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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1928, p. 5

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F rFARMERS' CLUB NOTICE Mns. F. M. Tamblyn is visiting Miss Mr. J. K. Kellougb of the Dept.Ani adlPrHoe of Agriculture, Port Hope, will speak Mr. J. J. Mason spent the weekend on the formation of Sheep Clubs at witb bis daugbter, Mrs. C. H. Haddy, Shaw'. Behool on Tuesday, April 3rd Toronto. at 8 P. in. Also a good debate. Misa Marion Warder is teacbing O. R. Bra.gg, H. E. Osborne, at Enniskillen during the absence o!1 Preuident. See'y.-Treas. Miss Dalton wbo is ill. That You May Know In the past twenty years most of the babies in tbus dis- triet bave bad some or ail of their needs supplied from Ker- s1ake's. if you have net been getting yours fron tbis store you will be glad te know that we supply: Jobnson's Baby powder ... 25e Jobnson's Baby cream -. ... 25e Johnson's iBaby sdap....25e Rigo feeding bottles 3 for 25c Rigo nipples ........ 3 for 25c Black band nipples . . 3 for 25e Hygeia nurser............ 25c Hygsia nipple ........... 25e Castoria ................ 33c Baby's Own tablets ...25e Baby Laxative ........... 25e Baby Cough syrup ....... 25e Croup syrup ............. 25e Cbmnforts . ... 10e, 15e and 25e Rigo Sterilizer complete . $4.50 KERSLAKE'S Dextri Maltose, Nos. 1, 2 or 3................85e Case.................$1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk . .. .90c (and all other popular foods) Rattles ...................25e Gun Cutters .............25e Absorbent Cotton . .15e & 25e Baby Pants (ail sizes) 25e - 35e Milk of Magnesia ........ 25e Fluid Magnesia.......... 25c viral, 3 sizes, 60c, $1.00, $1.75 Castor Oil, pure . ... 15e & 25e Castor Jens ... ... ....... .25e Worm Syrup.............S50c Pure Cod Liver Oul 35c-$1.00 PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- HOT + BUNS FOR GOOD FRIDAY We always have a big demand for our Rot Cross Buns for Good Friday so order early. Our delivery wagons xiii make delivery Thursday, or corne direct to store for your supply. EASTER EGGS, BUNNIES, CHICKS Are now on display. Make your purchases early and get best choice. ORDER EASTER LILIES EARLY We will have a limited supply of beautiful Easter Lilies for sale. MISSPELLED WORD CONTEST> We were highly pleased with resuits of this unique contest-and so were the winners. Just watch our advt for another of these contests in the near future. In the meantime eat plenty of Cor- bett's Wholesorne Bread. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Dress Up For Easter You'Il Get Outstanding Values in Society Brand Clothes Here This Season. The more yoiA know about Fine Woolens, careful tailoring and smart style, the more you'Il appreciate the greater values we are offering you. Smarter Styles-Finer Fabris-Longer Wear- Perfect Tailoring Corne in and see for yourself. Boys' Suit, For Easter From $6.95 to $15.0 Boys' Caps From 75c to $2.00 Boys' Stockings From 25c to $1 .00 Pair Men'a Suits For Easter From $15.00 To $37.50 Men'a Top Coats For Easter From $15.00 To $35 SPECIALS A line of Men's Top Coats Worth up to $25.00, FOR $18.95 A line of Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits at $18.95 A special purchase enables us to give you a beauti- fui Serge Suit at $19.95, double breasted models. These suits would be good value at $25.00 MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 A Union Made Overaîl, Black, Blue, Blue