Mr. Jehii and Mias Eva Heflysi spent the weekend at Rey. S. T. Bart- lett's, Toronto ,and ta bid farewell te Uey. aMd Mn.L Geo. Patterson, whc are r.turnxng ta Japan. = ,e ., V..Ctc*S%. VaJtlu .Jt.A l rquku5~, %i s., l a w Sphagetti, Pork & Beans, Ketchup, Chili Sauce, Salmon, Sardines, Etc. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER FOR SALE Prompt Delivery Service HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville BRJGHTER HOMES STORE THE PAINT AND WALL PAPER CENTRE Staunton "SUNWORTH[Y" Wallpaper will sot fade, whetber deigns are bright- ly colourful or of pastel delicacy. They will flot fade. Added to this, al "SUNWORTHY" Papen are Semi-Trimmed. Oui- stock is mont compîcte witb new season's designa. Look them over now, before the selection la narrowed. Buy Your School Supplies Here GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doons West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowumaufll. meeting ai the Farmema' Club ;,as held ti the Sunday Sohool roam. The President, Mi-. Kenneth Courtice, wvas! in the chair. Af ter tht b..sis.ess a short program was given cansisting af ant instrumental %electian -,n the accordian by Mms. Walter Snider, Mrs. Kenneth Courtice eccnmpasying os the piano; Mm. Herbert Osborn e read a selectian and Mrs. G. F. Ans is sang. Mi-. J. Y. Kellough ai Part Hope, who is the agrizultural i-cpi-es- entative for Durhamn, was presient and gave a fine address, outlising the womk ai the depai-iment for the pi-esent ..... .. Thursdlay eveniîîg was young people'i meeting, the Pi-esident, Miss Hattie Osborne~, pi-e- siding. Bible !esson was ead by Miss Williamsas and a sala was sung hy Mrs. G. F. Assis. Miss Frances Hancock, wha is leader ai yaung peoples graup ,took charge and games and candy weme enjoye 1 hy ail. The room was pmttily dccoi-ated for St. Valentine. . . Saturday aftemnoon the monthlv meeting of the Mission Cii-- cIe was held at the home u.f Mrs. W. H. NichaIs. Mrs. Walter Saidci's graup was in charge. Mrs. Arthur Pascoe,. President, .;am in the chair and the follawisg program was pi-i sented: Mrs. Snidem's gx-oup sang aI chorus; Misa Aura Osborne read; Mrs Snider gave a selection un the accar- dian; Misa Norma Wade; and the topic of the aiternoon "Bible Wamen" was dcalt with 2plendiffly by Mrs. Frank Rundle. For the bible lessos, the threc groups whase leaders are Miss Hazel Rundle, Mns. Walter Snider and Miss Found, recited three cammandmests each. Afterwards Mrs. Snider and her group servcd hot dogs and caffee wbich were en- joyed by sîl present. It was a most suitable lunch on sncb a cald day. About twenty members were pi-sent ... .. Sunday Rev. Dr. Williams, a re- tui-ned missionai-y from Formosa Is- land, preached very acccptably. Ris addreases gave those who were lires- est a clearer vision of the ways ai the inhabitants in that country, also of their needs. Dr. Willilams la a most interestlng speaker and will be -vel- eomed here at any future time. . The afternoon session at the Sunday School waa largely attended. PHONE 595 50 Pairs Only LADIES' KNITTED VESTS or BLOOMERS 29c We clcax-ed the lot at a ridicu- loua price. They arc worth 59c but wc pais thcrn on ta you at a fraction ai their i-cal valuae. Don't fail ta get your share aize 34 ta 42. 