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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1928, p. 3

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PAGE TRME THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURS1DAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 SUCCESSFUL SHORT COURS£ A splendid one week's course oi FaLrm Mechanicseloued on Friday, February Srd., at Orono, Durham County, having had 65 studenta en- rolled with an average cf 50 each seuien. The intructors, H. P. Green, B.Sc., Ottawa, and J. H. Shaw, B.S.A., Gaît, stated that it was one cf th beut courses yet held. The farmere and Junior farniers cf the community expressed therneeves as being deligbted with the instruction given in rope splicing, halter mak- ing, soldering, sharpening Iodle, con- crete, elsctricity, farmn water sy- stems and gas engines. Undoubted- ly these coursea are cf inestimable benefit te any cammunity and w. hope Durhami County willlbe favored with a similar course next year. JUDICIAL SALE 0f the Asseft of the New- castle Harbour Company Tenders wiii bc received by the under- signed Up te five o'ciock in the afternoon of the second day of March, 1928, for the purchase et the north sixty feet cf Lot "7" In Block "T" in the Village et Newcastle, being part of Township Lot Number 27 In the Broken Front Conces- sion of the Township of Clarke in the Ceunty of Durham, belonigiiig to the~ Es- tate et The Newcastle Harbour Cornpany. and situate in the Village of Newcastle In said Ceunty et Durham. Tenders wiil be opened before the Lo- cal Master at Cobourg on Satu rday 1ih Third day et March, 1928, at three o'clock in the atternoon at is Char',bers at the Court House, Cobourg. Tenders must be accompanied by mark- ed cheque payable te the urder o! the Liquidator for 10 % ot the arnount et the tender, which wili be returnod if the tend- er be net accepted. The higbest or any tender flot necessarily acceptod. The purchaser shahl search the titie at his own expense and the Liquidator will nt be required te turnish any ab- stract or produce any Deeds, declarations or evidence of title other ttan those In his possession. The purchaser shall have ten days lu which te Take any ob- jections or requisitions in respect te the title ut such real eatate. And In case the purchaser shaîl malte any objections or requlsitiens whlch the Liidator shal from any cause be unable and unwilli.gl te answer, the Liqiuidator may at any tlme apply te the Master te aidjudicate on the same or te rescind th-ý sale wbet- her be bas or bas not attempted te answer sucb objections or requisilions. In that case, the purcbaser shaîl be en - tItled only te the return of the depouît money witbout Intere8t, coste or Comn- pensation. Terme cf Sale: Cashi, withln ten days of acceptance of tender. The other eon- ditions et sale are the standing condi- tions of the Court as far as applicable. M For further partcniars and conditionsi of sale application niay be made to the Liquidator or hqls solicitor. Dated February 13th., 1928. q 1~ S. W. SUTTON. L411idator, i>1-àrCoborne, Ontario. W. A. F. CAMPBELL, Port H-ope, 7-8 Solicitor for the Liquidator. Radio Business Good SOLD SIX SETS RECENTLY This Explains Why---By special arrangements with the Fada Radio Ce. they have allotted me a limited number of ets whîch criginally sold stripped at $150, which I arn installing with speaker, inlaid cabinet, batteries, everything complete, al ready to operate for a cash price of only $110. Act quîckly as this offer may be cancelled any time. 4-TUBE RADIO SET COMPLETE-50 Juat the one set, ail complete, good working order, a real bargain for sorie one-$50.00. RADIO ACCESSORIES-RECHARGE BATTERIES-FADA AND WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS-SKATES SHARPENED -BICYCLES REPAIRED Batteries CaIIed For and Delivered I amn now devoting &Il rMy tirne to Mny own $hop- Opn &Il day and haif the aight. HARRY C. ALUIN Phones: Shop 337; Honte 575. King St. W. BowmanviII. LBRIGHTER HOMES STORE MUSIC STUDY CLUB Enjoy Deightful Program By Oshawa Artiste These who braved the bad weather and shipépery walking te attend the Music Study Club's montbly enter- tainrnent in St. Paul's Lecture Roem, Wednesday evening, February 8th., were