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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO rHE GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th., 1928 DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS MY EARNEST PLEA ESSENTIALS 0F SUCCESS SCOUT CAMP AT BOWMANVILLE DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Among the many juls to which Lord let me stand in the thick of the Miss Marion Lawrie of Oshawa in Scoutmaster Charlie Nunn, 9lst Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto human flesh is heir or from which fight, The Eastern Canadian 'Messenger Toronto Troop and Scoutmaster H. Unversity. Graduate of the Royal thousands mostly in youthful years Let me bear what 1 must without Commencement Special, as a gradua- B. Tindale, 11 Oth Toronto Troop were College of Dental Surgeons of On- may be the victimas is the Great White whining; tion essay, contributes this very ex- in Bowmanvilie over the Weekend, tario. Office King St., BowIafville. Plague or tuberculosis. In an article Grant me the wisdom to do what is cellent article on SUCCESS which guests of Scoutmnaster F. C. Palmer. Office phone 4o. House phone 22. frcm the pen of Alice Burreli Irvine right, we have pleasure in pubiishing that They were searching for a site near X-Ray Equipment in Office. in a magazine she tells of the part Though a thousand false beacons Statesman readers of both sexes may the town for a Scout Camnp and were whc odplays i h rvnin are siig read it to their profit. The para- very favorablyy impressed wîth the DR.iJ. f.odEin therpreventiandnurshinthengea grapb, on the building of character grounds of the old Electric Light Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson White Plague, more commonly known Let me be true as the steel of a blade, is a real gem. Read ail the good Plant near S. J. Jackman & Sons, Giaduate of Royal Dental College, as Consumption. She tellsslher read- Make me bigger than skillful Or ideas the essay contains: florists. It is more than lîkely a Toronto. Office, King St. East, BOW- ers somte startling facts with whicb lever; Sucs i rsoudbôheam y Scout camp will be establisbed manville. office hours 9 a. m. to 6 ail sensible folk will are o ec eWdn om et n not only of this graduating class of there in July with scouts from Tor- p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone examiple these: ari,12,bto vr awmn n noadBwavle 90. House phone 283. If -you have the sligbtest suspicion And harken to false gospels, neyer. 1928, but o eerin themnand ontr. alBoma nfrilsle. lca bc eftigsol e ele brave wb Therefrebif itbe of0seh vital im- boys flot members of the Boy Scoats X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office that your body may be fttingsou. itfm en te borfnsu D.RE.DNIE for tuberculosis live out-of-doors agi great, portance tu man and to the worid, may attend the camp. DR. R. E.oDontoWE ni much as you can. Have ail the air Faithful when wounded by sorrow; tlit is necessary to study into its mean -_________ Honor graduate of TrnoUi and sunlight possible in your bied- Teach me, when troubled, with pat- ing, discover the secrets of a success- versity and member of Royal College room. Our grandmothers bad the ience to wait, fui life and to learn from the lives a)f Dental Surgeons. Licenised te right idea. Even thougb they did The better and brighter tomorw oftoe wobve ied, the causes RIWYTM AL prctaeinOnare ndth Dmi-not know the hygienic regson for of a non-successful if e.CNAAN ATO LRAWA ion. Dentistry in ail ite branches. doing mnany of the things they did, Spare me from hatred and envy and InivdaiNn ifeet akso h ( NdArTINLRIeL Office-King St., Bownianville, OP- they were very wise. Remember shame, may have very different ideas as to GON1WS poie akofMntel Poe 0.how tbey used to haE the bedding Open my eyes to life's beauty; wbat success realiy is. To sanie it 4.22 a. ni. Daily and the contents of the losets on Let flot the glitter of fortune or may mean a life devoted to the ac- 8.39 a. ni. Iaily except Sunday the clothes-line "to sun". Sunshine famne, cumulation of wealth and worldy pos- 2.02 P.ni. Daiiy except Stindays LEGAL will kili the gens of tuberculosis and Blind me te wbat is my duty. sessions, whiie to others a if e devot 7.11 p. in. SuaysO .of pneumonia as weil as those of ed to the interests of mankind. To 8.27 p. m. Daily except stindaya 14. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. many other diseases. Let me be true te myself to the end, the business man it may mean to GOING EAST Barrister, Solicitor, Notary* * Let me stand te xny task without make as mucb money as Possible, and 8.42 a. mi. Ilaiiy except Stindty banonFam nd ew T aoi tuerulsi, r t c.ie etwhining; to the politician to bie piaced in the 9.13 a. ni. Sundays OnIv Money to ono amadTw oaodtbruoio oceLt me bie right as a man, as a friend, highest office in bis country. To the 10.14 a. ni. DaiIy Property, Royal Bank Building, it, if it bas a hoid upon you, make Tbough a thousand taise beacons aviator it may mean to fly from 32 p. nm. Daiiy except Sunday B mavle Phn35.every day a sun day so far as you are shining. continent to continent, and to the 6.14 p. ni. Daily except Sundsy W. R. STRIKE can. Keep out in the sunsbine and -Edgar A. Guest. racer to break tbe worid's record. 9.58 p. mn. Jaiy Succoussr to late D. B. Simpeo , -C fresh air. Sieep in the open, if pos- To tbe athiete it may bie to become 112 .ni al Barrister, Soicitor, NotarYy sbe Ifttat e inty ofaéir bl PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE a champion. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV Solicitor for Bank of Montreal yorbdom Yu spend more' Wealth, place and power are no (tnadTre MoDey ta Loan Phose 91 hours in your bedroom than in anym Report of Public Health Nurse for measure of success wbatever. In 5.30 a. ni. pailv BowmnnVlO, Ontario other single spot. Lives are made month cf May: Homes visited 159,1 sbort, success is making the most of 8.20 a. ni. taily except Sunday. or broken by the kind of places in visits to prenatai cases 13, postnat- our opportunities, using w.hat we 4.20 p. ni. DaIIy .F. ARBA. wbich people sieep. No matter ai 3, aduit 10, infant 65, preschooi bave and doing our best witb the 7.18 p. ni. GOING AS Barriste?, Solicitor, Notary how small your rooni, it sbould be 125, scbooi 109-Total 325. talents God bas given us, and the 10.19 a. ini. Daily. arrnge gotha yo hae te mx-successors are merely men wbo have 2.22 p. ni. Daily Money te boan. Bonds for suie.arnesottyuhvehemx Cases not found 16, miscellaneous 1.2571p.ni. Daily. Sidy .fieBeke ic igS imum of fresh air when you are visits 11, visits to cases of communi- cipline to getpficarution n efrom-1.2 . i Offce-Beale Boc, in S.,sleeping. Do not sleep with your cable diseases 6 (whooping cougb), __________fulroucio fo BOffice 102. Ontea4i9. bne ead in a corner far away from tbe social service visita 6, office hours a aerage normal brain. Offie 10. Huse 09.window. If possible bave a rooMl 25, referred to doctor and dentist 22. One of the main objecta to be ob- ____________________with a southern exposure so as to get No. of Infant Welfare Conferences tained in seekin succeas is thatN ail the sunshine possible into it-this heîd4 with a total attendance of spirit of stick-to-it-tiveness which Notice to C..reitors FUNERAL DIRECTORS is very important. bas been go prominent in the lîves_____ FF.MORRIS CO. 45 School report-Visita to achools cf the great men wbo have ciimbed IN THE MATTER 0F the Estate of F. F.It is said there are 1,500,000 casýesI 34, class-room inspections 18, pupiîs the ladder of faine and tasted of tbe Cordon Freciericic ochran.