"Orange Pekoe"le onîy the name gilven to a six. of loa-Somoe good, many poor, Orange Pekoes ore sold-The most economIcal and yet the finest flavoured Ile "SALADA" Orange Pekoe -Sealed ln nietal-pure-fresh-dellclous-43c per -Ib. Il v R il ORANGEA PEKOE It Costs No More To Fireproof Your Building \WJHEN you buiid a new house or repai an old one bc sure ta use Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction, insulation against cold and heat-and fuel economy. Write for free book, "Waiis That Reflect Good Judgment," containiag interesting infor- mation on home planning with Gyproc, Roc- board and Insulex. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABaUTINE, LIMITED paris and. For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmnanville, Ont. wZ'f11 Laymore Wrifte WoPratti FPmltrvj.Book -id MvIe Send 104 for 160 page B>ooh. llustrated pRATT FOOD Co a(CANADA, làmtud TORONTO N0 matter what kind af heavy Nwork Fou do, HAUGH'S lBig s88" OVERALLS will stand the stranj They're made f rom aur awn specially jj selected drill, rigidly tested for strength, triple -stitched and thread- riveted at points of greatest wear. Our new patented safety pocket preventa loss. Patented extension fly prevents ripping. Ask for "Big 88's"-the overalîs that will stand the famous "tug-o'-war" test. Look frthe printed guarantee when you buy. J. X. HAUGH Sold in Bowmanville by T. B. GILCHRIST About two hoars after eating many people sufer from sour stomache. They call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves bave been over-stima- lated. There is excess acid. The way ta correct it is with an alkali, which neutralîzes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillipa' Milk of Magneasi-just a tasteles dose in water. It is pleasiant, eflicient and liarmiesa It bas remained the stand- When Food Sours Sweeton the stomach-instantly ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. It is the qaick method. Resuts corne almost instantly. Iii is the approved method. You will neyer use another when you know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia preseribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting exces. acids. Bach bottie contains ful irec. tion&-.auy drugstore.- TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY lOth., 1928 THE HISTORY 0F LAW nlot recognized for a very long time. 1 WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB 1With the advent of the familyI Able Addrets Delivered Before and formation of father and mother Activitie, of Club Reviewecl by Rotary Club by W. R.1 trke came the law of chastity and fidelity Corresponding Secreta.ry. whicb before had nlot been developed Some weeks ago Rotarian W. Ross or recognized in any way. And with, Annual meeting of Blomanvjlle Strike gave us a most interesting the advent of the family came the Wo n'CadanCb as ed and informative talk on bis classificia- strong acquisitive instinct and omen 'sCnda lbwshl tion of Law. He outlined the bis- began to hiold property as familiesj April 23 witb the President. Mrs. E. tory of law and showed how it bas but flot as indivîduals. Tbis is, S. Senkier, in the chair. developed tbrougb tbe ages in sucb stili recognizable in England to-day,! Tbe principal matter of business an enligbtening way tbat wve give in family vested estates. It took a discussed was tbe raising of tbe berewitb a summary of bis address: long time for the individual to be membersbip fee. Heretofore tbe If you think of a definition for recognized. different clubs bave been assessed law you ivill find that it is a very hard One other very important factor, by tbe National Association of Can- term te define. One of tbe best is arising witb the advent of the family adian Clubs, at tbe rate of 10e a "Law is a part and only a part of the was the lawyer and he bas been pres- member. At tbe annual confer- now large body of ruIes t'at govern ent more or less ever since. As far1 ence of tbe Association it was de- nmen in their relations and conduct as age is concerned the ]aw bas it 1cddtbat owing t h nrae tcward one another in the social or- on medicine by a good niany centur- ed ts o p ovi thseainreaned gonization, to wbicb tbey belong". ies but not on the clergyman. In epneo rvdn paes n What made law from the 'irst is fact the first lawyer was also the te put the Association on a sound fin-, tbat, as Aristotle said, "Man is a so- priest. The clergy has deteriorated ancial basis, it wouid be necessary to cial animal" and tbe art of living