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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 7

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-~--- ~ Jin which you can cook <t four pies at one time over a single burner 1 AUl wiil be donc in record tinte pefectly cooked, evenly browned. «Live heat' docs itl And only Perfection ovens ernploy this principie. 13 Every drop of ou l changed into clean, intense heat in the long chimneys. No smoke, no soot, no odar. The patented wick stop wil l ot permit the wick to flare or the fIante to risc above a set point. Sec the new Perfection at your dealer's. Prices range front 8.5 to $2 12.50. For complete information write Generai Steel Wares, Liited, Toronto, Ontario. MO ]PERFECTION rOil Burning Rne Mail TODAY.---------------------------- 1 Dq.1 , G mrlSceei Wares Loi.. Toronto. I Peai. ,end me free particmLi of the Perféâion Oi Range *Address.................. ........... ........ ...........~ «fanure Spreaders JNEVEN fertilizing means un- even crope, and uneven crops mean delays in harvesting. '? Taco MJanure Spreaders distrib- utc fertilizer as amoothly and evenly up-hiUl as down--spreading faster, wider and more evenly than any other spreader in the country. An exclusive patent windshield prevents manure from bcîng blown or thrown on the driver. Corne in and see for yoursclf the mmany improved features cf these dependable Taco Spreader. TUDHOPE-ANDERSN CO., LIMfTED Makers of Good Fansi Implements Orillia - Ontario TeFamous TACO LUne PLOWS HARROWS CtJLTIVATOaB MOWERS RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURE SPREADERB SCUFFLERS CREAM SEPARATORSi GABOLINE ENOINES S=XL WHElSmi BLZIONS WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVES FURNACES Write for free folder, telling un the p&rtcîclez ine i whicb you ame la- terested. Local Agent THERON S. MOUNTJOY Bowmanville R. R. 6 lwms Acid Stomach Exeeseacbd l ii.he ommon cause of indigestian. It resubte in pain andi sournesabout twa hourg mter eating. The quick corrective ia an aIhali whicb neuralizes acid. The beit corrective is Phiblipe' 1111k of Magnlesia. 1V bas remained standard with physiciana in the 50 yeare ince ts invention. On. spoonful o-f Phhllilpi' 111k of TMagnaia eutraj~eslnaa y man7 llUUtaY uae.is ar*z lesu and tasteleu and Ha *Mton fi quick. You wiIb neyer rab>' ou crue methoda, never continue Vo suifer, when you earn haw quickly, how lessantly tIis premier xethod acta. bera let 1V show you-now. Ile sureai J gt teiageltuine Pif!-« Up.'ikofMgni prescribed by physiia for 50 years i oorrectMg *rom .acide. Each botti.e omtgùj guil direeto.-W drugaflo THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, IMAY 24th., 1928 DOES CANADA NEED A Board. Tbe time wil] undoubtedlyf ORONO FEDERAL FARM LOA N SYSTEMIcorne, wben it will be feasible to doi so, but it bau fot yet arrived.(Fo The News of May 17tb) Dermot A. Davies, Univerity of 1 There is one question which mustl Mis ai rw svstn e British Columbia. inevitably occur to anyone wh a days witb relatives here. made a study of the farmer's prob- i Ms e asedsetSn (Conti:nued from last weex) lemns, and that is, why is hie in this 1 r.BnBrtedsetSna position of "utter bankruptcy," a - 1at lber father's, MNr. H. Hooper. There is one criticism wbich bas saine exponents have phrased j.k« Mr .and Mrs. Fred Kelly spentl been levelled at the banks which is Prevention is certainly better than S unday wfth his father in Osbawa.1 substantially true, and that is that cure, and if we can get at the reot! Dr. J. F. Reynolds, Whitby, recent- their introduction bas not materially of the matter we will not need te ly visited bis cousin, F. Tamblyn and altered tbe number of foreclosures. subsidise tbe fariner. Many argu- other relatives. This criticism has been ofered to ments have been advanced extendiner Dr. Lou Hubbell and Mr. Frank prove that tbey are therefore a fail- ail the way froin the fact that be buys Ebbs, Barrister, Osbawa, were recent uire. But we are all too prone to in a protected market and sells in ai guests of Mr. Orme Gamsby. think that a measure must eitber be "world market" to the fact tbat be, Rev. ,'. W. Wilkinson, wife and a panacea for alil lus or it must be a onl works three or four montbs OUtr baby, Ruth, Victoria Road, visited at faîlure. On the contrary,, no mess- of the year. Some of the arguments1 the home of Mr. F. Tamblyn. ure whicb can bie devised can be fair- bave a grain of trutb, others are .iust 0 ly expected to put aIl the farmers oni propagand-a. The