Stripe, worth $2.00, Clearing While They Last $1.39 pair WORK SHIRTS AT 98c EACH 5 dozen Work Shirts, values up to $1,50 each. Broken uines and sizes, Tan, Khaki, Black and White and Plain Blue, Out They Go At 98c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 In this lot are shirts from $2.50 each to $3.50 each. They are broken lines and travellers' samples. Only a couple of dozen Ieft, WHILE THEY LAST $1.95 EA OR 2 FOR $3.75 Buy Your Easter Outfit Here And Save Money T. B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 BowumauvIII The Old Tino Supper at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Cburcb on March 2lst was very largely attended being a buge success and greatly enjoyed by all present. Mucb pi-aise is due Miss F. M. Galbraith and Mrs. G. A. Edfiondstone, who were conveners, and the comnittee, Miss I. K. Smith, Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mrs. F. W. Crawford, besides tbe score of other assistants and willing workers. Mrs. W. B. Pincb, El Paso, Texas. writes: Will you please send The Statesman ta Mildred (Mrs. Oscar D. Davis) for one year. We are cer- tainly enjoying tbis beautiful climats and I do not know whetber I will want ta apend a whole winter in the nortb again. I expeet to go on to California in a few weeks ta visit my brother, C. W. Gardiner, returning home by way of Nebraska, where I have another brother living. Members of St. Paul's Cbureb hockey team winners of the Cburcb Hockey League were guests of the Rotary Club at Balmoral Hotel Fni- day noon when the Ratai-y Traphy was presented ta the Champions. The' players were introduced by their (President, Wilfrid Carruthers and the cup was presented by Presîdent F. F. Morris to Donald Williams, team captain. Rotai-ian Alex. Edmond- stone had charge of the meeting and Rotai-ian F. C. Pamer gave a short talk on Boys' Work Activities. It was the general opinion of those who attended the 3-aet play "Sucb Shannanigans" in the Opera Hous, Mai-ch 22nd., that it was the beat and most cleverly acted amateur play presented in town for several seasons. The Yaung people of St. Michasiss Chureh, Cobourg, who came bei-e un- der auspices of St. Josepb's Church, are to be congi-atulated for the splen- did way in whieh the entirs cast took their parts. It is reportsd that the company bas been invited to repeat the play bei-e in the near future. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Despite the rain and counter at- tractions a large attendance turned out ta see what No. 4 car could really acconplisb on bad roads. They wers well rewarded by a splendid program. These Young People pro- grama have becone o! a very high order and are every bit as good as sons for wbieb stiff prices for ad- mission are ebai-ged. The Literai-y Department-No. 4- now lead ths parade and are gettingi uncomfortably near Vancouver as far as the other contestants are con- cerned. Those taking part in the4 progi-am încluded Misses Helen Ci-y-1 derman, D. Robins, 1. Carr, M. Web- l ber, Margaret Allin, L. Haddy, A.1 Caldwell, Mesdames T. W. Cawket-, Smith Ferguson, H. D. Clemens, H. M. Poster and Messrs. L. Pluinner, A. Knight, H. Piekard, I. Clenens, Chai-lie Cawkei- and Oscar Jamieson. Next Monday night Fellowsbip De- partment-No. 1-ai-e determined ta catch and pass No. 4. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Roy Webber desi-es to tbank bis many friends, the Sulferintendent and nurses of Bowmanvills Hospitali for the many gifts o! flowers and kindnsses reeeived during bis ili- ness. Wanted WANTED-Hear iran owner god farn fer sale. Cash pries, particulr. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Min, 11-4 WANTED-A capable girl or wan for genaral hausework. Apply ta M. Gay. Courtuce, phono Oshawa 332-3 13- WANTED-A capable wonan or iI for eneral hausework. Apply to lira. So .y, Elgin Street, Bownanville._32-tf MASO WANTED-Fai- genaral bouse- work. 3 adulte. Apply ta Mils I. K. Smith, Concession St.. Bownanvulla, phone 295J. 33-tf SITUATION WANTED-Farm hand needs employnent. Married, sevaral ïgra-s experience. 2 girls attend echool. nk Flint, R. R. 2, BownanvIlle. 13-1 POSITION WANTED--Guri 17, one year ln High Bebeol, wanta wark In 0150e. store or factary. Experlenced. Box 4961 Bowmanville. 12-ti APPLE$ WANTED-A13 kinda of av- pie.. Write to us the kind yeu have and number of barrels. J. Pollock. Box 283. Wbltby. 12-8we WANTED-Antique furniturs. Nearly eeryhome ham some old furniture of ne urer use which couid b. turned into ready meney. Write lir.B. Waruer BSl, Kinlg Bt. W.. Oshawa.1- Lost or r ouna RAINCOAT FOUNO-on Middle Road. rninire a t Statesman Ollie, Bowman- ville. OOG LOST-A long haired brown CaI- lie dog, white fee, and white on breaat. Answers ta name ai "RiPX. Reward. M. Gay, ,COurtice, phone Oshawa 332-3. 13-1 Rooms To Rent ROOMS TO LET-Two South mrone furnished. Good locaiion. 6 minutes fi-rn Post Office. Apply box 207, Baw- manville. 10-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Apartnent te i-cnt on highway, haîf mils west of Bowman- ville. Land for gai-dan If required. Ap- ply ta The Statesmnan office. il-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Large !arrn h;ua8e,l an Manvers Road, 5 miles fion Bownan- ville, 1,i acre of land. .Xppy Mm-. 01- son, phono 181-i-5, R. R. , owmanville. 13-t Farms To Rent 1 FARM TO RENT-200 acres-Soutb halvas lots 31 and 32, 4th concession,l Township of Darlingien aout60 a-res faîl ploughed. Indat possession. Apply ta Canant & Annie, Bai-istera, &c. Oshawa, Ontario. -tf situated innediatelx' south wastef Bow- manville s for rantal. Possession April bat. Plowing aiter lifarch lit. For tai-ni apply te, W. R. Stnike, Bewman- ville. 8-tf Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCHING-A few net- tings of bred-to-lay single comb White Leghorns hatchint e gs.Seah g. lApply to Clarence &odey.R. R 1 Tyrone, phone 320-5. 13-f EGGS FOR HATCH-ING-FYon bred- to-lay White Leghorns. A large strain that produce lai-g e eggs. 50c a dozen ;4.00 per 100. Phone 3804 Clar-ke. Harolâ Gibson. Newcastle, Ont. 13-1 EGGS FOR HATCH-ING-Duck eggs-- Marnmoth White Pekin hatehing eggs. 1 guarantes fariility and saiisfactory hatch. Apply L. C. Wilcoce, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. phone 142-r3. 7-8' EGGS FOR HATCIING-rom bred-ta- iay Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, ail fron O. A. C. Pedigreed stock, W. E. Todd, Liberty St., Bawmnanville. Buc- cessor to L. H. Pearn, phone 304. 9I-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-Barred Rocks and White Leeghorn-AÀ special pen of Barred Rocks including ny imported hiens and headed by my Inported cek, 83.00 per 15 eggs: eggs fi-on Imporiad hiens, $1.00 each; fBock natingu. 