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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1928, p. 8

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THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd., 1928 PAGE EIGHT KINDLING. THE HEARTH FIRE SHAW'S SCHOOL e W t = ,d ~d Mr. Higby, ThJe -enCge n the week at t Newcastle Y. P. League Present Report For April TheII N e ve E t ie brother-in-law Their New Play Sr. IV-Garnett Rickard 7 1, New- r n good sized audience greeted the Allin 72, Mary Clemence 72. Jr. TIIDIMA rd,198laktefront co young peple of the League in Com- -Thornton Anderson 70, Alln Rowel H R D Y A r.i 98lk-rn o munty Hall on Monday -vening at, 6d en 67 essie 6,OmbyAn-Mr. Perrin is thefrs r69, Jn fthi pa ea-sn 6Ceenie S69s, O bsent -_______ _________ - -gardener for 'Kindling the Hearth Fire"'. Sr. Il-Helen Rickatd 11, Roy Ash- NECSL ECSTEUIE HRH ECSL nthesMe. This is esentiaîîy a rural play; it ton 69, Ruth Cobbledick 60, Jessie; NEWCASTLE NECANTLEGANTEDONAL MEEEWCNTLE inthe an might be called a pageant gîorify'ingl MIcLeod, absent. Jr. Iî--'îurray Mr. ame aEtn Tvs ho,îeMEETmI MsGBarieBagtecero e cat lif o th frm ndr u-t-dte igt 6. ame i orerofToronto last Thursday attending the Very Pleasant and Successful 'Bunker Hill School, accompanied by conditions. ljnlike Mark Twaiti's menit: Sr. 1-Florence Mcbeod, El-,funeral of his grandnîothcr, the late. Annual Gathering. Miss Helen Bosnell, Welcome, came intoRv storyf________ up onnas Monday Cbevening andl Hattended1 -son on the ri wol1aehs edr eiei a -Brenton Rickard, Harold Cook.i 2s oh-atn. tiModyeenn n atne onsito Rev. story ofhv ebraery Finn, i as h fr1 CbleiMePersHns.J.! rs.oh e M artn Grdn The United Church held its regular the Young people's play "Kindling sni ag a motive, iLakingora are tbawaSr.Pr-GodonAlen.JrPr-castle ongregational meeting on Wednes- the Heaith Fie". 1 ia. Counc itha amoalan i hs S. r.GodneAllieya. J r. P.I a-' Mesre to Wmoene ad Gordon ecev plot ,and they are aIl quite evident. belle CeecAde ebr young men to enter the enployment day evening, April 25, with a good F. M. Tobin, Woodstock, recet igteno There are thirteen characters .;i the Ferne Webber. of Goodyear's, Bowmanvile. representation of the members and shipped two carloads of pure-br in thm o ply wýhich might -otn l luck; ni L. Dm and tAnthur oronto 1 adherents including the young people Guernsey cattle to the Boys' Train grandson in butachere sn 1lc nJcufý in attendance. Mr. J. W. Bradley, ing School ait Bowmanville. The wat n but oftheimnoe b uck irsii hnfolit- _____________________________________ companied Dr. Walton-Ball downichairman of the committee which significant point is that not very long ing of theas ipetefren] Ws hg l d, lve.from the city on his weekly trip and planned and arranged the details of ago it would have been nearly impos- tle dama rttendant u or t as.rsetere d ov. spent Sunday and Monday at Harris the meeting and carried it through sible to find two carloads of pure- an tenatupni a rsetd Laurence Crydemman as M . Lodge. tDhOlasrNn'rfi feey be ursesi h hoeo et on Monday evening. E rt'ng IField whose eyes iwere opened as t0atathSt. Churcpofth-Rev. E. Gersesinth wileofWet came out as lovely as a.. April da"Y tho benefits of running water, and St George's Cu -Rv .R. body present, took the chair at 8 ern Canada.-Farmers' Sun. Corne 0 when the sun shines out after tic de- electrical machinery in the house. James, Rector. Sunday, May 61h: o'clock and presided throughout the pressing showers of rawn. There Florence Ashton as Mrs. Stningen, il a. m.-Morning Prayer and Holy evening. weetomare ok n'hýbegin- played er part wel as a taikatîv2 omno;230p .Sna The Pastor, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Led N wat were nt v-ymarr.h edanfolkwn nihb. Enet School; 7 p. m.