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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th., 1928 CREAM 0F BARLEY SANCTUARY { TENNIS ACTIVITIES GOLDEN WEDDINGj Wild Birds and Animal& Attract Bowmianville Club opened their Mr. and Mrs. John Heard, Oshawa Wide Spread Attention, courts for play on May 24th and members put in a very strenuous day The home of Mr. and Mrs. John 0 ~(Specially written for Toronto Star of it. The work put upon the sur- Heard, 118 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Co du t by Lou E. Marsh) Iface* of the courts has been quite was the scene of a very interesting BA. amsMorden, President of the extensive and a great improvement and happy event on Tuesday eveil- C n u tY u John MacKay Co. Limited, 2.owrnan- has been made. The thîrd court ing, May 29, 1928, when about 75 Affairs Viit ville's Jack Miner, is a haippy man wsill be ready in a week's time and relatives and friends gathered to these days. He has accomplished there is every indication of even a celebrate with them the F'iftieth int something the country's greatest larger membership than last year. Anniversary of their wedding day. < PA Standard Banksaigacon naturalists said could not bie done- Central Ontario Lawn Tennis As- The house was prettily decorated lends dignity to the(rnatoso the successful mating of a wild arctic sociation held the annual meeting In with apple blossoms and gold stream- the depositor. tietife i white gander, and a domestic gooee. Port Hope, Monday evening at 8 ers, while in the living-room the with an organization hti nw "When I told men who are inter- p. m. Delegates from Bowmnan- bride and groom of fifty years re- b, and respected in the£omniy n ested in Canada's wild fowl that I ville Club were M. A. Neal, L. H. ceived their guests hefore a bank of establishes a contact wihi nau had mated an arctic white gander Cooke and W. R. Strike. Port Hope palms, f erns and apple blossoms, abel sorl adie onmne ates À a d »tfrom Wrangel Island with a domestic Club asked to be dropped for a sea- over which hung a large gold and counslo diei gre gos ad that she was sitting son and this request was reluctantly white bell. Ope a Standard 1aksvig c on Hom e Co r uct ion on the eggs, evet-ybody, from officiais granted. Belleville Club made ap- During the evening a program vu iaca e'ucsa ohn Cotiin aual ugeton nhoepanigof the department, who have charge plication for membership and was ac- consisting of solos, readings, music, es aadeal woith ngyrc Rba a nd gsionsulx Writo e fornin of the protection of game down to cepted. Events in the match gaines etc. was rendered, after which an secnadeabeyutcout wihGpoRcor n nue.Wiefri.amateur naturalists of renown thru- were slightly changed, one snen's address was read by Mrs. Robert yu esnlfnnilaiiswt CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED out the country, laughed at me", hie doubles being added and one mixed Hall. The great grand-daughter, Paris Canada remarked when hie was interviewved doubles eliminated. The annual as- ittle Jeanette Hall, on behaif of dowvn on his farm and milI property sociation club fee was reduced from terrltvsadfins rsne just ea.st of Bowmanville. $3.00 to $2.00. The meeting was the happy couple with a purse of "A month ago I showed you the very enthusiastic and splendid dis- gold.O C goose sitting on the eggs with the cussions developed looking for the! The Address R Q Cwild white gander over hier and fight- best interest of tennis in this district. ing everybody and everything that Executive elected for the 1928 season Mr. and Mrs. John Heard-Dear, GI " eoor;M c i d came near her. Niow come along wvere as follows: Honorary President Friends :-On this fiftieth anniver- with me and I will show you undis- -H. A. Morrow, Peterboro; Presi- sary of your marriage, we. 