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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lOth., 1928 This Evet Toï A child at play, runs direci Shocked breathless, you jam on tl didn't hit hlm. BUT-suppoain of blame, nothing to prevent thai for heavy damages! And ther take your L-AST DOLLAR to ei LIABILITY INSURANCE pi Conipetant attorneys defend your by the Insurance Company! coni J. J. MAS( Real Estate and Ir Phone 50 King st. RtEDI Redi Rome Orange Pekt the be il In clean, bright 4 ViWL DRAKES LOVEJOT Sh..k Absorbera U NDERLYINI Pontiac's Fisi find the master taL and designers.. ence of engineerin. The big, husky Poi GMR "blue-streak' case ventilation s- dleaner, etc... and experience of GeneralMotors' g searcb Iaboratories The fuel.pump sys uusntank)... sorbers . . . the Four Whiec Brakeg velopments of Pant General Motois' re a triumph of engine make it a revelation dik y~m drole, -i th .héch m Corbett Motoi King St. E. PONT"4 PmaOetIr OF GMAL SO1'C 0 5PHO PHODINE! !bervous system. makei new Blood on old Vins. Usd for Nervous àrpondeac, Losa ef0nIlv.-Pap 1alon 7t MgiHeari, àFailagMeao >. Pice $2pet box,34 f«r $5.1 SoId Iy ait dugisgs, or mailed in pt ""' jig. on r.ceipI Of pnce. New' pà;mpwêi madled i %.TIU wcO urE C OJTOfONTOO«T BLACKSTOCK ORONO LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt is improving (Prom The News of May 2nd) (Intended for last week) favorably after her operation. Miss Jo Armstrong was home last The anniversary service at the Miss Eva Parr spent the weekend week from Syracuse, N. Y., for a few Lake Shore Union Sunday School with her parents, Mr. and Mr,. Robt, days visit. was well attended. Rev. E. B. H a p nParr. Mrs. George Butters received a Cooke of Newcastle United Church Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin cable from Cheshire, England, an- delivered an inspiring address. The r H a p p e nare spending a few days in Cobourg nounicing the suciden death of her music was furnished by Newcastle and Peterboro. mother. maie quartette consisting of Messrs. 7Congratulations to Mr. N. Malcolm, Mrs. (Dr.) H. Hayne and daughter Mark Allin, Harold Allin, W. D. a former Cartwright boy, on his re- Miss Shirley, Edmonton, Alta., will Brag and W. S. Rickard. Miss Mar- o ?cent marriage in Lexsf:rd, Sask. spend the s:mmer with ber parents, ion Rickard accompanist..Messrs Sterling. Sudayvisitors at Mr. BObbe Mhafy wee ale o leve eRo !Býown so ofMr. J. D. John Lord's .... Mrs. Gordon Clarko the hospital in Port Perry and rtr Brown, was winner of the silver and daughter Gwendolyn, Toronto, to their respective homes. medal in the Boys' Oratorical Con- are visitîng her parents, Mr. and ýtly in to the path of your car. Mr. Oliver Thompson, former Man- test held under auspices of W.C.T.U. Mrs'. Jesse Baskerville ...Mr. and he brakes. Thank God-you ager of'Blackstock Bank, but now at Many mothers have reason to bless Mrs. Clinton Brown and family of ng you had? Though cleared Tamworth, recently visited his fath- Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, Starkville visited at Milton Brown 's tt child's parents from suing you er, Mr. John Thompson, Prospect. because it has relieved the little ones on Sunday. n-the possibility that it might Sympathy is extended to Mr. of suffering and made them healthy. Soft corns are dificult to eradicate ither defend yourself or "PAY Leonard Gatcheli in the death of his Mr. James Burgess has purchased but Holloway's Corn Remover will mother on April 2'7th. Remains the Lawrence 'Beal residence on Mill draw them out painlessly. UP"I! were laid to rest in Devitt Cemetery. Street, North, and will shortly be-_____ Wedding belîs rang at the home Of come a resident of this town. Mr. roteets you in such a criais! Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beacock, April and Mrs. Beal, we hear, wilI tenant AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER rintereste and &Il cois are paid 2lst, whea their daughter Margaret the H. G. McKay residence.; My Dear Niece :-Your sense of For complote information wa sunîted in marriage to Mr. Fred ýFor Catarrh-It la one of the chief values are a littie at fault. suit Tarvis of Columbus. On Tuesday recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ec- evening, May lst, a large number of lectric Oul that it can be used inter- It i5 the littie ilis and worries that the bride's friends and neighbors aally with as much success as it can occur every day that you should try gathered at the home of her parents outwardly. Sufferers from cat.arrh to not see or feel, and the very R i and presented her and her husband wiIl find that the Oil when used ac- amail joys and pleasures made s0 )N & S O j)N with a miscellaneous shower of gifts cording to directions wiîî give prompt much of that they swell in size as if and good wishes. relief. Many sufferers from this so full of their own importance they risurance Brokers aliment have found relief ln the Ofi must enlarge. On April 26th death again entered and have sent testimonials. The more you think of things the E. Bowmianville our midst and Mr. Jas. Willan, a larger proportions they assume, and pioneer of Cartwright, passed to the Bowling and Curling Club met re- especially is this true of disagreeable great beyond. Mr. Willan spent ail cently. Bowling Committee will start things. of his life in this township, the latter activities at once, selecting a site for Just have onie tiny thought of U part in Blackstock, where ho was well a bowling green. Ladies and gentle- something that will hi.ppea wroag, known and highly respected by ail. men are invited to .ioin the associa-smtigha l bn role Hi wdwon auher Ms A-tion and take part in this healthful aoething ntha. ilbig tobe derson of Port Hope, three sons, Dprt r..NeilJCol ile, vice-president;Mrwiaanthmstaflcaiis Russell, Port Perry, Louis of Brad- D.Ni ovle iepeiet riPeetyYusmgnto ae ford, and Austin of Toronto, are left A.A rmod eceaytesrr are foretold to you ail arising from a to mourn a kind and faithful hus- Old frienda of AIf. McKcown, anditiny ir-i'nificant thing that cauaed band and loving father. Funeral particularly the members of the aId you a fe7v moments worry. service was conducted by Rev. P. G. Cornet Band who survive, were de- How oftea a disagreeable wet day Powell and interment xvas made in lighted to meet their old teacher and seema almoat unboarable when St. John's cemetery. Pail-bearers leader of the early eighties, w-ho thought about, yet if you search the were Messrs. John McLaughlin, spent a few days in town last week. skies for a break in the leaden clouds ~ OEGeorge Hooey, Albert Hooey, S. Aif. naw lives in Peterboro, being you are almost certain to find one. Jeffrey, W. Venning and Win. Steele. dîrector of the Symphony Orchestra If not yau can rest assured the of that city. He was here tunîng suni wiII shine again. So with your Dust Causes Asthma. Even a pianos, a guest of Mr. Haw. littie frets and worries, if you cannot I O S E little speck too amaîl to see will lead ta agonies which no words can des-ý Time has Tested it.-Dr. Thomas' ýee a bright outlook be assured there Eclctrc Ol bs ben n te mrke 1 one not very far away, and the cribe. The walis of the breathingEcetiOuhsbnonhemrt more you try to find it the quicker s.