29c SBeli's Full double bcd aize Flannelette Blankets in White with BIue or Pink Borders, and Grey with Blne Bordera, sot marc than 2 pairs ta, a cuatomer. Regular Value $2.39 pr.$ 9 GET ACQUAINTED SALIE PRC $19 SILK BROADLCLOTH 59c Yard The better grade with a rich pea-de-sore finish, splendid for dresses, slips, bloomers, curtain drapes, etc., and cornes in 20 colons, aL-o Black and White, 30 in. wide 59C MERCERISED STRIPED BROADCLOTH 29e Yard-Reguar 59e yard Cornes in 3 designâ and calor combinations and we offer it at hall ita regular value. Buy this now for your house dresses or next summer dressAs, 36 in wide. »Ce q M HOLEPROOF SILK AMD WOOL HOSE $1 .00 QuaHty f or 39c Perfect gaods, the only rems for this ridiculonsly low prie. is they only corne in two eole!s- Black and Brown and Whit. Mixture, bath good. Be on band early for your share. $hm. 8% ta 10. 39C PHONE us5 Toggery 1'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 rSALEM MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Births, Marrilages and L'eathE are Hue oRn ________________charged for at the following rates: Brthu St R C Curh-as Sc; Marriages 50c; DeathasOc. Memorlal MOUSE FOR RENT-'Mopel5d," Rev. J. W.* Bunner occupied the St Joseph's R .Cu -asCarde 50c 10e per lise extra for poemis. Queen Street, Bowxnanville. Modern con- ipulpit on Sunday and delivered a 8.30 a. M. Sunday School 2.30 vefllefces, pocae.aon Max-ch 6th. App.,l very impressive sermon based on p. m. Sermon and benlediction 7 BIRI-US ta H. Gale, Coiborne. Ont. "Mutual helpfulness in carrymng on p. m. Rev. P. P. Butler.MLL A-t <.r-s Vil Ret_ ____________ the work of the Master'", and urg- Home, Bowmianville, on Tuesday, Febru- ing ail to do aIl the good they ca St. Paul's Church, Rev. B. W. ai-y 14, 1928, ta Mr. and Mm-. Jame II- to evexyone and everywhere .... .Mmrs. B, D.D., miiiister. il a.M.-l &"' Oshawa, a so. Doald Romaine.)rice orSl F. atrth nwî p~n~M-. "Inevitable and othex- Burdens". 7 Articles - ForSale sionary Vice of the S. S., will have P- m.-"What do ye more than FOR SALE-1eýrsy heifer, charge of a short missionary pro Others"? 2.3 0 P. m.--Sunday DAH Box 329, Bowm:xn'-;lle, phon3 119. -ti gram ta be rendered by the Juveniles School.DAH HAY FOR SALE-A. quantlty of hay at the close of the lesson hour n t.Adrws rabteWnHIrc, TAt Port Hope Hospital, on for sale. Apply P. O. Box 406, Bow- Sunay te ofein wll e n id1 S. ndew' Pesytria CurhFebruary 21et., 1928, Wifllam White of manylie. 5-3w' Suda, heoferngwil e n idcorner Temperance and Church Stà., Bewdiey, in hie 63rd yeax-. of missions... .Many sympathizing Rev. Robert MeDerment, M. A., JAMIESON-At Port Hope Hospital, PIGS FOR SALE-Young Yorkshire friends from Bowmanviile, Orono and _i trnl .m-onigWr f February 14. 1927, Anne Wedall, be- sow for sale. A.pply ta L. C. Wllcockis, Minâte. i a.m.-ornng orloved wife of James H. Jamieson, in her R R. &4, Bowmanvllle, Pbone 142r3. 8-1 the surxounding vlciity gathereu at. sip. 7 p.m.Evnin Wrs ip. 9tyeai-. HAY FOR SALE--Quantity hay in Bowrnanville Cemetery os Friday Isat 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Eve. EPPLETT-ln Blanshard towship, stack. AppIY at once ta J. K. Valleau, ta pay tribute ta the late Professor body weîcome. ey near St. Mai-y*s. Februa->'8, 1928, Jo FO LiseUe, Bowmanville. 