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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 1

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ÙWit-h ffl-1ch 1, Icrronrated Trie Bowmanville News vvAul TA V à lqil LDA JI% JàF & & -%a- XKAlrA.UV P.- QTO klcloMBWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 21 Vol. IL2UIV M. A. JAME8 b uN, rOrnes Capt and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ot- tawa, are visiting her father, Mr. W B. Couch. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson of this town, and Mrs. A. McGill of Cadmus visited in Lindsay an Satur- day. Mrs. Geo. Claipham, .Hamilton, who has been enjoying 10 days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Mor- rison, bas returned bome. Mr. George Culbert, M. A., and Mrs. Culbert, Kingston, visited Prin- cipal and Mrs. W. J. Morrison over the weekend enroute to Saskatche-1 wan. BASEBALL Opening game in the Oshawa and District Hard Baîl League OSHAWA at BOWMANVILLE Thursday, May 24th (Victoria Day) Start 10.30 a. m. (Dayligbt Sav- ing Time) on High School Grounds Came out and give the boys your support. Tbey are playing snappy baIl. Silver Collection COMING EVENTS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Bowmanville Chautauqua starts 5- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, day program, Tuesday, July 17th. ID. D., Minister. il a. m. -"The Coming June L2th-David Garrick, 1nvisible God". 7.30 p. m.-'Wind-' a costume play of 1742, unider aus-.oW. that open on Sacred Scenes". pices Hospital Auxiliary. 20-2 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Schoo]. Opening 0. & D. Baaeball game St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, Bowmanville vs. Oshawa at High Church and Temperance Sts. Rev. Schoôl Grounds 10.30 a. m. (daylight R. McDerment. M. A minister. Ser-, saving time), May 24th. vices at il a. m. anc1 7.30 p. m. Bowmanville Women's Institute Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. nieets in S. 0. E. Hall on Friday, May 25th. Program in charge of Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. group 3. Don't miss t. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: 11i a. m.-The pastor will preach. Grand Opening Dance, East Si de Subjeet, "Life's Responibility." Pavilion, Bowmanville Beach, Thurs- .0p m.-Rev. W. R Tanton, of day, May 24th at 9 p. m. fast time. Trinity Church, Cobourg, will preach. Seranders Orchestra in attendance. Cobourg choir will furnish tie musi A group of Trinity Ladies' Aid cal service. Sunday School at 2.30 will hold an afternoon tea at the p. m home of Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock on Thursday, May 31st from 3.30 to 6 Trinity Junior Missionary Auxili- p. M. Good musical program. Ad- ary held the May meeting at the mission 25c. 21-21 home of Miss V. Spargo, President, on Tuesday evening. After the A meeting of the Vegetable Grow- i opening service the Devotional Leaf - ers will be held on Friday, May 25th' let was read responsively by the in the Council Room at 8 p. m. Mr. President and memnbers. The Stew. Andy Fulton of the Federal Fruit ardship leaflet was taken in three Branch, who is in the district, is ex- parts by Miss Florence Werry, Mrs. pected to give an address on "Mark- W. J. Found and Miss Leta Jackson. eting Problems." Ail fruit growers The subject, "Child Labor," from the and vegetable men are invited. Study Book was discussed in a very Remember the White Shield Club practical way by Mrs. Elton Werry Concert in St. Paîîl's School-room on who presented many phases of this Tuesday, May 29th, at S.15 p. mi. Play work, comparing it with conditions entitled "The Superior Sex," by Club in Canada that were made very inter- members; music and readings by Mrs.1 esting ta ail.