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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1928 PAÂGE EIGHT The Statesmni 20 ayero LAWN TENNIS NEWS "THE SCREECH OWL" MAGAZINE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS eI Ci el rget $1.00 for balaneo 98 Bowmanville Win» at Port Hope ___Examination report for Inter Room The N e N Mitl - e ie i tHn. Vinet MoeCatda (Contnued rom pge 1) Newcastle Public Sehool for May. __________________________________________________ Bowmanville Tennis Clutb plaYed Examined i eing itrtue - ue 6eofDciedtehnryd- Memory Work, Hygiene, Georgraphy. gree of Doctor of La1928Yorkrom New an exhibition gamne in Port Hope J.IIHrl eie8,Eey H R D Y U Elt,12 Saturday afternoon and was success- J.IIHrl eie8,Eey fui in winning 6 out of 8 matches. li83JakHr82MroyL- The constant practise by the younger cett 77, Charlie Brereton 74, Jack NWATENWATENWATEW .S members of the Club is being showfl Toms il, (1F) David Noden 67, NWATENWATENWATEW .S Prepare o r Cre "Bill" Oliver, playitlg is first single Duck 63. Mrs. Reg. LeGresley has Mr. Wmn. Eat Creain of Barley for breakfast Regular monthly meeting of New- Und r t endircinoaret omr match, ~ xeln . n de- r r lMre hw8,Nro Cowan building an addition to bier and enjoy good health. castle W. M. S. was held on Thursday tion, servig lag1ainlavrjr Cowanecele t enGertr.II M r de 'o oSM .a.w. ra8e0lateNogrhe afer oo , une 7th, in the S. S. Hall. commercial ais ta ed he M feating a more exoerienced opponent.deBnta79 Apple Bosmctae r .W rde satnigteatron lBt a-e Th ohe mmbrsofth tam play- Cowaut n0 e 8tJeHokn 6 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson of assizes at Cobourg as a petty jury- Mrs anti c eonted t e dvtna ly. Home stud riig fyulk eti the saine brand of tennis and Ilean Clark 76, (1F)l-ouise Hancock Toronto were weekend guests with man. chair tod draw writethor tree bookiet. Meyer-t shoulrd make their presence f elt in 75, Rap Gibson 75, Kathleen Spen- Mr. andi Mrs. W. F. Rickard. M.Ccl5udr oot pn period in a very acceptable manner. Both Co., Michia va OhSCi theCetra Otaro eage hissun-cer 73, Katie Clark 73, Marion Eddy Mrs. Fidler, Toronto, is staying in the weekend with bis sister, Mrs. Aa ro.t . iBteaece of as.ecetaycg.2- nier. The scores. 72, John VanDusen 70, Dorothy AI- Mr. Bert Jackson's Cottage while bier Clark. ulr Lais'Dube-Misses L and M. dread 69, Mike Arych 63, <1F)Los own new, summer home, south of Cop- ter Notice ' WadiPortDopbeseett r.H Martin 61. per Beech, is in course of construct- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowland anti An interesting program followed L .raL r W. Birks and Miss H. Osborne, Bow- The Girls' Athletics Departmnft is Jr. II-Dorothy Henning, Hazel ion by Mr. Wmn. Henning. friends, Toronto, were Sna usscnitn fappro Ida"b manville, 6-3 and 6-1. somewhat shorter than in former McManui, Talbot Aldread (absent). Couneillor Gibson bas been busy of Mr. anti Mrs. Howell Rowland. Mrs. Geo. Wright; readings by Mrs. In The Estateoihna otge yer. It is illustrateti with a fine .A asn ece anigM.Asi aplslre Geo. Allin on "The Christians' At-Dcesd Men's Singles--Ros Strike. Bow-Mr.ars. H.nA. Mason, teacherEpaintiudeMr. AustineCampbell'selarge," manville, defeated H. M. Ryan, Port pictlJre of the basketball teain. new building, comprising a double e M mr yoan Weldaugte, Maev- itdtoa