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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1928, p. 2

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P i I vs d> DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Unversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. Rouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. 3. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, foronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manvilie. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeons. Lcensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches. Office-King St., Bowuianville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL 14. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farma and Town Propety. oyalBank Building, Bowmnvile. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succasser to lat. D. B. Simpsoos . C. Barriter, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Monal to Loan Phoîme 91 Bowmanvilie, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for saie. Offies-BleakIey Block. Kng St., Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phones, Office 102. HouBe 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motow or Horse Equipment Ail Callapromptiy attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanviile phone Br and o34 10 and 34o Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calis given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phono.. 58 or 159, Bowman- ,vile, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coliege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanviile. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.U., F.R.C.S., <Edin), O.P.H. (Succosow to Dr. A. S. Til.ey) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Feilow of the Royal Colege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Reaidence, Queen St., Bowmanville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Houri: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108 Olhie- Wellington Street Bowmanville, Ontario. VETERINARY DR.* F."~. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nht cails promptly attended te. Office: King St. East, Bowman ville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE. V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Hlonor Graduate o! University of Toronto. Ahi cases given prompt aid careful attention. Offi1ce- Dr. MeEroy'a former office. Phoee Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Fanin and Rouie Sales a Specishty. Terms moderato. Enniskilien P, 0. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate o! Toronto CoUlege! et Chiropractie will be in the Baw- manvilie Office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, phono 141J. Residential calla made during fore- noons. Add ta the joy of the open road -this pleasure- giving refrerhînent. A sugarcoated gum that affords double value. Pep- permint flaver in the sugar coating and peppermtnt.'< flavored gum THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS FIRE DEPARTMENT CHANGES Lift your bead, throw off YOur sad- Mr. D. J. Gibson, President of the Councilor A. J. Wadbams, Chair- nese, Ontario Seed Growers' Association, mnan of Pire DepartmentI presented Neyer let your jey buds chili; said some timeiy and practicai thingî thie report to counci which was Cutivate eacb germ of gladness at tbe annuai meeting of the associa- adopted: Beauty then your life wili fil. tion in Toronto lait week when he That reaignation of H. B. Creeper The beauty of the mind is the urged farmiers to figbt to the death be accepted and William Barrie be beaty f te mn, nd he aw ov-the various weed pesta that flow in- appointed at $150.00 a year, bis eribeauty f te mn and the i neov fest their farmi and roadsides. We duties being to take charge as ste- law. How to develop and maintain regret te notice in our summer rides ward of the Pire Hall, to keep fire heaitb then aise givs and maintains through the country in Clarke, Dar- alarmn batteries fully charged, bh i.. good look-, or beautY. "Now the lington and Whitby, cbiefly that the cieaned and kept in proper order. to editor is giving us some more senti- presence of noxious weeds is almost have charge of Fire Alarin systein mental stuf" do we hear someone universal. What are the causes, and see that it is in proper order. remark? Well, de don't mnd, for may well be asked-to know the Accept tender of Bell Telephone' thousands of our readers, yea, inOst cause may mean or suggest the cure Co. to supply wire and rewre fire o! them under forty years of age de- or cures. aamssenfr$3.0 sire these qualities: bow to be healthyi Move fire