welî repaid for the effort and risk taken in venturing eut on such a night. As was previously anncunced the entire pregram was centributed by Oshawa talent and proved te be one cf the meet thoroughly enjoyable prograrna cf the season. "Scherzo Valse" by Mouskowski was -pîayed by Miss Marion Gummow in excellent manner which selection opened the pregram. Mrs. J. Smith sang the "Hindoo Song" and encered with "Dreamin' Time". The "Pol- ish Dance" by E. Severn was a vie-1 lin solo played by Norman Moffat. Mrs. Grant Berry sang "Morning" and "Three old maids cf Lee", the latter selection being ber response te hearty applause. Miss Helen John- ston gave the "First Movement from Sonata Op 2 te 3" by Beethoven. Miss Johnston's work was ighly commend- able and in eacb case she responded with an encore. "Minuet" frem ."Berenice" by Handel was ber encore in this instance. The "Minuet" dance was dene by Oshawa sehool girls and was exceed- ingly pretty. The perfect rythm was evidence cf continued study cf the dance by tbe yeung ladies. Those who participated in the dance were Miss Lois Mundy, Miss Ann Stori 3, Miss Elena Stacey, Miss Elsie Ross. Mrs. M. Gummow acccmpanied on the piano and Mr. Moffat on the violin. Fcllowing this a vocal num- ber by Mrs. Smitb, "StilI as the Nigt" wvas giveu, aise an encore "Salaam". Miss Helen Jobnston again deligbt- ed with a series cf selections. Tbey were al £rom Peldcwsky except "An Impression" whcb was a comiposi-1 Itien cf ber own. The other tbree were "A cbild talking te a Cat"; "Musical snuf Box" and "Picture cf a Clown". Mrs. Grant Berry gave the solo "lLove's Greeting" and aIse "The Lila fTree".1 A PLEASANT SURPRISE Mr. and Mx.. Herbert Babcock Cele- brate Fifth Marriu.ge Anniversary. On Friday evening, February 3rd, the cosy borne cf Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock, Ontario Street, was the scene cf a rery jollY event, when about forty cf their immediate rela- tives unceremenioualy teck posses- sien cf Iheir home and gave tbem a surprise, the occasion being the Fifth annirersary cf their wedding day. dem of the bouse and a bearty wel- corne, and ere the occupants bad fuily recovered frorn heshsock of the invasion cf their home, Mr. and Mms. Babcock were asked te be seat- ed in the presence of their guesta in hs large living reern. Mr. W. C. Allin then called the company te order and in a f ew well chosen re- marks expiained the why and wbere- fore of such a gathering and voiced the sentiments cf alI present in hearty congratulations, recalling how be and his bride were surprisedi at the fifth milestone of their mar- ried lif e. He then called on Miss Florence Asbton wbo presented Mr. and Mrs. Babcock wiVh a beautiful bridge lamp as a mornente cf the oc- casion, with the good wisbes cf al present. The bride and groom ably respond- ed, gratefully tbanking their frienda for the beautiful ipresent and ex- pressed the appreciation c their kindly tbougbts and geod wisbes. Mr. John Babcock, father cf the' groom, said it w4s a genuine sur- prise, gave ail a bearty welcome and invited aIl present te corne agatn. The company joined heartily in singing "For they are jolly geod fel- lows." CGames and contesta were then indulged in for the rest cf the evening after wbich a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. The cornpany lefV for their homes feel- ing tbey bad spent a very enjoyable and pleasant evening together. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Progress teward churcb unity and definite advance toward denornina- tionai union are indicated in the plans for an interdenorinaticnal congres te be beld in Lancaster, Peen, February 28tb and 29th at wih Rer. D. W. Best, D.D., Minister of St. Paul's United Churcb, is a dole- gaVe. The congress wili be under the direction cf the Western Section of the Alliance cf Refcrmed Church- es tbrcugbout the werld holding the Presbyterian System. and tbe sessions are te be beld in the chapel cf the Theological Seminary cf the Re- fcrmed Cburcb in the U. S. Rev. Capt. W. C. Frank, formerly cf Mapîs Grove, Darlingten, wbose wif e was Addie Cols cf that section, sister cf Mr. Thos. J. Cols, new of Wilkinson Rcad ' Victoria, B. C., has been invited te Wite Rock, B. C., wbere