rdth iqurs.TQu.C estion" OIC Hope, 3-6, 6-0 andi 6-3. Mr. E. 01- Boy's Atbletics receive their due Primary Room garage and sleeping apartnients for ein, fhrerlof t elOrantar el oW an y Prs it.h.emence Fih o OIEi eeyLvnnrun iver, Dowxnanville, defeated Mr. share of space,- anti this section is well May 1928, Names in order of menit weekent's overfiow of guesta Newchargle eof dthe Orenal oite"Wn e a ert in t iquoa rh.o the Statut nta eafta Wynn, Port Hope, 6-41, 3-6 and 6-3. illustratet. Rugby is an innovation Sr. 1-Reta Powell, Archie Martin, The Allin Quartette, Messrs. Mark, wecome. vnei h oiin aeasnp l esn sus ofs thepoiquortheegisoation asnVforcenTilas MontE, eo h ilg Men's Doubles-B. Mitchell and thsba so rite sholndasVitor Garrod, Mary Quigg, Frances Harold, George anti Howard Alin, aecWigr9sOftelqolgsaininoceT, ,Mn S. James, Bowmanville, tiefeateti R. ýthe Eubj e" ectofaw ite-UP. ga Brereton, Lois Rowe, Helen Robinson, report being well receiveti anti treat- Mr. and Mrs. J. Carce ilr therein. Musical numnbers were pr1o- of Newcastein h ont fDr Sneyd and H. Chisholin, Port Hope, "h xbne"scin aa Stanley Brown. :Clarence Clarke. edti t a gooti supper at Zion (Dar- and daughter Viola, Dr. and Min. A. vitiet by Mrs. Hurlburt, Mrs. Milton hani, who diedo raotte2t 6- n -.zines sent to the "Screech Owl" by Jack iBentz, Lloyd Hancock, Helen lington) anniversary last Monday W. McClennan and son Jack, Toronto, Wight and Mrs. W. D. Bragg. day of MariA .198 tNw 6- ni -.other scools, are reviewed by the Gib Bl adson Mr._Ernest Ladies' Singles-Mrs. N. Johnston, Exchange edtor. The purpose of isnwekMr.LoW lyvlcatae PotHope, defeated Miss D. James of tese reviewss tog v osrcie Jr. I-Patricia P * eMargaret Mn. Emerson Fisher motoreti Mrs. ¶Bal, Reveistoke Manof r n r, WsleyvilleDISPUE casthe are rqieit dnm Bowm,ýanville, 6-4 anti6-2. criticisin to the publishers of the Pearce, Helen Eddiy, Tommy Brere- F-ed Graham nd~ sons Afrdanti were ekn guests DraniB NAR DIPT before the 6thdyo uy 98 n MixtiDoule-Mis . Buter nt maaznes Te "crechOw" po-ton, Sam Cowan, Geralt iHenning, Wilbert to Dunharton on Sunday Walton 'Bahl anti family, Hanris H. Lapp, Bowmanville, defeateti Miss fits very considerably by the criti- John Arych, Alfredi Gray, Ethel that they migbt attend the tiecoration Lotige. pA Couci nth rsonsofrk e ev trMunicoei- o ditibie h R. Roua anti N. Strong, Port Hope, cisms of the students of other achools.SncrHaod ci. lie the nemains of ber parents, Mr. On the front page of Toronto M. J. Holmian anti Counciliors Fred estate among h ate niit 6-3 anti 6-4. "Wbo's Who" is an olti departrment G. Elizabeth Hancock, teacher. Glb'1ct es section in Fritiay's Lovekin and Fe oc atdo thereto, baNgradonytth anti Mrs. Wesley Walton. Giss ppati htoo r.ak hewcasted Couc on Mdonycansowhhteyhnsah av Ladies' Doubles-Miss C. Buter in a new guise. The humorous pen.. ________poofr Fan camsofw ant issMn.ameR.wanW.l, e-aonlton waiFia vnn igngas ine Onono N. Walker, Toronto, with a newa item evening in regard to the long unset- notice. feateti Mrs. C. S. Mann anti Miss E. are written this year in a way whicb RN hrlSceysCnet r.Luata tteana .o .Cnoa ldqeto fteuke fte Dtda ORONO Chorl toeiet. HConcertars.bLauration lehdhdconfenreti upon hum bountiary roatis between the two May, A. D.198 Whte PrtHoe,6- ad6-. isacomans I r. the tiegree of