PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. Bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipmnent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Collage, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office bours 9 a. m. to 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. Bouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipmant in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Collage si Dental Surgeons. Licensed to r ractise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in aIl its branches. Office-King St., Bowrianville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL i. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D). Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm anid Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succssor to let. D. B. Simpson,, rlC. Barriater, Solicitor, NotarY Solicitor for Bank of Montroal Noney to Loan Phoia. 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for saie. Offices-BIeakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. -U Complote Moto%, or Horse Equipinent Ahl caîls pron2ptly attended to. Private Ambulance BoDwmanville phone 10 and 34 Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and parsonal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman- ,ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Madical Cllega. Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residance, Dr. Bith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.O., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin). .P.H. (Successor te Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal Collage of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residance, Queen St., Bowmanville, Phono 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telaphona 108 Office; Wellington Street BowmanLv!iUe, Ontario. BRINGING UP THE PARENTS BY Maymo O. Thomison Editor's Note-During past months among the sevaral bocks we hava read bave been soe by Grace Livingst'one, Hill Lutz, Sarah Ricbmond and Gene Stratton-Porter. Somatima before ber daath Mrs. Porter wroe a remarkabla book the titla cf whicb is "Let Us Highly Rasolve". Sinca ber passing we hava read in McCall's Magazine for February and March "Lif a and Lttars" of Gene Stratton-Porter" written by ber gifted daughtar, Jeanette Porter Mehan-also very interasting. Lately we have discoverad another authess cf suparior ability and who givas promise of becoming a worthy succasser te Mrs. Porter. This lady writer bas neot yet aspired ta writing bocks but has contributed a number cf human intarast articles te agricultural and educational publi- cations and if she continuas ta use her facile pan along the lina cf the Good, the Truc and the Beautiful sha is destined te bacoma a popular authoress. On this page we are publishing by the autheress' permission from that splendid monthly journal cf physical aducation "Mind and Body" for January publishad at New Ulm, Minnesota, U. S. A., at $2.00 a vear a mest timaly and valuable article -on "Bringing Up The Parants" RECORD YEAR FOR SUN LIFE New Business Paid for During 1927 Amounts to $328,408,000 Thare is gocd news fer tha partici- pating policyholders cf the Sun Lif a Assurance Company cf Canada in the anneuncament of President Macaulay at the annual meeting on Fabruary l4th, that tbe scale of dividends te pelicyholdars will ba incrat' sed-this fer the eighth successive year. The intarast rata on dividends left with the Company will ba maintained on the basis cf 51/2 par ccnt per annum during the naw dividend yaar. Evary department of the Cern- pany's activities seems te hava con- tributed te the ramarkab:e gain cf twanty-three par cent in business- again the more noteworthy bacause there has been onlv a slight increase and'al -persans xvb.ho have children or expect te hava chidren te attend nnwbsns ~n b epna school should raad and read again this excellent contribution on parental onntherthusmeicanhcoinentdur ing 1927. The total ameunt of as- One cf my duties as a rural taach-1 Just te show what problems we surances in force with the Sun Lifa ar, is te teach and praach Hygiene. have te cope with, I wi.i tell this story Company now approaches the billion During the years spent in this capa- o f a little twelve year eld girl, a and a baîf