1Hl~. A.\AIJIÀ.\ aIAl~MAè,. HUWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l7th., 1928 PAGE SEVEN Fain, Profits are too Dearly Dought to Risk! H AVE nothing to do with "get-rich-quick7" sales- mer-they will try to hurry you into a decision you will regret. A sound investment is neyer in a hurry. Mea nwhile, the Savings Departrnent of this Bank is a safe and profitable place for youirnmoney. The Royal ]Bank of Canada Bowman-,ille Branch - P,.FF Aitchison, Manager 121 TEA 854 Our experts search tlîrough thousands of ton samples to ftnd Just the rlght teas to go In "1SALADA"P blonds. Ordlnary teas wUll not do- exceptlonally fine teas only, are used. In thls way "dSALADA"F maIntalns ts unrlvalled position. LOW PRICES Nationally Advertuaed lb atcg3 1*Pail 49e Pmdctà Shortenung20 lb.Tub$28 Must maintain the highcst standard cf Pot sBrans 2 pkt-. 23e quality possible and you will always find MeLarens Invincib!'e 5fo a full range of these JeIIy Powders 5fr27e quality products at s rn Ame your ncarcst Domin- 8Pe4cIes AE rd tin ion Store at prices that are surpnisingly Ri so Pcge 3 pkts. 2l HEINZ PRODUCTS N.tionally Advertiaed ý CLARK'S PRODUCTS Baked SmaII 10e tin Creals mat paste 3 I*r25c Beans Medium 15c tin Shr-dded Wheat 12' Boiled Dinner 28c Spaghetti S.11I 12e Kellogg'& Corn Flakes oa atu 21 Medium 17C 2 for 21C TnaoCtu 1 Vinga 1 o. ot 2Qaiker 0,ate 9 Veal Loaf 21c Vinear 6 o. Bo. 2c Piý.,r.i. g.. 9 Ox Tongue 35C Mal'. whig.., Cid., Grape-Nuta Pki. 17C dIJ Chili Sauce 34c Creans f Wheat pkg.24c BC-va, ,ns @and 'i.9c FREE One Heavy CAKE TIN32 We have been able go se-32 cure a few more of these ibe*y . tin-;. emsre audgel yours. 1 lb. is Cook& Friend Bakin g Pawder De1nonte Seediens or d»-o~a Raisins Sunrnaid Puffed Seeded eVpts products Masufactured at our own Butter MDR AElYTIEAS MADEIRA CAKIES 15 *S.L. * 4oe, t TASTYI FRUIT a4 Domino 69%b B Ea D Sr.13 d 1 1E E.S, .h 8B... k.Il, Iffiayfield Brand 1.W.pdHE ALTH seiyl 3" 16. BROWN Io.f ~ hclob.9 ShirriI'.Pure Marmaladte 4-lb . 55irC Sweteed ritap& ly Just a tasteless dose of Phillipa' Milk cof Magnesia in watem. That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard aiitacid for 50 years ainong physiciens everywhere. One spoonful wiil neutralize et once many times its volume in acid. It la the right way, the qulck, pleasant and efff. Oient w&y ta kilI the excess acid. The .etomaola bme... weet, the pain de. parts. You are happy qqain 1ig av§ minutes. Dan'tedepend on erude methods. E.. ploy the eit wae yet evolved in &Ul the 0 yearscfsarchng. That is Phillipie Be sure to get the genuine PhillipiO Milk cf Migisesia prescribed by physi. aias for 50 years in correcting excesa acide. Eich bttis castains, 1s dires. tiona-gnydrugotome OBITUARY Mrs. Louis Walker. Stratford There died in Stratford Friday,' May 4th, follow ing a brief illness, Mrs. Louis Walker, mother of Mrs. N. R. Fiebig, 239 Water Street. Mrs. Walkepr v.as a native of Darlirîgton tw 'p, Durham county, and was born February 3, 1844. During hem marmied life she lived in Villa Nova and Waterford, and for the past four Years bad made hem hume with ber daughter. She was a member cf the United Chumch. One son and two sisters surlyve. John Porter, bar- rister, cf Simcoe, is a brother. Charles Stalter, Oshawa An old resident cf Oshawa passed te et i nthe hospital on Fniday, May 4, in the person -of Charles Stalter. Deceased was bomn in ;Bowmanville 79 years ago, a son cf the late Jacob and Elizabeth Stalter. Most of his life ha.s been spent in this district, and for forty years he has followed his trade as carpenter. He has been residing for some time at 82 Park Road, south, with his niece, Mrs Jack Smith. Deceased is survived by ene daugh- ter, Mrs. Laur cf Niagara, Ont., hic wife having predeceased hlm about 17 years ago. He aIso leaves three brothers, A. J. Stalter cf 162 King Street East, Harry cf Pitt.sburg, and Joseph of Lockport, N. Y. One sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Powley -of Detroit, also survives. The funeral was held on 31ondayl