- Mrs. E. Werry was J. Clark Bell, Mrs. Alex. Colville; appointed delegate to Presbyterial club swinging, Misa E. Ppardon;ý meeting in Orono on June 6th, witl drills and pantomime. Tickets 25c Mrs C. Ives, alternate. Vote of and 15c. Ithanks to the President for opening her home was moved by Miss Lena ~ Haddy and seconded by MNrs. Werry Next meeting on June 18th, will b at the home of Miss Florence Werry Iprogram in charge of Miss Jackson' group. lNew Uurtains and >raperies Is Your Home Bright, Restful, Inviting? Whether it is or flot our Curtain and Drapery Department is a Mighty Fine Place to Visit and see wbat Smart Homes are now Buying in the way of New Curtains and Draperies The new Spring drapery materials comprise a very extensive range in materials and colorings this year. Chintzes, Repps, Mus-. lin Fabries, Rayons, etc., in plain and smartly patterned styles. Widths in 30 in, 36 in and 50 in, the latter being wide enough to split for side drapes,. Our drapery and curtain department is aglow with ail the new decorative materiais and a visit would be most interesting to you whether you wish to purchase or not. FRILLED CURTAINS A splendid showing of fine frilled curtains in many patterns and with colors of Rose, Blue and Gold, ail 21/4 yards long, and tie backs-all complete. Prieed from.'.............$.25 to $2.75 SliK DRAPERIES 50 inch Silken Drapery Materials in stripe and figured pat- terns and made especially for side curtains and hangings. The colors are absoluely fast. Priced from ..........$1.50 to $250 CURTAIN NETS Nottingham and Fillet Nets in a good range ofp atterns. They corne in widths of 40 and 48 inches with lace edges. Colors in White, Ivory and Ecru. Priced from ...........25C to $1.0 SCRIMS AND MARQUISETTES A good assortment of Scrims and Marquisettes with hemmed or plain edges. They are good value and are shown in ecru or ivory. Priced from ........................................ 25C to 60C CASEMENT CLOTHS... Sunfast Casernent Cloths in colors of Rose, Blue, Green and Brown. They are ail 50 inches wide, and are very suitable for side curtains and Sun Room Draperies. Priced from 50c to 75c NEW CHINTZ A complete showing of the newest patterns in 36 inch widths, also some 50 inch widths. They are particularly good for Drap- eries and Coverings. Priced from ..................30c to $1.0 MORE NEW DRESSES ON DISPLAY Another beautiful lot of New Dresses have been placed on display this week. You are invited to inspeet this very fine range of Dresses. MISSES' AND LADIES' COATS We are stili showing a fine range of this season's most fashion- able coats for misses and ladies. LADIES' GREY SILK GLOVES Just arrived this week-Ladies' Grey Silk Gloves, as well as other popular shades. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Men's New Suits featuring the new- est weaves, colors and styles combined with the rteal values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting menl who appreciate the best and reasonable prices. Couch,Jtihnston &Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Limitted PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO. ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the an- nual General Meeting of the Stock- holdens of tihe Pont Darlington Har- bon Company will be held at the office of the company, Pont Darling. tan, Town of Bownsanville, on Mon- day, the fountis day of June, 1928, st the hour of four o'clock in tbe afterî noon for the election of Directoxt fan the said Oompany for ensuin year and for transaction of suci business as may orne befone th( meeting. J. A. MeClollan Secretary 21-29 Royal Theatre Presentiac The Finest la photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, May 25-26 Karl Dane and George K. Arthur in "Ciucus Rookies" They made the Warld shake witli laughten in Rookies. They're hene even funnier in this caxnedy of the big top and what a trail ai laugiter and disaster they leave; A circus romance-an escaped Gon. illa and the biggest laugh of their film career in Ciretis Rookies. Story by Edward Sedgwick and Lew Lipton. 