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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1928, p. 1

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Ian With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY lOth., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 19 Your Truest Friend Is Mother Sunday May l3th la "Mother's Day" You can show your mother that you honor her and remem!ber her many loving kind- nesses, by being home on Sunday next. Take ber a box of Patrician Chocolates (geins of delight) Their quality is superb. Put up in 1 lb. and 2 lb. boxes at 60e lb. And For Good Measure take along a camera and get A Picture of Mother Kodak Hawk-Eye No. 2 Special Ths Week 98c KERSLAK E'Si The Dependable Drug Store We Deliver Phone 49 New Curtains and Draperies Will Brighten Up Your Home and Add That Cosy Glow and Inviting Appearance to a Gloomy Abode là Your Home Bright, Restful, Inviting? Whether it is or flot our Curtain and Drapery Department is a Mighty Fine Place to Visit and sSe what Smart Homes are now Buying in the way of New Curtains and Draperies The new Spring drapery materials comprise a very extensive range in materials and colorings this year. Chintzes, Repps, Mus- lin Fabries, Rayons, etc., in plain and smartly patterned styles. Widths in 30 in, 36 in and 50 in, the latter being wide enough to split for side drapes. Our drapery and curtain department is aglow with all the new decorative materials and a visit would be most interesting to you whether you wish to purchase or not. FRILLED CURTAINS A splendid showing of fine frilled curtains in many patterns and with colors of Rose, Blue and Gold, ali 21/4 yards long, and tie hacks all complete. Priced from ..............$1.25 to $2.75 SILK DRAPERIES 50 inch Silken Dra pery Materials in stripe and figured pàt- terns and made especially for side curtains and hanginga. The colors are absolutely fast. Priced from ..........$1.w0 w $2.50 CURTAIN NETS Nottingham ana râ~let Nets in a good range of patterns. They corne in widths of 40 and 48 inches with lace edges. Colors in White, Ivory and Ecru. Priced from ...........25C to $1 .00 SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTES A good assortment of Scrims and Marquisettes with hemmed or plain edges. They are good value and are showii in ecru or ivory. Priced from ........................................ 25C to 60C CAS EMENT CLOTHS .. Sunfast Casernent Cloths in colors of Rose, Blue, Green and Brown. They are ail 50 inches wide, and are very suitable for side curtains and Sun Room Draperies. Priced from 50c to 75c NEW CHINTZ A coniplete showing of the newest patterns in 36 inch widths, also some 50 inch widths. They are particularly good for Drap- eries and Coverings. Priced from ..................e to $1.00 MORE NEW DRESSES ON DISPLAY Another beautiful lot of New Dresses have been placed on display this week. You are invited to inspect this very fine range of Dresses. MIEN'S RAIN COATS WNe are featuring this week a very exceptional line of Men'& Rain Coats which are specially pricd at ...................$6.98 MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Men's New Suits featuring the new- est weaves, colors and styles combined with the real values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciate the best and reasânable prices. Cottch, Jqhnston& Cryderman, Bowmanvilllê Phone 104Llte COMING EVENTS Hear "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks" in Trinity S. S, Room, Tuesday, May ists. Solid walnut antique furniture sais, Saturday, May 12 at Newcaat- le. See advt. Tise Ladies of St. Andrew's Churcis are having a sale of hsome-made cook- ing and aprons on Friday, May 18.1 Afternoon tea served. Reserve the date. Keep May 29th for the White Shisld Club Play entitled "Tise Sup- enior Sex" in St. Paul's Schoul-room. Musical Program, Drills, Club Swing- ing, etc. An Mfternoon Tea and home-made cooking sale will be iseld in St. John's Parisis Hall on Saturday, May 12th at 3.30 o'cloc'k. Ta, sandwic.