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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19tb., 1928 At one tUrne peope couid get oniy buik tea-tea ex- poed to air-fiat fiavour-Then came "SALADA"O -ed ln metal -fuII-flavoured-frs---deic- *us-dust-free-now people use "SALADA". Four srad.s-75c to $1.05 per lb. Aa F. J. MITCHELL DOMINION PIANOS-UPRIGHT, GRAND, REPRODUCING AND PLAYER PIANOS The BALKITE Radio Power Unit will make your old radio a power set. They are wonderful. Use power only when your set is working. No batteries. Pianos and Radio Supplies sold on easy ternis Make the family happy by calling Tel. 105 Bowmianville. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL 1NO "SIGIIT-UNSEEN" There's no harm in telling you one of the sec- rets of our being able te give you consistent un- varying quality of meat. It is this: We go dir- ect to the farmer and examine the cattie when alive. We know who feeds them, what they are fed and if at their best. This practice of buyi.ng meat alive or on the hoof, enables us to know quality first hand. We do not buy "lsight unseen" or take somebody's Word for it. This gives our customers the utmost protection in the meat they buy at our shop. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 FUEL BIN?0 If it requires refilling, why not let us have the pleasure of supplying the necessary Coal or Coke -and w,,hy not you enjoy the burning of our High- grade Fuel? The benefits would be mutual- we would both be better off-It's up te, you-Why not act to-day? We can also fill your needs for hard or soft wood, rough or dressed luxnber, etc. McCleIlan & Co. Ltd. King St. East, Bowmanville ..ook's Regulating Compound ¶0e. of @mutreg-No. 1. 81 No. & 88 No.88 pSrboma dnai 2 = t§4 or mai réptof pries EiPl mblet Addueue: 1iHE COOK MEtDICINECO.« W DSPHOSPHODI4E 1. Die Great Engiih Pieparation. *UTone and tnvlgortes Lthe hale Wn~~>nervaous system. makes new Eiead in aid Veine. Used for Nera.ous - - -ilty, Mental aduni rasWrry D*SPONdsCy. Loa <4 E . Palpitation Oka Hled, r fng MuepFice Sit box. f-r $5.9 Sod by a 1 dru«gi*te. or .saii.in plala pkg o- r«eipi af pdc. New' pauupffld ailed TEA ansd magic lu religion"; a Mthraic SChristianity", hé déclaréd. No con- 1. promises for ]Bannes, and a langé lé !l-Ln ment ln thé church declaréd their Sp- tl. ~ A7 Sproval o! thèse wlld statements. "No I4JdÇ 4 M lýuéIlui man shaîl drive me ta Tennéa or 41> 259 1 TUÂT ENGLISH CHURCH AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER PRAYERBOOKI My Déar Nièce :-A Happy and1 By Chas. M. Bice, B.A., LL.B. rpeosNw1a tYu-nw Denver, Colorado. home and nèw surroundings. ______Everything untriéd, everytbing ta, The unxpectd hapene hé bctèstèd and weighed and balancedt 'I é uexpctè hapend té--the little bouse, thé land, thé cli-t othc" day in thé British Parliament maté, and the neighbors.t whén the House, iustéad a! thé Lords, 1 hope everything about you will réjécted thé proposéd réviséd Prayer epnwadusidadusold Book o! thé Church o! England forép nwandlnsd.S u unpoiet which had beén approved by largé for manyfa lng day. amuche-. majoritiés o! thé clérgy aud thé îaity Iépc !tig htaenw in churcb organizations. ýOftén tuées wé expéct too much In hé ous ofLars, hér th Iand da nat givé énough o! ourselves bishops sit, it waa thought that this n elp ak é n gthertinsképth t supposedly conservativé body would nwadaiygitn rejéct thé work becausé o! its assért- Wé think: Now wé lui stant al éd radicalism; but whén religion and ovér again, èverything sô dean and polîtics get mixéd in thé samne caul- frésb; thén wé make a uistake and dron thème is neyer any télling what things go wroug, thèy liecomé soiléd will happèn. and we losé heart. Thé recension was a compromise, It is astonishing