real cause bas Mrs. Frank Hall is attending bier easy street. The best that can be ex- been stated in part above-that the moilth r.pMorand, rsitpie, wh pected is that a large percentage of average return on investment is only iss t ripe a hrnd erses. tbe more efficient wiil bie able to make 4%-4%%. Thswbile credit is- an MisebcaTotnhartr- it pay. It is therefore wortby Of important factor in any business. ed fromn visiting bier sisters, Mrs. R. note tbat there has been a deelime enterprîse, that business must be on H. Warder, ,Bowmanville, and Mrs. Edd ini the number of foreclosures. The a paying basis bef ore it can make Soucb, Oshawa. reason for the sinali decrease will le use of the credit. Mr. Charles Macoun of Campbell- brought out below. Itreie eds iford, wili address Orono Women's To suin up the main points whicb h ato intermediate redit r Institute in the Council Chamber, on have been brought out by the Feder- . h atro nemdaecei aI Land Banks. Tbey have not been is one whicb concerns the banks im-1 Tuesday, May 22nd. a loss to the goverfiment. They mediately. In this respect the Can- r No man or wonian sbould hobble have lowered the interest rate (and adian Banks are in a very f avourable painfully about because of corns when made the rate more general). They position because their brancb bankIr 5 certain a relief is at band as Hol- have flot adv'anced easier credit. systems allow thein a facility of mon- ' iowaY's Corn Remover. They have encouraged rather tban ey circulation to meet extraordinaryl Messrs. E. J. Hammn and O. W. prevented the growtb of private land demand, and also the possibîlity of1 Rolpb attended a banquet given by banks. They bave adopted tbe 1 small tu rnover at any one branch. 1 the Masonic bretbren of Oshawa in amortization scbeme. And tbeyj The latter advantage beîng more and! connection with tbe opening of the have not materially affected the num- 'more recognised in commerce gerier- new Temple Lodge. ber of foreclosures. ally by the organization of the "chain Mr. and Mns. D. T. Allun enjoyed The conditions in Canada are, asr store." a pleasant visit Sunday from bier sis- bas been stated previously, somewhati There have been many charges lters, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Mclnnis, wbo analagous, yet, we have one very im- i evelled against the banks. The was' accompanied by hier son Oliver, portant factor whjcb is different and' main one made by Mr. Tory is to the and Mrs. McLean and bier son Wil- that is the density of our rural popu- effect that their charter will flot per- liam, ail of Kirkfield. lation. There are in Canada vas mit tbem to lend on other than liquid No cidsol i loe osfe areas of unoccupied territory. The security, and as the farmer's needs cidshudealoetoufr farming communities are for the most extend a nywbere froin 3 months te an bour froin worms wben prompt re- part sinaîl and scattered (speaking of'i 2 years, with the preponderance of 1 lief y-Mbe otier iml utsrn Canada as a whole). And for that needs being about 6 to 9 montbs1 remedyMte Graves Worm Ex- reason we are, as Mr. Tory polnt duration, the banks are thenefore terminator. out i te sag tatAmierica was i somewbat cbary of lending, or else Mr. Thomas Vinson and Mr. and 30 years ago. That is one very ser-1 they have to cali their loans in at an Mrs. Clarie Vinson and family, Tor- lous dîfficulty about trying to instit- inconvenient time for the fariner. onto, spent the weekend in town, ute any sort of national organization To this the banks repiy that thev the former vîsiting bis sister, Mrs. for credits in Canada. This scat- do, and are willing to iend for bar- Mr.M .iaeladtelte tered condition of the farming pop- vest of crop, seed and livestock, etc witbh hs aunt, Mrs. T. W. Somervilie. lation wouid in al probability lead to and that tbey do, and are willing to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch and fam- a condition that was prevaleot in the renew the notes. Both statements! ily of Weston, spent a few days re- United States at first under the Fed- are true under certain conditions.1 cently at bier fatber's, Mr. S. M. Bul- erai escheme. Namely, that the vol-1 In periods of good prices or good r Iings. Mr. Inch took the oppor- ume of business done vas net sufi harvest the notes are renewed. But t unity for a few days fisbing on the eien loallw fr a roft o th 1 I since the local manager is responsibl1e troutystreains at Leskard, familiar to dern ealo o poi1n h for the boan, lie is very liable te