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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUÀRY 16, 1928PAEFV Decorate Now WHEN YOU CAN RET Wallpaper AT Clearance Prices There je no better time to de- corate than now. Paperhangers are now plentifully available. At the Big 20 Bookstore you can get the finest and most ex- clusive imported papers at greatly reduced prices. Brighten'up for the coming ses. son!1 Corne in and choose from the colorful new Spring pat- terns just received. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Ont. W. C. CAVERLY BUYS OUT NELLES GROCERY BUSINESS In another column will ho iound the announcemeut that Councillor W. C. Caverly bas taken aver thse grocery business camied an by W. G. Nelles. Thse change in ownership took place February lOth. This is no new vent- ire as far as M. Caverly 15 concomu- ed for in company witb his father and brothers they carriod on a chain ai genemal stores in Hastings County for a number of years before going to Manitoba where they also aperated a gocery and supply store i con- junction with their large lumbeing interoats. Mmr. Caverly needs no introduction, ecommend or baost ta the citizens of this town as ho is weli sud favor- able knawn thmough bis tenure ai office in tlie town council where ho is looked upon as oneofaithse ratopayers most capable and officient representa- tives. If Mr. Caverly's municipal popularity and unique record ai heading the polos at the elections is an indication oi what may be expect- ed in his business career in the gro-' ce ybusins hisecustomers will be wIlooked aiter and his succees as- sured. Hie many friends wili be glad to know that Mm. T. A. Dustan has sufficiently recovered from hîs attack ai pneumonia ta visit bis store for an boum Monday aftemnoon. Tom bas had a long siege of it being off duty since latter part ai November. Seventy-Two Years In Business During our whole business experience we have neyer been able to off er such wonderful value as you will find this nionth on our counters. 10,000 Rexail Druggists are celebrating the 25th ýAnniver- sary of their co-operative buying and xanufacturing. Regular Special 50c Billiantine ..........39e 60c Talcuni Pawder..29e $1,00 Face Powder ...69e 75e Dandruff Remover . ... 59e 35c Cocoanut 011 Shampoo 23e 75e Rubber Gloves ...... 49e 60c Fui ' Cream Caramels 39e 25e Chocolate Bars ....,.. 19e 25e English Meoids . . .. 19e $1,00 MineraI Ou .,.... 79e 25e Laxative 'Bromide Quin- ine.................... 19e 50c Syrup Tam and Cod Liver O011............. 39e $2.50 Hot Water Bttle. . $1,79 $2,50 Cleansîng Cream sud Boauty Creama. ..--.....$150 STATIONERY Fine Linon finish 86 shoots and 50 envelopos..... 98c 100 shoots note sîze ...15e 100 sheets Salisbury ...25e Clinical Thormometors ... . 98e Bobbed bair combe ....... 15e Household Thermamoeters 33e sud 49e Theatrical Cold Cream, 15 OZ............69c Georgi Raiýse *Talc....19e Shaving Cream, Talcum Powder bath for.... . ..49e Sheli Rim Spectacles sainie as advertised by Chicago and Toronto Houses as being $10,00 value . . . $3.95 JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly CHANGE 0F BUSINESS I wish to announce that I have purchased the W. G. Nelies Co. Grocery stock. t wiii be my aim through fair deaiings, courteous service, fresh groceries of highest quaiity and at reasonabie prices te hoid old customers and add new patrons to t'As weii known store. We wiil carry in stock nationaiiy known gro- ceries and other pure food produets of reputation and quality found in an up-to-date grocery store. We bespeak a fair share of your patronage which we assure you wiil be given fair and hones attention at ail times. Prompt and careful delivery service xiii be a feature of this store. W. C. CAVERLY (Successor to W. G. Nelies Co.) -Phone 62 Bowmanville SPEED SKATING MEET Taylor's Arena Bawmanville t MONDAY SFEB. 2Oth Starting at 7.30 p. m SEE LELA BRO OKS-CHAMPION 0F WORLD Holder of 6 World's Records 13 OTHER ICE SPEED STARS COMING Attractive events and prizes for local speed ar- tierts-Prizes include 6 pnairs Dunn'a Tapered Rac- ing Tube Skates Admision 25e SECOND ANNUAL MASQUERADE At Boys' Training Scbool Although this is only tihe second1 yeam for'the annual masquemade atI the Boys' Training Scheol the occa-t sion is already loaked forward ta and oonsîderod the premier socialt event ai the yeam in this community.a The new school building which wasc the centre af attraction was gafly de-1 corated in a most tasteful and ar-( tistic mannor which gave a delight-1 fully pfleasing and brlliant effect.3 To Mr. Hyslop is due the credit fooi the wondorful docorating.1 The guests were eceived by Dr. G. E. Reaman, Suprintendent, Mrs.I Reaman and members of the staff.è A musical prograni was presented by? a String Qpartotte composed of San-J dy Jones, first violin, John Bowtt, second violin, F. Converse Smith, 1 viola, and Mrs. M. A. Neal, clla; i vocal solo by Mrs. G. E. Reaman and1 violîn solos by John Blewtt and San-t dy jouies. Promenades were next in1 order after which abundanco of1 dainty efreshments were served.1 Popular and novelty dances occupied1 the remainder of the evening and( well into the morning. The dancosi were interspersed with a varioty af 1 ente-ts. Prize for best costumed lady1 was awarded to Miss M. O.'Danag-1 hue, and gent to Mr. John Cawood.i The committoe in charge oi the inas-' querado were J. E. Cunningham, con. vener, J. J. Brown, Miss Elizabeth Best, D. W. Hyslop, Mms, Maudo'. Denseni, Mrs. J. C. Cairns, A. Mit- chell and G. H. Dickinson. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Tho big race ha done it. The largest attendance this organization has had for a long time turned out on Monday night and consequently the attendance mileage ai ail the1 groups went up cousiderably.- Therec was an onthusiasm and zest ta the meeting that encoumaged the execu- tive oficers considerably. The Misisonary Department had charge ai the meeting and as pre- dictod ian up a high mileage with the number taking part and at the same tume giving a splendid quaiity. i Ail the numbers wore enjeyed and thoso taking part in the progmam in-1 cluded Misses Lillian Sutton, Beat-1 rico Mollon, Dorothy Plummor, Mar-1 jorne Robins, Marion flelîman, Mar-1 garet Chapman, Helen Cavery, Aura1 Rundle and Jean Bell. There were 1 mon present, several ai theni, but not on the pragram. Watch uext4 week for devolopmonts. The finance group ai the mainten- ance and extension fund were also able to secure about thirty mombers willing ta contributo monthly through the new envelopes. The meeting accepted an invitation ta visit Hampton Young People on Friday night, Febmuary 24th. The rocreation commttee put on games at the close oi the meeting under the guidance ai Percy Cowling, Lamne Plammer and Cecil Bellman. This trio promise same real bair raisers in the near future. Trinity Young People as said before lu these col-' umns, are due for a big yeam and the young people wha are not attend- iug yet are missing something. You are wlcame. Next Monday night the 3rd De- partment get under way lu command of Smith Ferguson and Gregory Cal- mer and all they are asking for ia fair weathor and a cloar track. TWO NEW MERCHANTS LOCATE IN HORSEY BLOCK King Street West has taken on a new lease of lii e sinco two vacant stores in the Horsey Block are beiugi fitted for occupancy. Mr. L. W. Nolson, a Yorkshireman with a Scotch accent, has leased tho eaut store and wlll specialize lu dry goods and hosiery. He believes there