Better Be Safe Than Sorry Drink More Glen Rae T. B. Tested Milk- Herd of fifty head having successfully passed another T. B. teslt and ail pronouneed in a healthy condition. The typhoid epidemic of Montreal, had its source in a pasteurized dairy. Don't be afraid of your milk supply if it cornes from Glen Rae Dairy as everything is handIed in the rnost sanitary way. GLEN RAE DAIRY Bowmanville Phone 175J FLEHIGK VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satisies There ls No Substitute For The Cool That Satisfies Labigh Anthracite meass ean coal. Ail Lehigb Anthracite is givan the most careful prepamatian sud no effort is spared ta, niaintain the ighast standards obtainable. Every car passes the inost rigid inspection as ta sizing sud impurities befome it ha sbip- ped. The qnality ha unif orna. Folks who are burning aur coal have fonnd that they are abla ta keep their homes at the proper tempamatume, no matter how seveme tbe waather. An order of Lehigb Valley' Coal will couvince you tbat it is the hast sud hardast anthracite obtainable. LEHIGII VALLY ANTHRACITE Headquarters for Builders' Supplies IJ. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel [Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Our Meats Are Appetizing It is when the meat is served that you know the value of our experience in meat buying and eut-. ting. We have only the best cuts-and our prices will always stand comparison with any when quality is considered. If you want high grade meat at a 10w grade price-just try us once and you wilI learn why we are adding new customers. You'I1 be delighted not only with our prices but aiso with our service if you will let us convince you with a trial order. We highly recomrnend the Dairy Butter we seil. Prompt Delivery Service HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville IBRIGHTER HOMES STOREi THE PAINT AND WALL PAPER CENTRE Staunton "SUNWORTR[Y" Wallpapem will not fade, wbether designs are bright- 1>' colourful or of pastel delicacy. Tha>' will nat fada. Addad ta this, al "SUNWORTHY" Papers are Semi-Trimmed. Our stock is most complete with new saasan's designs. Look tbern aven now, befome the selection ha narrowed. Buy Your School Supplies Here GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phono 489 Bowmsnvillo rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, MAROR Sth., 1928 LADIES AID ENTERTAIN -WHAT DOTH IT PROFIT"? LOCAL ANED OTHERWISE I SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Play Preented By Sauina Young Mr. J. R. Towns, Toronto, wua in' Enjoyable Eveniug Fautured by People WeII Acted and ini Great town on February 29tb attending Banquet, Addresses and Musical Dernd the burial of bis sister, Mrs. George Programa. E. Manning. _______The play "Wha.t Doth it Profit?" Over tbirty applications for the A very delightfal and exceedingly being presented by Solina Young positions of police officers for Simcoe, pleasant evening was enjoyed on People in meeting wth great success the majority of them being from Thursday at Trinity United Churcb. and already the members are about out-of-town men have been received. wben the Sunday School officers and to present it for the fourth tixne. Mrs. C. Williams of Nestleton, teachers were the guests of the Lad- Wednesday evening last the play writes: Arn enclosing $2.00 for The ies' Aid at a sumptuous and bounti- was given in Triiiity Cburch Scbool- Statesman for another year. Our fully spread banquet. room to a very appreciatve audience family have always enjoyed reading Long tables laid for over one under auspices of the Mission Circle. your friendly paper. hundred guests, decorated wîtb yel- The play carnies a good mrl h Mrs. Agnes Rebecca Grandy, wid- low daffodils and from which wa leading characters speak d îstinctiy1 0W of John Grandy, Chatham, died served by the ladies a ternpting sup and present their parts in a pe * tbrhoeo eod tet h per of dressed pork, scalloped poa manner. The play consista of si was stricken with pneurnonia on toes, salads, pickles, bread and butter acta, tbe scenes alternating between March lat. One brother, J. H. concluding witb delicions apple pie the broker's office and bis bouse. Mutton