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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1928, p. 1

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------i.~ r With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY l7th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 20 IN MEMORIAM COMING EVEÊNTS ______1 The Ladies o! St. Ahdrew's Church In ioving mernory of Viola Peari Moore are having a sale of home-made cook- wko departed this life May 16, 1927. îng and aprons on Friday, May 18. This day brings back the mnemory Afternoon tes served. Reserve tht Of a loved one laid te rest, date. And those who think of ber today, KepMy9hfo te Wht Are those who ioved her best. epMy2tfo th Wie As the spirit soars high on the wîngs of Shield Club Play eiititled "The Sup- time. trior Sex" in St. Paul's School-noom. A beautiful rnemory la left behind. Sadiy rissed l'y Parents a-d Sisters. Musical Prograrn, Drills, Club Swing-] ________ing, etc. A Rummage Sale and Afternoon In affectonate remembrance of Viola Tes Will held in St. John's Panish Pearl Moore, wite of Arbhur H. Moore, Hall on Saturday, May 19tli st 3 who passed quietiy and suddeniy away p. mi., under auspices of the Women'a on May 16, 1927. No one knows the suient heartach, Auxiliary. 20-1w* OnIy those who bave lest cao tell,' Keep Saturday, May 26th for sale Of a grief that lo borne in silence of home-made cooking, afternoon tea, For the one w~e love so weili. adrmaesl nS.Pu' e Sadly mlssed hby iusband, Motlier and adrmaesl nS.Pu' et Father. ure Room under auspices of a group oi Women's Association. Keep in mind the aiternoon tes and DENEM-n lvin meoryof Yedr-sale c! home-made bread and other tek Densem who departed tliia lite May Bhom of S nt.hndew's urch on 17, 1927. onofs.Ade' hr n Hie was caIied trom this world of sorrow Friday o! this week, May 18. 20-1 Leaving sweet mmeoriles of love. 'Bowmanville Wornen's Institute But ie soul shail live on torever In a beautiful werid above. ineets in S. O. E. Hall on Friday, And through the gates ef Heaven May 25th. Prograrn in charge of Hie ioving arma wli astretch some day ru3. Dntmsi. To weiceme those who are etillgrieving grp3. Dntmsit %or hlm who has passed away. The regular meeting o! the White Sons and Daughters. Shield Club Tuesday, May 22nd, is postpened owing to rehearsal for the HODGSON-In sad and lovng rnemory p]ay and concert te be held May 29. ýof our dear wife and roother, Margaret Particulars next week. Noble Hodgson, who departed this life Under the auspices of St. Paul's May 14, 1927.W.AGletadSlin' rm One year has pass'ed since that sad dayW.AilrtadSlinsDam Ged called the one iwc iovecd away atie Cantata "Trial by Jury", will be Forget her. neo we nev-ýr will peetdi h pr osBw For in our hearts she liveti, stili. pesnd nvi te Oeay use t, 1928- When cays are dark and friends are fevmnil, uaJneSh 98 Dear inother how ive long for yon. directed by IUrs. J. Clark IBell. Friends are friends if they are true, "Trial by Jury" has the briglit and But %ve lest our hest friend when ive lest attractive qualities which made "H. sa(iy missed by Husband andi Farrily. M .Pnfr"ad"iae fPu zance" known around the world. New Curtains and E Is Your Home Bright, Restful, Inviting? W our Curtain and Drapery Department is a Mig Visit and see wb.at Smart Homes are now B of New Curtains and Draperic The new Spring drapery materials comprit range in materials and colorings this year. Chir lin Fabries, Rayons, etc., in plain and smartl' Widths in 30 in, 36 in and 50 in, the latter bei split for side drapes. Our drapery and cmlt aglow with ail the new decorative materials an most interesting to you whether you wish to pi FRILLED CURTAINS A splendid showing of fine frilled curtainE and with colors of Rose, Blue and