76o per 15; White Leghorn flock nating. haaded hy a splendid British Columbia cockerel, 75e per 15 eggs. George Janieson, New- castle, Ont. 12-tf. BABY CHICKS A HATCHING EOGS -The demand for oui- baby chicki this season has been hoavy whleh proves their populkrlty. Wa give you strang, well-hatched chicks--every ehick produe- ed fi-on oui- own stock-whlch you can rely on for quantly and quallty of egg. Cockereis o! S. C. White Leghornfio R.O.P. stock and White Wyandote r extra choieinatings this year. Calo lis. Phone 39-2. W. H. Carruthers. Bowmanvilla. Ont. 12-tf Baby Chicks For Sale SINGLE C0MB WHITE LEGHORNS We have "Reliable 39,"ihe wlnnlng haen ln 1927 Ontario Egg Laying Content -record ai 262 eggs, 26 oz. te don; miea Paurîh highast pan ln sixty as te number af reglsei-ed bu-Bs. A bird te regite muat lay 200 or aver of 24 oz. t. ee êgca. This proves that we have num-1 tiers as well as size l egge. Our- i'îliet fockis taun Ber t-sa R. O.P. with over 61% mldwlnter'produR- tion. wne having missedl only 14 daysi mince November. Orders are bcbng hooked now. Get youiis ln hofore it ln ton laie. 10% de- vosit wiii secitre yoiir dates. Eage for hatching aise for sale. RELIABLE POULTRY FARM Dr. E. W. Sisson, Owner Phone 399 Bewmanvillli P. O. Boxes0 REAL ESTATE o FORSALE Two good brick hous on Scugog St. near C. P. R. Station. Tbree brick bouses on Conces- sion St., two nearly new. Twuo new brick bouses head ef Carlisle Avenue. Six bouses on King Street. Two houss on Ontario Street. One bouse on Wellington St. Two houses on Church Street. One bouse on Carlisle Avenue. Apply Wm. Brock Phone 114 Queoe nt. 18.4w* Onva 13ICYCLE FOR SALE-Man's bicycle, in good condition, a nen, bicycle Iamp nover. been used; aise 3-humner coal ail stove un god condition. A puy ta Mrs. Chas. Richard. lang St.., Bowman- ville. 13-3 GRAIN FOR SALE-Marquis wheat, Na. 21 Barley and Buckwheat; aIse, 5- year aId bai-se hetween 1100 and 1200 Iha: bouse te rani $10 par nonth. J. L. Metcal!, R. R. 2, Bownanville, phone 183-5. FOR SALE-Fordson Tracter In Si-at- ciass condition, pîoughed and wei-ked ýabout 126 acres. Cluteh pulley for sans, now, never been used. Also Oliver plow and double Bsc for tractai- use. Alan Camipbell, Bowmanvllle, phone 32 or 279. 12-tf --I -- FOR PRIVATE SALE-i eak bed nd drse;1 solid Oak long waahstad; Iran hed; ,imail oak table; 1 kitehen tabla ; coal 0il stove and oven; 2 roeking chairs,; large jaLrdIneras; copper baller: large pieserving ketie; pint and quar jars. Apply te Mrs. Edwin Wordn. Elgin St.. Bownanville. 13-fi Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Hous and lot and a build- ung lot. Aise a amail han bouse. Apply ta Mrs. J. J. Lord, Box 219, Bowman- ville, phone 429. 13-1w PROPERTY FOR SALE-2 six-roomed ad brick houses with aU modern conven- jonces; also farn fer sale ln township Clai-ke. Oood buildings. Apply te Jas. E. Fleti, Centre Bt., BawmanviUle phono 884. 1ii-d I r WEEKLY STORE NEWS VoL 1 March 29 No. 6 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Knapp, Cestie- 21198 tcr.ad r. MdarchF ton, have been visiting theïr son, Mr. SdhoIl, a daughter. (Chariene Squair) W9 M. N. Knapp. STRIKE-On Sunday, March 25, 1928,5 Mrs. John Hall, Brantford, ha tToronto Generai Hospital Private Pa- ha insPavillon. bo Mr. and lire. W. Ros been visiting old friends here, guest Strike, Bowmanviiie, a son. Clý of Mrs. R. M. Mitchell. INGHAM-On Friday, Mai-ch 23, 1928, T3 Mr. and Mrs. Norman S.B. James lni the Kingston Generai Hospital, to Mr-.