of Tyrone, survives. Devonshire cream, cake and tea, that Between the azts piano trios were Marriageable girls in Bowrnanvlle could not belp but tempt the most rendered by Misses Margart MeKes- are eitber backward in coming for- exacting appetite. sock, Helen and Muriel Baker, and ward, usually sby, modest or inde- Tbe Sunday School Orchestra piro- by Mrs. J. A. Cole and the Misses pendent for only one marriage hi- vided a musical prograrn previous to Baker; a recitation by Miss Jean cense was issued by Town Clerk John the supper, and afterwards Mr. Fran- Mlîson; two vocal solos were pleas- Lyle, J.P., during February, the cia Sutton, Choir Director, led the ingly sung by Mra. John Baker, Mrm month that made Leap Year neces- company in community singing. Colea ccompanying. sary. By request of Mrs. John Perey, Caste of characters: Jobn Sheldon, Toronto Rotarians bave voted President of tbe Ladies' Aid, Rev. broker, Elgin Taylor; Grace Sheldon, $10.000 te aid in building a gyxnnas- J. U. Robins acted as toaatmaater for bis daughter, Ruth McKessock; Mrs. ium at tbe Boys' Training Sebool at the evening, opening the program Jepson, alias Mns. Helen Langtry, Bowmanville. Higbly commendable with the hyrnn 'Faitb of our Fat- Myrtle Vice; Russel Jepson alias is this substantial token of intereat bers" and invocation by tbe chair- James Russel, Jim Reynolds; David in the welfare of the young inmates man. tatt h Wilders, Hilton Tink; Dr. Jefferson, of the institution.-Toronto Mail & Thetat he King was espon- minister, Alan MeKessock; Mark Lee,I Empire. ed to by alt rising and singing the Jack Walker, Baby Lee, Russel Han- National Anthem. dy; Mrs. Lee, Jean Milîson; Tbomas The Home and School Club wil Jobnston, Percy Dewell. meet in Central Public School on "The Churcb by tbe ide of the Wednesday evening, March l4tb at Road" was well sung in quartet by 8 P. M. Rev. George Mason will Misses Margaret Allun and Helen address the meeting. His subjeet Argue and Messrs. W. R. Strike and M~asoin, Secretair' of the achool, "'h'o will be "The Home" in Scbool Edu- M. S. Dale. expressed the appreciation of sîl for cation. This, no doubt, will prove The toast to t.he Cburch was pro- 1the splendid service rendered tbe mast interesting and instructive and posed by Mr. W. Ross Strike, wbo j chool by this organization. it is boped that as many teachers and said hie was always ready and wiîîing Mr. Francis Sutton, musical direct- parents as possible will be present. to seak n bhaîfof he Uite or, replied on behaîf of himseIf and Cburch. Hn ehacfonsdre tte Usper- Mr. H. A. Fletcher, Leader. He feit I The reason why we dislike people ChadofCh rie sin u ittand bear** it an honor to be invited to tbis ban- is because we don't eally know thern. gardeof hr UitanCurchasd te.ig quet and appreciated' the words of! When we get together and tub gaddth n itd hofha theeigsbsoulders witb tbe other fellow and geat hat hs hapened To-commendation at any time o etoknw oetngfbipr- day our means of vision is no longer work of tbe orchestra and choir sav-jgtI ew aremehsympahico- isoate, te mvemnt as eentheing that people don't always lose, lems, eaemr sypttit- thei hed wen heyrecivea wrdwards him and find bae it net sncb a means of broadening our autlook and tharheca whntHaeavawelord. bad fellow after aIl. The trutb helping us get acquainted witb the! of apprcain. H lo ecned pisi b eain fntos othe felows pintof view. AS 1kindly criticism. apisi h eain fntos othereow's po in uc uiy Mr. M. S. Dale on behaîf of the provinces and classes of people, as yet~~ wa arepaosers incburc unit but maust not forget Christ is our members of the quartet, said tbay wl sadvdas Comandr ad Hs cmmada uatwere glad te do anything they conld Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Montgomery, Caobmande rn is onityCuc ams na and thanked the ladies for the invita- wbo bave bean in Rbodesia for the suffared. by t movementbut tattien. past threyears as missionarias, bave many minisyte ter familieuthte The singing of the doxology fol- 1 returned ta Canada and are now liv- aaymnstvrk and utold rdfaleha.owed by the benediction by Rev. J. ing in Whitby, wbare Dr. Montgom- unio a to orgad ntoon