gong now in. fr-cnt of and how te be good looking and if Weeds are introduced in many diff - Fire Hall and place samne in corridor we can inspire a love of these desir- erent ways sucb as in the seed sown, o! Town Hall as formeriy. ed qualities in many more people we in the nianure, by the wind, water, Pucae1rbe ot n & shahl be centributing a real service animais, raiîwayet. Thogre- ubber mitti. to mankind. We put strong faitb gate lois arising frrni decrease of o in good decters and one of wide ex- crop and lois of plant food used up perience tells us that if we want te by weeds must be almoît incredibie; FIRE LOSSES DURING YEAR be strong and look wel-that is bavei and this is se generaliy recognized face and body beautiful the mindl that badly weed-inf eited ftarins can Fire Chief Wlin. Edger's Report to must be beautified, for as is the mmnd 1eniy be seld at relatively poor prices, Council Shows 1927 Fire Losses s0 will be the face and the body. That as it costs se mucb te dlean thein Totalled Only $1,444. means that it is the mind whichi again. There is ne doubt that the mouids and buildi the body-hence difficuity in dispesing o! some fanms Bewmanville was very fortunate as desire a seund mmnd in a seund body. at remunerative prices is largely the te fire losses in 1927 according te ne- * * * resuit o! their being se infeited with port presented te Town Council b., Another speciaiist on health and weeds. In addition te weeds wbichour veteran Fire Chief Wiliam Ed- geed looks beiieves the eid adage that ,occupy the land and rob cultivated ger. handieme is that handseine dees T o crops, there are others wbicb are act- During the year the fire brigade keep youthful, streng and weil in uaiiy peisoneus or otberwise injurieus answered 19 cails, the majerity of mind and body and netain a youtb. Jto cropi. thein being for miner fines, wbene fui appearance-the secret of youtb * * # ittle or ne damage was done. -one must ever be taking care of' Tbe moît serieus thing about weeds Two lires of major imiportance one's sef-eating the propen food, is the enormous aipount o! labor in- were on Januaury 26th wher. W. J. taking eneugh daiiy exercise at work volved in getting rid of thein where Bagneii's chieken house was damaged or ýplay-recreatien of some kind- they bave secured a good footbold. te extent o! $9400 and on November taking the ameunt of sieep that Nat- The firit stop in preventien is te 60w 11 th., Harry Aluin, grocer, had bis ure calis for and tbinking beaithy, only cieaned seeds, which unfortun- store house and contents destroye] whoieseme thougbts. This authon ately cannet be suppiied s0 cheaply te the extent of $1350. Latter fire banks heaviiy tee, on love everyene as can uncleaned seedi. Manune, was result of fire which startei in sbeuid act on the scriptural injunc- ton, that is suspected o! being infect- the drying rooms- of Holgates iva- tien te love your neighbbr as yeur- ed with weed seeds should be weii 1ponater, there being ne insurance on self-net by any means an easy duty fermented before being used, te des-:this property. te performn. But ail the saine the troy tbe germinating power o! as I The local departmnent aise received great tbing is love. Net the selifsh many o! the seeds as practicabie. ýthree calis for out-of-town service love but tho reai îacrificing, sym- Weeds in waste places should net and respondod in ail cases. Tle iarg- pathetie kind that embraces ail pep-oai le regardless o! thoir station in lp liefo owed te seed, but sbould hjlest o! these was the Hampton ire. -ne smpy it. gan erti mown prier te see ding tume. Weedsj where property loss amounteJ te otber rules inust be observed te de- are generally most easiiy kiiled while1 over $6,000. But for the cxcellent velo heath ad bauty Theen-they are yeung; and constant cuiti- equipment and resdy ansver of the ergymustnotb eaute y. ..d vation is the beit means of eradicat- ir-fiher ee, the loss wouid, no ergy mut net e redued by njudi-weeds can be ehi- doubt, bave been very mucb greater. cieus conduct. Do net waste youn n tei. AnulNwcastie aise sent in an alari wicb strength on tee many social activi- minated in a relatively short tume by rcie heatnio etefuiies tis-on parties and exacting and preventigterseig The pro-.1 extent o! Chief Edger of the local foiish amusements that greatiy sa cess continued year by year des- biaeadhssaf the vitaiity. Both sexes are prono troys each year the plants which gade and is saff. eatmn a te indulge tee mucb in fruitlesispring frein seedi aready in the oneofmavithie tmdernadenta harniful, social activities that contin- soul. Biennial weeds, wbich pro.