-, lato of the Complete Metor or of tuberculosîs in the United States inspected 693, pupils weighed 471, saifcon oasuesfl if.TwhlotDrnio n oCotyf Herse Equipment at presenit. One in every fifteen special physicai inspections by nurse Choose your life wvork and, smali and 1i i>urîini, Friicaoi Ail cail. promptly oftee as i dinedesy 6. obscure though it may be, stick to NoiCU Sis th givr( tii ail i persons attendd to. according to past figures. Tuber- treated 16, excîuded 5, dfetscor- twbapese-aethtisd- ii , I Pivate Ambulance cubasis is both preventabie and cur- îected 6, readniitted 71. seen in office ing your best and a littie more day di-îl on or aiouiii th, twînîy--foîirtiî iay Be 0mand34l36 phono abltak. 6. arling on, an. rîjli rv. on or ,' o 10 andStor&-- frienda. It may bie the mieans of Twelve pupils in South Ward Aother gi-cat e.-sential in the life thec îwenti-ilh daycof .lun,. . tY)., 19,28, to BrnhSoe- savîng a 1hifU e. eegve oo n Myof those se gscesi h ul-senîl Notice 10 tii,. iîncii.rsiuned Soicitor iVchoiwe-egienTooi&o MyNeeeiwcastleisth bil-for tie o tia t.of itho sa i . .cýsg.I wi ti No niedicine in the world has been j Ith., which makes a total of 54 ing of character. Money, position tîîeir fui!l nanws and id iiiîlie-,i nid foud o eieve or te cure tubercul-pilinti col-hherev- or intellectuai power is of littleiem-- piii iardtiiiîrs inwrtn of tieiir clainis. c sis. And yet quacks are permnitted ed the thre doses of Toxoid required portance in companison. Chirracter Anidî:îkt no icotii;i: f. sxý nien- ALAN M. WILLIAMS t dets hi crs n otk o mnzto gîa îbbra is not given to us, we buiid it our- ioni-l iiilt.- thu .tirninstrator wiIi pro- - - oavris hi crs ndt aefriunzto gis iptei. s-c Ilto iistrilnito the assets of the sajîl Embaînier and Fura Directe?. millions of dollars every year froni OgaL. Tod Public Heaith Nurse. selves. Others may furnisb th-e eéceaseîî îniong tue iari-s oniitieî (,&lis given Prompt and pet'sonal at- men and womien who can iii afford materia, may set before us the rigbt thereto and ivili not lie lhable for ',he Said tention. No extra charge for dis- to lose a pnn. Tepreetinstnards and ideals, niay ply us with s or any par t thi of lu any lier- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bewmian-1 and the . cure of tubercuiosis are in WEL AFHLDY advice and admonition, may gîve >us"'0 ee oied a the te ofS111 haveriu ,wlle, Orit. 3-tf.1 Nature'a banda and are the sainie in_____ re proof and correction, may guide tion. bat intanes-eaihfu liing Sice he ouny Jdgedecdedour actions and mold our thougbts, ýDated at Oshawa this sixteenth day of i MEDICAL wich means the rigbt amount Of that the by-law of the City of Gulhbtw are the ones who take of the Fd!ilachan, AD., 1928."or fresh air. sunahine and nourishîng. forcing tbe stores to close on a haif-inlec about us, copy the ideals. ri oicritorCoseprhn. MaininritO ,r hy C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C- M. food.daechwkwabyodtep er reach the standards and niake of ter, Etc., l4ý4 King Street East, Oshawa. Graduate of Trinity Medical College * *o f the City Council, there bas been orevswa eae 13 Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Mrs. Irvine is a wel-known dieti-niuch discussion about the baîf houi- Begin at tbe bottoni. Success is Office and Residence, Dr.' Beith's tian and of course gives useful un-days in many of tbe amalier towns. not an aim ta be reacbed in a day. former residence on Çhurcb Street, forma toabot imptan sa rtWi There is net only a great diversity of Everywhere youngpepeaeern Bownîanville. Phono 259. 