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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1928, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th., 1928 OBITUARY OBITUARY nC &pe lC E ECSL T ER Mnr. John Lethangue, Baflyduff Miss Eluje Laird, Mapi. CITa?. The I e v c ar e i en c ent NWASMEMORIAL LS. EOGEL &SRY ThEETING The late Mrs. J. Lethangue of Bal- Maple Grove community waz shock- From the following information it George's ChucNwate a will be seen that the library la well held in thePrih alJn3st lyduif, died in Ross Memorial Hos- on Friday morning when the news THURSDAY, F B U R t,12 managed and extremely popular with the RcoRv dadR pital, Lindsay, on December 30th ai- came that Miss Elsie Laird had pass- FB U R t,12 _ ~ __ uxgteps er a~peiig odatnac ter a lingering illneas. ed peacefully away on Thursday ev- -- -ino the congregatonwas present Deceased was born in Darlington ig February 2nd., in Oshawa Hos- WC TL Receipts h iaca ttmn of t.heong township sixty-nine years ago, and ptal, following an operation. Elsie Balance i 1926 ....E...ST.....TE20H.67 moe oManvers in 1880 where she will bc greatly missed by father, F *,Ai Frer . fLeisaiv gat -Reprswr gvno h ba eiddee sne other, sisters and brothers, and the Mrs. W. . Rickard is enjoying a The Ladies' i of the United, AFre President o Conferemce Leiltv un .....169 alance. E ha rsde ve ine cmnuit. Sh aso ab ighf ortnight's visit with her cousins, Mr. Church meets Thursday afternoon of, Invited to Become Pautar Municipal grant............ 409.50 VanDuzer FndteRctrTus I e hrh aflain r.cheerful disposition, and a good liv- and Mrs. Davidson, Wroxeter. ýthis week at Mrs. John Douglas'. Fieec.........3.77Fud t Lehagu ws lf-long Presbyt.er- n girl. Elsie came to this country St. George's Cburch Choir enjoy- The United Churches of NwateMm rsifes......21.35FunS.Goe' hr n.a ian ,and it seemed very fittîng that ro Eganwihhrpetshe d a sleighride and spent a social 1 The Young People's League is and Tweed of which the pastor of the Sale of magazines.......... 1.20 the A.Y.P.A.,alsoigatfaor ber funeral service should be con. three years oîd and has resided in evening at the home of Mrs. (Dr.>) lnin plni'S.Vsetn latter is Rev. W. Pomeroy Rogers, BLiryAd........10.00 balances. ductedby lie pastr, Rev W. Wlk Farcùmb.prograin for its Monday evening A., ex-president of the Bay o! Quinte : h fie dcdbybratrRvW. ak- Toronto ever since until a year ago meinFarncomb.feec hv are uo n x otl$444 er, in the church at Ballyduff wbere this month when she went to Man!- Rev. E. B. Cooke and Mr. Robt. metnFJ jh.Cneec ae geduo nex oa 844 year were: R1 trsWre-a.E sbe had so long been a faitbful and toha for ber hcaltb. She camne Martin are attending the meeting of1 Mr. D. J. Gibson was in Torontoi change to take place after Lhe June Epniue acet devotcd member. The book of life Gibson; VestyCekW .Gb Eternal bas been opened and a niew 1home about threc weeks ago not the Presbytery in Whitby on Thurs-, last Thursday and Friday presiding Chufrc a eadyheNvicate Unite. Adult classcd books.....$65.4 o;-n1lp lekMcs Cr Love. ~~~having tbe best of bealth since sheljday of this week. 