he wiIi go next June te suc- ceed Rev. W. E. Hughes who la re- tiring fromi active service. The New Outloek says Rer. W. C. Frank bas been seven ysars in Victoria Prssby- tery and besides bis successful work in bis twe ccngregatiens he bas been the Presbytery's genial treamurer for two years. Capt. Frank's rnany West Durhamn friende viii be glad te bear cf bis succese in hie Master'. work. Men rny brothers, men the werkers, Ever rsaping sometbing new, That wbicb tbey have dene, the earn- est 0f the things that they shaîl do; 'TiI hs war-drum tbrobs ne longer And ths battie-flags are furled In the Parliament cf Man, The Federatien cf the Wcrld. -Tennyson. OSHAWA PRESBYTERY 1 Comprehensive reports of the work done in the congregations of the Osh- awa Presbytery -of the United Church were given at the regular meeting of the Presbytery beid in Whitbyr Tabernacle, on Thursday, Februarye 9th., owing Vo the adoption of thev calendar year as the church year inç the United Church for the firat tme,1 these reports covered only the last 9c months of the year 1927. During the 9 months' period the church membership bas increased by 126. 99% cf the Maintenance and Extension Fund allocation was re- ported as paid, with one incomplete report which rn=y be sufficient tot complete the allocation. While aev-1 eral congregations did flot reach theirr allocations others exceeded theirs2 sufflciently te, achieve this splendid1 restilt. St. Andrew's, Oshawa, ex- ceeded their allocation by $2507.00; Simcoe St., Oshawa, Port Ferry,t Cartwright, Orono, (Centre St.,) St. Andrew's, Pickering, St. Paul's, Pickering, and King St. Oshawa, were ail above their allocations. The Presbytery contains 26 char- ges wîth 63 preacbing places, 55201 families, and 9556 members. There1 are 60 Sunday Schools with an en-1 rolmnent of 10,522, 42 Young Peo-1 ple's Societies 'witb 1626 members, 311 Women's Missionary Auxiliaries with3 511 members. AIl church property* is valued at $1,179,300 and $175,-j 530.00 was raised for aIl purposes by the congregations. Owing te the compact nature of the Presbytery it was decided Vo dis- continue the payrnent of Presbytery I: travelling expenses, and the levy for the Presbytery expense fund was reduced from 16c per unit te 12e peri unit. The Home Mission Comrittee re-. ported Cedardale and North Oshawa, supplied by Revs. W. Elliott and J. W. Bunner, respectîvely, as now self-supporting. Greenwood has built a new church and exceeded its allocation te the M. & E. Fund, while Scugog bas redùced its H. M. grant from $450 to $125 per year. Per- mission was granted the coxnmittee by Presbytery Vo obtain necessary assistance for the rapidly growing Oshawa Missions. The resignation of Rev. E. M. 1Cook of Enniskillen, te take effect at the end of the conference year was forwarded Vo the Settlernent Committee. Resolutions cf sympathy were pre- pared te Mms. F. L. Farewell and Rev. G. A. Williams. The remit fromn the General Coun- cil re the ordination of women was laid on the table until the next meet- ing cf Presbytery to be held in St.- Paul's Churcb, Pickering, some time in April. Therp was an excellent attendance cf ministers and laynien. The chair- man, Rev. A. M. Irwin, presided throughout. The Corner1 Stone Every important build- ing has a corner-stone,t Every wise man con- templates building an Estate. You also can build ani Estate by the purchase of Safe, Sound, Seas- oned Securities on our Systematic Monthly Saving Plan. 5½% to 7%. F. J. Van Nest & Co. Investment Bankers, 350 Bay Street, Toronto 2 Enjoy Cosfort AUl the Year!1 RoundsI A solid slab of wood, cut to size and shape, couldn't be any tighter fitting than a floor of Seaman-Kent hardwood. That's why dust can't work through .... why cold in winter and heat in summer are both kept out. la McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville TH ETTHrSMD __________1____________________________ -t1 He Dropped Dead et Ha Home in Denver, Colorado. Dear Editor-I arn certain that many of the aIder Darlington people, especially those in the Solina district, will regret the less cf an old friend, wben they learn that Charles M. Bice for many years the ablest cf the correspondents cf The Statesman, dropped dead in bis borne in