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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 8

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PAEEGTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 _______ BLACK MqODEL MEMORIAL LIBRARY AID The Pure Bred Clydesdialc staihon Ana etig eca~l e mrial Library Aki i as held on Fi-j day, May 18th., in Council Chamber Premium Horie andI )ne of the heslt ýf Comrrnufi.y Hall. breeding horsýe_ in this- part, the pro- Th Trau-r r.B anr- perty o)f W. J. Ormigton, Enfieldi, -Thed Thasu$1000hàdBeen rnat ed Ontalowil mae th sesîn <~t, Lihrary Board during year leaving, 1928, c-,mlmencing Miay 28th *'as- 7 ý-;11)n hand in Library Aid; follows: NMonday afternron-Will Fna'! 3.0n qim-n ud leave his -<wn stabe Enfield, and, proceed t,) Jaï. Crrossman'î, Haydon, Rere' was exprezied that Mrs.1 for the night; Tuesday noon-At H~ R; E. B. (.ûoke was soo)n to leave, G. Macklin's, Tyrone; Tuesday nightl .h.- comrunity aý . hw ha'been a'1 -At T. J. T.(le, Bethesda; Wed- ýfric(or ani an in',rerved wo-rker since, nesday non-At Walter J. iik ~~raiato fcu i! ard's%, Shaw',s School; Wednesday nlght-at Beith's Waverley Sale, After plan,< werr- made for catFring Bowmanville;, Thurbday noon-At t, Naý,)nic banque, on June 4th elec-1 Cyril Rundie's, Ebenezer; Thurs;day tin ,e Cîfcerý resiulted aq follows: night-At Bert Glaspeli's, Taunton; 11,n. Tridn<-isDrummond. Friday non-A' Gordon Scott's, Pre.zjdrent-Mfr3. <Dr.) J. A. Butler. Perrftani'q Sch o]; Friday night- 1 zt Vic-MNir J. C. Hancork Return to his o)wn -table and remain 2-nd Vc-Ms F. Butler. tii! Monday afternoocn. T e rms ;$ 15. Rec. Secretary-Mrs. W. F Rickard. 21-2 Trezurer-NMr-. W. E. Beman. DELICIQUS ROASIS The vexed housewife'sp roblem as to where she can get thoroughly reliable meats is easily solved at our shop. Here you'll find every day a wonderful display of fresh wholesome meats, that make your mnouth water just to look at them. It isn't enough that our meats look good-they must be fresh and taste good as well. We're more particular than you can be, that everything you buy here& is of the best. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER We have received this week some very choice dairy butter that we recommend as we know the makers. HAROLD M. JEWELL I Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville I Hi-Grade Footwear at Popular Prices Bargain Roomn Specials for Friday and Saturday WOMEN'S SAMPLES $2.95 and $1.95 A recent purcha.se of 100 pair.; ,ample shos in- cluding Oxfor<l-, Ties and Strap., n al latest styles anid<ol<rs. These shoes arte worth at l-ait $600 regularly. At $2.95 and $1.95 they are one- of the outstanding values of Bargain Room. Sizes 2 i., o 5 MEN'S WORK SHOES Best Value Ever Offered $2.85 Black or Brown Chrc-me, fuil grained leathc-r witb heavy double sole, plain toù stitched with waxed thread, solid leather construction thru<ut. We gîiarantee every pair of these boots and replace arîy if not iatisfactory. PATENT LEATHER STRAP SLIPPERS $2.95 Many diffirent styles and pattern.s at this popu- Ian price. Some trimmed with gunmetai. othens with black or colore<l reptile; al style-s, madie on neat eomnfortabie itting iasts, with either spike, cuhan or low heels oith rubcr top pieces. OUTING SHOES Ail the latest styles in Women's, Mfens and <ihild- rcn's Running Shoee and Golf Shoes at 13arga in Pr ic es. R. J. Rovan's Shoe Store Formerly Claude Ives Phono 528 On The Sunnyside Bowmanvill. - - --111( ~II2 ]Rev. E. B. Cooke now drives a new 'Ma"ter Jack Hane ceiebrated bis car. The INoexizc at e cInridepiendle rit ele ,enthbirthday on Tues4laY evefingthreet pon hunch of bis chums present te enjoy tegets savings. Read theni. ---'the pyrotechnic noise and senery THURDAY MAY24t., 128 and the splendid lunch provided by Mrs. Pbilip LeGresley arrived home THURDAY MAY24t., 128 rs. Hare and served %v'th the assLst- T1uesday from a week's visit with ý '11.Weston. 