'over the sessions of the annual meet- BCooke lan amiyaenanan- Adlt fction.............87.1 nButE PessRpeetaieM naine written thercin by the Hando undcrwent an operation in Brandon j The Sons of England with the W. ing of The Ontario Field Crop and B.othe r a amlay of $2000,athe Jueniecasse..o.k........ 8.1360!Butln ; AdosMisBrc Sovei uvve ybr bnHospita]lfast May. I P., Edmund Thackray in the chair Seed Growers' Association.oincr eadr ate a be pyablfr m0,the Juvenile fctise on......... .6B.72 a n Ms rnibha eeae-. Sei uvvdb be ubn, The funeral which was beld on 1 met for regular business in the Lodge, M.adMs .W vt, first of January; but when the offi- Magazines, periodicals and MeiadLGely, W.C ae one daughter. Mrs. Whitfield, and Saturday from the churcb was very!Rooms in Parker's Block. Grand PrirAlA., W.o aretedh ilso h huc etngi h eroiasi........7.5ReHowad GbonadHaodGs three sons, George, Norman and Mel- largely attcnded. sbowing the este.ern1 The ground bog bas gone back in- GrnePare'lawoaesed il ftecuc etn nte pRioias....... 63 oadGb d inewitr ih hirsntnh1S-srori ntoda ftroo f Rent .......................300.00( h iemnae:W.LkJ. v'l Also left toi mourn bier are in whicb the family are beld ibtis bhi ole in the west bank of John i.g h wnerwthteihonade . .roms nMody teron twosisers Mis Jnni Lesk ndcommunity. Service was conducted Cunningham's flats, having beon able daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. R this week perceived that their pastor Librarian's salary.......... 150.00,Rg erse, Hwr is. Mrs. Margaret Willis, and one by lier pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, to sec bis sbadow nearly aIl day1 Carveth, bave been visiting relatives feit that the Divine hand was sure- Suplis...............37 brother, Mr. Peter Lcask. xith Miss Edna Swallow, organist, long. jin Toronto this week. ly lcading hlm in the direction of this IncidentaIs.................6.45 Hlaroe Gibson, atrHi, Wl 1excbange tbey forebore to press the Express, etc................3.20 i lace GibsTm ron Loe munity is extended to ber sorrowing led Mrs. John Hopps, Town, who sang girls o! the United 'Sunday Scbool, vices in St. George's Cburcb and St.r the session, Mr. A. A. Çolwill to0 write League of Nations (member-j Crowtber, Elio MoeL rnc husband and bereaved famîly. tbe solo "Nearer Still Nearer". The held a skating party on the rink and Saviour's, Orono, fast Sunday, as the Tweed officiaIs te tbe eff ect tht I ship fee and 2 books) .1. * 70 GaineAre.aro n la Mrs. Katlierine M. Patter Hill. rman relitortin Bw enjoyed home-made candy and other Rev. E. R. James, the Rector, bas the excbange, the first suggestion of!Cash on hand................... Adsor5omi.e1s:T1 w ________manville Cemetery. Iconfections. ibeen baving considerable dental work bc cmvr we as I There passed to rest af ter a ahort The paîl-bearers were Messrs. Mr. H. C. Allin attended the Coun- donc. ihg rv oh onta ceptable Th ae o fin eelyac- a $844.43 WadnomiMcnob, Mrs.Pa- ilîness fromt pneumnonia o Friday Samuel, John, William and Charles ty Orangemen's Banquet in the town or Mr. L. H. Cooke of the Bowman-' newspaper is not tbe place to put cmbMr.LGelyMrW.o- February 3, Katherine M. Ptter e:Snowden R .SeenEns hall, Orono, on Tuesday evening and ville H. S. staff is expectcd to take, down aIl the kind and appreciative VoueEnLbayAut17;iteM.H .Adg n r .C loved wife o! Herbert Hill, aged 22 Hart, Osbawa. Flower-bearers were: i plyed in the orchestra engaged for the services next Sunday. words of pastor and people that were Jvnle, 167; total, 1942. PurchasedLake. years. Eber Snowden, Clarence Bell, Reg. tfhe sumptuous occasion. spoken at this meeting, ;uffice it ta during year, 167; donated, 21. After themengcsealuh Mrs. Hill was the eîdest daughterr Taylor, Edward Foley, Wmn. Brown, The Property Committee of