Master of Arts, anti bountianies. After a short confer- The ToronoGnrITut Me'sDube-M A eaeani The "Chuckles" which form an n- Fse en M Gs oub esBo .mAnvileeate ndH portant part of the book, show that (Froin The News of June 7th.) Harolti Alun also took part, sîngng that le hati juat completeti two years' ence an amicable arrangement ws Creain B. GH. S. is notil"ail work anti Mrs. King visiteti frientis at Linti- in the choruses anti playing in the post graduate work in anthropology. agreed upon whereby Clarke Tp. 253 Bay S. ootEeuos Winfielti nti E. Wade, 4-6, 7-5 ant ifeanti Pet.erboro,.l orkan 6-. o la." Foloin [qotations sayan erbo, orchestra. Dr. Walker is a brother-in-law of Council undertakes the responsibht Malone, Maoe Segwc an Exeutve asapoinet a ath peak for themselves: 1r niMs.PryLwre it- St. George's Cburch, Rev. E. R. Mr. Wm. Henry of this village, bis of maintaining the east bountiany2-4Mng eySoitrs xcmitte ofaM.A.oNeamaH.cok Small boy to Jimi Devitt after prie- sor, are spending a couple of weeks James, Rector. Sunday, June l7th: wife being forwmerly Miss Winnie roati of the village andi the west 2- aniti e fM.A.Lpp etkcal.H Cge ,of tiWh of haesee i ht-pay" bolie athrs. s.. opo 9.45 a. m.-Sunday School; il a. n. Henry, daughter of the late Mr. antiboundary roati northward from Robt. an Hrmn ap t tkechrg o Wo a Sakspar i tatply? hliay-Morning Prayer anti Holy Coin- Mrs. Sain Henry.I ail coinpetitio-n, both local anti out- sbu(rnltn ri eo- Mr. James Gilfillan has taken amuin;Acean Wren o Gray's corner on the roati leatiing to of-town. A Latiter Competition "Where were you ast night, the nigbt position with the Ontario Motor York will preach anti assiat in the ser- the mili; while Newcastle assumes u wil be tre for botb men anti before? Witb wbom were you con- League, Guelp. vice; 7 p. m.-Evensong. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE the responsibility of maintaining the I aho ladies. vrig" Viei tg bse Mr. Hammonti Arch wbo bas been _________fri ti crer olos h Firt Cntrl Otaro mtchta e rsn thesobenstacorer-"NOerconfineti to the bouse for the past tMrbs oterey ute, bseendbsi ougPopesLege me nEach Counil agrees to bear haif the lar order fromJl r i ofre place Saturday whenBplantinglwiof tberdassistancenofs!r.yaMonriayrevenintinustbntaehPresitient icoathof repairinga anti maintainingftheaivacationsmEnternian thay.acotioes plc Stray we Bwanil o or aneibsies"ceor ore oniue.n e pless . hteasitneo M.MnayeeigwihtePrsdnculvert at this corner, that is at the1 free. Writ130ByS.Trn goes to Campbellforti to meet the hn conclusion the editorial coin- cniin Fred Hancock, several buntinet Miss Lillian Clemence, in the hi,1W .Sa teain that won the cup ast year. mittee thanks those wbo have con- Mr. anti Mrs. R. E. Sberwin have plnt in the station yard betis for anti Rev. E. B. Cooke took charge ofnro cti of the ila estiteboackra tributeti to the success of the maga- mnoved from Centre Street to the R. tebatfcto ftegoni b the devotional exercises. Mr. Chas. toad the village nmhbeofciizens zn.Rainey nesidence. pt beiionb the rndswtheGlonney gave a helpful talk on the oteml. An brofctzs Th r oki h See w" r n r.Douglas Retipath, auhrte.topîc. Miss Elizabeth Hancock's appealeti against thein assessments atDILC S Hor's MiiiTNo which is in charge of Morgan Lunney,i Oshawa, anti Mrs. Joseph Jibb, Cold-ti- roert