanka vias tend- erad to the D.D.G.M. and bis team for able mannar in wbich they con- ferred the installation caremonias. BOND SELLING CAMPAIGN Sponsored by Memaber cf Older Boys' Parliament Starts This Month. 1 Citizens of Bovimanville bave ai- visys given generous support to the Bond Selling Canipaign conducted to defray expenses of the Ontario Old- er Boys' Parlament. and to assist1 in the work of the local Boys' Work Board. In fact this tovin bas heen9 so eathusiastic over this splendid1 womk thai on previous occasions eacb year tbey bave surpaaaed its object-1 ive. -This year the campaiga continues fmom January 28th to Februsry 1ltb inclusive. Bowmanville'salahotment ia plsced at $125, altbough asat yeari $200 vias subscribed locally. As la other yeama medals will ha awarded to boys vibo raise from $5 Up. The local campsign wilh b. under the direct supervision of Gregory Colmar local member for West Dur- ham to Boys' Parliament. ne vilîl be aaistad by members from the six Tuxis groupa vibo as usual wiul con- duct a whirhwind and bigb pressure snleamansbip campa gn. Sioux Tuxis group bas already or- ganized for the season with these oficers: Mentor-Gregory Colmer; Prtor-Erneat Brown; Daputy Pre- tor-Jim Devitt; Secretary-Treasurer --Jack Minore. PROGRAM 0F RUSSIAN MUSIC ______cbaikowsky". Mrs. Cola at thia plan programs lÉor Coming Months point gave the life istory of eacb and mentioned the hast work la every Members of the Executive of St. instance. John's Anglican Cburcb Young "O0bserving the fact that during a People's Association met recently at musical life, properly ranging within the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. a pariod of from 40 to 50 yeara, Liberty Place, where they speat a Russa bas brougbt forth many dis- very anjoyabla and profitable even- tinguisbad soloista and composera, ing discussing plans and arranging one feels possesaed of the deaire to programa for the coming montha. know more of the p rasent conditions The committea 18 composed .o0 and influences which ara la the basis Bernard Baldwin, Chairman; Miss for future Russian artistic attain- Audray Lamb, Miss E. Steadman, Mr ments". and Mra. J. A. Guna, Messrs. R. G. A description of many Conserva-1 Harding, L. H. Cooke, George tories of Russia, Germany and Aus-1 Young, E. Ormiston. tria ware given, the number of pu- Scbedule for future meetings were pila attending eacb ranging la aum- decidad on as follows: January 24 bar from four to eight bundred. -Port Hope Y. P. A. visitors bere; Througbout the country there are January 31-Osawa Y. P. A. visitiag aow held a series of concerts, tan la hera; February 13-St. John's Y. P. aumber. Mrs. Cola pointed out wbicb A. visits Witby; February 27-Lit- are directly made up of the talent erary eveaing; Marcb 12-Mission- from the consarvatories. These amy meeting; March 26-Open; April musicians are paid £rom five to eigbt 23-Open; April 30-A possible vis- dollars for a rehearsal and a perform- it to Blackstock; May 14-Opan; May ance. 28-Annual dinner and banquet. Referring to dance music Mrs. Dainty refrashments were served Cola says: "No sucb tbing as orcheat- at the close of business meting. ai dance music exista. Nrda Russia havre instrumental folk music. _________People sing wbile they dance and perfomm in a sort of harmonic chor- ONE MILLION READERS us". The general routine for ai ________studeant of music in Russisa the Canada bas one institution at least course ganemaliy takiag aine yeara that compares favorably with any- to be tboroughly masterad. tbing of the kind the world ovar. It Regsrding cburcb music, the organ la that great waekly paper The Fam- is neyer al]owed la the cbumcb ser- ily Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- vice of Russia. 50 orchestras are out treal, with its 72 big pagea each week of the question. Coagregational of the very choiceat matarial, and ail singing la absolutely unkaownanad f or oaa dollar a year. It is marvel- female voices ara neyer admitted in bous how its editors fIll its pagea witb the choira whicb deaies to vioman the such interesting and valuable newa, privilage of worsbippiag la soag. atonies. farmn newa, and hundrada of "Russian music, vibether it ha mel. other featumas that please and deligbt ancholy. folk-songs or wild dances, its great army of readars every week portrays the 1f a of a mystic semi- There are thousanda of homes in barbaric people ,douhly oppressed by iCanada viheme that great paper bas drab surrouadiags and politicai bard- been a regular visitor from ganera- shipa", said Mrs. Cole. tion to generation. The Family Her- The "Volga Boatmsn's Song" was aId bas been a money maker and a the next item and vins sung by Mes- money savar to its readars, and -one dames Caviker, Foster and Mr. A. E. dollar invcsted in a year"s subscrip- Hircock. tion is the bast investment aay fam- Possibly oaa of the most amusing ily can make. It la said to bava one1 readinga xvare given, yet a true por- million eaders la the Dominion. 