-n ftemstmdm adbs us far inte the night and even inte duce seedi the second year of theirlequipped 1880 horse-power Gotfo)r1- the wee sma' houri of the ninng. ives, can be destroyed by cuttbng so trucks equipped with Bickie * *thein off well below the crewn. 1 punlps. Youth inuit have ts good tmes-*** but Nature's laws inuit be obsorved Perennial weeds are the bardeit te SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIETY -early te bod is a good rule for get rid of, as some of their parts live there must be enough sleep, Nature's. fer yeari in the ground. If the reets Stops Being Taken To Consoidate sweet restorer. One common sin of are merely breken up by cultivation, Charitable Work of Community this age is eating tee mucb unwhole- many of the root-fragments wiil Under One Organization some food at unseasonabie houri and make new growth and produce fresh sleeping tee littie tino. Make it a plants in the land. Even the worit A very cemmendable move is being rule te aiways when possible go te sorti .of perennial weeds can ho starv-1 promoted te bring about more offie- bed in neasonabie tume and wben for edet ef the ground by suitable lient and econemicai methods of some good reason you retire late one treatinent. It is the leaves wbich j andiing social welf are werk in the night mako up the shortage the prepare the food for the roota, and 'cemmunity and avoid overlapping o! next ight. Thisis exeedinly 1if by constant cultivation o! the sur- services wiheit tpeet valuabie advico te young girls. We Hfaesi h lnsaepeldý M . Y Jury, Rev. D. W. Boit agree that young folk must have froni forming green foiage above the and Rtev. R. J. Sbires addressod the goed tumes but remember always that ground, then the reets get ne food, town councii at its Februury meet- there is a lumit te physicai endur- and in tinie die out aitogether. ing when this information was pro- ance. Nature cannot be biuffed non Greund net being usod for a crop îented by the dlegation, regarding be abused, for tbe price she exacts sheuhd be occaîionally stirred witb a. (a) Local Citizens in need o! as- if either is attempted is lois of youth, barrow, which both destreys the sistance; (b) Transients who beg of health, of beauty, of the enjoy- young weed seedlings, and bings te froni door te door: ment derived freni the realiy good the service othen weed seeds for' Re (a)-In view o! the fact that thingi in if e. Commun place facts, germination. It is as important aI-1Ithere are severai organizatiens in you remark. True, but one's coin. moît te get weed seeds in the soui town which distrib'ute Christinas mon sense wiii dictate if given a te gomminato as it is te destroy the Cheen and on occasion ministon te chance the rules for retaining health, young weeds, as some weeds retainth ediiscarhtteeout and youth if people wili onlY listen 1their gerininating pwrin eartb fer teney ti enta hr ub eanstyto * . ay ers n may, when brought dinate these efforts s0 that there * * te the surface, germinate and infeit shoiild net be tee much belp offered We came acresi these splendid a new crop. in soe cases and tee littie in others. tnougnts..-1.in. 4no course- f ', r u.gi i i1*. *A-ap e '.flv ei some yeans ago and clipped them How te cuitivate heath, beautyi Every known sent o! weed can bo chanacter acd the friecdsbip that wii enadicated by continued attention endure and ripen into love: There i provided that its habit o! gnowth ho o! ever . known. No weed îheuid hb pr ne possible way o vrbecemng te produe beautiful in mind, bodyand character iitted topoue seeds, and wedî unless you avoid ahi excoîses o! the are moît easily destroyed ia their apptites and passions and become young seedling stages. If thei tomperate in ail thingi. To this end__ stubbhe bo hanrowed or otberwise' Yen must ho calin, quiet and cultivated imrnediately after harvest peaceful; in autuma, immense numberi o! Yen must avoid cane and worry; weed seeds present in the soul will You must avoid anger, batred and z erminate, and the seedlings can ho revenge;~~spa destroyed by successive harrowings You ms pa wonds o! kindness or by plougbing. Where land is and sympathy; badly ic!ested witb persistent pen- You must scatter fiowers acd suni- ennial weeds, a thorough suniner- shine; falhow is the boit means e! dealing Yen must ovenceme evil with guod; with the condition. You must hunger and thirst a!ter Rtto !ceii xrml righteousness;1Rttono rp i xrm, You must work and ho patient; helpfuh aise, as certain weeds seern You mst hope and perievere, to!folhew certain crops. You must ho natural and endeavor We bave heen toid that the excuse i te live in harîony with the naturai offered by senie farinons