figure, having bean in- city, 1 have conductad a great many daugbter cf cur "hilI peopla" whose craased by over $23 1,000,C.00 duringý healtb Crusadas or Campaigns, us- parents ara full of ignorance* and 1927. Its total net incoma exceeded ually with the assistance cf our superstition. She was very rnuch $ 100,000,000. County Executive Sacretary cf the pleasad with a sample cf a well Thare bas been an increase in the Society for the Pravantion cf Tuber- known breakfast food. Sha par- assets of the Company aIse cf averi culosis, or semaeonaeof the manu- suaded bier people tà buy several $56,000,()00 or 16 par cent which facturers cf pure foods. I hava packages cf it. Sha had it three brings that impressive total now to learned many startling facts concern- timaes a day. Sha aven brought it over $400,000,000. There ware ing the ignorance or carelassness or te school in an nId jar with a rusty paid te pelicyboldars and heneficiaries both cf parents. lid, fer lher lunch. Har mother in respect te death dlaims, inaturad It is vary discouraging te preach thought it a bit tastaiass and conceiv- endowments, etc., during -he year thegosel f GodHeath o cildened the brilliant ideaacf adding a nut- ovar $42,000,000. The Company athe gopl andfiod Hth t cbildrane meg te it whan cooking. Tha girl has paid eut sinca ils organization, practised at home. It really seams froam very ilI at school, vertige undar this haad, over $300,000,000. that the first step in the teaching f f indigestion. 1 sent bier home. The surplus earned during the yaar Hygiane should bogin in the hms Tbay placed the blime for tha sick amnounted te ovar $38,500,000. The with the parants as pupils. stomach en the cereal and will bava Company has followed its conserva-ý * * *ne more cf it. tive policy with respect te the sur- In checking up the score cards yeu ii wu1 plus and bas made large allotmants willperhps ind he geatst nm- weuld seem that rural s urround- and appropriations ta provide for bil erhp fdlnusin the "leaep wuii ngs wud natura:ly mak e TSY. every possible cuntingency. But aven ber f dlinuens inthe"slep it cheekad, baalthy children. It is a aftar these liheral deductions l'ave window oean" and "drink milk evary fact, however, +hat you wilI sea more been made, over $11,001,000 bas tan a lnty heer in th moe pale, anamic children in the rural bean carried over ta the undivided thana plntyhowverin te ýschcels than yuwl nteCt upu ud hc o xed "Brush your teath" and "Eat a hot!yeu wll in he cit 4surplsfun. hc no exad cereal for breakfast" coîumns. :scbcols ti o o nih ?T Man wll el yo tat he haeIanswer must be that the parasnts ara Hligh Spots in Sun Life Report the windows open tbrough the day te ite blame. 1. Presentation cf recard-braak- air the badding but net at night. 0f i Leava a child to himself and ha wi!P 1 ing annual report. courseopen it ws aurnfthm- ay ways follow the lina cf east resist- 12. Appointment cf Hon. Lauis A. is somthing, but why 5n 0 fthm-ay c~eaHa will do anything the ans-! Taschereau, premier cf Quebec; R'. ablemystry "ie ar" a sem- o regardless cf whether it is1 H. MacMaster, president cf Steel Ca. parsons regard ih i"asyc igt wrn. Hawlletth c aad;les.B.MNagt thing te ha kapt out. Praach ita, jrgto rn. H i ettefCnd;anC.B MNuh, will ~ ~ ~ Y' thywfehasarawt yo d that taste hast, if ha can get'1 president of "Besco", to the Board willthe wil prhas areewind ows tbem, wetber tbey are good foir him i of Directers. and go home and close the idw or net 3. Announement cf increased Tit, atiht. dporbe nug It- is aur duty and should be aur1 dividends te policyboîdars for eighth Thi prctie i a edbutwhe privil ega, as parents, te taacb 'or consacutiva year. with one person ciirn teribtwa a iv odth1 buuttiztin faraplia large famîlies are stowud away at lride h ih a olv n h .Atoiaino napia night like "sardines in a box" it is proper foods te eat. tin o t parliameot te malke the obw soetig * *r Ine it n h ing changes in the companv's act cf somehin teha eckoed ithin ha i wooîd neyer allow the questionI incorporation. bealth cf a child. "Do you like it"? te enter inte the ()Ices aiaiainfo #* #()I*raecpiaiaio rn There may be littia cnes -mixad in s election of a diet for nîy awn ehild- $2,'o00,000 te $5,000,000. wit grwn psor sick children witb ran. Thay