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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1928, p. 8

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£HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 19th.. 1928. PAGE EIGHT Miss Norma French, Elocutionist, teries, bas donc bis work well and o a C. M. C W KER & SONTontaomuibtwnacs given good service and satisfaction.R va C. M CA K -E & orotoalzomusc btwen ats.He is a gardener to Mr. H. H. Ard- agh, Beaver St., secretary-treasurer Mail Orders Filled Phone 64 Bcwmanville Adults 3U; Çhiîdren 25c of the eereterie. He isaloothe Phone 5M position occupies much of bis tirne evenings and Sundaya%. Inspector E. E. Snider's report of AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER his recent inspection of the public TI... N e e I E d school was received by the ]Board of Mydernc:MaY a fashion- IThIIe v eLý t1 e i Ilcp g n c ie i Education on Monday evening, April!1 able beauty dreads the mornîng light, Znd. It indicated that organization,1 it bas such a cruel way of showing î ____- discipline, deportment of pupils andj up blemishes in the face. work of caretaker were ail satisfact-, It is in the mornings, too, that 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 19th., 1928 ory and that progress of pupils was lemishes in ourselves and in our W very good in ail rooms. Spelling characters are disclosed. seemstn be a weak subject as s the OIUR case practically ail over the province, Athough seep should refresh us NEWCASTLE Ambuanc Sevic judging by nexspaper reports of1 it is more of ten we arise f ull of 1_____Am ulaceSeric tahr'adinspectors' comnments loomy forebodiflgs, grouchy and i1 .Nr.Thos. %cel -n ,a Gog asn krNwastl____ecîWped nd haea amua.e hc nc uresgat onth sbjct tmprd Iweekend guest of bis sister, e Mrs. ndhatdwh J.sre re ontesuje.tepr.Stapleton.- A rapid breaking down of bis est comfort and safety. Emergeflcy There is a peculiar intimacy in Mr. Fred Rowve, Mr. Enmerson health covering a period of six or cails given speclali attention. Phones the mornings that will bring out our recentlv taken positions in the Good- of Mr. Geo. P. Rickard, ex-Reeve of 9-t__ ~@ u.. tatsho5 ow ea an dar e ea r Plant, Bowmanville. Newcastle, at his home on Mi"i St.ý The Statesman lis $2.00 a year or A S rin Tilc are to each other, or how f ar apart. \îrs. Fred Gibson and chiîdren are about midnight of Wednesday, April $1.50 for balance of 1928. In the evenings qverything helps usltb. During the last three and a; 1 eavinz the farm to join Mr. Gibson haîf weeks of bis ilîness trained nu r----- _________ to be good humored and good natur- i Niagara Falls. Newcastle is ss isFacsCyemno o ed, kind and pleasant towards each eysryt lose them. mansl, n Miss Olncs rdbram of BOs- Speaking of Spring Tonics other. wstiehen to meet eah meeting of our Womnen's Me- maal, were i ostan aedhancef Oh- i ver yM a Past 401'. HandeuTred i morial Library Aid will be held in him. Five daughters were with I-lave You Triedhalf wavinour ndaor t the Counei1 Chamber o! the Com- their mother whenheaglfdatSh u iM k Ths es 'WAMPOLE'S COD1, that our true selves and our true at 3p. m. onFiaArl2 their father. aa h o~Aaig ad Lsig Rle LIVER EXTRAC-T? feelings towards eacb other? Or is1 Miss Rosella Cave. T)ronto, ýisit- FrAaigadLsigRle LIE E T AC ? it in the mornings wben wve sre snap- ced Mrs. George P. Rickard and The funeral took place on Satur- From Middle-Age Ailments That We recommend this prepara- pisb and impatient? Would it