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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 4

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VAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th., 1928 AUCTION SALE FREE BREAD BRINGS RESPONSE TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Thursday, March Sth-Durham1 In response to the first of a ser- Returned Misionaries Gave Vivid Coiinty Shortl arn Association wilî îes of four ads in whicb W. P. Cor- Pictures of Conditions ini China. holda cnslnmet sae a Betb~bett, Baker, is offering free bread to Stldae s omnt ale wh e bus those finding the misspelled word in Services in Triniity United Sades 14 fmaes ille ofere17 bfor his. ad, some folks applied at Cor- Church Sunday were of a very inter- sale. Sale at 1 P. rn. Write J. bett's store for the bread less than esting and helpful nature. At the Baker, Hamptan, for catalogue. Geo. twývo bours after The Statesman was morning service, Dr. W. H. Birks, & Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. printed. Thursday afternoon and who has had several years' experience ail day Friday and Saturday Mr. in medical work in China and is now Saturday, March 17th-A commun- Corbett was besieged witb replies to residing in Bowmanville gave a shorti ity sale will bie held in Alan Wil- his advt. Scores of phone caîls address on the poverty existingi liams Furniture Store, King St.,Bow- were also received from rural sub- among the poarer classes in China, nianville, which will include a quan- scribers. A letter was received e7pccially the children, the hard tity of real goad household fuitu Saturday from Collingwood dlaim- work they are subjected ta and alsa Sale at 1 o'clock. Thea. M. Simning one of the much coveted loaves. the heavy burdenw and small psy Auctioneer. Mr. Corbett wvas always a consis- 1 given the aider girls and men. He tent believer in advertising, but he also referred ta the weslthier classes Thursday, March 22nd-Mrs. i,~ more convinced than ever that and their indifference ta the needs of Frank Stonhouse, Hampton, wha bas pol read the advt. in The States- the poor. Bolshevik money had sold bier praperty will selI bier bouse- man. tempted the poor hslf-starved people hald furniture and furnisbings. Sale ______to stir uD rehellion and cause trouble at 1 p. m. Thea. M. Sieman, Auction- among the missionaries sud native eer. -WANTED-A WIFE" Christians. _____i Rev. H. B. Burwell, also a returu- The play "Wanted-A Wife" was1 ed missionary and co-worker witb Dr presented ta a goodly crowd in the Birks in China, spoke from tbe hall at Maple Grave on IFridav ev en- church's standpoint, and asked bas it jg. Each character entered heart- paid ta invest mouey in China? The Decorate rNow 1 ky into his or hier part, thus helping past three or four yesrs has been to nake the entertainraent a succeFs. bard gaing, the Russian mouey coin- Music was provided between acts '"' ing in has doue mucb ta stir up agi- VVHEN YOU CAN GET ýr.P ealanMisMrgrtttan ek ohmiaete Abr.R etaisndss Margaricet ttionadsestjbmltt I Abrnchy ud issEveyn ickll.Christian Chinese, a tbing whicb is aRichard Wilkins, a struggling bank harder to endure than almost any W a lp pe iclerk, finds himiself heir ta n fortunc other insuit. He cited anme -on conditions. He must ind a -wife of icdnt-fplcsa n pepfe AT t meet prcscribed speciffications. He which showed there are true foliow- is invited to a borne 'i money ers of the Christ wha stand firm in Clearance Prices j talks ta miother and daughter, but