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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1928, p. 4

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VAGE FOUR IOld ]Beits Wanted We Allow You 50e For Your OId Beit. Currie's Cowhide Strap ...........$1.00 Giant-Grip Buckle ................75 Giant-Grip Beit Chain .............75 Regular $2.50 Credit allowed on old beit ..........50 Special Complete this week .......$2.00 MEN'S PALM BEACH SUITS AT $15.00 3 only Men's Palm Beach Suits (Society Brand), fine tropical Worsteds worth $25.00, only 3 suits, we will clear these at ..........$15.00 each MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HEAVY SWEATER COATS Wool Sweater Coats in combination shades of Crimson and White, Royal andi White, Cardinal and Black, Jumbo knit at only ..........$4.50 each MEN'S HEAVY COTTON WORK SOX Dark shades and extra quality, Our Weekend Special 5 Pair For $1.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98c Ail shades and ahl values up to $1.25 for ......98c MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $19.95 A line of Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits, in plain serges, diamond weaves and herringbone effeets, in double and single breasted models, values to $25.00,................For OnIy $19.95 T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanvillej Cool Bargains For Hot Days Here's a few extra special values for Friday and Saturday that will appeal to thrifty shoppers: Daisy T-Kettles ..........................19e Galvanized Water Pails, 14 qt .......25e Galvanized Tubs, medium size ......98e Aluminum Dish Pans ................59e Aluminum Fry Pans ................69e Roof Piant, Gallon ...............$1.10 Creonoid, bring can, per gai ........90e ROTAREX VACUUM CLEANER Ail attachments, complete for $36.00 Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" Balance of CO0AT S AT COST Clarence S. Mason, THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK (ONE DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS CO.) PHONE 161 BOWMAN VILLE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 iHAMPTON TYRONE Mrani Mrs. J. Il. Bailie, . Miss .ones, Mr. Wmi. A. Hambley, Bowian- Toronto. Mirs. M.A. Ormiston, Brook . bo r, Miss 11 Potter, Town, visiteti re: ville, Sundayed at Mrs. Laura vir-i cent]y at '%rs. W. J. Virtues.....Miss tiie's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman By- Ilen Vrtue hais returneti front visiting ers and family, Toronto, Mr. and frientis in Toronto. Mrs. Jos. Byers, Mr. John Hellyar, Anniversary -services of Hampton Bowmaaville, Mr. W. Hellyar, Clin- Sunday Sebool will be held on Sun- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Fiadley and day, July lst., with Mr. M. A. Sor- Bert, Miss Katherine Davis, Thora- soleil (of the Advisory Board of bilI, visited at Mr. E. virtue's .. Education), Toronto, conducting ser- Mrs. T. Woodley, Peterboro, Mr. and vices at 10.30 a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Mrs. Robert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Special music hy the school and or- Edwin James, Gorrie, visited at Mr.1 chestra. On Monday, July 2nd., a Norman Woodley's... Mrs. L. J. prograni of sports will be held ia the Goodman and Mr. Fred Goodman vis- park, followed hy the usual supper, ited friends at Oshawa and Columbus. and a grand concert in the evening: ...Miss Lola Richards is visiting J. H. Cameron, Entertainer, Toronto, friends at Oshawa..Mr. and Mrs. Miss Morrison. Pianist, Miss Secord, Wm. Williams, Acton, visited ber I Soprano Vocalist. Further parti- brothers, Messrs. Win. and Byron culars next week. Moore..Mr. Clînton Bige]ow and Creani of Barley peps you up. Miss Mary Brightwell called on Mr. Everett