PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd., 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate ia Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- t.ario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipinent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- mantille. Office bours 9 a. mi. to 6 p. ni. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. House phono 283. X-Ray Equipnient in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Bonor graduate of Toronto Uni- veraity and member of Royal College et Dental Surgeons. Licensed tc practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dentistry in aIl ita branches. Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL W. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Succassos te at. D. B. Siinpsou, rC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montrul Money to Lo.n Phonae 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleekley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Honze 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. z Complote Motue or Horse Equipment attended to. Pxivate Ambulance Bowmanville phono 10Oand 34 Branch Store- Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Diroctor. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ,ille, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, ]Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL Mw.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin), D.P.H. tSsscc.ssor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley> Bons. Graduate in Medicine,1 Aber- deen Univerity; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residenco, Queen St., Offce Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. Bownianville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. 1 Telephone 108 Office. Wellington Street BowmanYUle. Ontario. VETERINARY DR.* F. t*TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nght calîs promptly attended to.t Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Bc.t Honer Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and caretul attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Ph .xIes:Ic Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON THE EDITOR TALKS Doctors do flot make a practice of giving cooks special instructions in their departrnent of activity but Dr. Frank McCoy often strikes out on some line of instruction of a strictly practical character, as in the case now before us, namely, telling cooks how to serve good meals with inex- pensive beef. His talk seemns so timely and practical that we are re- peating it from Farmn and Home of Vancouver, B. C. The prices quoted are those of United States cities, hence are somnewhat higher than Can- adian butchers charge. But Most housewives and special cooks are1 fairly familiar with meat prices charged by their local purveyors of meats and can manage to adjust local prices in the article for comparison Dr. McCoy says: Many housewives who are forced to prepare food for large famnilies, but whose incomes are limited, often leave meat out of the Aol- or-three aays in the week, CLEAN.UP TIME 1S HERE The time is at hand for the people of the community to dlean up. There is no superstition or prophesy- ing about this dlean-up sign. When warmn weather bas coxne every own- er of property and every tenant should instinctively feel it their duty to reniove the evidences of winter's ravages and to aid and augment nature in her work of rebeautifica- tion. Every spring dlean-up pro- gram should include disposaI of win- ter's accumulation of litter and de- cayed vegetation, repairing and re-ý painting of buildings, and landscape gardening. Landscape gardening is no longer associated with large es- tates alone. The home lover, witb his small area, can make his environ- ment a boauty spot, with a little well-directed labor. And it is labor wbich pays remarkably well. OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS Dr. A. T. Littie, M. O. H., stated that 1800 of the 2100 quarts of milk -85 %sold daily in Barrie is pasteur- ized milk. Barrie Bloard of Health is now requesting that alI milk sold there be pasteurized. Look out for the dog catcher! By- law states that owners of dogs in town must secure tags-for their can- ines by May lst or dog may be dis- posed of. Authorities have given orders to enforce the law. So get busy and get your tag today fron Chief Venton. Dayligbt aaving time still bas its pro and con advocates. Although the plebisite taken in Bowmanville lasti year gave a niajority vote oppo0i2 fast time, owing to cirecumstncesý over which citizens had no controll tbey were practically forced to adopti -and substitute some starchy food in NO BUREAU 0F INFORMATION fast time f-or the next five months. *its place. Potatoes, beans or mac- * 4** aroni and cheese sbould not be con- It