~v%~i ~tubes contract and it seems as if the upwards of flfty years and ln that it comes. go8 teaJIJI very life must pass. From t.his con- time it has proved a blessing to thous- Time files so rapidly, my dear Qdition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma ands. It la la high favor through- niece, that the very hardest and worst Remedy bringa the user to perfect out Canada and its excellence has of aay great trouble will eventually rest. It relieves the passages and carried its fame bey'ond the seas. pass, and amall ones if not magnifiod ce i8 normal breathing is firmly established If it were double the price it would be into real big anes will fade away very again. Hundreds of testimonials a cheap liniment. very quickly. %t tea you can buy received annually prove its effective- W. M. S. of Park Street United Sometimea when we are much alone y ness. Church met May lst. The attend- we are apt ta allow ourselves to dwell t Aluminum______ ance was good. Group 3, Mrs. on littie hurts, and small worries un- George Waddell, convener, had tii they grow large and ugly. THE WINNING 0F JOY charge of the prograni. The sub- Thea we settle down almost deter- ject fo rthe May meeting was "The mnined ta be miserable and ta sufer Play Weli Acted By Newtonville Stewardship of Life, and what has agonies because we are so sorry for Talent Giyea at Maple Grove Christian Stewardship Meant ta ureve cm o h.tgeo ______You?" Papers on it were givea by When ealyscr ome ouhelstage f be <Crawdod out last week' Mrs. C. Wood, Mrs. W. H. Rowe, ing e t aali r for orete toa Mrs. L. Buclkley; violin solo by Mrs timendt make a great effort torwake Thursday evening, April 26th, the (Dr.) Colville; respon9ive readingux marnd tnkh esl off we aebin Young People of Newtonville pre- "The Earth is the Lord's," waa le comparisn to ohersmadewht aobig sented their play, "The Winning of by Mrs. George Waddell, interspers- molehill. It is often very true that Joy," at Maple Grove, to a large and ed with siaging; a solo by Miss Doro- "of aIl our troubles great and amaîl, wel-satisfied audience. thy Rowe; a dialogue eatitled "Open- the greatest are those that don't hap- The play centres around Ma and ing of the Mite Boxes," was given pen at aIl".1 Pa Vernon, their son Bill and daugh-i by the members of the graup; a piano The more you shut your eyo to ter Kate who are living in rather solo by Miss Payne brought a spien- the small happy thinga the more straitened circumstances, while Uncle did program to a close. bliad you will become so that soon O f be Reeves, an unwelcome guest, - you will not be able to see anything (though Ma's brother), and his good unless it la very large, and very adopted son Dave, engaged to Kate, In the days of Cromnwell big joys do not happea often lnaa live with them. Uncle Jos has piles fine quality tea cost as MUch 1f etime. Your loving ,e n . .of money but hangs on ta it. Pa as thirty dollars a pound. AUNT SUSAN. Veraon takes la Joy King, his To-day, you only pay a few, brother's step-daughter, when ahe 15 cets more for Red Rose NIAGARA FALLS left alane. She cames and bringa ______te joy to ail. She induces Uncle Joe Orange Pekoe than for ordi- to pretend ta lose ail his money. Ho nary tea, but you get the 0 mighty cataract, Pride of the does and finds that there is love nat lt and greateat North! H ooesu"highest qualt Behiad thee, the might of lakes for money alone. H loesU value. Put up in clean, and rivera, ansmdnygt hes -rs a i bright aluminurn packages. Whose waters blue thou churnest in- but Joy, la wealthy again, and lavish- E ta froth, os his money on each and ali. Kate - That on thy billowy bosam quivers. and Dave are marrled, and Joy and - ~ Bill are about ta ho. Mrs. Simsanad To thy tumultuaua waters frawning, her daughter Hetty, supply most Of Mon have came from every land the humour of the play. Mra. Sîms IA~ and clime, an "awful taîker" and a Job's comn owfl To see thy majestic glory crowaiag fartr, cls t th Venan omeThe wonders of these fruitful lands whenever she can give or get aay Natr o<Lmrr- d sublime. nes. Sh popss o ne JeNON-HABIT PORMING0 Kingsanad Presidents have done thee after he gets aver his grouchea and 25C. and 50C. a box.hornage, ýG the smart styling of rheumatiam, but is refusd point, Hearing of thy glory, that thau aerbuit btes ~biaak. Benjamin Assefetity cames doat make her-bilt: odie, youwillwith Hetty