ara given fruit, cereal, (b) Creation cf $3,000.000 new wit gow U5.milk, toast and an occasional egg for class "B" stock whieh will ha nand-ý wall. If oea as a bad cold, ail the breakfast and they eat it as a matter led through company's ewnoofcean Usullyth quston 1f o- f course. At dinner thair plates are thos will enable company te pra;ent venience enters in the arrangqment; heae ihtevgtbe hyn and puts ail health rulas te fligbt. eadwibtevgtbethynd contrai from evar passing rut cf The imeforgoig t be isan-and they get ne dessert if the plate î('anadian hands. Thatie orgong e edisan is net cleared. Carrots and cab-, (c) To subsequently sfflit the on- othar tbîng that is neglected. Lastibg r1etrta aso ii iacptliaino e o n week an eleven yaar old boy yawne a eaebte hncso ii ir aiaiaino e o n baîf a dozen times during his arith- thair estimation. hasis, ,giving naw stock 1 $10 par metic pariod and seamad "ery stopid There is a tandency among soe value. in bis werk. I bad noticed this ha-: of our more ignorant people ta waar (d) Permission for reasanable fore, witb tha same lad, at intervals. too mucb lothing in winter. They donations and contributions for pub- When questionad as te whetber lie add another garment for each "cold lic haalth and wlfara te he made by was net feeling well, ha rapliad "Oh spa l ' until by spring the chid is; board cf diractors and ýharged te ad- Gea, I was up until aona 'clock list-, twice bis original or "fall siza". The 1 ministration expanse. aning te the radio". Whan askadi wearing cf ton much lotbing can hab __________________ if hae often stayad up se lata ha toldalrnost if net quita as great a menace me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t thth i epa pncawt!t ealth, as wearing toc littla. The or medical Inspectors, or trained bis his s paeys ittcle sihrtclass cf parson wbo doas this vary and efficient teachars and healtb nur- of a crime to me, but tbis bey's par- raraly, if evar, bathes in winter. ses, and still the vary parsons who ents caîl it "allowing bim te have a Some days, about the middle cf our are living in the worst conditions good tima" or "giving the child Fome~ long bard winters, when the rocm and need help the most gat very lit- privilegas". I migbt mention the gets a bit warm, ven often feel the tle benafit from themn. fact, that this boy la the moat nervous naad cf a gas mask. Thay considar that we are med- youngster that I have ever encoun:t- hden * dling with something that is none cf ered. I a n boy soe few years ago, our business. They consider the a:.T-.-----------ý.q --------- 1-1 .i--ý VETERINARY*** DR. F. "'. TIGHE Most city people would ba surpris VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or ad te kncw bcw many farm cildren Nlght calîs promptly attenided te do net drink milk. Soea daim tbat Offce:Kig S. aet Bomavi*e.tbey do net lika it. Others are POe: igSt243,Banil. scarcaly given the ýopportunity te Phone243.know whetber tbey like it or net. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Many dairy farmers consider thair Orono calves cf more importance than thaîr Honor Graduata of University of cbjîdren. When tbay are rais!ng a Toroto. ll csesgive p:opticaîf' thay maka sure that it bas suffi- To ront. l aasn ion p.optent milk te make it grew, but ,vhatr and carfulattntin. Office- is laft dan ha sold, and "the leas the Dr. McElroy'a former office. Ph.nes:. family uses, the more wiUl go into the Clare 391; Oono 8-1. can", seems te ha thair policy. 1.In a scbool cf sixty popils, ranging1 AUCTONERSin age from six ta sixteen, 1 foond AUCTINEERSsaventy-fiva par cent cf tbam drink- THEO M. SLEMON ing coffea and tea. Little children.j Auctioneer in the first grade carryîng coffea te Farta and Bouse Salas a Specialty. school in their lunch boxes. Trying' Tarins moderato. Enniskillan P._o. te stop this is about as safa as stick- Phone 197r3. i-tf. ng your bead it* a * * s'net _____- ~-~1 Thay wara certainly a narvous CHIROPRACTIC AND DRULLE5SSbunch. I bail bean praachng te, THEROPY them about the harm donc thein by'1 DURWN E.STECLEY this habit, and ana afternoon hen, DUR IN . SECKEY the '.isiting secratary was there, I honor graduate cf Toronto CoLioge' asked ber ta talk te tbem about it. cf Chiropractic wîll ha in the Bow-! She asked ane littie boy if ho did noct manville Office Tuesday, Thuriday l sIsh t, bhorme a strog man. "Sure" .nd Saturday evanings, phone 141J 'hoanoo. "fyncutctt Residential caîls made during!,,e-ra - ociteo-, yo will lessen yuur thon- noons"(-S o f becuiming a strong cman", she replied. - Oihlook at o" was bis nwr Ha -leilso si g andI strong. Why, wby V -hoe mn lift-most anytbin. aria le aila cottee since ho w s a Ibaliy"' It is very baril te con-ince children - r .