44-t'crenwte a motntpr 11opinion expressed, but there is abso ing the double lesson that expenience the treatment of tubercuosis-the niuch variety in the haifholidays tak- is the best teacher and- that progress J. CLARK BELL diet. Tuberculosis is said by niany en tbroughout tbe smaller âtowns. in the srbeel of personal expenience M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.8., (Edin), D.P.14. physicýians te be priniarily a dietetic Wednesday, Tbursday and Friday ig -,Içw. It ia fortunate then that (Successor to Dr. A. S. TiIbey) disease. Tbey say that it cannot he afterpoens are ai popular as ciosing they may. profit net only by their Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- eradicated froni the world as long as dates ini different places, and of own experiences, but by the succes deen University; Fellow ef the Royal humanity cantinues to indulge in de- course, aniong factonies in most Or failures of others. Collge o Sugeon, Einbugh.vitalized foods and exciudes those towns. Saturday afternoon is gener- The mien who miss succesbave Offiee ofnd rense, Edinbrt. articles of diet which contain the vit- ahîx' the haIt-day off. This gives two general alibi. The one, "I'. Offc nRsdceRus t .m, 6Quee8.0St. m.al, nourishing elenients. If tuber- froni Saturday neen tili Monday as net a genius", the other, "There OffceHers:2 0 e ni. t 8.0 . i.cuoais is curable through the means a holiday, but it is awkward for the aren't the oppertunities todav there Bowmanville, Phono 89 of a diet rich in vitamin and oi'ganic stores te take that afternoen off. used te be". But the underlying DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS mineraI eenients. whv can it not be Most ot the smaiber toWns observe cause inciuding both excuses is a Physicians and Surgeons prevented by the saine means? The the half-holiday only during the suni- hatred for bard work. Work is net Ofic Hus:1 o4 nd. o .3.answer is ta it can. If'hwvr mer rotsfo May te September. 1to lbe hated, it is to he done with OfieHus e4ad e83.the body i na u-ow odfrom gstae hehl-hldy forljoy; and none but those wbo work Tehephone 108 before the germa attack it, tbe fight, eeven îonth ot the year.- But in with aIl their ho arts bave a rigbt to Officeý. Wellington Street may be legs sfîccessful. Lowered ail the smaller towns, the closing is a count on succesa. BowmanviJle, Ontarie. vitalîty may bie the result of over- matter of common agreement. Any Tme alone can tell how many in -____-work, peor food, insufficient rest: store t bat wants tô stay open can de this casa of 1928 wibl reacb the aum excessive eniotional strain o the se g. GuelphIltnied terniake it 'a matter bofore us to-nig'ht, but putting ,our VETERINARY termath of other diseasea. of law and ef compulsion and faibed. trust in Hini, Who knows our every DR. F. !. TICHE ta e uhfo a Judge Spotton interpreted the iaw as weakness, and facing the battie of We know hhttomchfo ale saw it but be aIse nmade a pepular ife with a determination te win, we VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or be a cause of seniaus gastnic dis- decision for it is bardiy fair forone begin if e in the valley and step by U Nlght calîs promptly attended te. turbance, wjiicb, when added te tbe store te determine what another step clumb the heigbts ta success. A eaig ytem bi Offce: King 8t. East, Bowmanvibbo. other complications, creates a dang- should do. On the other hand theseA etn Ç/ Phone 243. erous condition. Tbe weight sbould who compbain about any stores tak- Waah your banda of bie naintained at about normai. Cer- ing a holiday may be inconvenienced E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. tainby it shoubd net exceed more tban ofranÏ1hel, OrOD fie te ponds ~"'e ~ sometimes, but it is sureiy the busi- hSomfort ad i1 MOaIS' Oronofiveor tn "'d boe o 'a ness of the owners et the stores as hatfl am o Honor Graduate et University of Tbe total amount of food consumed rooaeth nswo aete ih-m-with a Findlla, Toronto. Ail cases given prompt wibl depend