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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 6

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PAGE 811 TuE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH Sth., 1928 Will A Fire Find You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on? If you have, better protect yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous. A bad fire caused heavy loss in Hampton this month. ý W uies will be glad to advise you. That's u HAPPY AND PROSPEROU$ NEW YEAR TO ALL J. J. MASON & Sý.)ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokersj Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Infant Care No mother in this enligbtened age1 woutd give ber baby samething se( did net knaw was perfectly haranlesa and reliable, especially when a fewt draps of plain Castoria will rigbt a1 baby's stomach and end almost anyi lttle ilI througbout the systeni. Fret- fulness and fever, taa; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seenis just what is needed. It does aIl that castor ail migbt accomplish, and withont shock ta the system. Witbant the evi' taste. Castaria is delicions! Your own tangue will tel] you why "Child- ren Cry for It". Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's the teast sign of colic; con- stipation; diarrhea. Or whenever there's need ta aid saund, natural sleep. Only anc word of warning: the ahove is true of genuine Castorîa.* Fletcher's is the original. Other preparatians rnay or may net be as pure, as free froni a single doubtful drug. Physicians tell parents ta get Fletcher's Castoria, and no child of this writer's is going ta test any other kind. MIl save a dime same other way. *SPECIAL NOTE: With every bottle of genuine Ftetcher's Castorial is wrapped a book an "Care and Feed- ing of Bab ies" worth its weight .in gold ta every mother or prospective m other. Children Cry for FOR.. NI ASPIRIN Proved safe bv millions and orescribed by physicians for Neuralgia Colds Neurîtis Lumbago H eadache Pain Toothache Rheumatismi DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART e ~ Accep onlv "Bayer package xvhich contains provem.,Irc!fS IJandv ' Baviýr" ijîxe of 12 labltets Aisa hottios il 24 auit Ilil--ruiggists. Aupiin l th le traIe mark regirti rridlniiCalmIA, f Bayer ManficeedaurarSlclc i ,ctl aiyl rd A .A" . O t11 - 1k. *a't Aup irin means Bayer manufacure,. b a-I t the pulic agaloat iriiitatn6[lte Tablta dBaae il-puaqviibo tam.4 thhUer geutral tuile mark [the "Bojer Oeo." SHAW'S SCHOOL February Repart in arder of merit. Sr. IV-Newton Ashton 73,, Gar- nett Rickard 68. Sr. III-Mary Ctemence 78, Annie Allin 78. Jr. III-Altin Rowe 72, Thorntan Anderson 67, Jean Clemence 71, Ormsby Andersan. Sr. II-Heten Rickard 81, Roy Ashton 77, Ruth Cobbledick 57. Jr. II-Murray Wight 68. Sr. I-Pearl Hinds, Etfard Cobble- dick. Sr. Pr.-Brenton Rickard, Harold Croak. Jr. Pr.-Gordon Allin. Figures stand for per cent. Wm. L. Lycett, teacher. DARLINGTON Report af S. S. No. 3 for February: Sr. 1V-Lewis Rundle 65, Bob Fînnîgan 64, tEthet Hopps 58, tFreda Attree 50, tDorothy Rundle 49. Sr. II-Bsi Blackburn 84, *Florence Fotey 77, tEiteen Morp- by 55. Jr. III-*Winnie Gibsan 86, tJack Finnigan 57, tKenneth Flint 39, tEditb Daîziel 30. Sr, II-*Annie Kusb 83, Wilbur Bl3ackburn 74, Hazel Happs 72, tAloysius Kush 58. J.I-*Grace Trull 83, tBobbie Gibson 55, tEunice Lane 34.- Sr. I-Maurice Morphy 72. Jr. JI5 Hazel Truil and Vera Gib- son 91, (equal), *Helen Rundie 81, *Sammy CanCamp 79, *Douglas Hopps 75, Hazel Roberts 60, tBer- nice Roberts 57 Pr.-Louise Foley. '-Honors; t-Failure (belaw 60% on total.) Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. A Shamrock Social, in aid of the J. R. Cross witl be beld in Base Line School, Friday evening, Marcb l6tbi at 8 P. M. Refreshments. Admission 20c; Public Scbooi ciidren free. EBENEZER Regular meeting of the Women's Missianary Society was hetd an Thursday, Marcb ist, at the home of .Mrs. W. H. NichaIs. Meeting was in charge of Mrs. NichaIs and ber group and the cauntry ta be studied was Africa. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. F. W. Rundle, in the chair. Following a short deva- tianal period, consisting of Bible reading and prayer, an excellent pro- gram was enjoyed by ail. The speaker for the afternoon was Rev. Mr. Lloyd, a missionary on furlaugh from bis mission work in Africa. He gave a very interesting tatk on that country and bis wark there. It was especially interesting, since Africa is one of the cauntries of wbich we do nat hear sa much of. The remaind- er of the program consisted of an instrumental duet by Miss Margaret Abernetby and Mrs. W. R. Courtice and vocal salas by Miss Margaret Ab- Men, Women, Children by thausanads, use Mm. Sybitla Spahrs Tonsilitis for Head Cotds, Catarrh, Branchial Asthma, . Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Quinsy, Sore Throat and Tansil troubles. Try, ita guar- anteed. 9-2 Wheu Sourness, Pain and Bloating Follow Every Meal Make This Simple Test For 1j Swift and Sure Relief To quickty prove 90 per cent of Stomach distress is absolutely un- necessary and that you cala eat and enjay moit an yfaod you really want -get fram your druggist same Bis- urated Magnesia (pawder or tablets) and take a little af ter your next meat. This is a simple, inexpensive test that can be depended lapon ta prove its value in less than five minutes. In c mast instances, retief cames instant- ty i Bisurated Magnesia is a pleasant,1 harmless, nan-laxative forni of otdz fashianed Magnesia that, when takeni after meals, cleanses, sweetens and neutralizes the dangeraus acids thatc cause most stomacb troubles. Onet day's trial will convince you-ask your druggist for Bisurated Magnesia1 today. LESSON o.~9 Question: V<b',y s C' 'sified cadIit"rr, -,!sc-,w.-- d1 rful ao.a -Jr>nC î,ý young girls and ~.oe Ànswer: cas abounds in nouris-hing fzr- tors that arc particula.-1j beneficial to peop( prone to anemnia and Gther coni- jditionsduelo malnutrition. tKeep your systemn vitamîin- nouished- take SCOTT'S EMULS'liOi shall. This completed a real good I 1 11 social time, with refreshments servedME by the ladies of the graup in charge. n u Mrs. Nichais and ber daughter, Mrs F I U C G Snider, proved ta be very genial hast- OF M D L G esses ta one and ail who were present. Mrs. Wilson's Experience a STARKVILLE Guide to Women Passing March came in with bluster, so we through the Change of Life wili be looking forward ta its lamb tike behaviaur befare long..The Hamilton, Ontar0. -"Il have taken roads have been fine for getting aut several bot;tJe8 of Lydia E. Pinkham 's wood, attending parties, etc ... egetbe UComn- Congratulations are the corder of the V pound and 1 can- day in these parts. The stork bas e nat speak toa made several trips in this vicinity highly of it as 1 tately gladdening the homes af Mr. ivasat the Change and Mrs. Wiifred McKay with a boun- of Lif and a cing baby bay;.Mr. and Mrs. Stanley a d n appnde Jones with a fine yaung daughter; 1 a eywa and a lovely baby girl at Mr. andIW8veywa Mrs.Clin Bron's.Pleaed t seeand aick, and the Mrs.Clin Brwn's . Peasd toseepains in mv back Mrs. Savery out again after her re- e s cent ilness. . . Mrs. H. 