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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURS'DAY, MAROR 22nd., 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ]Ronor graduato in Dentiotry Torontc University. Graduate of the RoYai College of Dental Surgeons of On- t&Èo. Office King St., Bowmanvifle Office phone 40. Rouie phone 22 X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow. manville. office hours 9 a. m. toE p. m. daily except Sunday. PhonE 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni versity and member of Royal CoIlegE qf Dental Surgeons. Licensed tc gractise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail itô bran.ches. Office-Xing St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bownianville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Smceessor t. lste D. B. Simpues,,LC. Berriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone. 91 Bowmânville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bondi for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bownianville, Ontario. Phonos: Office 102. Rouie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. AI Complote Motos o: Hlorse Equipment cli es promptly Ilattended tW. 10 and 34 Branch Storo- * Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Drector. Calls given prompt and personal ut- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- Mm1e, Ont. -tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former rosidence on Churcb Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL Mâ.O., Ch.U., F.R.C.8., (2dln), D.P.M. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowmunville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Houri: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108 Office- Wellington Street jBowmanvilJe, Ontario. VETERINARY DR. F. 'R'. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night cali promptîy attended to. Oilice: King St. Eaet, Bowman ville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono flonor Graduate of University of Toronto. AlI cises given prompt and careful attention. Off'ce- Dr. McEîroy'à former office. Phonei: Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farin and Bouse Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRU(.iLRSS' THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY THE EDITOR TALICS GETTING INTO PRINT TRAVELLERS' AID WORK God bas certainly* been with me. 1I And I do ask for your prayers that Students of languages find the Eng- SmalI-town folks don't really know Substance of au Address DelIw.red by 11 mmy be kept very humble and obe- to lish language very difficuit to learn how lucky they are. To get yor Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, at dlient to the every day caiii that may al because of s0 mmny of our words hav- namne in a big city paper, you have Alhambra United Church Ladies' I corne to me in this work. l- ing different shades of meaning and to get sbot up by a bandit, knocked Aid Luncheon Last summer it was my privilege t,o ,-so many words of sirilar meaning flat as a pancake by a fiiv'ver, marry tk he ek'hlaawt ~. bouh o enirey dffeentfoi- a movie star or be ieft a legacy of Mia E. M. Werry l a Darlington friends at Staten Island, New York. synonyma. Their direct opposites, $50,000. Getting your naine in a girl, dughter of tbe late Mr. and 1 bad planned to make the whole whicb contain ideas contrasted with country paper is a "cincbh". Alil you Mns. Peter Werry, Tyrone, who is a, trip by day, therefore it was noces- the others, are called antonyrna. The have to do is bave some out-of-town most efficient and valued member ofi sary for me to reomain over night at Englisb language is far richer than person in for dinner, go away fromt the Travellera' Aid in Toronto, andiNiagara Falls going, and at Albany Stbe Frencb, for instance, in synonymi one train to tbe next, bave a baby gives Statesman readers the fOllOw- returning. I bail written the Sand antonyrna. Here are a f ew at your bouse, buy a purebred roo- ing exceedingly informative and in- Travellers' Aidi at botb places and 6 simple words of similar meaning, but ster, play as a "subi' for the bockey tcresting narrative of ber presenit secured suitable homes in wbich to e of different form, to