tesyta n n i iîfn the was served 1:telaiswhc a ofM.adMs ila otr l Art Iyer Clffod Sîalw Ivison' Quite a large party of Bowman- a th.on adalwi fdte Patronage sbowing wbat the mucb appreciatd gnS.an a oniBrnf r ýýunday. illeroun's pleaninis o a al hrd o! Manag tes ! e UnitaedW.parting a bard anc. A wcek before people read: General works 2; Phil- gin St., and was born e~ Brantford .Young people motored down'Cuc !1hc h emesaeW this meeting not a sou] in the con- osopby 9; Religion 37; Natural tbouh th later yars ! br 1i~ Amng te frendaaroda dstane heeaan enjyedan eenin'sksate . Rckar, Noman lunFredgreatio woud bae enertane SacScence164;Us; fl Ars 1 FinrtsAD 0F;DFCTne were spent at Enniskillen wbcre ber -ere: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lid on the community rink. Graham, J. H. Jose and Mrs. J. R. tbougbt o! Mr. and Mrs. Cooke's and Arts 16; Literature 61; History 122; parents lived before moving ta Bow- Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. E. Jenkins, 1 Fisher, met for business in Commun- Eileen's leaving Newcastle, and just Tae 3 igah 6 dl~agrimeigo îna van in Detoit; M. and rs. N.Laird Mrs. Floyd Butler's group o! the 1ity Hall on Monday evening. On as unnimou63;asthe Bard ha pre-Fictin - .The Boardo!Euaontiti- manile fw onhseg. Crr Ms. 'rLadies' Aid of the United Church met it' igas)MisMro-Fcin6915; Juvenile Fiction 1799elcdMao 1W.DdyCir years ago she was united i a-jMs onoMs ar r.Creîgb- 1i vnAlns l oe o heitnino t lce ao niage witb Herbert Hill of -oronzo, :to)n, Nr. C. Kerr, Miss P. Moyles M o uiesa h eo Mr..1(Dr> thissofeningrl o th M iteadn lins iusyvoedfr b ntetono 1is-Total 9285. Bler*n he ften. cnlcjye Snays of il fheaUknitdCuc pastor and tamily it again voted ta a, n living there for e time and aiso in, and NIrs. B. Knight, Mr. W. M ycra triseaeronddcjye ,d3 coo edasaig party bld tbem farewell and God 3peed Magazines loaned-685. Tbe Cr manad . E .HaVc Bawmanville. Besides ber husban M rs. G. Belle, Toronto; Messrs. G. A.the tea provided by mine hostess i ntern n fewrs atdwe h ieo atn rrivs rar or spese ola enChairm a r eke lr a she leaves s littie boy two years cld, 1 Jackson and Miss D. Jackson, Osb- connection witb the meeting. in the kitchen o! Community Hall. Following members o! Session and magazines after they have bc-en in !and in that cpct a ie h and a baby girl of two weeks, alsc. awa.r Mrs. J. R. Fisher's Sunday Scnooi i ber parents, four brothers, Alex, HrbtRopTIeyTrnt class o! Young ladies .lso beld ar W. M. S. provided a fine mission- Board o! Managers, comprising the the iibrary for onc full month ta anyr municipality fibu n fiin Lamne, Karl and Harold and one ýi- HretRlh ily oot skating penty on the rink this evening jaiy prognamn for the Sunday School stewards and beads of various de- librery member an the saine candi-i service, narely vnmsigaiet ter Reta, at home. The funenal took in company with a nuînber o! Young fast Sunday, Fcb. 5th., wbich aIl the partinents were present at the meet- tions as books. Anyone may pur- jîng and spendigmc buh n place Monday afternoon, service be-J Herbert Rolpb Tilley, for 25 years men and concluded their skate with pupils could understand and wbich , inW . A oliF Go. Rickard, haeyNraIoagznsromtetanintemanenne n spr ing conducted by Rev. D. W. Beat, Manager o! the Confederation Life lunch in Community Hal! kitchen. Iail found interesting and educative. W.F ikrNra lin, Frd nominal suin o! 5c a capy. vision o! thescolrprt. e asisedbyRe. . . oo, nns:Association