-Even&ong. in an opening prayer and the as-1 ST. GEORGE'S W. A. TEA of the play they had found a new Gilbank appeared ta good advantagel The Hall Committee have airang-1semblage joined in a hymn of praise AND MUSICALE, NEWCASTLE M na happine.ss; two more were actial sM. atel raut fAri- ed for a religious service in the Hall. and adoration. Officials of varicus niarried; two more couples had cultural College, w-ho cýhose real farmi- Su.nday, May 6, 7.30 p. m., Rev. Dr.1 funds alid departmnents presented Not only the members of the pledged their troth, while the fifth ing as a career in conjunction -with Cleaver wilî deliven the address. MUa- their financial reports as called upon Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's couple's congenial temperaments1hic competent young wife. Austin ic by choirs of the two. churches. l and reviewed the work of the aine and other ladies of the church, but seped to point to a conjugal allian-1 Turner was an attractive young fanm- During the service a portrait of the moaths fromn April lst., 1927 to De- also a large number of ladies of the DR. ce. t was a happy time for Cupid.1 er namied Dave Dalton wna souglit the late C. D. Massey, donor of the hall,1 cember 3lat., 1927. AIl financial other churches enjoyed the afternoon ti i Looking at the actual presentation hand and heart of the lo;«elv and ýwill be unveiled. Silver collection, reports were for the same period. tea and Musicale at the Rectory on tl i of the play on this particuiac occa- warm hearted Dorris and eventuýally Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Culley, (nee Somne of, the reports were in the verY Tuesday, April 17 .Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. sion from another aspect anything w-on his heart's desiro. Raye Deine Marie Beanett), sailed from New nature of the case purely financial; James, assisted by certain members "Ja like ilI luck by reason of there being impersonated with charming gyt York on the "Ile de France" en route others dealt with the social activi- of the W. A., cordially received thel J a thirteen in the cast w2,s out of the a rather sophisticated departmontal.- from Paris, France, on Friday even- ties of the church, saime with the guests as they arrived. Miss Marg- the most fe question. For thene wer- really store clerk in the big citv. Ruth ing last. Mr. Culley is the leading spiritual life and gnowth of the con- aret Wilmot pouned tea with unaff ect- whole fourteen as seen on the goongt hIlancock made a vngti'ery reaicstic Mmc. 'violinist of the famous "Warings gregation, others with humanitarian ed chanin and deftness. In addition appearance at the close, the four-I Ryan, manager of -i lodttn os ensîain"wowllpa e a issionary enterprises; but one to the dainty lunch a programme oi Lecture to teenth Seing Mrs. Percy Mare, dir-I and a good patron of cî1.ý amuse- weeks' contract at the Exclusive Amn- and aIl clearly revealed the contin- elocutionary, vocal and instrumental ector of the play. Mmc. i-fane workcdi ments - Will Lycett as Mr. Bond bassador's Club in Paris. While away ued, or rather the steadily increasing numbersshelped to make the fiyingý Admi with he yong acons ad acte~sesir~'prsonaed toperf~tiora gay they expect to visit London and Ge-; soundness, the healthfuîness and the hourspsiihmlshadejyet fmom the beginning, driiPing, coach- city s heik with time and money to:,mnany, eturning comne time in Aug-1 strength of the church in aIl depart- These numbers coming on at season- - ing and directing thenm, and hel pinr spitre. ust. mente and in aIl their aspects under abIe intervals consisted of solos by them with their costu:nLsandin ake EiaehMroka Ms ros. M.T W ako a uY i, the devout, capable and tireless lead- Mmc. H. Huribert, with Mmc. Laura ups, and the splendid siccrs of the vsiting housekeeper for- the Welfame last Satundav afternuon and ýývon- ership of Rev. E. B. Cooke and Mns. Ficher at the piano; humomous read- play was due in very laige melasure Lcague ' played a most important ing auctioning off goods in Mr.