IPAGE FOUR COURTICE Pleased to write that littie Mary' Walters, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Walters, who bas beeni quite iii, is recovering.. Our Pastor; Reç. J. H. Stainton is attending Con-1 ference and Mrs. Staintnn and Mast- er Ronald are visiting friends ini Millford .... Mr. Cedric Parsons at- tended Conference... .Miss Thomp- son spent Sunday in Toronto.-. Several froni here attended Zion1 anniversary Sunday.... Mrs. A. F.1 Rundie visited in Toornto last weeki at her cousins, Mrs. Chas. Webster.. Mr. R. E. Osborne and Miss Louise, Bownianville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle. Miss Louise is assisting at the anniversary1 as organist. . . .' Mr. Bert Shortt and friend. Mr. Vananstein, Toronto, vis- ited at Mr. Jack Shortt's recently.... Our community extends sincere.sym- pathy to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gartoni in their sad bereavement in the death of their son Kenneth. Mr. Garton is well known in this viinity and we have always found bim courteous and accommodating ini the niany ex-1 cursions he has arraned.. ..,On Sun-r day morning. Mr. Petley, Y.M.z C.A., Oshawa, preached a fine ser-s mon in our church. SundaySho session xvas well attended an, pe parations are going on for our anni- versary next Sunday id Monday. . *. Mr. Blake Courtice is erecting a1 new fence along bis driveway. Bowmanville Chautauqua starts 5-0 day program, Tuesday, July l7th. l TYRONE I Mr. and Mrs. W. Blake Bollard, a Miss Greta Pollard and Miss Alma i Bollard, Bowrnanville, Miss oa Scott, Toronto, called at Mr.s-§D. Hooper's and Mr. T. Scott's on Sun- s day ... . Mr-. and Mrs. Willis Stewart, D Mr. and Ms-s. R. B. Scotté8undaved at Mr. Chas. Carruthers', Bowmanville, and attended Salem anniversary. . . . Miss Grace Rundle and Miss Arletta t Maynas-d visited at Ms. A. Hawkey 'sa . Sever-al from bere attended Salema. anniversary on Sunday .... The sym- V pathy of the community is extended to Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Port Arthur, e and Mr. A. H. Brent of this village, t in the death of their mothes-, Mrs. W.W Brent. ... Mr. A. W. Clemens attend- 0 ed the graduation exercises of theD Nurses of Wellesley Hospital on Fni- day, bis daughter, Miss Geraldineg being among the graduates. ... Rev. 01 J. R. Trumpour attended ConferenceC at Snitbs Falls.... Hamptn Y. P. p L. visited our Leag-ue on Tbursdav evening and presented a splendid a prograni. The President, Harold Saltes-, tcok charge. Program: chorus by the Leaguers; bible study, by Miss Sadie Virtue; selections by j maie quartet; topic "Canadian Writ- I ers", by Miss Ruth Johns, "Blis3 Car- 0. man", Mr. H. Peters, E. Pauline ti Johnson and Miss Campbell, "Louise H Hermon"; piano duet, by Miss Nora a] Horn and Miss Campbell; vocal trio by Mrs. W. Wilbur, Ms-s. H. Peters and Miss Minnie Horn. Miss Hazel t Turnes-, President Tyrone League, l then took charge, wb-en two contestsV were enjoyed and a social tinie spent n ...Cburch on Sunday morning at ai 10.30 a. nm.; Sunday '3cnoAl at 2.