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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1928, p. 5

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~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd., 1928 PAGE FIVU Fine Furnishings CI..ning & Pressing BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Good Clothes" Snappy Values in Made - to - Measure Clothes featured for this month. We have just received samples of New Cloths just in-Scotch Twists-West of England Wor- steds-Pure Indigo Serges-and Soft Cheviots- tailored to your individual measure in the Season 's Newest-Models at $24.00-27.50-$32.50---$37.50--,$4l00 King St. West Bowmanville "Bert" Bell "The Clothing Mani" Drink To Me Only mmm That's the way the song goes, but we're not singing a song. But we do want to tell you about the Water Glasses we are sefling. We started out last week with 1000 of these glasses, L-, ' they are now down to only a few dozen left. Neyer such values before, attractive designs, flrst quality, regular $1.00 a dozen, while they last only one dozen to a customer at ....49e DOZEN 20 DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS To clear this week at 10e for a cup and saucer -good semi-porcelain China. Housecleaning now in full swing--so are we busy selling housecleaning necessities. Great weather for gardening-get your Seeds here. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville NO MORE STALLING Use White Rose Gasoline and Feel Secure That quick response, that smooth pick-up, that mileage you'd love to boast about. Ail can be at- tained and maintained by using White Rose, a pure and almost Carbonless motor fuel. Dependable Proper Lubrication -means longer life and service to your car and machinery. EN-AR-CO QIL -is the right oul. Our stations have the people, and the right service brings you back for more. Costs No More right right White Rose Service Station Phone 430 Fred W. Nelles Bowmanville Plant Your Shrubs and Roses Now They will be able tot a good start before the hot weather cornes. Our stock is complete and we invite your inspection. We are also taking orders for window boxes and hanging baskets for later delivery. Brookdale Nurseries PHONE 7 BOWMANVILLE Special Values at Dillick's Yo'1tee for yourself when you tee th.m Men's or Young Men's Sp ýring Coats, new mater- is, Special $1250 to $15 Men's or Young Men's Spring Suits, high grade quahity, single or double breasted, Special $19.95, $17.50r Men's Work Boots, a real bargain....Special $2.981 Ladies' Patent Strap Shoes,.....Special $289 Children's Charnbray Bloomer Dresses ,size 2- 61............Speial 89c Men's Fine Cap, ail new shades, Special 98c, $1.29 Children's Black Patent Sandals, sîze 8 to 101/2, Special $119 A. DILLICK M.a a fDflm 8h.a B.wmuffvle 0Ont LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Brooch Found-En.guire at States- man Office. Mrs. H. B. Creeper is visiting her daughter in Port Hope. If you are interested in a new car read Thickson Motor Go's advt on page 4. Miss E. E. Haycraft of tbe States- man Staff is off duty tbis week with inflammation of ber eyes. Mrl. and Mrs. W. H. Argue spent the weekend witb her mother, Mns. R. Benson, Peterboro, who is in feeble bealtb. Hospital 'Board bas extended time of campaign ta raise funds for Nur- ses' Residence to May 15tb. Procras- tinators please take notice. Owing ta extra advertising cam- ing in on Wednesday for this week's Statesman several columns of news are crowded out. Mrs. S. Bath, son Lorne, Mrs. Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Fawcett, Pickering, were Sunday visitors witb the form- er's sister, Mrs. Mary Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Van Neat are At Home ta their friends after May 1 at 405 Killegarry Apaxtments, Upper Darby, Pa. Report of mar- niage on page tbree. The fire brigade was called out about 8 a. m. on Sunday te, extinguiah a fire in a building belonging ta S. J. Jackman & Sons, fiorists. About $75 damage was-done whieh was cav- ered by insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Will S Perey and daughter Rutb, Toronto, spent tbe weekend with relatives in tawn. Mr. Percy, well known representative with P . W. Ellis Ca., wbolesale jew- elers, has recently returned frorn a 6-weeks' business trip in tbe Mari- time Provinces and reports business good. He bad the pleasure of re- newing acquaintance with Mr. Alex. Elliat, formerly af this town, who has charge of the repair department in the largest jewelry store in St. John, N. B. I A working arrangement has been( made by the directors of the Ontario Educational Association by wbicb the Canadian School Board Journal, tbe property of tbe Ontario Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association, becomes the official organ of the O.E.A. for tbe publication of news matter cf beneft to tbe teacbers cf the prov- ince. The Journal is to be enlarged to nieet the needs of the wider con- stituency. Mr. A. E. Bryson, the germaanent secretary of the O. E. A., ecomes an associate editor handling the news of the academie side The Journal -h,11 be financed as before by the trustees. It is now a profit- al ublication and is edited by W. MMorris, Toronto, J. G. Eliot Kingston, and S. Farmer, Port Per- ry. The winds and the waves are al- ways on the side of the ablest navi- gator. -Gibbon. BROADWAY FLASHES OF 1928 This musical attraction booked to play in Bowmanville Opera House, Friday and Saturday, May lltb and 12th comes beralded as one cf the finet miniature musical reviews that; is touring Canada this season. Sing- ers and comedians will introduce the latest novelty dances andi musical numbers. Conmpany carries its own scenery and special igbting effects. Twenty-six changes of costume make it a positive fashian show and a positive treat for tbe ladies. Broad- way flashes will be presentesi at popu- lar prices 50e and 35c. Special matinee Saturday for tbe children at Adults 35c, Children 20c. 18-1 Notice to Creditors R. S. O. 1927. chap. 150, Sec. 51 ESTATE 01P Mrs. S. F. Hill, Wldow, deceased. ALL persoas aving claims againsi the PEqtate af Mrs. S. F. HiI. laie of the Town af Bownmanvllle, in the County of Durham, Widaw, deceased, who died on or about the sixteenth day of AprIl. AL». 1928, are here.by notified to file wibh the undersigned, on or before the fiteentb day of May, AAD. 1928. full particulars of their dlaimts. Immediately after teaif date, the as8ets af the deceased wili beý dlstrlbuted amangst those entted there- ta, havlng regard only te dlaima so fiied. DATEU at Bowmanville the 25tb day of April, 1928. C. B. KENT and J. A. MeCLELLAN Executors, bowmanviIIe 17-3 MARRIAGES MCDOWELL-BAILES-Ofl Wednes- day, April 25, 1928, at Oshawa, by Rev. Dr. J. P. Wilson, Belleville, Mary Evelyn daughter of Mr. and Mre. Cime. R. Balles, ta Thomas Howard McDOWell, son af the late E. J. and Mrs. McDowell both of Oshawa. DEATHS SMALE-In Toronto. on Tuesday, May 1, 1928, Clarence John Smnale, aged 48 years. Funeral from hie late resldence Pro- vidence, on Friday, May 4. Service at 2.30 p. m. (Standard Timel. Cortege to Bowmanvulle Cemetery. WILLIS--On Monday, April 30, 1928, Maria. relict of the laie William Wiilis, aged 83 years. WALKER-At Part Hope, April 24th., 1928, Rachel Leonard. belaved wîfe of Jame-s Walker in her 74th year. MOORE-In Wbitby township, April 24, 1928, Joseph H. Moore, beloved husband af the late Ellen Guy. In hie 92nd year. WALTER-In Weston, on Thursday, April 26, 1928, Mable Gertrude Walter, eldeet daughter af John L. and the late Edna Walter, Courtice, aged 12 years.ri GIBSON-In Oehawa, on Sunday,Api 29, 1928, Elizabeth A. Lyneas, widow of the late John Gibson of Darlington, aged d 7 years. Interment in Hampion C-eme- tery. VANCE-Suddenly, on April 29, whlle on train In British Columbia, John Ar- thur Vance of Winnipeg. formerly af M.