Gold, ail 21 tie hacks ail complete. Priced from .......... SILK DRAPERIES 50 inch Silken Drapery Materials in stripi terns and made esnecially for side curtains a colors are absolutefy fast. Priced from .... CURTAIN NETS Nottingham and Fillet Nets in a good rang( corne in widths of 40 and 48 inches wth lac in White, Ivory and Ecru. Priced from... SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTEc A good assortment of Scrims and MarquisE or plain edges. They are good value and are ivory. Priced from ............................... SCASEMENT CLOTH, Sunfast Casernent Cloths in colors of1 and Brown. They are ail 50 inches wide, and arE side curtains and Sun Room Draperies. Priced NEW CHINTZ A complete showing of the newest patterns also some 50 inch widths. They are particularl eries and Coverings. Priced from ........... MORE NEW DRESSES ON DIlc Another beautiful lot of New Dresses hav dis play this week. You are invited to inspect t] of Dresses. MISSES' AND LADIES' C« We are stili showing a, fine range of this seas able coats for misses and ladies.. LADIES' GREY SILK GLOVE Just arrived this week-Ladies' Grey Si] TWO DAYS' HOLIDAY HOSPITAL RATES RAISED I TRINITY S. S. ANNIVERSARY By permission of the School Board, Governmont Amends Hospital Act Large Congregations Attend -Sp.ciaa Bowmanville Public Schools will re- Increasing Rate& in Public Wards Servicea--Helpful Addresses by main closed on Thursday and Frday, Rev. Frank Langford, Toronto May 24th and 25th. Pupils ani Hospitals throughout Ontario have teachers wiIl observe Friday as thelIbeen notified by the Provincial Sec- Sunday, May 13th-Mother's Day' King's Birthday which cornes on r retary's Department at Queen's Park, -was also observed by Trinity Unit- Sunday, June 3rd. Wonder if it was' Toronto, that at the last session of ed Sunday School as annivcrsary day pupils or teacbers who suggested such Legislature "The Hospitals and Char- -the date of this annual event being an arrangement? Good ideaay itable Institutions Act" was amend- changed from the Fall to Spring. way. ed. The amendment provîdec that Weather was ideal and good congre- the maintenance rate in al public gations assembled at each service. JUST KIDS SAFETY CLUB hospitals shail now be $ 12.25 per The Pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, was1 ______week instead of $10.25. This ap- in charge of morning and eveningi Every boy and girl of sc.hool age IPlie$ Only to publie ward patients, services and the special speaker for in Bowmanv-ille has joined the Tor-I which means the rate la now $1.75 the day was Rev. Frank Langford onto Globe's "Just Kids Safety Iper day which was formerly $1.5'0' Toronto, Secretary of the Ontario Re-l Club". Recently the names of al New rate became effective on April Iigiouý Council. the pupîls in the local schools who had 1, 1928. Rev. Mr. Langford took for his not already joined were sent forward morning subject I"Growing Up", bas- to the Club. This means that over ing his remarks on Timothy, his early six hundred have promised to "Look WILL SCHOOL BOARD EXPLAIN? training and wonderful faith. He Up and Look down before crossing made some very practical remarks on ,treets" Citizens are wondering what is the the growing process of the growing i motive which prompted the Public child that held the attention of both Coming June i 2th--David Garrick, r School 'Board at its May meeting t Iod and ycoung. a costume play of 1742. 