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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUPRSDAY, MAY lOth., 1928 PAGE FIV» Auct ion Sale! on SATURDAY, MAY 19,1928 Mn.. H«rman Wotteu 404 Park Rd. S., Oshawa will tell hem household fumuitume and effeets as foflowe: I.piano,,1 Singer sewing machine, 1 b bfet, hairs, extension table, 1 kitehen cabinet, 1 couch, 1 dresser, 2 wash stands, 2 beds and epringe, 1 range stove, 1 Quebec heater, new 1 itchen table, linoleumis, toilet sets, 1 set single harnessansd robe. Other articles too numnemous to mention. Sale at 2 p. m. (daylight saving) Terme--Cash E. J. Poaeery, Auctioneer. SCHOOL CADETS INSPECTION Annual evlew off public scbooi cadets toak place Tbursday mamalng when MaJ- or Du prais, Kingston, made the inspec- tion. Great credit la due Cadet In- structor CeciiEB.Brunton for the splendid sbawing made by the cadets la the var- loue manoeuvers. Officers for the day included Platoon CommnanJers-Walter Cale, Donald Wilams. Alex. Crombie, Lyle Wood, Sergt.-MaJor-Alan Williams; Q. M. Sergt.-Dauglas Martin; Piatoon Sergt.-Ârchle Wood, Carence Oke, Ed- ward Bagneil, Charlie Cawker; Regimen- tai Drummers-Winton Ba6n.911, Mel- bourne Hawley. At the close inspection oflcer and chairman C. F. Rice off Public Schoi Board, complimented Mn. Brunt- on and the boys on their smart appeur- ance and the exactaes off movements. The Inspection t the High Scbooi re- sulted la the same high commendation for the work off the cadets and their ln- structor J. H. Cook. Ciicers are: Capt.-James Devtt; Lieuts.-Stuart Candier, John James; Q. M. Sergt.-B.9 Hazlewood; Sergt. Major-Archie Mc- Donald; Sergts.-M. Lunney, E. Brown. Principal W. J. Morrison and Chaîrman W. B. Couch epoke brlely, the most wel- coming news coming frram the latter who declared a balf holIday for the pup1*, whIch showed that the venerabl'e chair- man le stili young la split. Dramatic Dialogue Debate Town Hall, Bowmanville SUNDAY, MAY l3th Commencing at 4 p. m. Partcipats: H. Ruthven McDonald Ben. H. Spence John Buchanan Subject: "LIQUOR CONTROL"I Admission Free. Collection and Subscriptions. Everybody Invited. Dad's Bought Me A Cleveland You can imagine the joy it would give your boy to know that you had hought him a Cleveland Bicycle. Say, he'd cut the grass twice a week, do odd Jobs around the house for mother and head his class at schoo-just to show his appreciation for your kindness in satisfying his ambition to own a Cleveland. Come on dad be a good sport! what it meant when you were a boy. You know MASON & DALE Pihone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mies Bertha Shorey, Toronto, has been visiting Mn. J. B. Mitchell. Came and hear Salem play in Trin- ity S. S. Room next Tuesday even- ing. Miss Allie Worden, Ebenezer, ha& been visiting Mme. Chas. Manning who bas been ill. Mm. and Mme. W. E. Armstrong, Argyle St., spent Sunday with Neat- leton frieuds. Mme. Gea. May and son Howard, Toronto, were guests of Mm. and Mmei W. J. Bragg an Sunday. Mm. and Mme. Chas. H. Haddy and son Jack, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mm. and Mme. F. A. Haddy. Mme. C. L. Upper, Phyllis aud Bruce, Kitchener, recently visited lhem par- ents, Mm. and Mme. G. B. Bickle, Liberty St. Mm. and Mme. Thos. Sumith, Port Coîbomne, called on hie brother, Mm. J. H. Smith, on Thursday, at Mr. M. F. Hoaper's. Mm. and Mme. Peter Campbell, Tom- onto, and Mme. F. C. Fisher, Petrolîa, were recent guestg of Mm. and Mme. Alan Campbell. Mm. aud Mrs. Thompson R. James of Lindsay, were guests of Mm. M. A. James on Manday enroute to Toron- to ta visit their three daughtem. Mr. William Williams, Miss Hilda Williams aud Mm. sud Mme. C. R. Stap- les and son Kenneth, Port Hope, vis- ited the formner's sister, Mme. Mary Bragg an Sunday. Rev. sud Mme. J. U. Robins, Miss Spargo, Mrs. A. L. Nicholls and Mrs. W. Adams, attended