aftemnoon, May 7, service being con- ducted by Rev. H . S. Dougaîl. In- terment took place in Union Cerne- tery. Chas. A. Burden, Lugene, Oregon1 Charles A. Burden, aged 57, prom-1 mnent business man and propemtyl owner of Eugene, Oregon, died at his1 home, 388 Seventh Avenue West, Satumday momning, April 28th, foi- lowing a brief ilîness. Mm. Burden had appeared on the streets a few days ago apparently in the best cf bealth. Hic demise, coin- ing so suddenly, was a shock te bis many frienda and business associates. Mm. Burden was born in BoDwman- ville, Canada, July 1, 18'70. Hi. parents were Samuel B. and Jsabelli Younie IBumden, who were cf English and Scotch descent. His father wasl Reeve of Bowmanville fer several yeams and also Wamden of the United Counties of Durham and Northum- berland. Mm. Burden left Canada at an eamly ege and went into business in Rech- ester, New York. Later bie studied medicine at Yale for two years. At' the end cf that tume he was eleted physical director at the University cf Oregon and came heme in 1897. He semved ia that capacity until 1906 wben lhe esigned. Aftem his esignation in 1906 hel went into business with David M.1 Grabam, in Grahain's shoe store on; Williamette street. This partnemshipi was continued until 1920 when it wasi dissolved and Mm. Burden etired to private life. Since then bie bas at- tended only te bis private affaira which invoîved censiderable propertyl holdings in the downtown district,l iacluding Wiliamette street business property. Mr. Bumden was a niember of Eu- gene Lodge, No. 11, A. F. & A. M., and president of the Eugeae Radiat- ors, the marching organizations cf the chamber of commerce. He at- [tended the Firat Cbumch of Christ Scientist bere. Mm. 'Burden was married June 23, 1903, to Carnie May Hovey, meniher cf an old Eugene family. Besides bis wif e le is survived by two sisters. Mrs. C. A. E. MeLea of Wiinipeg,! Mms. Chas. A. Ted cf Whithy, and a' brother, Fred A. Burden cf- San Francisco, Cal. Mmi. G. A. McMurtry, St. Toa (The St. Thomas Times-Journal) Grini tragedy cast its sbadow fori the second tume in twe weeks over the home cf George A. McMurtry, 941 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thonmas, earlyl Satumday evening, wvhen Mis. McMur-1 tmy, formerly Miss Idla Laverna Wbit-1 wan' cf Southwold township, died 'n' th-e Menorial Hosp;Ial, afýe: an ex- tended illness. .kî-t ter. days pit, vioilý the datt!;'tc.. Vis:sKathleen McMurtry., nuî-se-în-ti-aining at the Memorial Hospita, sî,ffcreJ whai were at first feared te be fatal in- juries in an elevator accident in the eld section ef the' hespital. The shock cf the accidont seriously affect-, ed Mmrs. MeMurtry, as sbe was in deli- 1 cate health at the tinte, ibut she taI-' lied splendidly and was believed te bc on the rcad te recove'îy when she wMis1 takten te the hospital last Wednesday1 evening for special trcatment. Friday even5ag came a ~en terrible blow te the family. In, conte manner Mrsl ,McMuîtry fel fi-cm hem bed in thell hospital ward h.Qrn er rigbt hip. This sbock proveI too nto ehj for one of lber fi-ail constitution nand she passed away abont8A0)'cloek Saturday evenîn.. Besides theso*wî husband and dLughtcr, a son, Cfyrtl A. W. McMur- iry, cf the McMartry Hardwvare(Co.' city, a l)iether A. A. \Whitwa'n of Leamington, and a si3tec, tirs. Thomi- as Baker, 99 Gladstone± A'enue, ct' survive. The funeral took lplace Tuesday afternoea fi-cm the resfflence ut 94 Gladstone Avenue tc the St. Thomas Mousaleuni with service at 2.30 p. mi.1 Service was conlucted by 1ev. Dm. Martin, assisted by Rev. D. Rogers. Mrs. MeMurtry's death is particîl- larly ccd in the fact that slie and ',he ether miembers cf the family bad been1 buoyed up with tht cbeening news thai Miss McMurtry is inaking a cern- plete recovery fr -rn ber injurier. AI- thcugh still in a oenvelescciiz condi-i tion, Miss McMurtry wvas able to sec hiem mother for a few minutes befome hem death. The daughter cf the late Mr-. and Mme. Daniel Wbitwaiîn cf Seuthwotd towvnship, Mrs. McMurtry