would appear that some people 90-nanville merchants are not sidered meut substitutes, and if used are under the impression that a tele- aoei htte ge odsge at ail should be taken at somne meal in phonle central is a bureau of informn- aone th queton ofaremo id-wee a the day which will flot interfere witb ation, but Bell Telephone Co. rules onteqeto-f i-ekhl the meat or protein meal. are strictly Vo the contrary. holiday. We glean front numerous * *The list of questions asked central Ontario papiers that meinhera of Re- Here are some suggestions for' in a day would fill a book. For in- tail Merchanta Associations and those who wish to use meat once a.tance, an snxîous mother wants Vo Boards of Trade in discussing this day and still keep the cost to the know what to give the baby for colic, subject are far from being unanimous minimum, la young bride asks how long to boil in closing their places of business Brisket and rump are the chespest eggs,1 a hungry lad cornes home from with such keon competition as now cuts of beef meat, and may be pro- scbool and expects central to know exists duet to chaîn stores, mail order pared in a wholosome manner by where his mot.her is, and evorybody deliveries and motor transportation. boiling. The meat should hoe tied takes it for granted that the operator In fact in soine towns met-chants are up to preserve the shape, put into sbould tell thein the time of day just advocating keeping shops open one boiling -water, plenty of vegetablos Ilas easy as to give them a m-rong night besides Saturday night. added, and allowed to sinimer gently number. until doue. The present pieo But what ruffles9 a customer most brisket or rump is 20 to 25 cen s to hear the fire bell ring and to PRODUCERS WANT PROTECTION, pound. immediately rush to the phone with * * *the query, "Wbere's the fit-e'?" Said Mr. W. H. Gibson, prominent or- Round steak may be prepared in'customer imagines ail sorts of things: chardist of Clarke Township, was a the samne manner by boiling, or may It may be bis home in fimes, the, delegate froin this district represent- be broiled or pan-broiled if pro perly garage on fire or spontaneous coin- j ing fruit and vegetables growers who hammered to break up the connective bustion in bis busineýs block-and went to Ottawa Friday ta meet the tissue. For pan-broiling the fat the insurance policy lapsed yester- Pme Minister to present the views, sbould be removed and the steak day. Horrors! and central calmly' of producers of eggs, poultry, fruit cookd ina dv pa, te met b in tells hini it's against the rulos to give and vegetables regardtng the dump- cooked in a ry spn, orthe mentheîn out information over the phono. inz duties on tbese products which it is singed eacb tume but not overly But impatient, unreasonable cust- %vere recently removcd. It's tbe old bured. Rond tea 1y5asobe amier, tbink a minute! Supposing~ cantankerous question of Drotectio prcpared into what is called a Salis- the 700 or more phone users connect-. wtith the ultimate consumer paytn.g bury steak. AIl fat and gristle are cd with Bowmanville should ail phono the shot. Look wbat nrolcctioni removed from the meat and it is run jcontrai at the same tinte about the supposed to have donc for the mnanu- through the meat grinder. This flre. Now you dan understand why- faceturers-mill iona ires evxý-ryhoro! j ground heef is thon formed into pat_ the company take the stand it doeo,.Here's boping the prA)ucers sharo tics one-baîf ta an inch in tbickness But on tho otheî hand, Manager1 the same fate. olaced in a dry pan, and bak-3J in ' Frank Williams informs u.5 that ifý bot oven foi- five minuteo. 1i subscribers wish to notify Fire Chief! believe this is tbe most nutritious Edger there is a fire and will give MUNICIPAL INFORMATION arnd healthful way to prepare any specifi c particulars as to its location SatigFcsCnandi kind of beef meat no matter Nvhat theoaperatoi, w:l immediatoly notify SatigFcsCnand price you pay for it. the chief. The company will do; Auditor's Report. * * * everytigwti esn t ae Altbuugb the Municipal Act calîs Please observe that round 3toak, guard the intercsts of the town gen- fir the printing of the Auditors' Re- next to rump and brisket, is thei erally undot such circumstance.s. port so far the Finance Committee cheapeat beef meat in the market, So in the words of the well kno'.