for the West Indies and j Bigtekdist h'C i- Miss Annie Drummiond in bier talk on 'Graham,. Thos. Couch, Robt. Martin, has oiten exreedadie b kilien. The pall.bcarers w-re i entral America, with headquarters munity Hall Saturday evening, Feb- Korea gave a very cdean ides of the J. E HW. laFd Fligg,0 . H.aer,I- Magines urCbnad : BDitisb2; repasidtioinih nru uiso Messrs. Charles and Jack Hill, Cynil I t Havana, Cuba, died Monday, Feb- ruary llth., 8 p. mn. wben "Johnny ipeople, custins and religion o! tbat Hwl olnA .PneA-Wele ;Cnda ale ;tepsto n cigo h ra Avery and Russell McLaugblin. The rury 6tb., at the home o! bis brother- get your hair Cut", !eaturing "Jackie country and o! the progresa o!f, thur Bragg. Howard G]enney, J. W. Weeklies 2; Monthiies 2; United ciple that th, ooao h or r floral offeringa from sympathizing! in-law, Dr. Wallace Scott, 627 Sher- jCogan" the boy actor, will be pre- Christian Missions there. Mrs. Glenney, W. J. S. Rickard, Edmund States Weeklies 1; Monthlies 7; 1 sbould be passdaontemm fnîends were very prctty. Among r boum e Street, Toronto. It was bis sented-come prcparcd for a good 'Norman Riekard cxplained the Kor- ýTbackray, H. R. Peance and Mes- Daily, 1 Weekly and 7 Monthles anc bers stepped Mn1 ulyu ri h thsewb atede te unf a foi cstoin ta return ta Canada each year 1 leugh". I en views, a set of which were sbown 1 dames E. B. Cooke, Geo. Honey and donated ta the Librery. The Daily' Vice Chairmashp Te!olwn la te RginaLeaer, onaed bdMnthel costiute he ommitee fo a distance wene Mn. James Patter, !about the end o! June, and it was. Three Newcastle ladies, Mrs. Mary by Mr. A. O. Parker, operating thei Percy Rare. i h eiaLaedntdb r wl osiu Pickering, and many oid fniends froin wbîle on a trip ta Western Canada Cobbledick, Mms. M. E. Mor ln antern. Members o! the Board appointed N. T. Selby, Grand Coulce, Sask. !the ensuing yer EnsilnadBreo.on is lest visit thet lhe was t.aken Mistie omsarno olnd hti~ ude lu sr or-t arrange for a congregational It is grcatly apprecieted by many' Property-Ge. Gie,,h Ennaklln nd unetn.ill. For the past tbree months be a' nerinCaioiaad wtngIanzdfrbe itr thammetngitenar uue wre Newcastle folk as it bnings the newa IScott,Re.EB.CoT.WJa- a liinter aJ. W. BnadileyzeCea. tP. RickerdthaThos.:day by day o! a great section o! the i!son. CARD 0F THANKS I as been seriously il1. !J.homeBaboutythe fine. climate and I Inhi psiio a Mnaerfo te!hoe bot hefie liat adthe bersbip of twenty couples, and nicets 1 Moffeatt. Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mrs. Canadien West wbere meny former Finance-E.CHorTbsMe- In ispoitonas ange fr heever-blooming and everbearing or- for~ play everv other WcdnesdeyiCooke, Miss Dnummond. iNcwcestlc nesidents and their fami- et, Menkley Clak Mn. and Mns. Win. Patter and Mr. Confederation Life in the West In- ange graves. evening la the kitchen of Community' The Standing Cburcb Report Coin- les now make their homes. Medals and c zsRv .R Herbert Hill, desine ta tbank aIl thein dies and Central Amnenica hie did, The Menagin,4 Committec o! the Hall. This meakes ten tables, and mittee, Rcv. E. B. Cooke, Fred Fligg Thrwee32m besoth James, H. W. DdeW .Bnn relatives and !icnds fan the many much ta ýpromote a propen apprecie- ,n1munity Hall ci which Reev'c W. members unable to attend are requirn- A 0.Parerwcre euthonized libTeest eanmineshpf32or2~ h members o! the Board re ai Ekindnesses shown thein and for the lion o! the value o! life insurance