'B. Gilmer1 couldhardlyrnove. fell and broke ber left arm. Gtad she I got very sad at is doing nicely.. . Mrs. John McKay timeài and thon ht 1 ha.d fot a friend bas returned home after spending onl earth. 1 did not carie if I lived or considerable time with bier daughter, died. I waa very nervaus, toc, and Mrs. Robt. Robinson, wha has been did not go out very much. A friend il. . .. Mrs. Robt. Robinson and sans advised me to try a botuleof Lydia E. are isiingfriends in Torontac....... Pinkham'a Vegeabli Compound, s0 are vsitin .. 1 did. I arn a farmer'a wîfe, and al- Mrs. Robt. Reid is in tbe city visiting ways worked bard until lately. and bier son. We tearn with regret ta was in bed for two manthe. 1 began sbe is not very wel .... Miss Pearl ta feel like a new woman after the Stone and Miss Ada Faits have been first hottie and 1 recommend it with nursing bad colds but are able to be oreat auccessaaie Lydia E. Pink- out again.. Miss Hazel Reid and AI- tam'a Liver IPiii. I amn willing ta lin Haw have been home from Orona answer tetters frorn women ask îng High Schaol with meastes. Our about yaur miedicines, as 1 cannat esteemed teacher, Miss Dickinsan, Feak toa, highiy of them."-Mrs. spent the weekend at her home at MMA WUMSN, 471 Wilson Street, Zion. .Mr. Delbert Hallowell, Tor- Hamilton, Ontario. onto, spent the weekend with bis par- Soid by druggiata everywbere. c~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hallawell.. . . Mr. Wiifred McKay bas sold bis - comfortable home and farm to Mr. George Skelding of Orono, wbo takes friends Tell !nends pogsession April ls..... We under- stand Mr. Allun Brown bas leased the 7I Mrs. Chas. Rutherford farm, fifthZ U T 0 0 in i atndnc tee eigover; tp M a a h 80 present iast meeting. The addressi S o sM a ch ,was given by aur eteenied friend,1 live years &&o ZUTOO was xuacticafly Mr. John Stewart. His remarks were înk-now:i In (Canada. gr.ud and of great benefit. Great in-, ro-daY, thousanda a&M thousande cf men terest sq bein- manifest in our "Cir- nd womendepend on thcm ittie harià- cie" which intends holding a banquet ieitablettfor qulck relief from Hi.d- in the near future ..Mr. Llew Hl- ai chCL lowel, ickrin. senttheweeknd rhTieir farne hm. gone from friend to iowellPickerig. spfn the d-frooe town :0 town--from <n~t at bis father's, Mr. S. G. Haiiowelltl cat .On Saturdav Mr. Sulas Hollawelt 's Wh.revert here am headacbea, thmv. bouse c-turbt firse. The alarri was abuld b. ZUTOO TaMbea-tIe ie.îve given hy generai cati on the tele- ha20 lintg. 25C a OZ-e &I 11 rr phone and goon over 50 helpers suc- «bvmafnea id. I. N keoenb.,u à rep.ded in savýnz the bouse but flot eà. kagd "a,"ek.Q. until conqiderable damage was dane. Every thing was carried out of the bouse but witing wo'rkers succeeded ;, 'v,i the bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Ilallowoll and family are very grate- Ç e d fuI to ail wbo belred tbem Fire started from an over heated chimney - R elief .... Mr. Witi;e Robinson is around ,itain ift-r lYs recnnt iilness ... lcieTeoa"1 OLAt Mfrs.. R. N. SmUth iR verv ilI witb CHTis W1ENTR£TZO WfflTWAI pneumonýa in Port Hope Hospital. woetDmoeu»v mracTiva SP4G00LD Cive us a man, young or old, bighgo or low. on whom we cei thoroughly depend. wlin witt stand flrm wben le* others fail-the friend faithful and 0,rO o)LV fO TAO true. the advi',pr bonest and fearles1'ACT the adversary just and chivaîrous; i 0F 18E EYR sucb a one' there is a fragment of the Rock of Ages. ORONO (PFrom The News of March 13t) Mr. Rege Sutton bas been laid up with eczema. Mr. Arthur Bell was home at Mrs. Milton Stapieton's recently. Mr. Kcnnetb H'aw and lady friend, Taronto, spent Sunday at bis annt's, Mrs. Frank