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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1928, p. 4

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l'ÂGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 HÀYDON ]Kr. and Mrs. William Trewin Sun- dayed at Mrs. Laura Virtue's, Tyrans ..Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and sons, Kenneth and Milton, Oshawa. visited at Mr. D. Graham'%.... . and Mns. J. Wright are visiting her unfe-in London, Ont., who ls ter- iously il. .. . Mr. A. Beech, Phoebe and Fred spent Sunday in Toronto and 'visited Mrn. A. Beech in the Gen- eral Hospital. .. A very successfuJ quilting bee was held at the church last Tuesday afternoon when the ladies quilted three quilts. ....On Tuesday evening ýur annual congre- gational meeting was held, a goodly number being present. After businers inatters were transacted, a short pro- gram was gîven, lunch wvas served and a social half hour spent. ... League last Sunday evening was in charge of oux Missionary Vice-President, Miss Annie Trewin. Bible reading was given by Mrs. R. Crossnian; de- votional was taken by Mr. Harry Milîs; a portion if book ertit]ed "J. Cole" was read by Miss M. Beechý taspic was splendidfly given oy )Ir. C. Avery; vocal duet was inicely rend- ered by Mrs. T. Mountjoy and Miss Mabel Beech. . . . Sunday School and Church next Sun3ay at usual bour. Basket Social is postponed until Thursday, February 16th. SALEM Pastor Trumpour's discourse on Sunday was listened to with much interest, heing the third sermon of a series, and dealing with the life and character of Peter the great Apost- le. Many valuable lessons were pointed out. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Charles Pollard in the death of bis mother who passed away sud- denly at Peterboro last week. Inter- ment took place i Bowinanville Cemetery on Friday. A jol]y party of comrnunity follk, gatl-ered on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Werry and spent a very pleasant evening in .uchrè and other games. Mr. and Mrs. Werry are ideal host andl hostess, and their sp.acious home a:r.rded ample room for such a gathering. A splendid luncheon was served by the ladies and aIl joined in thanking Mr. and Mrs. Werry and family for a re-al jolly evening, as tbey bade tbem adieu in the small hours of the morning.. .Glad to welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Arthur-, wbohvecoL to reside at Beechdale. . .Mrs.C. Carruthers and Mrs. W. Cann spent the weekend in Tornto. . ..'M is.s Eu s Collacott was a weekcnd visitor at home. Mrs. R. Canklin, Kingsville, visited hem father, Mr. Robert Colla- cott, over the weekend... Mrm. A. J. Honey, Vancouver, B. C., bas been visiting at Mr. F. L. Squaim's and Mms. G. A. Stephens'. . .. Mrs. W. E. Pollard spent the weekend in *cwn. . .Mr and Mrs. F. L. Squair spent the weekend with friends in Port Hope. Mir. and Mrs. W. Willis, Toronto, apent the weekend wîth ber parents, Mir. and Mrs. Wm. McReynolds. W. L. Payne, K.C., a well-known citizen of Coiborne, passed away last week followîng a stroke of paralysis, aged 82 years. Dr. Jamieson, Chairman Mothers' Allowances Commission, will meet with the local Board here on Friday in the Council Room. Mm. C. W. Souch attended the Mm. and Mms. Frank Rundle spent Miss Blessie Johnson, Bowmanville, Bconvention and banquet of the Ped- Junday in Oshawa .. . Miss Myrtle spent a few days at home owing to 1 lar People, Oshawa, on Fiday. .-Montgomnery, Bowmanville, wu with the serions ilîness of ber father. . hmradnteMrs. ..WH. Nichols, d.toMr. A. W. Prescott and babe Ruth, Windsor on Tuesday morning owsaglirgadoh, s.WH.Ncl, Enfield, spent a week witb ber sister, rto the illness of ber daughter, Mrs. over Sunday. On Thumsday asat the Ms il hrtadfins Kennetb Caverly and grand-daugbter mnhymetnMfte .M .w s M. W. Cochrane and Ray, Orono, Gwen. We wisb tbem a speedy e- held at the home of Mrs. A. J. Gay. spent a few days with ber prns covey. .. Mm. and Mrs. W .H. Har- Meeting in charge of Mrs. L. J. Court- MrpadMar.ein.M.t., court, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mn.iesgon. TePsdnM. Findley, Thornbill, Mme. W. Perkins, W. McCartby, Oshawa, Mm.W.