is an opening in Bowmanville fori such a store and brings with hlm an expoienceofa 12 years with the Robt. Simpson Ca., Toronto, aud 51 years with The Arcade C»., Oahawa.1 Iu order that the people May knowj what kind ai a stock he cares- which is absolutely ail new gooda- h. is holding a 'Get Acquaintod Sale'. Sec particulars on page 4. Mr. A. J. Bell, a native ai Col- borne, Northumberland Couty, and mare recently a resideut ai Oshawa,l îs apenîng a Ciothing and Gents' Furnishings Store in tihe adjoining store, next ta Cole's Barber Shop. Mr. Bell bas bad inany years practi- ca expeience in this lineofa business &,id %àii teature made-to-measure lothing at popular prices. preseuted by Virgil; tIse Physical by a picture ai thse Geek unuer who brought thse news of thse winning ai the battis ai Marathon; thse social aide by the Knight Sir Galahad and the devotional aide la aIma woll re- preeeted. Harry Allin was telling the editor an Monday af the gaod resuits he waS oetting tram his advertising in Thf Statesman. He said he neyer knew before people read the advts 50 regu- larly. 25e and 65c People who have used Cream BaIm are the onea who eff ective it ia in rough and reddened hauds. tell how relieviug face ar Contains no grease sud ianover sticky. Drys in rapidly. Made aud sold by KERSLAKE'S The Depeaidable Drug 3tore W. Deliver Phono 49 Biriba, Marrilages and Deatha are SOLINA A full hanse greeted the youngI people Friday evening on the first presentatian af their play, "What Dath It Profit?" The players ail took their parts exceedingly well, much credit being due to the fine training given by Miss Lena Taylor and Mrs. A. Milîsan. The cast af characters included: John Sheldon, Real Estate dealer'-Elgini Taylor; Grace Sheldon, his daughter-Miss Ruth McKessack; Mme. Jepson, alias Mrs. Helen Langtry, hausekeeper for the Sheldon's-Mis5 Myrtle Vice; Russel Jepsan, alias James Russel, Sheldon's clerk--James Reynolds; David Wilders friend af Mr. Shel- don-Hilton 'rink; Dr. Jeffersan, Minister-Alan MeKessock; Thomas Johnstone, gentleman from country -Percy Dewell; Mark Lee, Chinese laundry man-.-Jack Walker; Mrs. Lee, his wife-Miss Jean Milîsan; Their child-Russel Hardy. Be- tween the acts Misses Margaret Me- Kessock, Helen and Muriel Bakeri f avored with a piano trio; Mrs. Isaac1 Hardy with a piano solo; Miss Jeani Milîson with a reading; and Mre. E.1 Cryderman led in community sing- ing. Proceeds amounted to over. $50.00. This was a good dlean wholesome play with an interesting plot and ,an abundance of humor which kept the audience always on 1 the alert, and everyone was high in their praise of the play-. The League meeting on Monday1 evening apened with President'C. E.1 Shortridge in the chair. The pro- gram was in charge of Miss Ruth McKessock, 2nd Vice President. Bible lesson was read by Bruce Tink, while Mr. A. L. Pascoe took the de- votional period. Mrs. J. Yellowlees favored with a vocal solo, accomP- anied by Mrs. H. Annis. Miss Win- nie Cryderxnan then gave a very in- teresting topic on "The Lufe of the African People." The recreation period consîsted of an advertisement contest....The Public Library meeting was held on Monday evening with Chaîrman E. R. Taylor presid- ing. The tregsurer, C. E. Shaort- ridge, spake briefiy on the service rendered by the library as there arej aver six hundred good books includ- ing quite a number ai the new ones on the shelves, and made an appeal for an increased membership as this helps ta better the service rendered ta each. New officers are: Chair- man-E. R. Taylor; Secretary-R. J. McKessock; Treasurer-C. E. Short- ridge; Librarian-Miss Ednia Rey-1 nold ...Remember the Sons ofi Temperance meeting this Thursday' evenîng in the basement of the I church. Young people are especial- ly invited...