cail him in bis teaching days when bie bad Inmargnad adgnrlysek it in at tbe first sign of poor condi- charge of Leskard scbool. fno Cnadrsas(and eertalyseng tions, whicb of course does not belpl A welcome visitor here one day thîs estimated that the farmer's return the fariner. week was Mr. E. V. Dyer of Port upon bis investment is 4 % te 4 1, To the charge that interest ratesl Hope. Eidad's early days were spent '7c. There are of course many wh are exorbitant, I bave been un able lin this town and there are sVili a are making a great deal more than to uncover any definite informatien number of old scbool chuins ieft, that. But the average return mnay that they are so (even in the West)> pleased to extend the glad hand. His be taken at that figure. Witb a I stu in some isoiated cases tbat father ,tbe laVe James Dyer, was pro- return so slow, it is manifestly im- the rate bas been 9 ½% % but that prietor of the Orono Wooien Milîs in possible for tbe average farmner to was under exceptional circumnstances, the old days. borrw ad py 8 ormor. Iciand not a generai rate. Incidentally Cbale Sape, formerly of Orono dentally, a reduction in tbe interest "store credit" is very mucb bigher, district, passed away at bis home, rate to even 6% would flot enable reacbing as high as 20%, only as 't is Trno, on April 2n. Dcae aIl the farmers to borrow even if not announced tbe fariner apparent- To rt or 22isgnd. Deeasd tbey had tbe security. It is for this ly does not f eel it. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fox, Clarke Un- reason that the Federal Farin toan 1 tbink that undoubtedly the recentiofm hloddastyun Board in the United States bas faiied trend in the diiection of co-operative ion fod,n cdbood days owta oun to materialiy alter the number of producers organizations wi]l prove ascae sCalyFx foreclosures. the salvation of tbe fariner if pro- ascao sCaiyFx A brief giance at the expeniences poriy organized. Tboy do net les- Mother's Day was duly observed of s oie of the provinces in Canada' sen the personai security of the at Centre Street Church on Sunday. may reveal some information tlyis 11 fariner, on whicb bank boans are se Rev. Geo. Mason's addross was along helpful. Mr. Tory bas gono into the largely made, and at the saine time the lino of Mother's Place in our details of tbe working of the various tbey wili enable the fariner ta repay land. The negular outlined prograin schemes, so it will be necessary bere bis loan more promptiy (in the case of inusic wa.à rendered by the choir, to take bis findings onîy, verified wbere tbey advance a certain per- augmnented by a well rendered solo, where possible, by more necent in-: centage of the prico to the fariner "Mother of Pearl", by Mr. Orme formation. In one particular is tuis on dlivery of bis crop) and the add- Gamsby. information interesting. That in ed security to the bank, of knowing Mn. and Mrs. George Seymour bas every plovinco where the éqheme that the fariner wiil get a bigb moved to Oahawa. Mr. and Mrs. (where operative at ail) bas proved a enougb price ta cover the boan, wiil Seymouar acilylfeonrs- burden on the ýpublic we find that the tend-on should tend-to lower the dents fur re prat iîîIie-Ing esi- largest proportion of the boans bave interost rate. Incidentally, if the înour'sOf rono, i. thngMn. ey - been made for the purpose of clearing1 fariner can pay bis boan off soonýer, îy esteemed residents. Their de- previous encumbrances. and get aiong without it, hie is saving partune is much ta be negretted. A In Ontanio, where the idea is con- the intenest.. son and daughter have been living in sidened successful, 47% of the boans ITa sum uam the whole situationOsaafrom inpstadth bave been made for the purchase of briefly, I would say that while it is Oehawa or a int r n e atundre new lands. undoubted tbat tbe fariner is in a agoaing tathat ityl hentueo In Quebec we bave a unique situa- poor position his basic trouble doesafmiyeuon tion due ta the unity of nationaîityý noV lie in credit. And tbat as ne- The Oratonical Contest of the religion and habits of tbe people. A gards long ternin bans he is entitled Orono Continuation Scitool was beld condition met witb in European 1ta a cheaper rate if it cao bo suc- in the School Auditorium an te ev- countnies but nowhere elese on the' cessfully given, but in Canada at oning of Monday, May 7tb. Eileen Amenican continent (on a scale of' present it is noV passible. As regards Sterling and William Darlington wene similar size.)1 intermediate