- hoc they can fiod what thay ci.nsid-! - r prouif ta the cuntrary. It was fnon use ta insinuate that aven, Jui S night suffer fuir it, or that perhaps na wasnoct sa ýtrong us ho seemei te: 4) e. Joe was bis big brother and ai -cd in bi., eyas. ~ ra.~wm1 was able, in this school, ta dlean' lIEoup a littie ovver haîf cf the ofei 6 L f l 4co driokers ,and I fait well paid for înyi eff orts. I greatly regrettedl the The cool, comforting flavor -nes that could oct ha convhvcod, and of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint if 1 had bad the hearty co-oporation is a lasting pleasure. -f the piarents I ciulil have mmade it It cleansca te outh aftcr une buodraîl percent. eatini)-givLs a clen tastc and Tac maony c)Iiirry chiltiren ara sweet breath. "hbruugbt Up)" on pancuXoci and saü-; It s efesbngan sge for breakfast. Th e bot cereail digestion aiding. campaigos where ;amples 1have been furnisbed cf the vt-;Lui breakfast ceureas, nive zice c-4ri1h 'vany cof the children tiv,é neveu tasted Vie * ? ~ foods befora ond enve ta like themn i 6~>", . o that tbey influence the parents te boy 'h ait Many congerts ara won .TE ? in 1î' way. r}>- ianoficturcîs EVERYwho fornish the simples ire doing MBLciol moch good, as well as receiving gond advert-ising. tharoe frme. I often speco- la t d , s h g r w i si e . f ro m we e k te wek, as te jost how many pairs lof pants ha had nn or could get on by spring. The peeling process lasts well inte suminer. 1 tried bard te Zat that boy te take a bath, but witb ne soccess. Ris parents theught Iý was a little short cf crazy te suggast such a tbing. "'Ilaki a b ath in winter? Who avar heard cf the ike"? Wbat more can ha done? We hava Training, as tume wasted. As a rasult we hava andless linas cf pale. ner- vous round-shoulderad childrengrw- îng up in an anvirenment that, should produca perfect spacimens cf the human race. Truly the if a cf a rural teacher is net strewn witb rosas but rathar with therns. We havaeona bright thought te cheer us and that is 4bat the next ganaration may net ha se lhandicap-1 ped if or work is dcing wall. 1 PRINCE ACKNOWLEDGES THANKS FOR HIS PEONIES Se numerous were the lettars re- ceivad acknowledging the peony plants which the Prince cf Wales had distributed throughout Canada last faîl as a marnante of bis visit that His Royal Higbness has requested tbat his formaI acknowledgment te the Bank cf Montreal, threngh whomt tbe latters were forwarded to him, be taken as censtituting a genaral reply. It will be remembared that His Royal Highness asked the bank te un- dertake for bim the distrilbution ef Canadian-grown peeny plant3 te His Excallency the Govarnor-General, the prime minister and members of his cabinet ,the liautenant-governors and premiers cf the provinces; aise te aIl cities , towns and i'ncrporated villages throughout Canada. GREAT TEMF.RANCE RALLY The Ontarie Prohibition Unien will hold its annual convention in Toron- te, en March Ist and 2nd., 1928. Sessions will ba held in Hygeia Hall, Elm Street, on Thursday at 2 p. m., and on Friday at 9.15 a. m. and 2 p. M. A great mass meeting will be beld in Çooke's Church, corner Queen and Mutual, Thursday avening at S o'clock, at which Dr. Ernest Cberring- ton, Secretary cf the World League Against Alcoholism, and Miss Cora Frances Stoddard, Secretary of Seien- tific Temperance Research Committea cf Boston, Mass., will speak. "Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette" will furnish music for the Thurgday evening meeting, and members cf the quartette will sing at each cfothe regular sessions. Mr. A. C. Chapman cf the Quartette will be sang leader for the convention. The program cf the regular sessions will present- Reports cf the werk throughout the Province, discussion cf policy and pregram, consideration cf the report of customs commission, ,review