1Mýis.i Jessie Panton, Oshawa, is at The spring flowers in Mns. Mat-. Miss Ella Coliacott, Oshawa, was: Willowdale Rest Home. î Brown's garden are the admiration of a .,6eekend visitor at home. '.%r. Henry Simpson, Oshawa, gpent ail pa.sserS by. Seldomn does one see: Mrs. George Cornish celebrated ber the weekend at 'Mr. Isaac Selby's. at this season of the year so many1 birtbday on Sundlay last and djurin,- Mrs Noma Alinis radaly r- oyely flowerz at one time in mne, the day received calis from -e%-erali lox'ering from ber recent severe il,- private garden a- mano been.fens Among those from a dis-ý ness. in hen garden. ! tance, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Corni.sb, Mr. and .Mrs. Percy Har,< <pent the In the îllustrated section (if The son and daughter, Oshawa, r.and i weekend with relativpzs ;n Brighton, Toronto Star of May 18, is a picture Mirs. L. Wand, son and friend, Osh-, TrctonandPicon of a former Newcastle boy, .Iûe Coul- axa, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Fi:ze, Jan- son, Jr., with the reference that hetill. M.adMs ard alsc Mn. andMns. W. J. Hockin and is the inventor of a suitcase pack, called on several other Salem fniend- family visited at Mn. Fred Ho)ckin'.s, wbich eases the load for hikers an il The Citizenship meeting of the[I Mapl Grae, n Sudaypersons geing into inaccessible places. ( Young People's League is witbdrawn 1 1 Mn. andl Mrs. Cooper, Orono, vis-1 Befone he enlisted for service in theI for this month as the regular night i ite<1 their cousin, Mn. and Mrs. How- 'Great Wan, Joe was a member of for thîs meeting was on May 24-a' cill Rowland, on Sunday. the N.W.M.P. After eturning from hoiday-and it was not deemced wîse Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. James ieft last 1 overseas at the close of the war, Joe to boid it on another nigbt as ourý Tuesday week te visit ber daughter,land bis English bride spent somc young people are very husy practis- ; MsH.C. Harris, Aliston, expect-1 time in Newcastle witb his parents, Iing for Sunday School Annîversaryl Mn return this mîd week. th Mr. and Mrs. Jo,. Coulson, Sr., before to be held June 3id. Net Sunday Ispiteoe rainy weather,th C.G..T. report that they ail enjoyed'they have resided ever qince. The of 4th Vice, Mn. L. Coomnbe. their bike to Orono on Saturday af- pictune shows hlm with the patcnted On Monday evening last our young. tennoon. That's the spirit, girls! suit case pack on bis back. people jounneyed to Base Line and Mr.andMr. T R.Taloran 1 ail& mpie o My 1, eatredpr5ened her pay"Nancy Anna diaughter Yvonne, and Mn. Lonnielunder bead Une., of fairly lange let- Brown's Folks". They wer aud.et Gibson, Toronto, were weekend tens Hon. R. B. 'Bennett's gracefui ed by a lange and appreciative ad gussof Mn. and Mns. J. H. Gibson I recognition of the eightieth birthday lence.. The intermission was- e ry Mrg adMrofst.Elao -rrtto Wnsoabîx' filled in with instrumentas b Mn ad rsSpencer, son and two oMn.EenrBart fWns r - A. Athurs. Salem, and oa daughters, fornîerly of Pontypool, but mother of Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Mns naw of Kaledar Station, were .k this village. The Consenvative iead- .eiections by Miss Mabel Stevens tenrs giftt -. art ho has re- and Mrs. <Rex'..>J. H. Stainton. Thel end guests of Mn and Mrs. J. W.ce tlypsst rouga ery ritcalBase Line foik, ,crx'ed an excellent Gleney.cenly psse thoug a vry ritcallunch to the entertainers at the close. OlnnAey so. aThrdy a illness was a bouqtuet of eigbty large Own Ism niesr evcs On Asensin Da, Tbusday Mayr os es, a rose for ex'ery year of ber wn osm ni'raVsrle 17, Rex E. R. James field C,)aimin<.mn life. Besidesý beinz one ofthe os bei ng beld in the near vicinity oui service in St. George', at 10'.30 prominent Conervative women of congregation was smail on Sunday ia. m. and was gratifi-d b: -he g.mod i Western Ontario, and a peîsonal but those wbo were l)re-ent enjaye<i attendance. ifriend of the late SirJohn .A. 