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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1928, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARJY 9th., 1928 PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College oi Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phane 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equiprnent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- rnanville. Office bours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonel 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College e)f Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta practise in Ontario and the Donîin- ion. Dentistry in ait ite branches. Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL %1. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Maney ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succoeor te lste D. B. Simpson, LC. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phoneo 911 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notawy Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phon~es: Office 102. Houle 409.t FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. t au Complete Mtw o Horse Equipment All calte promptiy attended ta. Private A.mbulance Bewmanville phonie THE EDITOR TALKS "There is beauty ail around Wben tbere's lave at borne". The tragedy of tbe farm so clearly presented in tbis coiumn in last is- sue by "A Female of tbe Species" made on aur mind a distinct im- pression. Cauld every 100-acre farmstead in Durbam and Ontario Counties andi athers thruout this Province present as clcarly the ist- ary of every farm from pioneer days ta the present, %ve fear, many trage- dies just as tbrilling, heart-touching and impressive would be as tbrillingiy told ta the world. Every sucb bomne from eariiest times bas a istory, if it only couid be written o n facts that would make an intensely inter- esting and wide eye-apening narra-1 tive. But tbe generations concern- ed bave passed beyond ti7e and sense hence sucb histories will not be writt-en. But nevertheless there Iare enougb wbat we may cali present-; day narratives ta make about rnanyî nid bornes rnast paInful accounts if1 recorded like tbe borne scenes report-. ed last week. Here is a picture nat uncornmon we fancy: It is told of an aid couple, wbo on the year of tbeir marriage settled on a f arrn, tbeir first borne, to, was a log cabin buiit at tbe foot of a bihl by a iiowing spring oi crystai clear water. As the early settiersi used ta do their first crops were sawn and planted amang the stumps of tbe newly cleared land fenced witb brusb and rails. The nearest vil- lage contained one stre-tbey were general stores in tbe pioneer days- a smitby, Post office and a few houses. After some years of pion- eering experience a farm bouse was built on the brow of a hill averlook- ing the gently roiling fields. From the kitchen door one looked acrass a garden ta a young archard. Tbis farrner was a lover ai trees so had retained a gond sized virgin forest and saved from the axe sorne mai os- tic trees on other parts of tbe farrn. The bouse, ton, was sheltered by a number of sturdy giants of the for- est, sucb as mnay be seen on many a farm in aur own day whicb afford good sbade for the live stock. B rand toe4 This second and improved farm Orono & Newcastle home wsatosae rrewt green shutters, a veranda on twa sides-sauth and west. It was buiit for a real home of rest, corfart andi ALAN M. WILLIAMS convenience. t was a not a mere Embalmer and Fun enal Director. residence ta rent or sel1 as are many Calîs given prompt and pensonai at- of the present day structures in cit- tention. No extra charge for dis- ies antd towns. t was a borne in wbich tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ta be born, andi in which ta live and ,ville, Ont. 3tf.- finally when life's tasks are finisheti, ta die. For baîf a century thîs MEDICALhome had sbared the rnast intimate MEDICALjoys and sorrows ai the man andi C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. waman who had planneti and buiit it, Graduate oi Trînity Medicai Calege, andi had as busbanti and wife, father Toronto, formerly oi Enniskilleri andi mother enricheti this new home Office and Residence, Dr. Beth's with their deepest and most sacred former residence an Cburch Street, experiences and glorifieti it with their Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. steatiiast love. To its wals they bad confitiet ail tbeir secret bopes J. CLARK BELL [and fears, ail tbeir trials anti triurn- N.