i.. P I [s A quan_____of_____________________ lu tiaticase, 'lut- hiirciaîni'r shah hbc en- distnctiv AFqMnttycf ouehod frnour- - country by storni. ts-ionîy ie iii,- r-îturru uti epopit Dointve umino 69cU> W i e he or n Ci.range and heaters, etc. U ~T he m anufacturers, C onsum er a' n s'>' y w itho t 1nt r 4, co s s crn rom - fgave 'b'b . f. o tI. D oelii a de i u " iè lr write The Borden Co. Spectacle Company, 29-33 Melinda r,,insation. Eo. -àat$r. eiiu LiitdMofral Sleat11o'lok . . . iJ. V an es St. Dept. NW3, Toronto, Ont., are re o f a Sale: Cashi, wilhin ten da>-s RidtimelloCur.i 79c ILb Fruit_____________35%,_ (Lunch Served) f feigtesn ai nsxy adieptance of tender. Tise ather t'on- C bsm~ . rp. 3127 TERMS-On furniture, feed poul- Co. days' trial. If you are net amazed tions a!tise Court ai lai as applilei. LUbbVs Oxo Cubs 2,c Deisonla tr n alsm o 1 ndudr and delighted, if you do net think For furtiser uîaý-ticîîiianss and conditions RtoaedajM ___Fer_____ S.."______ SlJced cash; over that ameunt 7 mentha their spectacles at only $3.98 equal f<1'apicto1myb ad oth elorCR credit on appreved notes bearing in- Investment Bankers, t those sold elsewhere at $15.0o, Liquidator or 'uns solcitor. Paehs Ck* For>l. meap Daendce&«ruay l3uh.. 1923 terest at 6 % per annum. 35 ed themn back. You won't lose a DaedFerarWt. 192ON. « 23aoNo ~ miQb.. 5c 28c lb - D1H R E M L 5 ay Street, cent. They wiU also tell yoli how S. WbozTne, hqinarlo.e. a14» a Mdp- yrp L.« A. J. Staples, Geo. & Ted Jackson, Toronto 2 te get a pair for yourself without W.A.P"CAbatte.or Hpe Clerk. Auctioneers. ________________ et. Writ them to-day. 8-1 V2W.'F A MBELL, Pror t H opeau886-C PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEI3RUARY 23, 1928 ________ METNGStndr Bank bas a new teller in Mrs. Frank Allun le expectdo. OLD TIMETEA MEETNG1inm i geI if r, C i-'j n t.theperson of Mr. V. Robesr)n who from Toronto -thfr wek te r Unte diucaes'hidi~ ten ~a le h E .4 f has exchanged positions with Mr. rnonth's stay in the city w1here b time tea meeting in the Sunday_____ an ~School Hall on Tuesday evening, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928__________ r' . 4 Fehruary 28th. Gool porm AEADSR -, Everybody corne. Aduits 50c. -C.NWASL NO LONGERASAENDSP chlrnudr12yai3c NEWCASLENWCASTLEHIGH SCHOOL 'NEWCASTLE A_ AILING CHLDREFO Mrs. J. Cunningham entertained 1 Roy Jones Wins Oratorical Contest î watesaes gi aeai was a bump on a log- OBITUARY 'verv deiightfully on Tuesday after- 'good showing at the apeed skat:ng - puroe in lUe-a M IL noon in honor of her guest, Mrs. J. In an oratorical contest held at! event in Taylor's Arena,Bom-Hepilrand d Mrs. Hannab Starkey, Aylmer Poole of Toronto. the High School on Friday afternoon ville, ïMonday evening, winning 2 nd Assitant Manager witi a 'WAORM Friends were pleased to see Mrs. 1to choose a representative to the dis- place in the relay race, while E'ick largcc~-eatrn Liout psy eao There pased away on Tuesday Norman Allin out again on Sundayi trict contest