had lived ber entime lite in tlic township and city. For many years she was active in church and social werk and en- deamed herselt to a wide rirel of fiiends by hiem splendid qualities and bier gentle nature. She waq a meni- ber of Fit United Chumch and aise of Maple Leaf Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Mms. S. J. Honey, Bowmanvii!e, and Mrs. (Dm.) W. T. Willard, Tom- onto, attended the funeral. OBITUARY Mî,a. Helena J. Beceal, Oshawa After a lingering ilînesof sevemal months, Mrs. Helena J. Beckell, wid- Llw cf the late John Beckelî, passed te hem eternal reward on Friday, May .lth. She was born in. the vil.agc cf Hampton, 1857, being the eldest, daughtem cf the late Edwin Nance Kiveli. Nearly ail hem life was spent in Oshawa and north-wsest Dam- lngton, and she had many friends in the district, who will sincemely miss hem. Hem husband predeceased hem sixteen years ago. Mrs. Beekel had been an invalid for over five years with palsy, caused by a fa l. The deceased was a member of King Street United Church, Ocaaiawa. and when ab'e was active in al good i~ork. She leaves to mourn her lîîss the' childmen, Rev. J. E, .icekell, Castleton; Mr. E. E. Beekell, Brant- fc.rîo, and Miss Hazel at home. AIso tl're- sisters and thmee brotherq. The funeral service was held at the home ef hem bothem-in-law, Mm. E. L. Vick- emy, on May 7, Rev. C. W. DeMille, ?astor cf Kirng Street United Church, Oshawa, in charge, assisted by Rev. Dr. Dougaîl, Rev. Dm. Fletcher, Rev.1 F. J. Maxwell, Rev. R. A. Whattam and Rev. J. Gaît. Diiring the ser- vice a duet was sung by Mrs. Friend ar..l Mrs. Crozier. 'The floral tributes were many s'Iow.ng the esteeni in whicil the de- ce.Lued was beld by thos-3 vho knew Th bucaîl-bearers werc six brothers- an-law, Messrs. Frank Bumns, Bow- na 1e;William Bec.Icel1. Taunton;. Samuel Nance Kivell, Brooklin; Levi Ellins, Columbus, and E. L. Vickery, Oshawa. Mr&. John Martin, Clarke. Funeral service for the late Mms. 1 John Martin in St. George's Chumch, jNewcastle, 'on Thumsday afternoon, April 26, was attended by a large number cf citîzens and esidents of Clarke tow-nship in addition to the many sorowing relatives cf deceas- ed. Rev. E. R. James deiivered a help- ful and comforting address frein Isaiah 12:2, The Lord Jehovab is my stengtb. Members of the choir with Mms. Dm. Farncomb at the or- gan assisted in the service. Amcng the lovely floral tributes ccvering the casket were wreaths froni the fani- ily and frorniMr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns, and sprays -froin Mr. and Mrs T. Slemon, Miss Dcmis Johns and Mm. and Mrs. Jchn Scott. The paîl-bear-1 ers at the chumch and at Bond Head$ cemetemy were: Henry Adamis, Robt. Martin, John Scott, James Dickson, George Bowen and Chris Law. Deceased before hem mamiage was Miss Ana Gibson, a member cf the widely branched and prcminently known Gibson families cf Newcastle and Clarke, the progenitor of wbicb came from England and settled in Ithis neigbborbood about 100 years ago. She was a sister of the late Mrs. John Dickson, Third Line, and a cousin of Mr. T. M. and Miss Win- nie Gibson cf this village. Mn. Robt. Martin, east cf the village, is a bmothem-in-iaw. Before moving to the tari whicb they purchased on the Sixth Line south cf Kendal, the late Mr. and Mrs. John Martin lived on the tarin now owned by Mm. S. J. White and aIse on the famin aow owned by Mr. Fred Parker, botb in the Lake Sbeme sec- tion east cf bere. Deceased who bas been a wdow for many yeams is survived by two sons and two daughtems: Mm. .J. P. Martin cf this village; Mr. Malcolin iMartin, Darliigton; Mrs. L. Lyttle, ýKendal, and Mrs. Frank Johns, Dam- lingtoa. One son, Reginaîd. whc owned a tarin in Western Canada, was downed theme sevemel years 9go. The many friends cf the famuly in this community unite in exteading te the sumviving scns and daughters the sincemest sympathy in their sad ber- eavement. Clarenoe J. Smale, Providence On Tuesday, May lst in Tcronto Hospital after an ilîness extending over thmee