Rmý ENFIELD Visitors: Mr. F. Bradshaw and A i A ndMr. Bradshaw, Burford, and Miss Irene H. Bray, Toronto, at Mr. S. Bray's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe, Brooklin, at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's; Mr. John Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mr. W. J. Ormiton's; Mr. John and Mr. Will Alexander, N. Oshaw~a, and Mr. Walton Pascoe, Columbus, at Mr. L. JJ C. Pascoe's; Rev. Mr. Nichol, Man- ~I1ir uh -~illa, at Mr. Geo. Cochrane's; Mr. Geo. Stinson is suffering from a bad I firottattack of bronchitis .. .. Mr. and Mrs. 4 ~ Frank Gilbert visited at Toronto last ~)U Drace5week... .Mr. W. Smthhas been vis w. vice wiIl be observe-d next Sunday here. . . . Rev. Mr. Nichol, Manilla, 21 Co ntris Arpreached an excellent sermon here MTlast Sunday. The Royal BanIk of Canada Bow-nan-,'il1e Branch - K. F Aitchison, Manager 12 - -u 9 m 0 a . - ------ - - Snrk stomacha, Sour itomamhansd iadigestion usually mean exces cid. The etontach nerves are over-timu- lated. Too much acîid makes the item. ach andI intestines sour. Alkali kilîs acid instantly. The boit fort la Phillipe' Milk of Mtagesia. b.- cause one banniess, tasteleai doie neu- tralisa many tintes te volume in acld. »imo. ts invention, 60 yearse, it bas remaineti thé taaj4 whpcId evesyrwhero Reduce the Acid Ik sick stomachs-lnstandly Talc. a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in live minutes. Thon you willIl always know what te do. Crude andI harmful methode wlli nover appeal te you. Go prove thia for your own sake. It may "a a great znany disagreeabl houri. Be sura te get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia preseribed by physi- cs fa.oh5 e ncre_4geo cit acr 5M~ietoi 1iOr tkgM-%ul drugstorb SOUTH DARLINGTON Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlington f or the montb of April: Sr. IV- Robert Finnigan 64, Lewis Rundie 61, Freda Attree 60, j'Ethel Hopps 59, tDorothy Rundle 44. Sr. III- *Bessie Blackburn 84, *Florence Foley 78, Eileen Morphy 68. Jr. III *Winnie Gibson 81, Edith Daîziel 67, tJack Finnigan 49, tKenneth Flint 37. Sr. II-*Annie Kush 80, llazel Hopps 78, Wilbur Blackburn 70, tAloysius Kush 56. Jr. II-*G-race Triill 82, f<R3obbie Gibson 56, tEunice Lane 50. Sr. I-5Maurice Morphy '81. Jr. I-*Helen Rundle 88, *Hazel Trul ad *Vera Gibson 83 equal), Sammy Van Camp 69, Douglas Hopps 61, tBerniece Roberts 58, t.Hazel Roberts 53. Jr. Pr.-*Louise Foley. *-Honours; t-Failure (belowl 60%/ on total).i Ruby M. Bragg, teacher.1 REV. ROBERT McCULLOCH DIES An Ex-President of Bay of Quinte Conference Rev. Robert McCulloch, eldest son of the late Alexander and Lilian Mc- Culloch of North Darlingteal Sunday morning passed quîetl awa at his home, 96 Walmsley Boulevard,i Toronto, after a brief ilînesa.He was born on the family homesta quarter mile south of Enfietw- ship of Darlington, on July17183 and was educated at what was then known as Chateauguay Academy-al name applied to the Public S hool by teacher Miss Strickland of Oshawa, in a story published in an Ohw newspaper.1 Deceased was a successful public school teacher for a number of years before he entered the ministry of the Methodist Church. He graduated in theology from Victoria College, Cobourg, in 1867. It was durîng bis college course while supplying the pulpits on Canton circuit, Hope township, that be met his wife, Evel-, ina Hawkins. They were marriedi in June, 1873, and celebrated their golden wedding in 1923. Mrs. Mc- Cuiloch predeceased ber husbandj inl March, 1924.1 Rev. Robert McCuiioch was an in-1 teresting speaker, above the average as a preacher and was an excellent pastor, hence was popular in the sev-1 eral pastorates in whicbhe minîster- ed for 45 years in the active itiner- ancy. He held such important charges in the Toronto and Bay of Quinte Conferences as Merrickville, Sarnia, Melbourne, Cobourg, Wood- ville, Keene, Millbrook, Lloydtown, Rosemount, Cookstown, Hampton, Tyrone, Newburgh, Marmora, On- emee and Greenbank. He was one of the very active and popular presidents of the Bay of Quinte Conference (1908-09), and was three times a delegate to the General Conference of the Methodistý Ghurch in Canada. Like many other ministers of means after superannuation, he removed to Toronto where he became a member of the Timothy Eaton Memorial Cburcb. During the pastorate of the late Dr. James Henderson he took an active part in the ministry there and until recently was a most regu- lar attendant at the Quarterly Board and at the regular church services. His strong uprîght life, ardent de- votion to daty, capable fýnanciaI leadership, Scotch integrity