1 trayal of the affect of music on the Farmers to Honor Memory of Empire's Soldiers HJ onor to the marner> of the Empira's soldier daad wil be offared b>' LAthe membars of the Canadian Fsrmar's Marketing tour which la now proceeding overseas under the auspices of the Canadian National Raiîwaya. A huge wreath, six feat in diamatar, beautiful in design and bearing the crasts of eacb province, intertwined witb characteristic foliage, bas been made in Montreal and wiii ba deposited at the cane- taph in London this montb during the party's visit there. t The pictura shows the wreath being inspectad by W. D. Robb, vice- preaident of the Canadian National Railvisys in charge of colonizatlon and agriculture, before the departure of the part>' from MontreaL many wbo have been afflicted witb sores and bave driven tbem away wýith Dr. Thomas' Eclctric Oil. All similarly troubled sbould lose no time in applying this spleaidid remedy, as there ls notbing like it to be had. Tt is cbeap, but its power is in no way expressed by Its low prie. Creatty Enjoyed by Menbr c Music Study Club. The monthly gatheriaga of the Music Study Club are provîag to, be both highly aatertainiag and aduca- a tive. Great intereat is beiag aboya d ini these musical treats by the aplen-C cid programa preparad and the larg-a est attandance and enthusiastic me- T captions given. & Wednesday evaning, January llth the Club met in St. Paul's Cburchb School Room wben the pmogram viasi. given orver entirely to Russian music, b composersand bistory. t Miss Anale McMaser, A.T.C.M.,C Zion, vias gueat artiat aad gave sev-p eai selections on the ipiano, which viere beartily appiauded and deeply t appreciated. Rer contributions to, the progrsm were Racbmaninog' "Prelude" in C Sharp Minor and anC instrumental "Gopak" by Moussorg-a sky. Mrm J. A. Cole played an open- ing aumber "The Russian National Aathem", the selection of wbich waa very appropriate. -"Marche Flava",ç an instrumental duet by Tachaikovi- sky was played by Mra. Harold Clem- ena and Mrs. C. R. Dudley. A quar- tet composed of Mesdames R. Tbomp- son, T. W. Caviker, Hl. M. Foster and J. &. Anderson sang "The Mili", by Rabikoif. This num ber vias a pleas- iag addition to the ýprogram and thet excellent style witb whicb it vias giveh waa iadeed very pleasing. Mrs. T. W. Caviker sang la exception-t sily fine voice "Blow Thou Winter Wind" by Zimbalist. "Andante Contabila from String Quartette Op. 11," the vielI known favorite of music lovera waa played by the instrumental trio compriaed of Mrs. M. A. Neal, Miss H. G. Morris and Mr. Francis Sutton. This selec- tion was composed by Tacbaikowsky nnd proved a wondemful addition to a well-chosen program. The ar- rangements for the thrae artiats were by Mrs. M. A. Neal. Mrs. J. A. Cole gave an iaterestiag and instructive talk on the bistory of Russian music dealîag viith the lives of the composera ,their works and the eff ect on the modern world. Mrs. Cole firat mentions Glinka as the father of Russian music, viho about 1836 as the firat artiat gave serious study to the piano and also tbeory, later writing an opera "The Lif e of .the Czar", a masterpiece whicb creat- ed a sensation tbrougbout the coun- "rýAs a reault of sucb a soiid foun- :dation", the speaker vient on to say, "a Russian Schooi of Opera was la- augurated which graduated a group of five tbouaand Russian composers, namely, Balakirew. Borodin, Mous- HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Aime and Values of Club Outlined in Galbraith. The Home and School -Club held a very enjoyable meeting on Tues- day evening. January 10, at the Central Publie School with a good .ttendance of members and friends. T'he President, Mrs. Harry Allun op- ened the meeting, and after business vas transactéd, a splendid program vas given consisting of piano solos by Master Charlie Cawker and Miss Marguerite Armstrong; vocal solo by Mrs. C. F. Rice; humorous recita- tion, Mrs. Cameron; duet Mrs. Alex. Co1'ville and Mrs. C. F. Rice, accom- panied by Miss Armstrong. A special feature was an exhibi- tion of club-swinging by Miss Editb Peardon. wbo is an expert in ail kinds of physical exercises. Miss L )rchard accompanied Miss Peardon at the piano. A most interesting 'paper on the 'Aîms and Values of Home sand Scheol Clubs" was given byMis. Md. Galbraith of the South Ward School teaching staff. A brief sum- mary of bier address follows: Home and Sebool Clubs were form- ed to draw teachers and parents to. gether, in order tbat there should bie co-operation ini the great work of education. The good teachers must recognize their responsibility as teachers, first and always. Tbey are responsible for manners, moral, mental habits, and to a