for net eut. haw. tung weeds before tbey rua te seed on their fanms iî shortage o! labor, It is in ths way-and in this way 150 they maintaîn a penny wise and j ony-that you wil ho able te grow-pound !oolish policy and let theni 'as the ilies grow-pure and beau tîfuli1 and free frein the taint o! sin-and grow and spread. free froni everything which wouid tend in any way te darken the seul and thereby speil the beauty o! the' IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL face. jYour seul wilh then he full o! joy, Delbert Fishleigh, Osaca, Ont:-i peace and love. And there wili bel Enclosed find $2.00 subserîption te sunshine in both seul and face. Y our your paper. i cannot do without whole being wiIh hecomne radiant withI The Statesman. Wishing the Sec- heauty and immortal bloomn-a ion Editor my beit wishes. beauty which will nover fad o will it even grow dii. Thn- Cultivate your thoughts and feelings, Rev. J. P. Berry, .B.A., Clover Bar, Let yeun seul everflow witb love, Aita :-Enclesed please find $2.00 for Live the life that's pure and noble, my suhsrhptien. 1 wish -aise ta Patterned after Ged above.. congratuhate the Senior Editon and Surehy there is abundant advice in al bis staff on the fine news letter the foregeing for ail young men and sent eut eacb week te the numeous girls-and soie who wene young distant members of yeur large fani- once may share- soie o! it te thein ily. We are ail ready fer acethen profit if they wouid be healthy, weal- tn y"hsln i. thy, beautiful and wise. HhCGH SCHOOL BOARD Mrs. W. A. Wilson, (cee Benta First meeting o! 1928 High Seheil Pont Arthur:-Kindly find enciosed Board met Februany 7th. Board i $2.00Ote renew ny subîcniptian fori composed of Mn. W. B. Couch, Chair- m home paper. Kindest regards mac, I)r. G. C. Bonnycastie. Dr. J. anmy twshsfrte eirEi C. Devitt, Messrs. J. H. H. Jury, F. an d hise for the waSniorfEli C. Vanstene, A. L. Nicholîs, Il.' Si.owoeclnn sawy et Caverly. Chas. H. Masen was again of belp!ul and interoîting thoughts. elected Secretary-Treasiirer. Committees funmed are: Finance -F. C. Vanstene, Dr. J. C. Devitt, J. Miss M. M. Adab Wright, 1074 H. H. Jury; Property-Dr. G. c. Coliege St., Tonante, 4: Dean Mr. Boncycastle, A L. Nicholis, L. S. Cav- James-Enclosced please find $2.00 erly. for subscniptien te Statesman for.an- Mri. B. M. Warnica was appointed other yoar. Hoping yen are enjoy- Attendanco, Officer for the High ing btter health than lait year and Schooi. with kind regards te ail. tien e youreorblse oyif yewu-i prove o! what is herein set forth, te take the initiative in forming a rep- re8entative Centrai Committee, Of wbich the Mayor and the Chainman o! your Puer Relief Cemnittee wouid ho membens; and te send this pro- posai te the churches, the Saivatien Army, and the F'raternui Societies and Service Clubs, asking then, if they approve each te appoint twe nepresentatives te serve on the Cen- tral Committee. 2. It is our view that this Commit- tee sbouid function througb a smail executive appointed by the whole ('ommittee; 3. That the Mayor caîl the Con- mittee togethen for organization. 4. Anyone knewing o! cases whore the relie! us needed sbeuld report the facts te the Central Committeo, who will then refer the case te the appropriate organization. 5. Persans having clothing te spare or jobs o! work te bc dune migbt be willing te advise the Cen- tral Comîittee o! these, se that a lust could be kept. Re (b)-A great number of tran- sients pass frem door te door sourcit- ing food, clothicg, work or meneY. On account o! the annoyance and possible dangers connected witb this practice, it is Most desirable that it should he discouraged in every way. Nevertheleis, food should be sup- piied to the hungry, clothing te those who are obvieusly in need o! it, and work (if availabie) te these wbo want it. There should, thenefore, be some officiai appointed who wouhd bo at the Town Hall at certain heurs o! the day te whom these transients should be sont. Ail cîtizens sbould be enjoined net te give relief at thein doons, but rather te inferm aial surh applicants that in this Town the citi- zens are ce.openating in providing for such needs, and te direct thon te the designated officen at the Town 'Hll. The rebuncil gave favorable con- sideration te the idea and Mayor Helgate will eall a meeting o! the varieus organizations at an early date. EDITOR'S NOTE Royal S. Copeiand, M.D., sayî: I can conceivo ne higber ambition in 14! e than attenipting ta improve the iheaith and vigon o! the hunian race. Every tume a new f o.od goes on tbe oircise is deviied, every tume a phy aician givea advice te bis patienta, the 1huinan