-heq and cake 25c. AUl members of tis ul please hring in their accounts o tr windzng up of tise ock. Under tise auspices of St. Paul's1 W. AX, Gilbert and Suilivan's Dramn- atic Cantate "Trial by Jury," wlll be presented in tise Opera House, lBow- manville, Tuesday, June 5tis, 1928, directed by Mrs. J. Clark Bell. "Trial by Jury" bas tise brigist and attractive qualities which made "H. M. S. Pinafore" and "Pirates of Pen- zance" known around the world. Wall Paper 5c -10e- 25c Clearinig If you mnust decorate this Spring with un eye to your purse, corne to Big 20 Bookstore Wall Paper Department Here you will find a varied range of patterns and styles in wall paper of extraordinary val- ue at these low prices. Corne to-morrow-these papers are going fast! W. T. Allen Big 20 Booutore Bowmanville Ont. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honour List For April Room 1-Entrance Clase-Phyllis Chals, Elford Cox, Gordon Jollow,l Charlie Cawker, Edward Bagnell, I Aleck Bu-k.,, Leon Gunn, Donald Willia.ms, Elsie Car-uthers, Dorothy Somirscales, V. McFeeters, John Blunt, Ethel Henderson, Elitabetis Henderson, Edward Richards, Yvonne Tigise, Maurice Booths, Jack Hall, Marion Slemon, Alex. Crombie. J. H. Johnston, teaciser.1 Roon 2-Jr. IV-Leonard Wilson, Wlnton Bagnell, Mary Towns, Tacki Turner, Bill Phillips, Bessie Gvs Raymond Connors and Walter Hately and Ross Richards, equal, Annabelle Kellar. Cecil Brunton, teachex.. Room 3--Jr Iv-Ruby Hobbs, Ned Rehder, Madeline Jones, Sidney Dil-1 lick, Rutis Purdy, Harold Golmer, Frances Clarke, Fern Smith, Dorotby Edgar, Greta Witberidge. Miss Minnie M. Jenninge, teacher. Rc>om 4-Sr. III--Chester Jury, Byron Vanstone, Han-y Jackman,j Dora Wood. Editis Morris, veral Lonsber-y, Joyce AIder, Alice Ptirdy,l L.orraine Pickard, Jim Callan. Miss Helen H. Morris, teacher. Drink Pi.nty of Pasteurize.I Milk, it Pute Real Brawn on Folk*. Pasteurized MiIk is of a guar- anteed grade-for babies and blachamiths-for youi and your children. And don't forgiet Pasteurized Milk costs no more than common milk. Maik i.. Your Best Food BWMVLLE DAMIt PHONE 44G M ILGS.K MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Local church services are scheduled on daylight saving turne. Rev. J. M. Whyte, Eldorado, bas accepted an invitation to become Pastor of Enniskillen Circuit. St. Joseph's R. C. Church Sunday services: Mass at 9 a. m.; Sunday School at 2.30 p. m.; Sermon and Benediction at 7 p. nm. kev. P. P. Butler. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch, Churcb and Temperance Sts. Rev. R. McDernient. M. A minister Ser- vices at il a. m. ami 7.30 P. m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. ni. St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W.] Best, D.D., Minister. il a. m.-i "Honour Thy Father and Thy Motb- er." 7.30 P. m-"-Centres of Life." 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. Special Motber's Day service. The parents are cordially invited. St. John's Anglican Cburcb. Fiftb Sunday after Easter. Rogation Sunday, May 13, 1928. il a. m.- Holy Communion and Sermon. Firat Communion for ne'wjy Confirmed. 2.30 p. m.--Sutnday R-lool. 7 p. mn.- Evening Prayer and'Sermon. 1 Trinity United Churcb, Rev. J. U.1 Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: Sunday -Scbool Anniversary and Mother's Day. Rev. Frank Lang-1 ford, Secretary Religions Education, Toronto, will preacb at il1:a. m. and 7.30 p. m. .3unday School at 2.30 p. M. Open session. Mother's Day prograin. Address by Mr. Mr. Lang- ford. Roiyal Theatre Presontinu The Fineet la Photoplayé Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, May 11-12 William Haines in "'The Smart Set" He wins a place on thse Interna- tional Polo team, but that was only thse start of his troubles. And as one of the idie rich,,lie brings to thse screen such a wealtb of laugbs, gasps and love trilla that only Haines can bring. Story by Byron Morgan. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c Chapter 7 of "Fighting With Buffalo Bill" and regular prograni. Monday-Tuesday, May 14-15 Ramon Novarro and Joan Craw- ford in "Across to Singapore" On the glamorous China Sea, scene of countless strange deeds, this amazing picture romance takes place. A tbrillîng picture packed with red-blooded action and oriental intrigue. Frorn the book "Ail the Brothera Were Valliant" by Ben Aies Williams. W.duesday.Thuraday, May 16-17 Rod LaRocque in Dramatic, Thrilling, Ajbeorbing, Appealing, Laugisable twista wth breath-taking thi-illa, aIl these are wonderfully blended in thia captivating film presentation. Sereen story by Sada Cowan. Coming Attractions May 18-19 Tom Mix in "'Hello Cheyenne" May 21-22 J. Farrell McDonald and Polly Moran in "Boinging Up Father" May 23.24 Norma Shearer in "The. Latest Frons Paris" May Z38.26 Kari Dane and Geo. IL Arthur in Cireus Rookis" jam a tart on Dayllght Savng Tiin. 1. --- a 1'" in Trinity School Room BOViMtNVILLE Tuesday, May 15 at 8.15 p. mi (daylight saving> under auspices of a group cf tise Junior Mlsalonary Auxiliar>' Music between acta will he fur-- nlshed b>' Misn Jean Rasnsy, Mesdames J. A. Col,,H. D. CIem- ena, P. C. Palmer and C. H. Dud- ley, and the, Pollard MIx.d quartette. Admise. 3 HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN TO END Tuesda>', May' lSth-Send Your Donation Now. If you haven't.sent in your contribu-1 tion to the Nurses'Residence F'und you should attend to i at once as campaign closes next Tuesday. The obligation of citizens and the needs of the hospital are weii known so further urging, we teel, ls unnecessary. i-et there are scores of people in town and rural districts who have flot made a contribution as yet to this wortiiy cause. The loy of givlng La such a popular hum- anitarian institution shouid strilce the sympathetlc chord of every public aprlted citizen. Don't have it sald that you left It to others to give your share. Contributions to date Include: John Heliyar ..................... $ 10.00 T. J. Cole, Maple Grove........... 5.001 T. H. Spry ....................... 5.00 Wesley R. Alun................. 2.00 T. M. Fairbairn. Mexico ........100.00 Sami Snowden, Maple Grove...20.00 H. G. Freeman. Maple Grove ......2.00 Noble Metcalf. Maple Grove .. 5.00 A Friend, Solina................... 2.00 Alvin Perers, Hampton............. 2.00 Ths. Baker, Solina............... 10.00 Len ElFyi..ott................... 5.00 rW. Fr.....................5.00 Jas. A. Werry. Enniskii'en-......2.001 A Frlend......................... 25.00 John T. Siemon, Ennlskillen ......5.001 W. J. Dudley ..................... 25.00 Mrs. T. G. Mason................. 2.00 JDr. Geo. W. McGill, Toronto .... 15.00 CONFIRMATION SERVICE AT ST. JOHN'S CHAURCH Conducted b>' the Lord Bishop of; Toronto-Thirty Candida.Ites Presented At the Sunday morning service the Ap- ostolic Rite of Confirmation, or the Lay- ing on of Han de, was adminlstered bv Right Rev. J. F. Sweeny, the Lord Bis- hop ut Toronto in St. Johin's Churcb. There was a very large congregablon, the church belng filled ta capacity. The service ws a very Inipressi -lte. on- mencing"tih niorning prayerv to he Third Collect. and passing then 1 thie Con- firmation Office. Thirty candidates were presented for Confrraton-wbat ls bc- lleved ta be the largest class in the hist- ory of this church. After the hymn "My God. accept my beart this Day", Rev. R. J. Sbires, the Rector, standing in the aisie betxcen the candidates, comnienced the service by addre8ssng the Bishop "Reverend Fat- her In God. 1 present unto you t',e'te eer- sons to receive the laying on of Hands" i-he Preface and the Seripture portions were then read, after iwhich the 13shop put the :hree questions 10 te ,,,n,d ates. Prayers followed, andth h> li n 'Beteon nie Brea* h of (,od' sung kneeling. Candidates were then prez3ented lu tiwosl by the Rector, and' hey knelt befare the Blshop for the Laying on of Hatnds with ,he prescrlbed prayer fo)r the biessag o! the Holy Spirit. One candidate was forme:lly presented for admission ta the Communion of thel Anglican Church. As tuis ls a Pi>mm of service wiiich la but selduni us.