20-2: relieve Mrs. M. B. Warnica as School The Senior and Junior Choira led Mr. and Mrs. Duncan d'Estern and Attendance Officer being temporar- the hymn singing and sang "My babe, Toronto, were Saturday guestsi ily appointed in February. As far as Mother's Love", a selection specialiy of Mr. and Mrs. L S. Dumas. was known Mrs. Warnica was per- suited u h cain isMr The Alumnae Association of Tor- forming her duties mnost thoroly and d rto the ocansioen. iss Mar-, ontoGenral osptal Training satisfactorily. She had also been gat Aln ng spfLoendiy "ehold Sehol fo Nuses nteraind atdinappointed tu, a simi lar position by thewhtaneofLv"bMDrid neroo forda Nreseng laineho norof Hîgh Schol Board and the joint ap- In the afternoon the Sunday School1 graduating class at Hart bouse. pointment met with the approval of asmldi h uioimo h Amog he peker wre is Flr:the Dept. of Education. church, the attendance being record- Amon th speker wee Mis For-ed by Secretary Chas. H. M ason as ence Emory, President of the Regis- It was therefore sonewhat of a 479 Dr. J. C. Devitt, Superinten- tered Nurses' Association of Ontario. boIt from the blue wvhen a motiondet rse adheMhr'Dy Miss Emory is a daughter of the late wAas passed by the Public Schooldet premwsed.dteMte' a Rev. Vernon H. Emory, a foi mer Board on May 4th appointing Willardprra wsued pastor of the Methodist Church in Caldwell attendance officer from The singîng was led by the Or- this own.June lst. To the credit of Mr. chestra under direction of Mr. F . ths ow.Caldwell he declined the position, Sutton and Mr. H. A. Fletcher, with which he had not sought, when he Miss Helen Morris at the organ whol 'learned the circum.stances under also furnished several selections dur- which he was appointed. ing the afternoon. Many have commented that they Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. j donotknowof ma or oma inRobins and the Superintendent led town who possesses the qualifications the school in the scripture readings. to fil the office equal to Mrs. Warnica. Miss B. M. Sargeant very pleasingly The records show she has given con- and distînctly told the story "About )raperies cismaei 1 oe; emtswr ete d Mis"s Lthaey, so 1" siderable time to her duties, viz 20Agesan MisLriePckd granted: tu, help at home 5, work in The Junior Primary Class sang a factory 2, work on farm 1, work in very pretty song after which theo roi! « heteritis r otstore 1, out by doctor's permission 4, was called by the secretary, Miss LiI. ghty Fine Place to The Chairman permitted us to ex- honors of being the star class witlhE amine the minutes of the Board and every member present. Thie offer-i uying in the w&>y from our observations Mrs. Warnica ing was taken up by the Sioux Tuxis es has been more conscientîous in her group of young men. work than the Board. For we find i Rev. Mr. Langforl told a story se a very extensive the latter body had not held a regu- "The White Flower of Happiness" lar meeting in over three montha- that not only held the attentio;i of the rtzes, Repps, Mus-. from February 3rd tu, May 4th. school children but carried a splendid styes.It is a certainty t'h. pittance of a moral lesson to the hlearts of ail who y patLerneU tls salary 'paid is n-o irde,,.ment tu, any- heard it. n ieeoyhto one to serve as Attendante Officer sô A group of the C.G.1..T. sang "I wid ce-_g it would be interesting te know. the would be True" accompanied by Mr. ain departmient is reason for the -Board's sudden change Sutton. d a visit would be of mind in this case. A large fiowering plant was pre- --sented to Mrs. Mary Bragg, the old- ýurchase or not.______________ est inother belonging to the Sundaye Scholby he Tattocon'groupt of the C.G.I.T.r Royal Theatre The afternoon program celosedc with the hymn "1-ather in Heaven 1 s i may pttensPreseating The Finest In Who Lovest All" and the benediction u inmay atersPhotophys by Mr. Langford. l 1/4 yards long, and Phone 589 Lmnediately following the S. S. c ........