Peate. Kirby softbail team propose hold- ing a basket social in tbe schaat, on Saturday, March 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton and family were entertained at dinner, Sunday, at Mr. A. J. Staples'. The C. G. I. T. members beld a successful toboggan party on Cobb Hill, Tuesday evening, with suypper after at the cburcb. Corna crippte the feet and make walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holaoway's Corn Re- mover is within reacb af alI. Road Superintendent, Mr. John Henry attended the annuai Conven- tion of County and Township Road Superintendents in Taronto. Mr. Andy Morraw, Kirby, was called ta Hamiton iast week, ow- ing ta the seriaus itîness of bis daughter, Arvilta, Mrs. Roy Bryson. A bale of ctothing valued at about $175.00 was shipped by Orono Women's Institute in response ta an appeat from Haliburton scboot cbild- ren. Mothers ean easily know wben their cbiidren are troubled witb worms, and they lose no time in apptying a re- liabie remedy--Motber Graves' Worm Exterminatar. The M. O. H. for Clarke Township reports 14 cases of contagious dis- ease tbrougbout the Townsip-5 cases of whooping cougb, 7 cases of measies, 1 of mnumps and 1 of chicken pax. Dr. and Mrs. George Gilfiltan of Toronto, with bis mother, Mrs. GitÎ1- fillan, Bowmanvilie, and Mr. James and Miss Viola Giifittan, Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and MNrs. J. J. Giifillan. Mr. Harry Mercer bad tbe liga- ments of bis rigbt hand severed when he was thrown against the 1windshield as bis car smiasbed into the engine of a freigbt train on the Main Street crossing. Mr. George Skelding who sold bis farmn in the Clarke Union section ta IMr. Robert Rainey bas since bought the Wilfrid McKay farm, 100 acres, soutb of Carson's Corners on the Nevtonvilte-Kendal road. An Oil that is Prized Everywhere. -Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oit was put upon the market without any fiourish over fifty years ago. It was put up ta meet the wants of a smatt sectian, but as soon as its merits became known it bad a wbale continent for a fleld, and it is now knawn and prized throughout tbis continent. There is nothing equal ta it. A choral ctass ta be known as Or- one Community Choral Society, bas elec'ted the fotlawing oficers: Presi- dent-M. H. Stapics; Vice-President -Miss Buchanan; Secretary-Treas- urer (pro tem)-Mrs. O. W. Rolph. The indicatians of warms are rest- lessness, grinding of the teeth, pick- ing of the nase, extreme peevishness, often convulsions. Under these conditions ane of the best remedies that can be got is Miller's Worm Powders. « They wiIl attack tbe worms as soon as administered -and they pass away in the evacuationa. The little sufferer will be immediate- iy eased and a return of the attack wviit not be likely. Mr. John Buckley wba is anc of the oldest residents of Durham County, being now in bis 92nd year, is ilI at bis daugbter's. Mrs. Harvey Curtis, with a severe attack of shing- tes. Mr. Buckley bas been a resi- dent of Clarke Township for over fifty years. An Oit For AI) Men.-The sailar, the soldier, the fisherinan, tbe luni- berman, the out-door laborer and att who are exposed ta injury and the elements wilt find in Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oi la true and faithful friend. Ta ease pain, relieve colds, dresis -vounds, subdue lumbago and cver- came rbeumatism, it is excellent. Therefore, it shauld have a place in att home inedicines and be amongst those taken on a jaurney. John Scott, Toronto, wbo died in bis 87th year, was born in Yorkshire and came ta Canada 47 years aga. He resided in Orano for years