ý 01 p. m .... Bethesda school cildrenH played a friendly game of basebl on Friday evening witb Tyrone. Score 17-7 in favor of Tyrone. .. .. Bowman-H ville horse shoe club played with Ty-m rone horse shoe club on Friday ev-vi ening.... Mr. A. Hawkey is brighten- 1 ing bis home with a coat of paint..h .Master Clarence Bradley felI off aB swing and broke bis ......... Mr. and t Mrs. W. J. Bradd and family, Oshawa, ai visited her parents, Mr. and Ms-s. ai J. C. Dudley, on Sunday.W PUBLIC MEETING AT HAMPTON Thurisday, June 7th at 8 p. mi. (standard tume) Town Hall, Hampton This meeting is called to discuss Electric Lighting Service for Hamp- ton and vicinity. Citizens are urgently requested to attend. Dillick Offers Values Unsurpassed Men's Running Shoes, spe- cial job lot at ...... $1.15 Children's Running Shoes at ........................ 59c Men's Combinations, summer weight at .....79C' Men's Work Shirts, roomy, a good quality, 69c and 89c Men's Summer Pants, light colors at .......$2.89 Men's Work Pants at $1.59 Special-Women's med ium and large size vess at......................... 29c A, DILLICK King aMW Divisin Sta. D.wmavill.Ont. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMM.IVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th., 1928 T MAPLE GROVE EBENEZER SOLINA Ms-s. Westrope and son Jack, and Anniversary services of Ebenezer Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle visited) .Miss Susie Laird, Coîborne, spent the Sunday School will be beld as fol- at Mr. W. 1- Pierson's, Oshawa... weekend with Mr. and Ms-s. A. Laird lows: Sunday, June lOth.. sermons Mrs. S. E. Werry is visiting Oshawa .... Ms-. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and will be preached by Professos- John- friends. Ms-. Werry and Masters Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and Jean ston of Victoria College, Toronto, at George and Wesley, spen. Sunday motos-ed to Niagara and St. Cathar- 10.30 a. ni., 2.30 and 7.30 p. mi. with bier. ... Miss Mary Hogar-th, Ms ines on Saturday and spe'it th2 week- (standard time. Music by choir and1 R. Pascoe, Miss Edns Reynolds spent end with relatives .... Mr. anà Ms-s. School. Collections in aid of School Sunday at Mr. Wallace Scott's, En- Stuart Morton and son John, Cobourg, funds. Monday, June 11, at 2.50 field .. . .Mr. and Mss. Chas. Grass, visited ber parents, Ms-. and Ms-s. Tru- p. ni. a Pageant will be given by about Mr. and Mrs. John Cooiidgqý, Brook- man Power, on Sunday. ... Miss Vers seventy nienibers of the scbool entit- lin, Ms-. and Ms-s. Mark Turner, Don- Powes-, Newcastle, spent the wýeek- led 'The Dreani of the Months". Tea ald and Douglas, Miss FIor2n(,:e Keep- end at home .... Ms-. A. L. Petley, serve<j froni 4 p. mi. Alter ps-ograin i an and Mr. . Mutton, Oshawa visited Oshawa Y.M.C.A., occupied the pul- and tea-Aduits 50c; Children 25c. at Ms-. Thomas Baker's. .11. and pit here Sunday aftes-noon very ac- At 8 p. m. a play entitled "Arnold Ms-s. Rov Langniaid and faniily at ceptably in tbe absence of the pastir Goes Into Business" will be given hies- father's, Ms-. Geo. Stephens', who xwas at Confes-ence.i.A nuniber by members of the Epworth League. Saleni..Mr. John Baker, Ms-s. Thos. froin here attended Salemi ai&niiýes- Music between acts. Admission 25c. Baker and Ms-s. J. D. Hogarth vis- sas-y on Sunday. .. . Don't forget our ited Ms-. Harold Williamis of Whithy, annivessry on Sunday and Monday, E4IL who bas been confined to bis bed with June 17th and 18...... .Mr. andi Mss.ENIL flu. We wish bis a speedy recovery Roy Snowden, Tos-onto, spent Suniday ba envst.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm, Enfield, withther prens hee ... .