2.30. Childnen 5c Chapter 9 of "«Fighting With Buffalo Bill" and regular prograni Monday.Tuesday, May 28.29 Rod La Rocque In "Hold 'Em Y&1" A thundenous comedy draina of University life played ta a sen- sational finish on the campus af "O0ld Eli"-a film story packei with comedy-drama, thrills and romance. From the story "At Yale" by Owen Davis Wednesday-Thursdlar, May 30-31 .Victor McLaglen In "A Girl ini Every Port" See the wonld on a ship af adver- ture sweeping the seas of romance on waves of laughten with the prince of goad fellows who know5 the girls in every pont frair Anmsterdam ta Panama. A pictur£ full of action and thrilis at se2 and lave and romance with "A Girl in Every Part". Stony bý J. K. McGuinniss. AIl performance sarat an day light saving time. Woek nighi et 8 P. im. Saturdays and holi days continueus froin 7 p. mn. Gilbert & Sullivan'& "Trial by Jury" Characters: Judge - Henry J. Knight Plaintif - Reta Cole Dudley Counsel for Plaintiff - G. E. Chase Defendant - Melville S. Dale Foreman of Jury - S. H. Glairville Usher - Chas. M. Carruthers Bridemaids-Jurynen- * Inspectors Mrs. J. Clark Bell, Conductor Mrs. Munroe Neal, Pianist with orchestral accompaniment Watch for announcement of mis- cellaneous program next week OPERA HOUSE Bowmanville Tuesday, June 5 at 8.30 P. m. Plan opens at Mtchell's Drug Store, May 3lst at 10 a. m Reserved Seats 50c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----.--.-.--------.--S,.-----'.-.----.-- S--------------------~---- -s- tSALEM FARMERS' MARKETING TOUR SONS 0F ENGLAND ATTEND Salem Sunday School Anniversary To Great Britain and Denrnark Re-.ERVCET_ S.____' services will be held on Sunday, June viewed in Addrest Before B.T.S. Deposits Wreaths on Cenotaph 3rd with services at 2.30 and 7.30 Monthly Luncheon Club._____ p. m. (standard tinte). Rev. Milt- Sunday was an ideal day for the on Sanderson, Birch Cliff, will preacli Mr. R. S. Duncan, Director of Ag- Sons of England Church parade when at both services. Special music by ricultural Representatives for Ontar- about 100 members attended service children. Public cordially invited. ia, was the guest speaker on Monday in St. Paul's Church on Sunday Salemi news on last page. 21-2 at the Monthly Luncheon Club of the morning, including the Maids and _______Boys' Training Scho.ol. Many in Daughters of England, No. 28, the t EDADS. . NNIERSRY this district have pleasant and profit- Juvenile Lodge and Lodge Welling- ELD ADS. S ANIVERARY able recollections of Mr. Duncan as ton, No. 19, with visitors from Or- bie was the first Agricultural Repre- ana, Newcastle and Oshawa. Eldad Sunday Scbool AnniversaryI sentative appointed ta these United Rv r .W et iitro will be held as follows: On Sunday, Countjes wbere hie gave such excel- Rv r .W et iitro May 27th at 2 p. mi. and 7 p. m. lent service from 1909 to 1917. .the Church, preached a very appro- (standard time), Rev. P. L. Juil of Mr. Duncan gave a mot interest- pri atriotic s eerm nwhich ea Brooklin, will deliver addcesses. Music' . apndreciated by ailopresentriThe will be rendered by the school under n an ludacotofbstpt choir, under the leadership of Mr. H. the able leadership of Mrs. J. Baker Great Britain and Denmark with the J. Knight with Mrs. C. H. Dudley, and the choir wiIl assist in the even- Canadian Fanmers' Marketing Tour organist, sang a splendid antheni, ing. Collections will be taken in conducted early this year by the Mrs .C. A. Cawker takinz the solo. aid c.f school funds. On Monday, Canadian National Railways. The Mrs. Alex. Colville sang a solo which Mi- 28th., at 4 p. m., tea wjlî be trip was primariîy a marketing tour everyone enjoyed. served till all are satisiied. A leag-j e 1ta enable farmers ta