a great deal since early days. This raise tbe affiliation fee te 50e a together made law an absolute es- grew out of certain men heing re- member starting ne::t season. sential . If men had lived as soli- sourceful enough to dcaim dYirect Througb tbe affiliation we are in- tary animais there would be no need communication with the gods who- debted for the lecture from Mr. E. J for law. Our society and its var- ever tbev might happen to be at the Garland w.ho so graphîcally described ious units are very far removed from time and to be able te intervene be- tbe difficulties the farmers of Alberta tbose of the ifirst bumans. tween tbe people and their gods. bad te contend against, and the I think there is absolute autbority These men were also clever enough rowtb of the wbeat pool. Later for the statement that the original to take the existîng laws and decree' Dr. Pratt wbo in a very interesting unit of humans was not tbe family tbem as comiflg from the goda whch j manner depicted the lif e of tbe fisher- and tbat tbe family only came after made them capable of better enforce- men in his native country Newfound- centuries of other substitute.. ment and less alterable. The laws land. In addition the club bave also think it is safe to assume that then become more rigid and a class been offered, but unfortunately could the menta!i'ty of liumans bas de- of men began to study tbem se that ntarnefralcuefo r veloped extraordinarily througb the tbe people were more hiable te g oarag fraletr fo r ages and tbat wbile the body has tbeir just rights and to get tbem uni- Pii rvsad as etr remained approximately the samne formly. with views of the Rocky Mountains the mind has been steadily devel-j The Aryan law is one of tbe flrsti witb otber equally interesting speak- oping. ideveloped to any state of uniformity ers. A tbng lsoto mke s vryand I refer to the race that inbabited These speakers are provided free humble is to realize tbat even prier th north sbores of the Mediterran- o hre loaqatrypbia to any available proof of human lifelean and later became mixed with the tion will be sent each member wbich certain animais had brougbt social1 peoples wbo ived in what ia now will circulate Canadian Club informa- existence to such a perfection thati Italy, France, Greece, Spain and tbe tion, reprint notable Canadian Clubi it bas not changed even today and British IlIes. These people devel- addresses, etc. is adaptable to vr couniry of thi p a system whereby if anydi- I aponeouth fneesy eve.y O e or w~~rgwas donc toei- twa 'one otthtofncest globe. In the Book of Proverbs we pt rs rwoLti usin-fteicesdfe are toid "Go to tbe Ant tbou slug- o hi ebr oa orcla-ms estldti er fe gad osie e wy n b ie.pointed for the purpose would meet ms estldti er fe gar, cnsier er\vas ad b ~vse and consider the circumstances and sorne discussion it was decided un- Many volumes bave been written settle tbe facts. Then these fact-an .mnously that the yearly fee be about tbe ant from c!ose observa-,would be taken to a person callIedraisýed fromn $1.00 to $1.50. tien. They are tremendous work- a Brebon who belonged to a race of, Tea was then servcd following ers, tbat is tbe femaie; tbe less said men who had studied tbe iaw and wbicb it was moved by Mrs. J. H. about the male the bettes'. Tbey wbo were attachcd to every kin or Bateman, seconded by Mrs. C. Ar- are absoiutcly fearless, they live only chief and sub-cbief. Already these 1tbur Cawker that Mrs. T. Tod take for tbeir community. Tbey bave people bad found that the baîf knoiv- tbe cbair for tbe meeting. Moved their slaves and tbey attack and car- ledge of tbe joint priest and lawyeriby Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, seconded by ry tbemn off tbe very same way as did was net suficient. Mrs. E. S. Senkler tbat Miss Allen tbe umas cntuiesaftr. bey Tbese Brehons gave their decisioniact as secretary. Mrs. M. A. Neal had slaves for tbe very some reasons, as to tbe law from the factS present- te act as returning officer and Mes- tbey were seeking more workers. The cd. Tbcy even charged bigb f ces dames G. E. Cbase, G. H. Dickinson ants bave apparently no0 laws, no0 M those days, the Brehon received and E. P. Bradt as acrutineera., governors, no generals, no ranks, 1:i12 of the amount in dispute. Yeu tbey are ail equal. They act by in- 1ilraieta ti aî utn Mrs. F. F. Morris' report on finan- stinct and tbey bave ilone it for soilis not miles reinoved from our pres- ces was a mode] of conciseness, sbow- long