not.daughters, Mrs. Fisher of Bellev il le, day afternoon, and following a Cause Daily Annoyance and tinepeily oAaeist be better to try and meet each other'and Mrs. Toms ù! Ricbmion'l, Que., prayer at the bouse by Rev. E. B.SaVilFoc those who are easily fatigued, b al! way in the mornings, s0 that over the weekend. Cooke in the presence of the members lackng n eerg an stengh iwhen we part for many hours in the Mr. Murray Eilbeck, Port Col- of the family and several near rela- No longer need men near or past the and to those whose blood is im- day there can be kind thoughts of borne, Mrs. Stinson and daugbter, ivUnite hrcb swere crdt the p re.fimandof iet em arrassingpcon- poverised. It iquickly restores each other? Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Hugh Turner, iUie hrhweetePsoRv u n fe marsigcni one to normal activity and gvesr How much better the man would Jr., New York, Mr. and M rs. Brad- Mr. Cooke, conducted a public ser- tions brougbt on by overworked, the necessary strength and pep go to bis work the cbildren to school, ford Kay, Dr. and Mrs.Hafiner, tives and numerousiends re ofr and ProgstratdeysG laddTroublewi for everyday dutieb. and the mother left hehind would do rNew York,, were Easter*visitors at ivand a nuatenda ren rnc. theexf er distrei ndymToubfle - h berman dtieBoualell ceerulth m e ofA. r. Geergen Ew ilbek. ceedingly large gatbering represented ness, Pains in back and down througb Tr ol o a- ness and good fellowship were the, MsA.DWherantw c i a last fond tribute to the character groins, scanty but frequent and' $1 00At ithel's parting signis! wk pwt ren arrived from Boston îast week o! one who bad spent bis life in deeds burning urination, "Getting-up- $1.0 AtMithel'a Bu so fte wewak upwit alon a visit to ber parents, Mr. and o! love for bis Lord and bis fel- Nigbts", Nervous Irritability and But so often we M2,rs. D. J. Galbraith, and the first lowmen. lc ffrehcueatnats ____________________grouch-we blame the weather, un- o hswe copnidMs a- Rv . .Coesoei arm of . ouorb'as URa Te a stw congenial work and others. braith to Brantford to visit Mr. and e.EB.Co skinwr fD.Sutoth UA B il HAVE YOUREYES EXAMINED There is fault finding and every-1 Mrs. Rex Wynn in their new home. appreciation of the sterling Christian convincf' the. most skeptical of the TODAY ýtbing starts wrongly. character of deceased, of bis manyi value of this special treatment for i Most of this can be traced to bad Ahe publcmbeg ofilbeheldi years residence in the Shaw's section, their particular case. Mithel nd e.Wol" health. unventilated rooms, indiges- t uni hme !teCm br i vigorous and positive 1 Amazing testimony of Physicians 1Se munity Hall on Friday evening of; Chrtian qualities hati acted as al and usera gives convincing proo f of tion and laziness. , this week at 8 o'clock to discuss the i leaven tbroughout the whole neigb-1 the power o!UA BSt rete R. Pttngi. eatMaitchellisa esrbiit&o peinCaOan. f orhood and left influences for- good! Healtb and Strength to a weakened, 'I.ryjl~f~~ ~ O. rolemin tsef nd he ott <f m5tthe PueyBaik n ol nnectot wit-, upon succeeding generations, of the inflamed or irritated Bladder and evmnileOt ils, we will look at laziness. th ulcShol npc it-Inany offices be had illed with ahility- Urinarv, Tract. A multitude of Beeowmnve NmOnt.ekDa An extra hour abead will workijtleproud w ilI address the meeting. and honor in the Methodist, and later alarming symptoma seem to quickly J Telphoe Nmbe- Wek ays rwonders; methodical preparations 'Parents ani