great extent the character of tbose in their charge Happy indeed are those teachers wb ose intellectual training, evenness of temper, firmness of bearing and ideals of cbaracter-building, lead and direct without apparent effort the most backward, or the laziest, or the most careless, up the difficuIt road to success. The "wbole" boy is made up of body, mind and heart, and to get the 'wbole' bcy to school bas always been a problem. He will neyver do bis best work until hie puts bis beart into it, and bearts are nioved only tbru love. The boy must love bis work and his school and lie will love beth if bie loves bis teacher. It is evi- dent, therefore, tbat the greatest need is a teacher of the rigbt sort. A teacher baving flot only a healthy weli-disciplined body. and a ricb glo'wing mind; but a beart of love fer ahl children; of that kind of love that "hopeth all things, endureth ail things, thinketb no evil, neyer fail- eth". A whole teacber ia the secret of a wbole boy in a wbole school. Li the last f ew years, parents bave sb*own a far greater interest in aIl scbool work. They want their scbools the best that can bie had; the classrooms fully and properly equip- ped; proper beating, proper ligbt- ing and proper ventilation. Notbing material is overlooked; but most of ail the parent sbould be interested in the teacher. The cbild is the seed, which if properly nurtured, will make the ideal man or woman, and this aurturing depends largely upon par- ents and teachers; for we must in- creasingly recognize 'Education' as a function and responsibility of the entire community, and not merely of tbe public achooL Education must lbe looked upon gs -a life-long process, and that individ- uals are being educated by ail the experiences of lif e through wbich they pass. It is immensely important that the community in discbarging its re- 1sponsibility in the way of the 'edu- 1cation of its children, sbould see tbtat ail the agencies that bave a 1part in the total performance, should tbe so related that the outcome will ha a maximum of desirable results in the making of worthy citizens. Education, besides fitting boys and -girls to ýe bread-winners, ougbt to fit stbem to live intelligently amid their surroundings. 1 A true education is awakening a ,love for trutb; giving a just sense aof duty; opening the eyes of tbe soul eto the great purpose and end of life. 'It is not teaching to be honest, bie- cause honesty is rigbt. It la teaching nthe individual to do good for the sake of the good; to love and serve ýGod supremely, not from fear, but tfrom deligbt in His perfect character. a Scbools created a-id maintained by nthe entire public, of course, assume ,the major responsibiiity not only for definîng tbe policies of education, and for carrying them into effect within the schoola, but also for es- tablishing the best working relations 'y witb other agencies in the commun. -ity. Our Homne and Scbool Club% rmake iit possible for us to meet and discuss s-ways and means towards the better- ment of our scbpols ;and no matter bo vry aal the returna of our labor em-t s,theae*.-ar- ro fM CONSISTENT VALUE' That's what makes our grocery store a popu- lar place to buy your table and eooking require- ments. You save a f ew cents on many articles at this store which soon counts into dollars. And aitho' the prices are low the highest quality is always -assured. Just try us with your next grocery order and learn first hand why so many folks buy here. W. G. NELLES CO. Phone 62 Bowmanville DEPENDABLE FURNITURE 0F Quality</ Reasonably Priced F. F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service Bowmanville ont. 'p PAGE TEE BEST 0F EVERYTHING --- And Plenty of It! This week we are featuring the following: Our Special Blend Black Tea .............58e lb. Burford Peas ...................................10e tin Dark Honey, very Special, 5 IL pail ..........45e Table Carrots, solid and good ..........25e peck Aylmer C elery Relish, reg. 15e glass for ....10e Dominion Macaroni, 2 packages .............25e Robin Hood Pan Dried Oats wvith Chinaware 40e ANOTHER SHIPMENT PRUNES Santa Claire Prunes, from the Sunny South, tender and meaty, 3 sizes: 3 lbs. 25c; 2 Ibs. 25c; 1I L 25e. No Extra Charge For Delivery We recommend and SeOI HARRY ALLIN SERVE STEAK FRIDAY OR SATURDAY We will have on sale Friday and Saturday this week some very choice beef which. we Rmn recommend as being real prime beef. Mti on stock, been well fed and wilbe juiey and ltender when cooked properly. Try a steak or roast and you wil say you neyer tasted any meat quite its equal. We strongly recommend this beef because we know it's good. While you think of it phone 518 now. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518.. Bowmanvill CONSISTENT QUALITYt BOWMANVILLE PHONE 186 Sold By

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