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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1928, p. 5

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£HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TBURSDAY, MAY i7th., 1928 PAGE F1V~ AUCTION SALE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE on Mrs. Ada Dumms is visiting her SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1928 daughter, Mrs. James Milligan, Osh- Mrs. Herman Wotten 404 Park Rd. S., Oshawa will selilier household furniture and effects as foilows: 1 piano, 1 Singer sewing machine, 1 buffet, 6 chairs, extension table, 1 ' kitchen cabinet, 1 couch, 1 dresser, 2 wash stands, 2 beds and springs, 1 range stove, 1 Quebec beater, new, 1 kitchen table, linoleums, toilet sets,I 1 set single harness and robe. Other articles too nunierous to mention. Sale at 2 p. mi. (daylight saving) Termes-Cash E. J. Pom.ry, Auctioneer. KERSLAKE'S rice 29e 49e Prevent Moth Damage Larvex Cedarlene flake Moth Bails Oil Cedar Eggs Are Cheap Pack now in Waterglass 2 lb. tin 25c 10 Vo 12 dozen 1I L.tin 15e 5 Vo 6 dozen KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drus Store Mns. (Rev.) J. W. Suner ia visit- ing ber sister who is very ilI inTor- onto. Mns. J. J. Lord has returned froin n visit with her sister,. Mrs. Geo. Mel- rose, Listowel. Mr. and Mns. Chas. H. Haddy and son Jack, Toronto, spent Sunday et Mn. C. H. Mason's. Mn. and Mrs. John Palmer, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Carlisle Ave. Mn. and Mrs. John Ohneth, Niagara Falls, N. Y., spent Sunday witb ber sister, Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Sinmpson Avenue. Mn. Lloyd and Miss Greta Siemon, Toronto, were Sunday guests of her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. We are showing Fugi Silks in alI the new shades and absolutely guar- antee fast colons. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman. Reserve Tuesday evening, June 5, for Gilbert & Sullivan's "Trial by Jury" and miscellaneous prognam, at Opera House, Bowmanville. Rev. J. U. Robins pastor of Trinity United Church, was in Belleville on Tuesday and Wednesday attending a meeting of the Settlement Commttee Rev. J. W. Pedley, Toronto, gave The Statesman a friendly caîl on iMonday. He was netunning £romi conducting services on Sunday in King Street United Church, Co- bourg. Rev. Ben Spence and his dramatic dialogue debaters failed to put in an appearance on Sunday afternoon as advertîsed. No explanation was forth- coming for the audience which pat- iently waited for over an hour. At the oratorical contest and solo conipetition of the York Pioneer and Historical Society of which Dr. James L. Hughes is President, held in Rich- mond Hill United Church _)n Satur- day afternoon, Mn. Chas. Ruse, a former Hampton boy, was one of the judges. Mn. Ruse also gave an in- teresting discourse on musli- and the proper nietbods of obtaining the best results in choir work. Horsey Block set the pace by being the first stores on King Street to be painted this. season. James Aber- nethy is the artist and his men have clearly demonstnated that paint not only saves the surface but also brigbt- ens up the premises and makes them mucb more attractive. The stores are occupied by J. F.Cole, barber; A. J. Bell, the clothing man; Nelsox's Dry Goods Store, and Rosne's Gen- oral Store. ale-l UiC Our Bowmanville and Orono Stores Off er Chocolates 29c IL ONE DAY ONLY-SATURDAY, MAY I9th Delicious pure chocolate covered creams, van- illia, strawberry, pineapple, maple, nuts, caramels, nougatines, hard and soft centre-a wonderful variety-sold in pound lots only for one day- Saturday at 29c LB. How many pounds will you have, please? HAVE YOU TRIED BUTTERMILK BREAD? Lots of folks have and they say it is popular with every member of the family-just something a little different-appetizing and full of nourish- ment. Wedding Cakes A Specialty -Willards's Ice Cream In Bulk, Brick, Cone, Dish or Eskimo Pie