'the mem- For Sale By I putable fact that I have accomplish- dent-W. R. Strike, Bowmanviile; bers of your family and friends, Manager, Bowmanic 'a John Liii 2..Q ~ i i ri~I ed the cross breeding. I think it is Secretary-Treasurer-H. A. Cranfield, have come to your home teo spend a Newmstle. NetonviJl1oo.0hw Jon . aaolgate &X Sjon - Liowmaflle, Ojnt., something that bas neyer bef ore been Peterboro; Executive Committee-A. pleasant and unusual evening with Laccomplished". Cochrane, Cobourg; J. H. Bell, you. __________________________________ Mr. Morden led the way down to Campbeilford; A. W. Arxnstrong,l In 1878 you started on the journey _______________________________ the miii pond and commenced caîîing Belleville. of life together. In 1928 you and From the far end of the pond there Golden Jubilee of your married lif e, came a honking and splashing and "TELL HlM NOW" l and we hope the years to come wîii down came the flock of wild and do- j be just as happy if not more so than CI~ W T'~ If A mestic waterfowi which makes the' If with pleasure you are viewing the past haif century. g UM R O pond home. Any work a mian is doing Your famiiy have grown and left The first to arrive was a wild white If you like him or you love hini, tell your home, but to-night they have T h s E e -Hp e ail duck, proudiy ]eading a string of him now; again come to be with you and to NW I T h is E v e H a p e ntwo-weeks oidgoslings--four a deli- Don't withold your approbtion tell you just h:wmuch they haveN OIN E F C T o Y o u ? "Those fou aereau Fo nan r brow. hoYyushutt peri1tt~hins don realize th~e You will not be sorry if you let sflyu ________freak ofnature", said Mr. Morden. And the nos o aeaoti, As in the years patwen ur[£ I H v "am puz7z1ed just what to think". He won't know how many teardropa homdedbaslbeennopened tosthose wbo I ~ A I~ A hid t iarus irctyinVoth pt o yurca.In the wake of Mrs. C. Duck and you have shed; h, nedd epadkinsSOit is Shoclced breathiess, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you nine wild geese-eight big grey Can- If you tbink some praise is due bum open betitefmi aeasrn fNwstetet lpi oo-night, but in order thaat we NT- dîdn't hit bim. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleared ada geese and the ninth a young wild For hie cannot read bis tonibstone "akeo take an nee ivu<>J7ItSdsia of blame, nothing to prevent that cbiid's parents from suing yo whtIosas rne Iine. we eada.l that the way for me to live?""mCdMa for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might From down behind the miii came More than faine and more than money You have given to us generously Aill rs mined and wefl sree atsato takeyourLAS DOLAR t eiher efen yoreel or PAY a stately big African swan ganderofyu ietansnrg ad take our LST DLLAR o eiher dfend ourslf or"PÂY leading his harem and a flock of gos. ls the comment kind and sunny, of ortietansneg an And the hearty, warm approval of a kindness, and now we ask you to is the hih fraiain UP"1! lings--a black, horny-headed fellow friend; accept this gift as a smail token of hihofr aliz ansc u eîhVle with a black and bronze stripe down Fo '" iest if e a savor our esteem. 'May you make use of it A trct LIABILITY INSURANCE protects you ins uch a criais!1 the back of bis long neck, a black For i gmves Vom st.gr'b and mayi rn nodjyt o Competent attorneys defend your interesa and &Il costs are p.id and bronze back and an underbody Aiei it gives him heart and spirit to both. I eur ntîgi h n by the Insurance ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ opn Cmay Fo copoeifrain saigfo lt gryt pue hendHpn this wili be an occasionIfyurqiea thn byti. nurnc oman Fr omlt.inomaio whaingfoeae ga.t u teed long to be remembered by you and consuit us cosutHe bad heard the dinner cail and1I he earns your praise bestow it; us. Your Family and Friends. was piloting his flock up Vo the bai If you like bim, let himi know it; Oshawa, Ont., May 29, 1928. quet. osthtLet the wprds of true encouragement 0_ "You cannot ls atold fellow bie said: Speeches were made by Mr. Mart- J .HL A J J Mu Nwhen there is anything Vo eat Do not wait Vill life is over in, their best man of fifty years ago, J e a EJat M and Nnuac rkr a-round", said Mr. Morden. And he's underneath the ciover, and several others. ulea'Sple "elEtt n nsrneBoe'Look", hie exclaimed, pointing For he cannot read bis tombstone The grandcbildren each presentedBule'SplisadF l Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville down the pond. "Here comes the j when he's dead. their grandpa and grandma with a Phone 153 or 202B w anil Wrangel Islander and his Bow-maii- -George A. Turner.1rose. There are nine children, ville wife, and there is bis family twenty-six grandchildren and one right behind him". ______Igreat grandchiid, ail of whom werel L ______________________________ The white Wrangel Isiander wa ilrsWr odr r we presenit on this happy occasion. _____________________________________________________ - not mucb more than haîf the size of Mlr'Wom owesaewet A dainty lunch was served,a bis domesticated wif e but he was and palatable to chiidren, whe show large w.edding cake being the centrel-_______________________________ ________________________________________________ proud as Punch and as full of figbt no hesitancy in taking them. They of attraction. as a wiid cat. will certainly bring wormn troubles Guests from out-of-town were: Mr. He had to be for the instant he Vo an end. They are a strengthen- and Mrs. Robert Hall, Ailene and arrived at the feeding grounds the ing and stimuiating medicine, cor- Jeanette Hall, Mr. and Mrs.