Denver, Colorado, wbere for over fifty years he was a distinguished lawyer, not rnerely in conducting legal trials, but in writing a bock about Law. From tbe time I was ten tili I was tbirteen, we were very dear chunis. From the end cf April te the begin- ning of November, Cbarley and 1 spent our Saturdays in some of tbe wooded districts around Solina, and we were supremely bappy together. I have always loved the woods more than any ether cf Nature's glories. Se did Charley. From thirteen te sixteen, he and I teck Dick Pascoe as a chum, and we were unusually good friends. He and I corresponded aIl tbrougb the years. I received my last letter from him at Christmas time. He be- gan, "My Ilear Old Friend Jim, 1 was the happy recipient cf a dear little poem frem you, and heartily join you in the wish se beautifully express- ed in it niight bave an early fulfilI- ment". He told me be bad a visiter a short time before be received my- letter,, wbe told him he had corne from Tor- onto; "I asked birn if be knew Jim Hughes"? He said "'yes. 1 know him te be a great man and a wonderful orator". He and 1 practised public sýpeaking when we were ten and for years after. He closed by saying: "Well, old boy, how are you faring in life's bat- VIes? I arn a year older than ycu, and still gcing strong. Hoping that you will be with me for many years te corne, I will subscribe myself as your old and ever true friend. Our frîendshîp thro.ugh seventy-twe years helped te make us better men. He was a year eIder than 1. Had he lived till February 3rd he would have been eighty-tbree. I shahl be eighty- twe on February 20tb. The verses I sent te Charles for hie laist Christmas under a picture cf a hearthllre were: Cerne share with me, dear friend, today, The hearthfire cf the past; To see you smile and bear old tales, Would make my beart beat fast. The recollections cf the days 0f youth se, long age, Still kindle what je best in us And keep or hearts aglow. We'll gather golden mernories 0f days cf auld lang syne, And ligbt them in or bearts again To make life brigbtly shine. -James L. Hughes. BEAUTIFYING HOME GROUNDS Advice lu Ch.ayp-But You Wili Find Tiss Worth Reading. More attention than ever before in nov bsing given te making the appearance cf dwellings more attrac- tive. The difficulty is te kxsow just wbat te do at the least expense. Sbrubbery witb a f ew flowers un- ually la aIl that is necessary to take away the bare look and make the home much more inriting. Ini sorne cases it may be nscsssary te grade Vhs lawn te maIre a mare eren surface, or an extension cf the lawn surface inay be desirable Vo give a better setting te the buildings. An application cf one tb twe pounde cf lirnestone, and oe quarter te one baîlf pound cf basic slag, per square yard wilI suppîy the elernents usually lacking and heîp Vo secure a good stand cf Kentucky blue grass, wbich in the best lawn grass. One- quarter ounce cf this gras seed te a square yard, scattered erenly, la thick enough, and good lawns are passible by using haîf this ameunt. It is vise te use smre sbrubbery toward the corner cf the bouse and at each side cf the entrance te Vhs bouse. The bearier and deeper plants sbould b. aV the corners with lighter plantings at the entrance. Sbrubbery useful for .pîanting is net very expensive if amaîl plants about 18 inches tail are ussd. The smalî plants transplant more eaisily and they wxll sean grow te give the desir- ed effect. The Bush Hcneysuckle (Lonicera tatarica rosea;) Japanese Bush Honeysuckle (Lenicera Mer- revi), mare dvarf and spreading than Vhe oCher; Walcberry (Sympbori- carpes racemomus); and Mock Orange (Philadelphus coronarius or P. grandificrus) are excellent for cern- er plants. The Bridai Wreatb Spir- aea (Spiraea Van Houttei) ; Spiraea Thunbergii, a lower grewing spiraea sixuilar te the aboe; and Japanese Barberry (Berberis Tbunbergii) are suitabie fer pîanting toward Vhs en- trance. The lover grawing plants are set in front or at the side cf the taller cnes. Tbey are spaced about Ibres ta four feet apart, and arranged le gire a rounding base lins at the corners and frorn bouse wali te walk. It is vise te _plant two or Ibm.e plants cf one rariety together te gire a group effect wben tbey grcv, and iV