7-2w of ornt. I tokB. Eppiett, aged 65 yeax-s. cousin ofail FO SALE--Oak roil top desk, good Squair o orno. Itermen tu Bage r owanjle.size,a i-cal bai-gain, If sold at once, C. place on the arrival af cortege by Simt.oe St. United Charch, Osh- ARHRO ers y2 *te~ A.. Smlth. Phase 448, Bowmanvllle. 8-1 matai- front Toronto. The floral awa, is planning an elaborate cele- dence of ber son, Chester Arche~r, Mari-1 PIGS FOR SALE-Yorkshlre white tributes so beautiful and numerous. bration of its J)iamond Jubilee ta Posa, Elizabeth Jane Wallis, wdow ao, plgs, 7 weeks' oid, bacon type. Apply ta showed the very high esteem in caver two Sundays. This churchZbdeArh, 5em2dYa Rhr whchPrfeso Suam ashed.wa ddiatd n ay188,byRe. BAID EN-On Sunday. Pebruary î9th., dPoly Bwanlle hoe381 whih PofesorSquir as eld wa deicaed n My 168,by ev.1928. at ber home, 20 Golden Ave, Toi-' Deepest sympathy is extended to the 1 Dr. Moiley Punshon. Mr. J. W. Bora- onto. Mary Ans CanIng, dearlyiy beovedj EGGS FOR HATCH ING-Duck eggs-- sorrowing friends, Mr. F. L. Squair is; bei-xy is chairman of the committee. 'wife of George Baiden, Sr., formei-ly of Mbammoth White Pekin hatching egge.' a bothr ad Ms. . E Polar an jBowrnanville. Apply L. C. Wilcocks, R. R. 4, Bowman- aMr. G. antdhn asitrs .......TiEityUntelChrc, Rv.J.nd osItaLEIn Highland Park General ville, phone 142-r3. 7-4' Mrs G.A.Stehes ae istrs .... riityUntedChuch Re. . U iDetroit, Mich., on February il, - - - .- - - -* . Our Y. P. L. visited Maple Grave Y, Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at IQS28 Gertrude, beloved wife of Wm. R.! FOR SALE-Piano at a bai-gain, a S-st! P. . o Frda evnin, joly ruk i a.m. nd7 p m.SudaySchulIngle, and daughter of the late Mr. and clans Instrument. Cas be seen on en-' .-r. Edward Maxsom. Lindsay. (quiry at S ateeman Office. Han bees load and several car loads making in at 2.30 p.m. uda eenn SARE-n owaii, on Tues- weil taken care ai. In good condition. ail about forty. After receiving a sermon will be the third in the series, day. February 14, 1928, at the residence' 29-tf royal welcome our young people put1 subject "The Tug-of-War" HyMn" by1 of her daughtei-. Mrs. T. A Garton, Han- FRSL-ao.segsadca on he rogain th hme eage J H.Ewig. Goo muic y coi SÎarkey, aged 74 years. Interred atI box. Reason for seliing, no further use folwn pwith a costest which was i under direction of Mr. Francis Sut- Aylmnr for them. Appiy to Mme. A. Turner. BOTTELLA: hs lte rsidnceScugog S- or box 161, Bowmanville, much enjoycd by ail, and the sei-ving 1 ! 5 12 Palmerston Boulevard, Toi-osto, on hne10.8t of a splendid luncheon brought a St. John's Anglican Chumch, Rev. R; Thursday, February 16, 1»28, Albert FO AE.aaeqltlrSies very happy evening ta a close, with 1.1 Jame~s Bahrel, b..Ioved husb.and of Mary anORh-s, rCnat .pirs a l yelow Singe that "Happy to meet, soi-iy to part, j brs etr ia udyi Jane Kelly. in hie 65th year. Interment and breeding 'i~s. Slgou.l.n 1Lent, February 26, 1928. 8 a. m.- Prospect Cemetery. 