cmmtt f he p presenteti a gooti prognain as __________meeing ns Mias u suai. open for busi- snap-shot paeis especiay interest.. ter Sherwin. Sna ibM.Wl United Churcb bas awarded the con- vocal reo ir by M n. rnes Crisp;- WEDDING L1r .1 ness as usual. ~ing. The snap-sbots of "One of the Mr. Tom Greenwooti, formerly of tract of retiecorating the wbole in- ma;islo eta d by Mn.s Anwrenmae-Cryler- A ubrfo eeatne h taff" antiof the threbather nOnono, anti now employet with te ero the Chrhad udynie Wragg anti Mn. Austin Turner, Choral Concert in Orono on Fridayi skis, are particularly good. Canadian General Electnic Co., Pet-1 School buildings anti painting tbe ex- wintiing up wîth some group gaines. At the home of Mrs. Margaret e t e night.1 The cartoons show originahity Of erbono, was in town on Fritiay at. terior of the frames anti saabes of the On Tuesday evening the Young Glass, 61 Lee Avenue, Torontolber V Mrs. Charles Woodi anti Miss~ thought, anti the tirawing is very Tom was bartentier for bis brotheni Suntiay School windows, whicb are of Peopîe's Dramnatic Company went aister, Flora Estelle, youngest daýugb- Frankie Wcod, Onono, visiteti at M.g d osdrigta Morgan Lun- John at the olti North Amenican ho- wood, te P. C. Brown of Toronto, out to Pontypool anti presenteti their ter of Mn. anti Mrs. Daviti Bell, Or- S e i l J. L. Johns'. Mneybsnje aknascg cus tel, bof ore leaving Orono 28 years the work to commence the finst week play, "Kintiling the Hearth Fine." ono, was marnieti to Mr. Alfredi J. Miss Ruby Clatworthy bas retunneti in this work. ago. Jl. Mrs. H. Hulburt aiso wont Out as Lomas of Tononto. Rev. J. A. froni visiting bier sisten, Mrs. W. Cun_- It bas always been the purpose of F. W. Bowen, M. P., bas been home Unitedi Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, soloist for the occasion, bier accomp- Cranston of Kew Beach Unitedi _______________ ningbam, Fenelon Falls. the editors of the "Sreech Owl" to froin Ottawa confinoti to the bouse Pastor. Suntiay, June l7th: il a. In. anist being Miss IBernice Gilbank.lICburcb performeti the conemony. Mr. anti Mrs. Foster Hoitige anti produce a magazine containing inter- with an attack of pleurisy. His -Morning Worsbip anti Special Mrs. Percy Haro, director of the play,' Miss Dorothy Begg playeti the wedi- M nsK aiPns x Master Herbert, Toronto, visiteti Mn. esting accounts of achool work, the tagtr isMr Bwn a ematsalSrie .0p i- accompanieti the dramatists to Pon- ding music. The bride, who wAs hav uliuf3 r adMsA.B rdra.beat short tonies anti poems, anti turneti to achool after being ili the Sunday ýSchool; 7 p. i.-Evening typool. givon in marniage by bier father, .., v .,q anMi.A. BCho rtiean. he dean fun. No whore la the achool past few weeks. Service unden auspices of junior wore an ivory satin anti lace gown. _______________ Sndray iscbopractesise forth motto 'INon Quantuin seti Quale" Mrs. E. Little anti daughters congregation; children's choir untier HOM OW r viei of tulle was fasteneti with aniesheayle rogosingfaorably (not quantity but quality) btter alp- Eunice anti Margaret, Mn. anti Mrs. direction of W. J. S. Rickard. A VISITS OLDHOETW a coronet of orange biossonis anti undotabelership of Mn. T. pid than in the publication of the B. Bansteati, Toronto, are visiting at cordial invitation is xtede oalboh cannieti a showen bouquet