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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ronor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Gxraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Ronor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dentistry in ail ite branches. Office-King St., Bowrnanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phorne 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farmn and Town Property. Royal Bank Buildingr, Bowxnanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Saccassor te late D. B. Sinaso, ILC. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phouze 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for salie. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phosnes: Office 102. House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motoir or Horse Equipment Ail caîl promptly \W 7 attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Stores Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra char~ge for dis- tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coliegi Toronto, formerly of Enniskilieî Office andi Residence, Dr. Beith' former residence on Cburch Streel Bovmanviile. Phone 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.D., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bonis. Graduate in Medicine, Aber deen University; Feliow of the Roya College of Surgeons, Edinburgh Office and Residence, Queen St. Office Hours: 2 ta 4 pe m., e ta .30 p. m Bowmanvilbe, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons OfiRce Heurs: 1 te 4 andi 7 to 8.30. Tebephone 108 Office-. Wellington Street Bowmanville, Ontario. VETERINARY DR. F. Mq. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Nlght calis promptiy attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanvllle. Phone 243. R. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Hlonor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Offie- Dr. MeEiroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Varm and House Sales a Speciaity. Ternis moderate. Enniskilien P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUULESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honer graduate of Toronto Coliege of Chiropractlc wiib be la the Bow- tnanvilie Office Tueaday, Thuraday .àud Saturday evenings, pbone 141J. Readential calis made tiuring fore- uoona. THE EDITOR TALKS In these days when oratory is re- ceiving more attention in this Domin- ion than at any other period that we can recail, the value of a good speak- ing voice is becoming more highly appreciated. Persons frorn the Brit- ish Isles may be excused if tbey do cail Canadians loud voiced for we can hardly deny the appellation cern- pared with the real English voices. Lydia le Baron Walker in ber dis- cussion cf the veice matter says that there is probably a reason for it, however, outside cf the idea that this terrn implies, narnely, that we insist on being heaid, even if we strain our voices te do se. Many believe that the quality of voices is dependent up- on climate. But whether this is true or net, one thîng is certain, that it is possible for us te se modulate our veices and te 50 instill a pleasing quality into tbem tbat they beceme delightful te hear. any person in danger whom her skill may save. Whoever reads the daily papers for what is fine in tbem, rather than for wbat is sordid or horrible, may recal a score of recent incidents illustrating the ready courage cf wornen on be- haîf cf others. Andi the record, al- ready nobly ample, grows daily. It is a record cf deeds as gracieus and womanly as they arý! heroic . Bayard Taylor's lines:-written cf fighting men abroai -are neo 1 tu today cf peacefol women athm wbo do brave deeds. The bravest are tht' tenderest, The~ loving are the daring. *Anong the weekly letters contrib-i uteti by Dr. Frank McCoy there arei seme sensible advice given on health topics. His recent -article on "Health Brings Beauty" is one of these and cones as a supplement tei the one we recently published by Dr.1 Hastings. Many people, he says, con-j No reasonable person will tieny but sider thernselves as being "unfortun- that there are definite reasons why ately"' net beautiful. Have they ever ev'ery woman sheulti cultivate this, considereti the fact that many cf pleasing vaice. If she bas to be in tbern would be rnuch casier on the business, such a voice is an asset, eves if tbey had receiveti the best Heads cf fine houses consider a good I tietetic and cultural care wben tbey veice as one point, and a big one, in were chîltiren? favor of applicants for positions.