leading up to the inter-, Cowan was once more a prize winner mnotor mnechanî,. battery. OD R S1dyrih morning, February 14, at the home, for the first time in four weeks, hav- national oratorical championship,, in the 18 year class. weldingxnlcsnizinahouse Su dy àht 1o e son-in-law,MrT.A Garton, ing been confined to her home with Roy Jones of the 2nd Form was giv- beMadwring , nbtesryclaltuer. n . r..ci NOS Ya< Kig teeBomnvllMr.Ha-a severe cold. en the decision over his only compet- To Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Brw, iin o pn aubebc ie rt au~CEN afe hrh nah Starkey, widow of the late John isHlnHner oocset' itor. Alex DeMajo of the 3rd Forin. Glenwood Cottage, Walton St., the Hemphill Trade Schools, Limited M e - afe huci Starkey ohere on Mstwee w;ter, goant, s¶rsI MssJessie VanDusen of the îst next best ching to being suddenly As5swWest AsToront Boah tie Hnron beol omae A short service was held heeo atherine Coulter, Mill St., and was: Form was unable to compete owing transported back to old London for aj far ~ îom te oldhome. Tuesday evening, conducted by Rev. joined over the weekcnd by her si- to a severe cold. Both speakers took, little while was the pleasure of hear -__________________________________ But Sudyi til a very iJ. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity Unit-'1fo their subject, "Canada's Future," 1 ng over their Fada radio Thurslay Suncalday for aran dChrh ter, Miss Bessie. for sth ujc ofcalyasg-a fternoon at 2 o'clock the chimies of Mspeil ayfor Ftery ad Cuc.Mr. Robt. Douglas and assistants owhich is the subject officieally assigp.-ni Mother, or ever Sundav The remains were taken early on haeb! uyctigiefrfr ed for the Provincial and Dmno i e tiigtehu i7p i night after chur-ch the tele- Wednesday nsorning hy train tu Ayl- ers and merchants in Newtonville cernMt.estaCap-in ILondon, England. This pleasur- phonebel]ring and he od me wher a srvic washeld t, ad Necastl on hc ilandlake he jdgesable rsexperience ablwaspemade wa possiblesileby ponblsringstatnedofthe tme hee eraoeMrvic.washl tai was ntinland ple peof Armstrong, B. C., Rev. E. B.1 the Toronto Star's Station C.F.C.A. S fl fl boy: alks ntht foneofte theFunra oeof YarmoG.tAllin, at fMogn !onesCooke of the United Church and Mr. picking np and re-broadcasting the distant city. te1hrhcnutigtesm r Mr. Isaac Selby is riding in 2,arslTho)s. A. Rodger, Principal of the programs of station 2L0, London, H strauchnd en erea beautifu these days and giving automobile1 Public Sehool. They found their England. Hearing Big Ben here in i Harry calls one week, and H*Otadrenrda auiuagents a merry chase in their eag- task a very difficult one and in an-Cadacingtehusote y Fred the next.l. erness to display the mzrits of the nouncing their decision warmly con-1 5000 miles away is surely something A I L C ' Many beautiful floral tribates, various brands they are trying to gratulated both students on the fine to write home about. Long Distance is wonderful surrounded the casket, expressions