5au;Snes Apy- .Bn happy ta meet again" feeling. * 1 1 EcEIK-turxoryViw nt S lingeS. . oianpl .a .Bn This Friday evening Haydon XY. P. iL. HI omnoi .m-on ETEIKA rxo.yVent. li t . oralc 7 a i g paye andLitny.2.30p. ._!Bradwortby, Devon. England, an Friday,1 visit oui- League. We bcspeak aigpae s itn.23 .m-F-bruary 3, 1929. Mary Grace Everson, i FEED MOLASSES FOR SALE--Cows, goodly attendasce to weîcome aur Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Evening: bloved wife of William Peîh-rick, pas- horsez. sbeep or swine ail ipaeon Prayer "The Holy Spixit and the sed p,acefully away. aged 79 years, Feed NMlass-keeps *,he herd at top' gucats. Cu~h cousin of Mrs. James Courtbe-, Bowmnan- sotch and reduces the feed bill. Try a Chu--. riay February 24th. i.ll- Ontario. Fih biarr-el. C. R. Carveth, Orono or New- firination Class in Parish Hlall each lia- McCowan, beloved husbasd ai Mar-- gai-et Lawrie, in bis 851h year, formeriy Tuesday at 8 p. ni., of Scarboro. Brother of AI-a. McCow- - an. Sheriff of Yorkc County. Cousin of D J ~ &Bownianville is honored in having'Mi-. John N. Lawrie and Miss E, E. Hay- Real Estate For Sale I-un'o-L enL Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., minister af ci-af-, EoiwmanvilUe. St. Paul's United Church, as a deleW __________. PROPERTY FOR SALE-..Double f-ame * "Te mdem tooh trataent gae tatheAllanc of efomed. ,house containing 8 and 5 raoms for sale Churoenchthteaaen" g e thx-ollagheout t e ard l-'N EOIMwitb 2 acres of land. good poultry bouse, Churhesthroghot te Wold oldbars, garage. Appiy an the premises to jing the Presbyterian System ta be ____ i. ae esn atpo. 8 Science bas proves tat unLeanhe caster, Pa., Feb. 28-29.;i In sati and loving remembi-ance of oui- FARM FOR SALE--One hundred and Sciece as pove tha unlean Theprogram shows that at lc-ast haif; dear moýhei-, Catherine Wakeliis» who Ififteen acres, good loam. frame bouse, tecth ai-e a breeding place for aio the time will be devoted to ad_ passd away February 23rd, 1927. good bai-n. 10 acres bush. 7 miles ta Osh- disese erm drsse an disusson i curc ,~. !One year ago to-day yau leit us awa, 5 miles ta Bowmanville. A.pply ta disasegers Iresesanddisusson f hurh u- Fr tatbeautifol land oi the blest, M-s. Chai-les Pollard. Bowmax-vllle. 8-2' ion. Subjects include "Tbe Churcb God took you Home; He thought itbeet and International Gaod Will," "Un-1 To give you everlasting i-est. FOR SALE-Nice brick cottage wlth Pum o-DentOhhwwmieyuda oharlad edecofteleFan ion and Ca-operation", "Church O o ems o erMter, acrein, sitden corantelateeFiasi Sad and lonesome la oui- home, Bre.stae a onrQenand Uno, Wy fCuc no"byL Brown Sts.. Bowmanviiie. For terma and Uno,,Waaa hrc no" if e ta us is sot the same, priuasapyt m rcEeu Tooth Treatm ent Rev. T. Albert Moore, D.D.; "What , ceyo lef t us ail alose. againwnvll, photCiA-aPI WnBr114W E7-c te hurcheoUnion," "emiAllicand o Whtisseet pai-in ae'50 meare FRMFO AL-Oin a U ea posiivel deans eethandA.nd that the ose we loved sa deax- of owner, a farm of 150 acres moi-e or moves the breedîng place of the Church Union." About twenty Can- Has only gone before. les, lot 3, con. 3, Darlington. le offered germa, thereby protecting bath adias delegates throughaut the Do- She is gose. but sot forgotten, for sale. Elîher farrs alose or as a your health and your teeth. minian have becs selected ta attend 'Neyer willi hem mernory fade, 1 going concern. Good brick bouse, nine Fondeet thougbts wlll alwaye linger 1ac-res orchard, faim buildings. C. J. Cornes two tubes in ane package. this important canference. A.ound the grave wbere motheru laid. Smale, R. R. 4, Bownasvlle, phase 136- J . ~Sadly mieeed by Daughters and Sons . t 1. Aclensig ceam.