'Mac- a real treat in iistening ,t(o>R'x. A._ On Trinitx Sunday,June 3, fol!-! donaid, Mrs. Barrett ha;; been v-ery Voung of Saskatcbewan, w-ho won, lowing the Synod meeting, Rex'. Can- active in I.O.L'.E. work, and is one h erso i err yhsrr on DePencien, Rector of St. George's, 1 of the mainstax's of the Traveiler-' personaiity as well as by bis dlo-I Oshawa, will exchangepupt -tAiSoey. Seh-ln tan quent discounse. His subject wast Rex'. F. R. James. avn ctviat tii teWm Ou r most precieus possession", Mn. John and Miczs Eva Grieve, en's Auxiîiar.%.f AIl Saints ('burch, naineiy character, the speaker bring- iGuelpb. were heîe last week makiîîg; WAindsor, and is a I«eccg-nizedîleadîer getcenytecnrs ewe arrangements for the sale of fun in Missionary endeax r. chai-acter and reputation. Mn. Young turc andoftp household effects -f t 1in- - v- acco)mpanied by Mn. T. H . Lock-, nother, the late Mrs. J-bn Grieve.o omnii, twoehmý St. George'.s Cburch, Rex'. E. R. iPORT HOPE A.Y.P.A. VISITS he is xisiting, aise by M.%rs. Lockhartý James Rector, Sunday, May 27th.,, NEWCASTLE A.YPMr.nl'ýlý Alex. Lockhart, 'Toro)nto. IWhitsunday. 8 a. m.-Holy Coni- 'V' ist Present Two Excellent Plays I munion; 1lia. m.-Morning Prayer; " S2.30 p. m .-Sunday School; 7 'p. With Ciever Acting m .-E'enSog.A most 41lightfui entcrtanment S. W. Mn. andîl Mns. Geo. Wright accom- was given in St. George'.s Parish Hall., panied by Mnl. andiNirs. W. H. Gibson Newastle, «n FniaMy 8hb motored te the Niagara Peninslate yc dayope Maf t. J hn's, by j ven the weekend te sec the hiossos. canyoung ,Popre f St. Jîhn' Ali- RIE ïsplendid prospects cf a good fruitI "The Dness Rebearsai" were excel-a ym hanvest.lently performed, and shewed real C. G. I. T. basket bail team, coach- talent. The audience was very ap- cd by Miss Phebe M. L. -Brock of preciative, and iaughter rippied un- the High School, went over te Bow- ceasingly. The samie gifted grotipTh ig s Sa wee an dfeaeda C G. I. T. goup usa year ago, so we knew we were Corsets, Silk 1 there under the leadership of Missin fratet Grace Caverly and Ida Payne by --ri An orchestra efthtree kept things oe,-whelming margin, the score he- lively between times incidentaliy ing 63 te 14. Miss Lillian Ciem- two of the three were "Barbara" and ence, leader cf the local group, and the one "wbo kissed Barbara"). Al I several other membens accompanied greatly enjoyed the songs by Miss SALE STARTS PROMPI the players. The members of the Dorothy Fourb, Miss Margaret Mil ne winning team on this occa-!ion were and Mn. Jack Winfield. AND CONTI? Rosa Cowan, Betty Ganrod, Durreath Mns. Seott's recitation "Bargain Dudley ,Rae Deline, Majorie Cowan Day at Fgaton's" was spiendid-one Please Note: Owing to tà and Evelyn Rickand. Bowmanx'illelIfeh ll o! ut of breath and flustened gir-ls expect te play a neturn game with the rush and bustie cf the push- manufacturer found he E bore in the near future. ing and snatching cnowd. Her im- immediately. We boug] Membes ofDurhm Logç, .F.&itation of the babies entcrtaining one vr gamn on u a Membes etDunhm Log~, .F.&anothen in thein pramns, iined up aiong eeygreto u A.M., pais! thein second fraternal vis- James Street was inimitable. Te have combined our own a, it ta Doris Lodge, Toronto, Thunsday friendly, gurgling baby, and the cold- bargain price of unheart evcning, and in additioîn te the other ly-disapproving-such-familiarity, "1I cnjoyments of the occasion they had den't think 1 bave had the pleasure large assortinent of ail si: the pleasure of meeting in the iodg-e of meeting you befone" baby were roomis some former Newcastle boys wendenfully repnesented. How weii tis end Carl Hall and others. Donce tic