Branch meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Clîurch at Lindsay an Tuesday. Mme. (Rev.) W. Pascoe Goard, wha has been spending the wiuter in Eng-1 land, visited hiem sister, Mme. G. B.1 Biekle the past week enroute ta hem homne in Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Gea. E. Maynamd, Mm. and Mme. Carl Maynard aud son, Mme. Leta Wilcax, Toronto, weme ecent guests of the forinem's sister, Mme. T. F. Leach, Concession St. East. Mr. and Mme. R. M. Cale, Bowna- ville, announce the engagement of their dau.ghter, Pearl, ta Mr. John Matthews of Whitby. The marriage ta take place quietly at the end ofi this month. Mm. and Mme. L, G. Geenaway,i Bowmanville, announce the engage- ment of their auly daughter, Thelma Julia, ta Mm. Ralph Wesley Flintoif, Jr., eldeet son of Mr. sud Mms. R. W. Flintoif, Oshawa, the marmiage ta take place the middle of June. Mm. sud Mme. J. Alexander McClel- Ian of the Bank of Montreal, Bow-4 manville, announce the engagement of theim daughter, Mary Eleanor, ta Mm. John Hyde of Toronto, son of Mr. sud Mme. H. E. Hyde of Pincher Ceek, Aberta. The mamiage will take place on June the second. Mr. sud Mme. Norman S. B. James motomed ta Toronto ou Suuday* se- companied by Mm. M. A. James, Mme. Mary L. Washington sud Misa Reta Benett-the latter visited hem sister, Mrs. S. H. French at New Toronto. The others visited at Mm. Fred J.« Van Nest's, 86 Ridge Drive, and Mr. Leslie M. Keith's, 665 Oriole Pamkway About 25 miembeme of Florencei Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, 1.0.0.F., attended the Oddfellows service in Orono on Sunday eveuing wheu R.ev. W. Sterling, Pastor of Park Street Church, preached au excellent sermon sud one most appropriate to the oc- casion. A choir of Oddfellows from Bowmauvile led ia the singing sud splendid solos were sung by Mm. C. S. Halîman aud Mr. W. Rosast&rikeac compauied by Mme. R. H. Bronor- 2 gaulet of the church.t I !ZI Dress Up ForMay 24th. 3 Big Suit Specials for this Week-End Mon'. and Young Men's 25 Only Suits at $18.75 Suit Special at $25.00 NavyBlu Sut& t Dubl an sigle These are new Spring N $19lu i.atDblsed adels gle Suits in the latest mo- $199 brastd moels Grysels and cloths. Plain and Plain and fancy serges, Fawns and Brown fancy tweed effects, double and single Tweed effects. Values double and single that were formerly up breasted models breasted models, to $25. Broken lines Exceptional Value at Specials Values $19.951 Out They Go For $1&.75 Only $25.00 6 ONLY MEN'S TOP COATS CLEARING FOR $19.50 These are this season's newest coats in Grey and Fawn English Tweeds, Regular Prices $25,00 and $27.50, TO CLEAR THIS WEEKEND $19.50 100 FINE SHIRTS GO ON SALE THURSDAY MORNING AT $1.95 EACH Ini this lot you will find plain shades, stripes and patterned effects, some have the separate collars, whil e others are made with collars attached, broken lines and travellers' samples. In Broadcloths, Percales, Potter's Prints and Bombay Crds, va lues up to $3.00 each ON SALE $1.95 OR 2 FOR $3.75 MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR Alsizes with or without buttons at 98c Each A LINE 0F MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Khaki, Grey, Navy Blue and Black and White Stripe at 98c A UNE 0F MEN'S KHAKI WORK PANTS Heavy quality Work Pants, Khaki shade, ail sizes, SPECIAL $1.49 T. B.