how quickly we natumally. It had taken years, and losin srpaîIah ad néew quickly mo able minds wéré èmployéd in thé girpls ndrnwqikys work. that thé soiléd parts wil not become pernanet-becorne ustèd too deep- Défeat o! thé book favors t héIy undém thé surfacé. évaugélical or "Low Church" division So with aur chanactérs, my dean in thé Establishéd Church. Thé niecé, aur heants and aur resolutions.i powerful Non-Conformiat votés in Ovèn and aven again we havé ta ré- thé House hélped Evaugélical Eng- uew and polish, bécausé accidents land ta tumu down thé effort at and souls will accur. "IMaodénian," which is not, howevér, We shauld nat lase heart and hope thé Ameican kind. 50 quickly bélieving it is tao difficult Auglo-Catholies in England favar- ta keép thé néwnéss. éd thé réviséd book as coming néaren Once wé let things go, whether it1 ta théir idéas respecting thé clébra- be aur bright new housé, aur uten- tion o! thé Holy Communion, or, as ils, our machinery. or aour résolu- somne préfér ta termi it, thé "Holy tians it bèconjes harder and harder Eucharist", or Blésséd "Sacramént". ta get back thé lustre o! théir beauti- Thé "Real Présence," or a Synbol f ui newnèss. o! Christ thé Crucifiéd On?-A Sométimes it la such a héartlesa inatten in dispute almost frorn thé task ta kèep up,, to keép gaing; so béginnîng o! thé Church. nany thinga happén te, destroy our What sbould thé -Church béliévé efforts, warp aur faith, and weaken officially, what should it teach au this aur foothold. question? Sa much happens; the people we camé in contact wîth wll nat méet Uuhappily thé Church is fan frmr us hal! way; aur childmén are diso- agréement. Leaders in thé organi- bedieut and ungrateful. zation havé ta walk warily and speak Thé womk, or aur environnients are guardédly thèse tumes ta prévént a o0 différent, too, froni what we had gréat schism in thé Cburch. In hopéd and dmé-amed théy would bé. Episcopalian affairs history repéats, Then we let oursélvés drift, wé and what took placé a century ago in1 wéakly promise great enèwings when thé ýChurch o! England la béing wit-another New Yean dawns. néssed today. That is flot right or just to aur- Thé présent héad of thé Cburch, selves. Eacb New Year will find us Archbishop Davidson af Canterbury, wéakén, and less able ta éven make is wise in bis génration-hé bas résolutions, if we do flot try hard al béén doing his béat ta smooth aven tbrough thé year ta kéep theni. aud prévént éruption. Stnength la gainéd by exercie- Until thé othér mouth wbén éxércisé of aur will ànd detenminatian Bishop Bannés o! Birmingham Sp- daily will help us to kéep thé shine péaréd an thé scène, évéry tokén af uew hope. and new désires. pointed ta Parliaments accéptauce Allawing ruat and sailIta gain thé a! thé New Prayer Book in accord- uppén hand will mean eventually ancé with thé désiré o! thé mnajonity wéaknéss and death. within thé fold. Hé is now Iaokéd Go on as you have bégun, my déar ou as a "bull in thé china shap" o! nièce, aud do not let little frictions thé Chunch. fret and worry you to a wéaknéss of Hé déliverèd a sènsational sermon giving up. Your Loving, -thé "gonilla sermon," as it bas AUNT SUSAN. beén named flippantly-in London Edtru Note-This article was Catedrl, n wichlieuphld hewritten for New Year's numbér but doctrine propoundéd in an sddrèss failéd ta réach us ou tume. Howéven, by Président Kèith o! thé British thé advice stili holda good-hasn't Association of Scièntists, déclaring staléd on the way. for Neo-Darwinism, or man's asceut froni thé Apé family. Thé divine- mrade no réservations, ta Rame". "It's vitally nécessary Furthenmoré, Bannes répéatéd for thé church ta welcomé néw kuow- hiniséif, aud, ta thé minds o! a langé lèdgé and ail this is sound in ancient