ta play the fiddle at T hnefo g oaeissei aches of skilled craftsmen Kate's wedding whîch la ha charge afstoangefo g aaeissei Rev. Barker, whase manner shows I tstaermae fo lk the unmnistakable evd clearly that this la hîs flrst wedding. -- ta lake. ýg excellence. The phay was in charge af Mrs- ~ ntia Si incw~t î~Cecil Burley, wha intraduced the ( . ~ Dvt In days gane by before the White ,ntac ixengne--*th tscharacters as follows: Pa Vernon- jive it fair iPl a o h nae, ile a ito ýcylinder head, its c.ank- Cecil Stapleton; Ma Vernon-Mary Wh not decide NOW ta guie Hotlee Ida!hile tagto ysten, ts il iltr, ir-Lane; Bill Vernon-Cleland Lane; ZUTYTalet th remedy so general- And when the White Man came, he as he esut o th akliKate Vernon-Elsie Wallace; Uncle ly u.ed for h"ea aiM fair and &1uare apoke the fame is he esut o th skllJoe Reeve-Wm. Laing; Dave tWjO h lrosmgtadmisy fPontiac engineers, Plu,- Reeves-Harry Wade; Joy King- If there la any doubt hn your md 0 h rasmgtadmjsy Evelyn Lancaster; Mrs. Sim-Ljl- asuto the warth of dise tablets or of their La! Thou crownedst thyself la splen- getengineering anhe-lan Halman; Hetty Sim-Olive harmicumees, try th.m and KNOW tha dar bright, Stapleton; Benjamin Assefetity- tru<h. With fairy rainbow, whereby thou th ~Sidney Lancaster; Rev. Barkr- Don't sacrifice your coniforton ac- biadest fstent (repLacing tevc Wm. Andrews. emin: of prejudice or skepticim. Try the Ia gorgeous beauty, and la mystic the Lovejoy Shock Ab. "tcel and know. 23c at dealers or by night, Mail vrpId. B. IN. Robimas & Co. Two countries, entwined in thought e sure acting mrechanical OBITUARY be'.&aticoak, Quea. the kiadest. -% ~ 5 l The use of Miller's Worm Powders quicly buille up strength. dawn. -.oo's Regulating ,.ompound u re el children sa far as the Muniu e e Oeer Cataract! roar on until at last, 'hý A ifà,rdiblet7ýoteailmeats attrihutable ta worms are eo turacs Eian A iswden. Sold inthed. conceraed. A high mortality among day mai Crystal shore, wnemn 8ýl 3; N. 3 d 5perbo childenis reable ta worms. These -Thou shait ho foundinwdemt ~ oIfJ ildugla.ormelsap the strength of infants so that gat Aye, voiceleas and tranquil forevcxr FTepamphlet. d .. theyfr e a scuna l a maintain th e bat-W S M m r THE COOoKMEDICINE CO. tefrlf n ucm awane.- toumo.oT.(armsiyvinml his repraton ive prmis of-Rev. W. H. Montgomery, Norwich, health and keeps it. Ont.J DELICIQUS ROASTS The vexed housewife'à problem as to where she can get thoroughly relia ble meats is easily solved at our shop. Here you'Il find every day a wonderful dimplay of fresh wholesome meats, that make your mouth water just to look at them. It isn't enough that our meats look good-they must be fresh and taste good as well. We're more particular than you can be, that everything you buy here is of the best. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER We have received this week some very choice dairy butter that we recommend as we know the makers. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & MCOY Phone 518. Bowmnanville Cheer Up "the Home WITH NICE GRATE FIRE ntUse Pluto Canneil Coal for grate fires-does ntspit o splutter. No better canneil coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a farmer attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Cail and get the facts. It's worth while. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTH RACITE 7U .Codl 7at Saifieem J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PIANOS Wc.uld you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costa littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm. to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville SAviation Gasoline 4 We seil the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. Euat, Bowmanvllle TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 10th., 1928 PAGE six j ***--

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