virtue, Gravenhurt ... . Mr. Stewart Brown and Charlie Brow-n Peterboro, visited at Mr. Willis Stew-_ art's .... A number froni here attend- SALE M ed Long Sault anniversary..Sev- eral of the ladies attended the Wom- The Y. P. L. Iourneyed to Shiloh en's Institute Convention at Hampton Friday evening and presented their 'on Tbursday. League Tbursday play "Nancy Ann IBrown Folks" to evening was well attended. The " a large and appreciative audience. prograni which was in the baads of Shiloh young ladies served a dainty the 3rd Vice Presîdent. was splendid- I Iuncheon to the Salemi folk at the ly givea: reading by Miss Irene Cam-i- close which was much enjoyed by aIl. eron; reading by Miss Viola Shortt;l jProceeds about $50, Salem's net pro-i vocal d uet by Miss Margaret Moore filt being $24. A basebaîl gamne wa.,aand Miss Hazel Turner; Rev. J. R. played between Garden Hill and Bick, Hampton, gave a splendid ad- f Starkville earlier in the evening. . dress. .Mr. A. Trenouth bas coni-n Several ladies fromn Sale'm attended menced rpi work on the east wall v a inissionary gathering at Tyrone Iof the c=c. .. . Churcb service atT parsonage last week and report aq 10.30 a. Mi. on Sunday. Sunday 1 splendid time and again at the Dis- ISehool at 2.30 p. . W. M. S. trict meeting of the Women's Il,- 1 beîd the regular June meeting at, the stitute held at Hampton ..Mr. and~ Parsonage, the program bheing in Mrs. W. Canin and Miss Gladys niot- charge of Mrs. J. R. Trumpour's 0 ored to Exeter and spent the week- group. Mrs. L. J. Goodman occupicd P en. . ..'Miss Marion Honey at'ended the chair. The programi included anR teReid-Findlay wedding at Sher- address by Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick, N borne St. Church, Toronto, Iast Sat- Hampton; piano duet, Misses Mary a urday at 7.30 p. m., the bride bcbng Brightwell and Mae Brent; Studv a cousin of Miss Marioa's. .Mr. and Book chapter. Mrs. R. J. Hodgson; I Mrs. C. Carruthers motored down instrumental, Miss Kathleen MeCul- a east on Sunday Iast to visit Mrs lougb; reading, Mrs. Trumpour. A o Carruthers' niother wbo is ouite ill bible contest and lunch was enj dyed and again on Monday Mrs. Car- during the social hour. A quiît ingT ruthers went down ia conipany with hee will he held on Wednesday, June o' Dr. Hazlewood wbo had heen calîed 27th, Mrs. A. W. Annis and Mrs. J. rE in consultation with the Cobourg C. Dudley, comniittee, to which al doctors. Very glad te, report the lat-î ladies are cordially invited. Sc est news states a decided :mprove-1- -m ment ia Mrs. Rutherford's conditionte ...Sorry to report Mrs. F. Honey Cen f alyppsyu ac on the sick list. Hope for a speedv' WtbfrCatulaporn « e recovery.. . Y. P. L. meeting nexttin next week's Statesman ---orinR te Sunday evening la charge of Mr. L. July l7th. Coonibs, 4th vice. Everyoae in- 2!.Rb.Hmlo, tufi],i vited. Turn out la large nuni'ers visiting br niec onrs.Go. Fovl s-I as our Y. P. L. meetings bave not vstn e ic.Ms e.C ot heen beld regularîy owing to anaiver- er, King St. E. saries. Again ilis our pleasure to weleome th Creai c Baleypep YO UP ing family of Statesman readers. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. Osborne, Whitby, Mrs. J. Challis, Bowmanville, witb the Misses Hockaday; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Miss Nora Werry with Kedron friends; Mr. Bert Luke and Miss Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Smythe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sami IBrooks, Glen and Gwven, Oshawa, at IMr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. Richard Cala and Sylven and Miss Ray, Toronto' at Mrs. Dewell's; Mr. and Mrs. J.