-d. and inany had neyer atten led suuh' an ad- mission before, great, Intereat was taken In the solemun wot'ds of this form. "Temple a! God's Holy Spirit" vas next suug, after whlcis the Lord Blsbop gave a splendid and stimulallug address on the collect for tbe day, taking as bise text Hebrewa 6:i8-"Tbe hope tisaI la set hefore us". Very earnestly the ideal of Christian perteclion vas set out as Uic goal af Christian endeavour. Thse anclent use af thse ancior-tite Christian symbol of bôpe-vas explalued. Ini olden limes the anchor vas carrled by mien in a rowing boat into be stili valer In the harbour moubb. Then the men 1In the. sblp pulied ou the anobor rope. and so slowly worked the ship ln through the breakers and against the adverse tide until she reached the haven where she would be. i-bal, sald the Bisbop, la an illustration of the Christian position today. Christ la our Anobor and aur Hope-withln thbe veil. Holding to Hlmn, literally pulllng ourseil'es ul) by Hlm. we also may vin tbrough the breakers of lite. overcome the adverse pull of thel ides, aud vin ta the haven of progressiv'e Christian perfection. After bbe address, because Sunda>' vasi bhe anuiversary of bbe Kingas AccessIon (1910), a verse of the National Antien was suug. The service vas concluded by special prayers appropria:e 10 Ibel occasion and the episcopal benediction.t Thse receasional bymu was '0 Jesus 1 bave promised ta serve Thee 10 the Eud" . The candidates presented for this solemnn rite were-John Watson Alexander, Jas- ephs Brittain Alexander, Robert Bsn- ville, George Mason Bolton. Walter Flude, Nicbolas George Gravelle, Walter Hart, Rober, Edward Kennett. Ivan Hamar Lelgbton, William John Everett Ormis- tan, Cutbbert Pearson, George Constant- lue Spanis. Robert Edward Usher. George Wilfred Y-oung, Clara Katbleen Asblee, Norab Beabrice Baldwin, Rachel Irougb, Anna Margaret Colvilis, Ruth Rhoda Hlay- mian, Norab Georgius Hayward. Ms.. Victoria Ethel Hoar, Elizabeth AnH'0- rook, Marjorie Grace ienuet; M arger Louise Lewis, Isabel May MitcýhelE- eanor Audrey Nookes, Irene Petley, Mme Mary Camipbell Southey and Mary Mill- ward Y-oung. Dorothy May l-olbrock. DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS During tise summer -the Physiciana of Bowmanvllle will close tiseir offices Wodnesday afternoon and evenlng. In cae of em<egecy at this turne Dr. Bell the. lot Wednesday of montis; Dmu Haslewood & Binas 2nd W.dues- day of moath;- Dr. Siernon Srd Wadunay o! month; EDr. Stor.Y 4th W.du.aday of moîti. ed froni a tour through Canada under auspices of Federated Canadien Clubs, ýand spent Sunday wltb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Williams. Bbc la noW playlng for an Englisli film iu Maaeey Hall. Toronto, thîs week. Whibe Ex-Reeve Ueo. A. Stophons and Mrs. Stephens were on their wsy soutis last winter ta visit tiseir daughter In Virginis they met a ver>' genial traveler, Mr. W. Lambert, wbiie at Washington, D. C. Durlng the conversation no doubt Mr. Steplwea waa blowIns about thse wonderful part o! Canada he came from and invited bis fricnd'to viait hlm. The invitation was acoepted and on Mouds>' Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were honored wltis a viait trom Mr. Lambert wbo la a thor- ough going Englishman and a retlred pro- ducs merchant froni Rouudhay. York- sbire. He ln juat compleblng a 6-montha' trip) lu Anerica and ls now returning te the Old Country' accompanled by bis daugbter, Mrs. Margetta of Vancouver. B. C. The editor was delighted ta have a oel on Tuesday froni Col. Levi E. Taylor. Field Secretary of Salvation An>' wlTh beadquart'ers In Toronto. Colonel Tay- lor was In town assisting iu special ser- vices Monday night at thse Armny Citadel. e is a native of