--.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams visited with'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville. Mr. John and Miss FlorenceAstn Shaw's visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philp and family of Toronto, visited at Mrs. S. Short- ridge's. .Miss Ruby Reesan, Cal- umbus. is with her sister, Mrs, Har- vey Hardy .... Messrs. John and Thomas 'Baker were in Toronto last week .... Severai fmom here attended the funeral ai the late Fred Heddon ofa Columbus. last Wednesday. We extend aur syMPathy lire. Heddon and family..Mr. and Mrs. J. T.- Rundle visited et Mr. Levi Brunt's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. Alan Balsen, Blackstock, spent the weekend at home .... .Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Oshawa, visited at Mr. S. E. Werry's . .,Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, vis- ited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's .... Mrs. John Baker and Miss Kathleen are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanvile .... Mr. and Mrs. E. Foanes and Dorothy, Oshawa, Mrs. Foanes, Lindsay, Mr. Thomas and Miss Margaret Scott, Columbus, visited at Mr. E. J. Black's .Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haar aud Charles, Mr. Russell Smith, Bowman- ville, visited at Mr. J. J. Smiths.... Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn and Miss Marjary, Orono, visited relatives he .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker were recent guests of Mr. James Curtis, 1Hampton.. Dan't forget the Loague meeting next Monday evoning when 7everyane is iuvited to attend. Lantern t lides will be showxl ai seenes acrass !Canada by the Canadian National 0Railways .... Mr. Norval Watten vis- -ited Mrs. Wotton at Toronto Geenral rHospital on Monday whemo she is im- Sproviug as well as can be expected .after ber rocent critical. operation. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-J-tray helfer, ren,wed. Box 329, Bowmanvili.3 phon3 119. _.tf HAV FOR SALE-A quantlty of bay for sale. Apply P. O. Box 406, Bow- manville. 6-3w' PIGS FOR SALE-Young 'Yorkshire sow for sale. Apply ta L. C. Wilcocks, R.1R. 4, Bownianvllle, phone 142-r3. 7-16 FOR SALE-Senertl purpose colt, rie.- ing 4 years. Appdy St. M. Cale. Manvers Raad, Bownianvllle, libone 20èW. 7-1 PIGS FOR SALE-Yorkshire white pige, 7 weeks' old, bacon type. Apply to Richard Pooley, Bownianvllle, phone 38J. 7-tf INCUBAToR FOR SALE- -W113.(nSlf 1410-egg, new huit y.ear, Price 12 Apply to Archle ThamDson, 11. R. G, 1:owman- ville, phone 1.39-2.7-w W0OOCi FOR SALE-Cut dry .o.d or sale. tove length, $4 for box load and 86 for stock rack. Delivered. N. Î;. 01- sen, phone 181-5. 5-tf EGGS FOR HATCH ING-Duck eggs-- Mamnioth White Pekin hatching eggs. Apply L. C. Wilcocks, R. R. 4, Bawman- ville, phone 142-r3. 7-4; FTOR SALE-Piano ai a -bargain. a first clams instrument. Can be seen on en- quiry ai Satesman Office. Han been weli taken care of. In gaod condition. 29-tf FOR SALE--Canaries, linîler Sîngers and liens, mated paire ail yellow, single and breeding curesa. Selling oui, liens 60C Up; SingersaiJ.003. Apply ;o B. Ben- nett , Elgin St. -J., Bowinasiv'lC. 7-3* FEED MOLASSES FOR SALE--COWB, hormes, sheep or swine ail Improve an Feed Molases-keeps ;bhe herd ai tap notch and reduces the feed bill. Try a barrel. C. R. Carveth, Orano or New- castîs 7- Houses to Rent HOUSE FOR RENT-"Hopeland", Queen Street, Bawmanviile. Modern con- veniences, possession Marcb 6th. Apply ta H. Gale, Coîbarne, Ont. 6-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage wth acre land. resîdence of the late Frank Burden, ituate.d on corner Queen and Brown Ste., Bowmanvilie. For ternis and particulars apply ta Win. Brack, Execu- ,or, Bowmanville, phone 114W 7-8 FARM FOR SALE-200 acres, lot In the 7th Concession, East Wbltby. 