illustrate. team or build an addition to your services to travellers: stay. Able-strong, powerful, muscular,1 back woodsbed. Again we say: You have al heard the story of Wben I reached Niagara on my stalwart, vigorous, athletic, robust, "Small town f olks don't really know Mary. No flot the Mary with the homeward wmy 1 found the boat that brawny, skilful, adroit, comptent,j how i ucky they are". littele lamb. She's not the one I am 1bad purposed taking for Toronto efficient, capable, clever, talentod, ___ going to teli you abolit. This Mary b ad gone and it was necessary for me le gifted, qualified, teiling, effective, - ad a mother, a daddy, a kitten and t, remain until rnorning. Passing tofitted. d j AN UNMITIGATED NUISANCE a, on ihafrpae nfot along the platformn witb a suit case Badevi, of this loveiy fireplace wms a amal l in eacb band, I was stopped by twc ,ious, unwbolesome, poor, distressing. The public spirited citizen wbo setâs aol n t hs1atcua tm omen, one mucb older than tbe -: Care--anxiety, concern, solcitude, o ut to perforni some civic service! Mary was sitting on it with ber snow-- other. Tbe older one said "Have heed, charge, watchfulness, caution, May as well settle down in the firsti white kitten on her lap, both of them you made your reservations for the attenton, cutody.place t') accept criticism. Wbatever 1loing meditatively into the gr~ay, nigbt? My first impression was attntincusodyil done, no matter bow done, la bound 1 as the flires leaped into the air. wbo sent word to you that it would Dull-gloomy, stupid, dismal, sad, to bc criticized, moat virulently byIM ary's mother came and sat down in be necessary for me to bave one, but tedious, commonplace, uninteresting, 'those who would not have undertaken a comfortable chair on the opposite I said "No, I bave not, but 1 arn insensible, blunt, obscure, lifeless. the task themselves. 0f course, a aide. In her iap was a box of damn- going in to the Travellers' Aid and End-aîm, object, purpose, con- certain anîount of this is legitimate ing wool a.nd on her arm several if site recommenda your home I will clusion, reoult, close, upsbot, expira- sipybcuencw epese pairs of stockings. After a tume Of1 be glad to go witb you"'. The young-, tinM uqe emiainete ity. aying fumexaot t epe sm ~ eariiest looking and dead silence on or of the two said "The Travellers' Free-artless, liberal, boutiul le. But the other kind of criticism, te'ato ay h okdu 4 Aid will not send you to this home, frank, generous, bounteous, munific-1 which must contain some sort of le mother and said: "Mothewe but tbîs woman is a poor widow and ent, open, candid, familiar, indepen- jealousy, is disbeartening, and some- 1 grow up to be a big wornan like needs the moliey. She ila very ne- dent, clear, unconfined, untreserved, tit, bardening to one who is you, and 1 should get married, would spectable. There are only two mon unrestricted, easy, exempt, lose, bonestly striving to belp some project1 get a ubuand like Pa? Yes, My 1lin the home and there is a key for careless, release, liberate, rescue, de- wbich is note bis personal concern. dear, I expect you would. WeU1 your room so you will be perf ectly liver, emancipate. The person wbo always indulge. in mother, if I do note get married shaîl safe". 1 said "Weil the Travellers'i ooabeaeqaekidrih-criticism that is destructive eîetci 1r- I be an old maid like Aunt Kato? Aida are here to give us proper direc- eous, virtuous, upright, juat, excel- ates in the course of time to en Yes, my dean. After another dead to n hh oweee h lent, valuable, well-disposed, grac- an unrnitigated nuisance to bi., irecslencayloe padsi ah tlsm" o h adtewm loua, serviceabbe, beneficial, suitable, etically, "Ias a sorry worId fr eSn had given me. Showing it to the competent, sklful, qualified, CANYO VSITTHM LL women folks, sn't it mothor Aid 8he eaid, "0f course, if you wisb bocu-1 A O IITTE ? Looking around and beholding thei to go there you Mnay, but flot on able, unblemished, thorougb, gentune. bappy, anurnated faces of tbose as- my necommendation. Several times Holc-contain, keep, retain, grasp, Have you, 'Mr. ýBusiness Man, tbe sembled to partake of this delicious' tbe police have ordered tbat wornan bave, detain, occupy, restrain, re-tie