-.and Mî.. George Moore abenvst** M, in. nt Mro.kand.visited1 at Ms-. Frank Westlake's.... M s. Ebes- Snowden andi daughter,MisEv rfnTotM.ad Margaret, have seturned to Oshawa, Ms-. and Ms-s. Geo. Cochrane s-e- Mss Hams- Stinson andi family, En- after a pleasant visit here ...Miss cently visited neas- Ponty-pool. fielti, Ms-. Melville Griffin and Ms-. Margaret Turnes- and Ms-. Fd. Grant, Mr. George Cochrane won several As-thur- Wotten, Blackstock, visiteti Tor-onto, visited at Ms-. H. G. Free- prizes on bis hos-ses at Uxbs-;ge Fais-. at Ms-. Nos-val Wotten's...Ms-. and man's on Sunday. .. . Sunday SchoiMs- and Ms-s. John McCulloch and Ms-s. L. Milles- with Newbus-g frientis at 10 a. ni. next Sunday. No chus-ch1 Miss 'Ida McCuiloch recently visitet . . .. Ms-. antiMs-s. Isaac Hardy an-d service in aftes-noon on account Ofiat Orono. ~, Stanley visited at Oakwood recently Fbenezer anniversas-y. Ms-. and Ms-s. Alber-t Nidldes-y and . ... Ms-. John McClean, Tor-onto. at ___________famuly, Tos-onto, secently visiteti at Ms-. E. J. Black's ... . Ms-. and Ms-s. Ms-. J. Hepburn'b.1 Has-vey Hardy anti family visited Ms-. ZION Ms-s. L. C. Pascoe, Mr. Wallace Harold Hayes, Columbus...Ms-. Ed. anti Miss l)osothy Pascoe visiteti in Law and Miss Ethel, Toos-nto, Ms-. Annivesssy ses-vices held at Zion Tes-onto last week. and Ms-s. Rolson, Oshawva, Ms-s. Mich- on Sunday, June 3s-d., wes-e vCs-y Ms-. Arthus-Os-miston antiMs-. and i el. Has-mony, visited at Ms-. C. Tink's helpful and inspising. In dhe alter-- Ms-.EwnOmsonatneite.... Ms-. and Ms-s. Clar,ýmce Tink vis- noon, Rev. Dr. Fletcher-, Oshawa- Ratcliff famuly reunion at Guelph ited an Ms-.Ge. Wbis, niptonMr Pastor of the Christian Chus-ch, ati- last Satus-day. i..M.adM-.Wi udlM- dresedthechidre an hed teirantiMs-s. Kilpatrick, Marion andi attensdthe. chiltisnad eld theis- Ms-. antiMs-s. H. L. Pascoe, COl-1 Shirley, Claremont, visiteti at Ms-. N attetio. Ou Patos, Re. J R.umbus, Miss Mss-y Hogarth, Ms-s. R. 1 C. Yellowlees' ... . Miss Ada Pascoe, Bick assisted with the scs-îpture reati- Pascoe, anti Miss Edna Reynolds, * o-no isViaLnmî,M- [ng anti by lesding in psayfr. Meni- Solina, visîteti at Ms-. Wallace Scott's. land s-s. Alan McIGlashatn and baby spes o th mund. argcoo e r" d - Annives-sasy ses-vices will be held Rul4b Margaret, Oshawa, Ms-.q.Brunt sepledd fniutic.enA lare -w as at Enfield on Sunday, June 10. Rev. and Miss Myrtie Brunt, Enniskillen, Dr. Fletcher- again tieligbteti the auti- Wmn. Stesling of Os-ono, wiii ps-eacb Ms-. and Mis. Eves-ett M.Nountjoy, ence. Speciai niusic by the choir and at 2.30 and 7 p. ni. Music by the Kedron. visiteti at Mr. H. G. Pascoe 's by the maie qusrtet, Messrs. Stain- chois- anti Suntiay School, assisted by .... Sors-y to repos-t that Mastos- Bob- on, McMsster, Kellough and Ven- the Johnson family of Backwates-, hie Smales had the misfortune to nes-. Ms-. Harr-is, Tor-onto, who was who will rendes- special numbers. On break bis left as-m. We hope he a Sunday guest at J. W. McMaster's, Wednesday, June 13, Pontypool will soon be out again...Ms-. issisteti the choir anti also rentiereti a tiramatic club wiil present theis- play and Ms-s. A. J. Reynolds as-e spentiing ves-y excellent solo. Offesing exceeti- entitled "Mammy's Lii White Rose" a few days in Tor-onto . .. Don't for- 'ti that of fos-mers-vears. . .. Plcased with music between acts. Admission: get the Division meeting this Thurs- o know Ms-s. Arthur- D. Langitîaid, Adults 35c; Chiltisen 20c. day nigbt in thesclhool.... .Our young who secently underwent a serionîs people presenteti their ever populas- opertio in oroto