lément, hée made matters worse by doctrine", assérts Bishon) Barnés. dénauncing thé idéa of a "Real Prés- Te2t ril ntepae ence inthe rea an win ofthebook: "Thé body. o! Christ is givén, Sacrament. takén and éstén in thé supper anly Persans had beén accustamèd ta aftér a heavènly and spiritual man- thé "ape théary" for many years; uer, sud thé méans wheréby thé body but it weut bard ta havé a man o! of Christ is récéivéd and estèn lu thé holy orders, high in thé organization, supper is faith". ta scaut that which tbey héld ta hée This sééma mare lifé hair-splitting thé most aacréd. than a cléar straight forward de- Bannes, williugly on uuwilliiigly, claration o! a fact or pinciple. upsét thé plans a! thé praponents o! Is the Holy Communion a symbol-1 thé réviaéd book. ism, or saméthing real? Thé Près- Cros-currents sud mare bitter byténians and maat o! thé othén chun- dissensions followed an bis attacks. chés déclaré for thé former, wbilé thé Hé was bitterly dènauncéd lu Chunch Church o! England la nat so assért- aud Cathédral, whilé Liberalista dé- ive. fendéd hlm. la this a uew Oxford mavémeut, In thé rèviséd wark, concessions this tuée away !rom, not towards wéné made ta behéevérs in Purgatory, Ramé? Thé way ia le!t open for thé and thé Evaugélicals held that one o! two divisian*s in thé organîzation ta thé prayers of Consécration pravidéd remain wîthîn thé all-émbraciug anms for thé Communion office brought o! thé church. Let thé High thé wholè service o! thé Church Churchmau béliéve in Transubstan- dloser ta thé Roman Mass. A pra- tiation ,or Symboliani sud ahl will vision for thé réservation o! thé con- be well. This la uot a tué ta go ta, secrated bnead and winé for thé extrêmes with religion hauging Communion o! thé sick, whicb Dean iaosely on millions a! people, follow-, Inge déclaréd ta bc thé critical quès- îug on the great upset ta spiritual tian o! aIl, was assistèd by "low" sud physicial ideas. Let well churchmén as gétting nearér Ramé. èuougb aloné. Exciions!ra thémamnage Thé Bjîshop o! Sauthwank wauld vice onsttract heed riat ser-apply thé anodyné of Mtaphysics ta, vic atracedipopuar attention, al thé waund lu thé church. Bread and though withiu thé Cburcb proper thé wine hée asys are matter-dead mat- changes proposed wéré acceptedas ter-the réalist wauld have it. Paper a mattén o! fact. sud ink are "dead" matter. Yes. "Obéy" was délétéd in thé interéat but papér and iuk bécome changed o! thé bride and equal suffrage, sud lu spiritual méaning whén used for thé intraductol'y disquisitin on man- printing o! Daute's Divine Comedy niagé, objèctionablé ta prudes, W55 or thé music o! a Beethoven syni- tonéd down. phony. What next in Englaud? Thé "Déad" atone and wood becomé in- Délugé? Dil'séstablishméut o! thé truménts o! spiritual power whén Church a! England? Nat just yet. they are émployed lu a Rheims Cath- "Lè.ad Kiudly Ligpht!" Wbere shalh edral on a Westminster Abbey. Why WHY MEN LEAVE THE FARm Acids in Stomach1 Editor of The Statesman, Bowmanvile, Ont.Ca s In ieto Y Dear Sir.-As you have thoughtli it worthwhilé to publish certain Médical authorities staté that near-C things that originally went from me y nîne-tenths of théecases of stonachD to Thé Toronto Star, and as the ar-1 trouble, indigestion, sourness, bum- ticle as it appéared in The Statesman ing ,gas. bloating, nausea, etc., are - bas been widély read and as widely 'due to an excess of hydrochl*oric acid discussed, and as I have béen asked in the stomach. Thé delicate stom- to contribute something farther ach lînng is irritated, digestion fi along thé sainee unes, but by thosé de¶ayed and food saurs, causing the who are favourable and those who dilrebésmtoi hc vr are otherwîsé, a few further words stomach sufférer knows s0 well. fromn