yeams and whicb baffied the skill of medical science, Clarence John Smnale cf Providence, passed to rest, aged 48 years. Mr. Sinale was born and lived al bis lite on the Smnale bomestead, north et Providence Church in Dam- lington township, pumcbased in the eaniy thirties by n; grandfatber, the late Richard Emale and aftem- wards occupied by bis father and lat- er by himselît Ho w&s the eldest son cf the late Thomas and Prudea..e Anri Johns Smale ard was born *on February 14, lSO. Being of a quiit reliring disposi-1 tion he neyer soght ipublic office save in the Ch .1tian C,.urchb eing- an officiaI of Privi.lence Methodigt Chu ceh, Superint'.ndent of the Sun- da% School, a fý.,!àful worker, kind neighbom and lîcorable in ail tha v:aika of iife. On June 3, 1914, he ivas uaited in niarriage with Miss Annie L. Peebles of Coîbomne, who with tour childmen, Helen, Hugb, Archie and Dorotby mourn the lo9s cf a kînd husband andl father. Twc brothema, Hubert et home and Edgar of Sheld- on, Iowa, anid one sister, Miss Liiy Sinale, teacher at Cercigbtoin Mines, also survive. The funeral tu,)k plac-ý Friday af- ternoon frein the faînilý esidence and was atte.ri'*l *y a very large cîncourse etf niencli. neighhoms and rolat:'es w1rî -athersl te pSy their -est t' bute ot respen te one whom tbey huaore-l and lova.l. Rev. J. LI. Rc..ý ins, Patter et r-.m.itv t7nitlui Cliumch. Bowmanvillic, with wbich -le- ceased had becente attacbeà since the closing et the home cbumch, con- ducted the service paying a beautiful and worthy tribute to the passing et a compamatively y'îung lite. The paî-bearemi were six neighbomsý Mresra. S. Chas. Allin, Milton Wight, Arthur C. Bragg, S. T. Dowson, Ir- win R. Bragg and Harvey S. Barie. bâovely floral tributes expressed the. sympathy otf fiends and neigh. bors as tolîows: Wreath, fr<in the ," a imiIien- Sprays troin the 1aiy Miss Lllian Sinsie, Mrs. R. R. Smaîie, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fletcher, teacher and *up1sfetS.S. No. 5, MT. and Mr@. . Chau liMi S. S. Br%*, Rowena, Arthur and Mr. andMli. . C. Roan, Mr. and Mmm. W. E. Cran., Mr and Mrn. MUlt. SMART BOWMANVILLE GIRL Frozn The Globe'& Just Kide Column Editor of The Globe's Just Kjds Safety Club in Monday's edition says: Let the Laureate speak. Scores of boys and girls have acknowledged their buttons and quite a few have 1written verses about our new club. For example, there is Joey Cavemly, whQse home is in Bowmanv'lle. a live- ly lettle town on he Fing-ton Road Ilighway, and a place through which thousands of motors pass every month. Joey gives sc>me good ad- v'qn in these words: "'Remsember" The laws of this club, you must re- member, Must be obeyed by evemy member And when you wak acros.3 the street Whcn there's snow or rain or sleet, Look up and dcwn befor.c you go, Becaus2alal cars don't trave! slow. Some boys they run across the street, But death they're almes'ý sure to nieet; Neyer bc in such a hLrry That you run acmoss the street in fury; Look up and down before you go, IBecause aIl cars don'r travel slow. If you consider the3e three verses, Yùu may not pay s0 many nurses For their services to you Wher. across the strcet you flew. Look up and down beffore yeu go, Because ahl cars dont travel slow. joey is a daughter of Mr. anid Mrs Clifford Caverly, Concession Street, Bewmranville. on Wight, Mr. and Mri. Harvey S. Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Black- burt., Mr. and Mrs. 1 n 'i S. Black- burn, Mr. and Mns. S. O'Brien and Mms. John Souch, Botherhood of Trinity Sunday School. Relatives and friends frein a dist- ance were: Miss Lillian Smale, Creighton Mines, Mrs. R. R. Sinale, Toronto; Mme. C. Dowson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dowason, Port eerry; Mr. and Mrs. George Peebles, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peebles, Miss Ida Peebles, Mm. and Mrs. MacXenzie Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Peeb- les, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kernaghan, Mrs. W. G. Kernaghan, Mmi. David Kernaghan, Mr. and Mns. Azthur Kernaghan, Mr. and Mns. Ed. Kern- aghan, Messrs. Fred and Bertrani Kernaghan, Mrs. Jos. Kirk, Mr. and Mms. Rufus Keyes, Mms. Wlallace Rose, aIl of Coborne, and Mr. W. C. Black- burn, Newcastle. For Rheumatic Pains.