Hspial i in- SAEM play "What doth it Profit" in the ,soving. .. .The town lune betweepn SsuthFsidceSre scol sa Das-ington and East Whitby bas be- Ms-s. John H. Wes-ry, Ms-. and Ms as F ay evening. They ar-e giv- ome a ves-y busy cents-e. Valuable i4on Philp, Misses Cas-rie ant Ida 'ing it in Orono on June l9tb. On gravel beds lsy on sonie of the land Stephens, Miss E. Peardon, Bownian- Junel15th at 8 p. ni., they as-e repeat- wned by Messrs. Glaspeil and Beck- ville, Ms-. and Ms-s. W. S. Moffat and ing it at Eltisi. .. .Ms-. and Ms-s. A. tiiandthee avebee sld o cni-faiil, O-oo~ s-.As-hu Bsagg IMilson and famiy sp-2nt Suntiay ai. ellandthee hve eensol tocoi- fmil Orno.Mr.Artur rag, ber fsther's, M.%I. Lee, Os-unD . The anies in Oshawa. Men and trucks Miss Ro.wena Br-agg, Ms-s. S. S. Brasgg yugasidpol&pci ilb re busy tsking the gravel to 4)shawa. and Master Haroldi Hoar, Newaslon Jun î4tb. d Pas-k, s baiewa, on Miss_____Swain, Blackstock, Rev. Mlo hD n aeies-ar, a w 2a.on. Sandes-son of Bis-ch Cliff, wes-e guesta staundard. Dnnrat1 a ENISILENof Ms-. antiMs-s. Frank L. Squais-'n o n dardtue.) ENNISKILLENSunday and attended the snnives-- Ms-s. M. Benthani visiteti in Tos-- ssry. HAPO into and attentiet Nurses' Gradua- Ideal weather favored Salemi S. S.HMTN ion Exercises at Wellesley Hospital. Anniversas-y services wbich were well Ms- and Ms-s. F. A. Cole, Toron- Her dsughtes-, Lenore Cathas-ine, was attenieti, in fact sonie went away at to, pn e aswt r n amn h rdae.the evenin~ service wbo wes-e unable Msp EntH.aCfew.as~ih s.at îniong thegraduates.to gain eâtrance, s0 great was the Ms .H oe Ms-. antiMs-s. Stanley May, Toron- crowti. Rev. Milton Sanderson of Mrs. N. Poirier, Huntsville, Miss H o, visiteti with bier parents, Ms-. and Bis-ch Cliff wss the speaker for the Poirier antiMs-. andi Ms-. W. Osman, 1rs. Elias Ashton... .Miss Mary E.- day and gave two ves-y excellent ses-- and tiaughter, Tor-onto. wes-e recenti Vistue, Toronto, visited at bier mons. A great number of folk froni guests of Ms-s. R. Kate-son. nothes's, Ms-s. J. W. Vistue... .We ail points of the circuit who had Miss Pur-cell, Port Pers-y, Ms-. G. ire sos-sy to repos-t Ms-s. John Sieni- gs-own to be very warm-hearted Bateson, Tos-onto, Ms-. and Ms-s. Fr-ank n bas pneunonia.... Ms-. and Ms-s. friends of Ms-. Sandes-son wbile he Jackson andi son Donald, Ms-. Jackson, Her-ber-t Siemon, Tor-onto, were at labos-et on this charge a few yeas-s sr.. Courtice, Miss Bes-nice Bennett, MrIs. Tbeo Slemon's... . Ms-. and Ms-s. ago, wes-e glad of an oppostunity to Tos-onto, Ms-. antiMs-s. 'Carl Garside, Williani Stainton visited in Port corne and bear bis pleasing voice Fs-eddie and Autirey, 'Milhs-ook, spent Hiope anti Welconie on Sunday... 41 again and senew olti acquaintance. Sunday witb Ms-. and Ms-s. E. L. Wil- ifs-, antiMs-s. John Tamblyn Os-ono, Offeringa for tbe day wes-e oves- $60. lianison. isited at Ms-. borne Lamb's.. . .Mrs. Singing by scbool was splendid, in- Scbool repos-t for May. Nanies mn Win. Hersing spent a few tiays with deeti, anti those who were sesponsible orties- of neit: IV--Flos-ence Bus-ns* er niece, Miss Minnie Webbes- in for the training deserve much credit.EretHn*FeiHowl.s- I Bownanville .... Our sympathy is ex- .'S. S. Convention will be helti in EiesGHena*, EHlsiellMoreIII tentiet to Ms-. antiMs-s. John Spry Salemi Chus-ch, June l12th. two ses- Ted Johns*, Elwooti Shackelton, ndi faniily in the death of theis- son sions, at 