* Lewis domestie ganders proceeded Vo, gang recting the disorders of digestion that Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corn- PAO him and drive him away from the the worms cause and imparting a ish, Hilton, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- PA grain. But both lie and bis frau heaithy tone Vo the system most liam Poole, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.1 gathered their five gosiings bebind beneficial to developiont. Wmn. Watson and Mae, Misses Lena themn and both showed a fighting ------_____ _- and Effie Watson, Wbitby; Mr. and spirit. They hissed and struck witb Mrs. George Cornish, Mr. Refordpinho e their horny heaks. 'Ift Cornish, Bowmanville, and Mr. and WC-ild you like to have.a i Wu dcuAGame Fighter Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Nestieton. your earagdeaiy "He isn't very big and those big O A V C q&ganders can trim him but he is as m TUBLACKSTOCK can afford one if he knows hwt t a Am gamne as a bull pup",remarked M IN____ b u h aeMorden. "Hle fights back ever A.YP.A of11 St John'sfl t ofrc beuifetoatsal b iî~~~rth ee Oa n f course the inost of it FR0 Mhhm of Mrs. Leslie Grahami, large and grand, new and useaehrefryu i utconversation but be can talk My2,wt peddatnac as fast am the rest of them and I O F SEVEN of mabersit a lnd idos atten ac inspection Pieareao be an i cst o f c rg i ?with. I like him becausehle i5s Reo mmns LYz Hosial n wsLid Rsay n ts m ov ways pleased with arne * ~~goose ta e thad tbey are ndi P,1hm' V b ledaned c rre t hat Mr. r on lttemoet bythnt rn. utmesar childreTak nih n a.compouind ed with fruit or flowers. The pro- look atthat white gander and hisgrmwseuainlndtoitd family and then you can tell ail and grit fam asb ediona an. Powlonedyo cn uyw sundry of the skeptics that you have Toronito, ()nt'l bega fapprb e.P G oelo ohn o anbywl d oecamt seen the evidence that Jim Morden Vegetable ComOD for nervs n the "Creed of Athanasius"; a con- your ho me. bas eensucessul n cossng wid ohertroubles and test on the namnes of poets, anda O v e r 8 7 hte/ei gne wt am os dilierent after the and a vote of thanks tendered Mrs. and produced results. There are tirat dms. 1 have Graham for the use of bier home. eigt gsiigs hee ad eeryone ~been told this 1at Anniversary services held in the of tbem bas the long legs and the . ~ ontha that 1 United Church on Sunday, May 27th, ephn 10 of a lvbau h inwite plumage of the father. They k ok twentY-five, and the entertainment and sports -on Tephn 10Bo anie of il M c au hln-are yellow and gray just now ýut in altboagh 1 amnOw Thursday. May 24th, were a dcidedI- B uick ow ners ans- turn white. have adsvn the 24th was won by the McLaugh -________________________ Then Mr. Morden led the way 1blrn have lin Bros., and the bard bail game by _________________________________ down Vo the far end of the pend and i takentheVegetabl Nestleton. prouidly exhibitepd a wild Canada goose Copudregu- Vistor ovr h 2tbwre Ms eneruzi~~~~~~-. sae aiborokituean ihso on le on kViî.# Id reaostrciz- bac f13 or good. Ask your druggist; À UDJ..tLLU S- qýe 2, No. 3. 85 per'box. he can supplv you. j~ Sodàl drugginte, or sentBATRE King St. E. Bowmanville reaon reccîpt of prioe. M.phet. Addreea: rH£ CTOOKMCNT.'EdWn We sell them at a price thwll laeyu STHM TIRES REMEDY < ..M&W We sell the well-known Goodya irsad ue NO NO PNO ga~a ~ WODSPHOSPHODINE~ 1. LE N14U IeUTAIOs QUIKLV Ve Great English Preparattin. n.*R M c AGLILMNC« MTAINIo.L iLwýrnes a,,d invigoratel the whole 0~iesOnRMed Dsodn ,LauI of Enar , Palpitation ih ? ilng)bMeuher>. PrcU ebx.3 BU ICK or19 o er, ulOSP Phone 110 KingStEatBo anle B U IC K 2 8 fo S5.1)Sold by ail drugiute. or mailed in plain ' Wh B~tt Automobile'l Are But cagbi u Winl Blou TIIIII rg uWODbIMC-O NO0 k.a

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