25 acres of beach and niaple; 50 acres pioughed: hank barn 90 feet long; cement silo li x 35; conifortable dweliing bouse: bard and soft water; creek running îbrough pro- perty. Parm about 7 mlles froni City of Oshawa Possession ai once. Apply to Fred MountJoy, Enniskilien. R. R. 1. If not soid may rent. Rooms To Rent ROOMS TO RENT-For llgbt bouse- keeping. Apply ta Mme. Thom. Vanstoflb. King St. Fast, Bowmanville. 7-2 10 TO RENT-Cosy 4-roomed cottage with 3 acres of land, electi ligbt. conven- ientiy located. Possession February 1. For particulars apply ta W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowmanvllle. phone 102. 4-tf Notice to Creditors in The Surrogale Court of the United Counties of Northumberlanld and Durham. IN lTHE ESTATE OF: Resale Curtis, late or the Town of Bowmanviile, in the County of Duram, Spinster. deceased. NOTICP 15 HPREBT GIVEN that ail permeone hsving dcaims i aanet Bessie C'urtis, laIe or the Town of Bowmanvile. n the ('oun y of D)urham. spînster, de- <-p.gosd wbo died on or about lte evenlh of Noverober A. D. 1927. are requtred ta mail or deliver tbe sante wlth full par- tilulars verilied by Statutary Declara- lion to the underslgned an or befare the twenty-fifbh day of Febuary. after wbich date the Adminsrator wili distribute lie essets of the Elltate havlng regard .nly to the dlaims thon flied. 1DatIed a' Bown¶anvillp this th day of February, A. D. 1928. W. F. WARD, a. A., Bohiitor for the AdmJistrstor, Bowmaa. ville. Ont. Lost or Found LOST-A toboggan (tiger> was taken froni High Scbool bill on Pmlday, Febru- amy 3. Please leave wltb Mm. H .Moys, High Scbool, Bowmianville. 6-tf FOUND-In Bawmanville, on Suuday, .anuary 22, 1928, a lady'e gold braoch. Ownem may have sanie by provlng pro- pety and paying expensea. ÂpPly ta Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 6-8- charged for at the following rates: Births 50c; Marriages 50c; Deaths 60c; Memorial Carde 60c lOc per line extra for poems. BIRTHS BURNS-At Oshawa General Hospital, February 7, 1928,1 ta Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffery Burns, (nes Mildred Lorraine Tod), 63 Connaught St., Oshawa. a daughter. <Diana Lorraine.> DEÀTHS SQUAIR ---Suddenly at 368 Palmerston Ave., Toronto, on Wednesday, February 15, 1928, Prof. John Squair, aged 77 years. Funeral service on Frlday, Febru- ary 17th. Cortege ta leave Toronto by motor ai 1 p. nm. for Bowmanville Cerne- tery. WILSON-In Oshawa, February 8th., 1928, William Wilson, aged 71 years. LANDER-Sudlenly on Monday. Fet.- ruary 13, 1928, at 55 Erewv S., Oshawa, George L. Lainder. NEWTON-In Oshawa, February 8th., 1928, Mary Newton, eldest daughter of Mr. William Newton. AUNGER-At Stettler, Alberta, on Sun- day, February 6, 1928, Jane Aunger, wid- 0w of the la.e William Aunger, Haydon, in her 87th year. PASCO E-Suddenly on Monday, Febru- ary 13, at hie hate resîdene'e, 2".Iilarvard Avenue, Toronto, George R., son of the late Lewis T. iacc nterinert at Oakwood. PINCH-At El Paso, Texas, on Wed- nesday, February 8, 1928, Bera Pinch, youngest son of the laie Itev. John Pinch, and brother of Mr. Alpha Plnch, 11owmianvllle, and the laie W. B. Plnch. WAOE-At 587 Homewood Ave., Peter- boro, on Wednesday, February 8. 1928, Jane Bellwood Pollard, widow of the late Charles Wade, in ber 86th year. Interred ai Bowmanviile Cenrietery. Mother of Mr. Chas, Z. Poliard, Salemi. IN MEMORIAM THURSTON-In loving memory of aur dear wife and moiher, Margaret S. Thuraton, who passed away February 17, Four years have passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away, Forget ber no. we neyer wlll, As years roll on we love ber stlll. Sadly missed by Husband and Oilîdren. In loving meniory of Anclrew Sharp who died'February 11, 1926. 