2.30 p. ni. anti at 7.30 Merwin Crydes-nan, Helen Knox. Jr. and brother, Ms-. Fs-edesick Spry, p. ni. Tes will be serveti by the II-Jackson Wr-ay*, Austin Bas-son, who dieti at bis fathes-'s home on ladies of the chus-ch between the af-I Violet Petley, Jean Stainton, Gos-don atus-tay, June 2, anti was burieti ati ternoon anti evening sessions.... Phillips, Bloyd Wiicox, Nelson Rob- )shawa on Montiay. .Mr. Elias Ash- Messrs. W. & J. Catos-, Ms-s. F. Catos- bins. Sr. JI-Anna Wallace, John ton was kicked on the wsist by a anti Miss Beatrice motos-edti Toron- Vistue, Ras-sy Wintes-burn. Mandy torse... Ms-. antiMs-s. Fr-ank Spry to on Sunday last to attend the Silver Connaghsn, Annie Stainton, Pearl nd Roy, Rochester, wes-e at bierj Wetiding of Ms-. antiMs-s. Pringe wbo Connaghan, Haroldi Mastyn, Miltireti riothes-'s, Ms-s. William Oke, anti at is a sister of Ms-s. Catos- .Ms-. H. Antisus, Bruce Clar-ke. Jr. Il-Kat- Ur. John Spry's. ..League meeting Hocken, Sr., Miss Sybil antiMs-. Harry ie Jones, Flossie Connsghan, Doris ýn charge of Milton Stainton. Meet- Hocken, Tos-onto, anti Master Doug- Crydes-nan. Sr. J-Betty Knox, ýng openeti with hymnnalter which las Pollarti, Boston Cs-eek, nioto-eti Eva Johns, Thelma Robbins, Musici fs-s. H. J. Werry led in prayes-. Bible froni Tor-onto to Ms-. Chas. Pollas-t's Scott, Lena Novick. Jimmie Adami- .eatiing, Annie Oke; resding, Audrey anti attentiet the funes-al of the late son, Vers Martyn, Bes-nice Rogers, )osland; topic. John Slemon; duet, Ms-s. Brent of Tyrone, who was a John Novick. Jr. I-Waltes- RoI- fs-s. Ruseli Ormiston antiMs-s. Win. sistes- of Ms-. Hocken..Mr. E. Pol- weli, Ruth Colwill, Gladys Chapman, shton; short contest was playeti and lard, Tos-onto, spent the weekend at Ruby Colwil], Jack Cowling, Jerolti neeting closed with League benetiic- home..Miss Eusa Collacott, Osh- Black. Sr. Ps.-Isobel Rogers, ion. .. . Ms-s. A. Tamblyn. Ms-s. H. J. awa, was home oves- the weekent.. .. Wanda Clar-ke, Jack Jones, Nellie Vers-y antiMs-. Gos-don Wesry spent Annive.rsas-y visitoss:-Mr. antiMs-s. As-mous-,.Ps-. A-Ruby Connaghan, 5unday with Ms-. antiMs-s. M. J. A. W. Annis anti family antiMs-. anti Doreen Pesrett, Gladys Trull, Jean ?Vers-y, Oshawa. Ms-s. L. Hooipes- anti family, Tyrone, Johns, Donald Aticock, Ras-sy Aticock. antiMs-. antiMs-s. F. Wes-ry anti fam-, F. J. Groat, Isobel Campbell, teachers NESTETONily, Bethestia, at Ms-. W. Cann's; Miss Autirey Nokes spent the week- NESTLTON IMiss Hiltia Foley, Bowmanville, Miss- enti with the Misses Lena andi Mas-- l es Helen anti Doris Wilkins, Cous-t- jorie Gay who as-e holitiaying at home Annual pasade of Nestîcton Cou-t, ice, Ms-. antiMs-s. Lloyd Crago, .. aitnWmn' nttt e anaianOrtes Foestrs wa hetiMaple Grove, at Ms-. b. Richards; at the home of Ms-s. C. J. Kerslake n Suntiay, June 3, when the mern- Ms-. antiMs-s. R. T. Stephens antiMs-. on Tbursday, May 31, Mrs. R. Runti- as-s marcheti to the Uniteti Chus-ch. antiMs-s. S. J. Honey, Bowmanville, le, President, in the chair. After Lev. P. G. Powel (Anglican) of with Ms-. antiMs-s. F. Honey; Ms-. the opening exercises minutes of last ýlackstock, gave a very thoughtfulI antiMs-s. R Knox anti family anti meeting were reati. Plans as-e be- id-ess on the fsientiship of Davitid Miss Knox, Hampton, Ms-. anti Ms- ing matie for putting a flower beti in id Jonathan. The chois- fus-nisheti Folev anti son anti Wallace Muntiay, each cemetery. An invitation oimusic.