F.Ecadlibar'an il peile orary fs er coesi fefrt nsider thmevs ebeso sympathy extended ta thein during n bis business district and elso won F- icardlacbirîi-anîd a eial tcdteladoiessitulpatesiAa r- breein e a inacial repor the-ctzn !alae en cnsteVstn oiite fthe lîeautanddflalo! Mngs. I n itnto ttehm fiei o- di-putation fain the îîew Recreation prtett tho! lad es ihbeticaforer bchrcnghaIl de petinepnt o th The Library Board is constituted Mn. W. E.Bmaprsne hi forth bauifuI loaloffniga jonto by bis capacity fon work. He L t î1 eeded by Al!. Grahain, Presi- Ipovaides.theersb Mes fotes e bucJ.ae t u l nite onnas !ollows: J. W. Bradley, Chairman; ceetasa napiteo h r was gretly esteemed by bis staff dent o! the Clua. ocsosihs.Msae . A nd copies distributed ta members Miss Ethel Lockhart, Secreta ry- Contis onilt heHgSho Mr.E O etice orenPaeButler, Floyd Butler, H. S. Britton !and edbenents. Tesue; is .McnosW.F oard f' ouh er1282 a 0 MO.sh B awceC.dn a land by the officens and directors o! Newcastle Memorial Library ne- and H. C. Bonathan provided the TricarJ.issE. Meht, W-s (D. T Board susdscsc the th1 omay port for January 14'28: No. o! mcm- firat lunch, w-ile eit the next gather- rheBor Inth ary yer o oug Duning the Nothwest Rebellionin bers 161. Circulation for month: ing on Wednesdey evening, Feb. 15, NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Butler. Mrs. Ben. Moise. The fana- establi.shmento!abnc o!t e loa the ,aly yearso! youand 1885 be saw active militany service Non-fiction 66; fiction 608; juvenile this duty will feu ipon Mesdames ertreaeapitdfrtreya PnyBn daughten bas been called from this ,ith the Queen's Owa Rifles o! Cen- 125; total 799 books. Magazines loan-J H. W. Dudley, J. R. Fisher, E. C. Report For Januar evR icar a mmenexofiiahe Board re-appointedpubieMim B. earthly spbene ta the rewand o! the Ida. He was a l! e member andr ed 41. Fines on overdue books $2.40. Fisher and Fred Fligg. The fees SnoRRcnede latrdtr arihsppit Mlts a member o! the LibThrBoay higbr 11e.cmn-tie Cmmooreo! teuTtlnor,. A Buler Lfrananarree 25e mebarforeac metinorxmind i CopostioiWntiniI cs ohte Muicialeornîlals Boadrfn aothr tappyoaint-'u ý'neClub, a inember o! the Hunt Eait co tnancmp!saurontizensn$150sand thndMMn.cCpalencenBetty is custrdianrI I fMrs. Eva Beatnice Conden, beloved tcsonoforctýns$5an anMrCleceBtyicutda,1 wife o! Mn. Hanry Page, and secteonmtd ol lu,'h costs lest week for neglccting ta ab-, o! the funds anRadg:frteeyrtnis. Also appointdRvsE.BCoe cagtro r.adMs . A atoa Club, the Royal Canadian iserve the Goverament Control Law;Sr. 1V-Fred Cowan 81, Betty nteManubroth 197and E. R. Jamen eeae ote0 Codn asdaa nSatu rday ramat Club, Zetland Masonic Lodge, but the Globe bas said a thousa;nd The United Church wes fiîled !rom 1Lake 80, Marlon Rinch 74, Violet InteMynm fte12 E. A. Conventon Codnjasdaa np hsn Library Rcview is a page o! Libnaryj PicplJM.Rzeivtdth morning et the age o! 25 years. Mns. Fj at, and the Havane Golf and times that "The subject who itul front ta near eit the Young Men's'Henning and Deve Gray 72, VeIna Notes and News. The ten items o! BoPrdimnbcstaatenlteJr. Page was born at Kendall, Ontario, Countnr Club. bloe tuh hi!naisrt ill service last Sunday cvening. Rcv. Brown 67.Bor eb on December 26, 1902, and lived Herbent Roipb TilIey is survived neither advise non subinit ta arbitnary1 E. B. Cooke conducted thesie Jr. IV-Dorothy Bonathan 80, tec airpae la OnaIandtorsue- tonical cantestettesooonFda thee ntHlir arensbg7vd ta bis widow; bis mothen, Mrs. W. measur:s". and introdiced the two speakers, t Adair Hancok 76, Irene Brereton pors. orono a dorsre afternoon, Febury71 vin Bwavle telirmeniege E. Tiiley, Bawmenville; and two Miss Tucker Couch spent two days1 Toronto, and Banister W. R. Stnike,! Garrod 73, George Buckley 73,Bi- ut Ne ie he ma the achol t he istic commteot.on OshawarsiletadnW.N. TiIelyTKCranto. M .