$1.2 to 2.75session a baptismal service was heldI by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, -,hen1 Friday.Saturday, May 18-19 eight little folks received the rite Tom Mix In of baptiom as follows: Margarett e and figured pat- '*Hell Cheyenne" Aileen Stacey, daughter of Mr. andi nd hanings. The A Western story that is different- gess, daughter ofiMr. and Mrm. Mor- .....$1.50 to U.50 packed full of thrills, comedy, ley Burgess; Donald George Locking- adventure, romance, that trilla and ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George chilîs. A story of a dare-de'vil Lockington; Shirley Marie Adelaidel cowboy who helps tu, modernîze Rhînes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ýe of patterns. They the west. Story by Harry Sin- Charles Rhines; Betty Lorraine Os- e edges. Colons clair Drago. borne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- .25~~<>Matinee Saturday afternoon at sell Osborne; Pansy Louise Hooper, ...... 5 o$1.00 2.30 p. mi. Children 5c Marion Bertha Hooper and Kenneth Chapter 8 o! Gerald Hoolier, childrer. of.Mr. and i "Fighting With Buffalo Bill" Ms o op ettes with hemmed and regular program The evening service was again ad- Bshown in ecru or____ dressed by Rev. Mr. Langford who spoke especially to, the young people ........25c to 60C Monday.Tuesday, May 21-22 from the words "Whatsoever things .... Marie Dressier, Polly Moran are honest, pure, etc", Phil. 4:8 , [...and J. Farrell MacDonald In 13, emphasizing the words, Think îs I Doand the o of peace shall baivith t Rose, Blue, Green "Bringing Up Father" you. Ht gave another very thought- E e very suitable for At asat it has corne to the screen, fui and helpful address. 54kto 5cthe famous comic strip that ap- The music by the choir was espe- 1from 5ct 5 pears in tht daily and weely pap- cially appropriate for Mother's Day, ers, Jiggs, Maggie, Dinty Moore, the numbers being My Mother's Annie and the Count. Theyll Prayer and Memories of Mother. in 36 inch widths, hand* you the laugh of your 111e The solo, "Mother Machret" was ly good for Drap- the family which tries to drag Dainlffe.b M.M.5 ........ 0cto h1.i0hts.e up to, Society's gilded Offern o h a mutdt 30c $i.OO Ftherts Story by George Me- $ ig4o4teda5mon.dt SPLAY Manus.$45 ve been placed on Wodnesday.Thursday, May 23-24 his very fine range Norma Shearer In LOCAL AND OTHERWISE "The J.atest Froin Paris" Mr. Clemens Percy, Belleville, ATSWith George Sidney and Ralph spent Sunday at home. ATS Forbes. The true stary of the Mrs. Albert Colwill spent the week- ony s most fashion- travelling saieslady, and Norma en thrlivsaBeo. Shearer as an up-ta-the-minute en wthrlivsaBeo. saleslady leads you on such a Miss Edn. Emnerson, Toronto, was grand tour of laughs and loves as recent guest of Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. S you've seldoni encountered. Story Mrs. Chas. Fletcher, Toronto, was by A. P. Younger. recent guest of Mrs. T. F. Leach. n 1k Gloves, as well Mr. and Mns. Reuben Cox, Tor- INSPECT GUERN'SEY HERD Public lnvited to Boys' Training School Friday Afternoon Considerabît interest was created tliroughout tht province, and in thisý district particularly, when it was learued that ont of the fintst herds of Guernsey cattie in Canada had recently been purcliased by tne Pro- vincial Goverument for tht Boys' Training School at *Bowmanville. Lt la undtrstod tht herd cost over $5,000. On Friday afternooa, May lSth from 2 to 6 o'clock citizens are to have tht opportunity o! visiting tht school stables to insptct this uni- que herd o! Guerustys. It is pre- dict-ed by some that in tht next de- cade tht Guernsey will come to tufe front as ont o! ths, meat desirable cattle Breeds for dairy purposes. «Citizens in town and country, be sure to avail yourself of this cordial invitation ta visit the Beys' Train- ing School on Fniday. It will bt an1 education as well as a real eye-open- er.i PAVING CONTRACT AWARDED Council Accepta Tender to Lay About Two Miles of Pavement. Followivng up the 1-oficy o! per- nmanent road building i'iaugurated 'ey the town council several ycars ago about $70,000 will bu speat thht yearl on Bowrnanville streets in the con- stîuýction of paved reinfoce'- cern- enL cencrete roads wit-. urb. This decision was neachel at a spe- cial meeting of couacil on May 1IJth whtn 10 bids were con.4i<ltted and tht tender of Towland Censîr-uctie, iCo., Guelph, was accepted .'