and had been in Taronta aver 40 years. He was a skilled oabinet maker. Sur- viving are a son, George Scott and brother, Jabez V. Scott, bath of Tor- onto. The social evening in the Town Hall, Tuesday, under the auspices of the Memorial Park management, was. The "Mother and Daughter' Banquet under C.G.I.T. auspices was a conspicuous success regardless of weather conditions. Over one hun- dred sat down ta be'autifulty decorat- ed tables and partaak of a beautiful and nicely served banquet. The spe- ciat speakers, Mrs. Charles Wight, Bowmanviite, and Miss K. Vokes. Oshawa, were greatty enjoyed. The soloist. Mrs. Hurlburt of Newcastle, sang beautifuliy, and special men- tion must be made of the girls in their maiden speeches, and their Musical numbers. Very much credit must be given the C.G.I.T. members for the planning and execution of such an enjoyable evening. A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. J. D. Keltogg's Asthma Remedy bas neyer been advertised by extravagant statements. Its dlaims are conser- vative indeed, when judged by the benefits which it perfarms. Expect real relief and permanent benefits when you buy this reînedy and you will nat bave cause for disappoint- ment. It gives permanent relief in many cases where other s0 called remedies have utterly failed. W. guarantee every pound of "1SALADA" 'Tea W@ sli-that it Is fresh, deliclous and full welght et pure, fine quallty tea. If you are flot satlsfied, full purchase prIce wlll b. refunded. Sold by al grocers. 75c ta 51.05 per pound. "1SALADA"11 . TEA- BRINGING THE LOAF WITH THE BEST- LIKED FLAVOR- When you see our dellvery men serving the homes of so many of your neighbors, it is evidence of the widespread appreciation of the better flavor of our bread. The thin tempting tasty crust is just right-every time. The creamy flavor is so good that our Bread, spread with good butter or jam, is ail you need for a delightful treat. As toast, it is simply "scruxnp- tious". The ]Bowmanville Bakery IlSuccessors to Christie's Bakery omnil Syrup Season- Crown Brand 2.1b tins 2 o27 c CornSyrup 2.5.b. n pail 33e Lyle's Q 1-1b.cLarge f Golden Syrup 1t i 5c Maple Syrup Bttle59C Lenten Macaroni or Ibo.21 Suggestions Spaghetti 32[ o stores arc com- Frest quality foods. and ,.. New 27%î. car, help you soV l oae at - - - 9 i those perplext Ob. pr o atrPat 9 i Iem durirt Lent.P Sardines Norveigau in Olive Oil 2 tins 25e Go to your nearest Fancy Japanese Crabmeat - tin 35e Dom.ninon Store anrd Chateau Cheese Il oreds or ditesIb. 37e inspet Our stock. Our Sal o 1* b 5 hoc oo rb 1 prices arc cotsstently a o uF.t'.,.l.4 c (-c oo LOW. l Heinz Spaghetti ssmaîIi12e M4edis. i17c 15 I-0z. plt. rb Funest Srnyrna c Rcalsifls s-ed or 2. for 29c iTable Figs 151lb Crispo Ubby's Fig Bars Toilet Paper Sauerkraut 2 Ib. 35 Verthig 6 oua 9c 15c tutu 2 35 Veythig 6rolll9c Crabapple Fancy Blue Rose Navy Tissue 3 rola 21c Jelly ,.-21 c Rice 3 ib.. 25c __________ lr' SeVictory " TAST Y"IrWrapped TomILto 2Cd Reliah23 Jar Bread C Domino Tea Victory M . f.-t-J. 2 d n.. 7-d19 1014a l Dihuttuui ,. W.Pp., VF.11t Se-S.th Pickles 40c po : A-b pa 5 Christie's Hawes Heinz Saltaa Lermon Oil 23cie Baked "'Sunlight or Abr 2Beans ]Biscuits Surprise Soap 4 -t 2cMedium Sise 3 c ~Princes1.S 31b. SoapsiFlakes 22e Un e~20C r Aviation Gasoline The gas that helps you to a quick start during cold weather. A trial will convince you. Batteries Cbarged Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville 'i TIIE CANADIAN bTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAYi MARCH 8th., 1928 PAGE 811 jL,ý,,ý a .ra Iga

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