%illbrook, Ont., In his 58th yýar. Interred at Millbrook. McCULLOCH-,On Sunday,. April 29, at hie late reeîdence, 96 Wolrmaley Boule- vard, Toronto, Bey. Robert McCuliooh, in his e 8h year. Interment in Mount Plasant Cemetery GIBBS-At Christie Street Hasî,ital on Sunday, April 29, Gilbert Scott, son af Urs. and the late W. Il. Gibbsof Osh- awa, In hie 45th year. Intei«niant at Un- ion Cema-tery, Oshawa. IN MEMORIAM in îîroud and loving memorl aof aur dear 1son andl lrother, H-orace Vctor Wiliie Moses, K.illed in Action, Ma%ýýv r.i., 1917, -Who (dies if Britain lives- In loving memory of aur ,. r other, Nilra Samuel HearI who uliý,I Nay 1, 1912. You were a wonderful motler, De.ar 01(1 mothr of mine. Yau hold a spot down .deep mn imy heart Where the sun na langer sIiines. Always sa good, unselfish and kmnd, Fe~w on earth her equal youlIl find, One af the best that Gad could send A loving mother. right ta the end. Sadly missed by Daughters and Sons. CARD 0F THANKS Te the m.anry who have been most 'kind d'uring Our recent bereavement, ,wa desire to express our grateful -appreciation. W. H. Pearn, Mns. John !Reid. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Martin wisb ta 1thank their friends and neighbors for .their kindness ani sympathy during the sickness and death of hîs mother, -Mrs. John Martin. Lost or Found BAR PIN LOST-Whlte gold witb brul- liants, an Saturday, April 28th. Reward )for return ta Statesman OffIce. 18-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-.'rwa White Leghorn B oosters. Apply ta Mre. R. Parker, iNewcastle, Ont. 18-1w- 1 FOR SALE-Tapestry rug 3% by 4 Yards. Apply Mre. Wilbert J. Dudley, .phone 272, Bowmanville. 18-1 1 RED CL.OVER SEED FOR SALE-$16 -per bushel. .Apply phone Oshawa 1648r 22. A. W .MeMaeter, Hampton. 18-1 1 AUTO FOR SALE-Overland Tourig 1car, In good running condition, a real bar- [gain. Apply N. S. Plummner, Liberty St., Bowmanvllle, phone 187. 18-2 AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaughlin Touring, Master 6 model, In excellent ;condition, great value. Apply Dustan Cash Hardware, Bowmanville. 18-t CAR FOR SALE-Fard coupe, balloon tires and windehield wiper. bas been thoroughly overhauled and painted. A good bargain at $195. Apply ta Howard Hailman at th-- Bowmanville Glove & LMitt Co. 18-tf f FOR SALE-Baby carniage, in good Icondition, real bargain at less than ,quarter original price. Apply Mre. J. BH. Johnston, Horsey-st., Bawianville, 1phone 199J. 18-t j. ----I. FOR SALE-Several articles of bouse-j hold furnieblngs, including double andS single beds with epringe, chairs, etc. Ap- ply Mre. Brown, Cherry Cottageý Churcb Street, Saturday, May 6th., and follaw- ing week 18-1 Eggs For lHatching EGGS FOR HATCHIiNG-Pure bred strain Black Minores. eggs, the kind that need no gradin. 60 cents a setiing 15 eggs. H. A. ý-albraith, Burketan, ont. Phon e 197K5 Port Perry. 17-t EGOS FOR HATCHI4NG-Duck eggs- Mammoth White Pekin batcbin g eggs. 1 guarantee fertilitY and sattactory ha ch. Apply L. C. Wilcocks, B. R. 4. Bowmanville, phone 14 2-r3. 7-13w' FOR SALE-Baby chlcks from S. C. W. L.egborns mcm higb laylnf stock, alsa from eggsnot lees than t4 oz. te the dlozen. a1 or phone F. W. Batie. R. R. 5. Bowmanville, phone 219J. 14-tf HATCHING EGGS AND BABY CHICK -Selected tram 500 Government culied ireeders. Exceptlanaily gaad winter layere. Headed by Canadian Contest ai B. O. P. maies. Eggs guaranteed ionfll ertlllty. Prices rêasanable. A. fi. Ciem,'ne. B. B. 6, Bawmanvllle, phone 2.17-3. 16-if BABY CHICKS & HATCHINO EGOS -The demnand for our baby cbicks thia season bas been heavY whicb proves iheir populrlir. We give y ou sirong. weii-batcbed cicks-every obick praduc- ed from aur own siack-wbIcb you can rely on for quantlty and quaiiiy of eggs. Cockerels of S. C. Whiti Leghorn from R.O.P. stock andS Wite Wyandottes are extra choice matingi ibis year. Cail on Us. Phone 38-2. W. H. Carruibers, Bowmanviile. Ont. 12-tf Real Estate For Sale B3UILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of tbe finesi building lots in Bowmanviile, on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for quick sale. Apply ta Norman 8. B. James at Staiesman Offce. PROPERTV FOR SALE-S six-roomed ed brick houses with ail modern conyon- lences; also farm for sale Ini township Clarke. Good buildings. Apply to Jas. E. Fleit, Centre St.. Bowmanville phane 384. l1.tt STOCK FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 150 acres, mare or less. frot clans grass farm, Loi 34, Concession 9. Darlington. west af Enfleld. Alo set oi stock weigbing scales with buIldingai Braokiin Station. Apply ta A. M. Hiardy, Box 37, Bowmanvllle. 