of Men's VVr1xfrs yean-book. . H. S. which bas a their father's, Mr. H. Hocsper. to attend these services. Mn. anti Min. Jerome Wilson antid hharssat iyo-hevle. Cern rc 15 Don't f orget to cahi at Horn's attebtiance of onhy 188 pupils, pro- Dr. M. E. Jarrett, of Bidgeburg, The Women's Momonial Librany daughter, Miss Emma Wilson, on tour OHelr osniesand is J-ean Wlso, __________________ store for Trnpseets-Genuine Irish ducos a magazine wbich c e ans'Ont., motoreti town from oonofroin their home in Nanaimo, B. C., lunpTrnoAdws otakec nieeyoet pnitesme nteB i er s gowetiimaizo ch Jen iffonoe andi other varieties. Plenty of man- moat favorably witb those sont otwhr lewas attending the Ontari h eptii n owads the sped ovuer in hea tfrins e rp nicrit h>>qe f M nsR nigSos ge set sfl o hnt.24-1 by much larger scbools. Dnavovninat pn e ..,su ccessful -banquet given b T ' Thrtayîs wPrnt a esterroses. Mr. Charles Knigbt Ronran oher page. tintonalarstaffm reahizest .tTee many weekas sociatn. Dr.g F.eCuttoîl.C of work in boiing down anti arrang. Miss >etty Ratz, Toronto, wasa eaerm aeves of C G. I T., itndteir relatives in anti arounti the village. A necqption was helti, after whicb ing inatenial which must ho done be- guest of Miss Marion Dickson, this lent ;waters. The officersalaso wis On Wednesday they hati dinner with Mn. anti Mns. Lomas left on a honey- Lde'SrpSos$.r fore the magazine is reatiy for the week. to reminti ail women of Newcastle Mr. anti Mrs. S. Baskervihle, North moon trip to ýBermuda, the bride Lais AU TIN AL pinerMr. A. A. Somerville bas returneti that theïr attentiance at meetings, of St. Before hien mariage Mrs. Wil- travelling in a rose beige ensemMie Bettergr e. .. 28 TUhON Ebpsitn ess staff is responsible froin Brookîha anti Toronto, consuit- which notice is given on bill-board, son was Miss Emma Clark, tiaughter with ambon fox fur. On their return SATURDAY, J N 2r. for the ativertising, and t i s due to ing specialists at the latter place. woulti be greatly appreciatetifM. lveiabnebr at, M Crsk Ranon Manor Roaiesint Tronto eo thein efforts that the students are Ho is reporteti veny mucb improveti A trdp to BondeHeati Cemetory Clar, anti ber cousin, Mn.rChas. _______ The untionsigneti bas receiveti in- able to offer the magazine at 35c a in heaith. Awouip welBrepay ad o Cemuett eyClark, anwlie Mn.snti M.Chas- structions frein W. F. Warti, atimin- iset owtte omrpnc r. D.leryRs at agh.te eltuful beti o euliaisti e Te sonanw ivtaghtr.s setseBanche o th Otano ortcut-tie Dresss. . . . 9 istrater of the estate of the late copy, iston, oftefome pie rs Drot MeeyRvssttieativesgh ALBERT E. GOODE o Altogether, this 1928 number of bore Tuestiay, motoring down froni main entrance gates. The beti is tino with their cousins, Mn. anti Min. ural Society are now fuactionhng in te eilbypubic ucionon he the "Screecb Owl" ha more than a Oshawa wbone she spent a few tiay now a mass of cnimnson bloom anti Asa Clark, whîile in the village.. In 250 towis anticiinh the province, Ladies' Clrd Cto commendbleeffrt optblpateo wit be alternMrstH.Jun Yr. represents a cominunity's lovely ant iber youth Miss Emma Clark teok a witb a total membensbmip of 250,000. H s t.... 9 r promisesthfresh nibute t the manryaofiaivtnp tothe British Ilies anti k was Five years ago the branches number -______________ thesttints I i a acieemnt The