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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 1

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IL- With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 8th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 10 Bowmanville Tennis Club Presents CANADIAN GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Lady Minstrels of Toronto, in Opera House, Bowmanvile ON Friday, March 9th AT 8.15 P. M. The personnel of this show includes first class Athietes and members of World's record Relay Team. They are raising funds to finance expen- ses to Olympie games. Playing to Packed Houses--Hit 0f The Season Citizens who attend are assured of 2 hours' roflick- ing fun, music and merriment. ADMISSION 50c, Tax Extra. Plan now open at Mitchell'& Drug Store. MUSICALE and Refreshmente at the home af Mrs. A. M. Williams, Queen St., Bowmanville on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, March loth HÔme-made baking, plants and cut flowers for sale. under auspices of graup o! St. Paul's W. A. Admission 25e Announcing aur Firet Showing 0f New Spring Millinery Consisting o! Chic Models in small as well as large head sizes Matron's Hats a Specialty Haddy & Co. Phone 368 Bowmanvill. Mi-~ You Are Invited to Inspect Spring Goods Every Day New Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Are Arriving This store bas made great preparations to supply the Spring demands for Ladies' Wearing Apparel and trimmings. An early eipection is to your interests. The Dress of Your thoice STYLES HAVE A DECIDED CHANGE New Trimming Effects-Tuckings, pleats, buttons and buck- les; new color eff ects, with contrasting trimmings; new spring shades appear-Lucerne, Almond, Coral Rose, Sundown, Harvest, aiso Navy or Black. Materials include Figured Crepes, in Georgettes, Silk Crepes, Rayons, Crepe Romaines, Fiat Crepes, and the new tailored Cel- enese is specially featured. NEWEST IN LADIES' SPRING COATS We have such a variety that individual descriptions are im- possible here. So corne and see first hand. One of the newest features in Cloth Coats are the satin trimmings. Coats in stock for eidren, size 4 to ladies, size 46. Beautiful assortment of Scarfs and Flowers to match any coat. BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS MATERIALS In Dress Goods we are now showing Figured Georgettes, Rayons, Plain Georgettes, Crepe Rayons, Crepe Back Satins, Flat Crepes, Black and Colored Broadcloths, guaranteed fast colors. New laces for trimmings are also featured in great variety. LATEST IN MEN'S WEAR Men, it is not too soon to select your new Spring Overcoat or Suit. In suits we have an exceptionally large stock of Ready- Made Suits from reliable makers. If you prefer a made to measure suit we have hundreds of samples from which to choose Large Size Knicker Suits for Boys at Half Price $10.00 for $5.00 Couch, Jahnston & Cryderman, Howmanvllle Phono 104 Limiteas III '1' COMING EVENTS Lady Minstrels, Opera Hous., March 9th. Hear Salins young people at Eb- enezer, Friday, March 9th. Reserve Wednesday, March 2lst for the supper at St. Andrew'm Church. Durham County Shorthorn Sale la today (Thursday), at Beith's Fanm, Bowmanville. Ebenezer Young People will pres- ent "The Belles of Fol-de-role in St. Paul's Church on Monday, March 19 at 8 p. m. Admission 25c. Children SeteHîgh School Play "Twelfth Nih, tthe Opera House, Thurs- day and Friday, March lSth and 16th. Seats reserved at Mitchell'a Drug Store. Price 35c. A St. Patrick's Tea, Prograni, sale of Home-made Cooking and Flowers, will be held Saturday, March l7th at Dr. C. W. Slemon's by two groupe of Trmnity Ladies' Aid. Rev. T. W. Barnett, returned mis- sionary froni Afrîca, will give an il- lustrated Lecture under A.Y.P.A. auspices in St. John's Parish Hall, March l2th, 8 p. m. Collection for Missions. Canadian Ladies' Athletic Club proved that they can act as well as star in athletics. Mabel Ray, as "Sukey"; Mabel Beach, as "Colconi- mne"; Tony Conacher, as "Eucalyp- tus", and Myrtle Cook, as "Mr. Jack, the Interlocutor", were the stand-outs of a rattling good show.