credît the banks have awarded the cash pnizes donated by In Saskatchewan the undertaking done their share, but co-operatian Messrs. A. Henry and A. J. Staples. is considered sound, and the greater should be fostened ta give tbe fariner While the judges were pneparing their number of boans have beon made faor increased stability of pnice and credit. decision, Rev. Win. Sterling distnib- farrn purchase. In otiber words, bor- -- uted graduation diplonias ta the grad- rowing for prodluction purposes 18 a uating cJ.ass of last year. He alsa sound proposition. ~~pnesented the champions of the field In British Columbia certainiy, the c.Uti n aCiBL»CLF w day beld lat faîl, with medals. Tii.. scbeme bas been a financial burden wr Cob Ms orsPTherof. on the tax-payer, and here we notice 'w fu 1atllir e end nr.yJ MissCoprisTheParenon. bhttemjriyfrtelans bave- Squair for proficiency in French was I een te clear off provious debts. ïand it1s i.aigerous' presented ta Mn. Fred Sowden. Pupils bSa much for a study of conditionsi IZPu th Briiai- of the school rendened a number of in the past. What, if any, are the musical selections during the evon- conclusions Vo be'drawn? The first! ing. îs, that any system of goveroment .I Miler's Worm Powders act mildly controîled credits cannot be run asl and witbout injury ta tbe child, and a philanthbropie enterprise to the det- 1 ~ there cao be no daubt of their deadiy riment of the tax-paying public. ij ~ ~ effect upon worms. Tbey bave been must be on a sound financial basis.j -i ucsfluefraln ii n The ecncc lusion-is4t1-t f,- a s esulue o alnetmp n ance Vo menit aur senlous endeavour iO>orwe Da'ascssnc Excellent for Cnoupy Chidren.- Vo aileviate bis lot. feverlsh. Un. gentie influence over We hl ssféigwt ru Frankl>', bowever, I do not tbink bOJi's systena enables himVo getfulWe -hld1 ufnngwt ru tha wear imedatey jstfle ~ nouiabinent from hua food, ho Ps hlm it is a goad plan ta use Dr. Thomas' ora nizinae Fmediealy utFarm .in gistrengtens is bwels. Ecectrie 01. IV reduces te inflam- oard for longVenin bas, bease Patoria la purely vegetable and mation and boosens tue phlegîn giv- Bcardefed conditin o th e fames armlsai-the recipe le on te lng speedy reliefVo ite littIe suiT- scater conitin ofthefariera r. Physiclanis bave preeri.iir erer. ItVi equally reliable for sone wouid noV esable it Va advance cred- lor over 30 years. With euch inckage, throat a.nd chat, earache, niteumatie it in competition wlth private enter- you get a valuable book on Mother- paàins, enta, bruines and spraina. Dr. prises at a sufficlently ehea, rate to hoodL Lok for Chas. H. Fbetoher'a Thomnas' Eclectric Ou l regarded by be beneficlal te thie fariner, and yet signature on the wxupp.r ao you'Ul many thousanda as an indispensable yield a margain of reaerve Vo the <et the genuin.. 'oft he farally medicine chat. PAGE SEVEN il5 Inlinite paIns-heurs of utudy and thought te evory mnaN partlculr-the meut car.fuiIy trained tu oerganiztlon ln the worid, buying the bout baes, biending nieut ukilfuly-pmeklng the bout way. Se lu "SALADA'S dlclous flaveur guardsd. NOT onby is the '<Bigger and Better" Chevrolet a finer car mechanically . . . flot only does it offer more thrilling performance and more dclight- fui niding comfrt-but it is infinitely more beau.- tif ul and more superbby styledi1 Every one of the seven new modela la worthy of detailed comparison with cars costing hundrcds of dollars more-not only in bnibiance of design and execution, but in completeness and ricliness of appointment as well. The new Fisher bodies are artistically beaded ind paneled-with long, racy lines. The new genuin. Duco colora are modish and smart. Interiors, toc, are irnpressively luxurious -rich upholstenies, wide, restful seats and a beautiful, ncw, compbetely enclosed instrument panel. Corne in and sec for yourself the beauty you'v. always wanted! We'I1 gladiy place a car at your disposai-for an actual road demonstration. The G.M.A.C. . . . GenevalMotore? vw det.md p.y>eus Pim 4«*~ the most cmwemiuî d ecoOmcaP"wyet1buug ymwCheveoa « ew. NEW LOWER PRluE R .de. . . -0625.0 Imp1=.Jse".- 90 Touring .-.-.-.625.00 G-I 40 CSbem -- - Ch" -4&35.00 c.ch--------740:00 RoaSt in«. .- .623.00 Se. . .--------835.00 Tm. Trucp C2. . .633.AO ONTfARIO MOTOR SALES OslsaWa, Ont H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmauville WM. DAVEY, OreS.. CH EV'OLET PRODUCT OF GBNHL4.LMOTORS OF CANADA. LnITrED SoId in Bownmnvill. by, T, B. GILCHRIST 1

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