W. P.Crbt Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Mr. James Pro'use, Pickering ne- cently visited his daughter, Mrs. W. Crossey. Mrs. E. T. Slemon, Ottawa, was guest of Dr. and Mns. C. W. Sleinon on Friday. Miss Ina Pethick viisited Miss Laura Hawley in Peterboro for a f ew days last week. Miss Gladys Weese, Toronto, was guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, Lberty St. Mr. Wm. Sunter, Toronto, spent the weekend at bis uncle's, Mr. Wm. Painton, Westniount. Miss Edna H. Bttreil, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bottrell. Misses Marguerite Joness and Miss Catherine Pincb, Tononto, spent Sun- day at Mr. F. H. Jones'. Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall, Toronto, were in town Friday on bus- iness and calling on old friends. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- onto, spent Mothe's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and family, Seagrave, accompanied by Mrs. T. Couch, recently visited friends here. Mrs. L. A. Tole left on Tuesday to visit ber niece, Dr. Olive Cole, and other relatives in Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Nprinan Creeper, Hamilton ,spent the weekend witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creep- er. Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker and Joan, Cobourg, spent Mother's Day with ber parents, Mr. and Mnfr. Chas. Cox. Mrs. (Rev.) W. S. Blythe and babe of Detroit, Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. C. Rehder, îvho is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MeGill and Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Cadmus, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Stephens and Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Werry spent Wednesday with Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Rowan, Bethany. The demise of two well-known Darlîngton township old boys ia ne- corded in this issue-John Cowle and Dr. Harry Phillips. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Rani, Toron- to, who attended the Meyers-Hazle- wood wedding on Saturday spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mainprize. Miss Jean Stewart and Miss Ethel Hoan, Kendal, Miss Dorotby Hoan, Onono, Mr. Harold Iioar, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Miss Marjorie Henderson anîd Miss Muriel Dech of the S ck Children's Hospital, Toronto, spent Tuesday week witb the latter's grandmother, Mrs. John Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins, Oshawa, were in town Tuesday evening at- tending the play, "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks," pnesented in Trinity S. S. Rooni by Salemi Young People. Houses to Rent FLAT To RENT-Comfortable fiai. on King Street. Conveniences. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville, phone 200. 19-tf TO RENT-Twt 5-roomed furnisbed cottages or 1 for sale, situatedi at Arm- strongs Point. Lake Scugog. Apply W. E. Armstrong, Bowmanville, phone 321J for Information. 19-2w Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED>-Reliable woman for housekeeper on farm. Apply to A. W. Clemens, Tyrone. 19-tf SEWING WANTED-Plaln sewing and children's lot.hing. Moderato prie«. Mne. Roy H-ooper. 22 Calile Ave.. Bow- manville, phone 404. 16-tf WANTED-Woxnan over 3;, prmnnt position. Is your automobile earning money? The lai-zest manufacturer of strictly custom supporting garments off- ers wonderful opportunity. Alao a full line of lingerie confiners steekings and sanitary goods, twenty years in business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Coîborne St, Oshawa. 20-t Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCHINO-Pure bred strain Black Minore eggs, the kind that need no grding. 60 cents a setutng 15 oggs. H.A.lbraith. Burketon. ont. P.ln 197r5, Port Ferry. 