is vise te barseone greup predemin- aVe. That le, thsrs may be three plants cf on. kind, tva cf anather and oesof another together. Or Vhe plantings may bars morb, plants ac- cording ta the sîze cf the dwelling. t in vise te leave cne-tbird cf the base lino cf Vhs dwelling vithaut planting. Along Vhs edge cf Vhim planting ifoyers in groupe cf peren- niaIs or annuals may b. set. If the border cf the lawn lu le b. planted, an irregular planting may b. made up of Lilas, Japans.. Hy- drangea, Hydrangea Arborencons, Golden Bell, Siberian Pea Tree, Golden EIder, Red-brancbed Dog- wcod, Weigela romea and W. Eva RathIre, whicb are nmorn f the boul decidueus mbrubs. To avoid conflicting wlth dates of tb. play "MaIre Il Snappy"l, Vhe sed skating meet at Bowmanvllle bas been ehanged te Monday, Fabre- ary 201h.- What Is A Home? HOME-has ever been the subject neareat Man's heat. It la the kingdom that holds society together. All that je finest in life in centered there. There the future of the nation is decided. Many have tried to flnd an answer to the question "What je Home?" Here are some of the answers selected from varions sources: HOME-"A world of strife shut out, a world of love shirt i." HOME--"The place where the smail are great, and the great are email." HOME-"ýTbe father's kingdom, the mnother'. home, and tbe children's paradise." HOME-"The place where we grumble moot, and are treated the best." HOME-"The center of our affection, round which car heart's best wishes twine." HOME--"The place where our stomachs get three square meals daily and cur heart's a thousand."1 HOME-"Tbe only place on earth where the faults and failings of humanity are hidden under the sweet mantle of charity." HOME-is very much what you make it. Good furnitur. helps wonderfully in making your home attractive, and gives lasting satisfaction to every niember of your household. see us when in need of good furniture at Moderate Prices. F. F. Morris Co., Home Furnishers and Funeral Service Bowmanville Ont. Delicious Bread, Cakes and Pastry No matter whether you have guests or just your own family at the table, one thing is most essential, the Baking, the Bread, Cakes and Pastry should be most carefully selected and meet with the approval of ail. Corbett's Bakery Products are most delicious-just a little different-just a littie more palatable-and your table will present a real appetizing appearance. Willard'a Ile Cream in BuIk, Brick or Sandwich Wedding Cakes aSpecialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bown.nville Just reduced in pricel- Radio. Outfit Model "Two-Fifty » with Table Speaker No extras of any kind to buy; ne future battery-expense to think about; this radio la complet e-ail ready te "'just plug in-then tune in" wben it la deîivered ta your home. Wby deny yourself and your family th leasure which a Rogers wiii give you this Winter and a:f the rest cf the year when you can now geV Ibis comple 1928 Rogers Dot- teryless OuVfiV for the saine price as an ordinary, reputable, battery-operated set? You've prebably wanted a Rogers-.-most people do. Clet this splendid outfit no>wblhle radio prograins are at th*i best. Liberal erms cf payment to any responsible family. W. J. BAGNELL Phom .152 King st.W. Chronic coughe are ordin- ary coughs that have been aflawed ta settie in the throat, branchial tubes, or lung. To check a cou gh before it develops inte mamething worse, foliow the course that doctors recommend and apply - home made mustard plaster ta your throat or chst. It isseldom, indeed, that a cough will net yield ta this tried and proven remedy. To ,na& 'a pkLeser mux two tablespoonfuiu cf K...n'a lustemd with six cf Llnused assai or Leur into a pute with cold -Ute. Spread betw euvS .,. obauuwnper md cow wth mhs THE PAINT AND WALL PAPER CENTRE Staunton "SUNW0RTHY" Wallpaper wili net fade, whether designa are bright- ly clourful or cf pastel delicacy. They wili net fade. Added te thie, al "SUNWORTHY" Papers are Serni-Trirnmed. Our stock is meet complste with new season'e designa. Look tbem orer nov, befere the selection is narrowed. Buy Your School Supplies Here GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Bowuaaville Phone 489 le

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