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.iH. pbis their struggies, their victories, (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) tbeir temptations, their defeats. In Hans Grauatein Mdicie, Aer-its roams their chiltinen were born and den nsersiut;e noMedainte Aayai the little ones nurseti, learnedti t doeegnerity;rgelonsf teibRyhllaugb and cry, ta talk and waik. In COffieeand Srsgene, EQun s.,tbese room.s, tao, the parents hati Boic wadmasnvie, Phoee 89 .,watcbed dean anes pass an ta the bet- Bowmnvile, hon 89 ter worid. The house, the trees, DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Ithe wiie and busband had grown aid Physicians and Surgeons together, but as their fields were ever Offce aus: t 4 nd t 8.0.young wîth the new lfe ai eacb Tfce leph:1 o4ne 108 830.spingtime, 50 the bearts of motber Telehone108and father were yaung. Office. Welington Street * t *f Bowman,ç!l]e. Ontario. Loverike wbat more natural tanl ________----such an ageti couple should stnd close together at the door in the eariy VETERINARY morn in a farm home anti remark an DR. F. -~. TIGHE the beauty of the morning with an VETEINAY SUGEO. Da orenjoyment nat in the least dulieti byJ VEgtERIARY URGmty tEON.Day ornearîy 80 years af mornings? No OfihcasKpropt.yE atteomnded ta.doubt the wiie was une ai those Ponfie: i243. E t Bwanile. women wha manage ta carry tbe Phone243.everyday bundens ai wifebood anti E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. motberhood as if they wene treasures Orno beyonti price and so nevitabiy tbe accumulated experiences ai bier years Honor Graduate ai University ai matie tbe last ai bier lufe the richest Toronto. Ahi cases given promptanibt. Alttshbaiivise and carefui attention. Offie- silh possesseti, but that xvicb hati Dr. McElroy's former office.Phes been crude was refinet-that whicb Clarke 3921; Orono 181. hati been raw was soi teneti; ail that __________________________once ,vas new hati gained the flavor and meilowness that camnes with time. AUCTIONEERS Arm in armn they went into the bouse. THEO M. SLEMON as the bireti ian camne witb two pails Auctioneer af irik . As was the U..uai custorn n Farm and House Sales a Specialty. thoSe' eariy days the bushanti siowiy Tenus moderate. EnniskillenPO andi reverenthy road tho morning les- I Phone 197r3.1tf son and the prayer that was off ered1 whiLe the memboers of the bouqebolti _______ -. knelt btside their chairs xas as un- CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS, pretentiaus as tbeir ives. As al nature looke o ht< eaven for the need-, THEROPY d sunshine andi ram 50o this olti-fasb- DURWIN E. STECKLEY ioned househoiti without show- or hanon graduate ai Toronto Coliege coîemnny looketi ta Gat for thein ai Chiropractie wili bie in the Baw-1 taily, neeti. manville Office Tuesday, Thursday*** and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. 1ife andi work an the farm are flot Residential cals madie during fore- t-a1uu.d as tbey shouiti be by mnany non.folk. A farm-r's tiaughter inquires 1 tou 1aj. t o t, rnt aSIa -o I ol ourqý s s i, N e v r sa r 't ':t h o a gorrd1 salary. W,. ln v i. oîtu, wrte for rarticuti a s Irn srsa ndirestil ts Shaw itsi, irool.s, ay-Charles, Toronto. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED An excelent opportunity for a man wbu enjoys the esteem of bis local camnunity ta associato himself witb a large industriai company. Part of this man's duties will be ta travol with aur special reprcsentativt<. Liberal remunerathon ta reliable party. Applicant must give complote de- tals ai past experience also state age. FINANCIAL TIMES Box s, 6 Jordan St., Toronto 2 her-itagLu couil ie possible for~ a chiîd than to be bttrn on a farm-just tn have the privilege of watcbing al sorts of animal. bird anti plant lufe artuîtd you grow and deveiop during the procession of the year? What untoid ert a chilti earns, and wbvat an everlasting effoct they wil b ave on later life if tht-y are cbonish- cdA witb a sympathetic anti untior- standing btart! Just to watcb a tin buti «n an apple trec unfî,ld inta iL d<l icat-, fragrant pink biossnrn and< tht-n grow into luscitus fruit. To watch a pair of hirtis builti a nest --tht- miother sets wbile the fatber P) lit, er, tbe eggs hatcb and the b)aby birds grow up andi fly away To) watcb a catttî<illai spin a cocoon, batcb a glorious mioth or butterfly, andi sai aw-ay over the flowers. 