1-e was called froni this world of sorroW Leavlng sweet niemories of love, But hie soul shahl live on forever In a beautiful world above. And through the gates of Heaven His loving arme wlll stretch sanie day, To welcorne those who are gtll grievlng For hlm who bas passed away. Sadly miieeed by Wife and Fanilly. CHIEF CONSTABLE WANTED Applications with referenoes and sal- ary expected, for the position of Chief 1Cons able for the Town of Bowmianvillie, will be recelvedi by the undersigned Up to March 1, 1928 . John Lyle, Clerk.7- Lot 1 Men& Suits In Fancy Tweeds and Wor- steds, in shades of Brown Mixtures, Grey Mixtures, Stripes and Small Checks, sing- le and double broasted, Regu- lar values up to $22.50, your choice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $15.95 Lot 3 Men's and Young Men's Suite This lot contains aur very bout suits, in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, also plain Greya in staplo and fancy modela for mon and young men. Tho *shadom are Fawn, Lovat, Grey and and Brown Mixtures and in this lot you will find aur $30,00, $32.50, $85 and $87.50 rango af suits, Yaur Choice OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE %Z4.96 EACH Wanted CORDWOOD WANTED>-Wauteday ounit f Cerdwood siabe or bumdle edig. Trent Valley Lumber Co. Lt. 95 King St. East, Toronto. phone Main 5754 or Elgin 7972. 1 LAUNDRY WANTED Al kinuds of laundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactomlly and at reasonable pries Write Pont Office Box 12. or cal Mms. W. Marjorani, RIng St. E. BowmanvIlle. To Know With The Large Stock" In Three Day. Thursday-Friday- Saturday He says if the women of Bowinanville and vicinity know a Real Bargain when they see one, he wiil not have a dress left on his racks by Saturday night. You Know The Reputation This Shoppe Has For Exclusive Dresses These Dresses are ail individual chosen styles, every one different and ail made of the best quality materias--such as Silk Faille-Crepe Satin--e Flat Crepes-Georgettes-Ete. Complete Stock Divided Into Two Groupe GROUP NO. 1 Dresses, Regular Value to $3500 YOUR CHOICE AT ONE PRICE $14e98 GROUP NO. 2 Dresses, Regular Values to $45.00, YOUR CHOICE AT ONE PRICE $21,998 As many of these dresses are being offered at less thanr the price of the material alone, we must insist that ail sales are for cash. CLARENCE S. MASON (Next door east F. F. Morris Co.) -Your Last Chance MEN'S OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE These are Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy Grey and Brown Mixtures, broken sizes in the lot. This line clearing at exactly Haif Price, as follows: Reg. $22.50 For $11.25 Reg. $27.50 For $13.75 iReg. $25-00 For $12.50 Reg. $30.00 For $15&00 Men's Navy Blue Over coats and Fancy Tweed and Wor sted Coats as follows: all other ini the store Lot 2 MeW&' Suits Fancy Twoeds, Fancy Worsteds, made ai excoptional fabries lu the very now modela, and ail the wanted shades, amartly taau- ared and values ranging t* $28.50, Your Chciee OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $18.50 EACH Lot 4 Mon'a and Young MW&' Navy Blue Suite Heavy quality Serges in the popular diamand weavo pat- terns, aIma Horring Bono offoeu, modela. W. are piouping au single and double braut.d values up to $29.60 at OUR JANUARY SALE PRICE $19.75E£ACH Clarence S. Mason Reg. $20.00, $22.50 and Reg. $30.00 For $19.75 $25.00 For $14.95 Reg. $32.50 For $21.95 Reg. $28.50 For $18.45 Reg. $35.00 For $24.75 Reg. $27.50 For $17-45 Reg. $37.50 For $M.50 4 T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bw »i Wants Mr- .1 . 1 PAGE nVl

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