to get out and cail on ali of luncheon, I feel you are a contra-!off tbe platfcrrn. Firat, it la against strict, stop, witbhold, believe, con- your customers and prospective cus- diction to this story, and 1 trust as the law to solicit aid in tebat way". aider, sustain, maintain, lait, contin- tomers eacb week? If you could tbe houri pais we may nealize a Perbaps you can readily believe tbat ue, keepup. do so it would be a fine tbing for dloser bond of fellowsbip in our work 'I did not choose to go there". ldea-fancy, thougbt, imagination,'jyou and your business. The next for tbe Master's Kingdom. Our duty la to meet every train plan, notion, conception, impression, best tbing to a personal caîl front you The work in wbicb 1 am engaged as' and try L ascertain who are the ones Sideal, image, conceit. Ls to send your business message eacb Travellers' Aid ia as truly a work for wbo nee-j assistance. Sometimes it la Joy-gadness, mirtb, exultation, week in The Statesman whicb covens God as any service that can be rend- just to know the direction of a Icor- deiight, felicity, rapture.1 the local community and will carry ered anywbene, and one that demanda tain street; sometimes to obtain a ne- Keep-bold, retain, preserve, ob-, your message to old friends and new an abundance of tbe three qualities: hiable taxi. Thon again, passeng- serve, save, guard, protect, Statat, recsnîn nooalkefficrisng inT grace, grit and gumption. For are ers bave expected some one Vo meet maintain. Sto esna a the peopl efiientour anous and day bef ore the critical, tbem and are disappointod. It la our wýay orahtepol inyu niuad neody public? And, if pnivilege to call their fniends by Leave-abandon, forsake, vacato, trade territory and of telling tbem in any sense of the word, 1 bave been phono and find out wbat we are to do quit, relinqvish. refer. discontinue,j of the buying opportunities offered i cs in Travellers' Aid Work it with hesn. Some are waiting for sto, falbwe qu ah lt aoe, b . is due o wo fact: another train and want direction to - rtfaeel.ovenlook the fact that an advertise- let-I arn very nervous myself a good restaurant. Or some one Mean-abject, base, average, atmn- ment in The Statesman bas tbe bene- wben travelling, witb very little con- cornes who is not able on account of gy, niggardly, sordid, sbabby, un- fit of the prestige of a newspaperceto oflainwe in ainasriniiyVo akswa flair, lonvie inble, depnadle, ta larg eircuton f andathe rep- trange city. In other words, I arn1 the case one evoning not long ago of - vugar cotemtibe, espcabe, atin c beng ne f Cnad's od-not onîy dunib but dumber, therefore l a man coming front Sudbury, chang- poor, wretcbod. el weekiy flewspaperi. have syrnpathy for others. ing at West Toronto for Preston Name-n., appellation, desiguat- 2nd-Because I firmly believe I arn Springs, for tneatment for rheuinat- on, ritepuain, chariater, ci, RE ULCIYHUD in the place in whicb God wants me.,- ism. Our~ nearest cafe la two blocks nome, rputtion chracercredt, REEPUBLCIT HONDS It is not the work 1 would have away, so I went and brought to hiu repute, note, distinction; (y) de- chosen at the time it came mY way. a tray of eatmblea. 1 nominate, style, entitle, term, caîl, free continlied attempt.s to secure 1 wanted a quiet ife witb boas poople Sorne of the pasongers want to christen. fre eiy tespan ediftrs. Not to please and, therefone, fowen to send a telegnani, but are either too Order--arrangernent, dicpie ftewel esae dtr.Ntciticize. OBut it waa not to ha. To- tired, or lack knowledge, or are too metodrul, sstm, iscpliea mail comtes in tebat is net luttered day I arn confident that 1 arn botter, rnuch wonmied mnd confused to do it poiin apeirpin uet rticlu estate". oo n Al free physically, mentally and apiritually without help. One mrnnnng a lady commndinjunction, cdasrank, ta hnIetrdit hswr. aeoftetanfotVnovr direction, commission. publicity stuif doesn't cornetbeg thn hnIeteeitohiwokcaeof the ranfrniVnouvr *.the mail, eithe;-. But the jig la up, PIain-clear, open, nianifeit, sm the maw of the wastepaper basket la pIe, ovent, evident, transparent, ex- always open and believe us it la welb __________________________________ plicit, obvious, straightfonward, hon- supplied. Publishing