- GILCHRIST Phono 61 Bowmmnl aI VIOLIN RECITAL BY PUPILS 0f Frank Converse Sith D.Iight Large Audience in Opera Houe The violin recital by Pupils off Frank Converse Smith, a9sisted by Boys' Train- ing Schaol Chair. and Mrs. M. A. Neal, cellist, held in Opera House, Priday, May 4th was weii attended. This annual event in looked forward ta with keen anticipation and may weii bie considered one of the autstanding musical treats off the seaaon. Ufr. Smith je ta be con- gratulated on the finished style off hie young pupils and the excellency in the renditian of the variaus numbers. It le a great asset ta this community ta have the musical talent of these young people developed ta such a miarke<l degree as was shown and enJayed an Friday night. The presence of Mrs. M. A. Neal on the programn added greatiy ta the Pleasure off the occasion as she assisted ln sev- eral nurabers with cella and at the piano. The chorus numbers by the Boys, Training School Chair were partictilar gaad and each tinie received w;ell ni*rited applause. BROADWAY FLASHES 0F 1928 "Broadway Flashes of 1928~" apen a 2 -day stay at the Opera House, Bowmanville, Friday and Saturday, May 11-12, a change of prograni each night. Included in this coin- pany are ten people, with a widely varied reportaire of the latest sing- ing and dancing mrations, combined with a very pleasing sketch. They have with thein s'ch notable stars as Teddy Curtias, the man wha is acclainied ane of th-, gréatest Fe- maie Impersonator; Miss Butler dir- ect from New York, whoie singing and dancing are a revelation. Miss Millar after two years at the Coast, brings the very latest and best songs. The Adagio Team, ratezl by experts as second ta none, will thrill you with their breath takiîig stunts, done with a nonchalance that will amaze you. The Mlanchely Duo, two fast stepping boys, whoso witty talk and Swift feet make theni prime favarites, ail go to inake thîs super-fine production the most talked of shaw in Canada. 1- BIRTHS SLUTE-In Bawmanville, April 24tb., 1928, ta Mr. and Mre. Oea. Siate, a son. SEYMOUR-In Bawmanville May 3rd., 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Seymour, a son. TABB-In Bowmanville Hospital, on May 1, 1928, ta Mr. and Mns. Chas. Tabb, a san. CONLIN-In Darlington, near Stephens' MilI, May 9, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Conlîn a son. V ESNA-In Bowmanville Hospital, on April 26, 1928. ta 3Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vas- na, a daughter. CLAVTON-Ia Bawmanviiie Hospital, on April 25. 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Allin Clayton a son. CROOK-In Bowmanville Htospital, on May 2, 1928. ta Mr. and Mrs. Marris Crook, a daughter. BOE-In Bowmianville on Thuraday, May 3, 1928. ta Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe, i Carlisle Avenue, a son. WIGHT-In Bowmanviile Hospital, an April 29, 1928, ta 3Mr. and Mrs. George Wight, Providence. a son. COATHAM-At Willowdale Rest Home, Newcastle, an April 29. 1928, ta Mr. and Mme. T. H. Coatham, Orona, the gift af a son. STEVENS-In Bowmanvilie Hospital on May 2, 1928. ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Maple Grove, a son. (Robert Louis). DEATHS FRAVN-On Thursday, May 3, 1928, Margaret Ana Westaway, widow off the laia William Fraya off Springbank, Alta., (fommeriy Mas. William Martin off Hamp- ton, Ontario). STAL.TER-In Oshawa, Prlday, May 4, 1928, Charle Statter. la bis 80t.11year. Wl LLEN-At Blackstock, on April 25, 1928, Edward James Wiilan In bis 72nd rear. BURNS-At Calgary, kIta., Avril 23, 1928, James Borna, beloved husband off Margaret Leask. THOMPSON-At Blackutock, on Apnil 27, 1928, Sarah Douglas. beloved wlf e off the late John E. Thompsan ln ber 79tb yes. ROSE-In Clarke, May 2, 1928, Amnelia Purdy. widow off tha late John S. Rose. aged 76 years aud 4 mouths. Interred ai Orono. Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE-2 @ix-roomefi ed brick bouses with al modem coaven- lences; aiso farmn for sale Il. townhlpl Clarke. Good buildings. Apply t. jas. E. Flett, Centre St., Bwavle phone 384. il-tf FARM FOR SALE-170 acres-three miles from Newcastle; excellent grain and daimy famm; commodicus bouse; good baras, stonke stable and other outbuild- Ings; schaol within convenlent distanoe. Write Box 104, Newcastle. Ont. 19-40 STOCK FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 150 acres, more or lesa. first clans grass farm. Lot 34, Concession 9. Darliiigton, west of Enfleld. Aiso net off stck weighing scales with building, at Brookla Station. Apply to A. M. Hardy. Box 37. Bowmanville. 