ail others interested aree United Churcb. of bis faitbful-, diqappear-and you seean fear Nights and Sundays 92 for the rushed breakfast over night requested to attend this meeting. ness in attendance upon ail the means'truly genuine improvement ofteni is a great belpi to soothe one's nerves St. Georges Cburch, Rev. E. R.'o rco isfretsii i ry ihn two or tbr ee days. "No more _______________________on busy mornings. James, Rector. Sunday, April 22- er and teatimiony. of his diligence in'r Backaches, no more pain, no more Take time to dress comfortably- 8 a. m.-Holy Comnmunion; il a. ni. the church's b)usiness~, and of bis vis- enîharrasament or Getting-up-nlghts. not in a sloucby careless way; a good -Mornîiig Pirayer; 2.30 p. mi-Sun- r s of cheer to the sick and needy., 1 nowv sleep soundly,ý and get up la *1 *,coud wash and a drink o! water clears day School; 7 P. m.-Evensong.1 As a basis for, the funeral sermion.1 the morning full o!f'pep', tbanks to awa te obeb aoud hebri Monday, April 23, St. George's Dav. 1Mr. Cooke used as a text, he(ord-URAABS! D 1thII1CKSrun hebaie- hewrdUA and stimulates quick tbougbt 11i a. mi.-Annual Corporate Coini-' selected bN decease<l f,ý-r te occasion 1 Mbhle new to the general public, tI . . JThen, finally a determined effort m union o! the Womien's Auxiliary. In! hortly before hiS 4d"ath "I haveI the wondrous value of URATABS bas vv~~~~ the afternoon the W. A. will meet i !ought a good ight, aefnibdhe boogl rven by nearly 40 eeitLilu to ee thebrigb aide ! evertbingfor practic-al missionary work, in the l My course, I have kept the faith. vearso ucafluei h rvt no matter the provocation will have a Parish Hall. 'H'eot teei-lidu o~m rcti uce r H souuinthe ortAn if, wonderful offert on yusl n h uiia 'uci' odt i rw !rgtousness whirb thn now any good druggist %will supply eveyon iounlYo 1$230 for the recently advertised as,-!Lord( the righteouý Judge, shall give themi on a guarantee of satisfaction Do ýinot aet tho blrt en nder in hetso! the Newcastle Harbour Comi- ie in that (day"--Paul to Timotby or money back. Try URATABS to- imp~inc ad hor tmpr a hepany baving been accepted, the Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Alber-t College, day. Men's Spring Weight mornings-babits form so quickly. i ground constituting these assets, to-I Belleville, nepbew o! deceased, ani Combinations, Special 98c 7aete aiel.im otk gether with the crumbling tone w alla Rev. W. A. Butiner o! Bowmanvillc, ________________________ thîngs cooly and deliberately, and wbicb were once the foundation o! assisted in the service and later, in healtb habits such as cleanliiiess and the lofty and capacious grain eleva- 1 the burial rites- al Bownianville Men's Fine Boots, Black ori good breakfast made an absolute tor, becomes the property of the vil- Cemetery. Brown,....Special $2.98 necessty lage. The site is a strategic one1 A mnixed quartette, Mir. Howard 1 _________________________ Donot wait upon tbem too and the Council's acquisition o! it i and Mr. Harold Aluin and Misses Ble ucb, especially the boys-or they1 straigbtens out the northern li ita o!' Fbic n rceBag wt Is j a g i M nsW r hrsBlewill become selfisb grumbling mea in the village property between Bnolton1 La ura Fisher at the organ, led in theFO TH R or Khaki, large make, tStm.riand neerebinkng beytwo funeral ynn asa n "o i Special 89c r bave enough donc for the.m. 1ubd Tnne u1scmmnîdter sLv" iap prond educational career in Miss E1«-_abeth1 The Manty heautiful floral tiue Men'sOveralsiBack yfor h