of selI. spirit they had shown and the worty_______________ for keeping family ties svptfrm many friends and, February has given us a variety manrier in which they had eat it Nid-Winter Clearing Sale strong. It is so simple, so relativtesincrluding: Pillow-Turney inexpeîxive, to caîl distant and Emma; wreaths--.Jack and Vera, of winter weather and skaters have the subject. d th nN tietoCedtr friends for a few minutes' x Mary and Oliver; Mr. and Mrs. Innes' Notice to Creditorsoms ujTe onet asmdeth Men's or Young Men's Overcoats, Reguar chat. And how %velcome is and Beatrice and Employees of the snow-shoers have been denied their of a real afternoon's cessation fromn thesond f her vics! Oshawa Bus Station, Miss M. Brunt, fun in this district-not enough class rioom work. To especially nl The Estate cf Frank Bure to $35.00, less than 1/2 price .............$13.95 th sun o tei vics ,Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowdler, Mrs. Wake- nw akteeettesue rsn- Ail oersons iîaving daims agaistte Men's Fleece Lined Udrer amn.. 6 Do ;ou cail friends by Long lin, Mrs. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Fred1 Mr. Lawrence Cryderman'5sS. S. ed an interesting niixed program. 'aorf Frank liard' n,. lte-of I TownMesFieRuerCer Distance ? Brown, Order of Eastern Star and Class of boys along xith their teach- [n addition to the high school sttu- Wot the26th nl whof J e on nurine, 1928, Cearng................ 1.00 Daughters of Rebekah. rs held a skating party on the rink dents and the pupils of M . Rodger's re ot hreh- noti d ayto f se u n t R . ad e ' e192e s .. .. . .. . .. . ..M The Evening Rate after 8.30 eWFraray evening and finis sedd inromoof.the public'sFiooluReeve W...t........i.itor.....ma...l.e....tar6o urvîving th bas of loing lunch teHainth .ofEevoatheermm ar:Coiu î ommuniLy Hal 1F.Rickard, Chairman H. W. Dudley a'n or la-fore the 8h day of Nfarch, 1928, LiteGrsCoonFaelBomrrss is very low. mother ae Two sons Thomas Strk ktcen o'te' f ., eea te e-ifouiri articulars of heidiclai ms.LiteGrsCoonlae Bom Ds- ey of Chicago; and John of Thed- k ithchaden. um e f nni-I;tl ftr *i t dy o s ies3t e rs................... 9 fod;an to auhtrs Ms.Da-i ,Mr. Ray Brown, promoter of ter the heBad n ubro Mr, 929.théaqts of the tea feszs3 o6yas......... Beah, al; and tw agtr Mrs. T h anatc spcal n h onsi other citizens wero present. M w î ii nsî tii a monrrst thee parties Ladies' Fine Shoes, Black Patent Strap ...2.89 son of LongBecCl;adM sT Fred Butler, 31d Formi student, etitieti(i e) hiaving r grird oniy to A. Grton Bohanldlenosthepla rual dcmmini tepresided over the entire afternoon's qcris. of whioh li(:ttexecuitor shall have Flannelette Sheets, double bed size, ar..19 i CARD 0F THANKS 1 Community Hall, Newtonvilie, Fridayj proceedings to the satisfaction of, W. ROSS STRIKE, Men's Heavy Work Rubbers, every pair 'evening. 