*1f Any disease if long coatinued will the woman bas special ambitions, she resoît la uglîness. Any case of long will find out that a voice Iacking in continued mainutrition, inproperly refinement classifies ber as "oct up balanced fceding, or gluttony wil te requiremnents". Since culture is destrey the proportions cf our figures an essential in the really fine society that aie supposedti t be medelleti af- of or land as it is cf other and old- ter the image of Goti. er countries, anti since it is evidenceti- * 1 immediately in one of its fcrms by If one were describing the symp- the beautifuily modulateti anti correct toms cf uglinesa, lbe voold be describ-1 speaking voice, its place is establisb- ing disease symptoms as weil. It eti. would be impossible te imagine Her- * * * icules afficted with tuberculosis, Diana Teachers in the schools sold give witb goot, Appoilo with bilieusacas, very careful anti constant attention oi' Juo with mocous colitis. Just te veice cultivation intividually se as imagine Robin Hood ronning off with te instroat chiltiren bow teouse their his fait' maiti Marion if she ba<l voices preperiy, especially the girls weighed twe huadred and sixty-five or otberwise bew are thcy te learn pounds! te speak witb the requisite tiegree of The alterations prodoceti hy dis- fineneas that distinguishes tbem as û-s are se îîi-rncnoaed that any coin- cultured? It is an acquirernent te petent diagnostician can distinguish be gaineti by listeaing to fine Voices ja heaithv p)eisosn frorn a sick one anti fiding eut wbat qualities t heyi sinply 1by the general appearance. Ian have. Here are sorne guides. First, 1many cases it is even possible te re-j the veice must be lew witbout can't 1 cognize the principle disease with i phrases, apart from idioms, there jost a general inspection. must be gooti enuniciatica. Botb cf these thinga lie witbin the power cf Many of the' conditions cadet' every wcman. There must be ne w-hich Ste live are net cotîducive to ciipping of final letters, soch as the beautt-. One who sits at a deski dreppiag cf "g's" or the omission cf al day certainly bas some disadt'an- final "t's", geiag must be proaonceti tage physically compareti with the as it is speit anti net as if it were 1lgendai'v golden age when ail that a word cf four letters. Must neyer %.as necessai'y was playing leap fî'og is "musa" or just "juss". Nor being cadet' the tî'ees froni which luscieus indistinct. This means that con- anti nooi'ishing fruits feul when nl tracteti. For example "How de" was i'cady te eat themn. %n cannot take the place of a gracicus Our citilization is an impiovement t "How do yeu do?" over any past age withia bîstory. 1 * * * I wou hi rîther have an auîtomobile' andA1 Learersshoitiaveti ecuiara radio, a home wtitb bot anti cold idiorna anti ther pitfalls that are roaaing water ,electric lights anti more or leas common. Uneducateti cenvenient sewage disposai than te Englisb people use many uncuitureti livýe la a palace witb the filtb anti ig- ýe, words anti phrases that soud b norance cf the middle ages. We bave Carfs yaoiit ylares ie-net î'eacbed perfection, anti we can tors that are nt la wcrds are nover alwavs look forwardti t btter thiags. t, inclutiet such as the lettor "R" atideti * s-** 4. te idea. etc. The word "mamma" is One cf the drawbacks cf a civilizeti not calleti monimer, but is given comrnunity is that it tends te special- syllable. Apart frorn the pranouncta- izatien. An indiviial must be able tien cf words there is a beauty of te dû sornetbing uacomrmonly well or modulation that takes longer te a- - hebe laery iikeiy te be dragged into rquire. It iacludes a gracieus ebê- the mire cf failure. This specializ- alment, as well as an appreciatien cf ing pormits us te use~ some muscles hgrammatical construction that pre- bot negiecta ethers. We may be .vents the raising and lowering cf the compeiledt t occupy a lirniteti nutrber n. voice without regard to periotis, ques- cf positions tiuring many heurs. This tiens or commas. intereferes with our bealth anti * * * beauty unles ve take speciai care Like many another difficulty cor- Or exercise anti play. rect speaking andi proper enunciation Eh perlson shoulti develop a hoh- anti modulation can be acquired byl bythatwilcrec iseesi1t constant care anti practise. The work. If he wil'also eat a cerrectlyl pleasiag voice is free frcm