16-t FOR SALE-Salid brick 7-roome-l house ja BowmRnviile. 6 minutes walk from Post Office. just aif hlghway, closed la veranda, water sewer electric, gaod furnace, garage. hen house lots fruit, quarter acre good garden. $900 cash. balance easy payments. Apply H. L., Dvs.war B, Bnwmanvllle. 18-3w WANTED-Cattle ta pasttire-plenty af eliade and water. R. J. Hodgson, Ty- raRe. 19-1w HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Rellile woman for housekeeper on fam. Apply ta A. W. Clemens, Tyrone. 19-tf WANTEO HOUSE TO RENT-# or 6 rooms. Apply ta J. R. Nichole, cla Mas. Edmunds. Prospect St., Bowmanvilie, phone 598. 19-1w SEWIING WANTED-Plalb iewiag anid childrena clotliing. Moderato prioes. Mns. Roy Hooper. 22 Carlsle Ave.. Bow- manville, phono 404. 1-tf WANTED-Antlque fumniture. Nealy evemy home has nmorn ad furniture off no further use which could b. turned lnta ready money. Write 3frs..B. Warner 51 King St. W., Oshawa. 3-t WANTED>-Rags, metal. iran, and &aI kinfis of old juait. Dent pricea paid. Rags 75e cwt. Âlso goofi wark homse wanted. Drap pont card to William Taylor & Company, dealoe, DukeSt.. Bowmnanville. 1. BargainsFor Builders Doors, Windows, Roafing, Wallbaard, Paint, Hardware. Write for Spring Sale Cincular showing Plreight Paid Price.. HALLIDAT CO., HAKMILTON, 18 Jack- son St. Bast. TAKE NOTICE R. Estat. af Frank Stonhouse, Hampton Kimiytake notice tt aul.Abcouats a*jiaghelate raak Sobouse, 'Haiup- ton, are payable ta Mr. Jas. Curtis, HDifpton. AooouIII5 511OUM b. ii.id on or heor. Iaturday, MAY 19, 1928. Il-le AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 19th-The house- hold fumniture and sundries of B. A. Steel ,barber, Hampton, will be sold an the premisea. Ternis cash. Sale at 2 p. m. (standard time). M. Muin- day, ýBailiff. 19-2w* Egge For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCH ING-Pure bred strain Black Minorca, eggs, the kind that nee n grdig. 60 cents a setting, 15 eggs. H. A. Galbraith, Burketon, ont. Phone 197r5, Port Perry. 17-t EGGS FOR HATCHING-Duck eggs- M4ammoth White Pekin hatching eggs. i guarantee fertility and satisfactory hth. Apply L.- C. Wilcocks, R. R. 4, Bowmanviile. Phone 142-r3. 7-13W. Articles For Sale STRAWBERRV PLANTS FOR SALE- Apply ta Sidney Brown, phone 160r23, Bowmianviile. 19-1w PIGS FOR SALE-S weeks' aid York- shire pige, excellent bacon type. Apply te Mrs. C. J. Smale. R. R. 4, Bawman- ville, phone 136-21. 19-tf FOR SALE-Plano; srnall chesterfield suite; rugs; floar lamp. Ail practically new. Apply forth -east corner of King and Liberty Ste., Bowmanville. 19-1* AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaugln Touring, Master 6 inodel, ln excellent condition, great value. Apply Dustan Cash Hardware, Bawmanville. 18-t FOR SALE-A large sized hall seat and mirror ta match, quarter eut oak, ln gaod condition. For quick sale will be sald cheap. Ta be seen at Mrs. H. W. Burke's, Centre Slt., Bowmanvllle, phone 111. 1-tf FOR SALE-One gaod high grade Jer- sey Caw, just renewed, Government T. B. tested; aise general purpoie herse, 8 years aId. cheap. Apply ta H. M. Foster, R. R. 5, Bawmanvfile phone 205J. 19-1 LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kirds off laundry work done prompt- y, satisfactorily and at reasonable prices Wrj:e Post Office Box 12, or cali Mrs. W. Niarjoram, iKing St. E. Bowmnanvjle. SAVE On The Bargains Below NO. 1 3 Rase Bushes, named, reg. 40e each ........... $1.20 4 Dahlias, naxned, regular 20e each ..............80 Regular price ........ $2.0 One Week Only $1.45 NO. 2 6 Rase Bushes, named..$2.40 6 Dahlias, named......... 1.20 Regular price ........ $3.60 Que Week Only $2.95_ NO. 3 12 Rose Bushes, named .... $4.80 12 Dahlias, ns.ied........ 2.40 Regular Price ........ $7.20 Que Week Only $4.95 The Roses above in Hybrid Teas or Perpetu.als. Stock will leave us in good condition S. J. Jackman & Sons PHONE 80 Bowmanville Ont. IN MEMORIAM G UY-In laving memary off my husband, Llewellyn Guy, who passed peacefuîly ta rest on Sunday, May 8, 1927, after a long periofi off patient suffering. Long daye, long nights, he bore bie pain, To waît for cure, but aIl in vain, Till God himself knew what was beet, He look hlm home and gave hlmn rest. Our lips cannot speak how' we loved i hm Or hearts cannot tell what ta say God onîy knows how we miss hlm In a home that Is lonesome today. Some may think that we forget hua Wben ait tues they see us smle, But they Ilttie know the heartache That a smile hîdes ail the whIe. Sadly mnissed by Wife. Loat or Found WRIST WATC- LOST-FInder pleaze leave at Jury & Lovell'a Drug Store and reosive reward. 19-tf Houa.. to Reut FLAT TO RENT-Comfortable flat on King Street. Conveniences. Apply ta Mm. T. G. Maffln, Bowmanville, phone 200. 19-tf TO RENT-Twt 5-roomed furnished cottages or 1 for sale. situated at A=m- strong's Point. Lake Scugog. Apply W. E. Armstrong, BowmanvIlle, phone 821J for Information. 19-2w REMEMBER (D 0-rH aEQR Mother's Day, Maày 13th ARTSTYLE CARIN VAL CHOCOLATES STATIONERY In a heavy metal keepsakce With greetings for Mother box richly enamelled ln color. Caramels, Creamns and daint- 98C i«a with fruits audnunts. This _____________ beautiful Mothei-'s Day gift ebvCu lwqan $ 1.50 Plants f or Moticer's Day. KOTEX FREE Buy 2 packages for $1.09 and get one full size packageFRE JURY & LOVELL Whou W. Test Eyoo It le Done Progaevly PHONE 78 BOWAH VILLE. n BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Whee You Buy Good Clothos" Men! Bell Gives Better Values Real houcat-to-goodune.. merchiandise at prices that You kuow ame reason- able because you have been paying more. SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR CLOTHES HERE 4 Only Young Meu's Navy Botany Serge Suit. Bizes 34, 35, 36 sud 87. Suniple Suite of extra fine quality in the popular D. B. Style, worth $25,00, To Clear At $19.50 Boys' Suit. To Clear At $5.95 Extraordlnary value are these ail wool tweeds iu Grey sud Brown mixtures. Snappy Nom- folk» or D. B. Styles, aises 16 to 81, Reguaar to $1.50, To Clear At $5.95 Guaamd Mode-t-Mmeur Cwda. King St. W..t Meu's Work Shirts ýNavy, Copen or Khaki Drill, Black aud Whte Rock font drill. Dark Grey Cotton Flan- nel, ail regular $1.25 value, Our Price 9&c Each Black Overal. Fine big roomy make, afl double seamed cgood weight of double thread wear, weil cottonade. Regular $2.00 anywhere Our Price $1.79 Pair Work Pants Good quality cotton in neat &tripe pattern, made lu egular pant style with euf. sud belt loope, Regular $2,25, Our Price $1.89 Pair Mo'. Slicker at $575 You can't afford te b. wlthout one of thea. serviceable ramn coats. Two collora, Yellow or- Clive GreeiR, ail aises, Vory Special at $&75 ea 8 Ouly Young Mou' Spriug Top Coats In tii. n.w Grey and Brown Mixtures,- popular slip-ou style. Real elasy coata ticat Bell at $28.50 and $25.00. To Clear This Weo& at $17.50 Each à E BERT BELL "ii. clowhns Maw" Bowmanvifl. Flowers For Mother's Day We have a great variety of colored flowers for Mother's Day. We know we can't fil ail or- ders so order early before we're sold out. GARDEN 0F EDEN OPEN When you see the attractive display of Rose Trees, Shrubbery and Plants, etc., in our Garden of Eden you certainly wifl be "tempted" to buy. Our price are the same as at the Nurseries. WE WERE AWFULLY SORRY To disappoint so many custoiners last week when the Heinz Demonstrator didn't show Up. There was a mix up in dates. But keep your eyes open she'll be here later. IIARRY ALUIN, (irocer PHONE 186 BOWMNVILLE Directy Opposite Montreal Bank 1 % 9 1 --. R 'w

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