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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNMANVIL1LE, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 %p for Bablies Jincc» 1857 rnB AV WELMARE BOOKS- rurWrite The Borden %o II. L .itted, Montreal 8 NucsOum Remedy A ITUPNK TJ-eASY TO TAMI NNHABiT P0J.41N 2cand 50C. a box Moih'*n0 :1 THERE la nothiag that has ever taken Aspirin's place as an antidote for pain. lt [s sale, or physicians would't use if, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several million usera would have turned f0 something else. But gef the reai Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word genuine priated [n red: is tha". triS. mar in ltrd uCaaa) fulalsBayer M&nuf&etum MUS IIll 1 t kowu that tAspirin au ae Mr&. Elizabeth Davis Thompson W~hen Brd M k Friends On Friday, May llth there passed away from the scenes of hier earthly labors, Elizabeth Davis Thompona, aged 95 years. She was the last surviving member of a family of 10 children whose father wvas Eaoch Dav- is, a pioneer farmer of Clarke town- ship. In 1853 she was married toj William Thompson, at that time aK sehool teacher. In the early sixties, they with their young famiiy inoved to Bowmanvilie vhere Mr. Thompsoa assisted in the winding up of the late John Burk etate. Afterwards en- tering the grain business under the firm of Thompson & Burns. Imme- diately after taking up their residence ia Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- son becamie members of the Charch of Christ (Disciples), in which the flot only took an active part but also a most pronineaet part in its affairs. In the year 1880 the ThonipsoS family with the exception of their f~i#4 eldest daughter, Mrs. John B. Man- ning, went to reside ln Rockton, Il]., --where the husband- and soa-ia-law conducted a grocery business.. Mrs.toJsrNaonl aravcoetoegdmnasherrid Thompson made Rockton lher home iiostJse ,ain1Prhvcont egdmnashi fed fro th yer 180untl te yarNatinal l Canada's largest and finest instead of as their enemy. Now it is a 1913.t During er 880urin Rock- h atof layground, situated ini the daily event te, have one or more bears tonshels bydethherhusandspendidof he Rocky Mouintains, have a visit the Lodge grounds in search of the to h otb et, irhsadslni opportunity of studying the -titbits which they know tourists love to N and daughters Rachael and Sadie, habits of wild animaIs. For Jasper Na- feed to thcm. Nor is it unusual for a (Mrs. Baker.) tional Park is a game sanctuary iantthe golfer playing over the magnificeat e Inl 1913 she went f0 Florida to make fincst sense of the word, and guns and scenic course which has been laid out in e daughters. Affer living there five boundaries. It [s of intcrest to observe the turn of the fairway, or to find a shy years, she xvent to Detroit with an- the maniner in whicli the animaIs recog- deer iewing him with interest as hie gets other granddaughter, and ia the year nize this. Though it is only compara- d owmnvt oïin e up his putt on one or another 1922 she came f0 spead the remain- tively few years since this great sanc- of the greens. ing years of hier life with hier son-la- tuarv was set aside, the shy deer and A short time a"o, [t was cstimatcd that iaw, Mr. John Manning, recently de- mnountain shecp arc no longer shvý, the the mountain sfieep population of this ccased, and his wif e, hier daughfer. black and brown bears have become 5,300 square mile national park was over r AIl that love, devotion, labor and al visitors to village and to liotel 10,000, with an equal number of deer, i sariie oldd ws oe omaegrdai adlhvnia ppltino while the bears are numbered in thou- S sacrfic cold o ws dne f nike rnudsandthe niml ppultio ofsands and are seen at almost any tura of the' evening of life comifortable and the park [s increasing b-, lcaps and the road. And wlicn once a hear cub has haîppy for the aged parent. bounds. dcvcloped a taste for sugar, lic is a con- Ia the years when hier late husband Hiowever, it is Bruin who demonstratcs firmied visitor to the Lodge grounds.