- J. Brownanad Mr. aad Mrs. L. Miller with friends at the Long Sault; ford, at Mr. John Kivel's; Mr. Joe 'Reynolds and friend, Hespelen, Missi Bessie Reynolds, R. N.. Peterboro,i visiting their mother, Mis. John Rey-f nolds; Mr. and Mrs. John Kivelî with i Peterboro friends; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett, ;Bownianville, hoîidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter IWalker; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Han- dy and family at Colunibus on Sun-I day and attended the decoration day service at Union Cenietery, Oshswa;I IMrs. John Penfound, Oshawa, at Mn. IW. T. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.1 Gibson and Marion, Oshawa, at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hoekaday and Ernest visited at Mr.l Freeman, 'Burlington, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor. Mr. and Mis. E. R. Taylor and BRruce at Mr. Herbent Ogden's, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. H. L, Pascoe, Columibus, Rev. and Mrs. Weir, Scu- gog Island, at Mn. A. J. Reynods'; Mr. and Mis. Charleton MeBride and Eurton, Peterboro, Mn. Ed. Law, Mr. and Mrs. Grahami and daughter, Tor- onte, Mr. Allan White, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Hanmpton. at. JMn. Clarence Tink's; Rev. J. E. Griffith, Blackstock, occupied the pul- pit at Eîdad on Suaday and preaehed' 'a very inspiring sermon based on the words "The place where tbou stand- est is boly ground". He drew some very helpful lessons on the privileges of the everyday man especially of those who living in the country being neanest to the heart of nature. Our pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, preached an- niversary sermons at CSsarea.. Next Sunday Sacranient services wiII be held at Zion at 10.30 a. mi.. El- dad Sunday Sehool meets at 2.30 p. M. Review of quarter's lessons will be taken by Mns. J. Baker, Messrs Chas. Sbortridge, B. G. Stevens and E. R. Taylor. Corne and assiatli makin.g a rousing class ..Our young people repeated their play "'What dotb it Profit" la the shed last Friday eveaing witb over one hundred pros- ent. Music was provided between acts by Misses Helen and Muriel Bak- er, Evelyn Tink and Evelyn and Jean Milîson. The parts were as uiual well taken and the play was niucb enjoyed. This was the tenth pre- sentation of it and it 15 to ho givea in Orono aext week ...Woxen's Ia- stitute will bold their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Huant, Wav- erly Farmn, ;Bownianville. They la- tend te v lit the garden of Dr. Raid- win before the meeting at Mis. Ruat's. Meeting Thuraday, June 28 -Work of excavation bas begun on our church. It 10 expected that it wilI be raised next week. Creani of Banîey peps you p CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Jabez Moore and family, En- niskillen, desire to tbank aIl theirj fniends and aelghbors for the syni- pathy and kindaess exteaded to theni during the ilîness and death of the huaband and father, and for the beautiful floral tributes; aise theyI desire to thank the Superintendent and staf f 'Bewmanville Hoopital. Summer Fabrics AT Saving Prices We have just put jato stock thousands of yards of new, up-to- date fabries ail specially purchas- ed and priced for quick selling. This is a fine opportunity for you to get your dresses for the bot summer days that will soon be here. Nain-Check A fine fabric for summer ling- erie in ail the new pastel colors and white, 36 inches wide, Regular value 29c for 1 9C Bedora Voiles Always popular for cool dres and at this price you can afford to buy more than one. Cornes in 8 new shades, 40 inches wide, Regular value 50e for 29c Plain Organdie For Misses' and Children's Dresses, wifl launder well and is always popular, ail the newest colors, 36 inches wide, Regular 59e for 39C Printed Organdies ln dainty designs and colors for Kiddies' Pantie Dresses, also for Misses' and Women's wear, 36 inches wide, Regular 65e for 49c FARMERS' CLUB NOTICE Providence Farmers' Club will meet la Sbawg' Schooî on Tuesday, June 26tb, at 8 p. M. Everybody welconie. Refreshnients. O. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, President. Sec.-Treas. ZION Suntiay services ar,, to be hld lai 10.30 a. m. tiuring the surnhner nmonbs ... large number from zion atientie an- niversary at Ketiron on Suniiay.....\VNe congratulate Miss Norma ia'speil vbo bhas comnpl(oted iber 111gli Scbool course anti bas accepteti a position at General Motors. MIBs GlaspeIl wbo lias been in attendance at the Oshawa Coliegiase for the past five years wvas successfui in obtaining ten bonors from eleven paliers *. ... Miss Lizzie Argail of Oshawa, is vis- iting ber cousin, .Mrs. Gordion Short. Cream of Barley peps you up. HAYDON Visitors: Mr* Hicks, Mr. and Mr.Al- vin Hlicks and Robbje, -%Ir. ani Mrs .C. Soper, Osbawa, at Mr. Rd. MeNeil's; '.\r. andi Mrs. M. Henry andi chiltirro, Lind- say, at Mr. E. M.%ountjoy*s: Mýrs. \Wm. 'frewin and babe in Toronto; '.%r. andi Mrs Stanley Wooiings anti famnily, 'Miss Hilcn Westbury, Toronto, Sntayedi ,t Mr. H. Ashton's; Mr. anti Mrs. L.. Bradiley anti famniiy, Tyrone, ai Mr. E. i3radh-y's on Suntisy: Mr. Robi. Stelibens, Gorri.-, who is visiting rclatives at Tyrone paiti a frientiiy cal! St Mr. A. eb' on Sattîr- day.... .Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. Rd. McN .il attentiedth e funîrai of th,- late Mrs. WVeyricb, Osbawa... Severai from bore ttttentiedth ie Long Sault an- niversary on Sunday ani onjoyedth ie s(r- vicjs..Glati to know tbat Mr. Jas. Cross- m,.n is able to be up arounti again .... League next Sunday evening In charg,ý of thue Itb Vice-Presitient. Creain of Barley peps you up. Annive.rsary services of Haydon Sunday School wvill be held as follows: On Sunday, July lst., sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. mi. by Rev. Thos. McGillicuddy, Toronto. Mdusic wiIl be furaished býy the school, aIso solos by Miss Rilda. Cooper. Toronto, and Miss Frances Hancock, Ebenezer. On Monday, July 2nd.. an afternooa of sports wvill be carried out. There will be two baIl games- Gis Maple Grove vs. Enniskilîen. Tea served from 4 o'clock. At S o'ciock a high clatis concert will be rendered by the Merry 'Mirtb Makers, Toronto: Miss Louise Williamis Maw- son, Soprano Soloist and Entertainer; Mr. Harry Firth. Comedian and En- tentainer; Mr. William Sharp, Char- acter Comedian, and Miss AIma Gaud- en, Accompanist. Admission: Tea and concert, adults 60c; children 40c; ea or concert, aduits 40c; chîldren 2.5c. Cecil Slesnan, Mrs. R. Crossman, Supt. Secretiny. We are showiag Fugi Silks la ail the new shades and absolutely guan- .ntee fast colons. Coucb, Johaston &t Cryderman. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rundie and Miss Mary, Toronto, visited Mr. and iMrs. A. E. Rundle recently ...Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, w-as home over the weekend...Mrs. R. C. Shontt, Tory Hill is visiting relatives her. .... Mrs. Hugb Fitzsinions and babe, Detroit, are visiting at ber fatber's, Mr. S. S. Brooks .. .. Sunday Scbool session was held on Sunday la the mornng with a good attendance. No other services tbroughout the day. ...Several from here attended An- aiversary at Maple Grove on Sunday and Mtonday... Mn. and Mrs. J. G.i Laagmaid and Mr. and Mrs. Arthuri Langniaid, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and1 Mrs. S. S. Brooks' Sunday ..