1Ž n te po Solicitor for W'illiam Brock,i andMrs T.A.Garon esre anaianGils n Taiinghel agram in addition to the two contest- l3owmanvilie, Ontario.gUanedpir...........29 C'mM. adMs .A atndsr aainGrsi riighl ants' speeches wero: harmonica trio 7- 1 Executor. hîEvry ellTelphoe * to express their heactfelt thanks to skating pacty ait Ororio rink Saturday i and encore bv Eieon Cooke, Betty ________________ Men's Wool WTork Socks......................... .19 LongeDl tlhne Sta an." ofrmpthend o heauifu flralsio vening. Before lenving for Orono, 1Garrod and Rosa Cowan; harmonica Log1isanebuteo." ofsmexteynd e totmin forthir- they enjoyed a sumptuous st.pper in t solos and encoreby Rosa Cowa I GIVNG UP FARMIG ruised shoulder and three broken1 Blackburn, Arthur Lockhart, Eleanor IN' T IlE ESTATE 0 F: Rassie Curtis, e *tBslI nw rscol aer.ThRBoln, Eby Ma,:i- Itrcul'of. vredhmSttuto.ry decara R Y G ts R sut One Ba s Ned asreC. N. R. J iebors y or dp'Rndl aPurniea Tms hot StatW.intructionanvillom aita erininrthe hokygm ewe 'NTC SIEEY(I'-n o eothaile J. K. VALLEThe ro dPertHoponite of e'joue. F RCoanpropareH..Dd h eslndeyn"rity-fhe 0fownuar.oftc which rn nie C ur has G oge c.Wm.assitn dtrElen Coe adraeth Adin yo irar wi ilstrihe- nu m. Mr. Ed.ction nethe frthesEs tate haovng regarddaWhenfyoi needdiStocknFoodbouRegulatorseor the folloonnghearmoStockmImpte- has menenand isiosalaed t a stn of feh-ruar A. D. 1927,a8. qurdt fieoming the dutiefrsineMîeîî e !lateronweî tpet. in uyfthng1theilFamous "Royal Purpie" prepara-par ailtStatdmninistrator, BoruIman-prmiihave It's 22, HORSES-Bay horse, 1700 lbs;eayung man-andid, soitotwish toiLville.on.tonsr eyoen n hemake frheae Sinaple Brownmare, 700 lb; Bay are,'e otaty e u ommt e o f te i jri oBITUpreare y __________ _and____ hav proucedthe esird reusand re rcom l i e ubs By orse,1400lbs;lookng ater he curchproprty. Mrs Abemendd bysuccssfu stokme By getingthatre-foor- Blac Belium orse1400lbs;Br' ni.tel, udr tubas eatMr m7nt fistnteitrs eyenW C, . UDCILaOTC ing jo d pieerneal horse 3 yeas, 160 lbs;Gcay mre, DcButlerand te goodr.ursigfcftMe. 5. ose reeivedlactewardtho_______ W/e ave rteicedthisdwek a fesh suplyoo you ilhardl feel h yer, 100 bs;2 Prchrond Plts, Monays rtong wn$18plae hn ayocsise d le tacWalristdge -o the Creitrs n Ild.Sae oa upeafMaSokFoLyn e expns. lsng1 ea. urMr.ih cnsd.eralpios n opte-1ad iiof Mc. Ael Gcey.llatn hlaso f The NewaA.sDt1928. Poulty eîfi , Roupe Specstock, Liae chKnter, OneCATmthefllo-3 reHo stmpen I ommntyhall'tis rfn iting andlteomo hec seIdrsoMc.s But oha..T hom vsty mlkngcos, jutcr:ne.d;F.5cîppinoffbout 60 sq.feethoethe ceyel"RoyoaalmieWash. 11. S A., highgrae cws,4 jat en et grvl h and iccient, îtacpaer on FebrucryordorMch.eGreminishrsi________ it ii irproe t e hOese reaIlslni hore 70rs;1 Pue wih whchmtenfatd o slightly cshne benbfiintelhtoo ev r ~sstt ille. On.ngsp rdtioN CUBhy aveORS A.nDth mrkOefr ya ftSS ipe1 Breowstin Bul0lrsingBayemare, bmde psat of temi a'uromrebt h ewtf eopsiittohie wOntacfo Companie haeforued teuying an Bl ad roe ree youros heifer,140 ws lokgas ufaced the htw o ie sc-o TseRvi horetne! IMPefl l EluMEhoseTC-00ibsruiownr