- was Mayor of Bownianville and pcrhaps most forcîbly, how the animaIs Canadian National Railwvays photograph Warden of the United Counties of * Northumberland and Durham, she en- *tered heartily into ail the fuanctions W. M. S. CONVENTION POTATOES FOR SCHOO)L FAIRS * pertaining to hier positions. Hl tLnsyEcuai e giutrl Rpeettv Her funeral took place from the He9a ida-norgn e Arclua ersnaie As residence of hier daughter, Mrs. John ports and Gratifying Progress Shown Makes Seed Survey in County day, May 12, and was conducted by Third anual meeting of the Bay of' 1.ast week Mr. J. Y. Kellough, Agri- Rev. Dr. Best of St. Paul's Church. Quinte Conference Branch W. M. S. cultural Representative for Durham Her pall-bearers were ail old per- Of the United Church of Canada was County, comipleted the distribution of sona frend-Jon B.andAntonyheid -at Lindsay, May 8, 9, 10, with Mional, ri es JohnstB. and Anthnyalre tndneo eeg sf.rmpotatoes to students vho will coin- Mitcell . AtyJhstnadJ he alare aeadae o delegae rompete af the School Fairs aext fall. Perc. th sevn Peshyeriai,.Over a ton of cerftfled seed potatees She wvas a most devoted wife and Reports of the differeat depart- included the lot which were given mother, and a good neighbor and ments were mosf encouraging, show- to 420 students in packages of 5 lbs. friend. Truly if can be said of her ing progress and development along to each student. These potatoes she died full of years and faifh f0- aIl lines of activity. have been treated in a forrmalin solu- gether with a sfeadfast and abiding During the aine months the Pres- tion for scab and other diseas-es. In hope in the life hereafter. byterials had contribufed: Belleville aIl 91 schools were visited and each $16,275.00; Cobourg $16,952.50;- will be represented at the various Kingston $7,768.57; Lindsay $j5s, school fair exhibits next fali. Mr. 100.02; Renfrew $12,000.00. Kellough gave a short talk at each school on preparing vegetables for ex- By the division of Lindsay and CO- hibits. *OBITUARY bourg Presbyterians, two new Pres- In conversation wîth Mr. Kellough byeia had been formed, those of hie also advised the editor he a Mr&. Robert Read, Haydon Peterboro and Oshawa. making a seed survey throughout the county. He was securing 50 samp- Thesuden assng wayof rs. The work of the Young People was les having visited every township in Thesuden assng wayof rs.well represenfed -on the programme. the county. One pound samples are Robert Read at lier home in Haydon A young people's banquet was given being taken of the large grains and 2 on Friday, May 11, was a shock to Tuesday evening. . of smaller seeds. These are friends and family. She was taken sn 111 on Sunday and passed away on Interesfing and inspiring addresses etawayhfor examination and a re- T o,')ot Friday from flu and other conmplica- were givea by Miss Bona Milîs. To-port o tefadings is sent to the * ions, aged 60 years and seven onfo, who spoke on "Think deeply, farmer from whom the grain was monfhs. live better, love more"; by Mrs. C. obtained. Her maiden namne was Ella Jane B. Forbes, Weston, who told of the Mr. Kelloiugh states it will be a Fargey, and she was bora at West work of the W. M. S. among the East revelation to some farmers to find Huntingdon, Ontario. Thirty-six Indians of Trinidad, and by. Dr. how dirty their seed grain is which years ago she was united la mat-nage Florence Murray, who besides giving -!with Robert Read. After living ia a graphic description of lier hospital Western Canada for some years they work la Hanheung, Korea, made an __________________ moved to Haydon about four years earnest appeal for funds for the ago when they purchased Haydon MIII Girls High Sehool, in the city which from Howard Bowea. will be elosed by the Japanese Gov- r ~ son î:aesfoernment if needed repaies are not Aer1vice daughters, Mrs. A. Kiacaid, Avoalea, Mrs. Jessie Mclntyre, Toronto, gave Sask., Arthur Read at home, James aa illustrated talk -on the schools and Read and Mrs. Henry Danekas, Big hospitals from West to Eastf of the Creek, California. Aise hier aged Dominion, where the W. M. S. are Business is good and get father, Mr. Peter Fargey, West Hunt- caring for Indians, Newcomers, Or- sso th g.M reow iagdon, Ont. ientals and others. s o th g.M reow 1 The funeral book place on Monday from the family residence and was Miss H. M. Paul ýof Newburg, vet- j WTe could boast about ou coaducted by lier pasf or, Rev. J. R. et-an Missionary amon.g the Indians but we're not. Stili you ci Trumpour. and Newcomers of British Columbia, vîew rnerte oois The pall-beat'ers were-Arthur insfailed the new officers. vc erne h ooit Beech, Elmer Bradley, Theo. M. Sle- Resolutions were passed denoune- Wash cars, seils White B mon, Sulas Trewin, William Trewia iag Suaday visifiag and urging a san- Mo rOisFeeCak