17-t DIRTHS LINTON-In Orono, on Tuesday, May 8, 1928, to Mr. and Mne. G. Meredith Lin- ton, a daughter. ROBBINS-At Leskard, on Friday, May 4, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Eobbins a daughter. (Pauiline Gertrude). McGILL-At Willowdaie Rest Home, Newcastle, on Ttiesday, May 15th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McGili, Newton- ville, a son. MÂARRIAGES SNOWDEN-STEVENS--Alt the resi- dence of the brides parents, on Satur- day, May 12. 1928, by Rev. J. H. Stain- ton, B.A. B.D., Raymond W. Snowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden, and Viola Alberta, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, both of Bowmanville. MEYERS-HAZLEWOOD-At the resi- dence of the brides uncle, Mr. C. E. Rehder, Beech Ave.. Bowmanville, on Saturday, May 12, 1928, by Rev. Dr. Dougall, Oshawa, Gordon (ionant Meyers, son of the late H. Meyers, Barrie, and Mrs. Mcyers, Oshawa, and Alleen Louise, daughter o! Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazie- wood, Oshawa..1 DEATHS BURGESS-In Clarke, Friday, May 11,1 1928, John Burgess, In hi, ith yean. In- terred In Orono. PHILLIPS-At 332 Lake Ave., Roches-1 ter, N. Y., on Tuesday, Nlay 8, 1928, Dr. Harry C. Phillips, aged 63 years. GETTYS-At Pont Hope, May 14th., 1928. Margaret Evelyn M.%cGibbon, beloved wile o! John A. Gttys, in hen 43nd yean. DAVIS-In Bowmanville, on Friday, May lltb., 1928, Elizabeth Davis, wldow, of the late William Thonîpson, aged 95 years. B LA KLEY-In Bowmanx 11e Hospital, on Monday, '%ay 14, 1928, RobetJohn Blakley, aged 43 yearsý. In* ,.red at Wick. REAO-In Haydon, on FY!day, May 11, 1928, Ella Jane Fargey, beoved wi!e o!i Robent Read, aged 60 years. lnterred ati Hamipton. WRIGHT-In Whitby, on Saturday. May 12, 1928, Rev. T. G. A. Wright, MA.. B.D., late nector of AIl Saints Chunoh, aged 61 yeans. ROBINSON-At Port Htope, on Fiday, .May 11, 1928. Henry Albert Robinson, be-ý loved husband o! Annie Louise Smylie,l in hi, lSth year. McLEAN-Suddeiiiy at Tacoma, Wash- ington, May 11, 1928, Thomas H. McLean, son o! the late William and Isabella Me- Lean o! Clarke township. MoGI LLI VRAV-At Whitby, suddenly on Sunday, May 13, 1928, Rev. Norinan H. McGillivray, son o! the late Geo. mcGillivray, Esq., In hi, .57th yean. BRERETON-At 76 Rosemount Ave., Toronto, on May' lStl, Thiomas Elvin, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Fred E. Breneton, aged 2 yeans. Interrd in St. Manyse Cemetery, Manvens. WRIGHT-In Manvens on Sun(a, a llth, 1928, Charles Wesley Wright, In bis 80th year. Funenal fnom the nesi- denct o! hi, son, R. W. Wright, Yelven- ton, to Onono Cemetery. McMURTR-in the Memnorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Baturday, May 5. 1928, fnom shock !rom a broken hip, Ida Lavenna Whitwam. wlfe ot George A. McMurtry, and mothen of Cyril and Katbleen Mc- Murtry. COWLE-At St. Mlchael. Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, May 6, 1928, John Di Cowle, beloved husband o! Lena Cowle, In bis 75th yean. Interned t Little Brit- ain. Brother o! Misa Isabeila Cowle, Toronto, !onmenly o! Solina and Ennis- killen. DICKSON-At the residence o! her daugbter, Mns. W. J. Gibson, 49 Tranby Avenue, Toronto, on Tuesday, Ma.y 16, 1928, Lily Cameron. widow o! the ls-te Andrew Dicksoin n hon 9lst yean, fonm- erl o! Newcastle. Inteninent on Thurs- day in Bowmanville CemneterY. Real Estate Por Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE-2 Slx-roomed lences; also farm for sale ln township Clarke. Good buildings. Apply to Jas. E. lett, Centre Bt., Bowm2anville phone 384. ii-ti FARM FOR SALE-170 aces-tbree miles fnomn Newcastle; excellent grain and dairy !arm; commodiaus bouse, good barns, atone stable and other outbuild- ings; sohool witbin convenient distanoe. Write Box 104, Newcastle. Ont. 19-4' STOCK FARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 150 acres, more on less, firet clans grass !anm. Lot 34, Concession 9. Darllngton. west o! Eonfield. Allio set o! stock weighing sicales witb building, at Brooklin Station. Appîr to A. M. Hardy, Box 37. Bowmanville. 