- A duet sung by Misses Ms-. antiMs-s. R. Wos-ten, MapflefonSliaIstuttotedtei te s( m re A! Si w Ca RE BI ad ai go Sa Nc nei Or Ra a sç( ed, aid Mc pia let ke, lat thf der ev( "E act hi; ing beg Mi spe has sor soi, and on Mr. Vei the $1 r, bas beqauting >r9"a s-e'I5side Nursisng" oy Ms-s. T.. . ti s-s O o.Nesl't sents, M CARD 0F THANKS fCîsyton which was ves-y instructive; hrmte h aen iting. instrumental solo by Miss B. Wallace; bermoter ho as eenili . . Ms- and Ms-s. Har-oldi Macklin, Dar- meeting closeti by Mizpah benedic- rPeter Wright antiMs-. A. H. lington, desire to express theirs-u tion. Attendance about 40. Next aIe are slowly recovesing froyn ces-e thanks te aIl whio rendes-et as- meeting in Bungalow on July 5t- eils recent illness. sistance at the time of the fis-e in Grandniothes-'s dày, when a donation The Statesman is $2.00 a year or wbicb the. house en the nosth endi of o!fs-ruit os- eggs la anked for to be sent 00 for balance of 1928. theis- farm was burneti. to, the Victor- Honte, Toronto. HAYDON Vsilors: Ms-I. and Ms-s. Stanley MJay, Tor-onto, Ms-. and Mss Wm. Smjith ani 'famiiy, Enfleld, at Ms-. Wm. Tsewins; Ms-. and Ms-rs. Les. Graham and childs-e-n ai Ms-. C. Ashton's, Cartwright; Ms-. Leslie Gesrard, Camp flosden recently with his moihes-, Ms-s. E. Gers-ard; Ms-. ]). Graham and Ms-s. R. Croseman visited friends in Oshawa; Ms-. and Ms N. Hayes, Sowmanville, Sundaycd at Ms-I Wm. Wosdens:'%s-. and Ms-s. Thes-on Mounijoy with her mothus-, Ms-s. J. Rut- Is-tge. Salem; Ms-s. H. Ashion with rela- tives in Tor-onto; Ms-Is. Edith Os-miston has arsived home srom Chattanooga, Ten- nesssc,, whes-e she has spent seves-al weeks with hes- sistes-, Miss .ennle Elljott w~ho is much imps-oved in health... Seves-al srom here attended annlves-sas-y at Salem on Sunday and enjoyed the ses-- vices.... Congratulas-ions to Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas-les Gers-ard on the asrival os- a young son In Bowmanville Hospital.... A piano 'vas installed thîs week in the chusch.... Prepas-ations as-e being made for ous- S. S. annives-sas-y on July ist and 2nd... League next Sunday evenung at usual h-ous-. Bargains For Builders Doors, Windows, Rooflng, Wallboas-d, t'ont, Hardware. Write s-os- Spsing Sale ('~iculas- showing Freight Paid Prices. HIALLIDAY CO., HAMILTON, 13 Jack- son St. East. LONG SAULT Annives-sary services of Long Sault Unitedi Chus-ch will be helti as foilows: On Suntiay, June 17, at 2.30 anti 7.30 p. ni. sermons wiil be preacheti by Rev. J. P. Juil, Brooklin. Music by Tys-one Chois-. Collectibns in aid of chus-ch funtis. On Wednestiay, June 20, a splendid tes will be ses-veti froni 5 o'clock. -At 8 p. ni. a grand concert will be presenteti hy B est Lloyd entertainnient Co. Tos-onto. Admission-tes anti concert 60c; tes or concert 40c; chiltiren, tes anti con- cert 40c; tes or concert 25c. 23-2 COMMUNITY SALE Satus-day, June 16th-A commun- ity sale of furniture, householti effects, etc., will be helti at Alan Williams' Store, King St. West, Bow- nianville. Sonie of the articles are suitabie for summes- cottages. if you have anytbing you wish solti at this sale notify undersigneti be- fore sale. Sale at 2 P. ni taylight saving tume. Terns cash. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctionees-. 