under the W. Bunner brougbt to a close a very ery bas become attacbed to the staff neh ew maginne s ha bod fCrste appuygathering of the Sunday School of the Ontario Hospital. Mrs. Mont- nw ren m.s t hbd o havesb orkers. whose lahors of wiiiing ser- gomery was formerly Miss Janet wbrokn adse e churches hv een' vice were made ligbtar by the kindiy Hislop ,daughter of Mr. John Ris- brokn an weare now tirying to thon ht of another hranch of the lop, and niece of Mr. Win. Hislop, if ossibl a e, inCrist'ds e d church showiniz aipreciation of their Bowmanvilie. The climate of Soutbh ifpsiin Crev. Jw. U Rbis work by this kindly act. Africa was not suitabla for bier and Ireplying ________________________-s, two cbildren. and it was, themefore Pastor, said hie considered the cbumcb necessary for them to return ta tbe the greatest organization in the Thousands Answer "Yes" mare healthy climate of Canada. worid outaide of the borne. TheMrF.W DewPtBo an church is mothar ta the achool and Thousands prornptly have been re- villeF.sherman, infor t us LaOn- bath are essential te the homne. Tbe lîeved froan gas pains, constipation, vaiae is elcared of ice witbakexcen- Danoninational movement did serve stoinacb, liver, bowel and kidney taio ofsowlbanka o g wtbexsboe.- a purpose, but as the grnb becomes trouble by MILLER'S HERB JUICE, tin oanorweeaks they he shomae a butterfly se the danorinations bave the tmue herbal rernedy. Ask Jury tIrnfnttnp for 1928houeteinto e bacome tbe new cburch hae beliaved & Lovaîl Ltd., druggists, about this lakheta cst tei nts Thre128obastth the time was coring when therelIremedy. lbee ncfsbing si netDecmbere2Obs would be a nnited prttantism and be ofsigsneDcme 0h possibly a nnited universalisai. He - Mr Depew states ling fish have be- also naferred ta the hardsbipe tte corne so plentiful and sncb a handi- somne ministers mentioned by Mr. *** cap ta profitable fisbing that unles Stria, nd sid othig ws acom-immadiate action is taken b>' the plisbed witbout sacrifice.. We musttegovamimnt orther lite f oided get a conception of our real wonktaemnte te igte sig ta lift up buranity-and in order ta business in Lake Ontario will be ruin- accompiisb this out watcbward muati ed in lesa than five years. be service. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allin, Scugog Mr. Francis Sutton rendered a fine St., ntertaind about 50 of teir piano solo hh vroeejyd relatives and friends on Thursda>' Tetoas tetathe Sunday eçnnScMtch1oalbengthasle proposad by Mr. W. J. Morrison, ýB 1 bration of the 35tb annivarsamy of A., who reviewed the womk of this Mbake thair wqddînS. An enjoyabie evening splendid organizatian, starting with was spant b>' ail. The young people tbe Primary Casas up ta the Home Tour H@f u8O participated in gamas, wbile tbeir Departmant. Ha strassed the great eiders mnewed acquaintancasbip or naed of a larger and better equipped SaeEable 1 sang. Befome the evening dmew ta Sunday School. Wbile the Chumch a close the bastess served a dainty Auditorium was used perbapa three The "For Sale" sign iS lunch, and ail on iaaving wished that hours a week the Sunday Schooi I ikel" to sa on n tbe bappy couple might celebrate romwsused evemy nigbt of the ~ln many more sncb annîversaries and week. Some of the arganizatians your bouse if it is with- that the>' might be invited again, at for lack of room had ta find other out hardwood floors. . least, ta their golden wedding cela- meeting places. The airn of the' bration. Sunday Schoal is ta teacb the bible, But re -floor it w it h Mr. Thomnas Trick of Winnipeg, ta arnphasize the missianary and tem- formemi>' of Bowmanville, whose wife pemance wamk. He paid a fitting hardwood, advance you passad ta the spirit world in Septem- tribute ta the teachers saying that price accordingly, and ber 1926, bas been enjoying a six- the parsonalit>' of tbe teacher hadl sce how quickly you mionths' wall-earned holiday by a trip mucb ta do witb the success of the ta deam aId Devonhire-his native clasa, alsa ta the orchestra and ail will find a buyer 1 parisb being Welcome whare rela- organizations contnîbuting ta the tives tili reside. While over thene succesa of the school. In speaking Estimates gladly furni- ha visitad numeraus relatives and of the test of aur womk, lie said it shed on request. 