a newspapen r___ ____________________ est, unadorned, horneby, unsophisti- costs money and the revenue noces- cated. sary to carry on must corne tbrough l. Quick-active, brisk, lively, fooet,'the columns. If 1V la hought that Find The Misapelled Word-Win Free Bread swift, rapid, expeditious, impetuous, the weekly editors are diffenent front adroit, cever, ready, sharp, aIert, their fellowa ry the free publicity- ____________ prompt, agile, nimble, basty, dashing, stunt on a daily nowspaper. At the irritable. sarne time there la no greater publ- Race-clant, bneed, lineage, nation, licîty agency for a conirunity than i f ancestry, people, pedigree, stock, 1 the weekiy newspaper. Week after B e d L k o h r M d course, match, careor, farnily, bouse.! week it tolas of the value, the im- D e d L k o h r M d Severe-acute, austere, grave, portance and tho progness of ita coin-Hsalaibe hed itesanrdoexlecbu itern, barsb, rough, stringent,' unrnit- tue. wt otnvrybti gai thene are sevenal ingrgdients rnixed in rnother's hnead, which our igated, vigo-rotis, îtiff, violent, relent- ______bedlcs etmn stecifoa enre fhwgo lois, simple, bitter, plain, unsparing. bedlcs enieti h cifoe eoIe fhwgo . fin-fine, ali, slight, bean, ANOTHER WEEKLY tho bnead wai when we carne in "juit itarving" keepi us iooking spmrso, scanty, saml, scrmggy, fliirsy, CIIANGES HANDS aIl tbrougb life for a fiavor which our appetites lent. Corbettm moagre, attenuated, gaunt, lenden. ____ Bread contains the fineat of body-building ingredients; finit pat- Use-avail, customn, habit, usage, The Clifford Express, which bas e nt four, Fleischrnan'a Yesat, blgheat grade malt and la rnixed pply, practice, advantage, utiity, been successfubly publiahod aince tho scientifically by electrically oponated rnachinery glving the ineit benefit, application, exorcise, ern- death of the late J. R. Aitchison, o rist h ra n nuigceniesadsetes ployrnent, consume. father of Mn. R. F. Aitchiion, local o rist h nm n nuigceniesadsetes Vice-corruption, vibenesa, in- manager Royal Bank, by Mmi. Aitchi- Corbett's WLoleiome Bread is made ln Bowrnanville by Bow- iquiVy, defecte, wickedness, fault, son and daughters, bas been sold to avlepoefrBwmnieadDuhmCntpol. bbernlah, irnmorality, 'pollution, de- Mr. A. E. iBlradwin. The Clifford mnil epefrBwavleadDnaiCut epe pravity. Express was founded tbirty-six yeara 'Buy Bowmanville Bread. Way-rnanner, rnethod, systern, ago on Fehrumry 5 last. Tbinty "THE BREAD THEY ALL LIKE" yoans ago, it was purchased by the plan, means, mode, forrn, fashion, late Mn. Aitchison and published by course, road, proceas, route, track, hlmn until bis deatb two years mgo. patb, habite, practice.1 Mr. Bradwin bas been ln the news- Yild-afford, givo, bestow, code, paper gm o ayyasadi part, confer, abdicate, communicate, Parry Sound ho was a Liberal can-W . C o b t resign, surrender, relinquish, forego, didate, in Amuprior ho conducted a Baker and Confectioner waive, comply, accede, assent, ac- Libenal papen for a tume, but there Pon 3 quiesce, subrnit, succurnb. . later as the Renfnew Mercury says, Phn 3 o m vil Zeal-ardour, earnestness, fer- "'embraced conservateism". With an vour, energy, entbusiasm, eagerness. independent papen, now ho rnay find other ligbt. In any case here's - -I We have given exampbes Of syno- wishinig hlm succeas witb bis lateat j nyms of words under aIl lettons of venture. --- the alphabet excepte X. This maltes 1 a splendid lesson for any person who desires te increaso bis or ber vocab- ulary. We saw a criticism of a well- known statesman recently for usingi a word an many timos in a short . speech. Evidently ho needed a es- s;on in synonyms. Our advice Vo al young persons is to read the forego- ing liste of synonyms over a few imes. It sbculd be a vabuable lesson. MARRIED 50 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mr&. R. White, Milton By an oversight the Golden Jubilee of Mr. and Mrs. Richard White of Milton was note noticed jn The States- mani. Both wcre bomn in Darlington andi Dr. James L. Hlughes dedicated; these lines tVo their 5Oth wedding an- niversarv-on Christemas Day: How great the joys of life well.lived, As standing near the crest,' We look fan down the bill we clHmbed, Wben xve bave stopped Vo