e and Henry Ashton. er, stricter observance of the Sabi- M trOlFe r e The flower-bearers were-Carlyle bath; one supportiag the League of batteries, auto accessories,i Ashton, Gordon Beech, Harold Greer, Nations and one strongly endorsing batte ries. Besides we ha) Clarence Avery, Alan Stainton, Lloyd the institution by the Dominion Ashfon, Cecl Slemon and Ben Fiax- Board of Departmeat of Temperance and gents. ington. The infernient took place f0 promofe instruction in the dangers ln Hampton Cemefery. and evils in the use of alcohol, and The floral offerings included: Sprays urgiag the womea fo put first thiags -Mrs. Cordon Wilson and sisters, flrst, taking the responsibility of W ie R s e Mr. and Mes. Henry Ashton and tam-' of our Leader, t he Lor'd Jesus Christ. 1 hn 3 rdW ily, Mr. Arthur Beech and family, OffPhrsneec4ed0-PreidentW.'s Mr. and Mes. Russel Aunger, Mrs. E OffT. Da lePotdHopre; lsnt-IVice-________ M. Gerrard, Haydon School, HaydonJPresidet-MPs.rW.H.pe;Ast Vcm- League, Fred Fargey and family, b ___________W._._Ashton Buffalo; Mrs. D .Gould and Mr. John belîford; 2nd Vice-President-Mrs._________ Hawkins. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. RobfT1 Barbour, Gore's Landing; 3î'd Vice- rhat Counts' ttinge better. More tour- fok buying cars. ir service to motorists, ought to know what ser- t. Here's a few of them: Rose Ga.soline, En-ar-co rvice, seli tires, tubes, recharge car and radio ave rest room for ladies !rvice Station Nelles Bowmanville PIGEONS FLY 105 MILES Boowmanvilie Flying Club flew its third old bird race on Saturday, May 19th fromn Drumbo, Ont., a distance of 105 miles air line. The weather was very foggy and the birda made slow time, but they certaialy did weli to corne at ail considering the bad weather. Result: F. Botrell, 4 ht-s, 38 mina, 31 sec. F. Bottreli, 4hrs, 38 mina, 56 sec. J. Polton & Son, 4 hrs, 38 mina, 59 sec J. Polton & Son, 4 hrs, 40 mina, 5 sec J. Turner, 4 hrs, 40 mina, 55 sgec. J. Turner, 4 ht-s, 41 mina, 3 sec. Woolner Bt-os., 4 ht-s, 42 mina, 29 sec. B. Clar-ke, 4 ht-s, 42 mina, 56 sec. Wooiner Bios., 4 ht-s, 46 mina, 30 sec. J. Little, 4 ht-s, 46 mina, 45 sec. J. Little, 4 ht-s, 49 mina, 8 sec. A. Bell, 4 ht-s, 55 mina, 22 sec. T. Wright and L. Richards, no report. confains weeds and other f oreiga substances. If is f0 be hoped that such a survey will be the means of fat-mers taking greater care and giv- ing their grain a more thorough cleaaing before seeding. As a man soweth so shall he reap. It's good dlean grain the fat-mer hopes f0 harveat so he should see that it's oniy dean grain thaf is pianted. Ambulance Service We now have a motor ambulance fully equipped and heated which insurea great- est comfort and safety. Emergency calis given special attention. Phonos 58 or 159. Alan Williams, Bowmanvlfle. 9-t METAL ROOFING Special low prices o Heavy Gauge Cor- rtigated Metal Roofing, guaranteed yual- ity. Catalog of Buiding Materials and Sale Circuar Free. HALLIIDAY CO., HIAMILTON, 13 Jackson St. East. J.-, t. MIn the Sky mat the Speedway -onthe Road Lindbergh, Maitland, Chamberlin, Byrd-anl of the fainou flyers of th« d*y-use engines emnploying the Valve. in-Head principle ini their record-break- ing flights. Practicafly every racing car entered in all the major speed classcs of the past twelve years, as well as every winner of every important event, has also beca VaIve4n--Head equipped. The famous McLaughin-Buick Valve-lu- Head Engine, developing more power than any other automobile engin. of its size, lias gaven concfuaive proof of leadership in ail elemeiits of performance over a period of twenty-four years. Choose McLaughlin-Buick--powered by the farnous Valve-in-Head Engine-oupreme in tie sky, at the speedway, on the roadi1 1 M-1U.ISL8C Sold In Bowmanville By Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 iml McLId WlSnm Better AutomobilsAr u ou thi Costs leu. per Ignites instantly, giving a smooth, t of power. For low and high comi CA1ÊADIAN OIL COMPANIES, . .-& à ZUG5Otowul. JIT,., ÂV&O. - . PAGE TIIRÈB STOBliE, FOR Head Office: Re Bay and WNellingtoi S. F. EVERSON, 1 o Private W'ime LORD Garage il King Street East, Osbawa.. 6i,. x 16ft. Phones 143 an' red-ctcm Phone Calls At Our Etn Garges are L;on. ees a. ... in appearancê fler RED T EAis god~ Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest 18tea in the best package-MAumh., a - - - 1,

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