______________________.~. FARM FOR SALE-200 acres. lot in (usc daiy) TRONEthe 7th Concession. East Whitby. 25 acres _________ I aiOE !o beach and maple: 50 acres ploughed: 2. poishng rca.1 FARM TO RENT bask b arn 90 feet long; cement silo 14 x 2. Apolshin cram. issHele Brwn, eteboro * i 5;comfortable dwelling house; bard and Mis elnBmws etrbr , ', FRM TO RENT-200 acres-South soit water; creek running tbrough pro- (Used twice a week) visiting hem cousin, Mms. Ronald Scatt hai«es lors 1ad32 t concession, 1 perty. Farts about 7 miles irats citY 50c FOR THE TREATMENT .. . Mr. J. C. Alldread and Mr. A. W. ;Township ai Darlingtan, about 50 acres ai Oshawa Possession at once. APpaY Clemns pen th weken inToi-!(ail plougbed. Immediaepssso n, ta Fred Mountjoy. Enniskillen, R. R. 1. Clemns penttheweeend n Tr- pply to Conant & Annis, Baerisers.e If no-, sold may i-est. onto .... Miss Hazel Turner visited Oshawa, Ontarilo. St fiends in Tai-osto over the weekend - O EN-hi-ir ~TF~R5JL~I(~3~ Mr. Wm Fa-dlNewTaiosto URKE ~FARM T .... r.Wn arlNe ootstae mmediateiy sauth westaLBw l-r'r. S A E S visited hiem son, Mr. Elmer Farrell... manville i. for ental. Possession A.pi-il ________________ Miss Versa McCoy i. visitisg lber lst Plowing aiter Max-ch lot. For terme appiy ta W. R. St-lice, Bowma The Dopeuldable Drug Store brother, Mi-. P. McCoy, Toioto .... ville. 5-ti We elve Phno49 Rev. R. Trumpour preached a. i HOLSTEIN WeDlvrPo 9 splenidid sermon on Susday morning.CHEFC STBEWN D Techoir endered good music, Miss _____CNSABL___ TE -Margaret Moore and Miss Kathleen Applications with referesaes andmi HERD SIRES - McCullougb taking the leading parts ai-y expected, for th e position ai Chief' in the anthems .... Young People's Cons* able far the Tawn of Bowmanille, League jurneyed a Ennis illenwî be received by the undersined u FO Legejunyd t nikle ta Max-ch 1, 1928. John Lyle, Clerc.- FO SALE last Wednesday evening and were7- rigbt oyally entci-tained by the young people theme,.. The "~Win Ose" Here's a chance to secure good erin M e t Casshada vry uccssfl qiltng anfted Halstein Herd Sires fi-rnhig but- ~TW E.Los Saturday at the home af Mrt. C. ORERS WANTEID-2 boarders, all ter fttsighîgh producing cd. The hostess and hem daughters H-s. E. Stonebrldge, Queen Si. E., Baw- vice and two are yaungstens. served a vei-y appetizing supper. . .. ___an ___vil_____e. Prices are sa Iow they will pay G ood Mi-. and Mms. A. W. Annis entertain- CORDOO WANTED-Wanted any for theielves -.n the finst crap cd a number of their relatives on quanîity of Cordwood siabs or bundled ai calves. Satuday iteroon nd eenis . - rl. Trent Valley Lumber Ca. Ltd. Satrda afernon nd venng 5 Kng t.Est, Tai-osto, phono Elgn League this Thtixsday evening ln 5-.54 or Elgin 7972. Glen R eF r the world when ordering charge aithe 4th Victe President, Mis!s .n't deliver you your re- F. Gardiner. LAUNDRY WANTED R. R. STEVENS _______Ail kinde ai laundry woric dose prompt- phone 17,5_3 BowrnsnviU.e ods. y. satisiactorilî and at reasonable prices CORIEW jrit atOfc o 2 rcaIM-. ________________ ds. We have week CUTC .Mraas King St. E. Bowrnanville. Pt-A- ( fin- , Tnrnato. 