-1. C. Coîke w-ho witShn a short timne w il 1 ings by Mrs. Earl Wyar; solo by to hiem efforts in connection there- part. t was due to hiem good sense, 1Marcock's store. Ladies and childien1 have comnpleted six year., of labourl Mrs. Frank Branton;- and piano and with. Hem appneciated sci-vices wore devotion and (iscerament that every ad nagodsoe fCnsta- v-~ ith this church in this community l vocal colos by Miss Phehe M. L. prettily acknowledged in practicol!thirg :umnod ei ut, so atisfactorily at'enta and miscellaneous articles ati and whom the ceamgtinwl SDaci n.Wm nero a form when betweea two acts --;he was' last. Chai-lie Glenney and John '.aigain piices. Mn. Harcock Sm i 'C13, ath to part with next first ut; accompanist for Mmc. Banton's and invited te the centre of the s-,age andj Ashton also took thoîn parts w'haý self, Sas been vemy pooly, bui the 1 July. Each îep..rt as; it was pre- Miss Broc k's vocal solos. The aff air pre.serted w ith a lovely liuoqetief'ete ard Olaf, hined mier on the fam;ily Sas now moved irto Mi- . W sented ;vas f ollowed by a resolution, was a splendid success sociaîly and fioweri- 5v MisLilliaii Clemence, FedFrn lffud i fityF hms'huo evsS n oved and cecondod, and thea carried i finaacially. leadrg ldy 4the lyin Mms. Ryan. We twa ilooiM.R . atnSsmve reteuaimousîy. in favor of its adoption. On the attemnoor uf April 23md,i After -eeing thisliîtti,- drania the audience toIt like shouting, Mur- premises xacated Syt- herno. Mr. John Dougias -who Sas given the W. A. met for sewing at theý whicS wa- c'oar]y arrange--l fer a ct-- h foir the Farm and labor-savons TeYugPul odl-ro- more years of service in connection iMisses Wilmot'c and sport the time - 1purcFpn omn with the chumch's finances thar any1most profitably. fhatit se ht ought u>i ic for :eFn oa!nual League Anniversary on Sunday, ohrlvn fiiI eotdfrto_____ tht t igt e oo Snie' fr Ii-Norma French, daughtcr uOft Api-il 29th. Te yug e1 ocarlibudgtorficualreont epens eJ corne firrnmarufacturng a lic of M.adMs ar ThcTmotcornndmdsiae yonîitew ard modern household convcniencsanM .adNr.Cr rnh ootcorrnee u-oeate. nioa ugto urn xess e labr svig euîper teerg~ theI landpupi of Owen Smiley, chai cd were assisted in the o bin y :îi-. is the cecretary-treasumer of the finr cd of a solo by Mrs. Hurlbert with latbthoLoguednaatits heuon-pmrthyi3;mme-engagreeolthe.etance cmice. Mr. J.E. W.PhillMm.Lar Fsoraconanîgo teevnîg apann anF-iwshere M.Pecv ciIa n ore frth aitnac aa uattt y .J.S RearW.D send it out through the' country as, ber of tirnesin ir nadings and Seing'preachied fi-un the tex îarn i1 Extension Furd. The chumch had lBragg, Harold Allinanad Mark Allun, part o h in' de- in cee ncrdo ahapaac. Se1Jh raisedl and sent in moi-e tSar the 1with M,%iss Maian Rickard at the' jobs Wh f nthefr? a e-4n1chm ocd rec ppaac. Sh wy.the truth ansi t llghb-' Joohn-lcain utol ýpaoadasoob M.W F ik Minnie Selbv as Mrs. Fijîl1 an a sweet litle girl of eight surmmerc*' 4:f6 and rspired th,ý corg-r'eati(in, amout a of theallcaton butony an , and aisscootSy am. W.F.ick- class overomke wit o! propcî u.!and first delighted a Newcastle aud- whicS cî-ow<led th!