- $48,500 ±or 20,000 sq. yds. Tht councîllors were divided four-four, 0on choi%:e f ccii-J tracter. It was, therefore, . up to Mtayor Holgate te cast tht deciding vote, as was tht case thre-2 years ago -Nien-tht town laid pavement. I, is estirnated with laying of can- ,crele, curbs, excavatrng. construction of storm sewtrs, legal expen-ses, and other incidentaIs tht total cost will bt arouad $70,000. 80%7cof tht cest is borne by tht pro'perty owuers on streets affected whicli will figure out about 25e per foot froîrtage per an- nuni for 20 yeans. Tht streets to be paved include Wellington, Chunch, SiEver, Argyle,I Beccl Ave., Ontario frein King to Wellington and Temnenance from King te Queta. Tis makes a -lEst- ance of about 2 milec; or, 9,000 _ft rîîJretha aa paved in -U25. It: men back o! th( Towland Con- ctr,,Ict on Cu arrý James Mitchell, a granaate o! Toron ;:) University and Mr. Wanamaktn. a cant acter o! wide expenience, lie having laid 7 miles of the Hamnilton Highway in 1915. These uta cornelient with tht higlit t e- commeneations from Dept. e! Public Elighways and corporation tagineers under whern they have worked. Some of tht paving contracta this finm bas constr1ucted in receat yeans include London, Guelph, Glencoc, Lucknow, ar<i.New Harnburg. Part o! tht equipment has alneady been shipped ta Bowmanville and it is eicpected operations will stant wîth- in ten days. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Citizens o! Sowmanville and fniends front country sud elsewhere w-lll join in offering heartitat con- gratulations te Mn. W. B. Couch, sen- ior memben o! tht fiim o! Couch, Johastaon & Cryderman, who on Sat- urday, May 12 reached the 89th mile- stone in bis l! e. To celebrate this occasion tlie memn-i bers o! tht firm and staff pleasantly surpristd Mnr.Couch Saturday men- ing by presenting him with a very, beautiful gold watch chain. During tht day a number o! lis friejids caîl- ed te offer congýratulations. r. f SELF-DENIAL TAG DAY 9 Will Be Held Saturday, May 19 Tht Salvation Army ia making its 1annual appeal on bebsîf e! tht Self- 9Denial Campaign which la the Iast sdrive o! tht year. Capt. Ritchie in- sforms us he [s recti ;hîg a veny gen- trous response :ii privare subscnip- tiens from citizens in tewn sud country. t As la tht usual custom they are rwindiug Up tht drive b'. holding a Tag Day on Saturday, Ray l9th. This event gives evcrybody au op- potnty te centr: bute something o an th e t nr.!ý! 've k caried on througbout che world by tit, Salva- tima Army. Just nemember wha yoîî corne down tewn Saturday, tht it's Tag Day. NANCY ANNA BROWN'S FOLKS IGood Play Well Presented by Saloem Young People Tht presentation o! "Nancy Anna Browa's Folks" by Salem Young People in Trinity Scb-ool.room on Tutsday evening was greeted with a geod audience who expregsed their pleasune at varieus times tlinougbout tht prograni. The play carnies a ver intenesting story cf an old couple ïnom a rural j Idistrict who came ta the city ta find their daugliter wlio was playing lu a theatre under an assumed ame. Her desire te be rich and lier rejetion cf lier parents whem she supposes art poon, tht kind acta o! ber feIlow pi ayers te lier parents, ber marriage ta a suppesedly rich man, bis suddeu dehth and bier peculiar position is ail presented in a very realistic manner by tht players. Tlie play was iatenspersed with bits of humer and carnied a good moral tegarding tht duty of honor[ng par- ents wlietlier poor or ricli. * The p.avi- 'aIl deserve ,-.