me in explanation and f uller tréatmént la, I think, in order. . Artificial digestents are flot needèd t isuch cases and may do réal hanm.a Two vital questions for Canada, Try laying aside ail digestive aids because of their baing on thé fut-1 and instéad get froin any druggist, ure, are Immigration and the con-i somé Bisurated Magnesia and také e stant trek froni thé rural parts .to a spoonful of powder or four tabléts o thé towns and cities and. we might in water right af ter eating. This add, from Canada to the U. S. A. This is not a problem peculiar to Canada. it is exercising statesmen and thinkers in Great Britain and especially in Australia. "Fer a saf., Sound învestment, The immigration ide of thé qus- value, wé unhésitatingly rcomn tion is costing aur country immense sumns every yèar and we wonder if INTERNATIONAL thème is full valué néceivèd. INTERNATIONAL Thinking I had sométhîng to say CANADIAN CELA] on this question I wrotè an article We havé préparéd a spécialc on "Why men leave thé Fan' drawn front an intimate expérience caiw of which will be mailédb of fourteen years. What I said ini_____ the article was édîtéd and appeared y~ as a news-featuré, a difference you F. Je V ar as a newspapér man will appréciate, F a and which fact has led to considen- 344 Bay Street Ade able confusion of judgmént. Let it be clearly understood that my7 sympathies and political vie"u are ail in thé intérests o! thé farm- mers. Once béforé I was in disfavour with a now prominent M.P.P. for ç ON st4nding up for the fanmera when théy had been unfairly tréatecL t will also help té keép clearly in mind, that I am not discussing my neighbors for whom, I hope, I have Qa4vort N a sincère respect, but a condition, "Why men leave thé Fanm". Beginning with thé immigrant, thinking mostly of thé British, 1 havé watchéd with gréat întenest the TI vanlous réactions of many to the new 1f e in Canada. First An: Thé fact that 50 niany are hère at such an early agé la evidence that0 théy are not déficient in courage and r- - À~P qw ambition and séif-reliancé. Their "T A T iE love and loyalty to thein home folks are-, also, as great as in any of us. It is just à year ago Their désire for love and home is "TASTY' Bread ta just a fundaméntal of human nat- have increased by leapç to bring thé réat of their folks put. As an evidence of ou Thé rural parts, howéver, have little u'rqqaed public's resporise, wea to offer. I have known and still Anniversary offer. Buy "TASTY** Breada know boys who are contented with recipe which gives it a flavor ail its awn. thé f anmo but are looking to thé citY S.myrna Natuaia because of this very thing. They Co k Fg2 1 are looking for a home for théin C oling Fg 2.Ic f olks. Fns 1 have évér sought to persuade Frre Austr:aau Dovri boys to settle in thé country beliév- Breakfast Vlni PaaBs ing it a bettér placé than the city, Vlni u&ou but what are thé prospects? A Cce a rnto You' man working as a day-man suppos- 1/-i. ti Raisins oz21 ing hie worked every possible day o.Z i would bé lucky if hée recéived $600 25e Zita ZS c .z.37C per yèan. As a hired man on thé f armi it might be possible, after hé- WIET coming an éxpéniénced man, to CAgNDIIES 2 1w MA1sg. save $1500 in ten years. Wba± la R.4..dWLj.5,tt.. ' RAM this if a man wishes tot3 pS.. ..lCe 4 d 29c 1-1.b. s. farmîng for himsélf? This question ~ M. would léad us into fanr economie which I should like to discusa in a Canned Go.ds Sale separate article. DrioBadFnyQwlt We sDominooBrand the import of thé mattér o! recréation, etc., uîlessý Peas and Corn 2 -.. 