acquire inf ormna- h ogswr asaldb r of fotbll ~1 b Id t ition regarding the world's greatest ThldgswrmahaedbM. >gaine o Wob l ilepaye a W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., assisted by o'clock on the community grounds.i market for farmn producta which cen- Reeve W. H. Tbickson. At o'lok ahih cas cocet wlItred around Liverpool, Manchester,, be given by the MacGregor Concert London and Glasgow. A side trip ws 0O leavingtecuc h ebr Bureu o Caedoia ncnthefol ala nade ta Denmark ta study firstlhalted at the Soldiers' Memorial and lowing art:'ýts will talce part: Jessiebn b ucsflmtoao otowetswr lcdteei MacGregor, Pianist and Saxnohnist; operative marketing. memory of the boys who had given n opportunity was given the partyl their lives so heroically in the Great e EhelCloesVioinit; ldaAiier-tosee some of the great breeding es- War. Mr. A. L. Parker acting on be- son, Reader; Archie Middlemost, lates and famous herds of the aid land Baritone, Vocalist and Trombonist. ta mneet prominent men connected wlth haîf of the men and Mrs. Chas. King Admîsio-Adîts te an concertl trade in agricultural circles and othei on behalf of the ladies. Rev. Dr. S c; tso o ncdut ert 0c;hldrin es, andl ta st e same of the famouls Best again said a few suitable words S 6c; eaor onert40; Cilren 11.1111,1,.. .dmi isocric iandmarks in Greati cloSing witb the beniediction after the tea and concert 35c; tea or concert Britain. copn I ug"errM o 20c. AlI services will he beld in. From the commencement of the tourcmpn hdsug"errM Go the big shed. The Dublif! are cord- thcy kept in mind the several purposei To Thee". învtedta il Iicc srvies, of the tour which Mr. Duncan outlined~ Returning ta tbe Lodge Room, the ially ivfoltoal tors:srvce. sWhat does the market (le- ,f ýmand? What are thte consumers tastes President, Mr. B. King, called for or- _________landi prée.rences and haw far do Canadian der, and votes of thanks ta the min- 9 ~products meet these rptluirements? How ister, the churcb officiais and choir a HAMPTON do Canadian products arrive as ta pack-wee oidbyM. ob. ome age, grade anidciuality? How do e vidbyM.R t Hls e M. Sdne Keseyis usygratin ICanadian standards compare vith other and Mrs. B. Reid, of Princess Mary te rSydee dy s yi uygat standards on tbe same markets? o Lodge, Oshawa, and heartily endorsed r; rws tth those fCaadin rom compseting countriesbers. 'S Glad ta see Mrs. F. T. Ston * se w ttjtoseroducotsdiing cam<rsnb e ono He 11W are they handled in marketigcn able to be out again. irs of aid country and ihru what chan- I Dr. J. H. Eîliott, Toronto, and MrI nets (Io they pass on yth onueBYSOTNW How (la other countries catering ta ho_____ J. H. Cryderman, Bowmanville, vis- British market oeil their products? MWhat 2r oot ro edr ii ;ted recently at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's. are ojiportunities of extending markets 2r oot ro edr ii for Canadian produats averseas? li Bowmaaville Boy Scoute Mr. W. Craig, Sr., was taken ta the1 htwycnipoensb md[ hoptal on Friday suffering fron ta keeî) Canadian producta ta the fore? On Wednesday evening last Scout: blood poisoning where he passed Mr. Duncan referred ta the efficient master Neil E. McCallumn and his away Monday night. Manner in whieh the C. N. R. had plan- Ourvilag mson M. Abrsened every detail of the trip; how tliey senior Boy Scouts, eleven in numnber, e u virenoutb, M. mbos were overwhelmed wlth hospitality and visited the lst Bowmanville Troop. le a enewt is busily engaged putting courteaies extended on every hand as Mr. McCallum's troop is one of the e- in a newcernent walk around the they went about their mission of study- crack troops of Toronto. ncorner store. A gasoline tank was ing marketing conditions. Dr. Frank Mille accomanied the one important feature of the trip was Lalso installed there last week. the great amaunt af