Salemi, D&rllngton Town- ship, being son o! tise laIs Mn. and Mrs. Bwitisen Taylor and attsnded scisool for a lime aI Hampton. Mi',. W. J. Ciem- ens. R. R. 6. Bowmafiville, la an aunt. In a reminiscent nioad Ie recaiied when b. was "printer's devil" lu the office of thse West Durham Newasvissa the Gaie Bros. edited the usyspaper. He afber- wards worked for Dr. S. C. Hiler and tld with what pride he looked ster tise Dr's. white pou>'.Hes said it was wbils Capt. Ada Hind vas in cisarive of tise Army bers tisat he and Mark Ayre vers converled aud they have bath been la the Master's work ever sInce. Col. Taylor hsis spent the greater part of bis lite wl*b tise Salvation An>' in Western Can- adA bavlng been transferred from Win- nlipeg 10 Toronto about twa years ago. R.EV. FRANK LANGFORD AT TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Wil Conduct Suada>' Sehool Anni- versas'> Services Neat Sunda>' Trinity United Cburcb Sunda>' School ivili hold anniversar>' services as folowa: On Sunday. May 131h, Mother's Day, speciai services wiii be held at il a. mi. and 7.30 p. ni.. vben Rev. Frank Laug- ford, Secretary Iteliglous Education, Tor- onto, vili preacb. In bbc afternoon at 2.30 oclock au open session wiii be beld vise tise Molber's Day prograni will ha used and Rev. Mr. Langtord will glve tise address. Special music by the Senior and Junior Choir in the morning, b>' C. G. 1. T. et attemnoan, and Mothersa Day niusr7c by tbc regluar choir In bbc evenIng, In charge ot Mr. F. Sutton, Director. An offering of $500 le asked for. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Review Uives of Pronsinent Cau- ad"as in !ntere.ting Prourans Thse April meeting of Bownisnvifle Wonien's lnstitute vas bsld In the S. 0. E. Hall on Fiday April 27th wltb a splessdld abtendance. Mmi. Frank Jackman, Presi- dent. vas lu bbe chair and atter bbc business was concluded aud tise roIl esiLed by Mrs. H. J. liabcock, thse pragrani Waz given hy group 2, being a review of tise lIres ot promInent Canadien men and womsn vbicb proved very luîereatIng. Members taking part were: Mis. T. A.. Gartan. Mrs. J. G. Rickard, Mrs. E. Beliman, Mrs. W. J. Pound, Mrs. Agîtes Wrenn, Mms. SpeuorWood and MisseM E. Haycraft. Tbe musical progi'Sm waa a real treat aud conisted of solos by Mr. Francis But- tan, MisseCiweudol,'a Naylor sud Mi"s Eleanor Wood and a piano solo by Mms Ruby Daniels. Tlie accompaniats were Miss Viola Calian and Mrs. Daniels. At thse close thc members vers tormed Imbc groupa accordlng te tiseir birtbday. and a social lime vas enjaycd whlle lunchi vas servedl, NexI meeting on Msay 251h Ilu incharge ot group 3. lThe losiug aide lu the con- tent pronilses a real surprise. A splendid op rtunity to buy antique f urnitur. 1 offred at the. saoe of the. late mis hpea Nbw- ;eati, on Saturday, May 12tii. Se. .aliyt. Room il-Primer A-Bill Brown, Philip Latimer, James Crombie, Ter-- ry Dustan, Marjory Henderson, Lion- el Parker, Helen Hately. Primer -B-Gladys Pettit, Beatrice Kembring, Harvey Gibson. Miss N. E. Motgomery, teacber. Room 12-Jr. I--Cherles Cburcb-' ill, Theodore Lambros, Leslie Phil-j lips.1 Sr. Primer-Mary Irwin, Doruthy Harnden, Marion Martin and George Stonebridge, equal, Eileen McMullen. Jr. Primer-Maud Woolner, Billie Tonilinson, Glenny Cole. Miss B. M. Sargent, teacher. South Wardr Room 1--Sr. Il-Annie Kilgannon,i Lillian Barnes, Thelma Little, Frankt Tight. Keitis Wilson.k Jr. Il-rene Brookisan, Editis' Rowe, Grace Sellers, Ross Heîtnings, D~ot Barton. SrI- 1-la Sutton, Chai lie Rice, Frances Hearl and K'thleen Blunt, e qual. Neil S. Stewart, teacher. Rooni 2-Jr. I-D>rothy Nicker-ý son, Patricia Wilson, Bo5b;.' Wood- ward, veda Purdy and Veim'a Wood- I wvard, equal, Lwis Wiseman. Sr. Primer-Joyce Laý-ge, Ralph Cole, Jack Colville, Ma leline Calver, Gwendolyn Brummeli andi Hilda Tleequal. TIr.e Primer-Louise Wil-in, Orm, Sutton, Florence Calver, Hazel Lit- tle. Miss F. M. Galbraith, teacher. Penny Bank deposita $213.17. No. of