upen wbetber one con-tb eare wttheoe wh hav .Jue the valugoft and caretul attention. Office- tinues at work or wbether the lga t eid oedhatt bywili W e. Judge the vluerw of ni Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: physicai activities are given up dur- t pne ut ib5oletuhyama rwh kc Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. ing the treatment. The peî'son wbo that Sunday used te hie a day et rest fromn every angle. is working would of course require atter six days et work. Now, Sun- TefaluFna AUTINERmnore food than the one resting. Miik day, instead et being rettul, is often The *bîle Its perfeci AUCTIONEERS and eggs. are the foundation of the a further strain on the mind and laue-k h v THEO M. SLEMON diet. Siightby cooked eggsar body and se another holiday is need-,coeofbler n Auctioneer miore easîby digested than raw eggs. ed te mnake up. The automobile ischieobudesa Fa ad oseSaesaSpcilt.Fatty foods are ef very great value. lrgely te blame fer this state et hiae alt Ternis moderatO. Enniskilber, P. O. Animal fats such as those froni but- affairdsa thehcar en ote finda RIB1OUi4&House Phone 197r3. 1I-tf. ter, meat, eggs and Beautr pe- t ia ne e saya hcome thauret.-sýi -- _____- .- - .ferable te vegetable fats. C ad-iverBttisnepeaenee h at- rOSI.atf wJePn8veL. .G CHIOPRCTC AD DU<aLE lI is at the head of the list. Itniabibe is causing soie of the re-.Oyriosictag Phone 18W 1 furnishes soniethiiig, pessibly iodin acon aintawoeiesuin with RÙb-Rol. Handsome to THERPY c' viamin, wicb oes ore ui'tb e down of business places in any town îekat.. ncre.ses vale of lu 'oredgum .s es.cu davredgumNo longer cecîl tnt- ted that the SUPliiC. la hW" future is black withî despair. Rest,1 bewever, la essentiab' and su are fîesb C ODA AIS air and correct food. Now the imi- I _______LAIES gportant thing in tuberctîlosis cases is We wilh have penty of pure Arti- this: Whiiei there 's niucb te be ficiai and Natural Ice for ail oid gained in geing te the mountaîna or custeniers and as many new ones as te Colorado, if one as the noney we can secure. Williams Ice C., * W niansnocSSSy teseprat Ofe 5F. W. Nelles White Rose 0THER f ellows use the saine tires, run the 'Jsaine distance, caver the saine roads--afld have no trouble at ail. Test your tire pressure every week. Don't guess it - gauge it. Run round ta a Domninion Tire Depot and have the pressure checked and your tires inspected. Let an expert sarch for cuts and bruises. A slight repair in timne may prevent a blowout, and add a f ew thousand miles ta the if e of your tires. You are never far away ftom a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT King St. West fiRE» ROSE T1'Ais good ted' Red Rose Orange Pelkoe %PLpQua i In clean, briglit Aluminum uilt and instalied ScientificalIy fthe worry and wark, the dis- hofafaulty heating system.Get it air.--m circflation-ifl every W Warm Air Heating System. . ~system-it is guaranteed ows warm air heating systems y furnace makes this guarantee àmanufacture and its special versize water pan-make it the id owners who seriously study ,r over. Phone, write or oeil on REENAWAY King St. E. Bewnîanville .Llfle& - Carbm eto Ont Our book, "Hoat and HEALTH with Warm Air" will interoat everybody who je in- terested in healthy home conditions. Health atartswith the heating systeni. This book in an unbiaaed atatoment on the mer- ita of Warm Air. For the sake et your aanl sd yourself, y usould read it. roonrequeat.Write today. Wîth this bockwewill aend aise the Fiudla~ Service Chart whig mrakes it a simple matter te draw an ex- actplauofyeur bous. I and Send this chart iu for troe estimate et coat et the Findlay Warm Air Heating System. j; Gasù Gasoline Station King St. East 41 -Imm Bowmanville D Czasoline'Station King St. East

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