haste te get dinnen after a monn- ~ 7T Lodge prescnted Bro. E. C. Hoar, ing spent in bargain-hunting, wheel- vvoflefls Tweec IW.M. ef Durham Lodge, with a bou- ing away the wrong baby! Thnee 7 only, nicely lîned and beari quet cf beautiful roses, which was cheers for St. J.ohn's A.Y.P.A. theyý guarantee, Sale Prie greatly appneciated by ail the breth- cetainly are Al. ren who accomnpanied him te Tenante. $5.00___ Bro. H. J. Ragen, son-in-law of Mn. John Douglas, is now the P.W.M. ef DODGE BROS. MOTOR SHOW Donce Lodge and was down on Sunday with bis family, partiy with the oh- At Port Ho"e Attracts Large Crowd P ic f~ ae jtadouteiecaslu rnghelf A lange crowd et people froin Port 20 only, Navy Blue Tnîcetîne tha aI th Necasie netnenbadHope and vicinity, as well as a num- ofWesCassie 141 retunned safe and sound fnom their ber ef Bowmanvilie citizens, attend- ofWlsCa, ie141 second visit te Doris Lodge. ed the Do.dge iBros. Motor Show in ~ 19, 20 and 22 only. Lîne.d1 Rex'. E. R. James attended the fun- Pont Hope on Friday and Satunday, ionally fine lining and taîlored erai cf Rev. T. G. A. Wright, MA., May l8th and 19th. Ail modela ofI way & Son. Regulan $25.00 coe of Whitby, «n Mcnday afternnen, Dodge Broe. cars and the Graham $15.00 May 14, and teck part in the service. Bros. truck were on exhibition. Ini The late Recter of the Anglican the evening a grand panade of these Church, Whitby, and Rev. Mn. James 1 motor vehicies passed thnougb the w~ere intimate friends having known town, atter which one heur cf excel- Chlre ' wee -<ch other practically ail their 1 ives.i lent music was turnished by the Pont Rex'. James aise knew Rex'. Wright's Hope Band. 20 only, Children's Tweed Geai parents andi feels very keenly the less The whole affain was sponsored by On Sale WednesdayY of such an o>1I1 and well beioe'd Wm. J. Challis, Authonized Dodge i friend. The Right Rex'. J. F. Sweeny, Dealer, Bowmanville, and Mr. Shen-$47 1,rd Bishrîp cf Toronto, delivered the mian Gifford, A'uthcnized Dodge Ser- fnýr-r.'i<,th ot,. nernbensl vice, for Port Hope and vicinity. of the cîergy assisting in the service. rchdeco n W arrien f York, andl A chdleacon Daxidson of Petenhono,i were among tbîîse in attendance.* The late Ri.v. Wright ha<i many fienîls in Newcastle-, baxing preach-e< in St1. George's here on certain îîcasin. and having îieliveeni ost eniighten-1 Geoirge (if England in the CommunitY1 IlaI] somne tbree s'ears ago. T[he male- section of 'hi. United ('b.ircb choiîr was rather 'Aeak 'n numb-rs îast Sunlay, owing ta the îîual-tet, W. J. S. Rick'îr', W. 1). Bragg, Mark Aluin and Iloiward Alin; being in Tyrone taking part in an-1 niversary services. Miss Marion Rickard was thi-ir accaînpanis t. The li-sduring thi-ir absevnce rendered gros! service morning andl evening b<,wever, with some cof the maie rnm- bers, Lawrenc- Cryder-ýman, Arthur IBragg, an4 liowardlAluin in their u ual places. In addlition ti> the an- t hi-ms, Misses B-atrice and G raceù Blragg cent iluted a iluet in the mcmn- ing, andl Mrs. H. Huribi-rt ani Mis. ( Rt-v.) E. B. Ceeke ;n the evýning. Rex'. Cooke, in view )f th- coîîtenî plateil n-nox'ations ti>the church. building, preached a vcriy opportuneI sermon «n the manife5t lenchtt i>a ccmmunity ot the cburch in the miist, sbowing hcw it is te the inter- est of cveryhody in the churcb and eut cf the church te help maintain the chunch. The '*Other Little Beats" on the steniny sea <ff Galile neceived the benefits et Christ's caîni- ing influence even as did the langer boat in wbich rode the Master and His disciples. NEW WALLPAPERS Brighten Your Rooms With Charmmng Patterns Gay flowers, beautitul designs and bright celons await you in the latest patiterns. Another shipment neceive1 this week. Very reasenable pnices. *mW. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore Bowinanville Ont. ___________________ lit" Bigger Bargains This Week'i DRESS UP FOR THE ANNIVRESARIES Men's or Young Men's Suits, patterns feature the newest for Spring and Summer, Brown, Grey, Overcheekis, Fancy Effects, St'ie and Navy Blue, single or double breasted models, - Special $11.95 to $19.50 3 only, Men*s Spring Top Coats, in the new Grey and Brown Mixtures, real classy style, Regularly sold $22.50 .......................Clearing $13.50 Men's Cotton Sox, several colors, Special 121/2c pr. Men's Fine Shirts, stripes, checks and plain col- ors* ...................Special $1.29 Men's Work Pants, good roomy pant will give good wear, ...................................... Special S1.49 Men's Dress Oxfords, Black or Brown, finest quality,................................... Special $3.79 Men's Work Boots, will wear well ..........$2.98 Ladies' Black Patent Shoes, large variety to choose from ......................$2.49, $2.95 and $3.95 Children's Patent Shoes, cushion. soles, will give real comfort and wear, .. ............. Special $1.39 Ladies' Silk Hose, silk to hem, 10 new shades to choose from, ....................Special 69c Pair Ladies' House Dresses, good washable Ginghams, neatly made,.................................Special 98C MASON & SON ANNOUNCE e Opportunities e of Women's Coats, Dresses, Hats, LJnderwear and Ready-to-Wear Ve Have Ever Held. TLY AT NINE O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd IUING UNTIL THURSDAY, MAY 3lst he backward Spring weather a certain well known had a surplus supply of coats that had to be cleared ght a portion of jhis stock at a price that ahould cles.r ,cks this weekend. With this special purchase we stock of coats, and in consequence every coat presents rd of value. Choose yours early. We have a very izes. d Coats ing our usual e Coats Tailored Prince 5, 16, 17, 18, witb an except- by John North- )ats, Sale Pnice ed Coats .s, sizes 4 te 14. morning Fiat Crepe Dresses Fifty only, Fiat Crepe Dresses, ail the newer shades in a neal good quality, sizes 16 to 44, On Sale $8.95 Fugi Silk Dresses Warn weather requirements in Fugi Silk Dress- es, in ne sleeve styles or long sleeves. Colors White, Green, Peach, Maize, ïBlue or Pink. Sizes 14 te 46. On Sale Wednesday morning $2.98 _ Batiste Voile Dresses Batiste Voile Dresses trimmed with Organdie in beconiing styles. These dresses are guar- anteed Sunfast and offer unheard ef value at $2.25 Special Tweed Coats Anothen line et Special Tweeds. These gar- mens would present good value at $19.50. Sale Price $12.00 Cloth Coats $2 5.00 Navy Blue Poiret Twill, Ticotine, Charnmeen and Faille Cloth Coats, some trimmed with Mole Skin collars, others with capes and a tew wtih silk ties, sizes 14 te 46. Extraordinary Value, On Sale $25.00 Ensemble Suits Extraondînary Sale ot Ensemble Suits. Regular $25.00, Sale P'nice $15.75 Regulan $35.00, Sale Price $2.5.00 Regular $45.00, Sale Pnice $32.50 HATS Clearance et Women's and Misses' Hata. Hats from Greens, tram Paramount and Palter of the better kind that were prîced at $5.95, $6.95, and $7.95. On Sale Wednesday A. M. $2.95 and $3.95 More Hats Anothen Special Purchase ot a clearing line et Hats that were priced at $2.95, On Sale $1.00 Many Extra Salespeople to Assure Individual Attention to Each Custom- er. Special Orders on Coats in This Sale Cannot Be Accepted At These Reduced Prices. Please Do Not Ask to Take Garments out on Ap- proval During This Sale. PHONE 106 SW. MASON & SON DRY G0008 AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR BOWMAN VILLE. A. DILLJCK bymanville WE HAVE THEM AND AT THE RIGHT PRICE: SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS LAWN MOWERS GRASS SHEARS GARDEN TOOLS B.-H. PAINTS MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville riktyr. 1 King & Division Sts Il L"111 If F=-- 1 LLI BON à il ROVANS Quality Footwear

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