and per- severance have been a great asset te the oburches in wbioh he serve.d through his long ministry. Rev. Mr. McCulloch is survived by a sister, Mrs. William Gilbert (Janet) and a brother, James McCulloch, both of Toronto. He leaves five children, Bertha, wife of Judge George E. Deroche, Belleville; Dr. Edward A., Dr. R. J. P., Dr. A. Brnest and Miss Ella McCullocb of Toronto. There are seven grandchildren. Rev. George McCulloch who died several years ago was a younger brother of Robert's. DURHAM MAN DEAD John Arthur Vance, Milihrook, Dies on Train Word has reached Toronto, says The Globe, of the sudden death in British Columbia on Sunday of John Arthur Vance of Winnipeg, former- ly of Millbrook, and well known in this section of the 'Province. Mr. Vance was taken ilI while on a train, and died in a short time. He was instrumental some time ago in soecur- ing the amalgamation of a number of large vinegar concerns, while be held the position of Western Division Manager of Canada Vinegars. He was a son of the late William Vance, Postmaster of Milibrook, and was in his fifty-eighth year. He was a brother of the late Judge Vance, of Barrie. Mi. Vance is survived by two sons, Austin Vance, of Orillia, and Donald Vance, of Winnipeg. Ris wife predeceased him several years ago. Four sisters survive. Asaem the native home of the tee Lush, produces tees whlch are femed the world over for their strength, richo riss and flevor. The superior and distinc- tive quality of Rd Ro Orange Pekoe s l argely due to these fine quelity Auam teas, of whlch it As chlefly composed. Every package guarenteed. 17-2 OSHAWA TENNIS OFFICER.S 1TUXIS & TRAIL RANGERS NEWS 1Include Several Former Reidents The interest that may be created of Durham County in a Tuxis meeting, if under gond leadership and officers, may be dem- Oshawa Tennis Club elected offic- onstrated in the attenejance record ersforthefothcmin yar s fl-of Lorne Jackman'a group which sel-1 ers or he ortcomng earas ol-dom has a member absent. It is by lows: W. W. McLaughlin, G. D. Con- the attendance that we can record ant and R. S. McLaughlin, honorary the success of any enterpr.-e. After presidents; A. F. Annis, president; regular opening exercisea and bus- Miss Dorothy Myers, vice-president; iness period a series of novelty gamea J. Carroll Anderson, secretary; and were played. Several games were Dr. W .J. Langmaid, treasurer; Miss won on luck and not skilI. No. 2 Adeline Goheen, convener of Ladies' tean was successful-A. Dowson, H. Menbership Committee; Men's Cap-1 Joynt, L. Wood, G. Ives. tains, Stewart Alger and Georgel Beaver Trail Ranger group of St. Jamieson; Ladies' Gaptains, -Miss Ada Paul's Church initiated two new London and Miss Elizabeth Furber; members, Alex. Colville and Russell Grounds Comittee, Stanley Everson Hayes. They were.put through the and Theodore Fishleigh; Refre6h- serious part of initiation ceremony ment Comrittee, Convener, Miss as well as the one which is humorous Margaret Myers and assistant con- for the others te watch. Membership vener, Miss Vivian Goyne; Auditor, is 14 with an average attendance of Arthur Peacock. 12. After regular meeting a lunch - -was enjoyed by ail. ~Beaver Tuxia Square of Tyrone met April 2th., when address was Blddr eaness giv:n by Rey. J. R. Trumpouran Blad er W ak hreenewmembers were initiated. tS This group always plan their prgoram Getting-Up-Night8 a wee had whch isfound very succesful Man are akin areo Quicly Relieveud tepigo gain hiker's badge PleaantHone Teatentw>~treking according to standard being kïAe *EIj td o VoctoL.r A -. *any Y.art What a wonderful comfort it is to sleep ail night and flot get up once from Bladder Weakness and Irrita- tion. The daily annoyance, restless nights of misery, backaches and ner- vous irritabilitv that resuit f rom Bladder Troubles are wrecking the lives of thousands who might other- wise be in the best of bealth. To be at your best, you must have peaceful, health-giving sleep and freedom from daily irritation-that's Dr. Southworth's URATABS give sucb wonderful satisfaction. Made from a special formula and used in the Doctor's successful priv-1 ate practice for nearly 50 years- URATABS, now obtaînable froni your druggist for inexpensive home use, have brought quick belp and confort to xnany thousands. No matter what y'our age, niay be or how many medicines you h ave us-I ed without success, if you want to forget vou have a Bladder and enjoy the rest of peaceful, unbroken sleep, try URATABS today. Your druggist will refund the smaîl cost if you are flot well pleased! Thumb sucking dos look sç!eet in a baby, but it is disgusting