'ro watcb a se-et grow ino a plant and bloorn. Ta plant a vegotabla gard- en an< watcb it grow into food. To see the gbory oi a waving wbeat fieldi with the firefiies drifting aven it at sunisct; or the fresbness of the dew on a claver fildt in eariy marn- ing witb a skyhark flinging down notes iromn the chauds te bis mate who is setting on their nest bidden away Jamong the claver biossoms. To feed the thny chieken, ducks and turkeys; tu play with young piga, colts, calves and lambs; to gather the or woman devoid of sentiment is sin-i cggs; to slide down the strawstacks; 'cerely ta be pitied and deserves ouri ta jump into the huge bins of grain; sympathy. But let us follow the1 ta ride the. piough horses and watcb life of a couple in one such homeg fat aid robins and sleek, iridescent as reported by a member of their1 blackbirds pick worrns from the fur- family. At time of their marriage,i rows. To watch the butchering. the groom described bis bride, as ai milking and churning, the curing of ninety-pound bit of delicate porce-1 meat, the ider making; and then ta lain, pink as a widrose, plump as a corne in, tired and hungry, ta a table partridge, having a big rope of ioaded with steaming, carefully pre- bright brown hair, nover iii a day in1 pared food, witb big pitchers of her life, and bearing the loveliest1 creamy milk; and af ter that, ta creep naine ever given toa woman-1 into a downy feather bed ta unbraken Mary" . Her daughter years later sleep. Caîl this sentiment if you wrote of lber: "She was the mother like. of twelve lusty babies, ail of whom * * she reared past eight years of age, Such was the home on a ralling losing two little girls at tbat time as farm of two hundred and forty ac- a resuit of scarlet fever and wboap- res with a bubbling little creek cross- ing caugb, too ugiy a combination ing it. A newly married pair built for even such a wonderful mother as a big, comfortable bouse ,painted it she. With this brood on hier hands, white, and ran a wbite picket fence she found time to keep an immacu- across the front. There were many late house, ta set a table renowned large trees for the birds, a flower in her part of the community, ta en- garden for bees and butterfiies, a tertain witb unfailing bospitality al vegetable garden, an orchard and a who came ta bier door, ta beautify barn witb a big yard for the animais, her home with such ineans as sbe bouses for cickens, ducks and turk- cauid comniand, to embroider and eys, for seeds, tools and rnacýinery. fashion clotbing for bier cbildren by Their bush and vine covered fences hand; but her great gift was conceded crept in rows of gaudy color. Tbeir by ail ta be ber ability for rnaking orchard was planted in tbe valley things grow. witb a square of apple trees in the ** centre, widely bordered by peacb, True ta the cbaracter of many a and at biaomtime it spread iike a farmer's wife in bygane periods great pink-bordered wbite blanket onl this wife and mother started dainty tbe face of earth. Swale tbey migbt little vines and limbing plants from have drained made moist places for tiny seeds she found in rice and sheets of blue flags, buttercups and coff ee. Rooted things sbe soaked in cowslips. You couid look £rom no water, rolled in fine sand, planted window in the bouse without seeing according ta habit. 1 cannot re- a picture of perfect beauty. It WaS member one instance in wbicb tbey an ideal borne, dlean, neat, artistically failed ta justify bier expectations. planned and the whoie permeated She even iltarted trees and sbrubs witb an atmospbere ai love, content- from cuttings no one else wouid bave ment and kindliness. tbougbt of trying to cultivate. Her * * *last resort was to cut a slip diagon- We bave no*abjection ta being ally, insert tbe lower end in a srnall called sentimental because tbe man patato, plant as if rooted and it ai- most aiways grew. There is a shaft of wbite stane standing at bier bead in a cemetery that belonged ta ber, on a corner af my fatber's land; but ta me bier real monument is a edar of Lebanon, wbicb sbe set in this manner, tapping tbe brow ai alti bill crossing tbe grounds. She car- ried tbe slips irom where she bad o- tained tbem from a