ýY. P. League. Bath speakers de- Brereton 71', Helene Hayes 70, MiIt- lcLibary co ditos:la thisti-: h ouga i o li n for a out o e ma o tha a st erM r . A . N . M itchells la o n- W artochaeo vi i ed be1ug - livered stirring, r d-blooded addres- on B row n 67, L ew is C lark 65. m n t ! 6 5 i a y w y p b n y u g t l i h l c u sh ws ay anindtabc bot to n.Tily esa o o teter in Toronto necently and caIIed ses Mn Hogsonsofbjet1w5 rim. II-eaaRicknd 6, ari twa weeks, passing away as above late Dr. W. E. Tilley, for yeers an uo Mssm.Ha e"Fos. o!.ogo Ciizesbip,"ad HrnnIIIgan M ar hpln8, Mre-enyo upnhem aunt, Jr.W .Hne,"atr fGo iizn enn n ayCaln8,Mr proacb the ideal. The librany room evenything goaagntyotit staed t tev hmel!ebr arets a a pecord!iShols t BwmMr.le wSt hefoud'mch mprvedla m.htekcC: "hattheCbuchOwe gaet oms77,AudeyBonthain thstuaed a he andomecomun-seun-s i yo coldatahlf uy Btmnile ire in th educetional li . rtTms7,Aury -aha 3 ieadinge er ei sI gs h YugMn n ha h ougHbetAdrsn7, wniy ulin hp wspeen- o iue ogr The funenal îhc a argcîy tieoth Province o! Ontario. Mrs. lest fal. Man Owcs the Chunch." A choir 70, Alecia Willims 9, Dara hy frta just non eviebigcodce b QtMrs. C. Wilks and Mns. Wal- M-'s. Norman itic!tards' Cless -3! o! young men, inembers o! Mrs.; Trenwith 69, Billie Bniant 68, Marypc, n rtu Re.R eemnMAmnse c ct r itrs-in-law. .un aishedàsaigparty a Rv)E .Cok' .S ssang Tue 6 eog rhm6 fh ib nany laM.A rtuniply eehr t of St Andew'sChurh. Th serice as hld froin Rose- ti community r i and later spent two nousing entheis and also jaiaed Hanry Coucb 64, Marion Aldnead furnishings are artistîc and hoe The - d was cHan'uctidchen An Hoid Me Fat," sung by Georgej Harold Brown 55. wrh fre * ýe(,iial nuber of yjjng menwerc. Waîton, younger brother o! New- To.A ogr ecele lbain Beiesle hsad h eae o n r.HwllRwan Rsikard es te siwn R W.ofMany remr-rItredaeRcnthe University o! Toronto. The to- In the Estate tRailJh N*g assistedieed on thespmiîangto!ntheirvoices. Examincd in Spelliag, Anithmetîc, taI income o! the library is $800. daugher Ma itnfour Mrrs.lCooker! Tpelayeda ythel pipers orga1n Composition, Reading, Literature. W hiIc the conditions la this commun-'ý Ail persons h;vn am giu h pae tfuyrt e er illam,LhemirTh ooeh y pael i-beerers. H wardc1bunc. i t oughout the service. Four youngi Jr. Ill Clas-Evelyn Allia 85, ity are unusual it sould be noted estate of Ruesse! Jh ob aé o Co de , ndj he Wec mc Yo ng Mc'a Clssjm cn o! the class, Eric Perce, E snie ':Harold Deline 83, Jack Rae 79, Mr- that the ib ary board pays a Tegulen ab u The - mor, met I GIbank~ Chrlie Tbacrey and G rasy Lycett 77, Jean Gibson 76, Vers rentaI a! $300 e year for the space1 heneby notlfied t edi atéudr one siser, Mrs Geo. A 'ýleMulen of J. K. acdonal. Thecupivedpas- î libheary.erTof hsucceo more, et nilan(,xChrlutorhckonyond beromhé,thW Bowmenville. baeswreNes..J. H. Guny or tea! tie ftheir Sunday an-Idn knddteuheigad1Bon7,JckTm 9 *ai cuie salbay h i4wnth day etPbur 95 utpr Theflralof erng wee xced-i ý,ergeS.Deeks, C. H. Willson, Char- thecm inth aUited Church unden coliected the