in thie tbe-er-old and sonatimes it han&e on untifiteen or sixteen! The habit n's'y cause an ill1-formed mouth or ini- duce adonoids; and it elways inter- feres with digestion. Pinning thie aleeve over the. hand; attaching mit- tens, or putting on cardboard cufs, which prevent bending the arumaaà the lbows, are some of the ways te stop the habit. Anotiier bad habit-irreguli.rity in bowol action-in responsibie for woak bowolàanmud constipation in babies. Give the tiny boweis an opportunity te art at regular periodae esh day If tiiey don't art at first, a littie Flatcher's Castoria will soon regu- late thom. Every mother ahould keep a bottie of it handy te use in case of colic, choIera, diarrbea, gas on stom- aeh and bowels, constipation, loss of sleep, or wbon baby la cross andI feverish. Uns gentie influence ovor baby's system enabias hîn to fet ful nourishment f rom his f ood, ho Ps him gain, strengthens bis bowels. Catoria la puroly vagetable and harmleo-tho recipo is on the wrap- per.0 Physicians bave preséribo it or over 30 years. With oach package, you get a valuable book on Mother- bood. Look for Chas. H. Fletohor's signature on thse wrapper no you'Il get the geuluinb. A Pri«eus D»-- for Faim Hommes Houas work la naturally harder crn the farm than in the town . .. there are fewer coriveniences. But no farm need be without that greatest of all modern coriveniences *. ..end adornienta.. hardwood floors. Estimatea gladly fur- nished. à Phone 15 Bowmanville THEBES TH DMAD BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS The graduates of this district, thir- teen in ail, met at the School Iat Thursday to form an Old Boys' Asso- ciation similar to the one which was organized last year in Toronto. They had supper with the staff after whicb they challenged the fourtb form, boys to a gane of baseball. It was a real struggle although the chal- lengers were defeated by two runs in the last inning. After the bail gane tbey were treated te a picture show and sing-song in the auditorium. It is planned that this new association wili meet once a month at the School. The Toronto Old Boys' Association meets monthly at Central Y. M. C. A. Basebail got away to a good start on Saturday afternoon wben four games were played; two in the major league and two in the miner league. Whiie there is ne age linit, naturally the players in the major league are supenior in ability to those in the minor league. Last year it was dis- covered that many of the littie lads not only spoiled the game in some regards for the bigger boys but also neyer had much chance to deveLop theniselves, being somewhat out of their element. Under the present system the games in the major league I are more keenly contested and a much botter brand of bail is beîng played. In the miner league the less car>able players are having a real tino playing ahl the coveted posi- tions on the diamond and getting a reai crack at the bail when they come to bat. Players may at any time advance fron the minor beague to the major league; the managers getting together and arranging a trade which must be sanctioned by the sports comnittee. The four major league teanis and their managers and cap- tains are as foilowsi Tigers, Mr. Mc- Curdy, manager, Geo. Spanis, cap- tain; Mapie Leafs, Mr. Allun, mana- ger, Cameron Hayes, captain; Sens- tors, Mr. Brown, manager, Ben Blas- ak, capibain; Pirates, Mr. Cunning- han, manager, Willie Hobson, cap- tain. In the minor beague the teans are Orioles, captain McCorquodale; Bis- ons, captain J. Stringer; Royals, cap- tain Raymond Nichoils and the Colts, captain E. King. Resuits of Saturday's games: Major League-~~Pirates lO-Maple Loaf s 8; Senators 9-Pirates4. Mineri League-.-Orioles 3.4Bsons 7; Royais 18.-Colts 12. The departinent of Public Works bas built a real dam on the creek whicb provides a mighty attractive swimming hole 200 feet long and seven feet deep. A sports cornmittee has been or- ganized to assist in the planning and conducting of sports e/t the Sobool. The following members of the staff are on the comnmittee: J. E. Cunning- ham, chairman; Mrs. J. C. Cairns, gecretary; Dr. G. E. Reaman, Mr. E P. Bradt, Mr. W. H. Hill, Mr. J. J. Brown, Mr .G. H. Dickinson. With sporting facilities rapidly improving and the arrivai of more boys tû fili up the new dornitory, this committee should be of great value to thie Phy- sical Director. The schooi cadets attended the church parade last Sunday along with the High School and Public Scbool cadets. JOJNT-EASEFor1 Stiff, Swollen Joints Rheumatic or Otherwise Say&: "When Joint-Ease Geta in-Joint Agony Ceta ()Ut!. It wau a high-class