1 (ý "-,.* . -I________________________ _-- PIAGE lm WARNING! Do flot send your money to Chicago and then have to pay duty on your spectacles. If you want those so called $1.00 to $15.00 glasses you need flot pay a fim ini U. S. or Tor- onto $4.95 for them.1 W ýe have them in ail styles of frames and our price is only $2.95 No Duty To Pay, No Risk To Run IF YOU HAVE EYE TROUBLE If you suifer from headaches. If y ou cannot read with comfort, at 14 inches from the eyes. If you are wearing glasses that do not satisfy you we Iwill give you a caeful exainination and if nece- sary grind special glasses for you. An experience of nearly forty years in testmng ail kinds of eyes enables us to, say J When We Test Eyes It ls Done Properly JURY & LOVELL SPECIALS Thur.sday- Friday-Saturday Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $19.75 Double breasted models, diamond weave and her- ringbone effeets, Values to $29.50, On Sale $19.75 Men'sàFancy Tweed and Worsted Suite AUl On Sale As Follows: Values up $22.50 FOR $15-95 Values up to $28-50 FOR $18-50 Values up to $37.50 FOR $24-95 MEN'S OVERCOATS AT 1/2 PRICE Fancy Tweed and Worsteds, Fancy Brown Plaids and Grey effeets, this is a line of broken sizes we are going to clear at exactly HALI PRICE Reg. $22.50 For $11M2 Reg. $25.00 For $12.50 Reg. $30.00 For $15.00 Reg. $27.50 For $13.75 Penman's and Acadia Wool Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.50 For 98c Fleece Lined Shirts & Drawers, Reg. $1 for 69c ea Men's Work Pants, Worth $2.50, On Sale $1»o Men's Heavy Ear Band Caps, Regular $1.25 and Men's$1.50 For 95c MnsBroadcloth Shirts, ail shades and other limes worth up to $2.50, On Sale $1.39, 2 For $2.75 Men's Heavy Jumbo Sweater Coats, Fawn, Grey, Maroon, Navy Blue, ail sizes, Values up to $4.75, On Sale For $2.95 Each 'T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 o anle Shopi NEXT to'your ABILITY cornes 701fr APPEARANCE 70Wr CLOTHES are the STANDARD by which YOU are judged ARE YOURS counting FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU Made-to-Measure Clothes make sucli a difference "Bert" Bell1 CigSt. W. Bowmanvillei When Ordt DON'T FORGI Canned There's no reason in1 your meat why we could quirements in canned go( Let us know your nee ro.e.pivpd a cnAw saenf Nelsion's Get Acquainted Sale N ow Swings Triumphantly This introductory sale event is now reaching its climax- Since openmng day we have been busy. W. have met many old friends and also "got acquainted" with a host of new friends. They have ail boum loud in their praises, and surprised at the Iow prices we demand for dependabie and up-to-date Mer-. chandise. Sales have far surpassed our fondest hopes. You who have flot yet visited us, and ap. preciate the utmost for the money will be well advised to buy 70Wr requirements and incidentally save a handsome amount. The following Specials for Friday and Saturday's seliing should crowd the. Store. MANY OTHER ITEMS 0F SPECIAL VALUE WHICH WE CANNOT ENUMERATE. NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values. Tlm Stors East of Bowmau HomeikBwmavill Il