- and Mrs. B. E. Ingham, (nee Doria Me- spent the weekend wjtb Mr. and Mrn. Conneil,) former%? of Bowrnanville, a boy, wl J. B. E. Staples, Toronto. (Bruce McConne 1).b Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, Port Dalhousie, spent Sunday with bis DEATHSH mother and other relatives here. MONTAGUE-At Newcastle, on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Hlaywood Short, Sea- day, Mai-ch 24, 1928, Thcrmas Montague,- g rave, were recent guests of Mr. and aged 83 years. imrs. Orval Boe, Carlisle Ave. DAVISON-At hie late residence, 486 teI College St., Toronto, March 22 1928 Sild- MI Mr-. Thos. McMullan, ScuÇog St., ney James Davison, beloved Aiusband of [Bowmanville, spent the weekcend in the late Bertha Bickeii.- Toronto witb sons Charles and Cliff- MING-At Napanee, March 26 > 1928~ ord and daughter Lulu. Emma Katherine Duckworth, ýelovedg wife of Dr. E. Ming, M.P.P. Cousin of vil Mrs. G. E. Purdy who has been Mr. Jule Roenigk, Bowrnanville. visiting ber daughter, Mrs. E. R. JURY-At Rochester, N. Y., on Batur-1 FreeanPor Dahouie,~ ~ day, March 24, 1928%, Margaret Kerr, be- au Freean, ortDalhusi, isnowloved wif e of Mr. Thomas Jury. Inter- Mi visiting her son. Mr. Ira Purdy. red ln Bowmanville Cernete'ry. vil Miss Evelyn Devitt, Blackstock, HOBBS-In Dariington, on Friday. - visited friends here recently and call- Mai-ch 23, 1928, John Giles Hobbs, beloved hsad of Addie Reynolds, aged 63 Sb ed on ber grandfather, Mr. JOB. years. Interment Union Cemetery. ai Mahood, wbo bas been ill in the boa- -_________ ___ pital. IN MEMORIAM-1 The many friends and relatives of _____A3 MNrs. (Dr.) Edgar Allun, Edmonton, in îoving memory of 1Laura M. Wilkins, du Alta., wifl be sorry to learn that s who (led Mai-ch 29, 1925. a suffered a stroke of paralysis ]ast l)eath cannot divide us from loved onea,- Friday. Nor sever the cord of lov She is resting sweetly w 0h Jesus P Mr. and Mrs. George McMullan and in that beatuiful horne above. 11 baby Roy were in Toronto last week Sadly missed by Fathe-r, Mo:.her, Sister 47ý visiting Mr. McMullan's brothers and adBohr sister and also attended tbe bockey HALL-In loving mernory ofILouetta g" match. Stewart Hall who passed away Mai-ch ea. 25. 1925. l Congratulations to Mrs. James For many monthashie bore her pain Courtice, Scugog St., wbo celebrated But thoughtful of others she did not con- ber 8tb birtbday on Marcb lOtb. Alai n t~-anbl îet She is enjoying good healtb and con .She was piepared for the ileuvenly lufe. F. tinues as active as ever about ber And we are sure God knew best diyduties. WViîvn lie took her hom.ý 10 that )and of ce dalyiest.o In co-operation with tbe Ontario Sadly rulssed by Sister 'Margaret and er Safety League and C. T. Ross, Mana- daughter Eupîhernis. ger Royal Theatre, school children were given a f ree noving picture LAIJNDRY WANTED . gi- show Monday morning showing tbe r' results of carelessness of pedesgtrians lAIl kinds of laundry work done prompt- n h ' - . tsfactoi-ily and at readonable pricesOs on streets. The films were vr f- i-;ýitPost Othce BoxN]1-.,or eau Mrs.1- fective and should have the- d sired w MaÇ1 rii-ar. King St.i: o E. I je result of teacbing cildren to b care'ful. for Aricles For Sale MORSE FOR SALE--Clyde mare, eighing about 1350 Iba. Apply ta Noble neteaif, Maple Gi-ove, phone 477-31. 13-tf FOR SALE-White Blossom Sweet lover, $3.00 bushel. Luther Hooper, ryrone R. R. 1. Phone 194r3. 12-a FOR SALE-Two grey gesse and one vhe goose, grcy gander. Ala. Camp- dl, Bowmanville, phone 32 or 279. 12-tf CEED)AR POsTS FOR SALE-Âppiy to 1Davis. R. R. 6, Bowmanvilie, phone 60-28. 12-3w' FOR SALE--Quebec Heater. cooking op, aiso Coleman lamp. Appiy Wm. cIntosh. Wellington St., Bowmanville. 