desirable publicity Toronto boys and being an ex-Naval i Many have been admiring the tul- canada received thýaugli the press. Not Officer lie entertained the boys 'with ! p in the Park Entrance and the pink ý single day passed without some news oevr inrstg ad'uel iP9 item or pho.a appearing in the papers sm eyitrsig ad ueu ýh fiowering plumn tree in Mr. G. A. Bar- about the tour. Many opportunittes 1kno yn eosrtos h e ron's garden. This sbrub was planted würe given at meetings ta extale Can- simplicity which Dr. Mille demon- about forty years ago by the late adias greatness, her millions ai acres stnated sanie of the most difficult availa4fle for settiement. besides untold Henry Elliatt, Jr. resouy1ces in her forests and mines with knots was quite a f eature of the v. Sunday School will be held in tire oppoP-tunites for inveaiment af British evening. next and Sun- '~pi4 1, and to appeal for greater immi- The visiting Sot u na n 8. morning nx Sundayan the ru- a tan with preferetice for taeareesddiplay of acrobatie and wday following, and the evening ser- rngl,-Saxon blaod. vice- will be witbdrawn owing to £l- The fact that Canada stood ont as a gymnastic features which aIse taught dad anniversary nextSuay an sefgvne nation among the British the Bow avleTopsmtin folowig undy. Commonwealth oi nations wlthin the Brit- new in physical culture. -Zion on the olwn Sudy ish Empire was perhaps one ai the ont- Members of the Local Boy Scout Women's Institute mneets at 2 p. ni. stading features ai the tour which cannotConiweeasgetsothToo on Tbursday, May 3ist instead of lie overestimated. Cuii eeas usso h ro June 7th., at the home of Mrs. C. J.a This trip was valuable in cementîng including R. F. Aitchison, C. E. Reh- and solidifying those friendly relations der, Dave Morrison, Geo. E. CJhase. Kerslake. Good programn and spe- that exlst between Canada and the Mayor T. S. Holgate tenderedkIia ne- cial business ta be attended ta. Mother Country and should be a factor Cameeary fr cmmunty ingng.in the development ai trade andi in sîîm- greta at net being present owing ta Woea y for nwet ouse-dresg. lathe immigration. being out of town. lais eom e.etbuedes l h speaker said Ihey were greatly The local Troop cannied out their ladie welome.impressed with the mragnitude af the usual Wednesday evening program Young People's meeting Friday consumlng power aifthe Bitish market. adi h ae .r ondb h ichreothCiie-Because oa itIis great abarptive poweranintegls erjoedbth evening wasincagofteCiz- the British merchant can pick ' and Toronto boys. ship gnoup with Mr. Laverne ÎCIPin- choase, and hence quallty more or les At the conclusion of the meeting ens presiding. Bible lesson was nead estabilshes the price. the whole panty, numbering 41, ad- by Mn. Will White; devotion was in Mr. Duncan said one of the outstandiig I-jrned ta Corbett's Parlons and en- chare o Mis Ruh Jhns;piao lssons ai the tour ls the imperative i chageofMis uthJons pa~o ecessity of sendîng ta ibhis market only oeth splendid lunch catered by * duet, Mrs. C. J. Kenslake and Mi3sS rdcathtcncmmn teon Mn. Perey Conbett. Nora Kerslake ;Rev. R. J. Shi'res of o n accaunt of quality. Unden best ai A very hearty invitation was issued Bowxnanville, gave a veny interesting conditions low cjuallty producta stand to the Scoutmaster and members of littie chance there ai bringing remunera- and belpful talk on the subject tive prices. sud under adverse conditions the lat Bowrnanville Troop ta visit ri "Young People and Problems in poar stuf la sure ta realize a bass. a the 23nd Taronto Troop at St. Clem- S Home Lif e". Meeting losed with Appies from Virginia, cheese fnam New ents Hall any Thunsday evening, benediction. Our League'rs visit Ty- Zealand, woal tram Austraia, labacco ______ rone Lague n Thurday, a f3nt.ra South America, bacon front Denmark f roneLeagueon ThrsdayMay 