any bint baiariced diet, such as I cutiine lanrny of cendescension. It bas ne taint wel esae rils cmy of the uncticus nor obsequious Ir wresek espaeraticlesfigue mar «is a sincere voice with a quality cfmpr eservebs loneaithantefigure.o cbarrn that we sumn up in the phrase,mayerslnrtantevrgeI "the voice with a srniie". However, This ativice la very practical. He this smiling quality la net intrudedsy fyo iht vodpyia rwhen topîca are serious or :,ad, tl'oîgh admes eaysifyu is youaveit physial a tiepressing elemeat is net introduc-anti ent al deciay, younsheultimproe eti. There is a mellowness about ayurselfhaispe la eibpo cuitureti voice that is instantîy re- dcn ais cognizeti by cultureti people. It It la astenishing te observe the re- cannot be gainet inl a mioment, for, markable changes that patients on- like aIl gocti thinga that are not gifts, dergo while follewing the right di,"- it bas te be recegnizeti. sougbt anti exercîse anti hygienic methotis. Many learneti. By followng the guides 1 cf them bloasom eout intc astounding given the first steps are! gaineti anti1 beauties, even in cases that looketi then corne the more aubtle qualities,f exceedingly hepelesla the beginning. almnoat cf themseivea for the' secret A sanal thorax wiil enlarge te fier- cf listeaing anti learning la discover- mai if one practisea deep breatbing eti. severai times daily. Thougb ycur * * * back he crooketi, ycu can impreve it Now that we have begun to make lîy the rigbt kinti cf exercises. suggestions te the female sex, w e * * *f may as well continue la :bhat line al Dont think this la hopeless witb littie farther. Men are by ne means yoorself. Everyono is capable of the always brave and courageous. improvernent unless be ilaiat death's burnans. We are tolti that f romn the](10cr. So tbt'ow or 'oor chest anti earliest times it bas been derrandeti pull youir beati back anti resoive to cf men that tbey shali be strong andti ay lty day bicorne better anti betteî'. brave; as civilizatien ativances, it be- The tirne is start is NOW! gins to be requireti that tbey shahl be'i * *s gentle as well-be gentlcmen. No Ansvering a mtan wbo bas stornacb lesla it truc, althougb les-s often re- trouble Dr. Nlc.oy saiti: If your cognizeti, that the standard cf mari's doctor thinks you are suffering froni gentienesbas been raiseti, se bas that ga.tritis, which means inflammation cf wornen's courage. of the stornach, as your symptorna In the elti romances. wben danger seem to indicate that this la your tbreatened, the irnperiled beroine trouble. Ncthing coulti he woi'se foi' fainteti, anti the ev"ýread - vbore hait- you than to take "soft foods'. The peneti along anti rescueti ber, a bond- irritation la your stornach i.s net pr'o- le of inei't lovelineas. Wben trouble duceti by footds wbich are toococarse, lowered, she diti not hrace lîerself te but ratbeî' by an over amoont cf hy- meet it; she peureti fortb floctis cf rrochloric acid la the gastî'ic joice. feeble tears anti pages cf lamenta- The "soft" iliet given for gastritis tiens. Notbing more tsas exptetid actually pioduces more trcuble anti ls cf ber. exactly the wi'cng diet for yeu t o The modern wornan, if she d(les net always keep ccol in times cf pel"il,--- anti how often she do>-!-and i ftveý stilI forgive nmucb te b_ er ore', anti ber bsser training tii encounteî' ang- er, bas learneti at least net co pride herself upea woakncss. Stvoeaing anti bysterica are things te be asbaim'd cf nowatiays. Moreovex', tt bave corne te perceive that there are circurntances la whicb a woman lis bounti to show couîage,-bcunt inl honor, as man is bounti-ant isl dis- graceti if sbe prove a coward. Evea la the tiays of fainting love- liness sorne forma cf beroisin ini wo- mea wcre atimitteti anti praset-that of the mother pretecting ber chiltiren, that cf the tiaughter ceurageously standing by ber parent, thrat of the girl tiefentiing ber lover, But fnday wcmen recegnize other anti wider obligations: those of the nurse te ber patients, the teacher ta hem pu- pils, the college girl ta ber churu, the forewoman te ber girls, the girl who can swim or ride or rua or shoot te take. Leave fait sugars andi starches andi balance veut' meals properly if you tisb to get riti cf excessive gas anti stornach irrîitation. Drink a laîgeanruunt f wateî bcttveen meals pe kpthe digestive fluida dfiluteci until they naturally î'educe la qoant- tity because of_ youi' change to a corre'ct diet. riàc.. rXTR 1 C OD. A SPELLING TEST Here