* El- Frank Rundle pesided and aftem the Toronto, Sundayed at Mm. E. Vir- iliott, Thistletown, at Miss L. Reeve's. devotional period, a short memorial -;iMn idlyad etretumn- MisMnoi acei oiaigservice ivas held in memory of Mrs. ing oewt hmatrsedn MisMroi acei oiaigMqry Everson who was a member ghoewtthmaersndn couple of weeks witbh lem mother who with fsiends in Oshawa and Toronto of this gro'ap and who passeâ away continues quite ill... Mr. and Mms. ...Mm. Charles Hastings is visiting a few months ago. Mms. A. J. Gay Frank Rose, Sutton, are visiting her -Kith relatives in Philade.pbia.Mm. read a poem wbicb vas quite fitting daughter. Mns. W. F. Park... Mr. WR Allin is with re:ýatives at Osh- to Mms. Everson wno was a most loy- Floyd Dudley, Military Training awa .. .. Miss Helen Virtue is visiting able chaacter ana one who was School, Toronto, spent the weekend w'th her aurit, Mrs. W. Ranto)n, Tren- always willim.g to help in evemy way at home,....Chus-ch service nextt ton..Mr. and Mrs. L. TmulI and A verse or two of '-Forever with the Sunday at 10.30 s. in...League ebjîdren and Miss Rut-i Johns speut Lord" was also sung. Tlhe programn on Thursday evening was in chargec Sunday witb friends in Oshawa. . .. was then givon. A piano solio by Mms Miss Elsie Langmi n spent Sunday Ceci] Worden; song ov niembers of of the Second Vice-President, Miss LoIs Richards. Topic, "The Ele- r nt'î fsiends at En-iiskillen.. . .About the Mission Band; anu Miss Alice phant Hunter's People," prepared by forty young people gathemedi at the Jackson gave an intemssting address Miss E. Brent and read by Miss Lola h orne of Mr. and Mrs. G. White on on the 1".lian., whise customis andRihrs Redn yM CD,« Mouday night and presented Mi. and ways of ivýng she leained when out Rhrds. Rnteading by Me. C. eD. Mms. Clarence Tink, nec Rjitb White, at Nelsoni House. Miss Jackson ~drnette Wne" ed s ng "Disguised Luck" by MissK with a fernery sud banging basket. . spoke vemy feelingly if the kindness Gbs The home of Mm. Billett was on of the Indians and gave soine illus- i Tbursday evening, 9th inst., the trations 'f their teatment to hem scene of an old-time social gatbeming, v' hicb wa.i rost th ,ughtful and when many of the fri3nds oZ mine K;- . A dainty lunch was semved tot host spent the ovening playing pro- the_ largo luimbem of la-dies presentir MAPLE GROVEv gressive euchre. Prii.es were awamd- and a pleasant tire spent together. " ed, a dainty lunch was semvel, and 1ýrs. Gay was vemy g-enisil as bostess Mms. E. Tyndall, Brandon, Mani.,1 vitb the instrumental mnusic thei On Fmîday evon'r,., the annual spent Sunday witb Mm. and Mme. A.e parting boum came ail too soon. vI c gregatioi.al meetin, was held in Laird.. Mrs. A. Laimd spent Tnesdayr Abot 0 i h ~ the Sunday Scbool a.1e.mbly oom in Toronto witbh lem mother-in-laws hoetof0 f and Ms. Gaeoredas-mon.;ien the pn ce was li'lIco tý its capa- Mms. Laird... Mm. Ray Snowden, Tom on Tuesdacty. Tabits were ., ead with iostonto, spent Sunday with friends,. ..rb oh n Tedybua ry"At 7tme" o tein.gM.ppetizing dishes such as potato pie, Mm. and Mrs. J. H. Mnnday, Mm.o the~~~~~~ anul"tHm" fteW n.Lked beis,, ketclu:p and other and Mms. H. Vickery, Town, visitedln S. The President, Mrs. (Rev.) pickles and Pverything one could men- theis- brother, Ms-. Milford Wilkins, J Bick took charge of the meeting. Af- ýion in .he next course. Aftem al) Oshawa, on Suiiday ...Ebenezer ter a bymn and prayer the President were fed our Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain- Young People visited our League onh gave a short talk on "What the W. M. ton, took the chair and a