3 suad BaltiC States comrpate with CanadianJ Recent visitons: Mn. Frank Cryder- ta-oducta. Oun producîs muet or neces- ENNISKILLEN manTorotoat hme; n. nd Ms. ity stand Up ini qualitY, Packlng, val- Cmev, Coemno, a on d .aend MiId-uta and contiuuity af supply If they are, Sorry to report Mrs. William Gil- ;. red,supis t1amstktasnNa Oshawa, at bier bnathen's, Mn. E. salie on t e amsake tagai'ntNor.,3 bert has ,pneumonia. She is with Il H. Cole's; Mn. and Mrs. George Ed quality producta not ouîy tor tow t ,rices, ber son, Mn. Russell Gilbert. We A A j Rosen, Ct b ut because of lnjury ta reputa I.on ai wish bier a speedy necovery. gen and dauger Rsna ounice, Canadian praducîs. Poor stuiffalsa de- Ou niesr srvc hldo at H. W. Wilcox's; Mn. J. J. Virtuel moralizes the market for high class pro- Ou aniear srvc hed n and daughten, Sadie, at Tynone an- duce. Sunday, May 20, was well atteucLed niversany services; Mms. Gunn and The Britishi merchanî le slow ta change bath aftennoon and evening. The son, Ramois, sourceeraupply unless the quality weather was favorable for the service son Ramad, ocestnwith ber le better or price lower. Even wîth equai parents, Mn. and Mms. John Clarke, uality front ne-w source he can hô lu- tu be held in the shed. Rev. S. T. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Smirthwaite andi duced ta buy oniy with lawer prîce until Batlett ,Toronto, delivened two ex- daugbter, Tarante,, at E. L. William- suchtmea h scanvinced that new cellent sermons. The school was eut sons; is CasieRue, shaaThis means that newcomers have ta buy i odnmbers and tang well. They at Mn. W. W. Harn's; Mn. and Mns. their way into this market, as aplarntly were assisted by Miss Margaret Allin, Fred Wilson and Mms. Bond and bappened wIth bacon fromt Baltic States. Bowmanville, in the afternoon, awl, Mastr Td ad Jckstandard grades a.nd dependable quallîy Mrs. John Baker, Salins, in the even- gnandchildnen, atrTadJc, are the oniy answer ta such candi- ig ahdsregetcei n and Miss Pearl Wilbur; Toronto, at tions. n. Bohdsregatcdii- Mr. Sydney Kersey's; Mr. B. Rice and In closing his very iliuminating address their fine selectians and thein vocal Miss Violet Rice, Long Sault, at Jgs. Mr. Dluncan spokie bniely ai his trip ta talent is highly recommended. Bun' r .W onwt i h-nmark. fBacon, tbttter and eggs ae ecnvitos M.adMr.C Bunlin .W.Hr ihhs 8cijiet expart products and hecause of Ren itos MradMs.C brother in Peterboro on Monday;1 t<eir uaîîty, volume and con.inuity oai W. Souch, Mn. and Mrs. James Curtis, Mr. and Mms. Isaac Bulmer, Oshawa,,supply they command attention On tle Hampton, Miss Eva Souch, Bowmn- d at Mn. W. G. Doidge's; Mrs. Geangina favortof edmankt inifleatdemrk te ville, with Mns. John Pye; Mrm J. Niddeny, Twn, with fniend; Miss speaker when commenting that Denmak Trimmer, Tarante, at ber mothen'a, Ruth Fergusan at home; Mns. J. R. was not a rich coun.ry in finances on ts Mrs. J. W. Virtue; Mn. and lira. Bick with bier mother in Toronto, soit but Mn. Duncan said thie underlying, Stanley May, Tarante, Mrs. (Rev.) factor bn successfully meeting its ad-i 'y who is ill;Mr. and Mns. H. A. Saund-1 verse conditions is the high level ai e<iu- J. H. Stainton and babe, Courtice, ers and Robent, Mn. and Mms. Ed. cation attalned by aIl classes. Mn. and Mrs. Stewart Radman, Scu- Saunders, Oshawa, at L T. Pascoe's. Mn. E. P. Bradt an behaif af the gag, at Mr. Elias Ashton's; Miss Club thanked Mn. Duncan for bis very Minnie Webber, Bewmanville, with flne addness. Dr. G. E. Reamian who presided at ite luncheon, aiea spoke bher aunit, Mrs. William Hening; Miess tniefly aifIthe work the sehoal evas doing Margaret Allun, Bowmanville,, Miss alou.g agricultural unes. Elsie Oke, Tenante, Misses Gertie anrine kBwanile lay M4 a e 1IrT 4 4 s. 3 j -.4. e a Di 1 1 1 x

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