depoaits 437. Ntsmber of *ppils on roll 604. Salem Young People will preserit their play Nancy Anna Brown's Folks Room 5--Jr. 11-Tommy Dustan, Fred Wood, Marjony Jones, Gracel Rundle, Helen Pritchard, Nellie Mut-j ton and Jean Spry, equal, Ralpis Ames, Freeborne Colville, Lawrence Rehder. Miss Greta M. Wickett, teacher. Rooni 6-Si. 111-Jean Morris, Helen Mason, Aileen Gibbs, John Shires, AIex. Colville. Sr. II-Clarence Witheridge, Dor- othea Aider, Audrey Elliott and Mar- ion Jewell, equal, Jim Woodward, Douglas Blunt. Miss Marjorie M. Robin*, teacher. Rooi 7--Sr. III-Eileen Hately, Blle Dunlop, Russell Hayes, Milton Yeo, Gertrude Dewell. Jr. mH-John Morrison, Han-y Taylor, Carl Raby, Ada Clark, Gar- rard Tait. Miss Lets L- Bragg, teaciser Room 8--Sr. II-Dorothy Richard';, Grace ChIlds, Bei-t Johnston, Lillian IMorden, Fred Neal, Harvey King, Madge Moses, Lorne, Witt, Ian Bell and Jack Parker, equal. Miss Edna E. Jewolt, teacher Rc.om 9-r. Il (b-J4oey Caver- ly, Helen Foster, Ruth Logan, Pearl Kellar, Diane, Leigiston. Jr. Il1 (a)-Marion Scott, Maiion Hamîm, Betty Frise, Dorothy Knox, Erie Swindells. Miss F. E. Moore, teaciier. Rooni 10-Jr. I1-Dorotisy Bradt, rRuths Ives. Sr'. I-jOmery Mitchell, Mary Mc- Allister and Norman Baldwin, equal, Milford McDonald, Ruths Cryderman sud Bruce Yeo, equal, Bill Weekes. Jr. I-Ernie Taylor, Grace Wilson. Miss Vivian H. Bunner, teacher. I. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Mildred Lawrle. Toronto, spent the weekend at honms. Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. E. Chase vlsitcd relatives ln Brighton on Sunday. Mrs. Shepard and family recently vis- lted Mrs. Alfred Strickland, Picton. This ls Clean-Up Week. Get busy on your back yards. Burn aIl rubbish. nowms.nvllle Bakery la featurlng at- tractively boxed Chocoiates for Mother's Day. Cversamoa Barley Tourlst Camp was a popular rssort on Sunday atternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Dumas rscently vlsited her mother, Mms. Sauva, at Brighton. Cltizens i-he Statesînan wante your visitors' names and addreaess-send tisern in promptly, please. Dr. W. F. Beasnish, local physiclan and surgeon, was appolntsd Medical Officer of Hsaith for the town of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battis and three daughters, Oshawa, spent Sunday wlth bie father, Mr. Alan Battie, Manvers Rd. Citizens, be et Opera House on Sun- day at 4 P. nm. promptly to hear tie Dramatie Dialogue Debate on Ltquor Control. Éven witb two extra pages this week ws find space lacklng to report several events of the week as wtll as a number of obituary notices. Dr. G. C. Bannycates many friends w6ill be glad to know that he has recov- ered from his recent Ilîness and ls again observing regular office hours. Dr. G. E. Reamnan. Superintenient of Boys' Training Sohool, and Mrs. Rearnan, are attending a national convention of social service workers at Memphis, Tenn. Every motorist especially should read the By-Law t0 Regulate Traffic on the Public Streets of Bowmanville as it ap- pears in this paper. It may sai'e trouble. Mir. Alpha Pinch has returned from spending the winter in El Paso, Texas. He also vislted hie son William àn Clev'eland, Ohio, enroute 10 and fron thse Sunny Souths. In nîaking a correction ln last week's Statesmnan re the tirst wife of the late James Garfat Brookiin. we errored in saying hie first wite was Ada wrhereas s n-as Diana Abraham. Prof. W. A. Parks. of Toronto Univer- sity, a former Bowmanvllle boy. who la a Director of the Royal Ontario Museumi of Palaeontology, has been elected Presl- dent o! the Royal Canadian Isftitute, Toronto. Choral clasa of Trlnlty Church pleas- anlly surprlsed their teaer, Mr. Fran- cis Sutton at one of their practices rée- cently by presenting bu wltb a beautlful silver casserole ad pyrex pie plate. Mim. 'Geo. Pritchard made the presentation on Ibehaîf of the clas. Alll4 -ài ý luis ait 4~, -1 I t' 'j

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