short pro- Wednesday, Febmuamy 8th., wl'en a S. is Doing". Mrs. W. W. Hor-n gram was pesented in whicb No. 8 good time was enjoyed by ail. A spoke of the missionary womk in school membors sang a petty chorus; splendid progmam was put on by China; Mrs. L. Allia on India; and piano solo was wel playel by Miss Ebenezer League aftem wbich a short Mms. Burns on Canada; a violin duet Ada Annis; eading splendidly given contest and refreshments weme given was well given by Mr. Wallace and by Miss Velma Pprce and a song....aen sepce t ii u Mm. Wallace Hos-n, with Mms. C. J. was uicely endered by Master Sid League on Friday 17th ...Miss Kerslake as accompanist; Mrs. Bar- Worden, aîl of No. 4 sehool. Then Hilda Foley, Toronto, Sundayed at on, Mrs. H. Peters and Mns. W. Wil- the diffeent reports weme given and homne. ... Mns. Morgan Lewis and son bur rendered a trio, Miss Noms Hon were very enco)urag-.ng. Our pastor Russell, Peterboro, called on their accornpanist. Mrs. C. J. Kerslake gave a short addrss in ivhich he stat- cousin, Mrs. H. G. Freeman, on and Miss Nora gave a piano duet. A ed that the people had given evemY- Tuesday of this week onmo'ste to Tom- numbes- of the girls of the Mission thiug that had been asked of tbem. onto to attend ber brather's fanerai, Circle gave short missionary readings. It was decided to hold annivemsary at Mr. G. R. Pascoe..Mm. and Mms. At the close 'of the progmam Miss our usual time, second Sunday and Macklin, Cobourg, are visiting their Katenson took charge of the musical Monday in June with sports, tea, etc., daughten, Mns. Samuel Snowden... contest with Ms-s. H. Colo at the1 on Monday. . Mondav aftemnoon the Our- Pastos-, Rev. J. H. Stainton piano. About twenty familiar hymna Bemean Cas was held in the home of pseached an excellent sermon last were chosen and a part of each hymn Ms-s. Jas. Shomtt. The day was per-- Sunday afternoon as usual, bis sub- played, the different groups giiessing feet and a goo:llvr numbes- of ladies,jetbigAnhroHp".ev the title ,the winnem receiving a box about 40 in ail, were present. The G. A. Williams, Formosa, will pmeach of candy. Lunch wss served and President, Mms. W. R. Courtice, was next Sunday. ail went home feeling tbey had bad a in the chair and the devotional part, ves-y enjoyable evening. the program sud social pas-t of the Aylmer Scup-vegetable or tomato Tbe many friends sud acquais-t- iafteruoon wene ail in chargc of Mms -10e s tin this week at Harny AI- suces of Mrs. Bert Stevens in this Penbertby's group. After singing, lin's. vicinity will he pleased to know that Ms-s John Found led in prayer; bible_________________ after neasly four weeks inToot lesson was ead b' m.JckSo-t wbere she underwent a succesaful the minutes read and treasumem's se- sang a solo which concluded the pro- operation for catarset on ber eye e-1 port which showed quite a good sum gram. Mrs. Penberthy 's gronp turned home on Thuamdsy of 1st 1 of money in the trea9sus-y to begin the semved a nice lunch and the ladies week. yeas's womk with. It was decided enjoyed the social part of the aftem- Postponed-Heas- the Ebenezer ýto hold our egulas- qnilting in Mas-ch1 noon. Mme. Sbortt was most gra- mnusicians in "Belles of Fol-de-mol" Sp l endid pogram wss enjoyed after- clous and thonghtful of hem guesta.. at Hampton on Friday, Fehmuany 17.wamds. Mms. ýRev.) Stainton gave.. Sunday ses-vices weme fine. Thei Admssin 3e ad 1e.a humorous reading; a duet was sung weathem was ail that one could wish by Mrs. Chas. Found and Miss Hazel and good congregations gs-eeted <'unr Rundle; Miss Hattie Osborne in hem Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, hoth usual able mannes- gave the stos-y of mos-ing and evening, wben he deliv- U. F. O. MEETING the bible woman Esther; the points es-ed two excellent addmesses. In in Esthes's chasacter wes-e hrcught the aftes-noon at the Sunday Sehaol An invitation is extended to bean out and Miss Osborne in hiem address session the lamgest attendance for a discussion on the corn bos-en; also called Esther the "Patriotie" wom- sonie time was present. Aften the a good debate at Sbaws on Tuesday un. The wvhole address was especially lesson pes-iod Miss Thompson, teacher evening, February 2lst. Also e- intes-esting. Mme. Esli Oke gave n of No. 4 Scbool, told s beautiful story freshments. reading and Mrs. (Rev.) Stainton to the boys sud girls. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Sweelman is visiting ber sis- ter, Mns. Houlden, Osbawa.... -Miss Elsie Langmaid, Hampton, was guest of Miss Reva MeGil . . .. A jolly sleigbload of our youing people jour- neyed north to Blackstock Saturday night and enjoyed a good skate .... Glad to report Mm. Rarold Bi-unt is doing nicely aftem an operation in Bowmanville Ho3nital -.-Miss Muriel Moore entertaine-1 the C. G. I. T. girls on Saturday in honor of ber sister Eleie's twelfth birthday.. Mr. and lirs. John Pascoe, Eldad, visited Mm. and Mrs. Levi Bru..... Dr. Ferguson,' Messrs. Theo. Slernon, Howard Pye and Howard Stevens made a trip to Toronto and sttended the hockey match... Much synipathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Or- chard in the death of their son-in-law, Mr. Fred Heddon, Columbus. .Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Haydon, and Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Annis recently visited Mr. and Mrs. John Sleio n..- .W. M. S. meeting was beld at the bomse of Ms. IH. J. Werry on Wed- nesday, Februamy 8th. After devo- tional exercises and considerable business was discussid a vocal s91lo was given by Mms. Lloyd Ashton; Mms. E. Ormiston dealt with the third chapter of our study book in a vemy acceptable manner; instrumental waq given by Mr.3. Lomnc LamOb. Lunch was gerved by he' group. The executive and .1roiip leaders were left responsible to Plan for a St. Patrick's ,social evening on FrdCay, Mamch 1 6t', in the cburcb. Next meeting will be beld in the baseýment of the chumch on Mamcb l4tb at 2.3b sharp. The meeting is in chai g- of Mms. Ori Jeffemy's group. Evemyone welcome. A man of fifty is responsible for his face.-Stanton. lira. G. H. Bickell was in Toronto MissaEdith Peardon bau roue te. asat week attending the funeral of Owen Sound to attend the wedding of ber niece, Mise Bettr Davis. ber niece, Miss Ross. Spring Vegetables Here FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH After living on canned goods for weeks a taste o1 green vegetables is as welcomc as the flowers in Meay. So here'.aa tat for Friday and Saturday: Head Lettuce, Crisp California Celery, New Carrots and Spinach. A feed of these at this time of year is also a good tonie. AYLMER SOUP 10c TINf Here's a real Canadian made soup, made frorn the choicest of borne-grown Canadian vegetables and canned by good loyal Cana- dians. This soup selîs regularly at 2 tins for 25e but we re- ceived 60 cases on TUesday fmesh fmom the factory-vegetable or tomato-whicb we will selI wbile they last at 10e a tin. Psy you to buy in case lots at this price. WINDSOR CHOCOLATES-"ýFit for a King"-hard and soft centre, wbipped creams, nicely boxed, reg. 50e lb. for 35e. CHOCOLATE DROPS-Pure Gold Milk Chocolate 35e lb. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS-Flower Designe, Cut Flowers, Plants. Order given prompt attention HARRY ALLIN, Girocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE jThere is an oîd saying: l"If you have a real message the world will make a path to your front door". We have a real message, read every word, it will pay you. NÉLSON'S ( xet -Acqu ainted Sal STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l7th. e A cynie is one who knows the. price of everything and the value of nothing. Don't bis a cynic. Corne in and we will convince you of the big sav- ings possible on good depend- able merchandise. LISTEN A Brand New Store with Brand