8 friends of Bowmanville citizens at wauld be interesting ta knaw what Bideford, Bradworthy, Holswortby, percantage of tbe childmen of Bow- Kilkbarnpton, Strattan, Bnde, Clavai- manville were attending any Sunda>' McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., ley, and other places. He alsa at- School. Poe 5 BowmanVille tended a ver>' pretty wedding of a Dm. J. C. Devitt, Supaintendent, Poe1 nephew at Sbrewsbury af wbich hae in replying ta this toast said it gave bas a gmaup photognaph. Mm. Trick hirn great pleasume ta look over this TEI*BSTTABT MADE sympathizes with tbe Englisb fariera gathaing. He apprecîated the IN * . G AD - wbo find cost of production increased thoughtfulns af tbe Ladies' Aid in faster than prices for tbeir output enetanngte Rd .AndA bewas cf produes. H Te received the besti workars and fait it a dnuty tao help'th-isi WM RENNI E CO, LMi iEd arned the patronage and important dapatmant as the Sundayj Toronto Mnte wilomreeadnk Scbool was the coming cburch. osthan any other high- Mrs. L. A. W. Tale, who was s r teacher for 27 years also eplied on l ua 1it y tOe 1in Canada. behaîf of the Ladies' Aid expressing VJd gag of good tea gladly the Aid's deiigbt ta recoigniza the give more for Red Rose womk of the school sud hoped they Orange Pekoe because they wauld ha able ta do it againh know that the value they re- The qu>artet favomed with anothen Wceive la worth manv tîmes number "A cross for a Crown"'. 'cpa A toast ta the Snnday School Or- t1ef.-SrBcltsUO chestra waa proposed by Mr. C. H. Ë PAGE T13E March Specials To further emphasize our reputation for better merchandise at Iower prices we offer the following extra special values for this weekends selling. 100 Lino Mats in Rose, Blue, Fawn and Green, a regular 15e une, Our Prie 10c Ea. 50 doz. Englizh Bath Towels, woven of soft thick cotton yurn, and very absorbent in Blue or Red etripes, Regular 25e each, Ou rifle 19c Ea. 36 inch Mercerlzed Broadcloth, made frorn fine selected yarDS and bas a fine lustrons finish. A good range of colora to choos. from, Regular Value 89e yard, Our Prie29c Yd. 36 inch Borden's Prints, one of the finest prints made and corne in the new-conventional designs, guaranteed fast colora, in Binem, Rose, Tans, Mauve, Etc., a regular 69e quality, Our Prie39c VISIT OUR SELF SERVICE SECTION You will find it both interesting and profitable. Lingerie Crepes, an extra beavy qnality for Kîmonas, Dresse, Nightgowns, Bloomers, etc., Bine, Pink, Mauve, Mais or White, splendid value at 39c yard, Our Price 19c 50 dozes Misses Silk and Wool Rose that sella regularly at 79e a pair, in plain and fancy designs, sizes 7 to 9 %,1 0wr Price 47c Pr. 25 doz. only-Holeproof Silk and Wool, first quality in Brown and White or Black only, Regular $1.00 hose, siz 8% to 10, Our Prie39c Nelson's Store OF BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES u Il - I Fine Furnishings &Ismu BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Good ClotheW" The Cut Is The Thing That's what counts-you may have wonder- fui material, expert tailoring and fine linings, but if your suit is not eut right it's spoiled -Our de- signers are the very best-they have to be to hold their jobs. When you get a suit here you know it ie eut right and made right-Prices foom $24.00 up Easter is only one rnonth away, better order your suit now. King St. West Bowmanville "Bert" Bell FOR YOU--- Who Demand the Best Our stock of fresh and superior qualty of groceries will appeal to the rnost discrirninating buyer. Long experience enables us to buy in the best markets as well as to the advantage of the custom- ers. No matter how well your cellar is stocked< a few cans of good thingsalaways corne in hancây. There ie no better way to provide for energendeès or running short, because food kept this way neyer spoils. Our canned vegetables and fruits are just like the fresh product. Stock up now for future dernanda. When needing Chin a, Glassware or Crockery rernerber we have the largest stock in town. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowrnanville -4-