time of:test:ng. He provedby tbisan Ê goes as chauff eur. He finds N hat le in other ways that missionsry work lu w,,is ooking for, also sends nappiness 1Ciai othwie e . . U ta bis lawyer. The money-seekersj Robins, the Pastor, conducted -the ser- There is no better time ta de- bave to be contented witb a second vice.d corate tban uow. Paperbangers bet lum sm talI the eveniugd Rev. Mr. Robinsd to have stayed just plain andi simple peetdhsfut tr emn are now plentifully available. like you were raised". Cast of char- peetdbsfut tr emn i acters:-Richard Wilkins, Clarence the subject being "Enoch Arden". A At the Big 20 Bookstore yau Hockin; James Flint, bis lawyer, wonderful example of Love from cangetthefiust nd ostex- Stphen Jeffery; Petunia, Vera, Es- wbich he drew veryr practical sud can et te fnestandmostex- ther, girl frien ds of Richard, rLilteonihe'lpful lessons. clusive imported papers at greatly Hockin, Nellie Snowden, Marjorie j At tbe Sunday Scbool session the reduced prices. Stevens; Jane, wbo fulfills can<itioas, Boys' Junior Choir sang a selection Edna Swalloxv; Father, [vison Mun and in the evening Misses Marion Brighten up for the comin e - .ay; Mother ,Annie Laird; Marie, Pickard and Dorothy Plummer andf son! Come in nghse Mrs. Stephen Jeffery; Helen, Mabel Messrs. A. W. Picksrd and S. ýB. Leg-d so! ae n n cooe Stevens; Jack, Elgin Munday; 'Maid, gott sang a plessing duet "Fallowe from tbe colorful new Spriug pat- Wine Lancaster. M1e".S terns just received.I. DURHAM COUNTY BOY SALEM S W -I T _ A llt=- Mr. G. A. Fowke, 243 Dublin St., Sunday Scbool atnd churcb service ýt jBig 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Ont. Do You Care For "Your Eyes" As You Should? 'The oye is the nîast delîcte or-j. gan of the body. It takes a ter- rible toîl for neglect but psy enormous dividends for cane. YOUR CASE IS A SPECIAL ONE For no twa eyes preseut the saine problem ta us. Our Registered Optometrist, R. M. Mitchell is completely equipped ta examine your eyes sfter the Mosti modemn mothods, ta prescrbe the correction sud as ho also isana Opticisu, ta furnish yau with the eusea that will scienticaly cor- rect your faulty vision. "Se. Mitchell and See W.ll", RM. Mitchell & (Jo. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowman ville On t. Phone 92-Nights and Sundays 280 BAND Taylor's Rink Tuesdays, Thorsdays and SatturJiys Guelph. formerly of Hampton, kiud- ly sent The Stateaman somo particu- lars of the celebration of the 8SOth birtbday, by students of the Colle- giate Instituto lu that city, of Mr. James Davison, B.A., Principal, ern eritos, by readingan preitv addross sud presontiug hin i wtb beautiful bouquet of Ophelia roses. lu bis ackuowledgnient sud thsuks Mr. Davison remarked thst of the seven days "of the week the five1 spend lu scbool are the happiest'. Mr. Davison was boru in Port Hope on February 25, 1848, sud Mrs. Davi- son wss a Miss Adams of Port Hope. Ho taught school iu Hope Township sud at Columbus priar ta joiniug the staff of Guelph Collegiate 50 years ago-1878. He was 30 years Prin- cipal. He is the Mathematical jmaster, lu a nicely worded editorisl The Daily M eury says: Mr. Davi- son is one of the best loved teachers in Ontarioansd his pupils regard him as a teacher par excellence. Mr. Davison taught lu Hope when the senior editor of thîs journal taught at Baltimoare in Hamiltan- teadjoining municipality on the east. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Work ou the uew dormitory la go- ing shead ut a rapid pace. This fine fbuilding will ho ready for use by mid- sommer. Miss Mary E. Cherry, Principal ai iWestern Avenue School, Toronto, addressed the regular staff luncheon meeting last Tuesday. Miss Cherry bas devoted ber entire life ta a study of the border-lino mental cases lu the Toronto achools. Her tslk was one of the moat interesting ta date. The Gymnasium la no longer s pipe dream. Announcement wss made Saturday that the Rotary Clubs of lOntaria will defiuitely finance the building of s modern gymnssium sud swimming pool. What is more, it will be built right away, the plan be- iug ta start aperatians early lu the spring sud finish in the fsll. The Howard Ferguson Boy Scout, Troop spent Saturday biking. Under the direction of Assistant Scout Master J. J. Brown, they made s rosI day of it, hiking a good ton miles, stopping ta make numneroos studies sud cooking their meals in the open. The ooting took the form of an ob- servation test. Eacb of the four patrols stayed togetber sud tried to remember aIl the interesting things tbey saw, witbo ut taking notes, of course. On their returu they wrate a short descriptive story of the hike andl hauded it iu. These atories will be read ut the next troop meeting aud each patrol will be awarded points accordiug to the monits. What appeared to he an impossible venture one month ago, bas heen brought ta a succeasful conclusion.' The hockey season is over su the complete schedole of twenty-one games bas reslly been played in spite of the wretched weatber we bave had, particularly for outdoor ice. Play near the end of the scbedule wus rosI good; seldom did more, than twa goals separate the toams at the end of any gume. Had soeof the boys who played s0 well iu the flouse League been oligible ta play on the school team iu the ('hurch League, that team might have made a far different impression. Mfarnons aud Rangera finished the schedule tied for first place. lu the play-off Maroons came from behind after heing held scoreless for the firgt two periodsansd scored the winniug rouI with ouly five seconds ta go. Mfaroons are now champions sud aIl] players an that team will have their nnqms engravod on the Bonnycastle Shield. Final Standing Won Lost N!aroons ............... 8 1 Rangers............... 7 2 Rayers ................ 4 4 Cliders................ 2 6 Nlght Hawks ...........O0 8 HAYDON MÂPLE GROVE Mr. Duncan McNeil suffered a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suider, Eben- stroke on Tuesdsy at tbe home of ezèr, visited Mr. aud Mrs. W. J.- Mrs. Richard McNeil wbere he re- Suowden on Sunday .... Mrs. Albert 11 sides. H. Allun, son Gardon, Kingston Raad, Mr. Alex. McNeil wbile cuttiug East, visited ber sister, Mrs. Chas. wood on Tuesday suffered a severe Hane, on Sunday ...Mrs. Truman accident ta four fingers on bis rigbt Power spent the weekend witb friends baud. in Wbitby. Miss Alice Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mountjay and Courtîce, spent S unday with Miss Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin entertain- Vera Power..... Miss Evelyn Lau- ed a number of friends at their homes caster, Part Granby, Miss Ada Allun, recently.,. Mrs. Wm. Trewin and1 Newcastle, spent the weekend at the bab viite he bothr, ev.Harldformer's sister, Mrs. Ivison Munday Staintan, Courtice... . Our sympatby ....hMisweeke it MssGrTowMndayen is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. John 1teweedwt isGeaMna Martin and famnily in the bereave- j.. . Miss Greta Munday, Maple Grave, ment of their sou-in-law, Mr. H. Wot- spent