New Values and Brand New Merchandise 1LÉ'% d% exf111 ek e ,oLà k ebL oUC U [Hf ru FOL~S!We are opening this new Bowmanville store with a three-fold purpose --- that is to give the people of Bowmanville and districts dependable merchandise, better values and courteous service. We will leave no stone unturned in order to merit your confidence and patronage, ail we ask is the opportunity to serve you. Let us get acquainted. Just drop in and say "Hello". Bring your friends in to sec the new shimmering silks, the newest Dress Fabrics, Wash Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Silk Lingerie, Etc. Besides our regular stock we have purchased several clearing lines for spot cash. Manufacturers overmakes and surplus stocks at a fraction of their value and offer tbem to you in this "Get Acquainted Sale" at less than b.alf their real value. Corne in and get your share of these wonderful offerings. BLACK CREPE BACK SATIN 50 yards only, so be on hand early if you want this, the regular price was $225 yard, 36 inches wide, SALE PRICE $1.39 ART SILK BEDSPREADS An extra large size and lovely silky finish, cornes in Blue, Rose and Mauve, Regular Value $5.50, 80 x 100 in. SALE PRICE $3.49 REMEMBER YOUR DOLLARS WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY AT THIS SALE 10 0 O0 yards Ail Silk Fugi Broadcloth-- An extra fine quality in Peau-de-Soie finish, an ideal fabric for stylish dresses, slips, bloomers, drapes, etc. 20 colors to select from, a quality well worth 79c yard. GET ACQUAINTED SALE PRICE PER YARD 59c TABLE OILCLOTH SQUARES For our Opening Saie we have piced these squares away below the regular price, so corne in and get one, FOR 79c DRESS LENGTH FOR 79c EACH 100 Voile and Cotton Broadcloth dress lengths in printed designe, Regular Value $1.49 eacb, TO CLEAR 79e LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE 59c 100 dozen higb grade qua]ity, some Holeproof and London Lady, a rare chance to save haîf, buy two pairs for the price of one. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, SALE PRICE 59c FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 50 pairs only, of full double bed size in wbite with blue, white witb pink and grey with bIne, EXTRA SPECIAL $ 1.98 PR. MISSES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE 49c That sel] everywbere et 79e a pair, we cleared the lot at a price, cornes in plain and two check designa, aize 7 to 9 %, PER PAIR 49c SILK FLAT CREPE A rich sbimmneming silk crepe in heavy weight that makes a lovely gown. Cornes in aIl the new tonea for Spring weer. Well worth $2.60 a yard, SALE PRICE $1.69 I [i .CURTAIN NETS A special purchase in Madnas and Nottingham Nets, priced specially for this sale, 36 inches wide, 25c YARD ENGLISH GINGHAMS 17c YARD A fine imported English Gingham that will launder perfectly, a big aaaort- ment of designs and colorîngs, 82 inche« wide, priced for our SALE PRICE 17c YARD VESTS AND BLOOMERS 39C A manufacturera floor stock whieh cornes in aises 84 to 42, made to «l ut 59e, OUT THEY GO EACH 39c MERCERISED BROADCLOTH An Impost'd English fabrie in fine lustrous finish and cornes in ail the most wsnted colons, 36 inches wide, SALE PRICE 33c YOUR DOLLARS EARNING 3% IN THE BANK, CAN EARN 50% AT THIS SALE Bell's Togg:yery Shop (The Place To Buy Good Clothes) Open for Business FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l7th With the two finest lines of Made-to-Measure Clothing in Canada Art Clothes Ascot Clothes H1undreds of beautiful New Spring Samples to choose from. Don't wait tili Easter to order your Spring Suit. Corne in now and let us tell you why it pays to buy Made-to-Measure Clothes. New Shirts-Collars--Ties-Sox-Hats, etc., are here for your approval. "Corne on in men and get acquainted". A. J. "BERT" BELL (Next Door East of Cole's Barber Shop) King.St. West BowmanvilleJ I ~ .~ 1 4w PAGE FOUR

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