- doors o h bu hr of thecngeainiadwtMss oohycom nig ovewoke wfeofa riercuý e hn she w-as only five Th s' chumch, by hic, ine.yand cle- were gîving systeniatically to the'and ir ining in duet la the refrain. your farmen, appeaned jr two contrastingl jislhem third vi'dt ta Newcastle as an qec.fr.Teeeigwsbogtt a-Ce mouds: frs h ot, timed and Mrs;imnew e u e Wun . J.SRikdCorLa-pcls thunh tsnwce, second, bright, fresh and checor-- 1eocutionist an<l she's more captivat-' United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, M.W .S ikrCorLa-ýp ls ihlnho adihs labr avig evcesar sudr 5 irg and delighttul the otterer she Psu- SnaMa t- .m er, gave a good report ut the choir- cake, tarte and tea, provided by the conveniences, puttiag the tife oir~c e. Hmrpror scri~--onn evc. 3 .ni.__ us membership, its orgai, io n ladies and served by the Young ladies par with the husband at the barn and ably enlarged siace hier last visit. uda Scol Evn nsrice- its finances. ofMs .R ihrsadMs o-what rut ut doors, wrought the change. Another enjoyable feature ot the canceîîed uwrg to union service jnr Mrs. C. R. Carveth, present secre- mani Rlckamd's Sunday School Class- Adair Harcock was hiem son Ned who eveaing was the music by the Pai k1 Community Hall in connection with o f the Ladies' Aid, gave a bright, es, Mm. Bradley haviag groupedi liked cardy and fishiag and basebal' St. Church Orchestra, Onono, consîst- the unveiliag ut the portrait ot the concise, but comprehiensive report ot th'e meeting for convenience of the, and who atterw-ards got a real boys'1 ing ut tourteen pieces under the dir- late C. D. Massey, prosonted SY his that flouishing society ot which theljwaitresses and the further sociability chance in the new order of thirgs. ection o! M. A. J. Knox. Mr. iHai- sons, the Hon. Vincent Massey and membership is 83. Mrs. (Rev.. o i ons a re stet, unt fours ect -hon Miss Lillian Clemence was hem daugh- old Allia assisted with his euphoniumi. Mm. 'Raymond Massey. Rev. Dr.-IB. Cooke, President of the W. M. S., te pig smeauua o ter Dormis who left the farm Se- Evemy une taking part in the e,-- Cleaver, a -former pastor ot Mn. Mas- yipkeo the prayers and inter months cause ot the drudgery o! unerdiag' ening's entertaiament repaimed tu the sey's at the Metropolitan Church, not ualy pk fte ry- n wne ots work, saw a little lite la the city and basemeat for lunch atter the vud- Toronto, will deliver the address.1givings of the members, but stressed then carne back to home, happiness I ieace had dispersed. jMusic by union choira- the educational features of the local i organizatioui as tending to awaken a lively interest in and develop an in- - telligent understanding ut the mis- sionary problema and enterprices of the chureh in general on the part , ut~ST o! the local'members. The ideal o! R. J. KRO VAI the W. M. S. is: Every womaa of the R O S N E R 'S ~ ~~~~~~~~church a member of the society. The _____________________ RO SNER 'SNewcastle branch has 96 regular and 24 life members, a total o! 120. sentedl the financial report o! the T Spri g an Sumer aleSunday Schooî, and Mm. Howard GlneSupt., added saine interest- Shoes For ing words respecting the classes, at- pupic s. sprtulprges f h Starts Saturday, May 5th. pupthe Ail our Shoes, featuring the aa _________________sence o! the president and secret.ary, 1 tm stpp On account of the cold Spring, we are f orced to sel1 our goods at greatly Pevîes ed te or o! the Young This W eek's E reduced prices, and 80 give the people of Bowmanville and surroumding ilontha' period, touching interestiag- counrya grat ppotuniy t ge goo mechaniseforlessmony.ly on the financial, the social, the educati«onal, the missionary and spir- coutr, gea oporuntytoge god erhadie fr es rony.itual phases o! the society. F R W M NL D j rs W. H. Cooke, Superintendent F R W M NLD IN MEN'S SPECAL BARGAINS I LADIES' f192e Mission Band up to January Bak Ptn tls SE ILB R AN INM NSSPECIAL BARGAINS I A IS 98 report.ed for that energetic Bak Ptn tls WEAR group ut Young people, who curpas-60 WEAR sed aIl efforts o! former years by Cutout Oxford, sizes 60 Me' otnalLadies' Brasieres ................19c raiin the sum of $122.38. 