Monday with Miss Nellie Kirk- ten, wbo passed away at Ebenezer tan.. Services on Sunday were rather last week. ... Several from here at- slimly attended owing ta the indle-1 tended the funeral of the late John ment weater. .. Mr. sud Mrs. N. 1.1 Virtue at Enniskille... . Churcb îast Metcalf entertained about forty ofi Sundsy was in charge of aur pastar, their relatives and frieuds on Monday1 Rev. J. R. Trumpour, wbo spoke on evening. The eveuiug was plessantly1 "Andrew" the foorth disciple ... speut with Lost Heir aud other games1 League Sunday eveniug was in ... .0Our young peuple jourueyed ta charge of aur lst Vice-President.iSlmo usa eeîgadpo Miss Helen Worden. Bible readiug ented terpa Wne ie was road by Mrs. Cowling; devotional 1i hy hv as ccepted an invita-1 by Mr. T. S. Mountjay; topic, Miss tion ta present their playe at Haydonz Mets Ashton; readings by Mr. AveyEee on Friday eveuî ng, M rch r n sud Mrs. Read; sîso a solo by M Eeeiesnsrdy vnng ac Ada Beecb sud a selection by the or- 23rd. ... .Mr. F. R. Foley, St. Cathar-c chestra. . Mr. aud Mrs. Elmer Brsd- ines, visited bis sister, Mrs. J. D.1 b ey visited ber mothor at Orono ... . Stevens. . .. Mr. and Mrs. John Ssnd- 1 Several of the family visited their ers sud the Misses Brimacombe, Bow- mother, Mrs. A. Beech, ut the Gen- manville, were guests of Mr. sud Mrs eralHosita luTorato...Mr.Sud . Snowden ou Saturday evening.v Mrs. Jim Bradley, Enniskiileu, v isit- iThvalsy eertd r.Sues ed st Mr. E. Bradley's. itdY "W'bat Dotb it Profit" at Ebenezer,9 "Wanted A Wif e" by Maple Grave 1 Friday. Marcb 9tb. Young People will be given lu Hsy -___ don Church on Friday, March 9, un-- der auspices of choir. Admission TYON 30e sud 15c. ITRN ENNISKILLEN W. M. S. will hold regular manth- ly meeting in basement of Churcb on Wednesday, March l4th, at 2.30. Program in charge of Mrs. 0. Jef- frey's group. Camne prepsred ta discuss final arrangements witb ex- ecutive for Easter services to be held Suuday sud Monday, April 8 sud 9. .....Don't f orget aur St. Patrick' social evening ou Marcb l6tb lu basement of cburcb. Further par- ticulars later. on account of the iuclemency of the aftr si wting nenas lurOshoa e ýh weather ,as was alothe Y. P. L. a ta vsoe M fis intl Ouhome... meeting in the evening .... Next .ýun-Ga oseMsMyt Bu hm r.day evening the Y. P. tL. meeting wîl gain after spending a few weeks SIbe lu charge of the 2ud Vice, Mr. F. with frieuds in Rochester. ..Cou- reaPney. Missinary topic. Collection gratulations ta Mr. Roy McGiIl on bis lui aid of missions. Eveýyoue wel een arriage....Th eps 1caae. .. .On Monday eei. the Y. sympatby la extended ta Mra. J. W P. . eecuivemetat he omeofVirtue sud family lu the de.sth of Cs P.L ,ctv eta h oeo a loving buaband and father. Mn. tethe 2nd Vice, Mrs. F. Honey, , ite a oeofte lea u itemsga ofcuiness urweasudpeta, emost respected residents of aur vil- and any social hourvwas spotheorluge. The funenal took place from e aes dainluch eo evdby a the...the church ou Monday sud was hostsa ud mcb ujoyd b ail...largely stteuded showiug the bigb os- eGlad ta report Miss Annie Buttery teem lu wbich Iho was held. Inter- iconvalescent aftor an attack of la mont took place in Hampton Cerne- te grippe.. Ms anu were wek nd s-tory. . ...Temperance program Su- rsMiss Glad ys anwr ekn i day morniug was lu charge of Misa 1 tors ut home. 