anuni rthe teaet ofhisrho Ab eGee ahtofUm.cS. au o nalo 7,aî n iema- ordisplay. It wifl spy oue. ing jo d ne pi ce ea o ne, 4 ich re 0 ; ain an; Dr.top r ard er oo d nw it ngsoate. in Shec o sea d rec i-dtin us bot ti f ie wcstI e Ha rbNOT rICom 4il st eatruckweelbs andmaxre42 ReeveRiar, hi r.rmasnn itel.hall nhrewes h b ao e roce. a-ring havlate tise twenty-falfth dappl o sayouhrdlwomeflkte! ea 100Iis; 2 er e itsuf o yseval onteerwiinaens vcset Ard outylbert ar osncbring, - the Critaras sard aers Ryamuple wlthot MIa, St450 oknoo, at 804.50. dump criin 1a; agaains theeporio o te lsaidfe f r.oml Geany u bob sLEh; D ule aeaed Hcutte;n7 aomut epa srng the da faiegearnythe younest dhte c dr ofthIr.Atesa rmoleni arlso n businewss ntie 1 P uty S eii ,R u e S eii , Lc il BredHoltei Bul, isig 2 ear; 2midle artof te m in all rofJohn and thei e W ofberi, asn e- iae hfthe cStre. n ie Cou ntariof McCLeLLan &Ceo O LTD, dfer clst . b !'ic' usamrnn. ccnîetr di hreryyas ihhcorn therism. tr.on hOtr io coptise sen- MiganIeuaoro Bode wassurace. he wo id z;e- am qute nexeced' toMr. Jse,ýýtî'e n ha ofMacc218A o .f 928toesed Phono 15 Bo n wagone , f.,.4ht; 1Mc aoinicwamon; , to ai t arme roofed whi s ba eror oe William Waridge fstabmont terpofsthe NrecatleS. W.Suttopn y iu hn A nd_ __ __ __the__ __ _ __ __ o t. o.4;1 aae-H rrs ow r fie ds ata wid uc dn er hAad.h B se Lie, N1c92e7,o he Ontrohteer hrs a asi suna e, 45Po ulr Hadw re Str 6fat; 1 ohn Drhay1 loader ; 1ssuy- i br othrshaingee n uitte suh om e of Mc. a n in r i cyse '-ashonîcessesadaloý,riw. o-ukeTam1/ nh ansBit ni ok pis sav yo r w menolk1 Hacsaide 1dever ak e; SDetcofgfceulinraisiln ie rooda of metial-ad hs o th er rs . ose e 'iý%In t ca o! tr ams adtise nature thw,' ans tis e s.- i d vlieof sis o poe ihu oirs 7.0 on t$ . bobdeig; 2StDfTol tb incutvtr; 196abodt aai in 1927.eThmob erywhe ouetoo i deterhi-sthomat orm 5.-carrin oniuis-otndin tîl i Spcingt& oo b inultarwi Masey-ruck îsast spcing.soeo queî e itisbCod lmic a wheride b andivedu- J'vila terof N ew l e ecemntyoil - . . * C . L D.c uhami areo orenefsof tse sld Ac anHo arris 3 o 1wcCor clcato MrthErieardmce ra ntlyuner- n h aboulfveyears ago. boupaentesx ni wsdingpor NlarAD.12,t edMN &AL Phone 1 Bowmavil Sring-Tt o n uttivtor; 12 dwerisc apple treo distancoheern fthecWihecam alriage fo aimeon Tipste ni'rinedoaiW. sutat Cou- SupecNo.4secd drill; steel coller -frmilnda igs tîcklin dee r e-ndJteBaseon nexteNdedwcast nther inrof srg saill omtanty- tid lbyo!, Poe16 PPITHrwr tr omni BEST HAT' MADE 6 ft 1 Jon Der hayloadr; 2%asse- hi broters avingbeenquiteiue-borneofnor.nan sts basy Jos amberssv inadtisept Courtth fulopae ~HarisectionDe iamndbrrows; 1ei cln ace d ibn ine ite bro w d u -ma rlatd is nbot re n ts at.tJos. Itime ari.1of8, t 2 10 cli'k ian tienatue- INteel GR DEbarcow0sf; 12 VSeyrity al ards j î ngs, eecy onest ic h gondi ti i br angrsoArhrws o a ~ n 'oitsfof'oburg, se(fa tisx eor ,plos, N. 2; 1 eccîal o. 7wal- maurit. A ong hoseinvt 189e3Bsidshec busbadMr.beleaves to tsf teLiansdthe ounon isie d aimof c somo erntff-.niitnnrrtiatrs 126andsîsiin197mihetieni io isim bideto hi hmeinserîrd yuant ad n tae I ~~ing- o t ecilva sulky s e f0- dfe ast pring stol f h eweel A r tioumb ioa hetw sons,end-o l u o m bpnd5l e ii fh atienAct ' s -~ M"oHari ow icon Natinalogang thusTos. 