21/2 to 7, were Me' otn Socks, l colors, ___ _______ ____-Mr. Normnan Allin spoke for the Bank: Sale Price 2 Pair For 25c Ladies' Bloomers ................39c I pew comrnittee o! which Mr. Thomas ______ Moffatt la the other member. The Bargain Rooni Special Me' abign U drer4c Ladies' Vests ....................19c pews are aIl free although each fai-, Lades---kStckng.. .. .. 9c pew for regular Sunday uccupancy. 1 L a is8i k S o k n g . . . . . . ._9 c I T h eff c u î m itte e is e x p e ie inf g s o ine Men's Balbriggan _____ins8c ifiut at present i inigseat- I ________________ ends Co biaton____ Ail Kinds of Ladies' House Dresses Iiga&rmdtu o I h ama- Me okSit .............89c i Iilies of the cungregation. But ul Men W rk Sirts____ A sIecial lot of Ladies' Summer 'pews are Setter tSar empty or os. Blu Ovralt ~ $1.9 ats Reulr $.50to$5.0,Mm. W. F. Ricard peeted the ~ FOR MEN M en'sA"report of the -p --pe +t 1co Mmittpeêad crease the number to 12, and alzo i thrce nominations to raise the nefi- Style ini Quality Footwear TI~C WT ~Corne along and bership to that nuniher. The nom- iney and A . . Baley . hGmeng alOdesFl Don't Forget it's at bring your friends. inees wedeA. . Parae. TW. Geen-g alOdesFle Phone 276 signified is PP vfl St.Wes, Bwrnviîe T'ne prograni draited by the coni- Phone 528 Foru King St Wet o anil mittee provided for a number ci J by way >f yarlety. 1% e-à ia- the brick cottage of his weeked wh his brother, Mr. Jim w, Dr. George Carveth. Gibson and family, BowmanvJI1e. drs. Hermon Perrin and ave mnoved into thoir _________________ )ttage for the summPer. s Ontinuiflg as head Dr. Walton-Ball. His WVm. Perrin is emplovpd capacity for Dr. Car- extends congratula- ,' Harvey J. and Mrs. Gib- ýecent arrivai of a littie- r, Central Province, In- iflor J. H. and Mrs. Gib- a cable la.st week advis- Fthe birth of their new that far away land of mystery. 'T MISS THIS ne, Corne AIlTo de UJnitedIChurch on rEvening, May 7 to hear S. CLEAVER celebmated stury ýo! n Val Jean" Camous character in the world o! fiction. commence at 8 o'clock ission 25c toa al On request we'Il be glad to go over your pictumes with you and offer helpful advice where it is needed. That's just an incidentai feature of our up-to-date fin- ishing department, where al work is properiy and promptly done. Let us do your developing, printing and enLaging. 8.Hour Service d's Bought Me A Cleveland You can imagine the joy it would give your boy to know that you had bought him a Cleveland Bicycle. SSay, he'd eut the grass - twice a week, do odd around the house for mother and head his sat school-just to show his apprciation for rkindness in satisfying his ambition to own a eland. Corne on dad be a good sport! You know t it meant when you were a boy. MASON & DALE i145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville ,N, Quality Footwear Every Occasion xtest versions of the current mode, off ered ilar values of the season. Bargain Room Specials _______________________________1 THIS pairs of Shoes that left over from the crupt Sale must be cleared. pairs of odds and in Patent, Satin slippers, etc. 79c in Women's Rouse Slippers $1.78 Kid Blonde, Kid, Tan, Black Slippers, Real Value at $1.98 )air of Ladies' Black Tan One-Strap low heels at $2.49 and $2.69 Exceptional Values Men's Boots and Ox- fords, Real Values $3.85 Men hook this up We have 100 pair of Running Shoes and Tennis Shoes left over from the-.Bankrupt Sale that must be cleared at Real Bargain Prices Limited quantity of Girls' Slippers to clear at 99c Quality Footwear On The Sunnyside Goods Exchanged or Money Refunded 1' 1 Bowmanviiie =erly Claude Ives

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