offering. Quite a num- Nodea 69, Charlie Brereton 69, 1o! the library whicb la due ta coin- r tîculars of the-rdim. imeitt igybatfliluigWet,!eS.Macdonald, C. P. Smith, J the direction o! the choir leader, W. ber o! Bownianvillc and Maple Grave il*Bobbie Dock 52. fortable quartera, excellent books aft-r the said elenhayfFerum T . A b rr son ..e. ) E . o k ! h o u n d i t a s i n p i r i n g a s t h e l o c a l C o w a 8 2 , L o u i s e H a n c o c k 7 8 , a n o t ! a l a o d r u l l b a i a , d s i u e i a n i o g t h e a r e s e l t e broher an siter Hakgna76.*Kathleen Secr7,agf. Alteebnft r admh,ýte(x end sister; ' ~~~Most o! the members a!terward n- ,agit Alths bnfisar ei youag _M._an_____A.__ Wforms inngtteemregular waay.lph ibswas5 1DLat Mrtan71,oormi theriiearthi. t W rdIfday a,,B,- spas r n r.J. PaIner', brother of the deceesed, W. N. Tiiley, ladies. 1*ooh Aadreed 68, John Van- pleasing ta the depentinentel visitor '.1inuary lq28. Trno'lran r.W. W. Hem- K-., fonr brmthers-in-law, A. N. Mlit- DsChus-ch lakz7 Grt tated brastudens o! helbigpando n- LTR. EsTrno nal Canns iens d Dr. Wallace Scott, and two nier) 1 et tEbon House fast Fridey even- W. M. S. NEWCASTLE 1* ~aryhn6, MuKriel ark 54,pbic chootdes.ofthe irculatind no!n t Mupy rsyeinChumch, Jury . ew-; froin Bowmanville, Mesanrs. 1;ng and apent an enjoyablc time, be- 1*Mk r 0 2KteCak5.pbloka amouns.T hecdcuaitao & LielMn.L.HaesMn ed itnan PilpTilc. ntetain.,d ber The Febnuary meeting W. M. S. Jr 36. __dd_7,_______oos________ fftenpe cDia.4_ zabethville. ~as muscle, and be willng te accept strong, B. C., arrived here two wÇeks Newcastle had more tha reached its .uowinanviiie lHospitai... .Messrs. i rwnGrl'Cto Fane DesssA new methoda and ideas, if he wauld aga this Wedae.sday and are stayiag allocation besides ane other. Harry Cryderman and Gardon Ash- CGeing Girls .C.tt....anel. Drsses,.i.e.8ta.14 CARD 0F THANKS sced niiuls sabc tM.adM.W .Bclys ton were in Orono attending the Cenn succed. ladiidulisi laa bak e Mn.aadMra.W. . Bukle'a. Mrs. McLaughlin contnibuted a Short Course la Farin Mechanics, un-___ aumber. la aIl walks of h! e, la aIl just acrqsa the treet from Willaw- very fine readiag and Mrs. Carvetb er the direction o! Mr. J. Y. Rdl- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Corden and business, we fiad mea associeting dale. Mrs. Tillie Taylor who accu- andi Mrs. Honey favoreti with pleas.. lough. the Agriculturai Represeata- !amily desire ta tbaak aIl their rela- with one common abject, and accan- pies a part of Misa Chapple's bouse ing and apprapriate solos. tive,. .... The fariners o! the com- tives and frientis for the kindacas and plishing by ceacerted action work on Mili St., but who bas been with munity are busy hauling their year's e DLI, sympathy showa them duning their that the individuel would utterly faeU relatives la Torento siace hefore The first quarterly tea was served supply a! wood, seyeraI having pur- bereavement ia the death of their ta realize. There is no slackening Christmas, retunned home on Satur- by the groupeanmder the direction o! chaaed lots from Mr. Birkle, east o! King & Division Stà o m nil daughter, Mrs. Harry Page, and for of demnanti for better seed, andi an day owing ta Misa Chapple's candi- Mesdames Norman Aalin. Uglo,' and Newcate. .. .Mr. W. G. Heurd spent the very beautiful floral offeringu. ever-incr.aaing call for quallty". tion. Parnell. the week.nd in Toronto.1 -- r- PAGE EIGHT

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