'Mae Lamb. A readiug was given Ili by Miss Myrtlo Brutsud s doot was alHAMPTON nicely sung by Mrs. Rodman sud i-____ Misa Maod Ashton..A good muai- ra Report of Hampton School for cal program was given at League an 'd Februury, names in order of merit: Weduesday night, Fobruary 29tb pro- Clasa IV--Florence Burna H, E. Horn [pared by Milton Stainton. Scripture n H, Fred Holwoll. Sr. 111-Elsie lesson was resd by Miss Muriel SMoore H, Ted Johns H, Elias Green- Moore sud the devotional readiug by away, Morwin Cryderman, Hellen Charlie Stainton. AIl prosont joîn- lKnox, Elwood Sbackeltou. Jr. III ed heartily lu singing favorite bymus. -Austin Barron H, Gardon Phillips A splendid tapic ou "How ta Culti- H, Jackson Wray H, -Bloyd Wilcox, este a tasto for good Music" prepsrod 9Violet Petley, Jean Stainton, Nelson by Mr. Theron Mountjoy, Haydou, Rabbins. Sr. I-l-Jh Virtue, Har- was given by Mrs. O. Jeff ery. Al -old Martin, Hsrry Winterburu, Pearl enjoyed a vocal solo given by Mrs. eCouuaghan, Annie Staintan, Maudy L. Ashton. Mrs. (Rov.) E. M. Counaghsn, Bruce Clarke, Auna Cooke gave an intorestiug paper on Wallace. Jr. Il--Flossie Consg- the lîfe of "Beethoven". Rev. Mr. fhan, Doris Cryderman, Katie Joues. Coake gave s readiug on 'Music sud Sr. I-Betty Knox, Eva Johns, Thel:. Life". There was s good attend- jmu Rabbins, Muriel Scott, Jimmie'sc tLau. Busotobr ~Adamsou, Loua Novick, Bernice Rog-i ed the roda by two. *era, Vers Martin, John Novîck. Jr. I-Walter Holwell, Jack Cowliug, HAMPTON *Ruth Colwill, Jerald Black, Ruby Col-____ will. Sr. Pr.-Gladys Cbapmau, A largo number atteuded the Baud' Isobel Rogers, Jack Joues, Wanda -ýoncert held lu the Sunday Scboai Clarke. Jr. Pr.-Nellie Armaur. raom of the churcb ou Wednosday F. J. Groat, Miss I. Campbell, night. . .. Our Tbauksgiving services touceraon Sunday were well attended. The addressea given by Rev. N. E. Bow- b CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL les, a returned missionary fromt West ______! China, were mucb sppreciated. The Buy Hand-Cuffs For Constable music provided by Salins choir at the eveniug service waa mucb eujoyed *Regular meeting of the counceil also the duot rendored by Mrs. J. was beld March 3rd. Members were Baker sud Mrs. E. Cryderman .. aIl prescrit sud Reeve F. A. Hylaud Young People's meeting Friday ev- 1presided. Minutes of îast meeting ouiug was in charge of the Mission- r were resd sud adopted. ary Group with Miss Sadie Virtue No action was taken about com- presidiug. Bible esson was read by9 muiato from the 0. E. A edl Mrs. Harold Salter. Mr. sud Mrs. 1 munat moule Wilbur, Miss Minnie Horn sud Mr.c ertes applcafio for s rebulit Herb. Stainton favored witb a Mis-h typewriteor Township wark was siouary quartet. Rev. Lloyd, Mis- grauted. isionsry on furlough from Chissamba,a Clerk was instmucted ta purchase West Africa, gave s lecture illustrat-e hand-cuffs for Constable Thompson. ed by lanteru alides on the work theb Cooncil will purchase three drags. United Chomch Missions are doing inf Orders were signed as follows: that district. The alides were all J. G. Marlow, roada........ $ 13.95 made from pictoros taken by Mr. S. Malcolm, Sec.-Treas. S. S. Lloyd sud were bath interesting sud No. 7................... 300.00 instructive. Meeting cbosed with W. G. Philp, Sec.-Tress. S. à. lizpah Benediction... .Mr. sud Mrs.a No. 6 .............300.00) W. H. Argue sud Miss Helen, ýBow-1 J. W. Hooey, Sý'c'-Tr'ea.*S.s. mauville, visited at Mm. J. J. Virtue's.a No. 1................... 300,00 ..Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Cryderman, D. Johns, 1 cord waad, dry . . 16.00o Bowmunvillo, visited at Mr. L. Cmy-i R Neshitt, 2 cord wood, green 26.00 dei-mau's...Mr. sud Mrs. Johnj A. Brown, refond dog tax. -.. 