%n bas not seon fit to carry out th is most of time selling around 30 cents cOmtle characters Mutt and Jef clause in the act by making a recomn- a pound. W"hen round steak seils "show dtscretion", or as Jiggs Nvould mendation to council. It cost the at this price, sirloin steak iis about say "Do ho reasonable." taown $400 to bave the municipal fifteen cents more per pound, and ___________ _____- books audited and receive tbree type- witb more waste, botb in bone and witncpe fsie fat. and sound common sense and good wito oiso ao Sirloin steak shouîd oe cookpd b3- judgment and wise discretion can If it is worth $400 Vo bave the eîterbrolîg ude th fre.orb~-sae er husband fronu the strong books audited, the findings of these pan-broiling. A porterhouse drink habit by the exercise of these "book sleutbs" should be made ks sometbing like the sirloinb1 womanly virtues-salvation by good avalable for every ratepayer. costa ten cent more per pound. This;cookin g and wisd um.* We have bad the privilege of scan- is just a "choice" dut because t bere' *T* ing one of the three copies on band are lesa of them to the carcass. WhenlThis man further declares that and we can assure citizens it makes the porterbouse or sirlroin steak bau manv cooks will be surprised, onlînteresting reading for anyone look- had the bono remived irt selîs for 80 studying the subject, to find that they1 ing for enlightenment on municipal cents a pound, wbile the filet part h- have neyer known hiw to bail pots- affairs. You wiII also find sotne stil mre xpesiv, bining 90toes whicb it la commonly supposed .st cets a ounToe expen3s n ing -e9 anybody dan do. They dan be boiled 1 trtling facts wbicb sbiould give setas are al righ for thu se or baked in the time sure to be re-~ councillors and citizens food for can afford to psy the prico, or f' r quircd for various incidentaIs, C togit ndtion.teadtos e those wbo wish to entertain and niake made aIl ready the night before for Co enignteadirs R- an~~~~~~ imrsinbbtte9ren i tteakfrast. If they must go througb port Acton Free Press makes this oh- is inpneswsinu h erior in fod heaue ying pan le t them ho neither servation:- to tie 30 cen spro nstoak. al ease-soaked nor charred. If there The Auditors' Report for 1927 la * *is an imperious demand for bot bread, ready for distribution to ratepuyers. Many of my patients who can wel ma ke some nice grahain gems to come The little booklet of twenty-eigt afford to psy for the more expen- an. h ae iewt our perfect pages give a fund of municipal in- siv cus o bef hve ow earedto steak and well-settled coffee that will formation. The information contain- use rounts ak of beef av nw ern e pour clear as amber and leave no ed in the Auditors' Report is authen- enjoy its flavor.- sediment. Coffee should just bail and tic. It covers activities of tho Onemut nt onuseth grun 1no more. If only one pair of hands Municipal Council, School Boards, Ondmstkwthcnf the rinr bam must do it aIl, have saine good sweet ec If you wol kwthaci- roud tea wth heordnay hm-bread of yesterday's baking, dut in tef o oul ad knwheeatsivn- burger sold in the shops. Although nice even slices, keeping the flavor te fyu onadweeisfn hamburger ment may be perfectlY and nutrition of the wheat kernels ances are distributed, apply for a wholesome when made entirely from as you rub themn through your hands copy of this book. They are free ta good pieces of meat, it nevertheless in passing through a field of ripe ratepayers and areypublished for your usually contains a largo amount of grain. Froni such a breakfast a man enligbtenment. Get yout copy snd fat and is not as easily digested as will go eut with cumulative strength. study it intelligently and know your the ground round steak froin which The various articles of food are di- town's standing and you will bave a ail fat and gristle bave been removed. gested and nutrition sent o brain or btter and perbaps not so critical un- One pound of round steak usualy muscle just where the demand of the dotstanding. makes enough Salisbury steak for systein is greateat with no thought of Bowmanville ratopayers should three people, as there is about aiiquor. certainly have the saine privileges. quarter of a pound of fat, gristle and 1____________________________________ hone to ho removod. This lbaves a1 qluarter of a pound apiece for each, 1 whicb is usually enougb meat for the' lay. The cos9t, thorefore, la about en cents a potson, a few cents more apicewil flpy lctheatchan cooked non-starchy vegetables need-I1 s tr t h. ed te make a well combined and nut-j ritious meal.** Auctioneer! Another authority on the meat Farni and House Sales a Specialty. question one who dlaims to knoýv the Ternms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. ways of the world and how to bc, Phon 19r3.J-t. hppythough married writes: A Phon 19r3.1-t. hppy f eef fit to be eut for steak,I namely, sirlotn or portcrhouse, if t, CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUtULPSS costs more than chuck, buy less of it, THEROPY and that wjll be worth more. Let it DURWIN E. STECKLEY hbceut an inch thick-it does not need honor graduate of Toronto College, to be massacred. Do not strike it! of Ciroracie illbe n te Bw- a blow nor break its smooth, marble ot hlrpraticwil bein he ow-surface. Just when everything eisec