are t'wenty-one common words frequently misspelled according te the American Boy. Get some one to dictate the following paragraph te you and see bow many of tbem yoti can spell correctly: "The privilege cf separating ninety miscellaneous calendars, arranged in two parallel lines, was against the principles of the superintendent, so bis niece, not te disappoint the gev- ernrnent or cause it te lose business, removeti the principal calendars and thus relieved ber uncle cf a strain whicb migbt bave brought on a dis- ease. Then she believed it bad be- cerne truly necessary for ber to re- ceive ber instruction in grammar". THE LETTER TO MOTHER You may write a thousand letters to the maiden you adore, And declare in every letter that you love ber more and more. You may praise her grace and 'beauty in a tibousand glowing lines, And compare her eyes of azure with the brightest stars that shines. If you had the pen of Byron you would use it every day In composing written worship te your sweetheart f ar way, But the letter far more welcorne te an older ,gentler breast Is the letter te your mother frorn the boy she loves the best. Youthful blood is fierce and flaming and when writing te your love Conduct Your Affairs With Dignity A Standard Bank savings account lends dignity te the transactions of the depesiter. It identifies bim w;%ith an organization tbat is known andti espected in the cormunity, and es-ablishes a contact wvhich is invalu- able sheuld be at any time desire ceunsel or ativice on money mnatters. Open a Standard Bank savings ac- Coont. It will help you te develop yeut' linancial resources as notbîng else can, andi enable you te con'luct veut' persenal financial affairs with dignity. TM ILSTANDARD BR« 0OPIF CJANAMM ESTABU5SHED 1873 D. L. WEESE Manager, Bowrnanville Branich Branches ohso at Newcastle. Newtonvilio, Orono. Oshawa 'A t nAUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER You will rave about your passion, f ~swearing by tbe stars -above; 'lMy Dear Niece:-M-ýany people are Vowing by the moGn's wbite splen- waiting, just waiting for a better dor that tbe girlie you adore time te come, a different season, a Is the one you'll ever cherish as ne change of any sert as long as it is maid was loveti before, rsornetbing quite differeat than the You will pen full maay a promise on fpresent state of affairs. those pages wbite and dumb Wbilst they are thus waiting they That you can neyer live up te in tbe tfiguratively sit witb foldeti bantis But married years to coern 7planning wonderful things tbey will a mucb more precicus letter, do sme aydremingof he ime bringing more anti deeper blis 1they hope tbey will cerne wben by a steltrtoyumth fmte lucky cbance tbey will be able to boy she cannot kiss. 1show their talents te the world. She will reati it very often wben tbe 1 Thinking within thernselves tbat if lights are soft and low, 3se-anti-se will turn out well then tbey Sitting in the sarne olti corner where will make a fresh start. Keep out sbe helti you long &go, of debt and rua straight. Meanwhile And regartiless of its fiction or its the debts must accurnulate, the slack- spelling of its style, ness continue. Anti altbougb its composition woolti Tbere are serne mothers who waitl provoke a critic's amibe, for tbeir cbildren te "grow up" andInla er old and trembling fiagers it be- becorne sensible before they will give cornes a work cf art, thern real syrnpathy anti frientiship, Staineti by tears of joy and sadness aloWý%ing tbe years te swiftly pass dur- as she bugs it te bier beart. ing ivhich the srnall cbildren learn Yes,- the letter of aIl letters, look! frorn others and lean on others' 'ad- wherever yoo mav roarn, f vice. la the letter te your rnotber frorn ber1 Theu tbey wonder why these eider boy aw-ay fror borne. children have such positive ideas seoi foreign te what their miothers tbink,1 and i wy they prefer strangers' cern-- GOLD MINE ANNOUNCEMENT pany te that of their parents. 