-et cred- it for tht parts so well taken. Mn. Laurence Saveny, the director, gave a short synopsis as an introduction. Tht characters-Pete, Stage car- ponter st Grand Theatre -Kennetb Würry; Dave, property mana at the Grand-Bob Collacotti Pa Brown, Nancy's father, Ed. Doidge; Ma Lrowu, Nancy's mother-Mrs. F. Hrney; i'ick Miles, stage director at Grand-Leslie Coeînibes; Roderick Qunitan, player e! Villain's parts- Kyle Squair; Connie Stair, player of inugenue parts--Mrs. L. Ricl.ards; Val Vincent, playtr o! comtdy parts- Len Richards; Jul. Saul, player o! cbtracten parts-Mrs. J. Jrwîu; Den- ny Saul, character actan- -Laurnce Squair; Inez Clifton, pisyt. of Ad- verturtas parts--Mrs. A. Aithur;, Barry Raymond, ltading masi-Nan Buttery; WiIla Dean, leadlný lady's maid-Lola Welsh; Rosalînd Raylor, leading lady-Mn. Ed. Doidgt. Dr. J. C. Devitt discharged the duties of chainnian moest acceptably. Tht musical numbens wene "0 Can- ada" by the audience. Vocal solos, aIl o! whicb were much enjeyed were given by Miss Jean Ramsay sud Mns F. C. Palmer, vocal duet by Mn. C. H. Dudley sud Mn. H. M. Foster; liano duet by Mn. H. D. Clemens sud Mns. J. A. Colt. Mns. D. R. Morni- son sud Mn. Dudley were tht accom- panists. A group o! tht Young Womeu's Missionary Aùxiliany under whose auspices tht play was presented %erv- ed refneshmeuts at the close to tht visitons. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Capt. Palmer Gave Hia Famout Addresa on The Union Jack. The Young People who failed to attend tht meeting ou Monday nlght, May 14ti, missed a fine performance. Tht attendauce was quite good sud tht pregram was -tloneughly tnjoyed. Capt. Fred C. Palmer gave a splendid addness on tht Union Jack sud is do- ing s vtry fine work in arousiug sud stimulating interest in tht glorous old fiag, especially wlien thene is sorne agitation fer a speranste Can- adian fiag. Citiztnship departmtnt wss iu change -o! tht meeting aud proceeded te censtruct a Toonerville Rus ou tht platform. This repntseuted tht 3rd depantmnent teurng Vancouvtr sud was dnivea and manipulated by Smith Ferguson. Smith is a mtchanic of ne men ability and despite some terrible noises btutath tht bood, lu- cludiag terrific explosions aud unfon- tunate tire trouble ht made thetrip. These taking part lu a prognam dur- ing tht tour o! tht city wtre vocal sole, Miss Helen Morris; rtadngsl, Misses Betty Sargent sud Rilda Slemon; piano solos, Mrs. Albert Colt and Mr. Geodman. TIt pro- gram was splendidly in keepiug with tht subject, "Flaga." M.W. B. Couch Mn. Cou clisl really a remarkable man for has years. A couple e! weeks ago lie was knocked dawn by an auto but apparently feIt nonc tht worse for bis expenience. May lst eound hlm, as usual, up before day break sud off to his favorite trout strtam for a day's fIshing-which la the one neal spert lie thoroughly en- eoys. Every morniug around 8 o'clock you will find Mn. Couch go- ing to his store walking as bniskly as nest men bal! his years., Ht puta eo shame many younger business j men whe motar ta work lu their 6- cylinder sedans. As a merchaut mrince he still retains bis keen abllity to sense tht defiands o! bis custem- ers aud serve the pblibc 'over tht counter witb co'urtesy sud confidence. May be long b. spared ta set the pace for bis business associstes aloug King St. sud continue ta be s living exasaple, toalal that regular habite, noderation lu all thingu sud bard work are condueive, te s uneful sud happy lite. eoýana i an à t man ire

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