cf the contest in Prince Edward Island and many other interesting mattars. Every Church, Temperance Se- ciety or other organization which is in sympathy with the abjects and methods cf the Union, is entitled te sen dtwo delegates to the Convention. This covers Young People's Societies. Sunday Schools, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Young Men's Christian Association, Young Wom- en's Christian Association, or any other body in harmony with the work cf the Union. STANDARD BANK GROWTH LARGEST IN HISTORY An increase cf around $10,000,000 in Deposits and $11,000,000 in total Assets are the outstanding items in the Annual Repart cf the Standard Bank of Canada, submitted te the shareholders on the 22nd instant, and published in full in this issue. Deposîts now amount te $82,129,- 237.83, and total assets are 11i,- 404,502.32. Commercial boans are up over $5,000,000 and are shown as $45,- 101,159.94. Liquid assets are up nearly $5,000,000 and amount te $48,639,671.72, which is 55% cf the bank's liabilities te the public. The following figures illustrate the growth cf the bank's assets since its inception,- Year Total Assats 1875 $ 1,419,532.00 1885 3,948,256.00 1895 7,704,525.00 1905 16,652,801-00 1915 48,682,240.00 1925 83,520,820.00 1926 86,559,055.00 1927 90,439,637.00 1928 101,404,502.00 This statement of the Standard Bank should prove very gratifying to the shareholders and friands of the Institution, and would seem te prove that the modarate sized, well manag- ed institution is net only able to hold its own in competitien with the larg- er banks, but is able to increase its volume of business, both actually and in proportion te the total banking business handled in Canada. tee itie te start s Shaw *N ever Schoeel(Course as the pafest path ta a good sala'ry We invi te you to wrtte for Iparticulars as to courses sand resulta. Sh'iv Business Sçhools, Bay-Charles, T o ro n t o. "MAKE THE GARDENPA" is the titie of a rew 8o-page bookiet which the Balik of Montreal has issued and is now distrib- uting free te afi who ask for a copy. This bookiet ls one of a series distributed by the Bank for the benefit of the farni- ing interests cf Canada. It contains practical, scientific and cxperience-tested advicc and suggestions on how te, make a vegetable garden pay. It i3 dedicated te, the idea of "An acre garden on every farm mn Canada." A free copy of titis valuable bookiet is waiting for you at our nearest Brancit. Ask for it by mail, telephone, or i person. BANK 0F MONTREA EiiTàbished 1817 Total Assem i excesa of $830,00.),' The Royal Bank of Canada Bowmanvifle Branch - KR.F Aitchison, Manager t RIEDFROSIE TRAis good tes' Red Rose Orange Pekoe In clean, bright is supreme Aluminum. GOLDEN SYRUP- Write for new Recipe Boo-Free The CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED MONTREAL PAY YOUR TAXES NOW Save 5 Per Cent Per Annum In order that Taxpayers of Bownian%- Ha mny know that a ~'very material reduction in taxes is available, in any year, by paying your tixes in advance, By-Law No. 1150 is published herfeith: BY-LAW NO. 1150 A By-Law of the Municipal Council cf the Town of Bow- manville authorizing the Treasurer or Collector te receive in any year payments on account of Taxes for that year in advanca of the day fixed hy By-Law for the payment of taxes. The Municipal Council of the. Town of Bowmanvilla hereby enacts under the authority of the Assessment Amendment Act Sec. 9, Sub Section 3A, 1926, that the Treasurer or Collecter ara hereby authorized to receive in any year payments on account of the taxes for that year in advance of the day that may be fixed by By-Law for the payment of any instalment of such taxes and to allow a discount off any taxes so paid in advance at a rate nut excec'ding five per cent per annum, notwithstanding that the taxes foir such year have flot been lavied or that the Assessmant Roll on which said Taxes are te be fixed and levied bas flot been raduipted by the Council whan any such advance paymant is made. Passed this 4th day of April, 1927. JOHN LYLE, T. S. HOLGATE, Clark. Mayor. Full particulars may be had by applying to Town Treasurar or Collactor of Taxas. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUMIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 PAGE TWO