4.00) Baker, Misses Helen, Murmel sud W. D. Ferguson, collectar. .. 112.40 Kathleen, Misa Evelyn Tink, Salins,a Receipts Mm. sud Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Zion, t J. Wright, mixer eut 1927. .$ 15.50 were Sunday guesta at Mr. L. T. Pas- _____coe 's ...Our Young People expect ta visit Blackstack Young People's You've resd s lot about the Lady Society on Wednesdsy eveuiug, Minstrls-ow sec them Friday March 14th ...Miss Margaret Mc- nirht.1 Kessock, Oshawa, Miss Ruth McKeS- During the past week Bowrnville sock, Salins, visited their grand-L sud Oshawa junior hockey teants mother, Mrs. Thos. Pascoe..Miss have plye three tie gamtes. Looks Rota Kerslske continues quite poarly. us if neither tesm bas the hesrt ta .... Mr. andb Mm. L. T. Pascoe enter- D defeat the other. tained s number of frieuda ta tes on Eý His many frieuda will be pleasedi Mouday eveniug.A ta heur that Mr. W. H. Pearu, QueenI Don't miss the annual St. Patrick v St., who ecently uudorwent au aper- concert under auspices of Hamptoný$ ation lu Western Hospital, Tarante, Wornen's Institute on Friday even-.h mimproving nicoly. ing, March 16th lu the Sunday Scbool E Mm. William Pollock, Kenmay, Room. Literary selectiaus by Mrs. tc Man., viaited bis aId frieud, Mn. Thos. W. Adams, Bowmanville, Miss Mar- le Jackson, ou Fridsy. Mn. Pollock ils gamet Scatt, Salins; vocal solos by J. one of the 65 Canadisu farinera who Mn. A. E. Hircock, Bowmianvi]le; w are returuing fnom s twa months' orchestra sellections by Messrs. T. C. trip ta Europe where tbey visited the OIson, Toronto, Oscar Jamiesan, Y, British Isbas, France sud Deumark, 13owmanville, C. H. Wallace and e2 mskiug s study of marketing candi- Violet Horn, Hampton. Admission 1 v tions aud gatheriug information. 25c, children Il 10-21j A' SOLINA Visitors: Mr. George Awde, Dray- tan, Miss Ada Psscoe, Toronto, at Mr. H. G. Psscae's; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson and Dorathy, Colum- bus, at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Helen, Muriel sud Kathleen and Miss Evelyn Tink, at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's, Hampton; Misses Margaret and Ruth McKessock at Mrs Thomas Pascoe's, Hamptan; Mr. Livingstone Miller witb Newburg friends; Mr. J. J. Brown at Mr. W Browu's, Pontypool; Misà Elva Pascoe witb Oshawa friends; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Mr .and Mrs. Fred Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Osbawa, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mrs. A. W. Gibbons, Toronto, visited her father, Mr. H. Argue, who con- tinues quite poarly; Miss Nora Wer- ry, Kedron ,at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. Nelson Chapin, Toronta, at Mr. H. Argue's; Mr. and Mrs. George Bickell, Bowmanville, Mrs. Frank Goard and Miss Phyllis, Edmonton, Alta., at Mr. John Kivell's; Mrs. Harvey Hardy and Russell at Mr. Everett Hoar's, Bowmsnville; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink at Mr. Ern- est Webber's, Columbus; League meeting Monday evening in charge of the ist Vice-President, Mrs. Isaac Hiardy, was very well attended. Bible lesson by Roscoe Baker; devotional period by Miss Evelyn Tink; topic on "Social Standards and Ideals" was well taken by Rev. J. R. Bick. Raill Cail was snswered witb a verse of scripture. A chorus by the C.G.I.T. group and a contest brougbt the en- joyable meeting to a close. NESTLETON Watch for further advt of the drama entitled "The Mystery of thei Mrs. A. H. Vealo is visiting