15-t FOR SALE-solld brick 7-roomed bonse in Bowmanville, 5 minutes walk !rom polit Office. just off highway, closedi ln veranda, waten sewen electric, good~ funnace, garage, hen bouse lots fruit,l quarter acre good gardon. $900 cashI balance easy payments. Apply H. L., Drawen B. Bowmianville. 18-3W BUILDINGBARGAINS Are you building on repairing? Bond for Spring Bangain Circuler and Pnee Cat- alog of Building Mateiali. HALLIDAY Co., HAMILTON, 13 Jackson St. East. CLARENCE S. P4ASON'S LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK 15 HOLDING A Surprise Sale of Coats and Dresses ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 18 - 19 Resmembor we as-e mot promsing you a $30-00 coat for $15.00O-we do Dot make anYthins lits. that amount of profit on a $3000 garmnt, but yoti reaIly "iIl bd SURPRISED et the value w. offer and w. ltnd making a profit on .very sale, If we diaD ot, Wall ita just common @ense -w. couldn't exist much legsnMalte a living, and w. intend to live. 9CLARENCE NEXT DOOR WES? 0P F. F. MORRIS CO. S. MASGDN SoW1tM<VjLLE Articles For Sale BARN FOR SAL.E--one frame br 36x56. Imor prioe and particulars phone yJ. H. McEwen, 133 -2. 20-1 c Il 24th of May Holiday Values Unsurpassed Marvellous Values in Men's and Boys' Clothing. Buy Now while choice is best MEN'S TOP COATS 3 Only Top Coats Clearing For $19.50 Grey and Fawn Tweed Effects, Values to $25.00 and $27.50 At A Special Clearing Price of $19.50 Each MEN' SUTS A $1.95MEN'S SUITS AT $18.75 10 only Men's Suits, single breast- 25 only Suite, double and single ed models, in Fawn and Grey breasted models, Grey, Fawn and Twee efects brkenline, rgu- Brown Tweed effecte. These suite Tweedveluectso ken22n.s,0egu are exceptional values, but on ac- lar alue to$22.0, ount of depleted sizes we will Clearing For Onli $14.95 Clear Them For Only $1&75 Each MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $19.95 In~ ~ ~ o Pli n ac ergesalso the popular Diamond Weave and Herring- boe efc, double and single breasted models, TO CLEAR AT $19.95 EACH MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NEW SPRING MODEL SUITS 50 suite picked fromn our stock foi' the holiday trade and grouped to seli at $25.00, representing values up Vo $32.50 each. Smart. Tweeds and Worsteds, made of exceptional quality merchandise and by some of the best firme. They will ail be marked to seil at $25.00 for the holiday trade. OTHER SPECIAL MONEY SAVING VALUES 5 dozen Boys' Cotton Ribbed Stockings worth 50c pair ......4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Athletic Underwear, Combinations, ail sizes, Arrow Brand at 98c Each Khaki Pante, this is a epecial purchase, real heavy duck, all sizes, worth $2.00 a pair ................................................................... For $1.49 Pair ONLY 25 PAIR MORE 0F OVERALLS AT $1.39 We have sold a tremendous lot of these Overails, in Black also Blue etripe, a Union Made Overaîl, worth $2.00, buy a pair before they are ahl gone, On Sale $1.39 BOYS' REEFER COATS 3 only Boys' Reefer Coats in plain Fawn and Plain Na Serge, Regular Vo $6.00,................To Clear $3.95 EaCh TREMENDOUS REDUCTION IN BOYS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS AT $589 Any Boys' Bloomer Pant Suit in the store, Tweeds in Greys and Browns, also Plain WoolNavy Serges, values Vo $8.50 and $9.00,...........................Out They Go At Only $5.89- Each BOYS' FIRST LONG PANT SUITS AT $9.95 ' General Clearing of Boys' and Youths' First Long Pant Suite, W U light and dark shades in Tweed and Worsted effects, Gray W U and Brown shades, checks andstripes , it don't matter which E suit you choose, aIl at one price, ail sîzes from 24 Vo 84, values $12.50, $18.50and$15.00, Out They Go For Only $9.95 Each STRAW HATS FOR WORK FROM 20c TO 75c EACH Te B. GILCHRIST Phone 61 Directly Opposite Montreal Banik Gibb's Dentifi 25e size 2 for 40e size 2 for o! wagon harnens, one set one-horse eieighe. Apply to H. B. Foster, phone 46, Bowmanville. 20-3 AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaughlin Touning, Master 6 model, ln excellent condition, great value. Apply Dustan Cash Hardware, Bowmanville. 