1 mad ey onded atb laut e andsvengcAdbiouetui.".O U Spo w; pott on n p iow wi at tac12 diement s o k fî m btores cun , H rol Te r s onsaft r e rAsa ad Arh u c a 'SIX n l i'n, iri Osix e rnh. a f e r a y 3sufles;tunî, len tr.ragg. .iO.tancrik ter stîyieorhmitThe iiî98 igedL.oclNNtRa o Spe inusedits-n s; teearollfan2ni-ng (;bildienagactin u e me e-1andaughtersl2:3Singaporeintheicedr i ks5o I',er-ns ea- cttia ppa -) in itl rwndc-,rthtvesare t adciedas k t isit id-W.F ape C nl.n et2~ saO : ~ tisn nusecbutnlot unPleasant Sah1c3tr fini le tin tiCo ur loî rii s tee h a g gw ; er i - t y 2 0 0 0 l b in g ln g s, e i tb e m e lv e s". g w t -c b r oth e r s n rt uAsa. n a l T %%; o ' or o u O ut arlo.h eirepport2: a t o i ? j ti'istr snng a lw1 f iva oa slky iunle fu -at pn rtice on p uge e ~ r Ag- m un bl os w oJad t o e,,ir UDmiC iAL t i uSuAEFiietSataCl tisat ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ Ti nnls ticrtefedcosi ianndLîletrets 'ailt oi MiiRy untr, Weligtn, na _____ n T- hensadab~ ~ h i ca dli. s-tio.-; at itial 'E* gi1tîîeuslToms,;i I -h o tcbîrmrnd banet: <s auot-n ic'ngat nBs-grct erens0.hses fteNw ploh. pot mniitocnk-' ln fni-i m shi r t' ysutaI ni g hlp MsEfr,1lc tc,~ l ql2gAlkid f~~fIforunîug; order ilers;< M ril s-s g tMi L.erî"rg n'V..Mr. ati Hr oMdiNO15 arpel' ts ~~rncci' l!umpine Arthurut-w;gnA. ..oParker i studybas lirt e n isitin ' mp n IThetns drillg(lianizel ipe tah et r e; 3ayfI. --auOhx es a. cre ti Pnorage nd vma ýn- i i w iii I r' t n "hix u snr- .ge. b.2 c*.~R ___ p~~~i nt n Pta uor e nbsil-(.cte-iî r tvgga h ville cecmntsagieite, t hc. S. l'ag W.' A. F.i;a' i!îPi , a ciuIS' <fltIn gftepofn _________________ h i. . îh r H b a d a s c s Ici n rtI1n i ic t.rio.u i,\ t o i ppy Form1 e r 51i 11) att or; set' o f tu iT e d isnc cis tLoe'Alu to k T u b,' Xiiav- of m y na o2 3n Evr im ful eg. g V.JLate Rrptas;2outtt-thuad Acr e yitng ai lRe d M s. Nnd I~EiD h vr~ nsinr 2 u uî 8ok ' u 'ui- i sW,.~ .t xte-r Ij tract, 2in. 8Tfurîîiw plîwthe i. pricts nrf r1e boxs xvas loaraticleb ontpagefil t 'lsi sî0iiîi ofi iii SAL iE i ui 2 lb.SantaLUClara th- tr yout ma;erg.-mon.ey. Tii 'n-i ntaw 'îihAveu-v;ood lrs)ut-uS thtflsegcae :3eti ofe or ftrronsis'."ng"of 'orge, " ii. ne nn_,iU theai'enis"sSrId ismo Inn.iRoyiuntnrtelltngon,.s- aeaal,,ýo t conlea e ndla i ' e " -' i f Ting axi îMr. Berrtînîî Cou.snyFinet PRUNEiSies2îsUC bS5 e>. a sice, i. t c; powter.Il- in' iwa git. silestha nnm' ta 'u surOf'the ii ists of i X s't New. Campbe, 01..0, lgl a1 kh.rI 1>,.in a ,1ie ýii,,' pi' ; hrrl sf cyt ih r ored td - I rssEfod Baktcisvii- ed u .Dkw,&tndpult--f 10 i.1 l-, alb hay î twa so. iils and Mc BaktrFru-stees, .Mrs Lcstle Harb I lin omin t .o1MracIno T..tCe i ins2taS