reste. Tniurnphantby we trace our patbs, And proudly sea the ligbtes We lite that ailI reveal the way To others up the heights. How glad we are te 500 that seedi We sowed have grandly gnown; How gratefully oun beants recal Dean friands that we bave known. Congratulations Vo you both, For victorias you won, And bopes for greater victorias, Before yeur womk lis done. The Corner Stone Every important build- ing has a corner-stone, Every wise man con- templates building an Estate. You also can build an Estate by the purchase of Safe, Sound, Seas- oned Securities on our Systematic Monthly Saving Plan. 5 /% to 7%'I. WE INVITE ENQUIRIES F. J. Van Neat & Co. Investment Bankers, 350 Bay Street, Toronto 2 Fine Furnishings cleaning & Pressing BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Good Clothes" SNAPPY TOP COATS Some of these days that Winter Overcoat is going to feel pretty hot and heavy-better corne in and l)iek yours now so it will be ready when the time cornes. Reacly to put on $21-50 and $23.50 Made to Measure $23.00 and $25.00 Mother's Attention - Special purchase of Boys' Suits enables us to save you nioney on your boys' Easter Clothing needs. King St. West Bowmanvil "Bert" Bell "The Clothing Man" v.. changing for Owen Sound, I îaw in a moment that she wmnted something and asked ber if I could ho of any assistance. "Yes", she said III should like to send a wire". I directed hem and thon went to sist some oue elie. Later she carne to me and aaid 'II wonden if the travelling pub- lie are sufficiently appreciativo of your work. Ordinarily iV would not have meant anything for me Vo have mmde this change for I amn accustom- ed Vo travelling, but bast Monday rny only sisten died in Vancouver very suddenly and I arn bninging ber ro- mains for hurili o Owen Sound. 1 was so ired and confused and I want you Vo know how much it bas moant te bave your help. We meet the foreigner who can, say littie but "Vindsor" and "Vinnipeg" and "Me no speak Eng-1 lisb". O, how tbey watch us for tbey ara neady Vo get on overy train as 1V comas. Indeed, wo are oftien sur- prised at the confidence hey show ln US. you would lift me, yoU uât b. on higher gnoiuid: you would liberato me, you must ho f ree. -Emerson. One night a Romanian woman and her little girl got off the 10.20 train V _> at, night. She could speak very lit- « .oup tle English but on examining ber BABY CHICK FOOD ticket found she waa going back to Feed vour buby chickA with PRATTS 13ABY CHICK FO>OD and preenu th,ý scojurge of her home in Romania and should have WVhite Diarrhoca. It n,,t olv ave chiceka' remnained on the same train which livzd. but makes th,-m strong and sturdy was oingto ontral. I could flot sure you get PR.ATTS n eaylsr.B (Cotiuedenpag 7 Pratt Food Co. of Canada. Ltd. . Taoýnt STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building' Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense PAGE & SHAW 0 0.0CHOCOLATES... We have secured the agency for these well known chocolates and candies. First time Page & Shaw sweets have been obtainable outside the large cities. Try a pound-they're mighty good. See our window for good baking. Te Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Cheer Up The Home WITH NICE GRATE FIRE Use Pluto Canneli Coal for grate fires-does jnot spit or splutter. No better canneil coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a farmer attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Cail and get the facts. It's woft while. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Tii. Cocl TA-at satisçea J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville -BRIGHTER HOME STORE- BRING SPRINGTIME INTO YOUR HOME Let us give you- Phone 489 Spring is definite- ly the season for >% brightening and re- furnishing the home. New Wall r, a Paper in cheerful spring colors and artistic modern de- signs, repainting. in S pleasing spring tints-alcimining.. we do it ail. Our Prices Are Very Reasonable. an estirnate. You will be under no obligation. Buy Your School Supplie$ Here Painting and Decorating GEO. PRITCHARD Z Doors We.t of F. F. Morris C.. Bowmamvne --.d ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd., 1928 PAGE TWO OIL--- ý

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