-Toronto Telegrani. Hear these clever girls in Opera House, Bowmanville, Fr1. day, March 9th. MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Ladies' Night, Tuesday, March l3th. Frederick Philip Grove, the Can- adian author wha bas achieved nation wide prominence with hie recent book, "A Search for America," as well as with other novels, is to be the guest speaker at the Men's Canadian Club on Ladies' Night, Tuesday, March l3th, at 7.15 p. mn. at Balmoral Hotel. Subject: "Canada-The Spiritual Awakening of an Individ- ual" Royal TIëâtre Bowmanville's Home of Ent.rtaining Attraction£ PHONE 589 Friday-Saturday. Mardi 9.10 "Tim McCoy" In "The Law of the Range"' The greatest riding in Tim Mc- Coy's screen career in don. in this picture o! countleas thrille. Brother against brother in love and battle Tit McCoy's Greatest Pictura Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p. m. Children Se Chapter 8 of The Silent Flyer and regular prograin. Monday.Tuesday, March 12-13 "Greta Garbo" In "'The Divine Wozaan" Fate takes a little laundrosa and inakes ber the mast famous act- recs in the world, along the road of romance and adventure. Based on t'he life of Bernhardt. A truly magnificent picture. Wednoeday-Thuriday, Mar. 14-15 "Sally O'Neill and "Larry Kent" In "The Lovelora" A true story o! twa girls and a boy, a story of heart throbs and heart thrills, made into a film that will hold your interest every second. An amazing page from the Book of Life. Keep ThaeeAttraction&slEn Md March 16-17 "The Winning o! Barbara W'orth" Frai the pen i'f "Harold\ Bell Wright" Match 19-20 "Tho; Shophard af the Hills" another famous àtory by "Harold Bell Wrght" March 21-22 Franklin Pangborn In WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DID Received petitions for requests toi cut down three trees.1 Report for year from Chief Jarvis showed 136 court cases and revenue of $3,651.99, and $1,272.25 of this, went to the town treasury. Accounta passed for $752.99. Auditors report was held over for another meeting. Approved of putting sewer oni Odeli and Elgin Streets to cost $5,- 500. Gave usual grant of $1,000 to hos- 1pital, and special grant of $1,000 to iNurses' Residence. Petition for watermain and sewer on Wellington Street from Ontario to Liberty was laid on table. Sydney Venton, Assistant Chief of Police, Oshawa, was appointed Chief Constable for Bowmanville at $1700 a year, to take effect April Tht. 27 applications were received. F. C. Palmer, Town Engineer, was voted $35 for expenses to attend American Waterworks Asoitn Convention at London, Mari 79 Sunshine Club was given refund of $4.00 on rent of hall. BOWMANVILLE WINS DEBATE For The Sixth Tirne iin Eight Years B. H. S. Win& later-School Debate. An event which cat4'ies a large amount of interest to pupils, parents and friends of the High Schools of IWhitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville is the inter-school debate. Oshawa having won from Whitby in this year's contest the final test took place between Oshawa and Bowman-i ville in the Opera House, Bowman- ville, Monday evening before a large Und appreciative audience. The pupils gave vent to their school "yells" previous to the open- ing exercises which consisted of a couple of numbers by the Glee t. b under direction of Mr. F. Suttan. Principal W. J. Morrison presided and Principal A. Archibald of Whit- by, was time-keeper. Seated on one side of the platform were Mis Jean Merritt and Mr. George tantp- bell of Oshawa High School far th. affirmative and on the other side 'Miss Marion Rickard and Mr. Ted Mason of Bowmanville High Sehool for the negative. Subject: "Resolved that Canada Should Adopt a Qu-ta Sy- stem,<ai Immigration upon Nan-Brit- ish Europeans". The debaters had evidently spent much tinie in preparation and many splendid points were brought out uy Miss Merritt and her colleague which on the other hand were P.jaally well met by the negative. So well were the debaters matehed that some in the audience wondered which side would score most points and awai- ed eagerly for the judges' decision. The Glee Club furnished a couple more numbers after which Principal Ar- chibald announced that the negative won. The National Anthem was heartily sung, led by the school ac- companiat, Miss Helen Argue, at the piano. The judges wero Meunr. R. A. Hutchinson, B.A., G. M. Goudfellow, E. H. M. Irwin, alI of Whitby. This la the sixth tume in eight years that the honor of winning in the inter-school debate has corne ta Bowxnanville High S--'iool. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE There were some misgivings about changing aur night ta Tuesday for one week but the attendance seenis to be firmly established and the Fel- lowship Department put on a splendid prograni. Miss Purdy presided cap- ably and the following took part, Misses V. Orchard, E. Kirleton, J. Belmar, Marion Allia, M. Armistrong, H. Bunner, R. Hayes and Mesdames A. Colville and E. Cox. The mileage scores were no s0 largo ,q the bad roads have cut the aggre- gate in half and No. 1 car bas a com- fortable lead owing to be'ing one program, ahead. However by the end of the month there will be many changes in the position of the cars. The powerful looking No. 3 car is trailîng at the moment but an these roads should give the others corne very anxious moments. The recrea- tian department is putting on somel very fine games. Department No. 2, Miasionary, will be in charge of next week's pro- grami and from appearancee deep and mysteriaus plans are being. laid for next Monday night. Remember it is the attendance mileage that keeps, your group up with the leaders. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE HEARS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES SPLENID ADRESSRev. E. W. Rowland, Omemee, C. H. Carlisle, Reviews History of bas been invited ta boconie pestor Goodyear Ca--J. D. Carruthers of Stirling United Church. Elected President. St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Masa ________8.30 a. ni. Sunday Scboal 2.30 p. m. The Chamber of Commerce got off Sermon and bonediction 7 p. mi. Rey ta a good start in its effort ta revirve P. P. Butler. interest and enhusismn in local affairs St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. at its banquet ln the Balmoral Hatel, Best, D. D., Minister. il a. n.- Tuesday evening, when about 80 "The Great Refusai". 7 p. ma.--Some citizens were present. Alan. Camp- present day aspects o! the war znat bell, Past Prosident, was chairnian. neyer ends. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Wbile the banquet wac being Sebool. served Tninit3' Orchestra under direc- Trinity United Cbuncb, Rev. J. UT tion of Mr. F. Suttan, provided Robins, Pastor. Sunday services et music. Mr. W. R. Strike lator con- il a. m. and 7 p. mi. The evening trîbuted a vocal solo. subject will be the fifth ln the sertes D. R. Mornison, Secretary-Treas- o! story sermons froi Tennysona9 uirer, gave an interesting resume o! -The Cricket on the Heantb". the saciety's past endeavors and as- St nrwsPebeiaChr, the realthuany. lbaacews ncorner Temperance and Church Sta., the reasry.Rev. Robert McDerment, M. A., A nominating cammittee o! A. M. Minister. il a. n.-Morning Wor- Hardy, M. J. Elliott, Mayor Holgarte, ship. 7 p. m.-Evening Worship. C. A. Cawker and Gea. E. Chase was 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Every- appointed tai select the officers which body welcome. were elected as follows: President-J. D. Carruthers St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. Vice-Presidnt-Gea. L Hall R. J. Sbires, Rector. 3rd Sunday Sec'y.-Treas.-D. R. Marnison in Lent, Marcb 11, 1928. 8 a. m.- Executive-M. J. Elliott, C. A. Holy Communion; il a. m.-hMorn- Cawker, Gea. E. Chase, A. M. Hardy,, îng Prayer; 2.30 p tn.-eunday Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, W. R. Strike, School; 7 p. m.-Evening prayer. N. S. B. James, Anchie Tait, M.A. Lenten service an Friday at 8 p. ni. Neal, A. Campbell, E. J. Gibbs and Confirmation Class each Tuesday at C. A. Smith. 8 p. m. ln Parish Hall. Mr. A. M. Hardy, local Superin- The regular monthly meeting o! tendent of Goodyear plant, in a few Trinity W. M. S. was beid on Tuesday eulogistic remarks introduced the inl the Sunday School room with McIr. speaker of the evening Mr. C. H. (Rev.) J. U. Robins presiding. After Carlisle who reviewed the establisb- the opening exercices, business was [ment a! the Goodyear Tire & Rub- discussed and reports read. misa ber Co. in Canada and its phenomenal Eva Souch's graup taok charge o! progress during the past 18 years. the devotional service and,.iranranm. Coming ta Bowmanville ln 1910 his Lesson was read by Mrs. A Scarlett cornpany made a deal with the Dur- after which Miss Dorothy Rooius hanm Rubber Ca. whqjeby they sup- gave a splendid paper on "Tho Pray- plied the material and the company er that was Answered". A very did its own manufacturing. This pleasing solo was rendered by Mmra arrangement