fanily is being benefitted and heavea amiles in consequence. THE WORLD WOULD COLLAPSE If Advertising Should Stop If advertising ahould stop, slow decay would toiiow and, ultimately, the entire world would collapse,' Wil- hian Allen White, Kansas edîtor, toid nembens ef the New York Advertis- ing Club at a meeting the othor day. "Ceuld I control the advertiaing pages o! this country", he si," would have contrai o! the entire country. More bas been done by mass production, plus advertising, than ail the legisiation ever enacted. The wide distribution of wealth in tbis country is directiy due te the efforts o! advertising men. Ail things that are the conimon lot *of the people are theirs because adventising bas aroused their desires te have new things". DO YOU REMEMBER? Mr. F. R. Kersiake, Druggist, in bringing in his change of advt this week commented that be missed the 'Do You Remember'? coiumn in re- cent weeks. In reading one of his trade journais recentiy he came across the folIowing verses which he thought might fil in until some one migbt be inspired to send another consignment 'Way Back When'. Do you remember 'way back wben (Say thirty, forty years) You neyer saw your sweetheart's legs, But judged ber by ber ears? The kids were washed each Saturday night, Their daddy eut their bair, Their suits were made from their uncle's pants, And they wore no underwear. The women padded bu.t did not paint, Nor smoke, nor drink, nor vote. The men wore boots and littie îtiff bats, And wbiskers like a goat. Not a seul had appendicitis, Nor thought of buying glands; The butcher gave bis liver away, 'But charged you for hi6 bains. You neyer had a bank account, Your beer gave six per cent, Tbe hired girl's got tbree bueks a week, And twelve bones paid the rent. You couid stand each nigbt when tbe work was 'er With one foot on tbe rail, And your hip supported not a tbing Except your own shirt tail. teeeao t sarShool Course as the B atest path te a go salary. We invite you te write for particulars as te courses and results. Shaw Business Sçheels9, Bay-Charles, Toronto. PIANOS. W'ould you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspecticn. Prices are reasonable and it costs littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangemeflts-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL THE FINEST MEATS THAT MONEY WILL BUY -That is our constant aim to only buy the best cattie from well known farmers and thus be assured that our customers will get the finest meate to be had. Every week we have new customers coming to our shop to give us a "trial order" and invari- ably they corne back for more. If you haven't tried our service why not send us your next meat order? Phone 518-We Deliver Promptly HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518..Bowmanvifle 7hfcMonthly Cheque It is ail so simple and effective! Just a fev dollars set aside regularly, and the Canada Lîfe wll guarantee to your home a continuous monthly incarne. What a relief to know that no rratter what may happen, the monthly cheque that neyer fails. îssued regularly by the Canada Life, will corne to your home! Vour present Life Insurance wiîI per- haps "clear the mortgage," pay off the obligations of your estate, and leave somne- thkng for your family, but Cons idee hs Financiai proh!ems should flot be thrust upon a woman wlio is flot tised ta business deals. Therefore in addition to a "~ lump sum" f money. you should provde a definite income that cannot fai- Because a wcckly or rnnnthly incorne is the natural thing- for most people- And a woman can kcecp a fam;1ly together on ev'cn a small r.cotn, provdcd t is rêguIar. Morcover. the hands of unscrupulous meni are always outstrtchd for money hld by the unwary. mLe Monthjy Incme PkM Will solve the problen. Only a fcw dollars savcd and set aside fram your regular carnin-g; can bc multiplicd into a substantial incarne for your Bcneficiary. You will be surprised to lcarn what a rcasonab!e proposition can bc mac, to you g Aak for Paricular. C. H. MASON, Local Representative, Bowmanville Dear Sir:-Without obligation on my part, you may send me particulars of thse Canada Life Monthly Incrne Plan.1 M y Name ....................................................................... ..................... M y A d d r e s s . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B o r n . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . d ay o f . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . .1 . . . . . B e n e fi c i a r y b o r n . . . . . . . . . . . d ay o f ?Mont,) y ea r PAGE TWO Bowmanvi.Ue Telephone 105

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