air pyhe ers h on ingsby Rancocks room of the publie sci(onllwhieh banked the rasket as it restedi ther ii emere fllosbutneer ek ar Rss AllnBa- and wreath frorn the !amily; wreathsr Men'sà Footwear Ble .......Spca $.9 mid, better be condemned for'br Bentz, Ella Brown, Reta Criot, front Wellington Lodge, M ens Bots and Ox. _______________ cheerfulness than. for grouchiness, Dora Martin, Roger and Reggie Mea'î- Newcastle United Cburcb and New e'Bot an Ox Checked Tea Towelling, sulking, or nagging. A. ows, Grace Powell, Keitb Rowe and castle Municipal Council; Cross from fordi lc n a i Your loviag, UTS AN Norma VanDusen. Atbough wei- Mms. B. -Moise and Sara; sprays orrdiBakadTn _______121/2_Yarr coming ail these new ach. ilmiatýes. sheaves from the Newcastle Htorti- leathers, good quality. ss Brth Coandauhte r the other boys and girls o! Miss Han- cultural Society, Mr. and MIrs. W. H Sorte are heavy work Miss Betha Cown,,dauger oor cock's room are sorry to 1osc hei Pearce and family, Mrs. J. G. Rick- CurainScrm, rea orMr. and Mrs. Alonzo Cowan, is home rrformer feiiow pupils, Tonm anu Mary i ard and !amily, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.r boot style, others are white,..Special 14c Yard frnthe 0ntario Business College: Gibson, who are leaving the commun- Couch, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clern- sutbe fr d ss o _________________ Brs 11ei sborhnd graduated with ity- ence. Miss Florence Walkington, M utbe fr des o or nsotadand typewriting. and Mrs W. F. Rickard and famiiy, street Wear. Limited A ~~TYII1'L' M r. A. H. Cuttie, Toronto, finance I The Ladies' Aid, Mr. and Mrs. Fred let J.* J j~j ,j~ commissioner o! the Syno d office, NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Graham, Mr. aad Mrs. H. S. lritton, quantile t A .D L I K was us fRv E .adMs Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer and Mrs Bargain Room Special King and Division Sts.. James at the Rectory last Suadayj Rev. E. B. Cooke, Pastor. Sunday, Elford and daughter, Welcome. Bowanill indpreacbed in St. George's Church April 22-11 a. m.-Mornin %vor- The members of the cburch session,- 29 BomavloOnt. iandthe morning and St. Saviour's in ship. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday 9ch ool. witb the exception o! Mr. A. A. Col-$29 the afterioon on finance questions o! 7 p. r.-Evening service wili who is la Northern Ontario on the cburch. Mr. Cuttie is <ne o! On Thursday evening of this week, business, acted in a body as fiower- the leadîng Anglican laymen o! Tor- April 19,' the Board o! Managers Of bearers, namely: John Douglas, Thos. onto and t', su perintendent of a large the United Churcb wili meet in the Moffat, Norman Aluin, Robt. Martin, ~ Sundy Sch~~dayHi splenid di- Sunday School Rooms for generalFrdFigJ.E W.Pip Fed$1 8 J<X ,.~ courses on Srdysbowed bht e business and to ap)point a successor Graham, A. O. Parker.$19 'bas ato nro biemgrs o the Angli- Rickard, who at the time o! bis deathr The pali-bearers were six nepbews basiatio n ro b grasotfinancial or sucJ.cS.essorr, to t100ePrate Geo. P.e 7 ~~- can Cburch ~Good congregations was a memnber of the session, chair-jo!dcaeW.JS.icrdW.F 10P Wo ensS e, man o!th fnnc cmmteewbc Riekard, N. L. Rickard, Thos. C. . ~reetcdbîm hereand rno ades ail the local fuada o! the Ciemence, Wm. J. Ciemence and E. these are a few left over r curb adseretrytrasirr o! the J - Symons, Welcome. phrarsng e cmmtte wbicb andles During the day and on into the from the Bankrupt Sale. M EN ~the parsonage