16-t FOR SALE--Salid brick 7-roomed bouse in Bowmanville, 6 minutes walk tram pant Office. juit of! highway, elosed in verada, water sewer eotrie, good fumnace, garage. bsn bouse lots fruit, quarter acre geaiS garden. 1900 cash, balace eaaF payments. Apply H. L.. Draulr B. Bownanville. 18-3w '9 Think This Over Suppose you bave but one pair of glasses and you break them? You must wait until tbey are re- placed, but if you bave an extra pair you are saf e. Our twa Eyesight Specialiats will examine your eyes and pre- scribe the proper lenses. Make an appointment TO-DAY Jury & Loveil When We Test Eyes It la Dan. Properly Wall Paper 5c -l10e-25c L Clearing Il yau muet decorate this Spring with an eye to yo'ur purse, Corne 10 Big 20 Bookstore Wall Paper Department Here you will find a varied range cf patterns and styles in wall paper of extraordinary val- ue et these low prices. t Corne to-rnorrow-these papers are going fast! W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookator, Bowmanvill. Out. THIS WEEK AT CAVERLY'S GOOD POTATOES Prom the sand hills of Pontypool, excellent sam- pie, for table use or seed, delivered at ...$2.00 Bag Choice Dairy Butter 42c lb New Fruits, Spring Vege- tables, Fresh Groceries Prompt Delivery Service Phone 62 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY- MAY 3-4-5 COME TO OUR STORE AND SEE HOW SIMPLE ~ - IT IS TO APPLY Wanted WOMAN WANTED-To do housework one halt day a week. Apply by letter etating wagee required to Box 67, Bow- rnanville. 18-w- SEWING WANTED-Plain sewing and childrens ciothing. Maderate plilas. Mrs. Roy Hooper, 22 Carlisle Ave., Bow- manville. phone 404. 16-tf WANTEO-Reliable houselceeper, cap- able of taking charge of home for two elderly people. Apply lni perýn to Mise B. MeIntoah, clo Mr. W. Poster. Newcaetle. 18-1 WANTED-Ânticjue furniture. Nearly every home bas sorne aid furniture of no further use which could be turned Into ready money. Write Mrs. B. Warner, 566 King St. W., Oshawa. 13-t WANTED-Rags, metal, iran, and al kinds of old junk. Best prices paid. Rage 75e Cwt. Ma zogaod work horse wanted. Drop post card ta William Taylor & Comnpany, deaers, Duke St.. Bowmanvilie. 16-40 LS il Put over paper or on plain walis. Sole Agents for Staunton's Sunworthy Wall Paper, Glidden Paint and Alabastine. GEO. PRITCHARD 2 Doors Weat of F. F. Morris Co.. Be Well Dressed For Less MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS $19.95 In this line will be found Plain Serges, alo fancy patterned suits, double breasted modela, a truly wonderful suit value at only $19.95 EACH MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WORSTED SUITS AT $27-50 In shades of taupe and fawn, hard finished Worsteds that will keep their shape and press. In ail fancy patterned designs, double and single breasted models, exceptional values at $27.50 TOP COATS AT $18.95 A line of Young Men's Fancy Tweed Over- coats, greys and browns, splendid qualîty and will stand the wear. A Special Value at $18.95. BOYS' SUITS WITH ONE LONG PANT $995 A number of Boys' Suits in grey and brown effects, some have two pair of long pants while others have 1 long and 1 bloomer. A suit worth $15.00, ON SALE $9.95 T. B. Gilchrist Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville s COMING Friday & Saturday MAY Il - 12 ..Opera House, Bowmanvile Broadway Flashes- of* 1928 Tihe Most Sensational Musical Review Ever Presented In Your Little City. Snappy Dancing Girls-Sensational Novelties-Beautiful Costumes- Special Scenev and Lighting Effects The cast includes the. following celebrities of Vaudeville fame-Marge But- tler, Cecila Hewitt, Edna Miller, Herbert Julio, Frankc Murry, Doug. Mulien AND TED CURTIS-WORLD'S FAMOUS FEMALE IMPERSONATOR POPULAR PRICES 35c snd 50c. MATINEE SATURDAY /Alabastine TO YOUR WALL jVery economical il - ucm;am f HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, M.AY 3rd., 1928 PAGE FIVA Phone 489 Bowmanvie

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