31 c we realize that in England evemybody 01 rogma s in i livea in communitiea ranging fromt Sayslde Brand thé smail villages to thé big cities. Peas, Corn 2i Thème is not thé isolation as hère. Tomatoes 2 25 Then again, théwokonth aru, Tomatoes foi :23c excépt in harvest time, is finished at QaiyP. .si e 9 five o'clock in thé aftérnoon. This ult Pa .a.n2fr 1 means an evening for recréation. Po aly 6 . Qu This méana books to some, sports té ooaly 6 b i ot.hers, hobbies to others and for Fn ao iO b sanie thé public-bouse. o That which ha.ppéns to thés. Posts Brand 2---~25c O people témpéraméntaly, when théy Nunate Large are transplnatéd hère, is générally Tapioca 2 pkea. 25c Package. that tbéy do not réconcile théni to W~heales 4 ib. 25c rural life. And if those who comne Ayhss. from rural England feel thé isolation Grape Nuts 17c Pkt. pe.c of rural Canadian life what o! those RoIMel3c who comne frorn thé bright 1f. o! theé oinM a No. 2 cities? P u2--5 i Thén thé immigrant is what lhé is in ~ ~ 2.s.5 i a country surchargéd with material- ~ O ~ ~ >a ism. Succs la synonymous witb wéalth and position. Thèeela no crime liké povèrty. Thé immigrant _______________ sensés this. Hé seés that Canadian boys and that most o! Canadian fanera éducaté at least somé of *their children that they might gèt raway front thé fanm. Hé soon résolves UA to do thé sane. Farmers as a clasa w 111',A ,F, disparage farming. They eniphas- izé its bard work, long hours and smail returna. In this they are generally right but it hèlps us also Y *to undérstand why boys get dissat- oU n J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers W Phone 50 King st. E. Bowmanvillej Internai and Externaain ~are prom pty reiev.d by D8 iIomAs' ECLECT RIC làERH;AAT IT RUS SEEN BOLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEFO AND 18 TO-DAY A GREATEA SELLRTHNVR irait~UMEROUS CURATIVE OUALITI I.à PA*£ SEVUMN We Take The Risk Unless Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs TonsilWsi s a success treating your Bore Throats, Couch, Croup Whoopiug Cough, Head Colds, Catarrh süd )iseased Tonsils. Try it. 8-2 îweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there .s no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated M!agnesla (in powder or tablet form -neyer liquid or milk) i8 harmies to the sttomach, inexpensive to, te". and is the most efficient form of magnésia for stomach purpoges. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more Leur of indigestion. and one.that will appreciate in imend the purchase of L NICKEL LPAPER, INESE CO. LIMITED, circuler on thés. Companies, a to you upon requsat". Nest & Co. [l. 3296 Toronto Fights 18 Years To Cet Rid of Gas "I had atomach trauble for 18 yeana. Since taking Adienika 1 feel bettén than for yéars sud havé not beén bothered with gas".-L A. Champion. Evén thé FIRST apou!ul o! Adler- ika nelieves gas and often remavès astonishing amount o! aId wsste mat- ten !rom the systéni. Makes you en- Joy your meals sud sleep better. No matter what you have triéd for yéur stomach and howels, Adlerika wlhl surprise you. Jury & Lovell, Ltd., Dmugglas. Bread W= ýosince we firt offer.d the public. The sales ipa and bounds and today 10.000 loave-1 each week our appreciation of the eare making thi. Special and satisfy thc family Made f ron a tstd Also it is wrappd ta preserve its f reshness. Roady Cu t I acaromi3 lb-a25 Globe C-" Bad or Durhams Ctlt* 1Ber Corn Cheese Pearu Starch Ch'P Smyr Tab A Jam sSale Raspberry or, jare. Black Curraut Jam or 9 I 40L-Strawberry Jam 49e Crabapple Jelly '..,19C HOW IS YOUR Phone 15 I JJ ats 290 250 D.ise. Sêsdl-s Raisins i1c i..., So... Rai.,le-*.nes LargeSize 2 Ib. 27e S ..I p oW.d 3 p d 8 Raiin 'kt 'ire Find [er Insured? ;o your stock or done any sent policies were put on? Sprotect yourself before is are dangerous. eavy Ion8 in Hampton this )advise you. That'a our tOUS NEW YEAR TO ALL

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