--. Miss1 Margaret Ahernethy and Mrs. W. R.1 Courtice acconipanied the Harinonyi Athletie Club to Orono Friday even-1 iag and rendered several piano duets1 between the acts of their play. i Thc Statesman le $2.00 $1.00 for balance of 1928. a year or SHORTHORN BREEDERS 1 Durham County Shortborn Breed- 1ers' annual meetinz will he held on 3Monday, June 25th at 2 p. m. (standard time) in the Council Rooni, Bowmanville. E. R. Osborne, John Baker, 1 President. Secretary. FARM INSURANCE We have heretofore, represented the Maple Leaf Farniers' Mutual Pire In&. Co., but do flot now We offe-b instead polie jes issued by the ol<lJ established and favourably kaowna FARMERS' CENTRAL MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO., which has its, Head Office at Walkerton, Ontario. This Company pays full los£ at time of fire, and the i*ates compare very favourably with those of the Maple Leaf. We solieit inquiry. Mrs. Edith V. Seobel], General lIn. surance Agent, Bowmanville. Phione 189. 25-2 Bell's Toggery Shop PLUS FOURS ARE THE THING FOR SPORT WEAR And Oh Boy! they're dandies, at least that's what the fellows say. They are going fast, too. So corne in and pick yours ou t whil e the picking's good. $4.25 to $7.50 STRAW HATS Why not buy yours this week-end? Our quai- ities are the best and our prices very reasonable, $1.25 - $1.35 - $1.75 - $2.0 Two New Things Worth Investigating "Flier" Aviation Shirts "Miracle" Non-crease Ties King St. West Bowmanville "Bert" Bell A Great Millinery Sensation (The Season's Smartest) FELT HATS AND OTHERS $1.e79 WHY PAY $4.00, $500 and $6.0O--WHY? The decision is youns to make. You can psy from $4 to $6 elsewbere or you can inepect aur values and make your decision. $1.79 buys the newest styles and colore la FeIt, Visca, Crochet, etc. There is every color-also the new pastel shades and white or black. Because the price is $1.79 don't for a moment think you are just getting an ondinary $1.79 bat. Many of the Felt.s are of Italian make, others are New York samples. We illustrate our superior values when we offer you-right at the opening of the season-bats of this quality at this Iow price. SEE WINDOWS THURSDAY Hosiery Specials 25 doz. high grade Hose, euh- standards of our regular $1.0 quality, la al] colors and sizes 8 to 10, While they last 59C Gold Dollar, Wearwell and Green Stripe Hose AlI good weariag hose that wilI give eveny satisfaction la wear and cornes la every waated shade also white and black, sizes 8% to 10, Special 88c Pr. Hematitched Pillow Cases 25 doz. a very special purchaise ia size 40" and 42". A go od quality Cotton worth reg. 75c pr. Special 49c pr. Cretonnes 500 Yards-A very special pur- cbsse ia 6 eClers. Ideal for fixing up the sunimer cottage cushions. bed lounges, etc., 34 inches wide, 19c yard Silk Lingerie A go cd heavy weight that wilî gîve g00(1 Wear and launden per- fectly, colons white, pink, aile, orcbid and peacb, size 34 te 42, Vests 88c; Bloomers $1. 19 BLAZER FLANNELS-200 yards in ail the newest color effects, a very reliable quality that will stand lots of hard wear for boys' or girls' blazers. Regular 59e per yard, for ............................39c per yard. STRIPED MERECRIZED BROADCLOTH-In multi-color stripes. Makes a good dress for house or street wear, ail wanted colors, 36 inches wide,................................................................... 39c Per yard. RAYGEE PONGEE-A rich silky fabrie in self-colored coin-spot effect. Will make a lovely cool dress-in lovely new shades, 36 inches wide, ........................................................................ 69c per yard. FIGURED LANARY SILK-Tub fast-One of the season's newest and most popular fabrics for Misses' and Women's Dresses, Jumpers, etc., 36 inches wide, $1.50 value for ..............................89c Per yard. NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values Bowmanville N E S 0N' S Week-End Specials Phone 595 King St. West

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