endowment tfund o! evening when theremins ere bTe rcehs-en u At a reception service on Easter tery, the municipal fiag fiew at bal! dont th w as mast in honor o! bim who a fewOflt th lo a- ecendy io8cbrch EmB.Cersi ears before had served tbe villageric $18 aboello 1, firat as Councilior and then as oudn aot twenty young pele fromt the Rýee. i.. r t fietit ic omîiny olO SudaySehol.shoes that were valued - f ~~~~Il titýiii. iitotpint ,rogiucs, e.W . .Syh Wellington, Amon1,.relatives and friends pres- Live and G mwsp i ,intst ' called on Rev. and Mrs. E. B.' cnt at the funeral from adstance a s high as $8.00 will be iaiinrn-tmiî,i,rtiî a~rt- C ooke and on Mrani Mrs. W ' Il. were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Martyn u1n , sorn_ ti- uh- i r on- 'Cooke wbile on bis way to Toronto'i and family, Stratford; and Mr. Nor- found arnong them. -riis u iii ai;. ':. ryf.rutisr,i and back during lýaîte c week. j mati Fiekard, Port Arthur, accom- rt- r ii i ttrc-t- rni i i panied hy 'Mr. A. W. Pickard, Bow- BABY CHICK FOOD ateKd h evieiIhecuc .iuli iti t iii--wr c-rlr ' 't-iand followed the remains to tbeir lies bt eý-i t g ari tI ROBYS PRODUCTS LTD. Monday, April 23rd.-Mrui. Geo. p.- ast resting place. Dr. Scholls Pads ad ftrténit, , -n Pu S.ret Mn rea j Rickard, Newcastle. xii seli by pub- Besides bis sorrowing widow, de-i sUeygt IT , I734St.PalS. esMtri lic auction on the i)remniscs o! Mrs.1 ceased is survived by tbeii~ i For corns, callous- Pa Fd C.. f C.i IIi î _______________ John Rickard, Cburch St., one brown *daughters, ýMrs. A. H. Fisher, Belle-esadBno , jmare, rubher tired4 covered buggy,!I ville; M.%rs. E. H. Joli, Glidîlen, Sask;esadBno , Take a Look in a Mirror The first time you see a full length mirror take a look at your feet, well dressed men and wornen neyer wear shab- by or r-un down shoes. Being well shod offers big dividends-both in health and personal appearance, comfort in new and good looking shoes can be obtained at Rovan's. For real good shoes at low Price and Perfect Fit, corne in and see the new Spring stuif. IRovan's Quality Footwear Shoes That Fit Phone 528 Bowmanville Formerly Claude Ives Room Specials MAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $2.98 Wornen's E Width Pat- ent Slippers, in cuban and low heels, sizes 21/, to 7, Bargain Rooni Special $2.98 HOSE isie Hoysekan BagisleRoSecia 29c Pair Men's Fibre Silk Hose, in latest shades, reg. $1, Bargain Rooni Special 49c Pair Ladies' Silk to the top Hose real value 3 spring shades, Bargain Rooni Value 55c Pair or 2 Pair $1 .00 Women's House Men's Light Work Boots Bargain Rooni Value $1.88 riited quantity of Men's Light )rk Boots, in Tan and Black, have a good upper and real çleather sole, Just the thing the shop. Sizes 61/2, 7, 71, 8, 81/., left, 100 Pairs [)DS AND ENDS IN LADIES' SHOES Il colors, various sizes, high, low, cuban heels, 1 lot at 59c Pair Another Lot At 99c Pair Don't Miss This Boots In leather and panco soles. Lirnited quantitV left, sizes 6 to 10, Bargain Rooni Specil $2.98 Club Bag Special Club Bags and Suit Cases $1.78 Trunks at Bargain Prices Slippers $1.78 Wornen's 1-strap E E width, kid, low heel slipper, real cornfort in this shoe Size 21/1, to 71/2, Bargain Room .. Special $1.78 Boots $1.69 30 pair of littie Gents' Boots, sizew 8 to101/,,left overs from the Big Bank- rupt Sale at the Real Bargain Price $1.69 ts Quality Footwear Gooda Exchanged or Money Refund.d Bowmmnville ROVANYS A Good Place For Shoes

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