ber Third Gable" to be given iu the near daughter Ruby, sud frieuds in Tor- future. auto. . Mrs. W. Wauuacott, Lambeth, W. M. S. beld an open meeting on aud friend visited ber sister Mrs. March lst witb Presideut, Mrs. L. J. D. G. Johns..Mr. R. H. Sýuggitt Goodman in the chair. Proam attended tbe Prohibition Union in was prepsred by Mrs. James Dudley's Toronutoansd reports a very enthus-1 graup. Chap. 3 of study book wa iastic sud iuterostiug meeting sud dealt with by Mrs. Sid T. Hoar; pianol wondered why the press did not give solo by Miss K. McCullough; recita-1 fuller reports... .Mrs. Allan Gardon tionEdna amero; Grace Mis is in Toronto for a few woeks. Miss Evelyn Breut; dialogue by sucead Jni sloigatrtehm n Donald McColl aud Adelaide Aunis; family in ber absence.... Our boys reading by Mrs. John Huis; piano i went ta Blsckstack Thursday evon- duet by Misses Mary Brightwell sud îng of last week sud played s friendly IMae Brent; solo, Mrs. Goodman; e game of hockey with the sports of cittio, Jck rim. ollwin re- that borg. Score 3-2 in favor of program the first of a series of so- pîayr. Th eur am & cial teas, one of whicb will he beld paed ou Nostleton ice on Mondsy.1 each quarter. Attendance wa Nestleton boys wore again the top good..The Y. P. L. wss in chargE' dogs. Score 8-0...The ladies of of 4th Vice, Miss Margaret Moore. the Women's Instituto are practiciug The opie"Socal tandrds nds play entitled "The Strike of the Ideals" was prepared by Miss Toua Lde'Ad n xett u to Ferguson sud read by Miss Viola in Foresters' Hall on Friday evening Shortt; reading "I Prayed" by Miss ««'Tecatthoe of Mr.td Cursh L. Burgess; vocal duet, Miss Renspatcda h om fM.adNr Farrel su MissKatheen.MCu.- Williams and after prsctice Farrll nd issKatlee Meul-enjo yed s very sociable time. lough. Meeting closed with the Week evening meeting ]sat Thora- Mizpab Benediction ...Rev. J. R. dyl hrea rsdn.Lsn Trunipour preacbed another splendid was read by Mr. Leonard Joblin;! sermon Sunday morniug on the apoat- tpcb a lc;raigb r le "ndrw". Thochor frnhedR. W. Jackson; duet by Misses I_ Job-'i gnod music. Mr. and Mrs. John H. lin sud M. Malcolm. Meeting closed MNutton were called to Chatham last with League benediction... . Sunday week owing ta the illnoss sud deatb School last Suuday but no preaching of bis sister, Mrs. Grandy, who passed ; service owing ta the severe storm away on Tbursday. The community' r ee rgtwsl ida extends sincere syinpaty... .Mr. W. anZiieM.Ade MGI h Staples, Miss F. Virtue, Mr. sud Mrs i, ill there. Wm. Virtue attended the funeral of Mr. John W Virtue at Enniakillen on Mouday. Mr. sud Mrs. T. Findley, Thoruhill, visited at Mr. Ed. Virtue's, Mrs. Findley romsining with ber mother who continues soriously ill. Sorry ta repart Mr. Everett Virtue report Mr. Willis Stewart sble ta be H a n y R around again witb the use of bis cane ..Mrs. L. J. Goodman sud Fred,' visited with frienda lu Oshawa .... Mr. Floyd Dudley spent Sunday at home. Mr. Don Davey,, Oshswa, Lots of times you wo visited ut Mr. C. D. Hodgson's.