did not prove satisfact- W. J. Morrison. Several leafletm any and in about a year the Gacd- on the iissionary wark were noad by year took aven the entire operations Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Niddrie and lira. of the Dunham Ca. Chris Cox. Mrs. Robins thon took Citizens gave every assistance in charge o! closing exencises. About buying land and secuning the spur one hundred wene lu attendanco. line o! the C.N.R. wbich was nat only a great benefit to Goodyear but the MSCEA9AIN tawn generally. With scarcity o!fUI XAIÂIN bouses hie had 50 worknien's bouses Scesu uiso oot built and thon tbey bought the Bal- Su C.a n useaof ornt moral Hotel and still thene was notCo.rar. strificient accommodation. Waten- -P l fMn'agrt1 br works were badly needed and the up n o! MiA.TMaae . Abr tawa Installed a water system and em nty, iA.T.C.Md. Mt sanitary sewer plant. They oxer- calf, honora, Edgar Eemmersn .Paea. ated here until they had outgrowu întroductory Piano-Lawrece almoct eveny !acility. Conditions ia Malco.lm, honora. Bowmanvillo now are mucb moren,___ satisfactory than when our tire plant Pupils o! Mss. Rets Cole Dudley, wsmoved ta New Taronto. A.T.C.M., LC.C.M., F.C.C.M. At one tume he predicted -Bowsnan- Junior Pïano-Mim Jean Rama. ville could be a city o! 40,000 peole paae. if it took advantage o! tbe posai- Introductory Piano-lias Madel- bilities which presented themselves ine Joues, pas&. at that tume. If homes had been Junior HarmanY-Mma Jean RAM- built bore tbey would not have mnov- aay, honora. ed. At precent tbey occupy 18 acres_____ a! floor space la Toronto and eîpioy Pupils o! Mrs. J. Albert Cole, over 3,000 people. A.T.C.M., A0O.C.M. The speaker ventured the opinion Intermediate Piano-Iris Boots. tbat hoe did flot know but t.hat tbe Junior ïPiano-Jeau Wight, honora. people bore wore happier than if Junior Sebool Piano-Dorothy Bd- they wero in the centre o! industnial- ger. tam. Primary Piano-Ada 'Annus, hion- Ho said the Chamber o! Commerce ors, Mariao Bnadt. will belp salve many problema, will Eleientary Piano-Aileen Wight, aid the council ta function better honors, John liorrimon. and thus be o! greator service ta the Elemnentary Theory-Lilian lob- citizons. Ho doubted witbout son, -honora. a Board o! Commerce wo could mako uiso ia ain Ocad a proper study o! aur localitY. Ppis ! ialMin Ocad Touching on tbo mail Order bouses JEnniMaraket en: rCl hoe said tbey wero absolutely unfair unir-agae Dabau C although considered a legitiniato bus- ums. -oor-Irn ill iness. Ho predictod time will come soSleien a-nort-rone IBI- wbon people wili ses tbe banleful in oS-na aaGrtuo Wb fluece o thee busesand b lber, Columibus, Renia Bradloy, Hay- be forced ta give up tbeir metbods.do. ayW tleSn. To take their place we bave the chain Pupil o! Mrs. L. M. Fisber, Nowcastle stores who are a part o! the coin- întroductory Piano-Jean Richkard, munity and at least pay taxes. There honora. sbould be legislation against unfair_____ trading. A fair price and a fair Pupil o! Mr. F. Converse Smith profit la legitimnate but cut prices Junior Violn-Mrs. (Dr.) Neil are noxt ta bhighway robbeny. 1 Colville honora. You can, hoe said, as a Chaiber_____ o! Commerce study these questions Pupils o! Mss. E. J. Bale just as well as any statesman a ar Interniediate Singlng--Margaret liament. If yau want ta becme Abornethy, bonors. facton join the national Board o!1 Elenieatary Singing-Doris Wh", Commerce. Ho pointed out that the first cascs honora. IU. S. 'Board o! Commerce was almost _____ as powerful' as the government itsei!. In closing Mr. Carlisle asked the FREE PICTIJRES FOR FARMERS question: How are you going t A make the Chainber o! Commerce a At Royal Theatre, March lZth 3 p. m. success? Ho saidliho only made Mr BakunoNigaLme money by spending it, and ta only Mn*BabunoNiarLie charge dues o! $2.00 was enougb tO stone Oo., will be at Royal Theatre, mnako anytbiag fail. An organiza- Monday, March l2tb at 3 p. M., wlth tian can't ho rua without a financial educative moving pictures featurlng bakn.You muet try ta encourage Niagana Soluble Land Lime. Theas the people o! Bowmanville nd the fims are very intereating sud show surrounding district ta jain the la- wba odefÀrcut&r oti. cal ~ ~ 4. Chaberfanth bee ,i o!th frai lime used on Ontario farina in t da Lt 00

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