-The pains and aches cf sciatica and heumatisni should he treated with Dr. Thomnas' Eclectric Oul. The soothing and healing properties of this fainous remedy have been demonstrated for fifty years. Use it also for inflamnia- tory pains, cuts, scratches, bruises and spmains, either in human beings or the lower animals. Why no, look I thi. unuitual guaranieed "Capital --Retumn" - - - plan C. flou Dear Sir s An airpiane view of the plant of Durant Motors of Canada, iÀmited, at Leaside, on the outskirts of Toronto. The plant covers nearly 15 acres and has approximately haîf a million square feet of floor space. It is modern in every respect and has a capacity of upwards of 175 cars a day. safe Io use sale Io Cook on Easy Io Ught ... Strike amatch-tsat'u al!t Nojlaring .... Patented automatic wick stop will net permit flame to rise above set point Easy Io control . FIante cari be adjusted te any safe level; it remains set. No soot on pots andas... Every bit of cil ia chariged into dlean, intense beat in the long chimneys. Oilreservoir cati be easilyfilled white cooking lis being dose. Safe baking. ... A wonderful oven in which you cari balle cake, fish and criions at the saine ine w-ith- out ming flavors. See the woriderful new modeis at your dealers. Perfec- tien prices which range from $8.75 te $212.50 are splendid value. Write for full information to General Steel Wares, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. 201 PIERFIECTION 011 BurnngR ge iMail TODAY.------------- s Depe. 14 , Genel Steel Wang Led., Torosnto. PIeas..&end me free particulrscf the Perfofion 0U1 Rang. Nàt» ....................... ......................................................... ...... Addrme ......................................... ........................ o ..... -- .............. †-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars do flot "corne easy--so firot, before you invest, b. sure that wherevcr you place your bard- earned cash, every dollar will corne baçk to you! There in a contract which will flot onîy guarant.. thle return* of every invested dollar at a definitely stated tirne-along with substantiel dividends-but should death interven, it will pay to anyone you may name, the full sumn of mon.y decided upon as your objective. Under this unuuaal "Capital Return" plan Changln Clmcmtanc. Are Aliowed For tu this way s ( 1) At a definitely stated time you rnay draw out .v.ry dollar of your annual deposits, along with substantial dividende. (2) You may instead withdraw only a certain portion of your deposits along with the accurnulated profits, and continue the contract as life insurance fully paid up, and still .arnng dividends. (3) Or if you are flot then in need of any of the cash fund available, the amount of paid Up life -inaurance rnay b. considerably in- creased-for example, a $5,000 contract would b. raised to more than $7,500. Even Total Disablement N.ed Not Interfère with your plans, for in event of such happening, no further deposits would be required, but instead you would receive a rnonthly incorne as long as your total disablement continued. This payrnent of the monthly income would not affect in any way the guarantees in the contract. (For this added personal protection feature a small extra annual deposit is required which is not returnable). H-. MASON, Local Representative, Bowmanville You may s.nd me for conslderation, full particulars cf the Canada Life gparantced "~Capital Return- plan. Name Addr ....es ...s ........... .............. .... ...................... «................................ Iwas born . «..................day of ........«.............................I ....... ......... FwryPol/urfrieîkd t I l'Ilit tANAi)IA.\ 51AI'LSMA,\. ÉJOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 17th., 1928 PAGE SEVEN