1 People wait, toc, foir oppertonities A deal wbich will ultirnately place te do acts cf kindne.,s. icoatrol cf Bush Coasolidateti Minesý They say if someone becornes vervi cf Portland Canal, B. C. in tbe banisî ilI. or* peor, then "I %vill show tbern cf a large operating anti holding cern miy skill in nursing and rny gener- pany bas just been consummateti. ositv". After keen bitiding in wbich hie wasi The irn pases whie tey re ppesed by two New York groups, 1 Thaiti, ndpanyestinychecere Grant Mohooti, president cf Angle-1 foi ittle acts cfne ig hoancess, but London Security Corporation, an-ý bo htl cs fnigbrieent tht nounces that by stock puî'chase and unseen, because the bi.vntta purchase cf options, he bas been able may seme day overshadows the insig- to tomn over te Alexandri-a Gebd Mine, nificant cnes. more than 2,100,000 shares cf Bushý Some cf us wait for diffeî'ent sea- Consolidateti Mines. He i o sons. In the heat cf the somimer seekiag adtiitional blocks of tc we say we will accornplish serne- wbicb will place more tban 50% cof thing se much better in the winter; the Busb Consolidatei capital of 6,- n the cold short days we plan won- 000,000 ne par shares in the treasury ders fer the summer time, and mean- cf this large operatiag anti holdingý while we wait. concern. As we wait we grcw eIder, swift- Consommation cf this plan will be ]y we pass the milestones cfor followeti by an aggressive expleratoîy years ,and we miss much that we program on the large Bush holdings,, can neyer regain. in Portland Canal area, British CUi The innocent sweet prattle of our umbia. Mr. Mabood gays he kaows babies, the foolisb vagaries cf the the ground thorougbly. He built little ones we cannot sec or hear (ex- the first shack in the valley near cepting wben tbey irritate us te im- Canal and was one of the original patience). Stewart, the gateway te Portlandi The beauty cf,- our envirenmient owners cf the grcuad that is now appears barren te aur eyes that are producing such great wealth fr fixeti afar on .a dîfferent lantiscape Premier Golti Mines. wbere we hope some day to go. Alexandria Mines is develeping an The frieadsbip cf aur neigbbors interesting lookiag group in Marshay leave ne impression upon us because Township, Sudbury, on wbich somne we are hoping te meet others in the massive Chalcopyrite and zinc are bias future more suitable to or tastes, been developed. It also owns a group and, worse stili, the love and intim- in Ben Nevis, Kirkland Lake, adjoin- acy of our own borne people cannot ing Ben Nevis Mines. penetrate inte cor hearts and mincis. Their reai value is flot feit or un- stood, -because we see theni as we wauld like bbem to be-batter dress- MES t a blis h in g ed, in better surroundings, or better in some way, and we wait for that time before we ailow ourselves to give them the best that is in oursel- ves.I Don't wait, my dear niece. Make your dreams become true now. Takel up the tbreads cf lîfe now anti make the rnost of it, or soine day you wili fid yaurself olti and tired, and it will be tee late. AUNT SUSAN. eINER .. bmcuseof the Bowmanville a New Standard ins Automobileî-* efasteî exclusive design j of the LDurant Duit H-ayes-Hunt bdies ... true superior grade of upholstery maeias... the roominessa of the interior andi ha easy riding qualities . .- Fstr ... because of the studied refinements of the already famous Red Seai Continental 'L"-bead Motor . . . See the new Durant Sixes .. go fora rideuin them... asic your local Durant dealer vMy they are "finer and fastee" ... asic himn to compare the specifications ithd those of bigher priced automobiles . . . then judge these carsfor yusef. .. on theïr merntal B.uis b7 DURANT MOTORS OF CANADA,.I IMITSD TORONTO - CANADA UIA N T-ý s' Durant 1*55" Six Cylinder SpeciaI Four Door Sedant El!,s .,,..d.Ia So,. F..rDo .. j a,< sIm,., a DURANTr IPugby Trucks, Four and Six Cylnders; Capacity 1 ton and i3/4 tons, C1128 Groceries for the Summer Home W,,ho is te supply the gro- ceries whien vou move into your Suiimier home? The grocer in yc)ur home town, or the grocer nearest your counîtry home? Telephone cither or both and find out wheîî and Ilow they can make deliveries. Then you can f ix a regular tirne each week for placing your orders. A sure and reguar supply of your favorite groceries can miake aIl the difference between an enjoyable and an irsdifferent Summer. Local:Distributor --J. N. THICKSON, Oshawa PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 Here's how you pay f or neglect AN under-inflated tire soon gets into £1real trouble - broken side walls, a punctured imner tube - often a blowout. Under-inflation is one of the chief causes of premature tire failure. Tests have proven that every 1057 drop from the cor- rect inflation causes a 20%7 drop ini mile- age. Cail at a Dominion Tire Depot and have your ires examined. You are neyer far away from -a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS. King St. West lýl, -

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