qn.avill Offce Tesda, Th.rsd. ready, cook it quickly by broiltng, And Baturday eveninga, phone 141j, or the nearest equivalent of broiling Rsildential calla made during fore- which your stovc- and fuel will allow flocus. -so that the outside shal e just -________--nicely crisped, and the inside of a delicate rose color, every ceil full of nutricious liquid in its most concen- M trated forin, so that each piece seems ~Il~ and that food goes swiftly to make r ei~'~new blood, bone, muscle and nerve. S This same mnan believes that a really Sgood cook and housekeeper of ability go Always bave the magic la WRIGLEY package i la yourpoclcet. *f Soothes ncrves, asuave gthirst.1d "BAICES SPLENDYDLY" "9.,,ho~rfcz,,,y-, do,'t h., lu ,cunyarund an gezv..ud tobs'dda i'e. .Bzply tou-h a omatch ru .tildYomae a omed..brat. andfy. arr .bd a n " oue hta! g,,,udssil fàg,, y OUR Perfection Range la instantly on the job for quick, clean cookingl Each burner has a patented wick stop which positively does not allow the wick ta flare or the fame ta rise above a set point. Clean, intense heat strikes the bottomn of the coaking uten- sils,which neyer becorne aoiled with smoke or soat. Have you seen the beauti- fuI new Perfection modela? Modemn.. .quick . .. convenient. Finer than you ever dreaxned an ail range could be. Perfect- ion prices run from $8.75 ta $2 12-50. PERFECTION Oil Burning Rne Mail TODA -------------------- :------- iDept. , ,Gensral Steel Wares Ltd., TorSonlo i Pss. snd me rs. gurkulmr.Of d er &M- onOU RAngs- ----e------------------------------------------- v What you want when you want it Progress cornes chiefly from speeding up the means of communication. It used to take the local dealer from one to two weeks to order and receive tires, or new part for auto- mobiles or machinery. Now - thanks to Long Dis- tance - it is a cominon occurrence to telephone the order before noon, have it shipped the saine day, receive the goods the fol- lowing morning, and be using them in the after- naon. If there is anything you can't get in your home town, your favorite dealer wilU order it for you by Long Distance and get it in a day or two. A -À Policy You Can Afford The "Idee.I" Policy is one of the most interesting policies issued. If you are a healthy maie under 45 ycars of age you can get a $2,500 policy ult haut medical examination. And the premiums are low and limited in number-allowing a man to buy his insurance when at the height of bis earning power-. Speci for Age 20 25.. 30 .. 35.. 40.. E XL SI imen rates r $2,500 RaSe ....$38.75 ....44.90 ....53.25 ....65.40 ....83.75 OR 1INS UR A N'CE FCOMPANY fis u t* CX p HEA D OFFICE, EXCELSIOR LIFE BLDG., TORONTO MALTHIS TODAYý District Representativo W. BLAKE MeMURTRY, 5cý m- if .'maton about îour "IDEAL" Pollry. ............................................... E x OId Turne Favorites The sweet and simple songs, written in the long ago, which live for- ever in the hearts of ail of us. Ne more glorious music has ever been written. They catch at the very heart-strings. They carry you back into the ever golden days of your youth when you hummed and wbistled and sang themn wherever you went. Glance over the ist of 8ongs below. Can you afford flot to have these I your home--every single one a song that thrills you to the soul. Melodies That Will Neyer Die 268fSidewalks of New York 2682Sweet Rosie O'Grady .699[The OId Grey Mare ýSlng on, Brother Slng f6,,L'ttle Annie Rooney 2~9Wat 'Till the Sun Shlnes Neflo 872Tho Little Brown Jug 872That OId Wooden Rocker ...fA Bird In A Gilded Cage XThe Mansion of Aching Hearte f6,,Sweet Adeline 2U When The Harvet Daji Ame O,.,, .Jesale Dear f..Shine On, Har-voat Moon 83 My Swwetheart, My Mother and Home ffl!n the Baggage Coach Ahead ~ABoy'@ Beet Frlend le Hie Mothes 1~In the Sweet By-and-By XTeliMother V'U Be Ther. tublfWbh-ere la My Boy To-nlght 'F»ce To Face lBr!ng Nie a Leat From the Sea (The Wee Ilooso 'Miang The Heather 439 %lake Up Your Mind Maggie Mc- 737fThe Mort-y Widow Waltz ý Ni9hts of Gladness .74, (Mother O' Mine ýThat Wonderful Mother 0f Mine fWhat a Friend We hlave In Mother 8747 N!-O-T-H-E-R (A Word That Mena. The World Ta Me) 5fWhere The River Shannon FIow. XAnnie Laurle .31{Lîttle Grey Home ln The West BatflIe 0f Somewhere &%fSiIver Threada Among the Gold XThat Tumble Down Shack In Athioe. 419,fWhea You and 1 Wero Young Magge XThe OId Oaken Bucket 81I.1fCarry Me Back To Old Vlrglnny "Old Black Jo. Thm. Records cn b. purhared from the. following A>., Dealers ufo are giving a SpecilDemonsras ion o them aU thb ,weeh: 0. wm@-mý A qei &iccirophornc Bowmanville SUN RECORD COMPANY, TORON.ONT,0f. L. icholis ont. MEALUR VERYWHERE STOBIE, FoRLoNG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calîs At Our Expense Electrophonic THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd., 1928 PAGE TWO - ýon