pharmacist who saw prescription afer rescription fail te help hundreda cf bis cuatoan- ors te fret rid of rbeumatic swellings and stiff, inflamed joints. And it was this aame man who as- serted that a renedy couid and would be compounded that would nake creaky, swolien, tonnented joints work wîth juat as much smoothneas as they ever did. Now this prescription, ightly nan- ed Joint-Ease, after being tested auccessfully on nany obstinate cas- os, is offered throuçîf progessive pharmacists to the mi lions o peoiule who sufer fron ailing joints that need iimbering up. Swoilen, twingy, înflaned, atiff, pain-tornented joint& are usually caused by rheumatism, but whatever the cause Joint-Eaae soaks right in through akin and flesh andI geta right te n corrects the trouble at its source. Rentebre Joint-Esse is for ailments of the joints, whether in ankîs, knee, hip elbow, shoulder, opne or finger, anti when' you rub it on, y ou may exet fspeedy andI gratifying ro- It ia now on sale at Juryv & Lov- .1'. and druggista ev.rywhoee fer 80 conta a tube. Our nes, bookiai en celer Mrmony centaine many suggesti ons for beautifying the home. Scoure a o0py from your dealer or wrile di- rect ta th. e o- pany ai Mon IreaL. Happineos and pod ce@r In- evitably folli epo perug of paint. The ncw B-H book IlColor Harmoay in the Homes' opens the way ta more beautiful homes for a&l. Itsa so easy to uas too, for there is aB-H finieh te protect and beautify every con- ceivable type of surface. BRANDRAO-HEDM~ MGuaranteed to contaa Brsndrsm'l SGenuine B.B. White Lesad ad PurI miWhite Zinc, combined la the ides! im proportions ai 70 te 30 formint thé strengest coverhag pigment kDMaw F!wta science. MASON & DALE, Bowmanville, Ont H. C. BONATHAN, Newcastle, Ont. This Great Healing Oil Must Banish Eczema and Skin Troubles Mako up your mind today that you are going te gie your skin a rosI chance to get well . You've probabiy been, like a lot of other people, convinced that the only thing to use was an ointment or salve (some of then are very geed) but in the big majority of cases these sticky salves sinply clog the pores and the condition primar- iiy renains the samne. Go to Jury & LoveUl or any other good druggist today and get an orig- mnal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oit. The very first application wil gîve you relief and a few short troatmenta w,ü throghl cnviceyou that by while your skin troubles will be a thing of the past. Remember that Moone'a Emerald Oul is a dlean, powerful penetrating Antiseptic Oil that does flot ataia or beave a greasy residue andtI tat it must give complete satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. THE O ,Body TeeJberct Body by Fshee: substantiel construction . . . Iasting beauty, and a score of important contributions to your comfort. *Compare the "Bigger and Bet- I@CnaSssister" Chevrolet Chassis with an~ other car in the low-price fiell Look at its rugged, 4y4" deep steel franc, its sturdy cross members, its long semi-clliptic, shock-absorber springs, its safcîy gasoline tank in rear, its one-piece, banjo-type rear axie of enormous strength and ready accessibility. Check the four-whccl braking systcmn and the independent set of cmergency brakes. AMI Look beneath the stylish hood Engine of the "Biggeran etr O ~n tne Chevrolet. Sec that sturdy, valve-in-head engine the moat powerful type cf auto- mobile engine yet designed>, f ully enclosed and pro- tected. Note the AC Oul Filter, the AC Air Cleaner, Crankcase Breather Systen, Oit Pump. Notice the new alloy "invar-strut" pistons . . the ncw hydro- laminated camshaf t gears... the high grade elec- tnical equipment. C-28-4-18C The GJI.A.C. . . . Genera) M.tors' own dcl erred payment plan aflords the most coavenient and economi- cal way of buying your Chevrolet on time. READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CHEVROLET MeV M qLwe Pr& eu Roaus,. .-$625.00 Csbdle.. . . ......5 Touting. . . 625.00 Impeia]Sedan . . . . S9O.) Coup. . . . . 740:00 Camnwd esuis - . . 470*00 ÇCoud . . . . 740.00 Roudai., DeliV. . . 625.00 iods.. -..-.835.00 Ten ToueS Chassie. * . .0 Soadote, Exproe - - - 0650.00 AUres du F4aevy. OsIs 4:.eae,ît axes, Ina pers ciiiSpore Tire Bigre. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES OiaW84 Ont H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WU. DAVRY, Ores. PRODUCT CP GENHEAL MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIMITF-ý 1q Fer- d«e te Acid L seeAi ,EoAdN 'hg 4u55A __________________________________ara.,__________________PAGEBU5V4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THTIRSfAY. MAY 3!bA m192 "à ý- .-