there is neyer a bitcb. Tbey ent.day when we remember our jury ing witb wbat cconomy tbe affairs of abide by evcry rule, the queen, as decides the facts and tben tbe judgc tbe club bad been managed. Mrs. in tbe becs, is tbe only fertile feniale. applies tbe law. Jury, Recording Secrctary, gave *a tbe males or drones are always killed TenwhaeteByoinLw short but comprebensive review of after tbe nuptial figbt. There is hnwhaeteBblinLw tben no figting by tbe maies over which was somewbat diff erent. The-se the year's work witb a word of ap- the women. Tbere is no private! people reached a very bigb state of, preciation, one might almost Say of property it ail beiongs to the tribe; civil ization, comparatively speaking, appraisement of eacb of the different no one works for himself but for the and were the flrst to write. They lecturers. community and tbey used wonderf ul~ di d aIl their writing witb characters The most notable piecea of work intelligence in constructing their that represented syllabies and in dlay. underta[ken by the club during thel communal dwellings, the ant bis, in Their laws then became written and past year were: making roads, in providing for food they even had a law like our Statute and their own increase in popula- ofFua thta al contracts bad to The usual prizes for tbe two schol- tion. dweillriing and when a contract ara taking tbe highest standing in I a dwllig o te at bcaue;was flnished it a customary to take Canadian History in the Entrance on beantbeaus jthe contract out and break it. We Clasa of the Bownîanville Publie it is the customs exactly of the ant havethtexrsinee odyfScolwr psnt oMaeà that is the basis of the Maxxian expressia on ee o-a f eolwr peete o Matr theory and which the socialists wold itibekn afotfrc it". ee e George Wcckes and Maurise Rcse. bave us embrace. In other words Cte o h ls iewr e Another prize bas been arranged for thediferece etwen he nttheveloped by the Babylonians and to tbeacholar holding the samne standing soc iist nd our prsen thcety is theat j etVtryegreat extent. At the out-inte ewatePbc Shol oc blieve n thpen iviua ndthaet heKing was tbe sole judge of ThesetheNewcarte Pbi co we elivein heindviualan thy is peopl e and adminisered the laws hetepizs te consiat of books in nothinLr but a community and but as the empire expanded this be' on Canada to the value of $5.00 for that is why Bolshevism or socialism came an irnpossibility and the rulers eacb student. in its radical form will neyer appeal o f each city and of each locality1 Early tbis year a letter was re- to the Anglo-Saxon race. were deiegated authority to try cas- j ceived from Dr. Helen MacMurchy. Gtting back to my text man first es and administer law in their own Dcpartment of Child's Welfare, Pub- started not as an individual but in localities but every Babylonian bad lic Health, Ottawa, asking the Club communities. The individual had no0 the right to appeal to the King. To-tobreoniefrtedevryf rigtsno esoasbiltie, o pope- ay we have the rame right, at lesat the Government (free) booklet: The ty; man wanted society and they in namne and witb certain restrici- Canadian Mother's !Book, te the wom- protected tbemselves by forming tions. The Hebrew iaw was infiuenc- en in this vicinity to whom it might groups and as soon as a group was cd and practically copied from the b epu. W se o 5 n formed there must be some iaw or Babylonian law. b epu. W se o 5 n rules to goven them. The great The Greeks did not get along se velopes and with the aid of list% from primary, fundamental iaws of pro- weli as they adopted onîy one ruie Miss Olga Tod, school nurse, and the pagation were present from the of tbe Aryan law I bave spoken White Sbîeld Club; Mrs. J. A. Butler, first, that is men and women mated,i about which was the popuiar as- Newcastle, taking a few of tbem, chidren were born and the women sembiy, this assembly not only found these were ail addressed, returncd and chiidren were protected and the the facts but appiied the law These to Ottawa. hblidren nurtured. The famiiy was assembiies consisted of anywhere It was decided that in order to not in existence, mercly the tribe, fron ififtt sixty thousand citizens. show our appreciation of the interest there seema positive proof that in; You canMmagine bow satisfactory it tbe Newcastle members had always the eariy stages of man there w8.s no would be with perhaps oniy a very shown in the club since its inception, idea of how offapringa were generatedI few of them havinoe