18-t FOR SALE-One Hardie Power Spray for sale, cheap; one grade cow due to freshen about June 2Oth. Apply W. J. Taylor, Phono 391J, Bowmanville. 20-2 FOR SALE-Frame bouse, 8 rooms, one acre gardon, outbuildings. Excellent pro- position for retired farmer. Pnice $2260. Apply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowman- ville. 20-2w k FOR SALE-A large sized hall seat and minron to match, quarter cut oak, in good condition. For quick sale wili be sold cheap. To be seen at Mrs. H. W. Burke's, Centre St.. Bowmianille, phone 115. 19-tf FOR SALE-One Miller Incubator, 250- egg size. new this year, regular pnice $46.00, will soul for $30.00. also, Brooder. 400 size for $14.00. Both guarantced to be as good as new. Rani Walton. Newcastle. 20-t FOR SALE-Happy Thought Range and smali heaten, with pipes; also funni- ture, suitable for use in summer cot- tage. Cheap for cash. Inquire Cherry Cottage, Church Street, Bowmranville. 20-1w FOR SALE-20 young Yorkshire pige and 2 bnood Yorkshine sows; one 490 Chevrolet touring car in good running condition, Paint good. new top, good battery. soul cheap for quick sale. A. H. Clouions, R. R. 6, Dowmanville. Phono 237r3. 20-2w -FOR SALE-CHEAP-1 large show case, glass on front and ends, about 6 ft. long, 4 ft. high and 2 ft. deep, twe r ýdouble doons at back. Also 1 22 Inch tpaper roll and 1 inch parsul tape inoist- ener with 6 rolîs o! 1 Inch plain sealing tape. Apply 10 box 89, Newcastle. 20-1 NOTiCE-Will the party who took away a wooden plat!orm !romn my backyard please return It as they are known. Robt. Colville, Liberty St., Bowmanville. 20-1 e r4 Phone 3 Navy Blue and soine Blacki Poiret TwiIl and Ticotine COATS With scarfs, with capes, also the popular smart tailored styles. At Surprise Prices Friday and Saturday "CARA VAN COATS" Are know froni coast to coat. Masters of the mode are employed in the art of creating materials for "CARAVAN COATS", we have the exclusive selling rights of these coats for Bowmanville and we have only about a dozen of these wonderful coata bift to choose froni, At Surprise Prices Friday and Saturday "TRUE SILK HOSIERY" 10 strands of pure thread silk in great variety of shades. The manufact- urera are discontinuing this particular number which sold regularly st $1.25 and we off er our entire stock of I'True 511k"l hoae at a price that we expeot will be a surprise to the customer nainely 75C PAIR A WORD ABOUT DRESSE Dozens of new dressee at pices that will really surprise. Ask to see the New Betty Brown Wash Dresses at $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00, not rubkish but dresses made to wash and wear. "SERVUS" KNITTED SILK LINGERIE Customera who have worn this brand of Undies usuaily come back again, and aiten tell us what excellent lit and service tbey have received. A new shipment of bloomers and veste in aIl the newest shades just reeelved. The Vests SeIl at 98c and $1 .50 The Bloomers Sel at $1.50 and $2.0 Ç! - 1 __,jr - RE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 17th., 1928 PAGE PIVII Great Enthusiasm HAS BEEN AROUSED BY OUR SPECIAL SALE 0F DINNER SETS No wonder, for we neyer offered such values in Dinner Sets before. There is stili a few sets left at these very low prices. These prices are only good tili Saturday night: Rg pca Old Blue Willow designs, 96 pieces $35.00 $28.0 Green Leaf design, 96 pieces ........$30.00 $24.00 Gilt Lined, raised design, 97 pieces $25.00 $20.0 One set only, Real Austrian China, Autumn Leaf design, 96 pieces...$35.00 $28.00 Ail other Dinner Sets in stock will be sold for one week only at 20% off regular prices. Prospective brides, here's your chance to economize in buy- ing a dinner set right now. 30c PITCHERS FOR 15c Almost cleaned out the Cream Juge last week so we're offering a larger size Jug this week, regu- lar 30e for 15c. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Bowmanville

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