13-1w' JERSEY C0W FOR SALE-s years old, -pect to renew any time and she's a od one. T. Wesley Cawker, Bownan- lle. 13-1 FOR SALE--One black walnut parlor mite, antique wiillseiI cheap. Apply te i-s. S. MeAlîter, Scugog 0t., Bowman- .11le. 12-2 COW FOR SA LE-Purebred registered 'orthor-n cow due te freshen on or bout July îst. J. M. Baldwin, Bow- nanville. 13-2w' BULL FOR SALE-Fine registsred ýyrshire Bull, 16 menths aid, for Imme- late sale $85.00. R. D. Whitznee, Os- Les, Ont. 12-2w' INCUBATOR FOR SALE-150-egg Cy-1 )rs Incubator, good as new. Apply to ra. E. J. Burk, Bownanville, phone 75-31 or 475-6. 13-2w FOR SALE-One heavy bhi-se, one ,nerai purpose horse, five cows, spring- s, a quantity 2-rowed seed bai-ley. aac Hardy, Hampton, phone 167-4. 13-2 OATS FOR SALE-O. A. C. 14Oas lovernment Grade No. 1, germination est 99%. $1.00 per bushel. baga Included. O. B. Paris. S. Foulds. Paris. 13-3' STOVES FOR SALE-i new Quebec oker. water front: 1 new Quebec Heat- ,1 coal i ou tove. 3 hurners with new ven. Apply D. McLeod, Elgin Street, ýwmanville, 13-1w' CLOVER SEED FOR SALE-Home rown white blosson sweet clover sped. -'esent price $3.25 per bushel delivered, ag free. W. J. Leask. Taunton, phone: ehawa 163-13. 13-1 WALLBOARD RARGAIN-Household- se and builders save on factory seconds. VaIlboard and Insulating Board suitable ir aIl] practical purposes. Easter-n 'net orles Limited, Box 2310, HamiI'on, 11t. 13-1 It's te be hopsd the weather will get a littîs more reason- able or seasonable for the Big Fashion Parade te meet the C. P. R. train Easter Sunday a£- ternoon. Anyway, whether you dres up or not on Easter folks must eat. Glad to see Cbamber of Commerce bas corne te life again. It's nedeed. It looks as if tbe roads will be worss before tbey are better. THE BEST IN GROCERIES FOR YOUR EASTER TABLE Our store and sbow windows are almost as gay as a millinery shop tbese days with Easter Lulis, Daffodîls, Sweet Peas, Potted Tulips and Roses, oe. Brigbtsn the home for Easter. You'll want something extra nie to feed the Easter visitors. Our assortment of staple and special groceris will appeal te you. Fresh vegetaýbles. Dairymen sbould read eux' otber advt. on page 3. HARRY ALLUN, GROCER Phone 186 Bowmanvlll. Somebody Is Always Breaking Dishes Sornetirnes you break them yourself, the maid, of course, breaks her share and then the children just can't help dropping the odd dish on the floor. Mother scolds, because it is aggravating. But such things happen in the best regulated families. There's one consolation-you can corne to our China, Glassware and Crockery Dept, and replace these dishes at very littie cost. And if you need a new dinner set we can satisfy almost any design or price you fancy. GROCERIES FOR EASTER .. Easter holidays means cornpany and extra meals, so send your grocery order to the Old Rellable Grocer. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowrnanville THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK ANNOUNCE Advance Spring Showing of INew Coats and Dresses for Easter We Invite Your Inspection [Wom en 4e Little SAoppe Wih 9£1e arge Stockt Specialiss' in Womtpe'sRprel Exclusive but nos' Lqwnsiv i.5 Coats-Suits-Dresses-Hosiery -Gloves-Underwear -Etc. Île Man- f HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MkRCH 29th., 1928. PAGE PMVZ Phone 3 Published in the Intersteof the People of Bowmauvill. &Bd district hy Harry Allia, Editor & Grocer HERE AND THERE 9à. - e.. ........ . . --

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