-.. i and don't know where tc Miss Florence Gardiner visited wlth friends in Toronto. Shop. I can repair aIrmc COURTICEBicycles- Miss Lyls Osborne, Tarante, was home aven the weekend. . .. Mr. sud Mms. Jack Brooks sud Miss Birdie Fallis, Oshawa, were guests of Mn. sud Mrs. Keunetb Courtîce on Sun- day. Mrs. Everett Walters spent Suuday in Taranto.. . Mr. W. R. Courtice was lu Toronto Thursday sud Friday attendiug the Prohibition Convention. .. . Thursday evening lu the Young People's meeting Rev. Mn. Lloyd again sddressed the young people uaing lantemu slides wbich was -ujoyod by aIll...Our cammunity waa saddeued st week by the desth af Mr. Herman Wotten who bas been coufiued ta bis bed for sometirne with heurt trouble. Mr. Wotteu -'as highly respecte(] sud ho wss chose. as one of the Courtiers lu the Oper-1 etta "Belles of Fol-cie-mol" sud had1 been ta practise just once. At thej funeral on Fridsy afteruoon the!i paîl-bearers wero the other courtiers in the play. Mm. Frank Walter, MmI. Keuneth Caurtice, Mm. Young, Mr. Art. Found, Mn. Cedric Parsousi and Mn. James Haucack. Miss Fran- cia Hsucock sang s solo vemy uicely, at the service held lu the church. We extend aur heamt-felt syuîpathy ta Mrs. Wotten sud lbar little daughter in their sad bemoavement. . .. Suuday services wero fairly well attendecl although the weatber was noojgb. At j the Sunday Scbool session .un the Ftf- temnoou a quartet was nicely sung l 1 Mm. ('lamenco Peufound and] three j members of bis z-lass. Mm. Jas. Han- cock, Mn. Alex. Sumpsou sud Mm. Glordon Osborne, anather momuber ac- companying on the pis'mo). Epworth Leaguers are holding a banquet ou Wodnesday oveniug, March i4th .. We cougmatulate Miss Margaret Aber- >iethy ou passiug lhem Intermediate exam in vocal witq hma,urg. 'INi s Abernethy already bas bien A.T.C.M. n piano sud she býas passed aIll ber vocal exarna with honours 'vbich poaks well for hiem toacher as tvell as hersoîf. She is n pupil of Mrs. Eleauom J. fBale, Oshawa .. .. Pleased to note that Mn. Jas. Shortt is recav- 'ring fram bis accident... . Mrs. A. J.Gay entertainel bier cousins st week. "«What doth it Profit" hv Salins Young People wiIllho given at Eben- ezer, F'riday, March 9., at S p. mn.. inder auspices of Sushine Class. Admission 35c sud 15c. Dillick's Week-End Specials Ladies' Ail WooI Sweater Coata, Spocual 82-98 Ladies' Corsets, fine uzake, Ladies' SiIk and Wool Bis6, Speosal 739c Men's Worsted Hase, al colora, Special 45c Men's Work Trousers, will stand lots of hard wear, Special $1.49 Men's Black or Blue Overalla heavy weight, Special $1.49 Men's Fleece Lined UnIeriear, beavy weigbt. Special 69e A. DILLICK King and Division St. Bowmanville Ont. B,9 c toi rd W CAIkMdmÀ Comtaining Buttermilk sa" rick in the vitamin lades m.teral. sugar of Honey Locust (St. John's Bread.) Is now manufactured by a mew and special proceas te make available a&H the nouriahuina this wouder mash. (~ FF PROMOTES Rapid Gr.wth. Rugied H.alth. Etrymuluoity. SoId and recomme,,dod &y W. E. TODD Liberty St, Bowmanville Bpair Shop 7ant something repaired otake it-bring it to my ost anything, including: Machinery Toola Lathe Work Phonographa Washing Machine« Motorcycles Sweeperis Vacuum Cleaners Radios Guns OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Latest equipment, work guaranteed, reasonable prices. Batteries Charged-called for and de- livered. Agent for Fada and Westinghouse Radios HARRY C. ALUIN 1* 4 -~ CAL VANIZED WARE We are making a special showing of Gai- vanized Ware including a varied assortment of GARBAGE CANS-TUJBS-PAILS-BUSHEL BASKETS, ETC., ETC. Milk and Strainer Paila in Tinware No.Buckl. T.aM 1% Inch Harnes, Brltching and Dsok pid, complots, wlthout collare, 874.50, Going At 864.50. MASO N & DALE Phono 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanvlle 7 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH Sth., 1928 1 vqq witbdrqwn nn l;lindýv %fternný,n Phones. Shop 337; House 575. Kins St. W. Bowmanele

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