any real idea Of by their regular attendance and read- and therefore no family group, the what it was ail about. There was incas to hclp) in ail its different activi- mating was promiscuous, but markino ciass k nown as or equivalent to tics, a Ne'wcastle member chosen by yoa not as tbe prostitute but as the 1pesent day la'wyers Every one6 was themselves, be invited te act on one animais in the mating seasons. suposed to know the iaw and to be Tbis develops another very inter- in a position te be able te judge be- execative. estin phuse. These eariy humans tween bis fellows The Greeks had Officers and executive are: -Asso- realizedby instinct that tbc mothers keen minds and their prprion of ciate Presidents-Mrs. E. S. Senkler and their children must be protected individual edacation r=nedvery and Mrs. J. Clark Bell; iat Vice- if the community waa to survive. high and they evolved. many excef- President-Mrs. W. J. Morrison; 2nd Therefore, the child in its early years lent, some of which have survived to Vice-President-Mrs. G. E. Reaman; at ieast would know its mother bu t the present day but their enforce- Treasurer-Mrs. F. F. Morris; Re- would have not the sliitest concep- ment and their administration of it cording Secretary-Mrs. J. H. H. tion of a father. This deveioped a was nothing short of disastrous to Jury; Corresponding Secretary-Miss curious thing, the mother becamne the tbcmselves. I. K. Smith, B. A. Executive-Mrs. important factor in the commanity, The Roman law, to put it simply (Rev.) George Mason, Mrs. D. R. reiationships were oniy traced thru but boidly, although I think trutb- Morrison, Jr; Mrs. F. J. Manning, ber, sbe was the only means of head-!1 fuily was nothing more than a mucb Mrs. C. Arthur Cawker, Mrs. T. W. ing a famiiy and as the years devel-lbetter administration and interpre- Cawker, Mrs. W. H. Birks, with the opcd the idea of the individualias tation of the Greck law than the niemhoi from Newcastle. she became the ruier and the hcad1 Greeka had themselvcs. of the family and the owner of any The Engiish iaw is a spicndid cinfi- While the ballots wcrc being property rights. This mneant that promise of many other !lystems und counted Mrs. G. E. Reaman sang two when eventahy it became clear to b as rcacbed its presqent state of cns- slo, lowd - n nsruena each peculiar to situation and sur- ol otswo roundinga of each tribe.th main.M Imight mention that the almost M I1JLLER ntwSxa universal practise in these eariy be- W ORM "yi E. Pink- ginninga was an eye for an oye and m'a Vegetabie a tooth for a tooth. This was not Lpun iniiulbut kindred and was the - arR s ndiln au actuai beginning of actual famiiy S . m NAo Tinie' friends how alignments and the rule was that the maaaLV AI<tN. QUICDCLV AND tl ndIwl whole famiiy of a wrong doer waa 1»MO . LV CCAPUR §VEN@wo f l*e TgIfrmwaa responuible tai the family of the one. V ENOan KLI aYTWi. wronged. This la another proof *Ai*O*'E AM 5UGAR -Mu.asLIy ScuuLv% r&Wmuind, that the righta of the individual wereaSU PAfl.~ qlr.v1nM MASON & DALE, Bowmanville, Ont. H. C. BONATHAN, Newcastle, Ont. W HY do without the things you'v aIways wanted in a motor car... Luxu . . Comfort. . . Smoothnoa ...IIornnance . . . Roomine. . . Otyle... Bauy... «The Bigger and Botter" Chevralet giveî you AL, The beauty, style and luxury of modem isher badis. The. camfart and easy riding of longer wb..ibase, and lang serni-allIptic "Shack..ebsarb- or" aprings. The. power, smoathnesus aMded- pendabil.tty af Chevraiet'a rugged valve-ln-head engine. Tii. safety af positive faur-wheei brakes (and extra emergency brake). And added reflue- ments, such as air-cleaner, ail-filter, crankoaso breather, VV windshield, indirectly-llghted ln- strument panel and many athers. Why do withaut ANY af these things, when you can have them . . . in Chevrolet . . . et the Iaweut prices in ail Chevrolet history? c.5-,-zsc The G.M.AC. . . . Geaoea Molori' mon, delerred .y, pi ,, aff.,ds thte msil corvenient and economical îeay ef buy"ig vour Chevroiut on lime. NEW LOWE«R PICE 1oad.er $- 625.0o lmperial Sedan .. $8 ~90.0 k Tourng-. 625.00 Cabriolet - . - 835.00 Co.Pa -- 740.00 Com.nercial Châssis- 470.00 SCah .- 740.00 Roadotar Deiivery . 625.00 adaun- .833.00 Ton Truck Chssis ..6' ni) Roadsîar Express -. . . 630.00 Ail Prires ai Factory, Oshawva. Onuario. Go%,,,,, - '"' , ,,, oISpare Tire Ezir, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono CHEM OLET PRODUCr 0F GENERAL MOTORS OF CANAA. ~LIITmo %,. h PAGE SEVEN 4