folowing wero electe ipni - Iwbo sleep wihin the cemetery gates. thero abe met lien future husbanti, eti oaly 70. Their growtb is the Brown Street South worthy of a much more expenienceti pal officors of Orono Lotige, A. F. & The bdt was first prepareti anti is Mr. Wilson, who his now the pnoprhetor best tribute that coulti ho paidi to the C ide' aetSnas Bowmanville Staff. A. M., No. 325, on Tburstiay evening: maintainedti trougb the efforts of of a large bakery hn Nanaimo, B. C., menitenhous work of the society. As Çîeiîn $.19pr TheStaesmn etens fatenalI.P.M.-Bro. . M. Liaton' W. -thse Horticultunal Society, bu-t the employing many bandts. A marrieti a result o its educational activity, Opposite Hospital groetings anti congratulations to the -r.GronPWr ~ -4Bto.actual labor involvet inharecent years sonishcareuinthrabnemay uncaitsbvengtne The folowing furnitune anti bouse- 1928 Scneecb Owl Staff whicb ha doni- S. E. Aluin; J.W.-Bro. Atiolpb Hen- bas been done by Mn. anti Mns. J. R. ha the olti landi. They will &pendi up their sunroundings to an astonisb- k I I IfL bolti effocta: poseti of: ry; Cbaplain-Bro. R. R. Wadtiell; Fisher to whom the Horticuitural some time ha Scotianti visiting Mr. ing extent. The natural environ- A * Jj~jj.j 1 square piano; 1 quarter-cut oak Consulting Editor-Misa B. Stetiman, Treasurner--'B'ro. R. Z. Hall; Secre- Society anti the whole community owe Wilson's people anti the scenos of ment of almoat every town anti vil- dnrerom suite; 1 antique ide- B. A. tary-Bro. Dr. Neil Colville. a tiebt of gratitude. Foliowhng the bis boyhooti tiys. Newcastle rela- lago affortis a fine opportunity for the King u iiinSé bd;i1ng-room n lmp 1Edito-in-chf-Estbor Wallace. ______jtulips the -beti wil boplantedt teger- tives anti fnientis wisb thon Boni promulgation of the sity'spro- Bwinil n bardb; 4i ectnuc ite shg laprin Associate Editona-Manian Rckard, anîums anti othen summer plants. Voyage. gram.soiy andi mattresses) ; complote kitchen WlaeHr.PECESLE O ouâ;1coal range; 1 coal-ohî stove; Business Manager-John Minore._____ ouit; dse;ga1wr;2lw Assistant Buisneas Manager-Greta A preacher once saiti: 'Editora irs_________d______ mowers; gardon tools; extension lad- Poar.ntteltetuh Ifhydtity tien; cutting-box; quantity of lumber; eetns-te WnerBeto coulti not live, anti newspapors would nueosohratce.Hazlewood. be a failune.' The editor replioti: nuneous therartiles.Alumni-Minnie Pearce. Saleat p.n. (ayhghtSavng) rt ditr-MoganLuney.'You are rîgbt, the ninistor who wil meinersaliv ordeeiILIl ove .NEW SUMMER DRESSES.. Just arrived, ail fresh and just in from the manufacturers at prices that are most reasonbeidedfo $2.25 to $12-00 NEW SUMMER HATS 0F RIBBON AND FELT At $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Left to Rîght Standing-Alan Knight, Marion Allia, Brenton Hazlewood,S. W M SO& S N Greta Pollarti, Kennetb Morris, Isobel MaMurtry, Ethel Winter, Jabez S ,M S N &O Vanstono, Mînnie Pearco, John AlexandIer, Nelhhe Snowden, Lena Dillingx. Morgan Lunney, Winnfreti Rickand, J-mm Devitt, Helen Darch, Dorotby PHONE 10I DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY.TO-WEAR DBOVAMVJ4q Allia. Ted Mason, Vera Wood, Harold Slemon, Helen Argue. Seated- Wallace Horn, Esther Wallace, Miss Stedman, Mn. Monisoti, Marlon Rickard. Jack Minone.

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