man wbo bad brougbt a tree, a tiny thing, from tbe Holy land, and be gave ler two ,îttle cuttings. Sbe planted bath tbîs way, one in ber dooryard and one in ber cemetery. Tbat tree must stand tbirty feet tail now, and bave a body twvo feet in circumierence. No doubt very many of aur aider readers bave known sucb devoted women ta farm lhf e wbo enjoyed tbe work in wbich tbey engaged quite as mucb as tbis busy,, energetic and aggresive woman wbo seemed ta have been endowed by Nature wltb initiative tbat enabied ber ta do wbat she wisbed ta do. She evidentiy learned by doîng-tbe most practicall way always. A woman of wonder- fui energy and ambition remarked to us only last week: "How mucb I would give if I only bad more con- fidence in my ability ta do tbe things I am ambitiaus ta accompiisb". Our rmark was "You neyer can tell wbat you can do till you try and try bard". Remember the story of Rb-, ert Bruce and tbe spider and if at first try you do not succeed try and try and then try again. If yau would wisb ta gain respect From ail the buman kind This sbort advice do nat neglect, But impress it on your mind. Whatever you attempt do well Tbis is tbe wisest plan, And if in ail you don't excel- Just DO THE BEST YOU CAN. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL SAFEGUARD MILK SUPPLY Mrs. N. A. Campbell, 300 Rich- -nond Street, Osawa :-I appreciate The recent typhoid epidemic in The Statesman very mucb and wish Montreai wich was traced to a con- you every success. taminated mnilk supply bas tirred - the health authorities af that eastern Dr. G. W . McGill, Publie Seool c:tY t srng nt Sep udgîfg from Inspectr Toronto: Encosed please this despatch from Montrea: Mon- find renewai of subscription. We treal is determined that al milk welcome The Statesman as letters consured in this city must be pure. from borne. Ail emuployees of the variaus dainies ______- andiing milk will. in future, b. ex- Mrs.Chas Bal, (ee Ms ar ained in order ta ascertain tha1ý. PruttChas. Male St.. OsaaryEn-tbey are not diseased in any way; close find My eneSa., or Tbe that they are flot subject to con- Statesmn. Wy enenjalfthe -paper tamination and are not germ carriers, Steymuand Wisb jyuhever suc-Dr. S.Boucher, Municipal Heaith cess. adws yueer u-Dinecton, announced ta-day". _______- t will be recalled that several C. E. Thomas, Orilia :-Please find years ago Dr. John Spencer, member enclosed cheque for $4.15 for another aio Board ai Health and Milk Inspet- two years. Enjoy your paper each or, presented ta the town cunil for week. We are having a nice winten adoption wat was known as "The here witb lots ai snow. A litte ate Model Milk By-Ljaw" compiled by but wish you a prosperous new year. hm. This very clause, mentioned _________above, wvas included in Dr. Spencer's T. J. Clarke, Watrous, Sask :-En- by-aw but it was nt accepted by a "ýlosed find $2.00 for The StatesmanI majority ai couni. whicb we look iorward ta every week with pleasure and profit. t kee ps Last year counil turned down Dr. us in toucb witb the od home o- Spencer as a member ai the Board ings. November and December were of Heaith and since then no Milk In- extremey cod ee ranging iom spectr as been appointed. Neither zer ondown t 40degeesand50do te minutes ai the -Board af zeoo nt 0degrees beo. W a and 50 Healtb show, since Dr. Spencer's re- deresbeo. e a aJnun tirement, a record ai a single test of -1 milk or inspection ai dainies having Mrs. Addie Wyborn, (nee Adde ben made. Waiters, Tynone), 408 Brainard Ave. We bave no desire ta cast any re- N. E., Grand Rapids, Micb :-Dear flectian on the dainies, but we do friends-At tirnes Tbe Statesman im- tbink for tbe protection ai the public parts sad news, but it aIse imparts the authanities have been lax ini car- glad news aifaur friends in Bow- rying out their obligation and duty manville and vicinity and s0 we 1l--k in not making periodical inspections forward ta its weekly appearance in- of the town's mihk suppîy--which La ta aur home. Enclosed you wiil find one of tbe most important sources of $2.50 for the renewai of The States- food in any community. man for anothen year. "Only residents in the Counties of Duham, Victoria, Northumberland, Haliburton and Peterborough are eligible for thie car draw. Additional prizes are offered for which .voryon.in any county is eligible".

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