23-2 Farmers' Attention! Mr. Richard Gimblettis Percheron Horse "Nestor" wili be at Thomas Gimblettl@, South Darlingtofl, every, Frlday nlght. AUCTION SALE on Saturday, June 9th., 1928 Entire Household Effects of the late Jolfti McMurtry and Store Fixtures including Counters, Shelving, Etc. oi McMprtry & Co. Ltd., old stand lumber and ail tumber in grain warehouse (to be tomn down and removed) at rear of main building to be held at McMurtry & Co. Ltd., old at 2 p. m. (Daylight Saving Time) Terms Cash Wm. J. Challis, Auctioneer. j! 5000 vYardis of Su mmer Dress Materials 500 Yards Imported French. Flat Crepe In a good range of new Spring tones, also white and Black, Reg. Value $1.98, 40 in. wide Sale Price $1.69 300 Yards Crepe BackSatin A lovely quality in soft drapîng texture, in ten lovely colors and Black, Regular Price $2.50 yd. Sale Price $1.98 200 Yards Pussy WiIlow Finished Flat Crepe In extra beavy weight, in Iovely new shades. a fabric that will give extra good wear. Regular Value $2.75 Yard, Sale Price $2.29 3W0 Yards Checked Dimity A fine even weave anti soft finish, in iovely shaties for sumnies lingerie, 36 inches wide, Regulas- Value 29e Yard, .Sale Price 19c 100 Yards White Pique For Sport Shirts, Rorrspers, Sumies- Costumes, etc., Regulas- q0c, 36 inches wide, Sale Price 33c 100 Yards White Middv Twill 36 inches wide, Regular Value 49c, Sale Price 33c 300 Yards Crepe Romaine An ideal fabric for a cool dress, an imported French fabric in aIl the newest colorings, Regular Price $2.25 Yard, Sale Price $1.79 250 Yards New Printed Voiles In 10 new designis and colors, a very special purchase, 40 inches wide, 29c 300 Yards Imported French Voiles In new floral designs and beautiful colorings, wos-th 75c yard, 40 inches wide, Sale Price 49c 100 Yards White Near Linen Suiting For Mitities anti Blouses, Regulas- Price 50c, 36 inches witie, Sale Price 33c 400 Yards English Striped Broad- cloths and Printed Foulards In colora and diesigns suitable for houa. or street dresses, Regular Value 45e to 69c, 36 inches wide, Sale Price 33c J ENGLISH MERCERIZED BROADCLOTH IOur best quality in ail the wanted colors and guaranteed f ast Icolors, a remarkable value that won't last long at this price, 36 inches wide ........................................ Sale Price 33c 1008 Yds Imported English Ginghams In twenty designs and colors, a regular 29c value, 32 inches wide, Sale Price 1 7c Silk Rayons We will dlean up the balance of this line a little less than tbe milI price, 8 colors in the assortment, Regular Value 79c, Sale Price 59c Plain Celanese A lovely fshric for dresses or slips, in good hcavy quality that will lsunties perfeetly, Regular Price $1.25, 36 inches wide, Sale Price 88c 50 Yards Silk Ponizee For Misses', Wonen's anti Kitities dresses and lingerie or nien's shirts os- pyjamas, Regular Value 79e yard, 33 inches witie. Sale Price 49c ANDERSON'S GINGHAM SPECIAL 500 yards in the newest designs and colors, a quality well worth 35e per yd, guaranteed fast color, 31 inches wide, 22c On Sale Thursdlay 9 a. in. tili Saturday 1 1 p. mn. NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values King St. West Bowmanville k I . 4, là 0f the Better Kind at Values Without Precedent This Sale offers an opportunity for you to buy the choicest f abrics for your summer wardrobe at savings the thrifty housewife will appreciate. THREE WHITE FUGI SPECIALS No. 1 100 yds, 30 in. wide that sells for 79e yard, Sale Price 47c No. 2 100 yds. 30 in. wide, extra heavy double weight, Reg. $1 Sale Price 79c No .3 100 yds. 36 in. wide, extra heavy double weight, Reg $1.39 Sale Price 98c i 1